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Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/03/29 22:09:09

Post by: Olthannon

Love the white armour on Gamorra, nice one. Lord Fancyhat and the fat friar are great, I like his morning star.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/03/30 08:47:20

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Eric is great, what a characterful wee chap!

I know, it's great that the humans are just as whimsical as the goblins, faeries and the rest. And he's a lynchpin of so many list - he's practically an auto-include for any Commonwealth force with a Noble and/or Soldier in it, and you'd be pretty hard pressed not to have one or other if playing Humans (I don;t play Gnomes, which is the other Commonwealth sub-faction).

Don Qui Hotep wrote:
Most folks take a chainmail vest and keep their arms free, looks like Brother Flavius took a bit of a different approach. Moonstone models are a ton of fun.
Really like your Guardians, the Ronan power glow is great and I like how you tied their bases together. Same with the Mysterio and Goblin, it helps sell the sense of urban conflict. How'd you do the caution tape?

They really are great figs, and I've got a stack more getting primed. The tape is just hazard tape GIFs that I've printed and cut/stuck, nothing complex.

Viterbi wrote:You've been very productive, great way of incorporating the puppy' bite
Love all the Marvel stuff and now I know that the price for the Hulkbuster is actually fair, what a massive mini
Moonstone looks really interesting with every additionally painted mini.

I'm pleasantly surprised with the value of HB. I'm getting a Juggernaut to look at so I might change my mind there... we'll see Moonstone is just stunning, and the gameplay is magnificent. Really looking forward to getting the humans in at those pesky Goblins of the boy's now that they're all painted!

Olthannon wrote:Love the white armour on Gamorra, nice one. Lord Fancyhat and the fat friar are great, I like his morning star.

I'm one of those weird freaks who enjoys painting white If I'm not careful it'll be White Scars at some point although Heresy Death Guard are attempting to corrupt me...

What with it being mother's Day over the weekend, and finally the parquet flooring finished, we've been mostly doing stuff for Mrs Graven plus putting the house back together again after weeks of various anarchy. Got some more MCP built: Wolverine, Sabertooth, Domino & Cable, to get on with X-Force, and Ms Marvel - I've added some of the extra scrap from the Magneto set, (which is actually for Toad's base) to hers, just to tie her two bases together further.

There's also some DC into prime (well, why not eh?) - finally tackling WW84, Sinestro and his corps - along with Moonstone (faeries and pirates) and allllllllllllll the Core Space.

Talking of Core Space... THE PURGE!

Hurrah for killer robots! I've tried to go for a Lost in Space (TV reboot) vibe on the 5 Harvesters and 2 Devastators, a bit more low-key on the Assassin (the black-ish one) whilst the Live One, being a reassembled alien, is acting as a test for my many, many First Born - it's a very simply scheme running mostly off Vallejo Terracotta, Cayman Green and (of course) Deck Tan. Although the colours on the robots are not exactly as depicted in the art (Harvesters ochre, Devastators Red and Assassins white), I wanted to keep them non-setting specific for any model agnostic gaming - I'm thinking Mechs for Judge Dredd in particular, but also Stargrave et al... they even have a reasonable Deadzone/Dreadball vibe. Also, assassin bot looked just plain daft in white.

Had a great game of Block Mania with the spawn last night, love a bit of retro gaming goodness. It is eurogame levels of token fetishism, and has too many rules, but still great.

Perhaps shouldn't have quite so enthusiastically firebombed his block though :flamed

Other oddments I've been working on are Dormammu's summoning circle (it was lost in the mahoosive bag of bases) - it was actually weirdly interesting trying to replicate a base I'd already painted a couple of months ago - and another street sign for MCP which I may destroy for Magneto or Juggernaut.

Also, continuing the basing theme and my general loathing of Flight stands, I'm planning to use the 3-D printed small tree for Vespa, the faerie wasp-rider.

I'm channel-hopping a bit (good old hobby ADHD) but it has been good to paint something different whilst attempting to clear the backlog. Still got Aeronautica Fire Raptors and Avengers to build, along with the DC/Moonstone stuff that's getting primed on sprue, but after that it's just (just!) the X-Men to tackle. That's pretty impressive, I think. Don't worry, there's always something else around the corner to distract me

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/03/30 13:52:58

Post by: Slinky

Is that the cardboard terrain from the Battle Systems kickstarter behind the Purge (who look v nice, btw)?

I have 2 boxes of it somewhere awaiting a project to get going - Maybe Horus Heresy Zone Mortalis is the way to go?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/05 14:39:30

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Is that the cardboard terrain from the Battle Systems kickstarter behind the Purge (who look v nice, btw)?

I have 2 boxes of it somewhere awaiting a project to get going - Maybe Horus Heresy Zone Mortalis is the way to go?

It is indeed (and thanks!) I'm very impressed by it, even more so than the stuff from First Born - really generically useful. It's going to see a lot of use for Deadzone also, I'll wager. See pics below for more.

Not much more paint progress, just building, building, building. I'm at that stage. However, I did get... one or two things from Asmodee... Wingspan (plus expansions), Equinox; The Hood, War Machine and Sinister Motives for Champions; and for MCP Omega Red, Honey Badger/X-23, Juggernaut, Gambit/Rogue, Colossus/Magik, Nick Fury and the Agents of SHIELD, Shadowlands Daredevil, Elektra and Hand Ninjas AND another apartment block, which is now primed in its different colours. That lot should help the Easter holidays nip by Truth be told, I never get as much P&M as I think in the Easter break as the wife's birthday falls in it and kids are just SO DARN DEMANDING Indeed, what we have been doing is playing - and after all why hobby if you can't play your games when you get the chance? I love that we have managed to get some serious geek on. We've pushed into Core Space, played through the first 3 scenarios in Mad Titan's Shadow (Champions), dipped into Heroquest and even broken out the Cluedo! Classic, and always a rare treat when the Mrs joins us (indeed, she was the one who actually bought Cluedo for us as a family).

Nevertheless, a spot of painting has been done, of the Core Space variety:

A Liege and Iconoclasts (murder dudes)
I have slightly broken a golden rule of board games here and added some base scatter. But honestly, they needed something to break them up.

The Talos are spacemagic stone golems that defend stargates, basically.

First Born Drones and Rock Worms. Drones beetle about patrolling and scanning and are generally a nuisance but can be avoided, and the Rock Worms are... Well, what it says on the tin, really.

Painting the many, many, MANY, First Born will likely break me. Magik will likely leapfrog the queue as I want her in my Convocation list, along with a mid-shapeshift Mystique, though Core Space has replaced MCP in our immediate priorities. So... We're going on a bug hunt! We're going to catch a big one! What a beautiful day! We're not scared...

Great scenario (First Born Campaign #3), tricky but made a *bit* easier by having bought docking thrusters for our clapped-out ship, so we could enter the board at a different airlock. We rescued the Game Hunters, resisted the urge to mug them for their stuff (which is a pleasingly legit option in game), and persuaded them to join our crew in search of bigger prey. We're going to take a brief break from it so we don't get bored but it is a pretty crunchy game so we don't want to forget everything.

More board gaming ahead, definitely need to tackle Wingspan and Equinox this week as they're for review (and in the case of Equinox, giveaway, as I have been sent two copies). Holidays a-go-go baby!


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/05 18:22:16

Post by: endtransmission

I vaguely recall playing Block Wars about 25 years ago. I've been very tempted to pick up a copy...

Great work on all of the Core Space! I'm glad you're enjoying it (and the setup process!)

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/08 08:35:15

Post by: inmygravenimage

Something rather different today :

A custom crisis card holder I made for MCP, as we always want to refer to the crises and they always wander off under piles of tokens.
I wanted to make a freestanding version of the billboard that comes in the NYC apartment but still using official parts. The solution came in using the blank store sign from the set and a spare Daily planet sign from the core set newspaper booth. A couple of notches cut in and filed - perfect fit!

I didn't glue the billboard into the base, and the tolerance means it's perfect as a card holder - also works perfectly for Marvel Champions for the Villain, Main Scheme and a side scheme (though granted I should've put them the other way round!)

For the rust and weathering, I use VJ Flame Orange along with stirland battlefield for texture and agrellan earth as a crackle medium, washed with (variously) sepia, brown, black, watered down with dirty paint water.
For the graffiti I was inspired by the morbius / spiderman tag and a line from the brilliant British cyberpunk comic Killtopia which seemed very fitting. All in all a fun little side project, and adds a bit of variety to my NYC layouts to boot.

And continuing the Marvel theme, how about the most mysterious of ladies, Mystique?

The transforming paint scheme was inspired by Sorastro on Instagram, though he did the transform across the other side of the body; I exploited the build/mould lines around the left arm/shoulder as it gave a natural delineation. Rather proud of this one.

And finally Magik, as promised.

She and her giant manga sword. Not a particular fan of the character, but she's brutal in game and gives Convocation the punch they need.

Elsewhere, we've been getting more review stuff in left right and centre. Oh, tis a hard life We tried Equinox first, from the brain of legendary designer Reiner Knizia, a curious and magical game of making legendary, mythic creatures to inhabit folktales. It's a quirky concept, but once you get your head around it, this becomes an elegant game of bidding and bluffing.

Each turn you are aiming to ensure your preferred faerietale creature survives; you play cards for each, and once all the creatures have a value, the lowest is eliminated each round - so do you bid up and hope you don't lose the one you're betting on, or try to undermine the ones your opponent seems to favour? Good fun, light but crunchy enough, with good quality components.

We also had a shot of Wingspan, an astonishingly simple, elegant game that is genuinely beautiful, educational and fun. You aim to build the most attractive habitat, across Woodlands, Grasslands and Wetlands, whilst meeting specific (random) goals each round; as the rounds progress, your number of turns (and therefore actions) decreases, ramping up the pace and pressure.

Despite only having 4 actions available per turn (play a bird, lay an egg, gather food or draw a card) it has plenty of tactical weight as you figure out which action to take to maximise your resources; do you play the short game, and go for the round's goal, the long game, and work towards the bonus cards (objectives) for the final scoring, or try to reach a balance? As you take your actions, birds in that habitat will activate also, such as raptors hunting for smaller birds from the deck (to bonus score), prolific critters laying extra eggs for you to hatch, hoarders finding extra food, and so on. It's stunning and a worthy addition to any collection for any gamer, casual or competitive. It's light enough even for the non-gamers, but has the tactical weight to really challenge the hardcore among us. As if I haven't made it clear, this a must-buy modern classic, and deserves to go down as one of the greats.

Unfathomable was the last of our new boardgames. In essence, it's a reskin/revised edition of Battlestar Galactica, the game of secretly being a Cylon and stabbing your mates in the back, but here the action is transplanted to a transatlantic liner in the twenties, and one of your chums is gleefully planning to sacrifice all to the unknowable horrors of the deep. We really enjoyed this, and to my surprise my 12(ish) year old loved it, describing it as a mix of Cluedo and Among Us. Unsurprisingly, he did a great job of hiding being the secret saboteur, messing with the ship and sacrificing us to the Dark Gods of the Deep.

In the game you use your skill cards to save passengers, find useful cargo, keep the engines running and solve various Mythos crises - and whilst you can help one another, your help is also hidden (cards played face down), meaning you can be secretly sending your cohorts to the bottom of the ocean. Desperately, the players race to cross the ocean and cast banishing rituals, but like any Arkham Horror game, your chances of victory are pretty slim. It's a great game, a bit card heavy - mind you, it's not token overload for a change - which means there's quite a lot of hand management and just keeping track of the physical table space. On balance, we all liked it, as did our old chum and super-critic Drew (it passed the Would Play Again test), and where in Galactica you kind of thought that humans ultimately stood a chance of winning, weirdly you just accept that the likelihood of losing and going bonkers in this Mythos version of it. I'm delighted that it'll be entering our regular rotation of family games.

All in all, not a bad few days

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/10 20:09:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

Hey gang.
Not done much over the last few days, ended up on hospital with concussion from falling off a unit whilst fixing curtains at 5am yesterday. Nothing too bad, CT scan clear, just bloodied and bruised.
So, the billboard was a taste of things to come; here's the second NYC Apartment Building, this time built up as Josie's bar.

Little nod to Jessica Jones with the Alias sign above the door, and Vote Cage is a reference to the current Devil's Reign storyline, where Luke ousts Fisk as mayor of NYC. Fun with the Josie's sign too.

So if you get the squiggle reference, you win a cookie. Funky Skull games make the cracking 70s gang rumble game Street Wars NYC, which is very much based on The Warriors - but I had to marvel-ise it. I'm really happy with the cherry blossom mural, too, on the rooftop stair.

I went for a back alley pizza vibe on this side, again with some marvel references thrown in. I used stickers from Big Potato Games' hilarious P for Pizza.

And a view of the back with some classic posters.

Set up with minis.

Street View, top down.

Another view of the city streets.

And the Crisis Board in action. Not too obstructive or anything. All in all, productive, under the circumstances.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/11 05:50:46

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

"Aw snap!"

Too soon man, too soon.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/11 06:46:48

Post by: JoshInJapan

That's quite the set-up. Your work on the MCP buildings gives me a real Sesame Street vibe-- never having been to NYC, that's how I imagine the city to look.

I'm glad to hear you're OK after your fall. Head injuries scare me.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/12 21:42:54

Post by: endtransmission

Is the squiggle to signify the alley formerly known a Prince street? Glad you survived the tumble too! Lesson learned… no climbing on things as 5am…

 JoshInJapan wrote:
That's quite the set-up. Your work on the MCP buildings gives me a real Sesame Street vibe--

I now want to see Big Bird as an avenger!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/13 12:33:38

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 endtransmission wrote:
Is the squiggle to signify the alley formerly known a Prince street?

OMG if that's true that's brilliant.

And I used to work on Prince Street!

But what's the '3?' mark?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/13 21:17:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

Kid_Kyoto wrote:"Aw snap!"
Too soon man, too soon.

well, I needed something to go with Thanos Was Right

JoshInJapan wrote:That's quite the set-up. Your work on the MCP buildings gives me a real Sesame Street vibe-- never having been to NYC, that's how I imagine the city to look.
I'm glad to hear you're OK after your fall. Head injuries scare me.

Thanks man, I am a bit of a disaster area. It's not the worst I've had, that was a few years back when the attic ladder swung down and knocked me out cold. Had to take a fair bit of time off and lost about 48hrs of memory. Though funnily enough in that 48hrs I built Mortarion (who I'd planned to paint unassembled)! Thanks for kind words on NYC, I don't know how authentic it is but I think I have a pretty decent downtown vibe going on.

endtransmission wrote:Is the squiggle to signify the alley formerly known a Prince street? Glad you survived the tumble too! Lesson learned… no climbing on things as 5am…

JoshInJapan wrote:That's quite the set-up. Your work on the MCP buildings gives me a real Sesame Street vibe--

I now want to see Big Bird as an avenger!

I am quite sure the Muppet Avengers exist out there somewhere though anyone who suggests Ms Piggy as the Hulk (You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry ...) Is a dead man.
Nope, squiggle is a Marvel reference (Agent Carter related) albeit with a passing resemblance to the Purple One's squiggle.

Kid_Kyoto wrote:
OMG if that's true that's brilliant.
And I used to work on Prince Street!
But what's the '3?' mark?

Sadly not, I am not that clever
The 3 is underneath the tag for The Warriors - the warriors 3 being companions of Thor.

Back out to space! Got my first crew done:

The crew of the Eidolon, which come in the First Born box. They have a real Rebel Scum vibe; they're really characterful, fun models.

One of my favourite things about the game is how characterful the humans and alien crews are. Really excellent, quirky sci-fi minis. But hey, let's have some proper aliens:

Cerberosa. They are VERY stabby. Very, very nasty.

The gang meets the beasts.

Well, Hopper the robot is off doing his own thing whilst everyone else deals with murder monsters. As usual...

Got some more holiday gaming in with the kids, Jaipur (mad 2 player trading game, good fun), Marvel Mayhem (Dungeon Mayhem reskin, but good nonetheless) and Azul: Queen's Garden (tough, crunchy, but enjoyable).

All in all, holiday going well, I think
Rest of the core space first born starter box will hopefully be done in the next few days, then on to Fury of the Mad God so I can call all the of the KS box done. Mebbe

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/14 08:34:20

Post by: Slinky

Loving the space crew.

Glad to hear you avoided dashing your brains out, too!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/16 19:48:22

Post by: endtransmission

 inmygravenimage wrote:

I am quite sure the Muppet Avengers exist out there somewhere though anyone who suggests Ms Piggy as the Hulk (You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry ...) Is a dead man.

There is indeed an official parody... and this one

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/16 20:17:33

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Loving the space crew.
Glad to hear you avoided dashing your brains out, too!

Well, it's not like there was much in there anyway...


More days, more games. Finished off Mad Titan's Shadow for Champions with the boys, Loki is a really, really tricky final boss - deeply frustrating and irritating, so I suppose absolutely spot on. And inexplicably Enchantress kept on seducing Rocket. weirdo
Also played the first half of Guardians of the Abyss, mystic Egypt scenario expansion for Arkham Horror, really felt like we were exploring Cairo and desert dig sites to solve drive ancient mystery. Having uncovered the nefarious cult we now must venture on into the abyssal darkness and beyond. Good times!

And the long ongoing process of completing the Core Space First Born is... done!

And a few shots of the various bits:

I repainted the two Iconoclasts I'd already done, wasn't happy with the paintjob. Much better now.

Similarly, I wasn't happy with the Liege I'd done. But now they're all matchy matchy.

The Live One and Somnambulant.

The Mad God and his Guardians.

Big fella.

And finally, the big Game Hunters.

Great fun to paint, lovely characterful sci-fi sculpts.

All squared away. Now ain't that a satisfying sight?
Reckon I'm going to go back to Moonstone for a bit next. Onwards!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/17 17:27:18

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice work on the marvel terrain bits, and liking the first born stuff - may have to look into that, some of those look ripe for chopping up...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/18 02:11:55

Post by: Gitsplitta

Love those Core Space models. Wonderfully done graven!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/18 14:40:40

Post by: inmygravenimage

monkeytroll wrote:Nice work on the marvel terrain bits, and liking the first born stuff - may have to look into that, some of those look ripe for chopping up...

Well, they're generally very well priced; the best way to get them is pick up Reinforcements pack, if you're not interested in cardstock terrain or the game itself.

Gitsplitta wrote:Love those Core Space models. Wonderfully done graven!

Cheers man! I enjoyed them, I have a lot more Crews and Civilians to do but I'm going to take a wee break as switching tack seems to be keeping me productive.

Little bit of Moonstone next, trying to get through my Leshavult (faerie tale creatures) and a bit of headway on the other Commonwealth humans. So, first up, The Wendigo!

I love the contrast of terrifying nature spirit with tiny bird nesting in its antlers. It is the combat monster for the Cult subfaction (well, they have a giant too but he's rubbish).

And speaking of monsters, The Revenant:

Zombie human noble. He's literally unkillable in game.

Brother Daniel

Happy little prophet of doom

Flashbacks to doing servitors with all that scrollwork
Natty the Slum Thief

Not at all modelled on my 6 year old

Enjoyed doing the coat.
And a group shot

So, a productive Easter weekend indeed!
Next up, super secret project

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/21 20:56:30

Post by: inmygravenimage

Right, so, odds and ends, starting with more Moonstone.

Sir Guillemot Poppycock. I have been avoiding my Commonwealth as they have so much detail on them and tend be in a lot of armour (and I'm avoiding metals, generally).

He's a stunner of a fig. I've invested in some decent sables and it's really helping with control, especially for faces.

And, Sir Hogswash.

Loads of fun to paint, very Labyrinth.

I love the Boar's slightly googly eyes

I have 10 more Moonstone figs based and primed, though I may take a wee break as these have been rather stressful.

Next, for some light relief, some rapidly painted rats on bases.

One is a set I printed (mistakenly on a 30mm) and the other a mix of Reaper Bones and Heroquest rats. I needed two bases' worth for an extra troop selection for my Veer-Myn forces (for Firefight, because minimum unit size) and left them entirely generic for general use.

And finally, the major source of stress at the moment: the Super Secret Project:

Yup, it's a book nook, featuring a Sandworm. The Sandworm has been nightmarish to print, but on attempt 5 it worked... and then I ran out of resin however, I'd always intended to part-sculpt the mouth. And then there's this...

I'm not actually sure why I'm so determined to cause myself massive stress by wiring it also, but there we are. The aim is for a dim spice glow from within the gullet.

Painting begun. I have about a week to get this bugger painted, though the exterior of the nook is mostly done.

Other than that, I've got all the Marvel that's built (mutants, mostly) pre-shaded, so I'm on track in terms of what I'm working on generally, at least in my head

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/21 21:46:34

Post by: Slinky

Well, as we know, the spice must flow Good luck!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/22 07:40:59

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Well, as we know, the spice must flow Good luck!

Better pics

And further work on the Sandworm, LEDs in place

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/22 17:37:11

Post by: aku-chan

Great Moonstone stuff, love the guy with his feather cape.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/23 05:21:32

Post by: Viterbi

Second Marvel building looks great too, love those pizza stickers

And my word have you been busy with the other stuff too, great work on the sci-fi and fantasy minis. Moonstone looks more and more fun every time I see new models.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/24 13:59:44

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Sandworm is looking great! The glowing gullet works well.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/24 19:21:07

Post by: endtransmission

Mmmm that book nook is great!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/25 09:12:39

Post by: inmygravenimage

aku-chan wrote:Great Moonstone stuff, love the guy with his feather cape.

Thanks, he wasn't... Quite as stressful as I'd feared
Viterbi wrote:Second Marvel building looks great too, love those pizza stickers
And my word have you been busy with the other stuff too, great work on the sci-fi and fantasy minis. Moonstone looks more and more fun every time I see new models.

Buy Moonstone! it's a great game with quirky, quality rules.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:Sandworm is looking great! The glowing gullet works well.

Thanks! It's not strictly canon, but it fits my head-canon, as the spice is manufactured by the worms so they must be sparkly inside, right?
endtransmission wrote:Mmmm that book nook is great!

Cheers chum!

Not an enormous amount of P&M done over the weekend (at leas tin terms of quantity), partly because I was playing Firefight with the spawn (more on that below) but also because I was working on something... big. Colossal, even:

So, the Unstoppable Colossus.

The miniature (can you call it miniature?!) is Juggernaut from MCP; however, there is a scenario pack for the Unstoppable Colossus and, given that I've already printed and painted up a Juggernaut, I though I'd try to paint up this bad boy.

Doing the lines on the arm was stressful; I did consider gs'ing them, but I think they've turned out ok.

And a comparison shot with my 3D printed version.

As mentioned, I got a review copy of Firefight, the new mid level wargame from Mantic, and so here's a review (obviously) and a batrep. But hey, if you're only here for the p&m that's fine


The game box is a great big lump of stuff, first of all. Two full forces with over 70 hard-plastic miniatures between them, for Marauders - Orcs, to you and I - and Enforcers, power-armoured "peacekeepers" of the GCPS (Humanity's Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere). Let's be clear that this is not a grim, gritty, grimdark future: it's a corporate, power-hungry future, though not a sleek, cyber future either (albeit tinged with neon) - Mantic's Warpath universe is more akin to the pages of 2000AD, Firefly, Brian K Vaughn's Saga or the rich, alien-infused writings of CJ Cherryh. Indeed, one of its real strengths is a deep and engaging fluff that draws you into its conflicts believably. It's the world of their companion games Deadzone and Dreadball, and so if you're already invested in either it will obviously appeal, but it's satisfying enough to get the attention if you're not already familiar. The fact that over half the core rulebook is given over to the background might seem odd but it really enriches the game as a whole.

I mustn't forget to talk about the quality of the plastics themselves. Now having built every generation of Mantic plastics, resins, restics, metals, and PVCs I can say that these are by far the best I've seen from them.

Also, the game's real strength is in its immense simplicity, with clear rules designed to speed up play rather than create tactical equivocations. Can a unit leader draw line of sight to a member of an enemy unit? Fine, they can all see it. Is there a big enough gap in the wall of that building to shoot through? Well whether it's a huge hole, or tiny chink, that's enough to use as a firing position. The game heavily emphasises smoothness of play over obsessing over micro-managing. Yes, there are (actually really extensive) rules for covering certain circumstances - particularly around potentially problematic situations that can arise with vehicles - but for the most part it's extremely straightforward. Universal special rules are covered in a couple of double-pages in the rulebook, and the unit references in the accompanying Force List book are clear and concise (with the added bonus of reference cards info for all the box contents).

At a basic level, you play with roughly 50 models each across a 4x4 board plus some scatter terrain (not masses though - this isn't Deadzone). Players take turns across a number of rounds, taking (typically) 2 actions per unit (move/shoot/duck, mostly). Using suppressive fire tactics to pin down the opposition is key, making them lose actions, whilst judicious use of Command points (your commander(s) giving out-of-sequence activations, negating pins or granting faction-specific abilities) is also vital. The game is d8 (rather than d6) based, which creates a better randomisation curve and adds balance overall, as it allows for a wider range of ability scores and building more variety into the different factions.

Whilst all of the factions have some degree of both ranged and melee options, there are definite tendencies within each. From the starter set, the Enforcers are well-armed and well-armoured - power-suited super-soldiers, in the classic sci-fi mold - whilst the Marauders are less disciplined but more numerous; however, these are not the chaotic ork swarms you might expect, but rather an insurgent force of dispossessed mercenary aliens that are sick of working only to satiate human greed. For swarms, look to the Veer-Myn (yay!) and all their innumerable rats with some nasty mid-range firepower and a lot of teeth and claws (the Deadzone 3rd edition starter proving an excellent base to build from), whilst the GCPS (also available in the DZ starter) are your "regular" human infantry, the classic average soldiery. If you prefer your hordes shambling rather than skittering, Plague are the zombies and monstrous creatures of nightmare, an ancient sentient virus run riot, a ceaseless swarm of host bodies; at the other extreme, the Asterians are an elite, aloof mecha force at the bidding of unknowably ancient elven minds, with impossibly advanced weapons mounted on drones. Finally, the Forge Fathers use tanks, battle-suits and more armour plating than you can shake a very pointy stick at to resist all who would try to defeat them. I'm hoping we'll see other factions from the universe at some point, particular The Nameless (a mysterious cephalopods swarm with lots of psionics) and the Rebs (disparate, dispossessed aliens and humans that fight the corporate tyranny of the GCPS).

