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Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/10 15:32:17

Post by: Dysartes

...and you broke the forum again, graven.

The vampire sculpts look interesting - which one is the Human among them, though? And the Starving one, for that matter?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/12 14:31:33

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Yeah... that's a good thing.


Dysartes wrote:...and you broke the forum again, graven.
The vampire sculpts look interesting - which one is the Human among them, though? And the Starving one, for that matter?

I am a man of rare talent L-R: Rialto Assassin (human), Hulking Moroi, Starving Vampire, Nosferatu 1, Highborn Thrall (human), gondola post, Nosferatu 2

Hola! Work is very very busy just now, but managed to print and paint a couple of objective markers for Carnevale:

Actual scans of stonework from San Marco. Pretty damn perfect!

In other news, finished up building and basing up FoFo. Nice to be back in Fantasy-Feudal Japan. I'm glad I found one of the evil ninja masks for the Monkey's base As for the SM project had to swap out the head and change some details on the heavy intercessor after some weirdly primer blobbing. But they're underway. Might even get some done for this month's contest


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/15 12:45:29

Post by: Slinky

Nice prints!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/18 12:48:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Nice prints!

Thanks my dude. More to come! I've got some other architectural scans which I'm going to turn into tokens for me and my various buddies so we all have our own.

But, in the meantime, more inhabitants of Venice:

The Rialto assassin. I've gone with a tile-terracotta for the inside of his cape so that, notionally, he can reverse it to blend in on rooftops. Not much help when you're balanced on a gondola pole in the middle of the Grand Canal, but still The gondola pole next to him is a test made from plastic rod (for cakes, as it happens) and the barrel another test print.

The Vampires of Venice. Yes, I am referencing Dr Who, particularly with the Highborn Thrall (her in the dress with skulls on). Yes, I know that in that episode they're basically Rashaar, not Strigoi. No, I care not a jot.

I absolutely loved painting these, particularly after the intricacies of the Gifted - which is lucky as I have another 10 assorted vampires to paint (finally!) along with a dozen or so assorted Citizens and other Guild members. Who knows - maybe I'll paint some scenery? I do have another gondola and set of official poles to do, after all I've now got a 2x2 playmat, modular tiles (for 3x3), custom dice and all the acrylic tokeny goodness you can eat. It's a BIT exciting. It's also the fact that it's such a quick game, so will be no bother to get on the table.

Next up I really need to get a marine done for painting contest, and then I'll get on with the rest of the Strigoi. Nearly the Easter holidays, but we're away for the first week so that'll be board games rather than painting. Busy busy!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/18 14:32:43

Post by: Paradigm

Good stuff, and bonus points for the DW theme!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/20 18:28:37

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks amigo. Woo The Doctor!

Meanwhile, some SM progress:

Chapter Master Claudus Thundera. He's ok. I'm happy with the NMM on the gold at the top, at least.

Pretty sweet space cape too.

And, for MCP, The Blob and Pyro

Or should that be Pyro and the Blob?

I liked doing these, but it's frustrating to see AMG returning to the age old gapping issues.

Anyway, more SM and vampires to go!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/20 18:50:30

Post by: Slinky

NMM came out very nicely indeed, yep!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/26 17:34:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:NMM came out very nicely indeed, yep!

Cheers bro! I've actually touched it up a bit more, as you'll see, hopefully.

So this week I was laid low by COVID (third time's the charm). What a joy. I mean I suppose I really shouldn't be surprised given my loyalties Has given me a chance to look at some of the Adepticon coverage, quite nice to see 40k introducing mechanics from other games (some Mantic folk are spitting, which is fairly ironic given that they're ex-GW) and trying to listen to feedback from the community. Still not convinced I'll actually play mind you.

But, I did a bit more on the Chapter Master and pushed to finish off my final set of Storm Lions:

Finished Chapter Master. Face is a bit goofy, but NMM on the pommel and hilt also.

Infiltrator and Executioner. Tried to give the Infiltrator a bit of chipping also. As for the Executioner, I've never tried doing that style of camo, so it was a worthwhile, if not entirely successful, experiment.

Suppressor and Heavy Intercessor. Very much about the full-on kitbashing, trying to make it very clear what the original model is without it feeling unnatural in 40k.

And a nice shot of the force as a whole! They are now shelved (as it were) so that I can focus on other things. They are not perfect, but they were fun to do, and if they start to feel a chore that's a sign to move on.

Specifically, I've been building more Venetians, both Strigoi and citizenry, so now we have a good mix to play with at different game sizes and enough stuff to tinker with list building. I also picked up some more MCP hotness Agent Venom, Spider-Woman, Beta Ray Bill, Ulik, Psylocke, Emma Frost... and a Hydra tank! Man I love that thing, I am so thrilled that it's terrain with an actual in-game use (it's an Ultimate Encounter) - Hail Hydra indeed. It's also given me the notion to do a bit of terrain building generally, might see what I can knock up for Venice. I'm pleased with my AoS ruins for a sunken basilica, I might add in a couple of MDF ruined buildings just to round it out. The boy's Strigoi list is first priority, though.

Last week of term ahead! Lots to do, but should be a *bit* more chill.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/03/31 10:33:18

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ah, Mad March. Nearly at its end. And, indeed, I'm nearly at my end. But the work burnout is what the holidays are for, after all. Lots of boardgames, I'll wager. Have managed to get smaller boy playing some more stuff with me and the elder spawn, so that's rather jolly.

But, meanwhile, it's been a case of getting on with vampires. First, the starter set:
Common (female) and Noble (male).

Human Thralls (shovel and crossbow) and Newborn Strgoi (hat on base)

Very enjoyable, lots of muted tones, trying to be a stark contrast to my garish Commedia dell'Arte. I added a shovel to the base of the thrall with a crossbow, just as they can have either loadout. Always weaponise your snacks, folks. Funnily enough I ended up with a spare arm and hat from the Newborn, so they'll no doubt find their way on to other bases.

And, the Airborne cannibals.

Stryha Crone (hanging from lamppost), Strige (smaller female), Harpies (tiny monster vampire kids) and Strzyga (giant flying monster). These make the Strigoi as a whole a really scary force, as they can totally dominate the rooftops in a way that really no other faction can. I don't yet have The Drowning and The Drowned, which adds in aquatic vampires, but it's only a matter of time... TT's excellent customer service sent me a spare wing for the Strige with no bother at all, so meant I could turn these around in next to no time. In the process, I've realised that her other wing is actually missing a couple of fingers but I'm loathe to pull her apart now. I've just painted it as them being curled into the palm.

And what would Venice be without a gondola?

So in the colour scheme of the Strigoi, along with poles, a bit of scatter (for when I inevitably get Butchers for my Guild) and the Fortune's Favour coin. This strange mechanic (which is very love/hate) means that if you narrate a risky move then you gain a bonus, but it has to be agreed on by your opponent(s).

I really like it, but there's a lot of resistance to it in the competitive scene. I mena, it's not really a very competitive game - it's explicit, for example, that if someone is a tiny bit out of range when making a jump you should just ignore it (as long as they narrate a heroic leap and slipping on the tiles as they land) - but I completely get why it infuriates the WAAC brigade.

A nice group shot, and along with the Gifted:

Next up is allllllll the Guild from both Starters: Citizens, Gondoliers, and assorted Thieves. April's dakka contest is DOOM and there ain't no apocalypse like a masked venetian apocalypse, after all. I've also got a couple more Gifted to add into the mix, having picked up the event promo from the webstore (she's a firestarter, a twisted firestarter ) and The Duke, the standalone Leader for the faction (but can be run as a Hero with anyone, or enables you to have an extra Leader in Gifted), plus the web exclusive Strigoi priest and female Baroni (Guild pistol wielding thief). I might even try to pop a bit of scenery into the mix: I'm sorely tempted by the dice tower that is a playable terrain piece for the game.