If you're familiar with Deadzone, many of the mechanics will feel intuitive, but even if not Firefight is a very fast game. Now, yes, whilst there is a place for a whole day of shuffling tiny man-dolls around a tabletop, more often than not you want to be able to setup, play, and wrap up in a couple of hours, and Firefight does this in spades. Partly, this is because - somewhat unusually - the game does not make use of masses of terrain (a bonus, as entry level product), but it's more than that. The rules are so streamlined that you're never spending ages agonising over a decision, with a well-organised, logical rulebook that immediately resolves any possibly queries. To test this, my elder spawn and I deliberately didn't use the forces that come in the starter (with their extra rules reference cards) but broke out his Asterians and my Veer-Myn - plus, stubbornly, I always prefer to play with painted models - and we were pleased to whizz through the intro scenario in the course of an afternoon. With more than a dozen other scenarios in the rulebook, there's plenty of variety to keep you occupied and tackle your tactical preferences. If I have a critcism then maybe the fact that it requires a 4ft play area can be a bit limiting if you're playing in the house, but then if you're going for a big-box wargame experience then you'd be expecting this anyway. The smooth rules do have some compromises - the way hills affect LOS but not movement feels a little odd, for example - but it's a small price for such a slick, quick game experience overall.

Overall, the 2 player starter set offers fantastic value (though of course you could just dive in with the rulebooks) - the buy-in is comparable to a high-end boardgame, and if you've got a friendly regular opponent then you could always get yourselves a copy apiece and double your forces for an absolute steal. If you've previously picked up Deadzone 2nd, it uses the same factions (though not same models), so is a great step-up from that also. Definitely going to be seeing more forces on the Warpath!


So the elder spawn and I decided to test the game with our existing Deadzone forces. A standard game of Firefight is supposed to be around 1000 points, which the boy could easily manage with his pricey Asterian mecha force, but my rodent horde from the DZ 3rd ed starter barely clocks in at 600. Still, the intro scenario is designed to be played at 500-750 so that was ideal, as it turned out.

Veer-Myn win the Recon roll - which is one of their strengths, as they bring a lot of commanders to the table - and choose to setup/go second.

We used the tile terrain as Hills, rather than getting into the Building rules for our first game; each hill elevation counts as 3" of extra range when determining LOS up. So, the Veer-Myn Brood Mother took the high ground opposite the centre of field where most of his drones were concentrated, with my assault heavy group on one side (mirroring the Asterians) and my more ranged to the other to try to counter his Sky Razors and prevent flanking manoeuvres.

Marionette drones and the Phantom advance, ignoring the largely ineffective attacks from the Crawlers and Rumbler cannon (even with boosts from the Master Creeper alongside them). The Rumbler cannon's chem sprayer has the It Burns! rule, where units hit have to make a Nerve check or lose their next action. Drones, being robots, are all Nerve 2+ (on a d8)... the boy consistently rolled 1s for his Nerve checks ALL game (well, 6 out of 7)

Kalyshi are the space witch elf analog for Asterians, absolutely horrific melee machines with counterattacks to make you weep. My poor rats went to soften them up... And annihilated them. True, they were themselves destroyed (18 wounds to 2 2 health models will do that) but not before they did enough to wipe out the murder chicks. Never underestimate an angry rat, it seems.

This is not to say the boy didn't do well. Mindful of mistakes of old playing smaller skirmish games, he concentrated on scoring objectives and whittling down my troops at range, chewing through my right flank and holding the centre at the same time. Incidentally, we used the physical Mantic objective markers as we owned them, rather than the tokens from the set, purely for looks. The mat is a Gaslands mat that seemed to fit the feel.

After the smoke cleared, he'd lost his Phantom (big mecha), Black Talon (elite mecha commander) and most of his cyphers (superior ranged mecha) but had in the process chewed through my left flank, wiping out the rats, Stalkers (melee grunts), Nightmares (elite heavies), Maligni (ranged support bodyguards) and Pack Leader (murder melee commander). Even without a commander, mechs will keep functioning, alas, albeit not as efficiently.

My few surviving crawlers and progenitor (buffing commander) chipped away at the last of the Cyphers and Marionettes before being sacrificial wounds to keep the Brood Mother alive in a hail of Sky Razor fire.

Final round and I have the initiative, Brood Mother shoots with her chem staff at the sky razors - and It Burns! They roll a 1 on a d8 (needing 2+), losing their activation - a victory for Veer-Myn!
An absolute nail-biter, we were both very impressed by the game. It hits the sweet spot of being complex ENOUGH without being either turgid or simplistic.

Rematch of sorts will likely be this coming Saturday, but I think I'm going to try to get the Enforcers built up as suggested in the box and run them - plus I have definitely got some of the older figs knocking about, including a sniper commander and Strider (big old battlesuit that dreads naught). They won't be painted though so we'll see, that goes against my principles. I've still got piles of MCP and Moonstone to wade through - and maybe even some DC. Shocking.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/26 10:15:40

Post by: Gitsplitta

So much I've missed while I've been away!

Love Natty and the goofy knight especially.
The worm turned out wonderfully!
What is a "book nook"?
Nice to see you getting another game in with your boy.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/26 12:26:50

Post by: Momotaro

Great review of Firefight, and a really clear batrep - thanks for those!

My copy is in the post.

One thing you mentioned caught my eye - the background fluff. Done right, it helps you to understand why these forces are fighting each other. It's one if the things I never really got from Beyond the Gates of Antares, and I think the game suffered for it - all the background felt disconnected from your platoon of grunts.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/29 08:22:59

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:So much I've missed while I've been away!
Love Natty and the goofy knight especially.
The worm turned out wonderfully!
What is a "book nook"?
Nice to see you getting another game in with your boy.

Thanks, I really enjoy doing the moonstone stuff, but I sometimes wonder if people find it a bit too daft for here A Book Nook is a vignette or diorama designed to slot into a bookshelf that depicts a scene from a book. They're like a little Easter Egg in your home for visitors to spot Yeah, we really enjoyed Firefight and definitely want to give it another go at the weekend.
Momotaro wrote:Great review of Firefight, and a really clear batrep - thanks for those!
My copy is in the post.
One thing you mentioned caught my eye - the background fluff. Done right, it helps you to understand why these forces are fighting each other. It's one if the things I never really got from Beyond the Gates of Antares, and I think the game suffered for it - all the background felt disconnected from your platoon of grunts.

Good man! And, welcome! You actually reminded me, I forgot to mention that I'll have a copy of the game for giveaway over at Big Comic Page at the May Bank Holiday. Yes, I really like the fluff; it also explains the logic of Firefight as a mid-sized game, given that it's set against a backdrop of pockets of Marauder insurgence, long-forgotten Asterian outposts, small Dwarven mining crews, stowaway Veer-myn Tribes, outbreaks of The Plague and the various human surgical strike forces sent to clean up the mess. It would seem to be perfect for the other Warpath universe factions - maybe less so Mazon labs, I grant you, but I'd really love to see Rebs in action. I guess they don't want to over-expand, as they've been bitten before.

I'll admit to feeling a bit of hobby stress. The pile of shame is starting to run away from me again, and that's not good. I've got all the Enforcers primed but it will take a deal of time to get them assembled I do at least have a clear colour scheme in mind (black with Space Wolf Blue/grey armour plates).

So, if in doubt, paint something else

Mr Sinister. Now, this is a funny one. I have ZERO affection for, or interest in, the character (I'd even go so far as to say I dislike the character, he's like a low-rent R'as Al Ghul) - so as a result I was happy just to batter through him.

That being said, I part-painted him with the cloak done separately so I could get in about it, which I would never normally do.

It's a tremendous sculpt and was actually really enjoyable to do.

April is always a productive month for painting I find. Colossus and Omega Red are in the WIP pile also, but the long weekend's hobbying is likely to be given over to building squillions of Enforcers, and then try to get a game of Bank Holiday Monday. That being said, I have fudgeload of board games coming for review (Dunwich Legacy for Arkham Horror, Yak, Libertalia, Esacpe the Dark Sector, Unlock! Star Wars, Star Wars: Rebellion, Star Wars: Out Rim, Star Wars Jabba's Palace... there's a certain May theme emerging...) so we'll at least try to get some of them out and on the table. Probably the non-SW games first, as that article's going to drop for Kenobi. If you're interested in the board/card game review side of hobby (I mean I know I dropped the Firefight review here, but that's different), head over to bigcomicpage.com in the Geeking Out section . Loads of stuff in the current giveaway (Azul Queen's Garden, Deadpool & Bob for MCP, Marvel Mayhem, Wingspan deluxe eggs and Reiner Knizia's Equinox), what's not to love about that? Firefight giveaway will be up on Monday, and the elder spawn has a Transformers/Marvel Legends giveaway dropping next week too.
Good times

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/29 18:05:48

Post by: JNAProductions

I was directed to this thread from this one, since you, inmygravenimage, are apparently well-versed in Firefight.

Am looking through this thread and the reviews and such now, but I'd like to hear a general summary if you can?

Thank you!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/29 19:49:39

Post by: inmygravenimage

Hey @JNA, Welcome! Your post seems to have got in rollover, but I read it via your user and see that you're interested in Firefight? It's an absolute cracker of a game and the value in the new boxset can't be understated. You can see my overview above, but basically the starter is Corporate not-space marines Vs not Blood Axe Orks. The game is very quick and sacrifices some micromanaging for speed, as is often the Mantic way. My kid likes elite synergy armies so he runs Asterians, which are not eldar, and are similarly glass ninja with big guns and jinky evasion. I really like the Enforcers, they're very straightforward, but Marauders are like elite orks rather than a mad waaagh. Generally, the dice based command point mechanic is one of the best elements, as you have to decided whether to use them for faction orders, extra activations, or countering your forces getting pinned by your opponent. It's a lot of fun, and totally hits the mid sized sweet spot. That help?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/29 19:52:43

Post by: JNAProductions

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Hey @JNA, Welcome! Your post seems to have got in rollover, but I read it via your user and see that you're interested in Firefight? It's an absolute cracker of a game and the value in the new boxset can't be understated. You can see my overview above, but basically the starter is Corporate not-space marines Vs not Blood Axe Orks. The game is very quick, igougo, and sacrifices some micromanaging for speed, as is often the Mantic way. My kid likes elite synergy armies so he runs Asterians, which are not eldar, and are similarly glass ninja with big guns and jinky evasion. I really like the Enforcers, they're very straightforward, but Marauders are like elite orks rather than a mad waaagh. Generally, the dice based command point mechanic is one of the best elements, as you have to decided whether to use them for faction orders, extra activations, or countering your forces getting pinned by your opponent. It's a lot of fun, and totally hits the mid sized sweet spot. That help?
How beginner-friendly is it?
My main wargaming place is a GW store, so any wargames outside that sphere need to be relatively easy to pick up for my friends. But GW is just so damn pricy for rules that are... Eh. (Good models, though!)

And how much terrain is recommended?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/29 20:31:33

Post by: inmygravenimage

It's very accessible to new players. It's really straightforward and the new plastics are ace. I also like the fact that you've also got non gw analogous factions in the form of the Veer-Myn and Plague (and to an extent Forge Fathers, but the squats are back now I guess). Perhaps surprisingly, there isn't that much terrain needed - it's supposed to be open warfare, though you can add hills and buildings if you wish. I like a bit of scatter myself but it's not vital. That help?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/29 20:34:27

Post by: JNAProductions

 inmygravenimage wrote:
It's very accessible to new players. It's really straightforward and the new plastics are ace. I also like the fact that you've also got non gw analogous factions in the form of the Veer-Myn and Plague (and to an extent Forge Fathers, but the squats are back now I guess). Perhaps surprisingly, there isn't that much terrain needed - it's supposed to be open warfare, though you can add hills and buildings if you wish. I like a bit of scatter myself but it's not vital. That help?
It does indeed help.

Does it work well with lots of terrain, or should it be played with minimal?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/29 21:55:39

Post by: inmygravenimage

Oh, I love plenty of terrain I would always pick a dense urban board any day of the week. Yes, it can totally handle it but it does add a layer of complexity. If you have existing terrain (IE 40k) it's fine but be aware that it will not translate over to Deadzone (Firefight KT) as it uses a cube based system for, well, everything.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/29 22:23:55

Post by: JNAProductions

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Oh, I love plenty of terrain I would always pick a dense urban board any day of the week. Yes, it can totally handle it but it does add a layer of complexity. If you have existing terrain (IE 40k) it's fine but be aware that it will not translate over to Deadzone (Firefight KT) as it uses a cube based system for, well, everything.
Not too worried about Deadzone-I like meatier armies!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/30 06:10:08

Post by: Olthannon

The batrep was really cool, looks like a fun system to play.

Mr Sinister looks, well, pretty sinister! Love the greeny glowy smokey!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/30 08:03:59

Post by: Shadow Walker

 inmygravenimage wrote:
The game is very quick, igougo

Here https://www.manticgames.com/news/firefight-second-edition-your-questions-answered/ they say it is alternating activations

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/30 09:30:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

You're absolutely right. That's a comedy autocorrect from IMHO if ever I've seen one. Good catch! Yeah, the alternate activations is one of the strengths.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/04/30 21:08:21

Post by: JoshInJapan

I stopped reading X-men long before Mr. Sinister was introduced, so I know nothing about the character, but you did a fine job on the model.

Thanks for the review/batrep for Firefight. I'm waiting for my copy to arrive, but once it does I'm looking forward to giving it a go. I have a ton of models going back to the first DZ kickstarter, and it will be nice to field more than a handful at a time.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/01 05:51:10

Post by: Viterbi

Mr Sinister looks great! Funnily enough he is also the only MCP mini on my desk I didn't built all the way to get the brush everywhere Nearly put him in the painting comp (motto: reborn), but decided for another mini.

He was quite fun as the main antagonist in the Deadpool video game (which sadly suffered from bad gameplay, whilst everything else was ace).

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/01 08:04:38

Post by: Gitsplitta

I really like the job you did on Mr. Sinister. I don't know anything about him... but the paint job looks great!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/02 21:05:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

JNAProductions wrote:Not too worried about Deadzone-I like meatier armies!

Good to know! And if you really love a horde army, Veer-Myn are the way to go. Swarms of rats and mid range poisonous chemical spew. Love them.
Olthannon wrote:The batrep was really cool, looks like a fun system to play.
Mr Sinister looks, well, pretty sinister! Love the greeny glowy smokey!

Yeah, any game which immediately has you twitching to play again is a lot of win I enjoyed doing the smoke especially on Mr Sinister, so many thanks!

JoshInJapan wrote:I stopped reading X-men long before Mr. Sinister was introduced, so I know nothing about the character, but you did a fine job on the model.

Thanks for the review/batrep for Firefight. I'm waiting for my copy to arrive, but once it does I'm looking forward to giving it a go. I have a ton of models going back to the first DZ kickstarter, and it will be nice to field more than a handful at a time.

Most kind sir. Yeah, it's good to have a bigger spread of Mantic minis on the table.
Viterbi wrote:Mr Sinister looks great! Funnily enough he is also the only MCP mini on my desk I didn't built all the way to get the brush everywhere Nearly put him in the painting comp (motto: reborn), but decided for another mini.
He was quite fun as the main antagonist in the Deadpool video game (which sadly suffered from bad gameplay, whilst everything else was ace).

Thanks dude. He is a great one to paint, well worth the time
Gitsplitta wrote:I really like the job you did on Mr. Sinister. I don't know anything about him... but the paint job looks great!

That works for me

So, long weekend comes to an end. Some good games, a nice mix - Wingspan with expansions, Carcassonne, DC deck building, EXIT (escape room game) and some Imperial Assault even. And we did a LOT of building also:

Enforcer army for Firefight and, for variety, a ramshackle building of food stalls and shops.

I'm not a fan massive armies and painting uniforms, so finding a look for them which won't drive me crazy is hard.

Testing colours on the speeder bikes, pathfinder sergeant and Strider.

But in the mix my mental health has been inexplicably awful, really low - for no real or appreciable reason. I'm back on the upswing but it's been a bit crappy.

Still. I did manage to crank out a couple of Marvel minis also, because a finished model is a satisfying thing. First of all, the indomitable Colossus!

Obviously, I had just tackled the colours after a fashion with the custom Juggernaut, though I'd also done the old km metal version before.

A very enjoyable model to paint, I wasn't sure about the Sentinel parts but they add a great colour contrast.

And as I was mucking about with red and nmm, I decided to try another deeply obscure X-Men Villain: Omega Red.

Ah, communism and whips. Clearly, Marvel likes these things.

The whips were especially stressful as they are so fragile. But they've turned out ok.

Weird character. Weird sculpt. But looks the part in the end. I'd really to try him out with Baron Mordo, lots of bleeding to be done. And in situ:

I got some very neat modular shelves for myself. Both little miss and elder spawn have a set and I decided a treat was in order.
So May is off to a productive start, at least

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/03 13:36:28

Post by: Slinky

I like the little shop/stall thing made out of Mantic terrain. Are the signs/awning new Mantic parts, or extras from elsewhere?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/04 09:56:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:I like the little shop/stall thing made out of Mantic terrain. Are the signs/awning new Mantic parts, or extras from elsewhere?

Cheers! All mantic, they're from the new DZ starter, which can also be bought as the DZ terrain booster - or the extras are available as Battlezone Street Accessories.

Just touching base, really. I have finally settled on my Enforcer colour scheme or rather, how to achieve the scheme I am after. It's a little more labour intensive than I'd like but it does look the way I want. Using a test model to try out various permutations has helped anyway, first few models:

Excluding the Grogu photobomb (May the 4th, after all), we have Army Commanders and Support: Assault Strider, Enforcer Captain, Sniper, Forward Observer, and Peacekeeper Captain. Whilst it might seem a bit weird to start with the officers, it sets out in my head the variations on the colour scheme from the outset. I'm also using shoulder markings to track command dice (Orange, Double Black, Green), which seems to me a neat trick. I'm debating using the pauldron trim to also track Army Roles other than Command (Support, Specialist, Troop) - not sure on colours but Red/Blue/White most likely just now (so the Strider would get Red, the Sniper's white trim switched Blue). A further possibility is then to give one of the Pauldrons variation within the Troops, but the unit types are distinct enough and it lets me swap heavy weapons between them (and I don't want them to look like Rainbow Warriors ). Anyway, aside from drybrushing the bases, and maaaaayyyyybeeeee a little more scorching around the flamer's nozzle, they're basically done. I'm not going to spend hours obsessing as I've got a full army to do:

I'm not looking forward to all those panel edges. Still, they'll look the part. Not 100% on how I'm going to do my Pathfinders (Scouts) but the beginnings of the scheme can be seen in the regular and sergeant that are built (back left and right corners of pic). I imagine I'll keep it fairly simple.

On another note, decided that at least part of my deep doom over the weekend was simply not having seen my nerd-brethren in forever, so beer and suchlike has been arranged for next Friday. Huzzah!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/04 10:08:51

Post by: Paradigm

Good shout on the pauldron colours to track game mechanics, doesn't look out of place amid the overall scheme thus far.

If you've got bunch of these guys to do and they're mainly flat panels, I'd maybe have a look at applying your basecoats with a makeup sponge... sounds odd, maybe, but I picked it up from a tutuorial while doing a bunch of Clone Troopers and it works a treat. I used a white prime, black ink wash then white sponging, which keeps the panel lines nice and dark while giving a coat free of brushstrokes over the armour. I don't see why the same method wouldn't work for these guys, and it's a much faster way of getting basecoats down on large, smooth, flat areas. If you want it, I'll see if I can dig up a link to the video I got this from, which possibly explained it better than I just have!

Colossus looks sharp too, really striking.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/04 12:31:09

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:Good shout on the pauldron colours to track game mechanics, doesn't look out of place amid the overall scheme thus far.
If you've got bunch of these guys to do and they're mainly flat panels, I'd maybe have a look at applying your basecoats with a makeup sponge... sounds odd, maybe, but I picked it up from a tutuorial while doing a bunch of Clone Troopers and it works a treat. I used a white prime, black ink wash then white sponging, which keeps the panel lines nice and dark while giving a coat free of brushstrokes over the armour. I don't see why the same method wouldn't work for these guys, and it's a much faster way of getting basecoats down on large, smooth, flat areas. If you want it, I'll see if I can dig up a link to the video I got this from, which possibly explained it better than I just have!
Colossus looks sharp too, really striking.

Now I've used make-up sponges for weathering, but not the base coat. I take it you "dab" rather than "wipe" the colour on?
Oh, and thanks for kind words re: Colossus.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/04 22:29:14

Post by: Paradigm

Yeah, basically you want to dab parallel to the surface, with a good covering of moderately thin paint on the sponge, going over areas multiple times to build up stronger coverage and pre-highlights. Here's the original tutorial vid, which is for Legion Clones, but I imagine Enforcers are fairly similar in broad terms:

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/05 08:24:29

Post by: Styrofoam04

Awesome stuff. I really like the Colossus he was always my favorite

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/06 08:41:51

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:Yeah, basically you want to dab parallel to the surface, with a good covering of moderately thin paint on the sponge, going over areas multiple times to build up stronger coverage and pre-highlights. Here's the original tutorial vid, which is for Legion Clones, but I imagine Enforcers are fairly similar in broad terms:

Interesting Mr Bond.
Styrofoam04 wrote:Awesome stuff. I really like the Colossus he was always my favorite

Cheers mate, and welcome to my corner of the Dakkaverse!
Not a massive update but progress, at least:

Assault strider, with new markings. I was watching one of Sorastro's videos and he used fleshtone to highlight red, so I nicked that and rather like it.

Enforcer Captain, although actually it's a Peacekeeper helmet to give me the open faceplate so my kitbash matches the official sculpt

Peacekeeper Captain, who acts as overall army commander (until I can track down the resin one with not-lightning claws).

A bit of droidy base detail in the boy's Asterian scheme (roger-roger)

And a group shot, with a nice view of the commander's wrist blade (though I may amp up the glow).
The rest of the army now has all had its panel colours added (thanks @Paradigm for the hint!) and next Nightsade wash. So now it's just allllll the panel lining Also need to build my Pathfinders, but they've had to be stripped as there was a touch of primer shock with the grey - luckily they were primed on sprue, and as they've been stripped I'm going to prime the arms white rather than grey now instead (the torsos were primed black separately, so they're fine). May is a mad month of Mantic mayhem, it seems!
Continuing my plans to get me out my deep blue funk, I've booked a trip to the motherland: July 20th, I'll be visiting both Warhammer World and Mantic Games' Design Studio with my boys. It's a bit of a trek (4 1/2 hrs in the car) but totally worth it. Everyone has to do the pilgrimage once in their lifetime, right?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/06 21:08:33

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nice work on the Enforcers. I particularly like the cockpit glass on the Strider.

Your kitbash on the Captain is inspired, and I'll have to copy it if/when I paint more Enforcers.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/09 08:22:12

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:Nice work on the Enforcers. I particularly like the cockpit glass on the Strider.

Your kitbash on the Captain is inspired, and I'll have to copy it if/when I paint more Enforcers.

Thanks on all counts. It's a dead easy conversion, I wouldn't say inspired, but appreciated

A fairly productive weekend, with more Enforcers to show for it.

Leant into the very deep blue-black for them. So, the Peacekeepers:

Love the posability of the regulars, less of a fan of the heavies - the one-handed heavy weapon should make them more, not less, posable.

Sniper Team (Sniper and Spotter), the purple trim being for my Specialists. The other Sniper, btw, is the Forward Observer (Command unit sniper) but I forgot to take a separate pic.

Engineer with Sentry Drones. These guys can hack enemy tech, which is pretty hilarious.

Jetbikes. Very Whizzy.

Easily some of the best cyberpunk style jetbikes out there.

Test scheme for the Pathfinders (scouts) along with the Pathfinder Sergeant. I really should have done his sword orange, not green, to remind me of the dice colour he adds

And the whole of the first wave, with army Commanders and Strider support. The blue is a bit richer on the commanders to distinguish them further.
That leaves about 25 regular Enforcers (a mix of standard Operatives and Assault) awaiting panel lining and visors. Then it'll be a dozen Pathfinders and the army will be done.
Not bad, all in all
Mind you, I did get a... bit of a distraction from Asmodee:

gulp. Small child not included

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/09 08:56:14

Post by: Slinky

Wow, your army is growing at an impressive rate - Looks good, too

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/11 12:12:51

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Wow, your army is growing at an impressive rate - Looks good, too

Thanks man. To be fair, units get block painted so when they appear, it's like everything happens at once.

Breaking from the monotony of army building, with a building.

I was really inspired by the amazing work of DJJazzyjeff and Stevefamine here.

The tags are all Dreadball teams, apart from the Rebs Rule one, although I feel that's generic enough that it fits any sci-fi setting (there's always rebellious scum).

Bit of detailing.

And with some minis in situ. Fun to do, nice to get the various bits from the DZ3 box into something resembling a structure.

I am, slowly, making progress with the rest. I might switch track though and do something MCP (as, alarmingly, I now own them all) for variety. But I've realised that we're not yet halfway through the year and I've just hit 184 minis, so over the halfway mark there at least.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/13 21:11:22

Post by: JoshInJapan

That's a really cool building. It's remarkable how versatile DZ battlezones can be. I still have quite a few leftover-- you may have inspired me to see what I can throw together with what I have.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/14 23:08:07

Post by: Gitsplitta

That's nice work right there. Well done graven. I might nick that flesh tone thing as well. I've never liked highlighting red with pink. Fleshtone is a little different than that.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/15 20:48:28

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:That's a really cool building. It's remarkable how versatile DZ battlezones can be. I still have quite a few leftover-- you may have inspired me to see what I can throw together with what I have.

Thanks kindly old chap. Yeah they're great sets and can be mixed up all sorts of ways. I just love the very blade runner vibe of the accessory kit and had to lean into it.

Gitsplitta wrote:That's nice work right there. Well done graven. I might nick that flesh tone thing as well. I've never liked highlighting red with pink. Fleshtone is a little different than that.

Thanks pal. Yeah it's really effective, particularly on those superhero reds where you want almost cartoon crispness. Sorastro, Sirjohntheho, darkblades_workshop and Ashenholdart are my go-tos on insta/YouTube, loads of great content.

Right! Been busying away. This would appear to be an army!

There's some variation as I figured out ways to speed up the painting process. They're far from flawless, either, but they are an army paint after all.

So, let's break it down. First, Enforcer Operatives.

These are your SM analogues in game. Solid, elite mid range troops with decent to hit and rerolls. Generic bastards, basically 2 5 man squads, 1 with not-flamer, 1 with burst Laser which is a heavy, suppressive fire armour piercer (unit leaders have energy gauntlets throughout, the game's not-power fists).

Assault Enforcers. Decided that due their high armour piercing blades I was going melta rather than energy and bonkers osl.

Because why not.

I'm really happy with these guys. The osl is totally ott and, honestly, I think it works a treat.

Some extras:

Medic, test for the heavy support squad, and extra bodyguard units.

More generally, I'm increasingly of the opinion that the purple pauldron trim doesn't work for specialists. Might redo as a full pauldron instead. I had to prise the missile launcher off one of the jet bikes as I picked up a "bargain" unit off eBay to discover it only came with 2 (not 4) launchers. I had a spare dude so...needs must *shrug*

Also, all remaining Pathfinders now started (post primer shock):

The Snipers have GS torsos, as you get 12 sets of legs (and 14 heads) but only 10 torsos. This means I have two full squads of Pathfinders and a couple extra to stoat about with my Sergeant as bodyguards and/or swap out for Snipers. I wish you got a few more arm options for them - particularly empty right hands - but such is life. You can still build some really fun, dynamic poses. You may notice the robot DOGG drones at the back, they're actually done, but I'll add them to the overall count with the Pathfinders or I'll get confused.

I also managed to get a game of Star Wars Rebellion with the spawn.

There's no denying that Rebellion is a big investment of a game, but there's a reason: it's a massive, expansive, asymmetric experience for 2-4 players that allows you to reenact the classic saga as an entirely new narrative, taking on the roles of a few plucky Rebels or a vast, implacable Imperial force. The Empire's goal is to find the Rebels' secret base, before the Rebels achieve their goal of bringing enough planets to their side.

Covering everything from skirmish to space battle to solo operatives, it manages to capture the scope and feel of the Star Wars Saga like no other game, with 32 planetary systems to explore across its two game boards (that'll take over your dining table) and more than 150 miniatures - including, of course, a tiny death star or two to blow up planets that get in your way. The fighter models are roughly a quarter of the size of, say, X-WING pieces, but are definitely chunky and satisfying enough for board gaming. The combat system can seem a little random at times, though it allows for a few brave fighters to take on mighty capital ships.

Playing Rebellion is a big time commitment: it's at least half a day of dedicated play (our first play took 3.5 hours) but absolutely worth it. Although both space and ground battles happen (and matter), it's more about trying to influence the loyalty of planetary systems (or, you know, crushing them), rallying to rebel cause or rooting out the scum, depending on your perspective. Fundamentally, it's a remarkably straightforward worker placement game, with your leaders (iconic characters) giving you specific actions each turn, either moving fleets or performing an assigned action from a faction specific hand of options (4 that you have access to every turn, and 2 randomly drawn ones subsequently). So the Imperials will generally be sending out probe droids or building projects (Super Star Destroyer, anyone?)

Whilst you gain more leaders each turn, and so can do more, the galaxy gradually shrinks for the Rebel player, as each turn two probe droids scout out and eliminate base locations - in more mechanical terms, leading the game towards its end. So whilst having more time means more chance of the Rebels getting planets on side, the Imperial player is more likely to find them. A criticism that could be leveled at the game is that it's a political, scheming game at its heart - and is that truly the cinematic derring-do of the Classic Series? But with leaders doing key missions, like Han running to Kasshyk to help Chewie rally the Wookies or Boba Fett capturing Mon Mothma for Imperial Interrogation, it really does feel like you're enacting your own, unique Star Wars Saga. Even at last gasp, down to your final few scrappy survivors, the Rebellion can win on a final desperate gamble - and if that's not Star Wars, I don't what is. Oh, and the Empire (me) won - and after all, isn't Star Wars also about parents crushing their children?
Once the Pathfinders are out of the way, back on the super wagon, I'll wager,

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/16 11:46:20

Post by: Gitsplitta

Those troopers are really coming along. I really appreciate the time and risk it takes to do the OSL. I never really figured it out myself, though I have tried on multiple occasions.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/17 08:40:12

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Those troopers are really coming along. I really appreciate the time and risk it takes to do the OSL. I never really figured it out myself, though I have tried on multiple occasions.

Thanks buddy. TBH I went way heavier than I normally do but I think sometimes the key is to give it a lot more than you think it needs.

And, so, the rest of them (along with a bit of scatter)!

I realised that the dude I'd painted up as a Sergeant was in fact a GCPS (not-Imperial Guard) Major, which explains why he's shorter - I assumed it was just cos he was an earlier metal sculpt. But, this means the wee fella has a Firefight Commander for his GCPS, so actually it's win-win. The test model I'd painted up previously is now the Sergeant (front of pic, with the Bluer body armour that I use to indicate Commanders also). I've given him a tiny sword on his shoulder pad on a black background, as that's what a Black Command Die typically gives you

Very happy with the Pathfinder squads. I suspect I'll run them as two teams of 5 with DOGGs and assign the Snipers to the Forward Observer to make a truly lethal sniper team.

And finished off some more scatter, decided to test my freehand writing game.

Gora Endures! is the rallying cry of the Marauders (Orcs) as he's their legendary leader and the uprising, which is the plot of the current edition of Firefight, is in his name (as well as being their truly terrifying faction command ability).

The alienese is adapted from the front of the cash machine and, hey, who doesn't enjoy Slurm? It's highly addicitve!

So that's my current push of Enforcers done! I have 2 Heavy Support to build, but rather than convert another one as planned I've found a cheap copy of the old Enforcer faction booster which comes with a single heavy, as well as another medic, two more jetbikes, a squad of Peacekeeper Defenders (tough not-assault terminators) and a Enforcer Defenders (tough objective holders ). At 1/3 off, they'll be a payday treat, along with one of the flyers for the faction (also on sale), which will mean I'll be pretty much sorted for whatever. Not shabby, not shabby at all.

With 60 models painted this month, May has exceeded my April tally, which is unusual - April is, along with July, usually my most productive month - but then, a LOT of the leg work was done then for the Enforcers. Also, I don't expect the rest of this month to be especially productive, as we have the wee fella's birthday this weekend and a load of family stuff over the two long weekends, plus all sorts going on in June. Still, perhaps I've earned a rest... nah

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/17 18:35:31

Post by: Gitsplitta

It's not just volume graven, though that is impressive. The quality of models that you've been generating is excellent.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/17 21:13:19

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:It's not just volume graven, though that is impressive. The quality of models that you've been generating is excellent.

That's very kind of you. I do feel that the Enforcers are somewhat rushed, tbh, as I just wanted to hammer through them. I definitely take more time with the Marvel and Moonstone minis though. TBH, I have kinda hit a bit of burnout after that lot - not sure what to paint, or even if I want to. So might take a breather for a few.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/20 08:59:36

Post by: inmygravenimage

Hola peeps

Was in a terrible state with my brain yesterday, so forced myself to paint - I couldn't initially summon the energy for it, but I know it helps me when I'm low. Not much progress, but started on the marvel heap o' shame, starting with Gambit.

Lovely sculpt, really dynamic.

Totally captures the character.

And as I'm on the mutants, Cassandra Nova:

Not a character I know, really, she's prof X's evil twin. So evil, in fact, that she was a miscast. Had to reconstruct one side of her face with gs. Actually rather pleased, not sure you can tell (except of course on dakka super zoom).

And then, the next wave, as I'm on a mutant kick.

Decided also to build some stuff. Trying to claw my way through the big grey heap. NYC Truck, Sin, Viper, Hawkeye, Black Widow - Agent of Shield, Winter Soldier, Vision, Venom, Crystal, Lockjaw, Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight. That leaves Thanos, Hulk, Black Bolt, Medusa, Elektra, Shadowlands Daredevil, The Hand, Nick Fury and the Agents of Shield, and the comic cover display Spider-Man/Doc Ock, to build - in other words, all the MCP Minis (barring some terrain) to date. Phew!
Wee fella's birthday this weekend, so I suspect we'll lost in a PS5...


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/23 16:54:47

Post by: Gitsplitta

I think you should paint those playing cards so that they are easily identified as royal cards (J-K). Get to it man!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/24 10:41:29

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:I think you should paint those playing cards so that they are easily identified as royal cards (J-K). Get to it man!


Wee fella had a great birthday, and we consumed much excellent food (and indeed drink). Inevitably, minimal P&M over the weekend, but still some done. Built up some more to unwind after birthday shenanigans - Black Bolt, Medusa and Hulk - but that's really all from the heap o' plastic. I've also got tons of DCU to work through, including the Sinestro corps. I think I'm going to tackle all that yellow the pink+yellow ink method - which I've used for taxicabs in the past, and am also using on Rogue and Ms Marvel - but if any one has any thoughts from Marine experience (Lamenters? camo Mantis Warriors? Impy Fisties?) certainly interested to hear. My other approach to yellow is a much more ochre base using Averland Sunset as a starting point, which is what I used on these chaps...

Whatcha lookin' at Bub? The wee piece of Sentinel on the base is actually from Rogue but she's got enough going on frankly.

I don't know why, despite my being raised on the 90s cartoon and live-action movies, but when I think of Wolverine, it's the classic brown that springs to mind. Maybe it's because in my mind he's always lined up against this fellow:

A big part of both of these was seeing if I could register sufficient contrast between two VJ Burnt Umber and Mahogany

Return of the base newspapers!

Nice sculpt, not that the 3D printed one I did was much different (not quite as dynamic I guess).
On the desk, Rogue is blocked in, Ms marvel's yellows and skin done (that was really hard to get right), and flesh tones started on Cable, Medusa, Black Bolt, Magneto, Jean Grey, Cyclops, X-23 and Honey Badger. Not even started Beast, Domino or Storm; still, I'd like to get the Mutants and Inhumans done before I move onto the Black Order.

Starting to plan June, and with The Batman starter coming to review, I'm going to start revisiting KM stuff generally. I want to do something Harry Potter themed for a mate as a 30th/housewarming gift, so thinking of tackling Harry on Buckbeak and/or Luna on Thestral. Whilst I do get antsy painting for others (and against the clock), I hope these will be a refreshing change: having painted hordes, it's good to focus on something requiring more detail. In theory

Game night tonight, not sure what it'll be, probably Unlock! Star Wars edition to get us in the mood for Kenobi.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/24 18:09:26

Post by: Gitsplitta


I also have a much shorter method that I use for my Bad Moons. This is all pre-airbrush of course.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/24 20:44:32

Post by: JoshInJapan

I started reading X-men in the early 150's (around the start of the Brood saga), and so prefer gold and brown for Wolverine's costume. I think you made the right choice.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/26 08:26:23

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/8430/289929.page#4108629
I also have a much shorter method that I use for my Bad Moons. This is all pre-airbrush of course.

Handy. I have applied some of these principles along with violet wash for contrast. Cheers my old friend.

JoshInJapan wrote:I started reading X-men in the early 150's (around the start of the Brood saga), and so prefer gold and brown for Wolverine's costume. I think you made the right choice.

Much appreciated. I have never been a dedicated Marvel reader outside of Bendis's Max runs (Alias, Cage etc) tbh. DC all the way. But I did enjoy Old Man / Dead Man Logan so grimy, earthy tones feel right to me.

Played Unlock! Star Wars Escape Game with the spawn for our game nights. You get 3 escape room adventures in the box - one each thematically for Rebels, Smugglers and Imperials - although in fact, with the game's tutorial mode you're effectively getting 4 Escape Rooms (granted, the first one is quick, but still, it's great fun). You have a notional hour to complete each adventure, with mistakes earning you time penalties (affecting your final score). This adds real tension and excitement to the experience, which is very satisfying. The final adventure has a marked jump in difficulty, though your skill cards that you gain at the start of the mission can give you extra help along the way - as well as really helping you feel like you're a character in the story.
I'll be honest, I'm not actually a massive fan of Escape Room games, but I was prepared to make an exception for this and I'm glad I did. With the app running the game - which I often find intrusive in boardgames - it reduces the clutter and really adds to the whole experience. The use of Holst's planets as background music works really well, with the addition of key sound effects from the Saga when they fit. The puzzles that are app driven make sense - there's even a VERY clever nod to the original Professor Leyton on DS - and the hints are pitched just right. We did have an issue with one of puzzles that was a phone screen size problem but we just sucked it up as a hint. Equally, there was at least one puzzle that we were just being completely dense about and the reveal was a glorious OF COURSE! Yes, the replay factor is obviously non-existent but at least you can pass it on once done - and you get a decent amount of playtime for your money. What it comes down to is that even with minor niggles, we immediately felt we would buy non-Star Wars versions of this - and will absolutely be looking out for more IP tie-ups from them.

Painting wise, still working through Mutants, starting with one of my faves:

Rogue! Face sculpt is a bit goofy but it's a great model otherwise.

Talking of great sculpts:

I do like the way Storm defies gravity.

I had planned to do her white outfit but, in the end, this felt better

And as I was working in Blacks... Black Bolt!

Goofy model, but great base.

No interest in the Inhumans generally, but I figured it was a good idea to get another Leader done so I can get them on to the table at some point.

And finally, Venom:

The official sculpt, as opposed to my printed version. Really boring sculpt, tbh, so went for a different style of painting.

And a comparison with my printed one:

We Are Venom!

Ms Marvel is probably next, just taking time with her. Beast, with all his blues, will probably get done at the same time.

Payday today, so going to grab a couple more bits for my enforcers I think. Mind you, do I really need more toys
Hey ho,

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/26 13:15:55

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wow, that's a batch of excellently painted dynamic sculpts. Good on ya graven. Very well done!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/28 21:48:58

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Wow, that's a batch of excellently painted dynamic sculpts. Good on ya graven. Very well done!

Thanks my friend. And your yellow advice has been put to good use! There's a lot more a coming...

With general lack of storage, really trying to push through the marvel heap. First, one of my absolute favourite characters: Beast!

Loved him as a kid, and Kelsey Grammer was excellent as him even if X3 was otherwise appalling. Hence the slightly dog-eared copy of Self-Help by Dr F. Crane

I'm very happy with how he turned out, ultimately.

And in anticipation of the start of June, Ms Marvel:

And you can't have Ms Marvel without having her EMBIGGEN!

And a side by side

Cracking sculpt. Getting the skin tone right was hellish. I think it's a reflection of the fact that whilst there's plenty of paints for Caucasian fleshtones there's a real dearth for others [/rant] so applied some of the logic for how I tackled Storm's with a lot of blending.

Need to do a major reorganization, the board games are taking over...

Not that I'm complaining

The monster Scenery stuff is very nice, great quality pre painted scenics.

Particularly good for moonstone and other fantasy skirmish. I really the double sided neoprene although it's a bit wee for its box so ends up slightly curled.

Had a great couple of days with the kids (had a day off yesterday) tried out transformers Deck Building - not especially innovative, but a lot of fun - and the final Star Wars Unlock scenario which was good if a bit TOO obscure at times. Speaking of Star wars, enjoyed Kenobi. Didn't think it was outstanding, would've been tighter as a movie, but enjoyable nonetheless. A jaunt to the Lego store and Spiderman No Way Home rounded out a very nice weekend all in all. Hopefully get a bit more paint on the remaining mutants tomorrow, too. And then, who knows, maybe tackle the backlog... Doubt it though

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/28 23:16:42

Post by: Paradigm

Nice work on Dr. McCoy. I'm one of the few who unironically just enjoyed X3, but yeah, he was superbly cast and it's a shame we never saw more of him other than the cameo at the end of DoFP.

Kamala looking good too.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/29 06:36:42

Post by: Viterbi

Great stuff, the Enforcers look good, although not a big fan of the sculpts. But a lot more Marvel goodness and I love the colors on Ms. Marvel they fit perfectly. And I feel you on skin tones, tried some time ago on a few unlucky ETB guardsmen. I kinda managed mediterranean, but one just looked like a zombie

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/29 10:39:42

Post by: Olthannon

Really good work on the marvel minis. It must be nice to paint up totally different models with different colour schemes.

How is Wingspan? My wife and I got it for Christmas and have yet to give it a go!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/30 18:37:19

Post by: Gitsplitta

You nailed Beast graven! Great work!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/31 10:11:21

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:Nice work on Dr. McCoy. I'm one of the few who unironically just enjoyed X3, but yeah, he was superbly cast and it's a shame we never saw more of him other than the cameo at the end of DoFP.
Kamala looking good too.

Many thanks amigo!

Viterbi wrote:Great stuff, the Enforcers look good, although not a big fan of the sculpts. But a lot more Marvel goodness and I love the colors on Ms. Marvel they fit perfectly. And I feel you on skin tones, tried some time ago on a few unlucky ETB guardsmen. I kinda managed mediterranean, but one just looked like a zombie

Now that I have a system, it's pretty straightforward: VJ air mahogany base, then 50/50 mahogany and flat flesh, working up through highlights. No, I have mixed feelings about Enforcers, but they're better than the old sculpts :/
Olthannon wrote:Really good work on the marvel minis. It must be nice to paint up totally different models with different colour schemes.
How is Wingspan? My wife and I got it for Christmas and have yet to give it a go!

It is, and the blocks of colour lend themselves to relatively quick work. Wingspan is without doubt the best game we've played all year. The copy in the pic is actually for my Summer Giveaway (you heard it here first folks) on Big Comic Page blog. It's beautiful to look at, mechanically intuitive but deeply complex. It's an extraordinary game, one that's only further enhanced by its expansions. European species more familiar to me so I have more affection for it (and its end of round mechanics are a very good addition too) but Oceania is objectively a better expansion in terms of mixing up the game play with new player boards, flightless birds and resources.

Gitsplitta wrote:You nailed Beast graven! Great work!

Thanks pal. Ultimately, it's all your fault for making me push myself and learn wet blending back in the day.

I do find that I get in strange colour... ruts, for want of a better term. I'm a bit stuck in purple right now, for instance:

Medusa, Queen of the Inhumans.
No real interest in the character but I do love a redhead.

Her hair entangles opponents, which translates mechanically to lots of board control. Got nerfed but is still very good.

And with her beloved.

And more purple with the mighty Magneto:

I had a bit of a headache with his metal tokens but think they turned out ok.

I do love a bit of cape work. Must be why I love Lando Calrisian

Fairly determined to finish the X-Men roster so that leaves another killer couple, Cyclops and Jean Grey

Their yellows were done using the pink method in the end to get that really gaudy, retro feel.

Doggedly trying to get through the Marvel. A *lot* of black coming next between remaining mutants and the Black Order... Another colour rut actually, it speeds things up without being the hell of unit painting.

But speaking of units, got some kitbashes done for my Enforcers.

Damn, I had forgotten how nasty old first gen Mantic plastics are. Rocket launchers, well, 2 with metal arm sets are official but were hellish to assemble. The other (primed plastic) is converted from a jetbike launcher, two different arms and an extra hand. Their leader has an new style head to distinguish him from other rifle dudes. The guy in the middle was a happy accident, they've not re-released the fusion gun for the current edition, but it came in my poorly listed eBay haul (with the 2 rocket launchers, as opposed to 4) so now my Assault Enforcers have a scary-as infantry template weapon. And the other 5 are Defenders, using the leftover shields from Peacekeepers and chopped down old style rifles as combat shotguns. So good savings and more units - lots of win. I mean they probably won't help me win a GAME but still might try to paint up one of these units for this month's dakka painting contest (Dogsbodies) but I do have the agents of SHIELD and The Hand to do also... We'll see

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/31 12:48:19

Post by: Gitsplitta

LOL! The "red-head disease" is rampant amongst my friends. Luckily I am free of it, but then that leaves more gingers for you brain damaged lot...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/05/31 13:08:04

Post by: Paradigm

Scott and Jean are literally blasting the 90s theme into my brain, so mission accomplished! Going to have to find an excuse to try that yellow method, it looks sublime.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/04 21:34:49

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:LOL! The "red-head disease" is rampant amongst my friends. Luckily I am free of it, but then that leaves more gingers for you brain damaged lot...

Well, living in Scotland has its advantages... Anyway, been there, done that, as it were, long ago. just celebrated being with the wife for 19 years in fact. Frightening.
Paradigm wrote:Scott and Jean are literally blasting the 90s theme into my brain, so mission accomplished! Going to have to find an excuse to try that yellow method, it looks sublime.

Cheers bro, very much appreciated It's up on my insta for Wednesday @sam.graven
Been a little quiet here, although we've been off for the long weekend a bug has been working through the house, all the signs point to Omicron. Still, we've worked through it.

Because it has become something of habit, somehow... More Marvel! Starting with my favourite villainous couple, Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight.

Do not get me started on how poorly they were used in the MCU [/rant]

I feel that painting the Black Order is a bit like the Wise Woman sketch from Blackadder II: There are 2 things you must know, one, she is wise... That being said, I enjoyed the various black shades and contrasting with the NMM weapons. And finishing the Black Order for now, Elon Musk, I mean, Ebony Maw:

Creepy wee scumbag.

And a group shot

Still got Black Dwarf to do before we get Black Swan and Supergiant (oh and of course Thanos).

Next, the remaining mutants, starting with a couple of clones: X-23 and Honey Badger, aka Wolverine's not-daughters.

X-23/ Laura looks really severe, which I love, and Gabrielle is TINY! She's like 28mm! It's crazy. Fun to do, if very fragile.

Finishing off the Inhumans. First up, Crystal:

I don't know squat about Crystal

I enjoyed painting her with osl though

And Lockjaw.

He's a good boy

What is a glorious sculpt, it just screams DOG!

And a bit of X Factor, I mean X Force, starting with Domino.

In retrospect, I wish I'd done Domino in Deadpool movie style with vitiligo.

And, Cable

Ah, the dimension hopping, teleporting murder machine:

For Cable I really wanted to channel that whole man out of time, wanderer vibe.

Plus to me Cable has to be in his colours from the Onslaught saga.

Love his energy shelf. I am very fond of him, even wrote my own comic as a kid that totally ripped him off

Had a great game of Firefight against the elder spawn's Asterians, so, the two most Elite armies in the game facing off (I mean it's SM vs Eldar, essentially).

1000 points with small corner deployments, 6 Objectives worth bonus points at the end of the game - a bloodbath scenario, basically. I ran a squad each of Enforcer Operatives, Assault Enforcers (electing for a large squad of each, rather than my usual 2 small squads), Peacekeepers, Jetbikes with missile launchers and Enforcer Snipers, 2 of Pathfinders with DOGGs, and a Command of Peacekeeper Captain, Enforcer Captain, Forward Observer (with Snipers), and Pathfinder Sergeant - throwing out a huge amount of Command points, basically, which was key as it also got me first turn.

He was running 2 squads each of Marionettes and Cyphers, 1 of Sky Bikes, Black Talons, Kalyshi, Cypher Specialists, Phantom and Weapon Drones, along with Black Talon Prime, Kalyshi commander and an Overseer with Command Drone - still quite a lot of command dice, plus the numerical advantage in terms of troop units (which is generally a good thing). We used a mix of Mantic Deadzone and Monster Scenics pre-painted scenery, which gave us a range of cover and heights, without cluttering up the battlefield.

The Snipers and Pathfinders were able to advance setup with Scout which meant they were able to get right into his face, immediately taking out his heavy weapon drones (much to his annoyance). I generally popped area effect command abilities early on to buff the army as a whole, throwing out rerolls to hit, be hit and damage, which he found very frustrating. He tends to rush and over-commit, relying on Energy Shields rather than using cover to his advantage and holding back his reserves to deploy at the end of the turn so I can't murder them immediately (which, alas, I did). He is also still a bit reactive, targeting units that have already activated rather than taking down ones that have yet to do so. We talk a lot of tactics as we play, he's definitely improving but by the end of the first turn it was pretty grim for the roger-rogers, and tabled by the second (though he did take out a quarter of my force, namely the jetbikes, snipers and pathfinder squads).

Really fun game, and solidifies my feeling that I enjoy playing them as an elite long range army; where some folk like to play the same "feel" of army in every game, I'm the opposite: I like armies to feel distinct, to keep the game fresh. They're certainly a contrast to playing Nurgle/Death Guard in WH (ok, so they're similar to one another, but that's a financial decision ) or even Veer-myn in Deadzone. Keeping the Assault Unit in the back field was very wise - Enforcers aren't really designed to be a melee army, but that discourages outflankers. I had a mantic voucher so have ordered the online exclusive Enforcer Sergeant for the price of postage, and I'll certainly pick up a couple of pathfinder monocycles (sniper bikers), as they're up for pre-order, maybe the big flyer and the combi pack of 5 more Peacekeepers and a squad of Pathfinders (who knew scouts would end up being my favourite unit in the game?) when we go down to Mantic HQ in July; if I can grub up some Mantic points I'll maybe try to grab a couple of the promos. I also picked up the rules digitally, they're only a tenner this month so it's a no-brainer.

We also got some other gaming in, breaking out the Big Box of Carcassonne (with all 11 expansions); went for River, Inns and Cathedrals and got royally stomped by my kids we also started Sinister Motives, the new campaign for Marvel Champions, with the new character packs, Ironheart and Nova. Ironheart is great, everything Iron Man should be. Nova is... Not. Slow deck, low power, pre-build doesn't work. Really frustrating, as he's clearly meant to be a Justice deck rather than Aggression. I'll likely switch him and Miles Morales round.

Next up, Black Dwarf is sitting on my desk, and then I've got just over a fortnight to do Potter stuff, Harry on buckbeak and Luna on thestral, for gifts. I'm trying to get through stuff before my birthday in 3 weeks as there's often some plastic in the offing there Just 6 marvel minis built and ready to go left, but I'm looking at Nick Fury and the Agents of Shield for this month's dakka contest (Underdogs) which are still on sprue. Decisions, decisions...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/05 20:02:48

Post by: aku-chan

Lockjaw! Yay!
You're continuing to do a really good job on all that Marvel stuff.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/07 08:30:50

Post by: inmygravenimage

aku-chan wrote:Lockjaw! Yay!
You're continuing to do a really good job on all that Marvel stuff.


Thanks man. I am really pleased to be pushing through it all... especially with the new releases I have to get on with the Harry Potter stuff next though, as I've only got a fortnight till their birthday. But, in the meantime, last of the black order: Black Dwarf, or Cull Obsidian as he is in the MCU

Skin tone was tricky. The official paint is very green-toned but the classic art is much more brown. So, I went with a compromise.

Similarly, all that black cloth and black metal hurt my head. Still, in the end, not bad.

Particularly happy with the NMM on the left shoulder. Excuse the pic dump, but he's ended up being one of my favourite models I've painted lately.

And as a group.

They've actually got me excited for Crisis Protocol as a GAME again
Lovely long weekend, all in all. A big project has also been set in motion, I've been asked to design a card game by an indy comic publisher. Can't say too much yet, but it's potentially very exciting. I mean how often do you get the chance to create something from the ground up in that way? So it'll probably be a hand-drafter, as that's what I fancy creating.
Onwards, if not upwards. Small person not sleeping. But hey, sleep is for the weak, right? RIGHT?!?!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/07 16:26:00

Post by: Camkierhi

That fells is a head swap away from being a half tidy orc nob!

Great work.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/10 08:27:57

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:That fells is a head swap away from being a half tidy orc nob!
Great work.