I also have a pile of MCP to get on with, but I'm quite keen to get Carnevale on the table and PLAYED, particularly as the second week of the holidays should allow a bit of extra time.

Hey ho,

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/04 20:04:14

Post by: inmygravenimage

Right, on we go!

The Duke and Zorena. She's a firestarter

And, for the Guild, the Capodocina:

The boss. Absolutely murderous.

Love a cape.

3 down. Quite a few to go

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/08 19:55:03

Post by: Gitsplitta

Great stuff as always!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/09 21:09:21

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Great stuff as always!

Thanks buddy!
Nothing terribly interesting to show. I've blocked in colours on my citizenry, or rather, did so at the start of the week, but have been away for most of the Easter period for the wife's birthday (went to Dundee, surprisingly good) and St Andrews at the parentals. Kids good though middle spawn a bit poorly, long walks, lots of board games (Boss Monster, Patchwork Doodle, Radlands and Sagrada), much food, more drink. An excellent break thus far!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/09 22:16:43

Post by: makeitorky

These are all really neat! It's been fun to read through them. Carnevale looks like lots of fun, thank you for sharing your projects.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/11 16:03:43

Post by: inmygravenimage

makeitorky wrote:These are all really neat! It's been fun to read through them. Carnevale looks like lots of fun, thank you for sharing your projects.

Welcome, and thanks for the kind words! Carnevale is indeed immense fun, gameplay hits the rules weight / complexity balance really well, the fluff is great and the minis are incredibly evocative.
It being the holidays, I have made some progress.
So, without further ado... The Guild!

Capodocina was of course done previously, and the Pilferer (sneak pick-pocket) hid from the camera, so let's start with the little runt:

Small thieving child.

There are few things more Venetian than a Gondolier:

They're REALLY good in game - that bladed oar is vicious.

For the female Gondolieri, I left the flash on the oar as a spray of water.


Well, fisher-folk. This lot are reminders of why I hate resin: the male with spear had its haft snap, so I rejoined it at the hand (plus I hate that it doesn't come with a net, so I made him one), and the other male's spare harpoon heads (in the back quiver) just crumbled into nothingness.

Citizens! Ladies first:

Particularly like the lamp.

And gents, plus an Arbalest:

Particularly like the faces.

Now, to decide which 5 to submit for Dakka contest (DOOM!) this month. I'm leaning towards these 5:

Though the urchin, in dakkasuperzoomTM, looks better than the fisherman.

Anyway, the full lot of them:

And what's the point of having models if you're not PLAYING with them?

75 ducat (small game), 5 objectives, gondola each.

Strigoi murdered me, despite some gutsy plays.

I DID manage to steal his gondola, though...

Great fun. Brilliant, fast, frenetic game. Gondoliers were MVPs, they're incredibly versatile, even the harpies (kiddie vampires) managed to drown one.

I also cranked out the last of the Purge for Core Space, from the Purge: Outbreak expansion -

Nasty critters, both big and small.

So a busy holiday thus far, and that's not including playing Fluxx, Sagrada, Patchwork Doodle, Boss Monster... and taking the wife away to Dundee to the V&A for a couple of days too.
Keeps me out of mischief

Speaking of which, I have a notion to play some old Highlander CCG... just got to track down some cards now


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/13 00:28:07

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wow, that board looks really, really fun!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/14 13:54:28

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Wow, that board looks really, really fun!

Yeah the AoS ruins are ideal as 3" height increments matter in-game for jump-down attacks.
But, talking of terrain, how about a spot of REAL Carnevale terrain?

This is the excellent Gambling Hall / dice tower, which I nabbed for a song off ebay.

I primed it in separate sections of cream and tan, and induced primer shock to get some realistic cracking of the "plasterwork".

Whilst there are some build tabs, most are covered by cardstock and they are generally integrated into the design.

Unfortunately, of course, now I want MORE

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/14 23:18:44

Post by: tzurk

Hey mate,

The blue colour on the marines is gorgeous, and the NMM sells itself.

Carnevale seems like a blast and the minis are really characterful. Terrain looks brill on the table too.

Thanks for sharing!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/18 10:07:23

Post by: Slinky

Lovely characterful models.

And that game board is fab!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/18 21:08:28

Post by: Gitsplitta

What is "primer shock"? Or am I missing something obvious...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/23 08:57:19

Post by: inmygravenimage

tzurk wrote:Hey mate,
The blue colour on the marines is gorgeous, and the NMM sells itself.
Carnevale seems like a blast and the minis are really characterful. Terrain looks brill on the table too.
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks on all counts! Vallejo Hawk Turquoise is a lovely colour

Slinky wrote:Lovely characterful models.
And that game board is fab!

Thanks on both counts!

Gitsplitta wrote:What is "primer shock"? Or am I missing something obvious...

Primer shock is when spray paint is too cold and crackles along the surface of the model (or in the case of metal models, it can be that metal itself is too cold). It can absolutely ruin miniatures. However, you can induce it to achieve some good effects on terrain - for example, some of the cracking on the plasterwork (such as around the lip of the dice tower, under the soffits)

I've also used it on Death Guard , though it's a bit risky at that scale:

Fortunately, Papa is very forgiving


Web-exclusive Strigoi Priest. I mean does anything spell DOOM like a vampire priest holding a cross and catching fire?!

He's a really handy unit in game, as Strigoi have very limited anti-magic (they don't have Magic users really outside of very specific list builds, which even then aren't great), but he's cheap, nasty and useful. It's not necessarily a big deal, as I play Guild who likewise don't really have magic, but the other members of our Carnevale group play two of the factions that absolutely do (Patricians and Rashaar). I do have Baba Yaga, the Magic beatstick for Guild, but she's unpainted (along with another Arbalest and a Shipwright), albeit primed.

I haven't forgotten about my other fantasy foray, Moonstone, but that's a very different game. Currently enjoying buckling our swash, Venetian style.

Talking of other games, a bit of MCP, also, as I get back into the... SWING of things
Agent Venom. Weird, but cool, very good addition to Guardians of the Galaxy lists (and spawn likes GotG).

Nightmare to paint though. Spent a bit more time than usual on the base working some colour into the brickwork.

And the mighty Jessica Drew, aka Spider-Woman

Great sculpt, great in game - a mighty fine addition to my burgeoning Hydra list. There's something VERY big coming for that (hail hydra) but you'll have to wait a bit. It's more of a May project.

I also repainted The Blob.

I wasn't happy with how his great mash of flesh turned out, so I shaded with greens then built back up, and the gapping was killing me so some of that's been filled also. Plus, I wanted to added a bit of food-related action.

Don't make me Hungry! You won't like me when I'm Hungry!
I managed to scrounge up some tacos from Deadpool's taco truck (thanks to the lovely Paintbrushdaydreams, as I'd lost mine in the depths of the bitsbox) and made the paper bag out of some kitchen towel.

And finally, Emma Frost

Or should I say, The White Queen.

For such a tiny, and apparently unbalanced model, this is a joy to build (well, both are) - incredibly well engineered.

I like the two almost identical sculpts, and I'm a fan of the character, even if I'm unlikely to actually use her in game.

In terms of MCP, Psylocke, Beta-Ray Bill and Ulik are next up (plus the Hydra mystery), whilst the Baroni (enforcer) and Recruiter (mini-leader for Civilians) will be rounding out my Guild. Might take a wee break and tackle some Forbidden Fortress Japanese feudal fantasy though, just for variety.
What can I say, I'm a creature of whimsy!