Dat's a lot of teef for a new noggin' Mind you, I could do with a Mekboy to upgrade me, I think. I need a new foot! I broke a couple of toes on Tuesday by walking into the door of the man-cave and have been hobbling about ever since.

What have I been working on? Only one thing, but it's a big time consuming thing. Well, two. But only one is finished, so far:

It's gifting season. A work colleague has just got engaged, bought a house with her partner and is turning 30, so giving them a couple of geeky gifts (they are massive HP fans).

This is one of the newest KM casts and the material is fantastic. I hated their rubbery resin (failcast by any other name) but the new black plastic/resin hybrid stuff is really, really good. Crisp but not brittle, holds tiny detail, not to bad for casting lines and fairly easy to attack with a knife if need be.

I had to build up the base with gs as the water is about 50mm diameter and their standard large base is 60mm. I mean why they couldn't have just made a 60mm plinth for it is beyond me but still.

I maybe need to gs the join of the left wing a wee bit. There was a fair bit of gapping generally but nothing like a bad on the Thestral, which is the other part of the gift (the pal in question bears a striking resemblance to Luna, and her other half is tall, dark and with glasses...)
Other things in the WIP stages, other than the Thestral (which I should finish over the weekend) are Sin and some Moonstone figures. The current painting contest is Underdogs and I'm increasingly thinking a few scrappy, unlikely fantasy characters might be the way to go.
A quiet weekend, not as planned - was supposed to be driving across the country with the elder spawn to the National Lego Robotics finals (he's team captain, they've already won the regionals) but can't comfortably drive for more than about 20 minutes. Hopefully will get Luna finished, maybe Sin for MCP (there was a bit of a red spillage doing Harry's robes, so she was a logical choice) and then onto a bit o' Moonstone, I think.
Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/11 14:29:01

Post by: inmygravenimage

Right! Just stopping by briefly... Thestral:

Ended up really enjoying this

I used VJ Cayman Green for the base colour and delighted with the result.

Getting the hair right was tricky but I think it's there.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/12 07:05:52

Post by: Camkierhi

Great work, hope the foot feels better.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/13 10:39:03

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Great work, hope the foot feels better.

Well, it's not dropped off Thanks my friend.

Some more standard fair. I should be painting Underdogs for the monthly contest but instead we have some... Marvelous distractions

Black Widow in her most recent outing outfit. Movie was a bit iffy but not awful.

SHIELD logo turned out well, I think. She's a bit overpriced in game but I imagine I'll still throw in her into Shield teams.

Slightly different angle, better view of the face. She's a nice sculpt even if she feels slightly big (even for 40mm).

And continuing with Avengers, the mighty Vision!

Could I take a decent photo of him? Could I buggery?

I'm such a sucker for a cape.

And some more lethal ladies, but of the other stripe, with the Lady Sin

Red Skull's daughter. Apparently.

Fun to paint, though.

And Viper, her venomous sidekick

Lovely sculpt, really happy with the face, still totally failing to take decent photos.

She's so green she's SUPER green (internet cookie if you get that reference).

Moonstone painting is actually happening, just slowly as their so detailed. Progress, perhaps, later in the week.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/13 11:11:33

Post by: Paradigm

You're smashing this stuff as usual, but I especially like what you did with the Thestral, it looks wonderfully ethereal.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/16 09:55:43

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:You're smashing this stuff as usual, but I especially like what you did with the Thestral, it looks wonderfully ethereal.

Most kind old son.
Just a wee check-in (bokbok). For being the last week or so of term, work is astonishingly busy. Exam board stuff, mostly. Still.

This month's dakka painting contest is Underdogs, so I've decided to do some Moonstone townsfolk, starting with Agatha, Tavern Frau (though that really should be frauline).

She is a brilliant support piece in game, giving your troops Dutch courage whilst getting the enemy blind drunk. Nightmare to photograph though.

I've got a few more of them to do, so I should make a fair showing. But they are VERY time consuming as they are so beautifully detailed, which means other distractions are required: I've been building more Moonstone and Thanos for MCP, gap filling Hulk (there's green stuff, and then there's ironic green stuff) and starting to vaguely think about summer game plans.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/16 10:00:57

Post by: JoshInJapan

Your MCP models are lovely as always, but those dynamic poses must make them a bear to photograph.

Agatha looks great-- the feathered hat (?) is particularly nice.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/16 10:46:14

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:Your MCP models are lovely as always, but those dynamic poses must make them a bear to photograph.

Agatha looks great-- the feathered hat (?) is particularly nice.

Thanks amigo. Yes, indeed they do Cheers, also, re: Agatha. Feathered hats are very much a feature of Commonwealth humans as a (sub)faction, much to my annoyance as you can see from the state of my workbench:

Gertrude (lass with blunderbuss) and Kaufman (fat merchant) proving my point there, though the others not so much along with Old Cadders (older guy with sword) Quack (Alchemist) and Tabby (lethal Librarian) that'll give me 6 to choose from, 7 if I get Fritz (the Landschneckt chap) done. Don't think Beast or Tubby the faun really qualify for Underdogs

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/17 11:59:50

Post by: inmygravenimage

Another wee addition to the Marvel horde.

Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car.

I rather rate Winter Soldier's revisions. That R5 gun is not to be sniffed at.

Flesh as highlight for red is the business.
Built Elektra and Shadowlands Daredevil, who'll I'll paint as Daredevil Yellow given the sad news about Tim Sale

Pretty much done for the term with the work. Stumbling towards the holidays...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/17 12:55:21

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wow, I'm so far behind. Love the gal on the nightmare especially. Great work on the edge highlighting and her hair as well.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/17 20:04:14

Post by: inmygravenimage

^ lost in rollover chief!
Thanks, I really enjoyed doing the Thestral.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/21 10:48:49

Post by: inmygravenimage

Plodding along as work winds down, finally. Father's Day weekend was very busy with kid stuff, not much hobby done. But June is a strangely quiet month.
Still, a couple more MCU models whilst I steadily work on my Moonstone stuff. Speaking of which, the amount of release agent they use on their resin is a real pain. I've been caught out a couple of times, having to strip and reprime. Not as bad, however, as the previous generation of KM resin which rubbery AND oily. Ugh.

Anyway, something similar yet different: The Hulk!

As I've painted one before, I decided to take a different tack and lean into a more comic aesthetic. May not have been entirely successful, but an interesting experiment nonetheless.

So much gap filling Busied up the base a bit too. Bottle detail is a reference to the Edward Norton Hulk movie. And, continuing with the Avengers...

The bow string was added with a paperclip.

Talking of SHIELD, my original plan for this month's was dakka painting challenge was MCU Grunts (Shield/Hood)... so maybe it will be them after all:

Gravity-defying sculpts. Surprisingly easy to build.
On we go

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/23 05:54:42

Post by: Viterbi

Those HP minis look amazing, what a great gift!

Those new Moonstone minis look fun.

And as much as I love the Shield agents I loath the rope coming out of nothing. But still excited to see them painted.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/24 15:47:58

Post by: Theophony

Happy B-Day Graven.

Models are looking Smashing

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/26 16:25:05

Post by: inmygravenimage

Viterbi wrote:Those HP minis look amazing, what a great gift!
Those new Moonstone minis look fun.
And as much as I love the Shield agents I loath the rope coming out of nothing. But still excited to see them painted.

The rope is very divisive. Me, I quite like it. But I know there's more hate than love out there for it.
Moonstone minis are lovely but the level of detail is nuts and I'm reaching a point where I'm just done with resin other than what I print myself. Life's too short.
The HP gifts, I'm reliably informed, are now in pride of place.
Theophony wrote:Happy B-Day Graven.
Models are looking Smashing

Thanks man I appreciate both sentiments. Birthday was pretty... crappy tbh, at least the day itself. Not end of the world but just a bit rubbish. End of term but childcare fell through so couldn't hang out with colleagues for lunch and despite elder spawn's best efforts (he's a brilliant kid, baked a cake, made dinner) other 2 kids were hellish, dog got into nerd cave and destroyed a pile of bases, scatter and civilian minis, wife was feeling under the weather so crashed out by 9... Yeah. Not great. I mean I got awesome, thoughtful loot and I know it sounds ungrateful but we kinda have this rule about birthdays being really important in our house and, honestly, it all just went to crud.

Saturday was amazing. Birthday 2.0.
I got some painting done ... Possibly by having a little strop and insisting on having Saturday morning to myself.
And played games with the kids (penguin peril, ticket to ride, love letter infinity gauntlet) had brilliant food (scottish-italian), drank wonderful booze (beer and wine, Italian, whisky, both Speyside and Islay single malts), and ended watching Top Gun and McCartney's Glasto set (class). Then Sunday had a hangover, a lie in, made eggs, threw a joint of pork in the slow cooker, played Dune Imperium then went to see Maverick. Bloody great.

Anyway, in terms of painting decided to take a bash at getting through my Moonstone backlog, partly for this month's dakka contest but also just got the urge. So, starting with some Leshavult, the faerie tale creatures and their ilk.

Tubbs the faun. I don't really play fauns as a (sub)faction but there are some fun minis.

Cute model, just the right side of Chibi for my taste.

And The Beast.

He's a beauty... As it were.

And I've sorted out my entry for this month's painting contest, The Underdogs:

Quack the Alchemist, Kauffman the Merchant, Old Cadders (with his onions), Tabby the Librarian and Agatha, Tavern Frau.

And some detail shots

Quack, deranged alchemist

Old Cadders

Always love the idea of the old soldier returning to the field (but love his onions also!)

Kauffman the Merchant:

He might be my favourite tbh.

Tabby the Librarian

Years of doing purity seals proved their worth:

You need to appreciate Tabby's wee minion also.

I also painted up Gertrude, Faerie Hunter. However, she didn't quite fit the theme as she's less an underdog taking up arms and more an opportunistic murderess.

And finally on a whim painted another excellent alien for Core Space

What's next? Well, birthday was deliberately Miniature-free as I have such a backlog but I think some more core space, amongst other things, and there's enforcers, a couple of bits still for Marvel... So, plenty to keep me busy but as we rock into July there will be mostly board gaming to be done with the spawn. Hard life, eh?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/27 19:19:10

Post by: Theophony

Well, sorry the Birthday 1.0 was a let down, but sounds like there was a decent rebound.

I concur on the Top Gun: Maverick, Not a huge Cruz fan, but he was great and the story was centered around him, but not focused on him.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/28 03:48:09

Post by: Gitsplitta

So many models....

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/28 22:42:59

Post by: inmygravenimage

Theophony wrote:Well, sorry the Birthday 1.0 was a let down, but sounds like there was a decent rebound.

I concur on the Top Gun: Maverick, Not a huge Cruz fan, but he was great and the story was centered around him, but not focused on him.

Yeah the movie was a lot better than I anticipated, and not completely predictable. And on balance it was an excellent Birthday Weekender, so I'll take that.
Gitsplitta wrote:So many models....

... so little time?
How about something inspired by the flyboys, then?

It's a big bugger.

There's frankly more freehand here than I'm entirely comfortable with.

I think the logo could do with a bit of tidying still. I'm pleased with the numbers (D-11, which doesn't stand for anything, was just what I was prepared to freehand) and very happy with the windows, which were inspired by the dome on Dr H's excellent Robbie the Robot.

The red accents have cropped a few times over the years and appear in toy lines; I think it breaks up the wall of black (well, and very dark grey).

And of course the scale shot, with the assembled Avengers. Speaking of assembly it was... Ok. Done some GS filling, not all, as you can probably see. But for a static piece of terrain, I'll live.

Rounding out June, a little bit more Moonstone, in the form of the mighty Fritz.

I love his classic landschneckt vibe combined with the generally crazy moonstone aesthetic.

He's just great, and a total killing machine in game (assuming he's not drunk, which is a great scenario). This takes me to just over a mini a day, which frankly I didn't expect to achieve this month. Still, nice to get to, and takes me to 270 for the year at the halfway mark. I'm pushing on through my backlog, though I'm aware that the new Hellboy KS is going to turn up soon and then I'm SCREWED Need to break the back of my core space crews. I find I've no urge to start DC stuff, weirdly... Maybe it's just the quality of the marvel minis. But I'm determined to get some serious board and card gaming over the next fortnight, as we have a lot to work through. We've started Lotr LCG, as that was a birthday gift, enjoyable straight out of the gate but it's a big sprawling mess of content to explore. We're also playing Infinity Gauntlet Love Letter, which is maddening (like, impossible to beat) but very good, Takenoko (grow bamboo, look after panda) and Bagh-chal, the ancient Tibetan asymmetric game of Tigers and Goats. We're off on our hols soon, it's going to be weird not painting, or indeed posting, much. Hopefully get a good rest though.
Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/06/29 11:23:13

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wow, I think you did a fantastic job on the window graven. I'm very impressed. Nice job all-round.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/01 09:57:52

Post by: aku-chan

Nice work on all the Moonstone stuff, but that Quinjet is awesome! Particularly that fantastic bit of SENMM on the windscreen.

Also super jealous of your output once again! I only managed a pair of minis last month

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/01 20:35:10

Post by: JoshInJapan

The windows on the Quinjet are, indeed, fantastic. I also love Fritz's 5 o'clock shadow.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/04 08:51:44

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Wow, I think you did a fantastic job on the window graven. I'm very impressed. Nice job all-round.

Thanks buddy, I followed Dr H's advice to the letter.
aku-chan wrote:Nice work on all the Moonstone stuff, but that Quinjet is awesome! Particularly that fantastic bit of SENMM on the windscreen.
Also super jealous of your output once again! I only managed a pair of minis last month

All output is good output. Whatever keeps you sane (well, ish). Hadn't heard SENMM before but now I've looked it up, many thanks! It has a very 80s album cover vibe

JoshInJapan wrote:The windows on the Quinjet are, indeed, fantastic. I also love Fritz's 5 o'clock shadow.

Thanks! He's been at Agatha's ale again I wasn't going to mention that I'd tried to do that as wasn't sure it looked like it was even there but now I feel very reassured

So I'll be starting July with the month's dakka contest, We Are Legion, and more Enforcers!

Defender squad, kitbashed from left over bits, along with the promo sergeant. They're currently primed, and I'm off to Mantic in a couple of weeks so may get even more. Huzzah !
There's also 3 heavy enforcers, 1 of whom is also a kitbash. As the rule of 5 is lifted currently a mix of grey and black priming.

No other progress to speak of, playing lots of board / card games. As well as a range of old favourites, such as Fluxx and Marvel Mayhem, we tried out Batman: Everybody Lies. This story-driven deduction game places you in the heart of Gotham, trying to solve a series of mysteries and presenting Commissioner Gordon with enough evidence to crack cases legitimately.

I love the way Everybody Lies makes you assemble a comic, feeling like a cross between an Escape Room and Cluedo. However, it's very wordy - there's a lot of reading, which does make it feel like a story but interferes with the pace as a multiplayer. It would actually almost be better as a solo game, but again this is also a weakness: you really want to be playing as Batman, not one of the assorted minor characters - Catwoman (who functions as Batman to all intents and purposes) Vicki Vale, Harvey Bullock, or Warren Spacey (could they have picked a more obscure character?) I think on balance I preferred Unlock as an IP / app driven experience. I love the Animated art style but that just reinforces that you should be the Dark Knight Detective. The app (well, interactive html) doesn't really add anything that couldn't be done through cards, and this could have all been condensed into more panel-style play to make something more unique. As it is, it's a slightly uncomfortable mishmash.
Going to play some Escape the Dark Sector next I think, now we've got all the expansions.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/10 10:16:28

Post by: Camkierhi

All looking exciting and awesome.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/17 07:19:09

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:All looking exciting and awesome.

Thanks man. Much appreciated.

Having a few weeks off dakka, or more accurately off P&M. Partly, simply being away - good week and a half at the other end of the country. Then, a road trip with my boys to Mantic - awesome, private tour and everything, proper Wizard behind the curtain stuff - and Warhammer World which was likewise glorious. Then work being done on the house, so man cupboard entirely out of action.

But, also, a choice. Not feeling hobby pressure generally good. Dakka is a self imposed pressure, sometimes, but still a pressure nonetheless, as is Insta. So instead, I've stepped back, playing a lot of board and card games, and generally chilling. I'll be back soon, but there's no rush.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/17 18:56:24

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wonderful to hear graven, enjoy!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/23 16:54:48

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Wonderful to hear graven, enjoy!

Thanks my friend.

So, a little update. Head is a little messy but generally better.

I decided to bash through the remaining Enforcers for this month's dakka contest, We are legion. So. Heavy Squad:

Assault Specialist (the gun) and Sgt Howlett, Enforcer promo character:

Ooh. Metal. Old school lol. Both very good in game, both oop.

Howlett adds 2 black command dice to your pool, hence the shoulder logos.
And kitbash Defender squad.

I'm so happy with these as they are literally built out of leftover scrap and got the Mantic seal of approval too

And as a group.

As quick and dirty paint jobs, they do fine.

Onto other things, started on my Garbage Truck for MCP:

More windshield fun

Coming along.

Starting to get back into the groove. But not going to feel pressured.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/23 23:05:34

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wow graven, you are becoming the window master!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/24 08:27:38

Post by: Viterbi

Amazing windshield, but I would have a word with the driver, keeping them so sparkly clean, but not caring for the rest of the truck

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/25 02:43:17

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nice work on the Enforcers. Very business-like colors. I have a soft spot for the old restic ones-- I picked up the Army deal when it was first released, and I find their details crisper than the newer plastics.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/25 08:59:54

Post by: Camkierhi

Love the truck. Nice job on your back end.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/25 20:19:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Wow graven, you are becoming the window master!

Thanks buddy. Debated adding a swinging spider in the reflection... Probably a bad idea Maybe in the next one

Viterbi wrote:Amazing windshield, but I would have a word with the driver, keeping them so sparkly clean, but not caring for the rest of the truck

I enjoy the ironic contrast

JoshInJapan wrote:Nice work on the Enforcers. Very business-like colors. I have a soft spot for the old restic ones-- I picked up the Army deal when it was first released, and I find their details crisper than the newer plastics.

Thanks man, yeah, my plan was very much gear the scheme towards practical urban/Deadzone warfare. I know what you mean generally about the older sculpts: I picked up the Monocycles and resin Captain at Mantic too, so they'll be fun. I'm really looking forward to getting my force on the table again. Couple of weeks of holidays left with the kids, and Firefight, MCP and Moonstone are all on the agenda.
Camkierhi wrote:Love the truck. Nice job on your back end.

filth! * Thanks mate.

And so, with that, finished off the Garbage Truck:

I am very pleased with how this has turned out.

I really do like the contrast of the shiny window and crusty filth and scrapes.

And also did the tanker

Does bug me that you only get one flatbed. Need to get one or print one of something. Hmm.

Next, more MCP I think: Supergiant and Black Swan (the OTHER daughters of Thanos) are likely candidates. Good to be getting back in the habit

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/25 21:25:59

Post by: Gitsplitta

That's phenomenal work on the weathering of the chewed up truck. Tanker looks fantastic too. I think the idea of doing reflections of the superheroes in the windows is a fantastic idea!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/27 04:55:56

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

That freehand

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/28 19:24:01

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:That's phenomenal work on the weathering of the chewed up truck. Tanker looks fantastic too. I think the idea of doing reflections of the superheroes in the windows is a fantastic idea!

Troublemaker many thanks. Texture paints are useful for things other than basing, it turns out.
Kid_Kyoto wrote:That freehand

High praise indeed, and much appreciated. I guess I've spent too long looking at old Heavy Metal album covers
So, more MCP, as I try to clear the backlog before the next wave hits. First up, the OTHER daughters of Thanos:

Supergiant and Black Swan.

I like the Supergiant model more, on balance, and went for the hooded cape variant.

You know me. Love a cape.

I am not totally sold on the pose for Black Swan.

Still, enjoyed doing her. And I SUPPOSE as I've finished the Black Order, I really should tackle the big guy...

It was, on balance, inevitable.

Still working on my NMM technique.

Throne with its own base insert.

With his TRUE daughters.

Black order Group shot. Feels like good progress. Nick Fury, SHIELD agents, Daredevil, Elektra and The Hand all in the WIP pile at various stages, aiming for them to be done over the next few days.

Got some other games in too: a delightful print and play The Mariana Trench (dive your sub, collect undersea creatures, perform research), Cascadia (tile building game of natural environments and animals of the Pacific Northwest - really excellent, won Spiel Der jahres) and My Little Scythe (Scythe, but cute... And maybe even better).
Decided to offload my copy of Descent. It's only hit the table once, and there's many things I'd prefer to paint and/or play. Just going to give it to a mate who needs a boost.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/28 20:21:38

Post by: Gitsplitta

Your skills are really improving graven. That's great to see!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/28 20:34:08

Post by: Paradigm

Thanos looks appropriately awesome, love the muted blue Black Order grouo shot looks great too. Is Supergiant really tall, or is it just a trick of the perspective?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/28 20:55:44

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Your skills are really improving graven. That's great to see!

Most kind chum.
Paradigm wrote:Thanos looks appropriately awesome, love the muted blue Black Order grouo shot looks great too. Is Supergiant really tall, or is it just a trick of the perspective?

Cheers pal. She's pretty big, but in a floaty way.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Serves me right for not posting an obligatory scale shot

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/30 11:46:56

Post by: inmygravenimage

So... I changed my mind.

Legions of The Hand and SHIELD! I took the notion to do them. I was definitely inspired by some of the ways folk interpreted this month's painting contest to tackle it a different way, so these will be my entry, rather than the enforcers.

Hand Ninjas. Hi-ya, and so on.

Maria Hill and SHIELD agents. I know there's a lot of hate for the rope to nowhere but I'm a fan.

Nick and the Agents. Grunts are great!

Love a Cape

And... Ninjas!

I'm actually more sold on the Hand as a faction than SHIELD.

Defying gravity

I added a spare Nelson and Murdock sign from my second apartment block kit to the base.

Amazing sculpt.

So there we go. Not a massive amount of output for July, but plenty nonetheless.
Also tried out My Little Scythe - cute, might actually prefer to the full game - and Azul Summer Pavillion, which on balance is probably the best iteration of the game, more middle weight and less brutal than Queen's Garden whilst as accessible as the original.
Next, core space! Steadily trundling through the backlog
Only two weeks of holiday left but still time to get some more games on

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/30 13:14:23

Post by: Gitsplitta

Nice work graven.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/31 21:11:38

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Nice work graven.

Your unwavering support is as always appreciated old son.

Turns out... I wasn't quite done for the month.

Enforcer Arbiter-pattern gunship for Firefight, Warpath et al.

It's a cracking kit, and I decided to lean into a stealth bomber vibe with the scheme whilst still having bits of colour to match the rest of my Enforcers.

I usually hate flight stands but the totally clear base is a big improvement to the gw style. As you can see from the GCPS Commander, it's a big ol'

And, a little bit of Mantic scatter that I rescued from Mantic's carpark

So, that takes me to 24 for July, and nearly 300 for the year... That's more like it

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/07/31 21:50:15

Post by: Paradigm

That is one mean-looking aircraft, really menacing!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/02 14:42:21

Post by: aku-chan

You're still doing a great job on the Marvel stuff, love the garbage truck!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/02 18:17:19

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:That is one mean-looking aircraft, really menacing!

Cheers mate! They're fast and nasty in game, and I'm particularly fond of this big gun/ troop transport loadout over the bomber variant.

aku-chan wrote:You're still doing a great job on the Marvel stuff, love the garbage truck!

*bows* can't quite believe the love for that lowly garbage truck

Working on my entry for this month's dakka contest, Helping Hands

I've narrowed it down to the front row, I think. The alien prospector has 3 hands AND all the ones on its rig, so that's a... Helping hand. Stilts, the droid, is offering a hand... You get the idea

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/02 19:50:58

Post by: Captain Brown


Nice work on the legions of The Hand and SHIELD for the Monthly Painting Challenge.



Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/03 07:28:08

Post by: JoshInJapan

I like your Enforcer dropship a lot. I was torn between that and the Asterian vehicle during the first Firefight KS. I went with Asterians in the end, but have yet to get that far along. I don't play games much larger than skirmish level, so I rarely paint anything larger than a walker.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/03 10:00:28

Post by: Ragsta

Graven, is the belly pod on that oh so fiiiine Arbuter Gunship optional? I’m wondering if it could be swapped out for other cargo like options.

Loved the painting on that!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/03 17:40:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

Captain Brown wrote:inmygravenimage,
Nice work on the legions of The Hand and SHIELD for the Monthly Painting Challenge.

Thanks buddy, and thanks for swinging by!
JoshInJapan wrote:I like your Enforcer dropship a lot. I was torn between that and the Asterian vehicle during the first Firefight KS. I went with Asterians in the end, but have yet to get that far along. I don't play games much larger than skirmish level, so I rarely paint anything larger than a walker.

To be fair, your Asterians are stunning. My elder spawn picked up the Chira for his Asterians when we were at Mantic, they gave him the Warpath force box half price as it was the last of the old stock which was damned decent of them. I know what you mean about being mostly skirmish, it's just more convenient - we had plans for a big game of Firefight this week but the big table in the dining room is covered in all the Back to School stuff
Ragsta wrote:Graven, is the belly pod on that oh so fiiiine Arbuter Gunship optional? I’m wondering if it could be swapped out for other cargo like options.

Loved the painting on that!

Thanks, and welcome! It absolutely is, as well as having a fully detailed interior if you're so minded.
Although it's the Accuser, not the Arbiter - that's the heavy variant, which costs more £. Because more . Anyway, it can be built as the bomber variant, that's where the bomb racks go. So, easily cargo-able. However, take a look at Mantic's Hornet dropship for GCPS/Marauder. Also shiny and has more of a cargo pod vibe.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/06 19:54:25

Post by: inmygravenimage

Working on core space civilians this week for the monthly painting contest, Helping Hands, with the In The Line of Fire expansion.

And a bit of detail

Reporter, drone operator and filming drone from the Media team.

They can be an in-game irritant but have their uses glorifying your alien treasure hunting.

Prospectors, with extra hands for helping.

Again, can be a bother wandering around alien tombs looting or digging up samples but equally very good addition to your crew with a useful set of skills and unusual gear.

I've done a couple from Trading Post 5 also:

Wee not-jokaero chap. Handy mechanic, hangs out at the big trading post in campaign between missions. And, Stilts the droid. Stuff deteriorates really quickly in game so you need to stay on top of repairs.

Lots more Core Space on the way, including the crew of the Black Maria and other scurvy space scum. Loads of board gaming done too, including more Red Rising, and Terraforming Mars. Only a week left of the holidays but still, time for a bit more gaming I'll wager

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/07 15:52:21

Post by: Camkierhi

Really interesting sculpts, great job on the painting. Going to have to have look at these...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/07 18:08:00

Post by: inmygravenimage

Honestly core space has some of the most amazing generic sci-fi sculpts out there, both human and alien.

On my workbench right now. L-R civilians, gamers and agents from Trading Post 5, and the civilians and crews from the Ion Hope and the Black Maria from Core Space core game. Yes, they're PVC, so there are issues with mold lines and bendiness. But they're still fantastic minis, so evocative. The cardstock terrain is also excellent, though maybe a bit simplistic for a master such as yourself

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/14 01:54:47

Post by: Gitsplitta

They look good to me graven!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/16 17:18:41

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:They look good to me graven!

Thanks mate! They do the job, ultimately. They aim to misbehave, etc.

Been a slow few days, but been finishing off our boardgame stack.

So this summer i set a challenge for the elder spawn and myself: that by the end, we would have no unplayed games in the house 😁 granted anything unplayed might have met Mrs graven's
And so here's a breakdown:
(In no particular order)
1. Red Rising 🔴
2. Wingspan 🐦
3. My little Scythe 🍎💎
All 3 of these from Stonemaier games ! Definitely our new favourite boardgame publisher. And tbh Red Rising probably IS the winner overall though My Little Scythe is SUPER Kid friendly yet fiendishly tactical
4. Cascadia 🐺
5. Takenoko 🐼
6. The Mariana Trench 🐙
All great light to middle weight animal themed games for the whole family.
7. 7 Wonders Duel 🗡️⚔️ 🛡️🏛️📜 🍇🪨 the most vicious upper mid weight 2 player game out there.
8. Sinister Motives 🕷️ for Marvel Champions LCG still our favourite card game
9. Marvel Dice Throne 🎲 a sneaky new entry for lightweight fun even if I am RUBBISH at it
10. Top Gun 🏐 just wayyyy more fun than it should be 😁
Honourable mentions also to old favourites Railroad Ink (especially with Underground), Mint Cooperative, Brass Birmingham, Escape the Dark Sector, Marvel Villainous, FLUXX and DC Deck-building.

Let's also not forget the roleplaying fun of My Little Pony and Star Trek Adventures - and even tried out Multiversus on the Youngling's PS5!

So, it's not that p&m deliberately took a step into the background it's just... I'm freely taking advantage of a willing teenager while he's still at home and tolerates his old dad.

Meanwhile, I have also finished painting up all my Core Space. This was motivated by the dakka painting challenge, which is Helping Hands, so I need to pick 5... civilians (but hey, they're all scavengers of a sort) from this lot. I'd originally intended for just the Media Team/Prospectors, but might mix and match.

Nothing new here, just on a better backdrop and slightly tidied up.

Civilians! The alien in the middle is a contender. Street-Punk Girl is super shiny for some reason.

Crew of the Ion Hope from the base game. Their captain, with his hand out flat (and sneaky pistol in the other) is a maybe.

Crew of the Black Maria from the base game. Snazzy sculpts, but none I think fit the bill for the challenge except maybe the mechanic on the left.

The inhabitants of Trading Post 5, otoh, has LOADS of potential. Yeti, the wee dude with many arms, has many hands to help with

The droids also. I am particularly happy with the NED-B (Kenobi) paintjob.

So that's me. Back at work, back at the chalkface, back to dealing with other people's kids rather than my own

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/16 19:34:53

Post by: Captain Brown

Fine work there inmygravenimage.



Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/16 20:56:58

Post by: inmygravenimage

Many thanks CB. Some of them are fairly quick and dirty, others got more attention, entirely dependent on my mood and the sculpt - tbh, that translates as mostly the Trading Post 5 stuff, as the casting quality of it and the other new releases is just plain better.

Right now my top 5 are Gan'eek (the alien in the group of 3 civilians), XL (the yellow droid), Stilts (the red droid), Yeti (multi limbed small alien technician) and Bullworth (the big alien with the prospecting rig).

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/19 12:26:25

Post by: Gitsplitta

Glad you were able to enjoy so many new games with your boy graven. We just got our youngest settled at university 1400 miles to the west, while our oldest is over 900 miles to the east. Spend all the time with him you can.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/25 18:57:22

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Glad you were able to enjoy so many new games with your boy graven. We just got our youngest settled at university 1400 miles to the west, while our oldest is over 900 miles to the east. Spend all the time with him you can.

Wise words indeed. I mean our country is not.. quite as wide as yours, but I cherish the time with my various hellspawn.

'lo troops.
Back to school, quite busy, inevitably. Also, just not really had much inclination to paint, honestly. Having had very little storage space I've had to... compact myself somewhat. But I have plans, and have done a couple more bits for my Moonstone Leshavult, the Malachite Mystics.

Reagan, faun mystic. Lovely model, really tried to lean into the natural colour palette

Klaus, faun bellringer.

Lovely sculpt. Still not entirely sold on the fauns in game, but I imagine I'll eventually get the rest if only for the killer murder bunnies.

Next up, pirates, russian superheroes, Hellboy, and more Asgardians!

Oh, and if you do get a chance, please swing by my insta @sam.graven


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/27 00:47:03

Post by: Syro_

That's really great that you worked on playing all of your board games, and thanks for the overview about them. I'm looking forward to when I can play those kinds of games with my son.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/28 19:47:51

Post by: inmygravenimage

Syro_ wrote:That's really great that you worked on playing all of your board games, and thanks for the overview about them. I'm looking forward to when I can play those kinds of games with my son.

Cheers! It's a wonderful thing, to corrupt the youth My eldest is now a keen and very capable gamer - he regularly thrashes me at Marvel Dice Throne, and wins more often than not at DC Deck Building - like any of us, he has favourite games that tilt to his particular talents. We do need to do more Wargaming though (it's more a question of time and life than anything else), as it's the only way he's going to start beating me there too

Had a great time at Tabletop Scotland on Saturday, picked up Akropolis and murder bunnies for Moonstone, kids got themselves some D&D stuff. All good.

Feel like I'm settling back into the swing of things. So next up... MONKEY!

Powder Monkey for Moonstone (pirates sub-theme). Cos a deranged, drunken monkey with a bomb is clearly a brilliant plan

I'm looking forward to adding him with the Goblin Pirates. They need a friend after all

More Moonstone: Voth, the Eldritch and his Homunculus servant.

The Eldritch are kinda the Skeksis analog in Moonstone (they are the ones that are after the actual moonstones): ancient, powerful, sorcerous, devious, flashy and unknowable. Because it's much more whimsical that dark fantasy, though, I went for really bright colours (also as a contrast to his necrotic skin).

In game, he is the only model that counts as 2 figures in your troupe (of 6), and in fact can't be taken without his Homunculus (which is just a fragile wee familiar, really), so he's effectively half your army. Big risk: very brittle, but very powerful.

Fun with Osl

He's a cracker of a wee sculpt too.

Bit of detail on the Homunculus, referencing The Fate of Eric, the first narrative campaign

And lastly, Kavanagh, the Juggler

Probably the only Gnome that I like. Maybe cos he's evil.

Can't think what inspired the colour scheme

Plans are afoot for the next dakka contest. Was hoping for Snazzy, which would've been a horde of Asgardians, but I'll settle for Big Guns, as that still suits Skurge. Behold! My stuff However, I just might have to do some 40k, as that seems to be how to get the insta up, alas.

And I mentioned I got my Hellboy Big Box of Doom. So much pretty. I picked up the Drinking with Skeletons display piece also (and, in game, it is usable too!) as well as the Dice Game, which I got to design a card for (woo!)

32 for the month. Didn't think I'd beat more than one per day, but there you are.

So all in all, not bad. Not bad.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/29 01:09:46

Post by: Camkierhi

Lots of excellent sculpts, well done for the monthly total. The small sculpts are so interesting to me. The little companions and diminutive players are so good. Guess it's the grot in me!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/08/29 18:09:17

Post by: Gitsplitta

Incredible job on those goblins mate. Really cool.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/01 19:30:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Lots of excellent sculpts, well done for the monthly total. The small sculpts are so interesting to me. The little companions and diminutive players are so good. Guess it's the grot in me!

Thanks my friend. Moonstone is full of bonkers, whimsical wee sculpts.
Gitsplitta wrote:Incredible job on those goblins mate. Really cool.

You're too kind old son.

September begins with MCP - despite its gappiness and my refusal to fill - and remains a joy to paint.

Ursa Major - if you've seen Black Widow, he's the guy who arm wrestles Red Guardian in Prison - so, the first appearance of a mutant in the MCU (mebbe, who knows with all these retcons). I like the Winter Guard as a team but am utterly baffled as to why Omega Red ISN'T part of the team.

The sign is one I stole from the kids YEARS ago just waiting for the right base to go on. I loved doing his fur, I used a new AK medium drybrush that I treated myself to; a wonderful thing, highly recommended.

Continuing with the Winter Guard, Crimson Dynamo (with his very silly not darth vader hat)

And together:

Next project is a mini-dioramic base for Skurge:

Behold! My Stuff! So, he'll be on a standard 30mm (with some accessorizing) that can sit on a 60mm for display purposes/dakka contest. I've added twin assault rifles on his back (Warlord survivor ones I think, with the Vespa (which is pretty much in scale at 1/35) and more guns to follow on the 60mm. Continuing the Asgardian theme, I've also gone a wee bit dioramic for Heimdall:

A plastic £2 coin stolen from little miss, to create the bifrost "burn" mark.

And built Malekith. He's a big bugger.

The bog tiger is suitably bonkers and the whole thing just screams off the page - it's almost a Heavy Metal, Frank Franzetta vibe to the sculpt. It's genuinely a fair price for the massive figure: with its dynamic pose and dioramic base it feels as much a statuette as a miniature.

Finally, I've started Vespa for Moonstone:

Rainbow wasp scheme planned. Wish me luck...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/01 20:02:55

Post by: Gitsplitta

I love that bear!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/02 11:45:47

Post by: aku-chan

Great job on the bear!

That little wasp rider looks like it's going to be a nightmare to work on.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/06 07:48:56

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:I love that bear!

It's such a great mini. I would love them to make a bit more effort with the bases though, especially for the 40mm.

aku-chan wrote:Great job on the bear!
That little wasp rider looks like it's going to be a nightmare to work on.

Gee thanks lol I can't help but think I've bitten off more than I can chew

But, I've been away at Vespa, the rainbow wasp and neon faerie.

I think I'm happy with them.

The transitions on the thorax were hard but I'm still pleased.

The iridescent effect on the wings was done with layered inks.

Don't know if it was entirely successful but it was interesting experiment.

Pretty snazzy, I think.

Also finished the Dominion Pirates

Peggy the pirate Lass

And Swash, with his buckler

Rushed pics. Still, that's all my moonstone painted other than promo Diana and the murder bunnies 🐰 🐰 🐰 wonder which will be first

Snagged Core Space - Wanted: Dead or Alive for a steal off eBay (under a tenner, less than half price) -Bounty Hunters and Auxiliaries (support droids and beasties). Adds loads of options for fleshing out any crew, it's been on my list for a while (but I'm just not willing to pay full price) so very pleased with the bargain.

Anyway, back to MCP next, I think I'm going to GS Red Guardian a beard and tackle Malakith on his giant heavy metal bat tiger
Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/06 14:00:33

Post by: Gitsplitta

You did an absolutely lovely job with the plates on the abdomen. I think the color of the thorax and legs works really well with the orange, especially given the fantastic nature of the figure. It feels iridescent which is really impressive given that it's not.

You can always go back and fiddle with the bases. But it would interfere with the million models you paint in a week, so you'd have to come to terms with that!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/11 18:27:53

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:You did an absolutely lovely job with the plates on the abdomen. I think the color of the thorax and legs works really well with the orange, especially given the fantastic nature of the figure. It feels iridescent which is really impressive given that it's not.
You can always go back and fiddle with the bases. But it would interfere with the million models you paint in a week, so you'd have to come to terms with that!

Well, thanks, first and foremost. My output has slowed somewhat because real life does rather interfere but still
I toddle along.

Forgot to do a bit of tactica on Winter Guard. But first, let me just get a quick rant out the way for the Winter Guard:
Omega Red isn't on the roster?!
Borge moi.
*breathes calmly*
Right. Anyway. Crimson Dynamo at 4 pts is relatively cheap, with a useful leader ability (limiting your team's ability to be Pushed off Secure objectives), native power generation, rerolls and toughness. He is a big red wall, basically, but I like the fact that he emphasises a very tactical style of play rather than one that's overtly combative. Nevertheless, I'm still not sold on them as a team overall: with only 4 members, they're incredibly limited. Ursa Major, on the other hand, is 4 points of grizzly murder. As well as being a fantastic, dynamic sculpt, we get more Bleed (woo! favourite condition!) and short moves when you attack him. On that 40mm base he can really charge (and indeed, Charge) up the table and really do some damage - but he's not just a reactive piece, and this versatility means he can be used as such whilst still being used independently as mid-table support or objective hunter (especially in Winter Guard, with that leader ability) - a real contender for the 4 pt slot in a lot lists.

Darkstar, despite being relatively obscure, is a character I have quite a lot of affection for, and I'm really sold on the sculpt even if it was a bit of a PITA to assemble (as these wobbly magic types often are).

In game, high damage output with Bleed is great (again, I'm always looking for 3 pt. characters to combo with Baron Mordo) and portalling with a pal is always excellent (see previous).

She is clearly designed to be a team-up and I can see her working in a lot of lists out of faction (did I complain about Winter Guard in their own right yet?), although she is undoubtedly very strong as the support for any of her comrades. I forsee her having a future in a Convocation list with Mordo and Magik (or even Defenders - multi-portal shenanigans!)

Red Guardian rightly feels like a Captain America reskin, right down to the simple but effective sculpt. That being said, I've still added a gs beard, paunch and pouches, to bring him a bit more in line with the MCU version.

He's a bit more in your face than Cap, a bit more punchy, though still with a shield throw that doesn't require LOS.He's not a subtle figure, but a solid addition to the team; doubt he'll see play out of faction (that 3 pt slot has too many other contenders) but suitably necessary in the Winter Guard and good enough to hold his own (though pairing up with Darkstar certainly increases his durability).

And the whole team... with Omega Red, damnit!

Also making progress on Malekith and his big bog tiger, and a wee update on Skurge: paint on stuff!

Getting there.

Painted up some random 40k bits to add once the base is done too.
Yup, there's a FW Plasma pistol amongst his treasure!

So Skurge, Malekith and Heimdall are this week's agenda. Fingers crossed!


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/11 19:51:18

Post by: Paradigm

Nice work on the Winter Guard, the red and white on Guardian is striking and bold, without looking too flat.

I agree they seem a really weird choice as an affiliation of their own, being both obscure and limited. Not really sure who else they could add, short of the Red Widow from the current Avengers run (which dod feature them a fair bit, I guess). Must admit I'm glad to see Dynamo in the game proper though, one step closer to Zemo's Masters of Evil as a playable team!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/13 11:21:11

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:Nice work on the Winter Guard, the red and white on Guardian is striking and bold, without looking too flat.
I agree they seem a really weird choice as an affiliation of their own, being both obscure and limited. Not really sure who else they could add, short of the Red Widow from the current Avengers run (which dod feature them a fair bit, I guess). Must admit I'm glad to see Dynamo in the game proper though, one step closer to Zemo's Masters of Evil as a playable team!

Thanks, yeah, it's still a deeply bizarre choice. I would have put Magik, Colossus and basic BW in as well, so at least we had a bit of thematic coherence - a Mother Russia team, effectively, and one that could actually be fielded more viably. When you consider what a giant sprawling mess Cabal is, it seem ridiculous that they're not willing to be a bit more flexible with the newer teams. Thanks for the comments also! The white is worked up from WW2 German Khaki and the red is highlighted with flesh; the aim in both cases was to get the depth, so it's encouraging that it seemed to work !

As promised/threatened, more MCP. Apologies for massive pic dump. First up, in all its bonkers, Frank Frazetta glory, Malekith!

Feels like it should have scantily clad maiden in chainmail bikini on it for that full Heavy Metal \m/ vibe, but there we are

The quality of the plastic kits for MCP is definitely improving, much less gappy.

I am so, so conflicted about this guy. First up, the model is stonking, I love it. at £55 It's genuinely a fair price for the massive figure: with its dynamic pose and dioramic base it feels as much a statuette as a miniature... BUT.
Whilst I understand making him a Cabal leader, that simply underlines the lack of variety and forethought that went into Cabal originally - it's a vast and amorphous "bad guy" catch-all. Given that Hela is in with the Asgardians, why isn't he there too (yes, I know, he's not an asgardian per se) - they've teamed up in the past, after all. Plus he's a 7 Threat leader - so, is he really that much better than Red Skull and ANY 3 pt of your choice? Sure, he's always going to charge and hit like a brick, but his defences aren't great (4s all round)... I feel like it's the She-Hulk problem all over again (and she's only 6). He can Tactics portal, Defender style, which is very neat, but I can't help thinking he's just not... quite... there. He's not going to run with your classic Cabal big hitters, so whilst he is an absolutely beast it's a lot of eggs in one basket.

Anyway. Cool model. It's not like I play much anyway.

Heimdall, done MCU style.

I really enjoyed doing the bifrost (rainbow bridge)

Again, continuing the MCU vibe, I added a burn mark into the ground using a plastic £2 coin stolen from the little one

Not entirely sure if my attempts at NMM worked but, hey, it was fun.

And finally Skurge, as his iconic MCU Behold! My stuff! meme

Loved doing the display base and finding odds and ends from across the multiverse.

So we have scatter from across a whole range of games I play. I think my favourite reference might actually be the Shadows of Brimstone crate and dynamite, as that's a game of crossing time and space. The wolfskin is a wee nod to Fenris also

This is for this month's dakka contest, bring out the big guns, so he had to have Des and Troy (but there's also Cable's gun, the big shoota, FW plasma pistol, a Mantic GCPS officer sidearm and a Void Viridian blaster).

And separate from the display base (but still with some stuff).

I love these minis. I realise that in many ways the current state of Marvel vs DC is accurately reflected in my feelings about supers in hobby: I'm a DC comics fan, and prefer the DC minis games, but would rather watch the MCU (well, mostly) and paint the Marvel minis. Hey ho.

Not sure what's next. Maybe some Hellboy, maybe some more Core Space. Looking forward to getting some boardgaming on also though.
Thanks for staying tuned!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/13 19:32:24

Post by: Gitsplitta

Good Lord graven... you are getting GOOD!


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/14 02:13:31

Post by: Camkierhi

That is top tier work there buddy. Truly excellent.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/18 14:03:37

Post by: Llamahead

Brilliant stuff especially on Heimdall.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/19 11:41:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Good Lord graven... you are getting GOOD!


Well, I am lucky enough to have the support of some very long standing dakkanauts... Practically a dakkasaurus

Camkierhi wrote:
That is top tier work there buddy. Truly excellent

Praise from a master builder many thanks
Llamahead wrote:Brilliant stuff especially on Heimdall.

Thanks man, NMM on the sword is a bit rough but pretty happy overall.

I've been blown over by the response online to these, particularly to Malekith; he seems to have really taken off (as it were) on insta. I've also changed my insta name to games_with_graven in an attempt to play the algorithm and it seems to have had an immediate positive impact, which is nice.

On a whim, I painted some Sigmarites:

For what was, fundamentally, an incredibly quick scheme to do, I think they've turned out really well.

A nice palette cleanser. I planned to start the new Hellboy figs but got hit with primer shock despite my best efforts so they'll need stripped and redone. I had only done one side of them, luckily, so won't be horrendous, but still bloody annoying. Might do my remaining Enforcers, though I'll need to kitbash not-lightning claws for the Peacekeepers as they inexplicably don't come with them despite being part of the standard loadout. Ffs.

Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/19 15:14:48

Post by: Gitsplitta

Lovely work. Really like the sheen on the armor and skirts.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/20 00:16:11

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

The coloring you did for Heimdall is cool but Bifrost is mindblowing. I thought it was a translucent plastic prefab part for the model.

I like your other stuff as well but man that one really took my attention. You've been busy.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/20 15:44:21

Post by: Camkierhi

Nice work, nice sheen effect. Bummer on the primer. Sure you will work it out.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/20 19:16:28

Post by: Slinky

For the Emperor! Erm, I mean Sigmar!


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/28 11:02:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Lovely work. Really like the sheen on the armor and skirts.

Cheers! Fun to do something a bit different.

Skalk Bloodaxe wrote:The coloring you did for Heimdall is cool but Bifrost is mindblowing. I thought it was a translucent plastic prefab part for the model.

I like your other stuff as well but man that one really took my attention. You've been busy.

Thanks old son, and lovely to see you again!

Camkierhi wrote:Nice work, nice sheen effect. Bummer on the primer. Sure you will work it out.

Thanks man. It occured to me that there might be a separate issue: because my garage workbench is full, I was priming on the floor, so it was possibly an airflow issue - cold air hitting the primer as it dries. Sure enough, Street stripping and starting over it was all fine

Slinky wrote:For the Emperor! Erm, I mean Sigmar!

Cheers mate lol.

Painting has definitely slowed down this month, September isn't usually this quiet but there's been a lot more boardgaming and I think that in many ways that's the wind is blowing. Not that I'm going off painting - I really enjoy the marvel stuff - but I'm definitely moving away from powering through hordes. I think as well it's evolving therapy: painting is solo therapy, board games more communal (or at least mean I spend time with the kids).

But, that being said, a few bits and pieces to finish up the month. Firstly, some long overdue Aeronautica!

Fire Raptors to finish off my Raven Guard air corps.

I still have a set of Avenger strike fighters (to be done as Raven Guard PDF) and Aeldari ground assets to attend to but it's nice to get through some wings regardless.

And as we are in the air, more Mantic jetbikes.

The one on the left has the replacement fin that I built from plasticard. Very pleased.

And indeed, more Enforcer, more glow.

Resin direct order Captain with claws. Only way to get this cc tank. I've got some Tartarus termie claws so I can build a full unit, as there's no other official sculpt for them.

Wee group shot.
I've got 2 pathfinder monocycles left to do and then onto kitbash the clawed Peacekeeper team, plus I'm partway through a Tunnel Runnel (monowheel of death) for my Veer-Myn - that, at least, should be finished this month, though I'm not going to stress.
Into October, maybe some more Core Space, but then it'll be Hellboy pretty much all the way. Well. Tis the season

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/29 00:41:55

Post by: JoshInJapan

Not powering through hordes of models is a good thing, IMO. Up until two years ago or so, I managed to average on model a day (365+ for the year, in other words). Then I noticed that a) I was running out of places to put them, and b) I had more than enough painted models for any game I wanted to play. Now I just paint what I feel like, when I feel like it, and the quality of my work is much, much better.

I thought my Enforcers collection was pretty much complete, but then you posted the Phase Claw captain. Who, by the way, looks ace. I really like the glow effect, especially the reflected light on his legs. I'll have to pick up that model sometime soon.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/29 03:16:33

Post by: Gitsplitta

That plasticard bike is amazeballs. Wow.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/30 10:27:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:Not powering through hordes of models is a good thing, IMO. Up until two years ago or so, I managed to average on model a day (365+ for the year, in other words). Then I noticed that a) I was running out of places to put them, and b) I had more than enough painted models for any game I wanted to play. Now I just paint what I feel like, when I feel like it, and the quality of my work is much, much better.

I thought my Enforcers collection was pretty much complete, but then you posted the Phase Claw captain. Who, by the way, looks ace. I really like the glow effect, especially the reflected light on his legs. I'll have to pick up that model sometime soon.

This seems very sound advice. I think I am definitely heading that way. I've noticed the quality even of this month's marvel minis is better, I think.

Gitsplitta wrote:That plasticard bike is amazeballs. Wow.

Well it's not entirely plasticard, just half reconstructed but thanks.

All that being said, a wee bit more Mantic to finish up the month.

Monowheel! Tunnel Runners are really good in Deadzone (and in Firefight, though I don't really play Veer-Myn in the latter because I can't be bothered horde painting) so when I saw on fleabay for less than half it was a snap.

It DOES mean I have a full 1000 PT force

Even spent a bit longer on this than usual, lenses and everything.

Also, on the subjects of monowheels AND finishing Enforcers:

Pathfinder Monocycles. These have been out of print for ages and now rereleased as two-pack. Picked them up whilst we were at Mantic, absolute crackers, they're complete swines to play against - high speed, long range snipers to make other peoples' lives a misery

Good times .

Entirely on a whim, painted up a little medical servitor from... Necromunda maybe?

Ok it's creepy and 40k ish but there's no skulls or eagles so it's fairly serviceable in any future setting, I reckon.

And finally, spurred on by others here, gave my desk a very thorough tidy

So, next? Well, if you look closely the bases for the 4 melee Peacekeepers are lurking on there, so I'm going to get them chopped and built - which really WILL mean all my Enforcers are done. But as mentioned, October is likely to be spooky shiz, mostly

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/09/30 11:34:29

Post by: Gitsplitta

Oh man I LOVE that medical servitor!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/02 20:58:50

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Oh man I LOVE that medical servitor!

cracking wee sculpt innit? I think we got it free with some terrain from Conquest.

I have raised that 4th Oct is the 1 year blog-a-versary! Post migration from decade-long, rollover-prone previous dakka plog. So might do a wee recap.

Whilst this month will be Hellboy heavy (I've started planning paint schemes and everything), I've got my Enforcers finished off first.

Squad Leader for the regulars first. I'd forgotten to do one, and don't leaders always go helmetless, after all?

And the Peacekeepers with Phase Claws.

I found 3 sets of tartarus claws cheap on eBay, cut one off each, and used gs to build up circuitry etc.

Right hands all had to have guns chopped off too. Lots of gs work

Group shot of push. In amongst them I can't help but feel I should've given him a hammer

Finishing these is significant for a number of reasons, not least of which being I now have two fully painted Mantic armies. Always better on the table Turns out my general hobby ADHD is actual ADHD, too, so completing a task feels like an extra special achievement.

It's actually been a pretty tough weekend, as the Father in law is now in hospital with COVID. He's not in a great state, but it's almost more mental than anything else - he's let himself age twenty years in the last two. He's a decade younger than my own folks and looks at least a decade older. We'll see what the coming weeks bring.

Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/03 11:16:03

Post by: Gitsplitta

Good job on the claws graven... they're really striking too.

Hope the FiL pulls through OK. It's been a tough time for a lot of folks. Some handle it better than others...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/04 04:17:27

Post by: Camkierhi

Excellent work all round. Actually jealous of your VeerMin , I have the army box to paint somewhere.

Painting more for yourself than painting the necessary, is always better. The only trouble being there are so many things I want for myself!