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/23 09:02:46

Post by: JoshInJapan

I love the OSL on the Strigoi priest-- I can never seem to get it right, so hats off to anyone who can!

Spider-woman looks great, too.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/24 20:38:06

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:I love the OSL on the Strigoi priest-- I can never seem to get it right, so hats off to anyone who can!

Spider-woman looks great, too.

You're most kind mate. I really like doing osl, any excuse really.

Couple more Carnevale done, a Baroni and Recruiter for the Guild:

Accursed addictive hobby!

I might have to cave and get some more scenery, just to mix things up now.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/28 16:52:13

Post by: inmygravenimage

So, it turned out it was less of a CAVE and more of a yawning, bottomless pit of terrain I fell into. One of my mates was having a Carnevale clearout (one of those wife-enforced hobby clearouts, you know the drill, tragic really) so was keen to shift his stuff at rock bottom. I graciously took it off his hands, shifted the extra models to cover the costs, and ended up with a whole lot of Venice AND another faction Having Covid for the 4th time this week meant that in between brain fog and various blessings I got... some painting done:

Rather than shots of the individual buildings and bridges, I thought I'd give you an idea of a layout.

I haven't yet tackled the streets - waiting on more black mdf primer for them - but they're less of a priority tbh.

What's that you say? Another faction? Why yes, yes it is.

Cult of Dagon, Rashaar Subfaction. I'm just an absolute sucker for Cthulhu mythos shizz, basically. Here's the Voice of Dagon at the head of his cult.

And some detail shots, starting with the promo version of the Karcharos (regular version is a great white)

Sirena... a siren. Might go a bit more Ursula with the other one.

Officiants. Not thugs. Oh my no.

Urchins. See what they did there?
So not only has this month been mega-productive, I am weirdly on track to do a mini a day. How did that happen?
As well as the other Sirena and another Officiant, I still have a priest, a demagogue, an Enforcer (they really ARE a thug), a Magi-Rashaar, a monster Handler AND the Morgraur - think giant demogorgon which is a standalone army/scenario in its own right - to tackle. Plus between Hellboy and Unfathomable I have enough Deep One and adjacent minis to add in as the various species of Raadru and hybrids. Mad, impulsive boy...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/28 19:10:21

Post by: Paradigm

That's sone lovely terrain there!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/29 00:34:41

Post by: CptJake

Cult of Dagon?

Got to admit, my dog, Dagon is a fan if his followers.

Here is he is as Dagon The Destroyer of Cities, having just chewed up 2 MDF buildings....

But back on topic, as usual, fantastic job. You are really an inspiration for me to try and be more productive from a painting/hobby perspective.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/04/29 08:40:44

Post by: Dysartes

That's a really effective layout, graven.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/01 18:27:07

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:That's some lovely terrain there!

Thanks pal! TT Combat stuff can be a bit variable bu i does the job.

CptJake wrote:Cult of Dagon?

Got to admit, my dog, Dagon is a fan if his followers.

The Destroyer of Cities, having just chewed up 2 MDF buildings....

But back on topic, as usual, fantastic job. You are really an inspiration for me to try and be more productive from a painting/hobby perspective.

Elder god or elder dog ? either way that's a very handsome pup you have there. My dog decided to chase and chew Catwoman, make of that what you will. And, many thanks ! This was productivity born entirely of COVID related boredom

Dysartes wrote:That's a really effective layout, graven.

Thanks my dude! Looking forward to mixing up with my other stuff for a 3x3 table.

Did a bit of a clear out, off-loaded some KM minis I'll never build (DCceased zombie justice league and villains, mostly), just turned into cardboard to fuel a bit of Highlander CCG retro Nonsense. Quite therapeutic getting rid of minis doing nothing, when there are so many I DO want to paint.

Because, during COVID 4 (Adrian's revenge) I had cleared rather more off my painting desk than expected, I moved on to building. For Marvel, Beta Ray Bill and (finally) the Hydra Tank, and for Carnevale, the alt sculpt leaders for Strigoi, Rashaar and Guild... along with cleaning up and assembling a resin fountain, two more gondolas and 6 more poles, plus a wee bit of AoS scatter to go alongside.

I have these to do still for Rashaar:

But there's one BIG thing too... cleaning, drilling, pinning, and filling the Morgraur.

It's a big 'un.

On the mend now. To the painting desk!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/03 06:44:50

Post by: Dysartes

How is/was the Hydra tank to build, graven?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/03 14:59:45

Post by: inmygravenimage

 Dysartes wrote:
How is/was the Hydra tank to build, graven?

An absolute breeze. Having built a lot of tanks in my time, GW could learn a thing or two. I left the track/sides off for ease of painting.

Lovely kit.

Fun to build, fun to paint.

Bit of muck. Tanks need muck.

And fun with osl. Yeah, great kit.

On the MCP front, got Ulik the troll done also

So I'm not crazy about this obscure Kirby era Thor villain, but I enjoyed the painting.

And as a little experiment, made an evil, corrupt fountain with some UV resin.


For Marvel, I've got Beta Ray Bill and Psylocke next, then more Guild and Rashaar to do.

Busy busy!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/04 01:43:39

Post by: Gitsplitta

Love the OSL on the torch bearer... well done.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/04 15:42:18

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote: Love the OSL on the torch bearer... well done.

Most kind old chum! Your message got lost in rollover, thank dakka for blog view

Had some fairly crappy personal news so ended up spending the other night up very late painting and drinking, which meant I got Beta-Ray Bill done:

Again, not a massive fan of cosmic Kirby stuff, and BRB always freaked me out slightly, but I enjoyed painting him.

That's a lot of cape, after all.

In other news, a heads-up that the Dakka Centennial painting contest is happening in June:
Check out the post, should be jolly. I mean I have NO idea what I'm painting for it, but still.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/04 16:02:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Love that Beta Ray Bill.

A horse is a horse of course of course
'less he's got hammer then he's Beta Ray Bill!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/04 18:44:35

Post by: inmygravenimage

Lol silly boy. Edited for a better pic... Better Ray Bill

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/10 09:28:19

Post by: inmygravenimage

So, nice long weekend. Being somewhat republican, I hobbied, doing some scatter, and some streets, whilst avoiding the general royal hooplah.

I did 14 street tiles, and finished 6 wee bits of scatter (which count half on my weird scoring system), so enough to just about fill a 3x3 board for a proper murder fest.

So in our coronation event game against the Vampires of Dan, my elder spawn, I naturally took King for a Day, the drunken clowns.

His objective was to draw as much blood as possible, mine was kill Vampires. Some great moments - Rialto Assassin fumbling first roll of the game and fell straight into the canal, only to drag himself out and murder a giant beastie, Ostrich taking out the Crone, Harpies drowning Pulcinella left right and centre, Brute knocking vampires back into the water over and over - but, in the end, the Strigoi won 28 to 26.

Brilliant, hilarious and can't wait for the rematch! Very lucky to have a well trained opponent

Just about finished up these for Guild: Shipwright, Baba Yaga and another Arbalest. Bit of touching up to go.

WIP wise, as well as Psylocke, who's the last of my MCP backlog, working on my entry for dakka monthly, playing about with getting a good mix of greens for my Rashaar for using Vallejo Game Color range, moving towards a deep turquoise, and less of the almost military green I'd done before.

Thoughts, cruddy pic notwithstanding? I've also got the Queens of the Adriatic promo alt leaders for Rashaar, Guild and spawn's Strigoi to tackle... Let's not talk about the rest of the unbuilt pile of opportunity (it's actually just the Rashaar half of the starter set with the KS extras), plus a bit more scatter on the go too.