Love and hugs bud, best wishes to the FiL. Difficult times. We are in very difficult times. Our time of life is full of loss and the world is much more difficult these days with Covid and such.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/05 10:54:14

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Good job on the claws graven... they're really striking too.
Hope the FiL pulls through OK. It's been a tough time for a lot of folks. Some handle it better than others...

Thanks man. On both counts. Yeah, it's a bit grim.

Camkierhi wrote:Excellent work all round. Actually jealous of your VeerMin , I have the army box to paint somewhere.
Painting more for yourself than painting the necessary, is always better. The only trouble being there are so many things I want for myself!
Love and hugs bud, best wishes to the FiL. Difficult times. We are in very difficult times. Our time of life is full of loss and the world is much more difficult these days with Covid and such.

Veer-Myn are proper fun to play but I have no time for army painting and squillions more rats don't appeal. And thanks for the kind words.

Meanwhile, spooky season begins!

Early days on Nimue / Dragon form, Lord Balam, and Gruagach. The Black Flame is nearly done, I reckon. My plan for Nimue was to have her robes all in red, but the preshading fade is quite appealing, so I might explore that further. The original art doesn't settle on any particular colour for her dragon form - it's all sunsets and backlighting - so I intend, I think, to take the colour scheme from her clothing etc into it. Not rushing, just enjoying.

And, finally, many thanks over the last year! That's how long this iteration of my blog has been going. Thanks for your continued support, comments and feedback, it's always good to have dakka to turn to

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/05 12:10:31

Post by: Gitsplitta

Love spooky season. I think you've made the right call on the red.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/08 19:43:52

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ok, so, spooky gak!

They don't come much spookier than the Black Flame. Whilst black 🔥 is obviously... Challenging, I'm pretty happy with the results.

Hopefully, the electric blue pops enough.

Continuing with our demonic overlords, Lord Balam, in all his glory.

It's a cool sculpt, I just wish he were bigger...

I feel like he should've been 40mm + base size, like the giant monsters, more Kriegaffe sized (with whom he shares an almost identical pose).

Gruagach, the twisted daoine sidhe

I was lucky enough to have a bit of input on this fig in game.

I'm eternally grateful that they based the sculpt on my favourite panel from the comic.

And Nimuë, Queen of Blood.

Damn, what a sculpt. I wasn't initially sure but I loved painting her. The hair colour was a bit out of left field, but I've tried to lean into a bit into Mignola aesthetic, and it's how he highlights her hair, so who am I to argue?

Aiming to replicate the colours on her dragon form...


I'm down with that.

The wing membranes stressed me out.

Side by side

And, all together.

I really love the Hellboy Board Game. We pretty much exhausted the possibilities during lockdown, playing every scenario, some randomly generated ones and our own customs. So having new content is a big bonus.

Finally, a promo! The resin token for Johann Krauss when he's out of his suit. I managed to lose mine It's a limited edition, out of production - so they 3D printed me one on one of the studio printers. Very blessed.

More Hellboy to follow. Got a monster groove going on

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/08 20:34:43

Post by: aku-chan

Happy blog-versary!

Nice work on the Hellboy stuff, my favourite is Black Flame.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/08 21:17:41

Post by: Paradigm

All looking good, but Black Flame especially. Seems like a tricky effect to get right, but you've pulled it off very neatly! Dragon also looks badass, love the almost dinosaur-y head on the sculpt.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/08 21:35:55

Post by: Gitsplitta

A wonderful offering for the Halloween season my friend! They look great!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/09 10:28:28

Post by: Camkierhi

Great stuff , fairly motoring through them.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/10 08:50:36

Post by: Viterbi

Loved the Asgardian Marvel stuff and the Hellboy minis came out great too. They should do well in the painting comp!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/11 17:03:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

aku-chan wrote:Happy blog-versary!

Nice work on the Hellboy stuff, my favourite is Black Flame.

Cheers mate. And thanks man.
Paradigm wrote:All looking good, but Black Flame especially. Seems like a tricky effect to get right, but you've pulled it off very neatly! Dragon also looks badass, love the almost dinosaur-y head on the sculpt.

Thanks man for high praise. I realise, retrospectively, dragon is a bit Cubone (dinosaur Pokémon) but I was trying to mirror Nimuë's helm. Nevertheless, kind words

Gitsplitta wrote:A wonderful offering for the Halloween season my friend! They look great!

Well, you're king of the season after all, so I'll take that

Camkierhi wrote:Great stuff , fairly motoring through them.

I know, so much for taking my time eh? However, I'm keen to get the game to the table, so... Onward!

Viterbi wrote:Loved the Asgardian Marvel stuff and the Hellboy minis came out great too. They should do well in the painting comp!

Thanks bud! Hopefully a couple will be up to scratch

So, moving on: Crickets!

Nasty jumpy wee horde mutants. Horrid things

Varvara. Yes, scary evil girl demon.

Fun to do, though many, many layers.

Hammerhead. He's a really nasty big bad, with a great classic mythos vibe. Not the formless, nameless kind, but rather the ancient, unknowable monster.

And the Wendigo!

He is actually an infected agent, so has great mechanics in game - you really don't want to kill him, despite the fact he'll try to rip you apart and eat you. Jolly nice.

And a quick group shot.

All in all, satisfactory progress. And that's me past 365 for the year... not that I'm still counting

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/12 02:44:22

Post by: Slinky

Crickets are definitely horrid - In a good way

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/12 10:25:42

Post by: Gitsplitta

Great work! That hammerhead is a really cool fig.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/16 09:06:49

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Crickets are definitely horrid - In a good way

Yeah. Nasty little buggers. Ta!
Gitsplitta wrote:Great work! That hammerhead is a really cool fig.

Thanks bud. Yeah, he's a real favourite.
More baddies, entirely unexpected I'm sure

The Crooked Man. Very challenging to paint as he is a figure entirely in drawn and inked in black in the comics.

I actually used a lot of khaki and tan to try to achieve the shading.

Demonic Servants

And Demonic Underlings

These might replace imps as my new least-favourite enemy

And Ogdru-hem mutants, which I'm rather pleased with.

These guys remind me of something out of a Bosch painting so I tried a different strategy with the highlights.

I also approached the flesh in a very different way, using Vallejo dark fleshtone as a starting point. Definitely something I'm going to think about for character models in future.

So I'm surprisingly on track with painting the Big Box of Doom in a month. I've got the Queen's Champion left from the enemies and then it's onto the heroes! There's also Drinking with Skeletons, the display piece, to tackle, but that's a big beast.

It's our half term break this week. Kids have got a fair number of activities on, I'm hoping for a longer game of some sort with eldest though he's away camping up north just now. Generally just keeping things quiet. Money is definitely starting to bite, though at least these days my hobby expenses are mostly just glue, paint and brushes. The shelf, just now, is more core space (bounty hunters, drones and another crew), moonstone (killer bunnies) and more marvel, including the Doc Ock Vs Spider-Man display which I'm really looking forward to

I suppose might need another display stand as well

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/16 20:58:45

Post by: Gitsplitta

Excellent effort. I think my absolute favorite is the crooked man. Spectacular job using a very restricted palate.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/17 05:37:56

Post by: Camkierhi

I'm with Gits, crooked man is awesome. Like the lot mind you. They all look good.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/21 15:20:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Excellent effort. I think my absolute favorite is the crooked man. Spectacular job using a very restricted palate.

Thanks so much my dude. I actually enjoyed him quite a lot more than I expected.
Camkierhi wrote:I'm with Gits, crooked man is awesome. Like the lot mind you. They all look good.

Cheers mate.
I turned the model upside down to do the drybrushing, to create the sense of uplighting - tbh I think I could've done even more. I also wonder if his beard could be lighter.

Lots more Hellboy, as it's the school break - powering through the set. First, a Hero!

Sledgehammer, from the Hellboy '44 comic (eventually used by Johann Krauss)

He is so retro it hurts.

Queen's Champion. Big boss version of the huntsmen from The Wild Hunt.

These buggers turn up alarmingly often so I'm glad they did a special version for this KS.

Also, to push myself, working on the Drinking with Skeletons diorama.

This was an opportunity to play about with washes and shadows, which was very enjoyable.

Figuring out the light and shadow, especially on Big Red, was particularly challenging.

But... Time for a rant. Why. Why in the name of all things sacred would you put a mold line down the face of a model, never mind a RESIN PROMO?!

Really shoddy work there Mantic. Had to rebuild Hellboy's nose with gs as well as other facial details. I'm usually a big mantic fanboy but this was very poor.

I am sick of resin; I really, really hate working with it. It's brittle, temperamental and in this day and age I'll take plastic or even metal. Life's too short.

It's even holding me back from printing right now: I've just made a classic Captain America 🛡️ from plasticard despite having a decent STL.
Nevertheless, rather proud of him.

So, back to more Plastic; more Big Red!

Nice not to have to rebuild this face.

Playing about with NMM... ish for the sword

Comparison shot. They were done together to ensure consistency of palette.

Lots more light and 🔥 nonsense, starting with the new version of Liz Sherman, Liz Aflame.

Fun to do. Painted her as normal and then layered up the flames. Dodgy pic, sorry.

And Ashley Strode, another KS exclusive.

Applying the same logic to the shadows as on display HB.

Another KS agent, Ted Howards, with his magic Hyperborean blade.

I'm actually not a huge fan of the charter or indeed Hell on Earth as a storyline, but rather enjoyed doing the fig.

And finally, Abe Evolved.

Lovely to break out the turquoises again.

Amazed they were still liquid, tbh.

And all the agents together!

So with that, Big Box of Doom is done!

Just need to pick favourites for the dakka painting contest.

For the sake of variety, and my sanity (no comment, thanks) I also decided to mix it up with a bit of Moonstone. So... Murder Bunnies!

And you've got to have a big bunny 🐰, right?

Jackalope. The biggest huggiest killiest bunniest bunny of them all. I will love him and hug him and call him George.

Modelled, naturally, on the beast of Caernobog. Now, someone mentioned an Enchanter?

Boris, not Tim. No confusion here.

And as a set. Boris and his bunnies.

So, a productive month, more so than I expected. I may or may not hit 400 by year end, but not going to stress over it. Weirdly, I don't even have a huge amount to paint on the old shelf just now, just some more MCP and core space, so we'll see. Whilst the latter tend to be pretty quick the Marvel minis deserve more care and attention.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/21 17:34:43

Post by: Gitsplitta

So many outstanding models this time graven! (but... the big bunny... )

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/22 05:21:35

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote: So many outstanding models this time graven! (but... the big bunny... )

Thanks my friend. Can always count on your support I'm not even that keen on fauns as a sub faction in game, but they are such good sculpts that I had to treat myself

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/22 10:26:42

Post by: Llamahead

If you like the models and they have bad rules in game just use them in a different game....

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/22 11:00:09

Post by: aku-chan

Great stuff again, love the crooked man!

I'm with you on resin minis, I'm better working with it than I used to be, but I still don't like it.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/27 10:56:06

Post by: endtransmission

Excellent work on all the Hellboy stuff! That'll look amazing in a game

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/29 06:15:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote: So many outstanding models this time graven! (but... the big bunny... )

Thanks my friend. Can always count on your support I'm not even that keen on fauns as a sub faction in game, but they are such good sculpts that I had to treat myself
aku-chan wrote:Great stuff again, love the crooked man!

I'm with you on resin minis, I'm better working with it than I used to be, but I still don't like it.

Yeah. I mean it's not like having to clamp and rebend FW stuff but it's still irritating. Thanks also mate.

endtransmission wrote:Excellent work on all the Hellboy stuff! That'll look amazing in a game

Thanks. Yeah. Really must get it on the table

A very gentle end to the month: building, not painting, the next big Marvel push.

The display Doc Ock Vs Spider-Man seems fairly Snazzy for the dakka painting contest; going to try out Dirty Down Rust, I think, on the exposed metal. However, as you can see on the reverse, there's an issue:

Hollow. Very poor. So I'm going to plasticard them up, and try out VJ plastic putty for some sculpted cracks. Wish I'd templated them up before building, bu there we are. I've also "snazzified" OG Cap with pistol and retro shield, but he and the Howling Commandos also work for other themes in the mix - Lead from the Front, and as they are Stealthy, Playing Tricks works too - whilst Hydra kinda works for In it for the Money.
Speaking of Hydra...

Early days on Arnim Zola, a favourite of mine on page, screen and tabletop. Had to paint the face pre assembly as it's encased in the build. Just taking my time with it, and I think it shows.
Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/29 12:02:22

Post by: Gitsplitta

I'd agree graven. That's excellent work. What color will the body around it be? I hope it's a complementary color.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/29 12:10:01

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks. Purple casing, yellow limbs. Ooh, old school.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/29 20:06:54

Post by: JoshInJapan

Oh, wow, Arnim Zola. I dressed up as him for Halloween many years ago-- no one knew who I was supposed to be...

The faces looks good-- very LCD graphics, as one would expect from a 1970's Kirby villain.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/31 13:34:53

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:Oh, wow, Arnim Zola. I dressed up as him for Halloween many years ago-- no one knew who I was supposed to be...

The faces looks good-- very LCD graphics, as one would expect from a 1970's Kirby villain.

I always thought he'd make an EXCELLENT Hallowe'en costume! Thanks amigo. I love the Kirby vibe so I appreciate the vote of confidence!
Bit more progress:

Starting to layer up purples, and a little bit of work on the yellows. Orange on the arms and legs next. Well, it IS Hallowe'en, after all

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/10/31 14:27:40

Post by: Paradigm

Great work on Arnim's TV-face. It astonishes me that AMG managed to make an unironically cool mini out of such a delightfully dumb design!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/01 21:49:21

Post by: aku-chan

Zola is looking very cool!

Glad I decided against buying that Doc Ock/Spider-man diorama, those hollow pillars would have annoyed me no end!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/02 13:45:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:Great work on Arnim's TV-face. It astonishes me that AMG managed to make an unironically cool mini out of such a delightfully dumb design!

Thanks buddy. Yeah I mean how crazy is that?!
aku-chan wrote:Zola is looking very cool!
Glad I decided against buying that Doc Ock/Spider-man diorama, those hollow pillars would have annoyed me no end!

Oh, it's extremely irritating, but IS proving quite fun to deal with:

Plasticard greebled with bits left over from other MCP kits - newsstand awning roller used for the winch arm mechanism, door frame details as pillar caps - plus a mystery junction box that's maybe Mantic? I'll layer up the styrene more and then the plan is to use Vallejo Plastic putty, which I've never used, to fill the gaps and then using a mix of gs and texture paint to create the cracked stone work.

I've also thrown a couple of extra base with scatter together, again, so it works. The base lines also (broadly) line up with that of the terrain's surface.
Honestly, two days into the month and nothing painted. Shocking

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/02 21:58:44

Post by: Gitsplitta

Love the way that terrain is looking!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/03 09:47:54

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Love the way that terrain is looking!

Well, hopefully it will continue that way

Meanwhile, Arnim Zola is, I think, done!

Hail Hydra.

Hail Hydra.

The only think I'm not sold on is the loincloth, I think in dakkasuperzoomTM it looks bit scrappy However, I'm happy with the light sourcing and how the model as a whole as turned out.

Remaining Marvel on the desk: OG Cap, OG Human Torch, Nick Fury and The Howling Commandos, Baron Strucker and of course display Spidey and Doc Ock (and the actual display base). Must... resist... urge... to buy... Sentinels!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/03 11:11:50

Post by: Gitsplitta

I think it works fine graven. I love the way the bright blue and yellow are framed by the drab loincloth and chest piece. Really excellent work my friend.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/04 08:10:27

Post by: Camkierhi

Agreed, balance is perfect. Excellent quality work sir.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/08 15:04:49

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:I think it works fine graven. I love the way the bright blue and yellow are framed by the drab loincloth and chest piece. Really excellent work my friend.

Well, that was the aim, so hearing that is much appreciated amigo.
Camkierhi wrote:Agreed, balance is perfect. Excellent quality work sir.

Ok, ok too kind, sir.

Speaking of bright colours, something totally different: a Spesh Mehrine!

This is a Luna Wraith, a homebrew chapter that Instagrammer reaper.hobbies created.

I don't use a lot of turquoise, so this was great for practice. Might use it for the crew of the Cygnus (for Core Space).

I enjoyed doing the chest and sword too, starting with an orange base and working up through to tan (though less so on the sword) - maybe should've gone for retro hazard stripes, but never mind.

I can always revisit it - thoughts?

But I can't really escape the lure of Crisis Protocol for long so, more Marvels:

Original Human Torch, the Android Avenger.

Fun with

And classic Captain America, which has had a bit of kitbashing.

Added a pistol and plasticard shield.

I am rubbish at freehand (well, at that scale at least) so used my old trick of nail art tattoos "liberated" from the smallest child to get the shape of the stars right.

And together. Ooh, retro.

Obviously, a slower month. Not just because November is the hell-month in teaching, plus elder spawn's birthday and both the boys doing shows, but because I'm taking the advice of you lot and going for quality over quantity for a bit.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/08 20:08:12

Post by: endtransmission

Arnim Zola looks fantastic. The face in particular is really well done

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/09 23:07:05

Post by: Gitsplitta

Nice work on the marine graven. Pretty colors. The Captain looks great as well.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/11 10:52:05

Post by: inmygravenimage

endtransmission wrote:Arnim Zola looks fantastic. The face in particular is really well done

Thanks man. He was a joy to paint, frankly. I really love Atomic Mass stuff, even if I'm not 100% on the game. That being said, I'm really stoked for Hydra on the table. Red Skull is en route to me as I type, which means I'll be set to crush the Legions of SHIELD! (actually, I suspect the spawn is wanting to play Sentinels, but anyway).
Gitsplitta wrote:Nice work on the marine graven. Pretty colors. The Captain looks great as well.

Thanks buddy. Woo pretty marines

So quite unexpectedly, back in a 40k place. I really enjoyed painting up the marine, so then I decided to see whether I could smush together some AoS and SM and make it work.

Um... Yeah. I mean I'm by no means the first to try it but still. What with the lightning and the lions and all, I reckon these guys are DA successors - Storm Lions, Calibanite Lions (ancient giant critters) or something. I did consider The Order, like the ancient Knights of Caliban (also an option) but that has quite... Heretical undertones: they all go a bit Fallen, apart from the Ravenwing. Who knows, maybe I'll incorporate AoS critters, though I think of them more as monster hunters, tracking down chaos beasties. Open to suggestions. I do know that they're NOT going to have a chapter badge per se - though each will feature a lightning bolt on a pad (a bit like the extinct Stormwing, hence Storm Lions being in the mix ) but instead personal heraldry comprising lions and lightning. This also means I can potentially harvest/print White Scar upgrades etc if I'm so minded. I mean it could be that these are Loyalist Death Shadows (fallen Lionsguard) which also works with the colours.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/11 12:02:47

Post by: Gitsplitta

I guess I'm a little bit fuzzy on what bits are what. Helms, backpacks and guns are 40k obviously. Legs and body are sigmar?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/11 12:48:07

Post by: inmygravenimage

Outer two are primaris apart from an AoS arm/shoulder and a couple of belt jeejaws.Middle one is AoS hero with backpack and a SM helmet on his waist .

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/12 04:27:15

Post by: Camkierhi

No idea on lore side of it, but they look awesome. Personally like the idea they are a group of monsterhunters. Maybe trying to prove themselves. I really like the idea of marines carrying shields. Going to do some myself. What with everything getting more powerful, they need to carry some armour plating I think.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/16 14:51:59

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:No idea on lore side of it, but they look awesome. Personally like the idea they are a group of monsterhunters. Maybe trying to prove themselves. I really like the idea of marines carrying shields. Going to do some myself. What with everything getting more powerful, they need to carry some armour plating I think.

Exactly! More dakka? More arma! And, thanks amigo. More to follow

So, here's the fluff:

Storm Lions
[i] Dark Turquoise, gold aquilae, silver insignia; green lenses, purple seals, leather accents [i]

Dark Angel successors, they consider themselves descendents of The Order, the ancient Knights of Caliban. Like the Order, they are monster hunters, specialising in tracking down chaos beasts; tactically, however, they draw on the legacy of their parent chapter's lost Stormwing. Their chapter badge is a silver lightning bolt through scrollwork (akin to the White Scars), but their armour is ornate, adorned with personal heraldry, typically comprising lions and lightning, hammers etc. A neophyte's armour begins as an unembellished suit of Mark X armour, but as they grow in experience they forge new plates and bear trophies of their conquests; officers frequently wear tabards of the tanned leathers of the beasts they have slain.

In truth, they were formed from the few remaining Loyalist Death Shadows - those members of the chapter once known as the Lionsguard that did not turn traitor during the Great Crusade, who have taken the Rubicon and emerged anew as a Primaris chapter, dedicated not only to hunting the Fallen but the monstrous creatures spawned from the unholy Eye of Terror.
Their affinity for beasts also means that their own Stormwing - their battlefield equivalent of the Ravenwing - rides to war not on machines but on their own, genegineered steeds, including the fearsome Thundercat, which some claim is the true form of the legendary Calibanite Lion before it was warped by the ruinous powers.

And here's the concept builds:

I have modified them a bit from the previous incarnation, and now there's 4 of them. Tsk.
And the heroes:

The heroes are kitbashed the other way around, as it were: AoS bodies, SM arms etc (mostly). The chaplain, just out of shot, is still very WIP. I might try to get some of this lot done for the Snazzy contest, though I'm a little unsure.

Having had a bit of a tidy, I've found some Reivers and other Primaris, so there might be some more to follow - though equally I'll need to find more Sigmarite parts, which I'm very much lacking.

Thoughts? C&C?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/19 12:58:03

Post by: inmygravenimage

He hee hee yeah that was also on my mind. Retro 80s TV marines!

But, on with more Marvel!
How about another legendary pair, this time of foes?

Baron Strucker

Full disclosure, I'm not a huge Strucker fan from the comics, and even less so in the MCU (what a waste) - but I do like the model a LOT.

He's the alternate leader for the faction, and a 3pts he's certainly a cheap choice. Tactically, he has the advantage of granting allies limited rerolls and the ability to transfer conditions to opponents, which is quite neat if a little situational.

He's hard to put down, too, with is natural healing factor - plus he can spread poison tokens to everything within 3 (which DOES make my little Mordo-loving heart sing). I'm a bit underwhelmed by him, though, tbh, but perhaps simply because Red Skull is so good.

Hail Hydra!

And Nick Fury with his Howling Commandos.

Fury, Dum-Dum Duggan and Gabriel Jones .

Straight out of the gate, I have to say I just adore the aesthetic of these guys - it's spot on and using the large base for a "regular" model (together they're a 3pt character) works brilliantly.

They're fast, too: M movement as standard, and a S when they fire their Prototype Weapons - they really feel like a rapidly advancing unit of Elite Infantry, complete with Stealth and the reactive ability to fire back if an ally is Dazed or KO'd. Great sculpts, great rules, great fun.

They got shared on the Atomic Mass social media pages, too, so I'm pretty darned chuffed.

Meanwhile, I'm working away display Doc Ock/Supes and the Storm Lions, but nothing worth sharing yet. Realised I have a STACK of DCU stuff to tackle so that might be a nice change from all the Marvel

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/19 14:19:41

Post by: Camkierhi

Nick and the gang are amazing, looks brilliant.

Never hears of the baron, but he looks great.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/23 10:05:52

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Nick and the gang are amazing, looks brilliant.

Never heard of the baron, but he looks great.

Thanks old fruit, your ww2 stuff was a massive inspiration.
He's an old school Prussian hydra nazi type. Classy.

On with the display!
Rivals Panel: Doctor Octopus vs Spider-Man:

I'm very happy with the finished results, not going to lie.

Need to get a shot of the reverse with them on it.

Anyway, Doc Ock:

It's such a dynamic pose; I love this bad boy.

I've added an extra barrel to the base to match the one I added to my core set Doc Ock; I've also been playing with Dirty Down Rust which really is Nurgle's blessings in a bottle.

Here he is alongside my core set model; the barrel on that was done with iron powder that I rusted "manually". Interesting also to see how my painting has come along in the last year or so.

And what would he be without his nemesis, the Spectacular Spider-Man?!

This was a dream to paint, such a great fig. I'm particularly pleased with the explosion.

And with the Amazing Spider-Man:

Should really get a shot with my Core Set one for full No Way Home vibes

The base in action with other models

And a couple of quick snaps of the display base on its own, with base inserts to make it more playable terrain:

I've added a few extras: filling the backs of the columns, and then some extra detailing (column tops, chains, more electrics) so the reverse feels as complete as the front and I can justify it on tabletop as terrain.

Again, Dirty Down Rust was used on the metals to varying degrees. I am very pleased with it overall, and think it ticks the snazzy box
And with that, I'm at 400 models for the year. Not shabby at all.

Speaking of Snazzy, bit more work on Storm Lions:

Debating whether to give the Captain and Lieutenant red capes and/or gold detailing. I like the grey cloth but wonder if they need a bit more POP! I'm also debating what colour to do the libby's force sword and generally sparkles. Purple is winning just now, but green is tempting also.

Bit more work on the Intercessors. I'm going to make a few more with spears for variety. I'm also debating (still) using big stormcast beasties - the Fulminators ride chonky dragony things, which I reckon could be solid counts-as tanks.

Hey ho,

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/25 19:16:35

Post by: IGtR=

A very snazzy base!

Thanks for sharing

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/25 23:05:46

Post by: Paradigm

Super work on Otto, those colours contrast so nicely. And yeah, the year's difference really shows, not that there's anything wrong with the old one (aside from the pose, but that's on AMG! )

Is that the explosion reflected in Spidey's lenses? Because that's a wonderful touch if so!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/26 00:51:35

Post by: JoshInJapan

The diorama looks great. All the patches of grime really make the whole background pop, even without the superbattle.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/26 10:57:44

Post by: endtransmission

The marvel bits all look great! I was rather confused that the back of that diorama came with gaping holes though... it wouldn't have been that much extra time/effort to fill it in as part of the official model with a couple of thin plates or something. Ah well, great job!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/26 17:54:48

Post by: aku-chan

Great work on the Marvel stuff as usual!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/27 20:39:08

Post by: inmygravenimage

IGtR= wrote:A very snazzy base!
Thanks for sharing

Well thank YOU for kind words

Paradigm wrote:Super work on Otto, those colours contrast so nicely. And yeah, the year's difference really shows, not that there's anything wrong with the old one (aside from the pose, but that's on AMG! )

Is that the explosion reflected in Spidey's lenses? Because that's a wonderful touch if so!

Thanks man on all counts, and indeed it is! Wasn't sure if it was obvious. I decided reflection was more comic-y than going OSL.

JoshInJapan wrote:The diorama looks great. All the patches of grime really make the whole background pop, even without the superbattle.

Cheers my dude. I wasn't entirely sure about that, so good to hear

endtransmission wrote:The marvel bits all look great! I was rather confused that the back of that diorama came with gaping holes though... it wouldn't have been that much extra time/effort to fill it in as part of the official model with a couple of thin plates or something. Ah well, great job!

I know, right?? Still, it leant itself to a bit of hobby learning with plastic putty, so I call that a win. And thanks!

aku-chan wrote:Great work on the Marvel stuff as usual!

Most kind!

So a change of pace and palette with some characters for my Storm Lions marines. First my clawed Captain:

So, just a natural progression from the basic colour scheme, adding red with the cloak.

I did debate the cloth colour extensively but ultimately decided the grey alone was too plain. I've also switched to red for purity seals, purple was lost against the turquoise.

Speaking or purple... the Librarian!

This was a fun conversion and I'm delighted I found the random DA head in my bits box (which is very thin this days, at least for SM).

And, Chaplain.

The robed Sigmarines make great character models.

Group shot with basic assault intercessor

I stress that this really is just being done for fun, without any real rhyme or reason. It's not an army, or even a KT. Just a bit of fun.
Now, of course, the real question is are they MORE Snazzy than the Spider-Man display?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/29 09:00:41

Post by: Slinky

Nice kit-bashing!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/30 01:45:43

Post by: Camkierhi

All looking fantastic, you are another one who is improving constantly, impressive work.

A minor critique, the squiggles on the banners, look a bit like squiggles. One line per squiggle please, makes it look more script like. Zigzags of print looses a little believability. I know I am being hyper critical, but take that as a compliment as to how good you are. Very close to perfect!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/30 02:31:55

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nice work, especially on the armor highlighting-- you really captured the shiny look. And you're right about how well those AOS dudes work as Space Marines. It's almost enough to make me want to give it a try.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/11/30 10:02:54

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Nice kit-bashing!

Thanks! I know you love a kitbash
Camkierhi wrote:All looking fantastic, you are another one who is improving constantly, impressive work.
A minor critique, the squiggles on the banners, look a bit like squiggles. One line per squiggle please, makes it look more script like. Zigzags of print looses a little believability. I know I am being hyper critical, but take that as a compliment as to how good you are. Very close to perfect!

Thanks man, and C&C always appreciated. It's a very interesting point, I was trying to go for the fact that the script is elaborate/calligraphic and not all letters will be at the one level, but on balance I agree with you. Good chat!
JoshInJapan wrote:Nice work, especially on the armor highlighting-- you really captured the shiny look. And you're right about how well those AOS dudes work as Space Marines. It's almost enough to make me want to give it a try.

Almost It's a lot of fun, actually, particularly given that a lot of the generics can be picked up for peanuts.

Time to take stock of what's what. I stress that this whole process is purely an exercise in hobbying - I'm not trying to build a KT, or a WH500, whatever - just playing about, really.
That being said, I like things to be "right" - recognisably what they are supposed to be - in a counts-as way. Who knows, maybe I'll come back to playing? (side note - I have about 3k of ) I'm not at all au fait with the new Primaris units, despite the spawn's attempts to explain in the context of his Raven Guard.
Anyway, the chapter, in my head, is overwhelmingly melee focused, so we have Assault Intercessors, going for a sword and shield vibe (mostly), now with added highlights (granted they need smoothed out a bit, but still).

Spear-guy(s) - I feel like these are quite Assault Intercessor-y too? That's what I seem to be channeling, but I'm not sure. Should they be Bladeguard? I was thinking of using Praetors for them, though, and Annihilators as Aggressors (with flamers, because is more assaulty than Or Ancient/Lieutenant? Speaking of which...

Another Captain? A Lieutenant? I know nothing. really.
I need to build regular Intercessors, too, just a couple of dudes with guns (some with big guns, so not so much. The issue that vexes me is how to make the regular Marine bodies more Stormcast-y. I have done a Reiver, using the body of a regular Stormcast (I know even less about them!), which seems to fit the lean look. Maybe good for infiltrators too?
Any thoughts, much appreciated. And, may I say, the votes are really nice too - rather delighted to see that Garbage Truck of mine on the front page.
Cheers my fellow dakkanauts!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/04 12:34:19

Post by: inmygravenimage

So, decisions were made. Captain in Gravis Armour:

The chunky armour felt suitably Gravis-like.

Cannot deny that I do love a bit of capework.

It's a great sword. Method is a refined version of the way I used to do them for grey Knights.

I did think about going full Sword of Omens but the Eye of Thundera is a bit, well,

Whilst he felt a bit of needless purchase at Warhammer World, in the end I'm really glad that he was acquired.

Another character, I've decided he's a Lieutenant.

Reckon that with terminator honours he must be one of the survivors of the Lionsguard, so he gets an upgrade.

On to the Assault Intercessors!

Sergeant with plasma pistol. I mean he's already lost one arm to it, what's the big deal?!

Dude with mighty hammer.

And regular dude with nuggets of Nurgle.

Alongside the original test model.

So a successful start to this diversion. I think it manages to capture what USED to appeal to me about 40k et al: kitbashing something unique yet fluffy.

Couple more dudes to come, and of course Core Space - plus more marvel to build, but I tend to prime on sprue and it's too damn cold. eBay has provided some cheap bits, too, for more Storm Lions. Good times!
Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/04 12:55:28

Post by: Paradigm

That captain is one snappy dresser! Lovely conversion work on all of these, I find that Stormcast/Primaris kitbashes don't always get the balance right, but you're nailing it here. Just enough fantasy flavour to seel the more grimdark and knightly aspects of the concept, while still very readable as Space Marines.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/05 18:58:47

Post by: Theophony

Looking like a fine group/pride of Lions you have going on there. Loving the Blue

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/06 13:57:38

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:That captain is one snappy dresser! Lovely conversion work on all of these, I find that Stormcast/Primaris kitbashes don't always get the balance right, but you're nailing it here. Just enough fantasy flavour to seal the more grimdark and knightly aspects of the concept, while still very readable as Space Marines.

Cheers old son. It's going to get a whole lot weirder
Theophony wrote:Looking like a fine group/pride of Lions you have going on there. Loving the Blue

Thanks, and lovely to hear from you! They are a fun bunch, and I've enjoyed playing with less familiar colours.

Delighted to see my Rivals Panel hit the front page! Really should get on with more Marvel I've got my Sentinel Prime now too, so can get on with them... except the cold has hit and I'm not risking primer shock. Guess I have to paint things that are already primed rather than new toys then

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/06 16:36:37

Post by: Theophony

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Paradigm wrote:That captain is one snappy dresser! Lovely conversion work on all of these, I find that Stormcast/Primaris kitbashes don't always get the balance right, but you're nailing it here. Just enough fantasy flavour to seal the more grimdark and knightly aspects of the concept, while still very readable as Space Marines.

Cheers old son. It's going to get a whole lot weirder
Theophony wrote:Looking like a fine group/pride of Lions you have going on there. Loving the Blue

Thanks, and lovely to hear from you! They are a fun bunch, and I've enjoyed playing with less familiar colours.

Delighted to see my Rivals Panel hit the front page! Really should get on with more Marvel I've got my Sentinel Prime now too, so can get on with them... except the cold has hit and I'm not risking primer shock. Guess I have to paint things that are already primed rather than new toys then

Why do you have a Russian Flag ??? Back to the Gulag with you

The crazy weather allowed me to get a couple hundred miniatures primed the other day. Blowing through them as quick as I can now.

I almost bought the Sentinels, even though I am not playing the game.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/09 14:30:59

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wow, those marines are looking great!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/10 18:00:12

Post by: inmygravenimage

Theophony wrote:
Why do you have a Russian Flag ??? Back to the Gulag with you
The crazy weather allowed me to get a couple hundred miniatures primed the other day. Blowing through them as quick as I can now.
I almost bought the Sentinels, even though I am not playing the game.

I've been Exiled to Siberia! My classroom is starting the day at 6 Degrees C, it's awful. Actually, when I post at work, it does this. Strange.
The Sentinels are stunning, come with squillions of bits including damaged versions, and are a fully playable faction in their own right. What's not to love?
Gitsplitta wrote:Wow, those marines are looking great!

You're most kind. I've been getting some great input from ashenholdtart and reaper.hobbies on insta.

In the meantime, I have finished off another Core Space Crew:

A bit quick and dirty, but it's a board game in the end, so I'm not obsessing. I particularly love Chit (the larger alien) and Hunter, the dude with the big gun. They're about as close to a "heroic" crew as you'll find in the setting, and I'm glad I've got them done as they have some good skill tree options that they bring to the table. As with all my crews, I've tried to go for a fairly cohesive theme, without being a Uniform per se: so, these guys are vaguely inspired by swans. As well as Characters, I've also been working on Auxiliaries from the Wanted - Dead or Alive expansion, which are going to be my entry for the Open theme for this month's painting contest:

An assault hound (PUH-ppy!), a cargo drone, utility drone, a Gurnrit (a little pack animal) and a gun drone - for all that it's quite a grubby, lived-in universe, I wanted that to feel sleek, as they're very expensive bits of kit in game, often used by scary-as$ bounty hunters (which are themselves still to be painted).

Really enjoyed these wee dudes.

I figure that at this time of year have a group of Spacer's Little Helpers is fitting

I particularly love the Utility Drone. Inspired by Xero from Star Trek Prodigy.


And alongside the crew. Because your crew compliment is limited, Auxiliaries are really important as you continue through the game.

Apart from the Bounty Hunters Nokura and Valian, I only have the Purge: Outbreak expansion left to tackle, but they're still in the shrink-wrap. Well, stuff to build too, but in a card-stock sense (Get to The Shuttle!).Taking stock of the... pile of opportunity seems prudent just now:

=AI=: Avenger Strike Fighters x4 (side note - bought for self 2 xmas ago)
=AI=: Fire Raptors x3 (bought for self LAST xmas)
CS: Bounty Hunters x2

CS: Purge: Outbreak
MCP: Sentinels x3
MCP: Red Skull and Hydra Troops
DCU: Larfleeze, Saint Walker, Black Adam Rebirth
DCU: Sinestro, Lord of Fear & Sinestro Corps (I managed to replace the ones the dog chewed)
BMG: The Batman starter set (ditto)
SoB: Scafford Highwaymen x6
DB: Magnetar Circuit characters x4
40k: Assorted kitbash stormlions in bits (3x Aggressors, 3x Bladeguard, Techmarine, Apothecary, "biker")
=AI=: Aeldari Ground Assets

Really doesn't sound that bad! I mean obviously there's other odds and ends lying about also (aren't there always?) Given the big freeze priming is pretty much out (I have primed in the snow before!) so finishing up some AI sounds good. But, hey, I AM a creature of whimsy, so who knows?

Speaking of whimsy, finished up two more Storm Lions:

Last man of the Assault Intercessors and test/ sergeant for the Reivers.

Bit of side detail

And group shot of the Intercessors

Decent hobby start to a pretty hellish work month. Aeronautica to paint, and lots to build,

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/13 13:04:30

Post by: Gitsplitta

Loving it all graven!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/17 21:38:52

Post by: Theophony

They look great. I just picked up Core Space: First Born, outpost 5 and the Cygnus crew. We’ve been wanting a skirmish game to try out, looks fun, will be reading the rule so tonight.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/18 09:05:30

Post by: Llamahead

Responding to something you said earlier about the Storm Lions. I don't feel that the AoS beasties ill work at all as tanks as they don't have many guns and look choppy as Dreadnaughts however they'll work well.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/18 19:24:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Loving it all graven!

Thanks old chum. As well as the P&M, I'm also rather enjoying working on the fluff for them - might even have a wee nod to you in there
Theophony wrote:They look great. I just picked up Core Space: First Born, outpost 5 and the Cygnus crew. We’ve been wanting a skirmish game to try out, looks fun, will be reading the rule so tonight.

Excellent choices. It's not exactly a skirmish game, and it's quite dense to start with, but well worth it. Just finished my last couple in fact:

And with the various Auxiliaries

Llamahead wrote:Responding to something you said earlier about the Storm Lions. I don't feel that the AoS beasties ill work at all as tanks as they don't have many guns and look choppy as Dreadnaughts however they'll work well.

Well, fair point. Here's the experiments:

Cautiously pleased. Thoughts?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/18 20:55:01

Post by: Gitsplitta

As well you should be, really liking the way they look. I also look forward to seeing what you come up with for fluff (wee nod or not... though that is tantalizing).

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/19 08:51:46

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ask, and ye shall receive!

Storm Lions

Colours: Dark Turquoise, bone aquilae, grey/red cloth; chapter badge: Silver lightning bolt on scrollwork. Gold accents, Green lenses, violet seals, red braiding.

Dark Angel successors, they consider themselves descendants of the ancient Knightly orders of Caliban. Like the Order, they are monster hunters, specialising in tracking down chaos beasts; tactically, however, they draw on the legacy of their parent chapter's lost Stormwing. Their chapter badge is a silver lightning bolt through scrollwork (akin to the White Scars), but their armour is ornate, adorned with personal heraldry, typically comprising lions and lightning, hammers etc. A neophyte's armour begins as an unembellished suit of Mark X armour, but as they grow in experience they forge new plates and bear trophies of their conquests. Officers frequently wear grey tabards offest with red cloth, but have been know to adorn them with leathers culled from the tanned hides of the beasts they have slain.

In truth, they were formed from the few remaining Loyalist Death Shadows - those members of the chapter once known as the Lionsguard that did not turn traitor during the Abyssal Crusade, who have taken the Rubicon and emerged anew as a Primaris chapter, dedicated not only to hunting the Fallen but the monstrous creatures spawned from the unholy Eye of Terror. Their affinity for beasts also means that their own Stormwing - their battlefield equivalent of the Ravenwing - rides to war not on machines but on their own, genegineered steeds, including the fearsome Thundercat, which some claim is the true form of the legendary Calibanite Lion before it was warped by the ruinous powers.

The Chapters with whom they share kinship are varied. They are close allies of the Luna Wraiths - for whom they are sometimes confused on the battlefield with their similar colours, and shared emphasis on close combat skills. They are, perhaps surprisingly, staunchly supported by the Exorcists: whilst the use of beasts might cause some to suspect them of heretical tendencies, their determined hunting of those corrupted by the dark deities means that the two have a strong bond. Nevertheless, they also often find themselves working closely with Chapters that are themselves less than orthodox, whether it be the Mentor Legion, with their willingness to employ experimental technologies, or the Raven Guard and Raptors, for their use of camouflage and other, less Codex-approved, tactics. They also have a keen affinity with the Mantis Warriors, coming to their aid when the latter struggled with depleted numbers in the wake of its penitent crusade (perhaps, in memory of their own checkered past). Finally, they maintain strong links with the Vorpal Swords, a legacy of their shared history, albeit one that remains unspoken.

Their origins as successors to the Dark Angels can be clearly seen in their Chapter Organisation and nomenclature, drawing on the parent chapter's ancient history. They are deployed almost exclusively in a unique variation of the Lion's Blade formation: their Stormwing Beastriders in place of Ravenwing; The Naufragia, Aggressors and Bladeguard in place of Deathwing Terminators; and the Enigmatii, a diverse mix of Inceptors, Infiltrators and Reivers, in place of Scouts. Its diversity is its strength, emphasing the unique role of each member to achieve success as part of the great whole. Their Intercessors, by contrast, form the bulk of the Secutores, a legacy of the Dark Angels' Iron Wing (and as such, the primordial Hosts of Bone and Iron), an overwhelming force of infantry that are applied when a show of brute force is required, often bearing shields and a range of unique melee weapons.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/19 16:50:04

Post by: Gitsplitta

Love that graven. All of it! I like the tie-ins with the other chapters... that's something I never considered beyond the official fluff.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/19 17:49:21

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks man. And yes, that's ^ absolutely deliberate

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/21 10:56:55

Post by: inmygravenimage

With the above in mind, decided to give my Captain a new head, bit more of a Lion-o (Jonson?) vibe.

The previous head was harvested for the techmarine, who's now underway:

And test model for incursors:

Stormcast body does the job

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/25 03:40:21

Post by: Camkierhi

Merry Christmas bud

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/25 04:23:24

Post by: Gitsplitta

Merry Christmas graven! Love the new head... very appropriate!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/31 08:42:49

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Merry Christmas bud

Gitsplitta wrote:Merry Christmas graven! Love the new head... very appropriate!

Thanks my dear old pals, and merry Christmas to you and yours too!

Apologies for being less present here, just dialling back a bit on feeling like I have to post - plus, honestly, not as much to show. But, a merry Xmas or whatever your celebrate (or not) to you all! So in terms of loot, not masses, but some very cool stuff nonetheless. The wife and I decided not to get each other stuff this year, because there's so many needless things in the world and wayyyyy too much junk in our lives. However, there was still some loot to be had Kids got me Wingspan Asia, Radlands and Terraforming Mars Prelude from in laws, Viticulture: Wine Crate edition from my folks, Terminator RPG from one of my besties and a Carnevale crew (great, another game ), DeLorean, scenery and Cadet Judge Giant promo from my other bestie. Plus, a pile of sprues of oddments from my GW buddy. Good haul.

Full disclosure, as I say, not much more painting done. To round out the year, a somewhat festive Apothecary:

Why festive?

And a VERY jolly Techmarine

And a group shot

Still, all sorts of building, working on this deranged project with Bladeguards. Man, these things are gappy af.

Primaris Ancient and Aggressor. Not crazy about the left flamer arm so might chop it and have it facing more horizontally (originally he was going to be melting a necron) though I like the insanity of the build.

Started the test Incursor scheme.

Going to have a bit of a Cyclops vibe. And speaking of Mutants, Marvel 2023 with a bang... A very big bang.

Comes with a phenomenal amount of extra bits: damaged head and torso plus multiple arms, all of which can be used as throwable scatter terrain in game
I am, unfortunately, very excited by Carnevale. But then low count games and spending more time painting fewer models seems to be what 2023 will be about anyway for me. 418 this year, but next will I think be rather less

Onwards, and thanks as ever for your unflinching support mes amis,

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2022/12/31 10:48:13

Post by: Paradigm

Marine kitbashes continue to impress, eeally neat work!

Looking forward to seeing you paint some Carnevale, that game has such wonderfully characterful sculpts and seems to have expanded (rebooted?) a lot since I last properly looked at it.

Happy new year, pal!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/03 17:32:31

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wonderful stuff graven. So glad to see you throw a bit of holiday spirit into your painting!

We had a gaming-free Christmas... thankfully. None of us need more to do right now.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/04 13:05:55

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:Marine kitbashes continue to impress, eeally neat work!
Looking forward to seeing you paint some Carnevale, that game has such wonderfully characterful sculpts and seems to have expanded (rebooted?) a lot since I last properly looked at it.
Happy new year, pal!

You too buddy, and thanks! Yeah, I am aware that some of new rules are quite divisive but I'm looking forward to giving it a try.

Gitsplitta wrote:Wonderful stuff graven. So glad to see you throw a bit of holiday spirit into your painting!
We had a gaming-free Christmas... thankfully. None of us need more to do right now.

Thanks! Were you buried in snow or were things ok your way?

The spawn has chosen Strigoi (vampires) as a faction (it's not that surprising, he plays Nighthaunts) and I'm going to double-down on the clowns and Comedia vibe, sticking with Gifted for now and can then expand into Guild if I wish.

Meanwhile, another test group of Primaris

Using the 3 basic intercessors and just tweaking slightly with some Stormcast and White Scars bits I managed to blag off eBay. Trying to keep it fairly simple whilst still fluffy. Thoughts?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/08 10:06:37

Post by: inmygravenimage

Alright gang? A quiet start to the year: I'm enjoying tootling about building. It's not all paint, you know

I decided my battlecat needed a cybered eyepiece:

And, after much gap filling, primed up the rest

But it's not all 40k. One of my Xmas gifts was this promo Cadet Giant for Dredd:

Hate warlord bases, but easy enough to modify.

Also built up the Sentinels for MCP

Massive, glorious buggers that come with loads of extras for terrain and basing purposes.

And at the other end of the scale, the ridiculously delicate Commedia del'Arte for a Carnevale

Impressive figs. I'd pretty much sworn off resin but these were very easily to clean up with minimal flash and mould lines. I decided to mix up the basing a bit with some stuff harvested from AoS scenics.

As mentioned, not rushing. I am likely to be painting the battlecat for the dakka painting but taking my time. Work is very busy between marking, exam board stuff and strike action so hobby is a relief but not getting massive attention (or indeed inspiration!)

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/08 10:48:34

Post by: Camkierhi

Blunderpratt is looking good. All looking good . Except Carnival...they look awesome. I have a few figures and never really paid much attention to the line. But I am interested now.

How involved are you with the strike? I mean are you involved or is it just a painful extra day off!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/08 17:39:04

Post by: Gitsplitta

Ah... the beginning of a lot of interesting projects!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/08 21:41:44

Post by: aku-chan

Looking forward to seeing those Carnvale folks getting painted up!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/09 20:01:41

Post by: Theophony

The Sentinels are really making me want to hop back into Crisis Protocol.

Also, your AOS/40K kitbash has me looking through models, when I am suppossed to be making space for the mother-in-law .

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/12 14:40:12

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Blunderpratt is looking good. All looking good . Except Carnival...they look awesome. I have a few figures and never really paid much attention to the line. But I am interested now.

How involved are you with the strike? I mean are you involved or is it just a painful extra day off!

Thanks old son. Carnevale is achingly pretty. I'm just worried I'm going to end up getting scenery too... there's some good cardstock printable stuff out there's that's not too pricey and I'm fairly sure I have foamcore lying about.
As for the strike, well, I'm on our school's union committee so I'll be on the picket line (but I would be anyway), though judging by last time it'll be a very friendly affair - even management are really supportive (our HT used to be my head of dept, long ago) - last time a parent even dropped off a case of Irn-Bru to keep us going Everyone brings their dogs too, so it's not a chore really.
Gitsplitta wrote:Ah... the beginning of a lot of interesting projects!

Yup. None of which I'll likely finish this year
aku-chan wrote:Looking forward to seeing those Carnvale folks getting painted up!

Me too I also have a demolitionist and harlequin coming, plus the Strigoi as a second/opposition faction for the boy... and a starter set
Theophony wrote:The Sentinels are really making me want to hop back into Crisis Protocol.

Also, your AOS/40K kitbash has me looking through models, when I am suppossed to be making space for the mother-in-law .

The Sentinels are a really easy "army" to buy into is the problem
And thanks. I need to kitbash less and paint more though

So I have stuck to my guns and spent this week working of my Mounted Storm Lions Captain for the Dakka Ascension painting contest theme: Captain Tonitruum!

That's Thunder ⛈️ you see

This is when dakka super zoom makes me cry

I do love how the Calibanite Lion turned out though, especially its 40k mods.

Poor little Deathwing

Turned out better than I'd hoped tbh.

So there you have it!

Along with his pals... So far
Might do some more of these, as I have some more generic, rank and file ones to paint, or may tackle the Sentinels. I shall see, when the muse is upon me

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/12 15:26:28

Post by: Theophony

Thats a great captain for your army

poor Deathwing guy , what did he do wrong.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/13 12:51:40

Post by: Gitsplitta

Spot on my friend! Great showpiece for the force.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/14 08:49:20

Post by: JoshInJapan

I don't think the Battlecat suffers all that much from Dakka SuperZoom. It looks great in every shot.

Is the captain wearing pumps?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/15 07:22:47

Post by: Camkierhi

Great job on the Captain. Well done. Interesting colour choices, really makes it pop. Certainly won't be camouflage very often.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/20 13:12:38

Post by: inmygravenimage

Theophony wrote:Thats a great captain for your army
poor Deathwing guy , what did he do wrong.

Thanks man. I'm really happy with him. I mean there's got to be an even more glam commander as well but he does the trick just now looking forward to your own AoS kitbashes
Yeah I feel bad for the wee fella. He was originally destined to be a lamenter on a base of something nurgley but it never quite worked. Given that the Storm Lions are DA successors, though, and the theme is Ascension, I thought this made sense. Plus, a chance to freehand a DA symbol. Woo.
Gitsplitta wrote:Spot on my friend! Great showpiece for the force.

Cheers buddy! We shall be ever ready to defend our Mantis brethren!
JoshInJapan wrote:I don't think the Battlecat suffers all that much from Dakka SuperZoom. It looks great in every shot.
Is the captain wearing pumps?

You're very kind. I think some of the dry brushing looks a bit chalky.
Boots for stirrups, yeah it's funny, that reminds me of when I teach Of Mice and Men and it talks about the ranch owners wearing High Heeled boots. Always confuses the heck out of kids
Camkierhi wrote:Great job on the Captain. Well done. Interesting colour choices, really makes it pop. Certainly won't be camouflage very often.

Space Marines don't do camo after all, so we're good to go ! Thanks man.

In other hobby-adjacent news, I'm now a blogger for Zatu, which is the UK's premium independent hobby retailer. This is quite fun and gives me a sizeable discount on what is already by far the cheapest hobby supplier in the UK. For now, I'm just reviewing, which suits, but I have the option to do more discursive pieces if I choose.

And hey, how about a painted mini? Go on then.

The Black Lamp, a hero for the Guild in Carnevale.

Enjoyed playing with OSL, inspired by the concept art rather than the official paint scheme.

I don't know whether the cape has ended up a bit powdery, but overall a joy of a model to paint. And I wasn't even planning on PLAYING Guild
Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/20 15:07:28

Post by: Camkierhi

Fantastic work on the OSL. Just the right tone too. Love it.

Congrats on the blogger issue. Well done. So we are all buying through you from now on! What's your shipping policy like?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/20 20:04:21

Post by: Gitsplitta

Congratulations on moving forward with your hobby-career! Retirement from traditional life might not be far off...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/20 21:39:25

Post by: JoshInJapan

 inmygravenimage wrote:

JoshInJapan wrote:I don't think the Battlecat suffers all that much from Dakka SuperZoom. It looks great in every shot.
Is the captain wearing pumps?

Boots for stirrups, yeah it's funny, that reminds me of when I teach Of Mice and Men and it talks about the ranch owners wearing High Heeled boots. Always confuses the heck out of kids

Ah, versimilitude. One doesn't usually see that in fantasy models.

I like your OSL, a technique that I have yet to get the hang of.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/20 22:17:34

Post by: Theophony

Black Lamp is cool , good work!

Congrats and well deserved on the blogging.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/21 00:16:27

Post by: Paradigm

Lovely OSL, especially with the rest of the mini so neat and dark. Tons of character in that sculpt and you've brought it out really well.

Congrats on the Zatu gig, they've been my go-to for minis for a couple of years now and seem like a good outfit. I must make the trip to their actual store at some point, it's only half an hour from me!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/24 09:09:08

Post by: Dysartes

Congratulations on getting the gig with Zatu, graven - having seen their stall at UKGE last year, I hadn't realised they did anything beyond board games.