If you're very observant you'll have noticed that a couple of these bits made it on to our table at the weekend unfinished 😬 so better get them touched up and THEN on to the Morgraur!

Oh, we also played some more Highlander, he's really getting into the Deckbuilding so got him a stack of Connor cards and he proceeded to take my (Kastagir's) head and a new Japanese bluffing game called The Number which was a LOT of fun and my incredibly mathematical offspring was rubbish at

Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/11 19:33:07

Post by: inmygravenimage

Got the Guild members finished, huzzah:

I do think that hiring Baba Yaga is basically a mistake. She will definitely not use YOUR blood for her spells...
Really enjoying painting up the Rashaar, too. They're not quite done but the colour scheme is coming together nicely. I've run out of green-black ink, but then next wave will be done.
Also knocked out some more scatter:

Venetian wells and some reappropriated AoS bits, the base of the statue of Sigmar (who knows, one day I'll do him as a bust maybe) and a pair of Braziers (no rude jokes there you!)
I'm going to have to cave in and tackle the cleanup on the unbuilt Carnevale soon: starter set Rashaar, couple more Strigoi, another civilian for the Guild and the KS promo Gifted, the Mask Maker. There's a bit more terrain on the way too

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/11 20:28:33

Post by: Slinky

Nice terrain! The wells look like something a careless hobbit could knock something down

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/12 22:22:42

Post by: tzurk

Love the cape on Beta Ray Bill. I remember discovering him as a teenager in some Marvel encyclopedia and thinking - what the hell... he still gives off the same vibe lol.

All that terrain on the board is just beautiful too. So good to see games being played - can't wait til my little ones are big enough to roll some dice with.

Thanks for sharing!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/15 15:26:29

Post by: Camkierhi

Nice work mate. Terrain is interesting and brilliantly painted. The figures are excellent. Great to see you still banging away. And with a small partner or two.

PS. Has that dungeon set I did for you few years ago survived? Might just about work out for your current fascination?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/16 15:25:14

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Nice terrain! The wells look like something a careless hobbit could knock something down

Hehehe thanks man
tzurk wrote:Love the cape on Beta Ray Bill. I remember discovering him as a teenager in some Marvel encyclopedia and thinking - what the hell... he still gives off the same vibe lol.

All that terrain on the board is just beautiful too. So good to see games being played - can't wait til my little ones are big enough to roll some dice with.

Thanks for sharing!

Yeah he's a strange, strange character
And thanks! Breeding your own opponents is definitely encouraged.

Camkierhi wrote:Nice work mate. Terrain is interesting and brilliantly painted. The figures are excellent. Great to see you still banging away. And with a small partner or two.

PS. Has that dungeon set I did for you few years ago survived? Might just about work out for your current fascination?

Thanks old chum. Aw man, that would've been perect! Sadly, the mice got to it. The perils of the garage, alas. I was gutted :(

I found out I had put the Shipwright on the wrong base (in my defence it's listed wrongly in their app) so he got a new base whilst I was working on some scatter.

Another set of MDF offcuts and the KS promo dead land shark. Neat-o. Need some soft debris for land at some point though.

And made progress on the Rashaar.

Lovely much of Dagon worshippers. They really need some beasties...

Lesser Rhyll, hammerhead Karcharon and Kar-cass.


Cult Officiants

Hybrid and (sea) Urchins

Cult Enforcers

And, the cult leader.
I've still got a Ragdru (Deep One), Lesser Ragdru (small Deep One... Shallow one?!), 4 Slaves (aka monster munch), another Officiant, another Hybrid, Demogogue, 2 Magi-Rashaar, Priest and Beast Handler to do... and the Morgraur, giant beast of doom that's a one-man (well, squamous unknowable creature from beyond) army. Oh, couple more Strigoi for the boy, and another Citizen and the Mask Maker for me.
That's all.
For now....

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/18 17:23:10

Post by: inmygravenimage

The Morgraur arises!

Summoned by Dagon's church, it crashes its way through Venice, consuming all, heedless of friend or foe.

This thing is massive, and was a lot work to build, pin and fill, but well worth it.

I also enjoyed making it... sticky. And it's hardly nsfw at all

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/19 04:03:51

Post by: JoshInJapan

Wow, Morgraur is really something. Very menacing, almost Freudian. The pink・purple contrasts wonderfully with the green.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/19 07:50:59

Post by: Slinky

Very impressive model- I love the feeling of motion, you can really see it crashing through the streets causing mayhem

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/22 08:52:42

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:Wow, Morgraur is really something. Very menacing, almost Freudian. The pink・purple contrasts wonderfully with the green.

Thanks my friend. Yeah, it's quite a saucy thing. This is the old sculpt, the new one is just a giant worm thing. Much less impressive, but much less... suggestive
Slinky wrote:Very impressive model- I love the feeling of motion, you can really see it crashing through the streets causing mayhem

Cheers! It's got great rules to reflect this in game, it can fit through any 2" space, destroys stuff left right and centre and if it rolls 5 successes on an attack it simply eats the target - no save, nothing. It's basically a walking (/slithering) scenario, as it costs as much in game as a small force.

For a palette cleanser, the last of my current raft of MCP characters, the lethal, lovely Psylocke!

Great sculpt of a cracking character, love the base with lump of Sentinel.

Oi! that's my mate's leg

And did a bunch of smaller terrain bits for Carnevale, all around canal access - stairs, jetties etc.

I scored all the wood with a hobby knife quickly to add some grain Quick, easy and fairly effective.

Quite pleased with the wee guild graffito. I think that I'm going to actually add some small ladders to the paving squares, just for EXTRA water access.

From a scorecard perspective (not that I am really chasing a numerical Paint target this year) I am counting these as scatter, i.e. 2 for 1 - so 10 for the 20 bits.

Feel a bit down, even though things are ok. Life's a mystery that way I guess.

Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/22 14:05:49

Post by: Camkierhi

Amazing work. And fast.

Bud you will be tired. You are coming up on end of year and everything. So don't knock yourself. It is understandable to be a bit weary. That will be it. Bit flakey myself at mo, but keep looking at the positives. For you, you have a nice game.system and are cracking out some amazing work inspired by it, which in turn is inspiring us.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/22 20:24:30

Post by: IGtR=

Like the carnevale scenery - do you have a lively local scene?

Thanks for sharing

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/22 22:38:52

Post by: Paradigm

Great work on the terrain, lovely and atmospheric. Love the blood and grime on the steps/bridge, and the wood look on the jetties is very authentic.

Psylocke looking good too! I've only run her in one game so far, but she kicks ass on the tabletop. Are you playing much MCP at the moment, or is it more of a hobby project for the time being?

Edit: Scrolling back up, I missed that Lovecraftian monstrosity! That is some killer colour work, and the whole piece looks genuinely unsettling in just the right way!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/26 12:22:59

Post by: Gitsplitta

Love the Lovecraftian models. We need something for scale on the Morgraur... maybe a shot next to a cultist or something?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/05/26 16:18:41

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Amazing work. And fast.
Bud you will be tired. You are coming up on end of year and everything. So don't knock yourself. It is understandable to be a bit weary. That will be it. Bit flakey myself at mo, but keep looking at the positives. For you, you have a nice game.system and are cracking out some amazing work inspired by it, which in turn is inspiring us.

IGtR= wrote:Like the carnevale scenery - do you have a lively local scene?
Thanks for sharing

Define lively - me and my kids? Sure! so, sort of. This all started because one of my closest nerdbrothers bought me and another of our friends a starter faction each. If we ever managed to actually see one another (because we're, like, adults) we could get some really good games going. You'd think in a city the size of Glasgow we'd manage to have quite a good scene, but part of the reason I've been able to pick up so much so cheaply is precisely because of a lack of local interest. Partly, because outside of 40k/Kt, it's dominated by MCP and Moonstone (which is fair enough), but also because folk have busy, busy lives.