Some nice work in here since I last replied - still having issues getting motivated to paint your DC models?

As for Omega Red and the Winter Guard, they've probably not included him as he was never part of the Guard, at least in the comics. Same would apply to Colossus and Magik, to be fair. Not the best source in the world, but it'll do.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/24 22:02:53

Post by: Llamahead

 inmygravenimage wrote:

I decided my battlecat needed a cybered eyepiece:

Just sums up what I enjoy about Dakka!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/27 11:41:20

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Fantastic work on the OSL. Just the right tone too. Love it.
Congrats on the blogger issue. Well done. So we are all buying through you from now on! What's your shipping policy like?

Blood of mine enemies, naturally.
Gitsplitta wrote:Congratulations on moving forward with your hobby-career! Retirement from traditional life might not be far off...

Lol hardly. But it's nice to expand the side hustle.
JoshInJapan wrote:
Ah, versimilitude. One doesn't usually see that in fantasy models.
I like your OSL, a technique that I have yet to get the hang of.

Quite so! And, thanks - I have no doubt with your skills you could easy tackle it.
Paradigm wrote:Lovely OSL, especially with the rest of the mini so neat and dark. Tons of character in that sculpt and you've brought it out really well.

Congrats on the Zatu gig, they've been my go-to for minis for a couple of years now and seem like a good outfit. I must make the trip to their actual store at some point, it's only half an hour from me!

Thanks man. Ooh, jealous. Dangerous having a store of such quality nearby!
Dysartes wrote:Congratulations on getting the gig with Zatu, graven - having seen their stall at UKGE last year, I hadn't realised they did anything beyond board games.
Some nice work in here since I last replied - still having issues getting motivated to paint your DC models?
As for Omega Red and the Winter Guard, they've probably not included him as he was never part of the Guard, at least in the comics. Same would apply to Colossus and Magik, to be fair. Not the best source in the world, but it'll do.

Cheers bud. No motivation whatsoever to tackle the horrible rubbery "resin". Worst of both worlds. Poor man's finecast As for Omega, iirc he has teamed up with them in a whole Russian superteam and it's a bit tenuous but with such a tiny faction you'd think surely there's some wiggle room for gameplay.
Llamahead wrote:
inmygravenimage wrote:
I decided my battlecat needed a cybered eyepiece:

Just sums up what I enjoy about Dakka!

Lol I suppose so. A very sig'able comment sir!

P&m wuse, into the last push on the set of Storm Lions with Bladeguards, Ancient and Aggressor, pmus I REALLY need to get my Sentinels and Hydra started before (a) the next wave of MCP (b) more Carnevale. Speaking of which...

So, I’ve been working on my Gifted crew for Carnevale, trying to raise my game somewhat. I am working on the assumption that, as a theatrical troupe they would all use the same bolts of cloth for their costumes, so want to keep the colours/blends consistent even with them not being "uniform".

Il Captiano. Really wanted to give him a fabulously flashy grin.

All the bloody stripes :’(

Colombina. Her mirror snapped because wafer thin resin is evil, so I had to make a new one from plasticard.

His base is made from AoS scenery, as I wanted to mix things up a bit and he looks like he’s charging about.

Pantalone. Again, AoS bits for base.

Probably my favourite of the lot.

Il Dottore, complete with leather nose.

Particularly pleased with the bottle, might add an empty to his base.

And expanded with two Heroes, starting with the Harlequin

I chickened out and only freehanded the diamonds on the front. Shocking eh?

And Demolitionist. Loved doing her burnt flesh and smokey stains.

So that gives me a full, versatile Commedia dell’ Arte crew. I’ll probably get the Pulcinella next, so that gives me another faction (Clowns are Guild, not Gifted) but the stays on-brand (Gifted can mix in with any as mercs). Plus I have so much other Carnevale coming: both starter sets (both Guild/Rashaar), and the two Strigoi boxsets, so that'll be 4 playable factions. Eep. But I'm sticking with cardstock terrain: as much as I love the mdf, I'm thinking storage. For now, anyway I mean, that's perfectly reasonable, isn't it?!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/27 23:09:46

Post by: JoshInJapan

That's a lovely, colorful crew! The freehand diamonds turned out well, but I can't blame you for not doing them over the whole model. Are Il Capitano's stripes sculpted detail, or were they freehand as well?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/28 00:14:56

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:That's a lovely, colorful crew! The freehand diamonds turned out well, but I can't blame you for not doing them over the whole model. Are Il Capitano's stripes sculpted detail, or were they freehand as well?

Thanks my friend. Capitano did indeed have sculpted stripes, which did help. Demolitionist didn't, however, so her sleeves were...fun

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/28 10:30:20

Post by: Camkierhi

Excellent work. Looking fabulous.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/28 18:17:39

Post by: aku-chan

Looking good!

Getting the Ostrich Riders?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/28 21:27:21

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Excellent work as always, graven. The orange dude in the short cape and the somersaulting swordsman are my favorites.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/28 23:24:50

Post by: Dysartes

Shame the Harlequin didn't have the diamonds molded on, even if only slightly.

I'm sure I've got a Carnevale wereshark somewhere, but I couldn't tell you where off hand.

Nice work on the crew, though, graven.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/01/29 22:51:01

Post by: Gitsplitta

That's a very festive bunch of models... love them!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/04 14:23:55

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Excellent work. Looking fabulous.

Thanks my friend!
aku-chan wrote:Looking good!
Getting the Ostrich Riders?

Cheers! Well, probably EVENTUALLY... I settled on the Pulcinella and Pub Crawl for now - totally going down the Clown route.
Warboss_Waaazag wrote:Excellent work as always, graven. The orange dude in the short cape and the somersaulting swordsman are my favorites.

Thanks amigo. They were a lot of stress, and particularly challenging among the group as a whole.
Dysartes wrote:Shame the Harlequin didn't have the diamonds molded on, even if only slightly. I'm sure I've got a Carnevale wereshark somewhere, but I couldn't tell you where off hand. Nice work on the crew, though, graven.

Yeah it seems a little odd given the level of detailing on the models generally, particularly in this day and age of digital sculpts. Ah, that's a cracking model! Maybe it's got my 3 Gondola poles, no idea where they are either. Despite my love of all things Cthulhu Mythos, I'm not keeping the Rashaar from the starter sets, I'm splitting with a mate (Dagon worshipping Deep One that he is), but they are very cool. And, thanks!
Gitsplitta wrote:That's a very festive bunch of models... love them!

Cheers old chum. Come! Come to the Carnival!
Plans are afoot (not a mouth, a foot). This month's dakka contest is Location, Location, so - assuming they turn up in time - I'm going to do the various Gondoliers from the starter sets, along with the Gondola from it also. It still really irks me that I can't find the gondola poles that I KNOW are somewhere in the pile of opportunity Anyway, the starter stuff should be coming next week, fingers crossed. In the meantime, I have Pulcinella to tackle and have to try not to go overboard (ha) buying other Gifted (because there are a LOT of very nice singles, plus another set of Commedia). In theory, I'll support the Clowns with Gondoliers (access to an extra Gondola = more mobility) rather than the Trades (legitimate or otherwise), House of Virtue or Harbourmasters. I have plans to use some AoS ruins to try the game out, though I'm going to stick with cardboard terrain (in theory) to keep the game itself physically quite compact.

But, meantime... MUTANT DETECTED!

Ah, Sentinels. They are big blighters, and no mistake.

I really enjoyed doing these, especially the smashed glass of the window, even if my VJ Warlock Purple did explode at the end

Group shot, with Cassandra Nova, rabidly anti-mutant as she is.
Next from the MCP collection is Red Skull and his Hydra goons, and then Rhino (built but not primed), though I may tackle the many, many Pulcinella first as I'm keen to get actually PLAYING Carnevale (shocking but true)... or the Hydra tank, if it turns up.
Hey ho,

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/04 23:46:25

Post by: Dysartes

I keep forgetting Cassandra Nova isn't actually a mutant, even though she's the twin sister of Charles Xavier.

The classic Sentinels have come out nicely, graven.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/05 04:06:15

Post by: bbb

Great work! Love the Sentinels. Nicely done matching them to the comics

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/05 19:02:26

Post by: Slinky

Not familiar with these giant MCU dudes, but you've done a great job

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/05 20:25:05

Post by: Dysartes

...congratulations on breaking the forum again so quickly, graven.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/05 21:30:24

Post by: Camkierhi

Them fellas is huge!

Brilliant work as usual. Accurate too.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/05 21:32:16

Post by: inmygravenimage

Dysartes wrote:I keep forgetting Cassandra Nova isn't actually a mutant, even though she's the twin sister of Charles Xavier.

The classic Sentinels have come out nicely, graven.

Yeah I love Grant Morrison but they have a lot of mad stuff to answer for cheers my friend!
bbb wrote:Great work! Love the Sentinels. Nicely done matching them to the comics

Thanks! I love going big Comic colours
Slinky wrote:Not familiar with these giant MCU dudes, but you've done a great job

Dysartes wrote:...congratulations on breaking the forum again so quickly, graven.

What... what did I do?!

Camkierhi wrote:Them fellas is huge!
Brilliant work as usual. Accurate too.

Yeah 20 cm or so. Thanks pal!

Very brief update, finally got this lot all built:

Pulcinella gang and Pulcinella Pub Crawl. A friendly reminder of my general hatred of resin. Still better than KMs rubbery abomination, though And they weren't bad, minimal slippage, flash or mould lines, just very tiny and fiddly... so now I have a full drunken apocalyptic clown crew (plus Ostrich) to tear through the lanes and canals!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/05 21:43:23

Post by: Dysartes

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Dysartes wrote:...congratulations on breaking the forum again so quickly, graven.

What... what did I do?!

Everyone's favourite unsolved page wrap glitch as we entered page 20.

How fiddly were the Carnevale figures compared to, say, Infinity or Knight Models superhero ranges?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/05 21:54:41

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ahhhhh yes I seem particularly prone to that.
Comparable, I would say. Probably marginally less, and the QC is very good, but there are some RIDICULOUSLY thin parts: Colombina's mirror, as previously mentioned, dissolved when I sneezed (no, really) and the big thug's mace is on a wafer thin rod that snapped despite being ultra careful whilst despruing. There are some balance issues, so several of them are on slottas with the sprue still attached and GSd over. As with any such figs, tiny attachment points are generally awful. It doesn't help that I'm both quite clumsy and have muscle problems in my hand so TINY TINY resin is the bane of my existence.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/06 04:49:30

Post by: Gitsplitta

I recognize those guys! Don't know anything about them... but I recognize them.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/07 11:21:41

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:I recognize those guys! Don't know anything about them... but I recognize them.

That's a win! Pulcinella is your classic Italian clown, white suit, mask, and violence. No Beethoven though (which reminds me, I DO have an Alex mini somewhere... droog). In Carnevale, they are a drunken apocalyptic cult, complete with murderous racing ostriches. I've added bottles to all of mine that don't have some sort of drinking vessel as part of the fig. To the priming shed!

But in the meantime... Hail Hydra!

Hydra troops for MCP.

Tried to go very 4-color silver age on them.

And having built Rhino... added a bit of Deadpool to his base.

What?! He'll be fine...

Red Skull is still in the very WIP stage, and it's smallest Spawn's 7th birthday tomorrow, so the next week or so will be taken up with such shenanigans. Got some board games to review, too, BEAST which is a hidden movement / hand drafting game of mythic Norse creatures Vs a team of hunters. Components are stunning. Very exciting plus have got little miss Stuffed Fables, with minis for her to paint.
Raise em right

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/08 09:51:49

Post by: inmygravenimage

So, in the end, I just battered on with Red Skull to preserve my sanity (mm-hmm):

Playing about with NMM, and using Nihilakh oxide for the lightning as an experiment which I rather like.

I used exclusively WW2 German greens, greys and browns on him, which I felt fitting.

Hail Hydra!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/09 11:56:52

Post by: Paradigm

Cracking work on Skull (and I'm definitrly nicking the Oxide for lightning trick! Is it just over white or is there anything else you did beforehand?))

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/09 12:50:28

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks! Nope, no trickery. Just over VJ Artic White.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/10 12:42:20

Post by: aku-chan

Nice work on all the Hydra guys! Although, sculpt-wise, I think I prefer the more understated Red Skull from the starter set.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/11 08:44:21

Post by: Slinky

Poor old Deadpool, I am sure that will buff out though

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/15 05:44:47

Post by: Camkierhi

Excellent work as usual. Love the additions to the basing. Very effective all round.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/16 10:37:40

Post by: inmygravenimage

aku-chan wrote:Nice work on all the Hydra guys! Although, sculpt-wise, I think I prefer the more understated Red Skull from the starter set.

LOL you're not wrong can't wait to get the version in a tank
Slinky wrote:Poor old Deadpool, I am sure that will buff out though

Sure... I wish I knew where my extra tacos were though, I really want some for Blob's base.

Camkierhi wrote:Excellent work as usual. Love the additions to the basing. Very effective all round.

Cheers buddy, much appreciated.

So, the Pulcinellas!

Man, there was a lot of dirty white there to do to add a bit of consistency, everything's had a bottle or flask added if they didn't have one originally.

King for a Day, the Leader

Enjoyed his custom base. Tried to have elements of everything - the stone, the canal, wood and rusty metal.
Generic Pulcinella

Terrible photo that last one, though she's my favourite.



Added some extra base details. Particularly happy with the ripples that the tentacle's making.


Ostrich Rider

Fun, but hellish to do.

And, the 5 I intend (I think) for this month's dakka contest:

And finally, my full Carnevale collection (as it stands for now).

That just leaves the rest of the Commedia dell'Arte (the Understudies), the two Strigoi basic gangs and the starter set Guild to do. Yeah... JUST.

And, for MCP, the raging Rhino!

Had to have the police line tape for comedy value.

Hmm. Just noticed a rogue brush hair. Weird.

Really pleased with his face, too. MCP still a bit gappy but way better than of old.

Probably should tackle the remaining the Storm Lions (Bladeguards, Ancient and Aggressor) I think I just need to bite the (bolter) bullet and finish these guys now, as they're just hanging about my desk looking accusatory I've also got some new Shadows of Brimstone - Forbidden Fortress releases to tackle, which might be a nice palette cleanser, and I've got Red Skull's Hydra tank en route also. That being said, I have a fair old pile of AoS ruins which strike me as suitably generic for Venetian docks so they may get a quick-once over to get the game on the table!

Ah decisions, decisions. The hell of hobby ADHD

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/16 20:38:56

Post by: Slinky

A quirky bunch there, the ostrich rider is my personal fave

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/17 11:59:14

Post by: Dysartes

Nice bunch of clowns you got there, graven - do you have a Volkswagen Beetle for them all to come piling out of, including the ostrich?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/17 18:14:12

Post by: aku-chan

Yay! Ostrich!
Love the clowns.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/17 21:37:56

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:A quirky bunch there, the ostrich rider is my personal fave

Thanks! It was HELLISH to build but turned out pretty well. I'm not going to be getting the Ostrich Racing box anytime soon though 4 more ostriches?! No thanks.
Dysartes wrote:Nice bunch of clowns you got there, graven - do you have a Volkswagen Beetle for them all to come piling out of, including the ostrich?

VW Gondola maybe?
aku-chan wrote:Yay! Ostrich!
Love the clowns.

Everyone loves an ostrich eh? Madness!
Meanwhile, I took a notion to paint a certain droog...

No use crying over spilt milk.

Fits a little too well with my Pulcinellas

Now they knew who was master and leader...

I also tested up some AoS scenery

Pretty happy with it.

Should work for Carnevale too I reckon.

More of these to follow I imagine. This is decent and will work for my Warhammer Alliance kids too.

Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/22 14:57:01

Post by: inmygravenimage

So, I've finally finished the Storm Lions Bladeguards and Ancient - granted the Aggressor isn't done but still. I think the issue was this turned into army painting which i just loathe - the whole point of this is was a fun hobby project born out of chats with my Warhammer Alliance kids and a couple of internet buddies, so doing full units became a chore.

Anyway, they're done now, though perhaps not to the standard I would've liked which does slightly defeat the aim of this year to focus on quality over quantity, but there we are.

Reasonably happy with the capework and nmm on the shield at least.

And one last view.

Currently on the painting desk is more AoS terrain that's doing double duty for Carnevale, which the spawn and I got stuck into last night (which is also why the above weren't in the jury-rigged lightbox, as that's a handy 2x2 playmat).

Simple, 75 ducat (point) game from the rulebook (why it's not the first one in the book is beyond me), Gifted [him] vs Guild [me], using pretty much starter set teams. He wanted to try Gifted as they're the mercenary faction - usable with any other - and given that he's planning on playing Strigoi (vampires) as his main that seemed to make sense.

The game is fast, with only a couple of basic actions, and a lot of fun. It's fairly rules-light, and emphasises narrative moments plus has some really cinematic mechanics (like chaining jumps for free by landing on small obstacles). So far, we love it! Down the rabbit-hole (or rather, into the canal) we go!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/25 09:19:46

Post by: JoshInJapan

I have really enjoyed watching your Storm Lions project develop. I don't particularly enjoy painting Space Marines, but I do enjoy watching other people do it, especially when they take advantage of the kitbashiness of all the various kits.

So, Carnevale: yea or nay? I'm all about small unit skirmish games these days, and genre-wise it's well outside my wheelhouse. Is the game itself worth playing?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/26 20:00:23

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:I have really enjoyed watching your Storm Lions project develop. I don't particularly enjoy painting Space Marines, but I do enjoy watching other people do it, especially when they take advantage of the kitbashiness of all the various kits.

So, Carnevale: yea or nay? I'm all about small unit skirmish games these days, and genre-wise it's well outside my wheelhouse. Is the game itself worth playing?

Well, I certainly enjoy the modelling side more than the painting I have some ideas for March, as I haven't done a sniper or flying one yet...

But Carnevale has caught my attention hard, yeah. I've actually actively avoided it as I knew this would happen the game is great, very simple... Or more accurately deceptively simple. The mechanics are very streamlined and there is a heavy emphasis on narrative - you are explicitly told to allow wiggle room with distances, for example - which means it is consciously about sportsmanship and fun over RAW.

Speaking of Carnevale, the repurposed AoS ruins / ruined Basilica complete:

Particularly fond of the bell tower.

Finally got the Aggressor done.

Might need to tone down his eyebrows, though.

And, this year's Warlord promo, Cadet Judge Giant

He very tiny. About 24mm.

Enjoyed him a lot, all came together.

I have painted WAY more than I expected to this month! Weird.

Had a great night out with BMG players from across Scotland, including pals I've not seen since 2019 what with COVID etc. An important reminder to keep seeing the people we hobby with. And, like, drink beer and eat far too much chicago-style pizza.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/02/28 08:49:02

Post by: Slinky

Liking that scenery, looks like it could be useful for quite a few fantasy/semi-historical games. Would prolly be quite good for LOTR.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/03 11:34:50

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Liking that scenery, looks like it could be useful for quite a few fantasy/semi-historical games. Would prolly be quite good for LOTR.

Yeah, it's got good generic creepy vibes. I also think it'll be pretty decent even for WW gaming if I'm so minded as a bombed-out Gothic church.

Right, so, on to the first models of March!

Unhinged Understudies for The Gifted - the other Commedia dell'Arte crew.

And in more detail

La Signora. I was struggling to find a look I was happy with, so took some inspiration elsewhere... bonus dakka cookie to you if you get it She's a really good leader, her prop gun does no damage but has knockback so great for throwing folk off buildings or into canals and she's surprisingly good with her sword (particularly parrying). Also, her command ability means she recovers Will (rerolls) by being the centre of attention (1 for everyone within 3") so she's REALLY hard to put down.

The Innamorati, the lovers, fused together and with faces warped into theatrical masks. Weird and wonderful models, they turn into a Mindless killing machine when at half health.

Scapino, the wee scamp. He's a bloody nuisance in game as he ties folk up in combat but is extremely slippery and hard to hit. No attacks of opportunity against Scapino! Great for stealing objectives.

Mezzetino adds a bit more swordplay, and general swish-ness. He's a useful generic sellsword, ultimately. And dear lord, all the stripes.

Coviello is interesting. He can handle himself in a fight but it's more about using music to distract opponents. He's a finesse piece and I've not quite got my head round him on the table yet; I suspect he'll be good at holding stationary objectives, but I've not had a chance to test that theory.

Apart from the Pierrots, that's me got all the Commedia. I'm going to do a Rialto Assassin next for my Guild, just to compliment the very punchy, in your face clowns with a stealth hero (plus I REALLY like the model) and then start on the spawn's Vampiric Aristocracy (probably, tbh, in a similar colour scheme to La Signora). Still waiting on the core game box, as it seems to have been eaten by the postal service but we have plenty to be going on with.

In the meantime, March is always Marine month in the dakka painting contest, so it's back to the Storm Lions with a couple of conversions:

So the Suppressor build is clearly a solution to my loathing of flight stands Honestly I'm amazed how easy a build this was, it's pretty much just an arm swap and a backpack. Not much extra on the Eliminator, couple of White Scar accessories and removed his tactical rock for the AoS base, though I'd like to get a sword in (maybe just lying on the ground) too. However, Chapter Master Claudus Thundera is another matter:

Marneus Calgar for the body, mostly (got to love WH magazines), a mix of 40k/AoS bits for the rest the usual mishmash kitbash for characters within the army. I say I had intended him to be my chapter master but he has a bit of a Chief Librarian vibe, I think? Can a Chapter Master even be a psyker? Oh, the fluff.

In terms of what I haven't yet kitbashed for the Storm Lions, I've yet to attempt a Heavy Intercessor, Hellblaster, Infiltrator or Inceptor, so I might try to get a couple of them done - then that's 5 figs as per the contest rubric.I think irrespective they'll be more straightforward conversions, probably just accessorised SM, though an Infiltrator could viably use a Sigmarite body I suppose.

Have been reading some L5R fiction, and that's tickled my interest in revisting Feudal/Fantasy Japan, so I've also primed up the next batch of Forbidden Fortress stuff, various evil Shugenja and noble Ashigaru (and a monkey!), plus the corrupt samurai's cannon. I'm also going to try to break out the 3D printer this weekend - erithromycin has asked me to print him a large-scale Superman head, so I'm going to do that and experiment with some tokens for Carnevale also.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/03 13:04:02

Post by: Paradigm

Ongoing Venetian endeavours looking good! Love the idea of a game where you have a buch of actors and musicians running round fighting vampires with prop guns and stage swords and that somehow working!

No idea about whether CMs can also be psykers, but the conversion is fantastic either way!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/03 20:29:42

Post by: Gitsplitta

Those masque figures do the same thing for me that the bushido figures do!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/04 13:08:06

Post by: aku-chan

Continuing the good work on the Carnivale stuff!

I might have to try and get an Innamorati, sounds interesting to paint (The old version of Carnivale tried a similar "fused" figure but they seriously half-arsed the sculpt).

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/06 04:19:53

Post by: Camkierhi

All looking bloody amazing bud. About the only fly in my ointment is a clockwork orange. Really don't like that movie, brilliant film work and Malcolm is outstanding. But it is too sinister and too bloody close to the truth of the world for me. Bit like seeing chimps eat monkeys for the first time. Just scares the pants off you!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/07 01:52:44

Post by: JoshInJapan

I love all the bright colors on this latest batch. I look forward to seeing how you tackle the Japanese stuff.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/07 11:56:39

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:Ongoing Venetian endeavours looking good! Love the idea of a game where you have a buch of actors and musicians running round fighting vampires with prop guns and stage swords and that somehow working!
No idea about whether CMs can also be psykers, but the conversion is fantastic either way!

It is hilarious and a lot of fun. It's a relatively light game with stunning sculpts. The vampires have turned up and they're really cool. All in all, ticks a lot of boxes.

Gitsplitta wrote:Those masque figures do the same thing for me that the bushido figures do!

I... Think that's good?! I mean I know you love Bushido. I think that Carnevale might end up being my small game rabbit hole.

aku-chan wrote:Continuing the good work on the Carnivale stuff!
I might have to try and get an Innamorati, sounds interesting to paint (The old version of Carnivale tried a similar "fused" figure but they seriously half-arsed the sculpt).

Thanks my old chum. You can get individual figs from the boxsets direct from TT, so that's a possibility.

Camkierhi wrote:All looking bloody amazing bud. About the only fly in my ointment is a clockwork orange. Really don't like that movie, brilliant film work and Malcolm is outstanding. But it is too sinister and too bloody close to the truth of the world for me. Bit like seeing chimps eat monkeys for the first time. Just scares the pants off you!

Thanks man. I know what you mean, about how fundamentally unchanged we are as a society. Tis grim. Glad you like all the toys though!

JoshInJapan wrote:I love all the bright colors on this latest batch. I look forward to seeing how you tackle the Japanese stuff.

Cheers mate. Yeah, thought they might be up your alley I'm not really looking forward to the Sashimono bearer tbh but I'll manage The ashigaru kit is really nice, several different head options.

Meanwhile, a couple more kitbash marines:

Went with a Heavy Intercessor and an Infiltrator. I'm not totally sold on the Infiltrator build, weirdly, as I had a much clearer idea for him, yet the Heavy Intercessor was a huge, complex build of many random parts laid out in front of me that somehow came together and I just love. Maybe I just have to accept that the Infiltrator is too good at infiltrating sigmarites

I also built up the Vampiric Aristocracy for Carnevale:

Highborn Noble (human thrall, but with money), Hulking Moroi (big killy vampire), Starving Vampire (starts terrible, eats her way to terrifying) and 2 Nosferatu (sneaky shadow-walkers, not massively powerful but good at nabbing objectives). Lovely sculpts (particularly the Nosferatu), minimal flash, no slippage, bubbles, or filling required, easy to build - probably the best to do so far, in fact. Also, and let's not forget this, dirt cheap. Any time I fret about the price of this hobby I remember I can get 5 fantastic models for £25. Obviously that means I can get LOTS but still oh and down the front, balancing on the sunken gondola pole, is a Rialto assassin for my Guild (Clowns are all well and good, but I need a bit of stealthy murder), plus knocked together an extra gondola pole from plastic rod.

The weather has turned very chilly, so not sure when I'll get all these primed, though I'll try to at least get the SM done
(by hand if necessary) so I can do a full set of 5 for the monthly contest. It pains me to say it, but I'm so keen to try Carnevale in full I may break a golden rule and play with the Strigoi unpainted (or more accurately let the spawn play with them unpainted).
I'm all heart me

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/09 02:44:57

Post by: Gitsplitta

Yeah... that's a good thing.