Paradigm wrote:Great work on the terrain, lovely and atmospheric. Love the blood and grime on the steps/bridge, and the wood look on the jetties is very authentic.

Psylocke looking good too! I've only run her in one game so far, but she kicks ass on the tabletop. Are you playing much MCP at the moment, or is it more of a hobby project for the time being?

Edit: Scrolling back up, I missed that Lovecraftian monstrosity! That is some killer colour work, and the whole piece looks genuinely unsettling in just the right way!

Gitsplitta wrote:Love the Lovecraftian models. We need something for scale on the Morgraur... maybe a shot next to a cultist or something?

Fair point amigo, and many thanks! Here you go, my finished contest entry includes a foolhardy Shipwright making the mistake of trying to take the beast on:

Mistakes were made, indeed... though that could be said of my Carnevale collection generally.

Speaking of which I have done a couple more gribblies, the Raadru and Lesser Ugrdu - deep ones by any other name - plus some canal scatter in the form of more gondola poles and a crow cage, made from assorted scrap, to ward off pirates (which are coming later this year to the game).

“We shall dive down through black abysses...and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever."

Delightfully evil looking things

Glorious gribbly goodness Well not GOODNESS exactly but you know what I mean
Might do another bit of terrain next, just for variety. As if I don't have enough, a mate that I gave a ton of toys for his kids is getting out of the game, so more may be coming my way

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/01 21:47:51

Post by: inmygravenimage

More scenery, more often, that's what I say I've been working away at this gorgeous modular, Calle de la Riva, for Carnevale.

The buildings can be arrayed as you see fit and come with clips should you wish for a bit of extra stability (they can also lock into others in the range). Good job I tidied the garage yesterday to make space for more scenery

Past me had the bright idea of part priming in stages which, whilst a faff at the time, was very much appreciated by present (or least, nearer past) me. I wanted to go for a faded plasterwork effect so applied VJ German Khaki and Deck Tan (woo favourite paint) and letting it leech into the unprimed MDF. Also, it turns out my outside table and back wall do a passable impression of Venice.

Tootling along with ideas for this month's painting contest, going with the theme of Paradigm.

Plan had been to do the Queens of the Adriatic, the promo female leaders, for the 3 factions we own, but I started the Magi Rashaar and got... distracted.

I meant to do these last month, but the prospect of doing all the greens and matching the highlights put me off. But now there's a real chance that the entry will be the Magi, the Handler (big pokey stick for encouraging giant beasties not to eat your own troops), Demagogue and Priest. Functionally, a command squad, I guess, which covers the idea of the Paradigm still, and if I want to make it a 5 I've still got a regular non promo Magi or another Officiant to do (and 4 slaves, but I don't think they would cut it - though one IS breaking their chains 🤔)

Otherwise, my head isn't great. Depression is bearing down on me again and the lack of any real reason makes it almost worse, somehow. But at least acknowledging this is helping a bit.

More fishy folk inbound, I'll wager,

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/03 23:20:42

Post by: Gitsplitta

Deep ones look great, as do the new terrain pieces.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/07 10:46:12

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Deep ones look great, as do the new terrain pieces.

Thanks buddy! I'm seriously debating painting up the deep ones from Unfathomable (the Mythos reskin of the Galactica boardgame) and just playing a massive horde of them The TT terrain is just wonderfully evocative, although as ever putting together their staircases sucks
In the meantime, a little WIP:

These are going fairly slowly, as it's almost army painting with these guys (being a cult and all). Looking forward to going back to vampires and citizenry - you might notice the Vampire Queen at the back of the shot, plus spawn asked for The Drowning and the Drowned (Ferryman and aquatic strigoi) as an end-of-exams treat, so who am I to disagree - and I have a couple more folk to add to the Guild, as I want to turn his vampires into pincushions with alllll the crossbows As a faction, the Strigoi have just had a massive set of buffs in the FAQ so definitely need to keep the kid in his place

Little spoiler about RL

May was a very hard month, mentally, which is probably why I painted so much. Asmodee have been messing me about which means that review blogging has ground almost entirely to halt. I was also hit hard by my cousin's death from a heart attack at end of April aged 43 - I'm about to turn 45 in a couple of weeks - and it really sent me back down into depression, including some really bleak spiralling that I've not felt in almost 20 years. However, acknowledging it, reflecting on it, and talking about it is helping, and I'm actually feeling much brighter. Sadly, I got the news yesterday that another friend from Uni died of Cancer (44); he and his wife were part of my regular cast when I did shows back in the day (that's how they met), and he has two young daughters that are roughly the same age as my wee girl; strangely, though, this has just reaffirmed my feeling that I need to try to embrace all that life has to offer.

Onwards! Might finally get round to the rest of my Feudal Japan stuff

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/10 14:09:12

Post by: inmygravenimage

The armies, I mean, loyal servants and definitely just a Church, of Dagon!

Magi-Rashaar (M & F versions)

Slavery? No, no, just penance! Definitely not snacks for keeping Rift-born monsters happy.

Demagogue and Priest

Abd another Officiant (reposed) and the Beast Handler.

Next wave of the boy's Strigoi are also started, as are my Guild, but nothing worth showing. I do have another Rashaar to do, also, a Hybrid who managed to blend in VERY well with the citizenry

We are at the very dangerous point of ALLEGEDLY not needing/wanting much else, at least for Guild and Strigoi. The boy is consdiering the Cetean Upior, a giant mutated aquatic vampire, and I'm intrigued by the Beggars' Guild that are coming soon, but nothing urgent. I would like a few more beasties for Rashaar, but that's likewise not pressing, as I'm happy enough with the Church as a list archetype rather than the Flame That Burns Underwater (sea monsters everywhere).


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/10 21:45:13

Post by: nerull

Those are some lovely Dagon worshippers. I don't play games that are competitive only, but as a fellow Cthulhu fan they are tempting. I especially like the Sirens and the giant Morgraur.
Nevertheless I'll have even more Cthulhu goodness than I can handle once my Death May Die Fear of the Unknown pledge arrives sometime down the line.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/10 23:16:16

Post by: makeitorky

I love the colors and shading you used, very aquatic.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/12 21:51:55

Post by: Gitsplitta

;That's so cool...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/21 13:46:37

Post by: inmygravenimage

nerull wrote:Those are some lovely Dagon worshippers. I don't play games that are competitive only, but as a fellow Cthulhu fan they are tempting. I especially like the Sirens and the giant Morgraur.
Nevertheless I'll have even more Cthulhu goodness than I can handle once my Death May Die Fear of the Unknown pledge arrives sometime down the line.

Carnevale is far from competitive, it emphasizes cinematic, swashbuckling, narrative fun. Yes, some people take it far too seriously but there's always WAAC players.
makeitorky wrote:I love the colors and shading you used, very aquatic.

Thanks! As I've progressed through painting them I've ramped the highlights and added more Turquoisey tones generally, including going back to finished models and updating them.
Gitsplitta wrote:That's so cool...

Thanks mate. Most kind.
Right, a bit of scatter, for variety.

I felt our board lacked soft debris to land on, so this was the solution: Mantic market terrain crate, plus some brimstone tentacles. I also made another set of steps from some leftover MCP terrain. The cart will also make a good bit of unsteady terrain, which is normally just gondolas - so again, variety for the streets as well as the canals.

I've been playing a fair bit of old school Highlander CCG with the kids, which has been a nice distraction. Not saying I'm having a p&m break but it's good to mix things up a bit

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/26 15:58:12

Post by: inmygravenimage

Finished up my Queen of Thieves for Carnevale

Alongside the Magi-Rashaar, the gondola and poles this makes a nice display entry for this month's contest.

I continue to be delighted by how well out garden table and wall work 😜

Making some progress on the last batch of forbidden fortress stuff, will try to get that done this week before we go off on holiday.
Had a great birthday, saw Flash - better than expected - and ate much Italian food, followed by watching Babylon 5 from the start with the kids as my lovely wife got the complete box set for me. Lots of geeky gifts, but nothing gamery aside from new Blacksad RPG.
Still, I've got enough toys, right

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/26 17:06:29

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Still, I've got enough toys, right

that´s probably old age taken the better of you... who in the seven hells would say something like that? happy belated birthday!!!

as for the RL stuff... I feel you mate! I recently was in a day care institution to work on a depression I got due to work related issues... but even tho it was over eight week it was only a mere warm up so to say... no real cooking done ... now the real cooking has to be planned...

P.s. ...you really got really good... whenever i am turning in on these pages after lots of lurking I see so much good stuff here!!!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/27 07:48:15

Post by: Slinky

Scatter terrain is great, you'll have a full miniature Venice soon

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/06/28 01:49:03

Post by: Gitsplitta

Glad you had a good time graven... well deserved!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/02 06:08:05

Post by: inmygravenimage

Viktor von Domm wrote:
Still, I've got enough toys, right

that´s probably old age taken the better of you... who in the seven hells would say something like that? happy belated birthday!!!
as for the RL stuff... I feel you mate! I recently was in a day care institution to work on a depression I got due to work related issues... but even tho it was over eight week it was only a mere warm up so to say... no real cooking done ... now the real cooking has to be planned...
P.s. ...you really got really good... whenever i am turning in on these pages after lots of lurking I see so much good stuff here!!!

Thanks man, you're very kind; sorry to hear RL's been kicking you too.
Slinky wrote:Scatter terrain is great, you'll have a full miniature Venice soon

Thanks amigo! Yeah, nearly there. One of my mates with an FDM printer went in on the recent Waterspire KS so is doing me a couple of extra buildings and that'll be the board done. My sister in law (well, the one I like) got me another set of market stalls as part of my birthday so that's a little more scatter also. More to jump on and cause havoc in the streets.
Gitsplitta wrote:Glad you had a good time graven... well deserved

Thanks old chap. It was dead good.

Off on me holidays for the next couple of weeks, so it's going to be quiet here till mid July. Thanks as ever for all the support, and cyall on the other side

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/03 19:16:43

Post by: Camkierhi

Just one Cornetto, give it to meeeee!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/12 13:39:43

Post by: Gitsplitta

Enjoy yourself!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/17 08:26:32

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Just one Cornetto, give it to meeeee!

You say Cornetto, I immediately think of Shaun of the Dead...
Gitsplitta wrote:Enjoy yourself!

Oh, we really did, despite a dearth of hobby stores in the area. We found one eventually in Berwick (walled town on the border with Scotland) and had a lovely chat with the owner, so when we go back in the Autumn I'll probably make a beeline for it.

Hello again. Not much painting happening. I did a bit yesterday in a flurry of excitement: this month's dakka contest is Renewal so I thought VAMPIRES!

However, having not painted in 3 weeks my hand is now absolute bloody agony. I'll need to be very careful: I really want to get these done (I'm trying to finish up all our Carnevale as a summer project) but I'll have to pace myself. Also, Hhving had a massive huff with Asmodee after they stopped communicating - and deciding not to do my blog over at Big Comic Page any more - that's back up and running so MCP will be back on the table soon.

Excitingly, in other news, we're getting a new board game cafe round the corner, which is relocating from the town down the road that the wife is from. Whilst it's not a full-on hobby store, and he mostly caters to the Pokemon crowd (because £), it's still a major boost for our wee suburb. My kids are really excited, the older for general hobby supplies (card sleeves, paint, cake), the younger for DnD and manga.

A month of the holidays left. Planning on some Stuffed Fables (gamers with younger kids - get, play, paint), the excellent game of the toys protecting their sleeping kid from the monsters under the bed, more Highlander CCG, and hopefully some Carnevale. Plans, plans.

Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/18 06:47:13

Post by: inmygravenimage

Steady progress:

As ever, for the dakka contest, I'll pick 5. Aside from the guzzling vampire queen, the top row are more citizenry so won't be in the mix for this, but are part of the paint push.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/21 10:52:33

Post by: inmygravenimage

Well, it's been a lovely week or so. First up, minis!

The Drowning and The Drowned. A ferryman, 2 Sinkers (Vampires with weights for... Drowning you) and 2 Aquatics. Fun with OSL on the Ferryman and rusts etc on the Sinkers. The Ferryman will go in the Dakka contest, really happy with her.

Some KS extras - the variant regular Strigoi (love her strut), and another retainer with a printed gravestone - a Reaper (jumpy vampire, very nasty) and the Vampire Queen of The Adriatic. The ladies will likewise be in the contest.

More Guild, with another Recruiter for my planned pincushion list (many crossbows) and the last of the citizens.

And the whole lot from the current push, along with finally another Rashaar Hybrid, who I quite forgot about, and the Mask Masker of Venice. I bloody love that model, he's a KS promo and almost impossible to get so was delighted to get hold of him. He will round out my Dakka entries this month, as Renewal is a whole part of the Carnival and masks.

I've played a LOT of games this week, albeit mostly cards: taught middle spawn DC Deckbuilding which he's really taken to, so we've played through Black Lantern Crisis Mode with Teen Titans and Dark Knights Metal; more HIGHLANDER with elder spawn and Doomtown Weird West Edition - great to revisit yet another old card game, and I do love a mythos mashup. Also, my old friend Ron came round for the evening (Doomtown was a birthday gift from him), and as well as all playing Champions! (even little miss) we played more Highlander for the first time in 25 years or so - we really did party like it was 1999.

However, that's not to say there aren't more minis on the go: the next batch of MCP arrived - Immortal Hulk, MODOK Scientist Supreme, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Squirrel Girl, Gwenpool, Mbaku and Klaw - any preferences for what you'd like to see painted, lmk

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/21 13:40:15

Post by: Syro_

That's impressive productivity. Hopefully your hand is hurting less now. I especially like The ferryman and strutting lady.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/25 13:45:50

Post by: inmygravenimage

Syro_ wrote:That's impressive productivity. Hopefully your hand is hurting less now. I especially like The ferryman and strutting lady.

Thanks man. They are definitely my favourites of that bunch, too. Hand is improving gradually.

So between reading L5R books and playing Doomtown I felt like painting the last of the Shadows of Brimstone stuff. Pretty quick and dirty, because I just wanted it done, but happy enough.

Scafford Highwaymen. I swapped out the hand of one for a leftover cavalry sabre I found lying in a bitzbox.

Orphan and Piano Player, for what would've been our second Old West campaign that never really happened.

Takobake cannon and crew. Ah, love me some mutants.

Sorcery! Corrupt shugenja of the Dark Shogun's court.

And, loyal retainers. I realised, eventually, what colour scheme I wanted: to flip the Takobake scheme, presenting almost an uncorrupted version. The sashimono (banner) reads Crane... Hopefully 🤞

I don't own the Coffin Breakers (skeletons) for Old West or the Onmorake (carrion phoenix, not yet released in the UK at retail) but otherwise that's literally everything released for the game at retail plus a fair bit of KS variant stuff also. Madness new KS should turn up end of the month bring on the Norse!

Going to start playing in the global Carnevale campaign with the boy, here's the board for our first game:

Getting the balance between busy and cluttered is tricky, but hopefully we nailed it! Let's see if the Cult of R'lyeh triumph against the Claws of the Reaper, vampiric witch hunters!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/31 11:53:06

Post by: Gitsplitta

So much graven goodness... and you're playing games too! So jealous.

Good on ya graven.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/31 15:17:30

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:So much graven goodness... and you're playing games too! So jealous.

Good on ya graven.

I don't know about goodness, but certainly plenty of gaming We've also been playing lost of DC Deckbuilding - that old chestnut - and going to try out Star Trek Ascendancy tomorrow, which I'm really looking forward to.

So this weekend I was working on the new MODOK: Scientist Supreme

As you can (hopefully) see in the side-by-side with the original one, I've spent a lot of time on the face particulary

I don't know why I'm so fond of the big angry baby, but there we are.

And even a scale shot with an Action Figure!

Plus, finished up more scatter for Carnevale/Moonstone/fantasy gaming generally, as well as adding MDF bases to the previous ones to counter the janky mantic plastic:

Not bad to close out July. August will start Cosmic Ghost Rider (August dakka contest is Some Like it Hot, he's literally on fire ) and M'Baku, possibly Klaw and Gwenpool too. Saving Immortal Hulk for September's dakka contest (Sun's Out, Guns Out) - might manage to hold off on Squirrel Girl till then too. I've also got another set of modular Carnevale buildings coming, the Calle de la Ceramica, so that'll be fun to change direction on. I am remarkably low on unpainted plastic, but I'm aware that the Brimstone Norse are about to land on my lap, so that'll be a whole lot of frosty mythos fun
Adios a mi-go

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/31 21:50:05

Post by: Paradigm

Great work on M.O.D.O.f.K.! The face is (massive) head and (tiny) shoulders above the original, I think.

I was a little disappointed to see the new version didn't come with some beekeeper AIM grunts, but the sculpt is a big improvement nonetheless.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/07/31 22:13:33

Post by: Dr H

And now time to catch up on Graven' matters.
I'll do what I did with Gits' and scroll through what you've done and try and comment on things I see.

I don't know if I've even commented on this "new" blog of yours' since you started it. I had subscribed... but that could have been any time...

Let's see here, starts some time in 2021, OK
You've been trying to paint a mini a day, OooooK
You mention painting 418 in 2022... Ah
And you've done 253 so far this year... Insert Charlie Brown "Good Grief" here.

8 pages of just Graven' posts... lets gooooooo....

Good start with the Lizard.

Nice Moonstone goblin with Octopus "hat". I still like tentacles after all.

And a Doc Oc for more tentacles.

Cool worm things, mostly tentacle...

Woah, cool skeleton crawling out the ground thing.

Good job on the recycled toy trucks.

And all the other comic style cars and things.

...And that's just page 1...

Good job on the Sanctum building thing.

Very cool Book Nook.

Nice colours to Brittlenose.

Nice big building with the "Thanos was right" billboard.

Sandworms are cool.

Nice scatter terrain bits.

Good job on that plane thing's window reflection.
Glad the advice I gave a lifetime ago was useful.

Nice job on Arnim Zola. The body face hologram thing works well.

Space marine-y things...


Nice terrain-y bits.

Too many MARVELous things to comment on individually.

Good work Graven'. An hour and a bit of scrolling well spent. The world is now scrolling itself in my eyes...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/03 12:23:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:Great work on M.O.D.O.f.K.! The face is (massive) head and (tiny) shoulders above the original, I think.

I was a little disappointed to see the new version didn't come with some beekeeper AIM grunts, but the sculpt is a big improvement nonetheless.

Thanks mate! Yeah I was surprised by the lack of goons it seemed obvious but I do like his mechanic that effectively anyway in range on your side is a meat shield

Dr H wrote:And now time to catch up on Graven' matters.
I'll do what I did with Gits' and scroll through what you've done and try and comment on things I see.

I don't know if I've even commented on this "new" blog of yours' since you started it. I had subscribed... but that could have been any time...


Good work Graven'. An hour and a bit of scrolling well spent. The world is now scrolling itself in my eyes...

Thanks my old chum. Glad you enjoyed your time scrolling and it was actually really nice for me to think back to stuff done over the last couple of years. Thought you'd like the Droog

First up for August is Mbaku, leader of the jabari:

Great sculpt, and great in game... Not that I am feeling MCP, really. I'm hoping that the new edition coming later this year will add proper scenery rules, though, with heights and falling etc, in a more Shatterpoint kind of way. I have the high ground, and so forth.

Also for MCP I've started my Cosmic Ghost Rider for this month's dakka contest:

Well, ish Rather than having him crash into the tarmac I want him properly flying through space. Hence the square of MDF which I'll attempt to galaxy paint. I might have some other space debris floating past though... But in the meantime...

All this sci-fi means I'm in the mood for something a bit different also. We've been having a clear-out of the attic and so forth and my middle one decided to offload a pile of Starlink stuff (another victim of the AR toy craze). However, I have nabbed one very cool ship from it as it just screams sci-fi hotrod to me:

I'm not entirely sure what I'll do with it: the wings are detachable (as are the weapons) so it could make a great 32mm ish piece of scenery

I quite like the idea of illegal rod racing in Mega City One, and then having the judges trying to chase down something that is just wayyyy faster and more manoeuvrable than anything they have. A bit like Chopper and skysurfers, which were always some of my favourite stories... There might be a game in this... Somewhere between gorkmorka and wipeout. Podracer style. Probably run out of table space pretty damn fast though


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/03 17:44:14

Post by: Gitsplitta

LOL! Your keyboard looks like mine... paint spattered all over it!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/08 17:02:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:LOL! Your keyboard looks like mine... paint spattered all over it!

Lol my wife hates it, I'm not supposed to paint there but hasn't stopped me yet

I picked up a bargain copy of S2 of the Highlander TV show, which I've been watching there. It alternates between surprisingly ok, almost unwatchable, pretty decent and remarkably touching, and genuinely thrilling. I remember watching S3 onwards but not seen much of the early seasons bar the odd episode here and there. The less said about S6 the better mind you...

And I've been painting marvel stuff again. First up, finishing off Cosmic Ghost Rider:

I'm very happy with how this turned out, but almost more happy with his custom base.

Yeah. Looking pretty hot 🔥 I reckon.

I really like how the sprue scraps as exploding rock worked out.

And the wonderful, bizarre sculpt that is Ulysses Klaw:

This is so strange, and so comic accurate, that I just love it.

His sonic ghost image was a real challenge and I'm rather pleased with the final result.

Finally, the Glamorous Gwenpool!

The comic at the front, printed super tiny, is one of my favourite comic covers ever: Gwen holding an umbrella over MODOK as My Neighbour Totoro

I'm not actually a huge Gwenpool (or indeed Deadpool et al) fan generally but this model is comedy gold.

The quality of mcp sculpts just goes from strength to strength.

And how CUTE is baby Jeff the landshark?!

Also, working on more Carnevale:

We just felt we need a little more terrain, adding a bit of extra height and more alleyways at the same time.

Because this set is the Calle de la Ceramica, I decided to embrace a more tile- coloured theme.

Starting to gear up to go back to work Nah, it's ok. Looking forward to running my wee Kill Team club B) and my kids' exam results were generally excellent so I feel vindicated plus elder spawn got straight As in his so very proud dad.

The old pile of shame is getting dangerously low... Might even clear it by the end of the week! a foolish brag... especially with Shadows of Brimstone: Norse Adventures on the way

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/11 09:47:53

Post by: aku-chan

Nice work on all the Marvel stuff, can definitely see an improvement between old and new MODOCK's.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/12 20:01:14

Post by: inmygravenimage

aku-chan wrote:Nice work on all the Marvel stuff, can definitely see an improvement between old and new MODOK's.

That's very kind of you mate, thanks
So continuing to chip away at the dregs of the shelf of opportunities give us...

Aeldari ground assets! I picked these up at WH world last summer, and the demise of the game is finally motivating me I have a set of 4 guard fighters to do as Raven Guard PDF and that'll be me. NGL I'm almost tempted by new EPIC because (a) big stompy things (b) I have all these in scale flying things and (c) Adeptus Titanicus was actually my first experience of GW minis back in 1989, so I have nostalgia bias. And so...

Flying things!

Avenger Strike Fighters, painted as Deliverance PDF, to match the Raven Guard Astartes airforce. Good to have them done after 2 years in a drawer.

Wee scale shot with the Thunderhawk

Anyway, newer toys! This one's UNBEATABLE 🐿

Yes, the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl for MCP. Fun fig.

And how about a bystander?

Oops, wrong game. Promo Bruce Wayne - Drifter from Knight Models.

I know, a DC mini after all this time? Who'd a thunk it?! Told you I was properly having a dig through the draws.

And finally, another promo: Diana Enraged.

Like so much Moonstone, an intimidating model to paint - but very lovely.

Does actually make me want to paint and play Moonstone again.
There's been a new set of Goblins ("Death and Taxes") since I last bought anything which have definitely caught my eye.

Despite running low on minis, I've decided not to keep my Shadows Of Brimstone Adventures: Gates of Valhalla KS, which arrived Friday. I'm going to regret it at some point I'm sure, but we've not even played SoB: Forbidden Fortress yet and I've had that for over a year. If we're not actually playing it, it's not worth it, I reckon. I'd rather get some more gribblies for Carnevale. Talking of which...

Had a brilliant game of Carnevale with the Elder Spawn to finish the holidays. The scenario was Sealed Messages: 2 mobile objectives (so, ones you can carry rather than just stand by to hold/contest), 75 Ducats / 2x2 board (standard small game). As I won the last game in the campaign, my troupe all had Slippery (better at disengaging from combat).

He mixed up his usual list with a Nosferatu (can walk through shadows across the board), I went for a couple of different types of Deep One rather than cultists this time.

From the outset I played very aggressively, grappling and drowning the Stryzga (massive winged vampire) and Nosferatu, although my Siren 🦑 took a serious beating in the process.
In the end I beat him, but ultimately I think it's because he's too cautious.
I have had a hunt in my drawers and found a few mantic minis but not much else. I'm genuinely nearly... FULLY PAINTED.
The Sky will fall on our heads...


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/12 21:28:46

Post by: JoshInJapan

That's a lovely setup. I'm not really in a place where I can start a whole new game system, but I'm enjoying it vicariously through you.

 inmygravenimage wrote:

I have had a hunt in my drawers and found a few mantic minis but not much else. I'm genuinely nearly... FULLY PAINTED.
The Sky will fall on our heads...


This is impossible for me to believe. I wonder if I'll ever run out of stuff...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/12 21:31:01

Post by: Dr H

Good job on the custom space base.

Nice looking table of terrain.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/15 04:26:49

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very nice work on the paint. I must admit to being skeptical about the validity of a cosmic GR. The original was one of my favorites from ages past. The cosmic guy is just a bit too hokey for me.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/15 22:16:54

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:That's a lovely setup. I'm not really in a place where I can start a whole new game system, but I'm enjoying it vicariously through you.

inmygravenimage wrote:
I have had a hunt in my drawers and found a few mantic minis but not much else. I'm genuinely nearly... FULLY PAINTED.
The Sky will fall on our heads...


This is impossible for me to believe. I wonder if I'll ever run out of stuff...

Thanks man. Hey, there's plenty of games I also enjoy vicariously by looking at other folks' stuff... Mostly GW as for running out of stuff, it really is happening to me. It's very strange but there we have it.

Dr H wrote:Good job on the custom space base.
Nice looking table of terrain.

Cheers on both counts! It's a lot of fun to play on and shuffle about in various permutations. Our next game in the campaign is on a 3x3 so we're going to have a section of sunken basilica also, it'll be an interesting one for sure. We're seriously considering investing in a small boat for the board also, maybe a schooner with jib sheet unfurled. Plus you can steal and steer ships in game 8~)

Gitsplitta wrote:Very nice work on the paint. I must admit to being skeptical about the validity of a cosmic GR. The original was one of my favorites from ages past. The cosmic guy is just a bit too hokey for me.

Oh I'm with you there, I'm not a fan, but at least the mini was fun and thanks!

First out, though, from the drawers, Saint Walker for DCUMG:

Horrible KM restic. Nasty nasty. I actually found a Black Adam too but it was an unrecoverable mess, cracked, face damage, miscast hand and arm... Ugh. Still, managed to salvage the Blue Lantern.

Sort of on the supers theme, some bystanders from Funky Skull Games' Street Wars NYC:

On MCP bases, far more interesting than cardstock tokens; naturally, I added the sentinel hand plus a bit of cabling.

I am... Cautiously optimistic for the new Core Set for MCP, I'm willing to give it a go with fresh eyes.

And of all things, some Dreadball! The special characters from the Magnetar Circuit expansion. We have...

A sponsor that's a couple of Zees in a coat.

Love his giant coat.

The Ref/Star Player from Magnetar itself.

He was particularly fun to do, playing about with NMM.

Pit mechanic. I did not enjoy painting her, don't know why.

Refreshments slug, sorry, elastapod

Slurm! It's Highly Addictive!

And trophy.

So... It appears I have achieved the impossible: I am FULLY PAINTED. How very weird.

What else did I find in my digging? Well there's some oddments of mantic and Reaper that I have aside for my kids to paint when they feel like it, and some Pattison-Batman minis, but honestly I'm so disappointed by the nasty-a$s material, I know why I never got around to tackling them. I'm not going to feel obliged to paint things I don't want to - we all know that feeling, and it's not healthy or productive - but I am aware that painting is good for my general mental health so, other than tackling Board Game minis, may need to get some more toys soonish.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/16 12:28:24

Post by: Slinky

I'm sure there's a forgotten drawer or box of goodies somewhere?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/18 15:57:21

Post by: aku-chan

Congrats on defeating your Pile of Shame, that's got to be a pretty rare achievement in this hobby!

I know I'll never manage it...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/19 00:13:36

Post by: Syro_

Even with your amazing painting output having your collection fully painted is still a great and unexpected achievement. I like your idea of getting some more goodies, I can't think of a better way to celebrate your achievement than by getting yourself more minis

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/19 08:14:20

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:I'm sure there's a forgotten drawer or box of goodies somewmhere?

I don't know about goodies, but I do have a plan of sorts.
aku-chan wrote:Congrats on defeating your Pile of Shame, that's got to be a pretty rare achievement in this hobby!

I know I'll never manage it...

Yeah, unfortunately, I shouldn't have been cocky... It's not like dusting crops, kid...

Syro_ wrote:Even with your amazing painting output having your collection fully painted is still a great and unexpected achievement. I like your idea of getting some more goodies, I can't think of a better way to celebrate your achievement than by getting yourself more minis

Thanks buddy... Um... Mistakes may have been made...

In trying to start up a gaming club in my school, one thing we're coming against is the kids want to get playing... They're quite intimidated by the p&m side of the hobby. So I'm going to get stuck into my bitsbox and leftovers from the Storm Lions project and see if I can't make a couple of killteams - Smurfs and Bangles first, I imagine. I don't have the bits to make any non SM ones (well, I mean, I have my own nurgle army, but that's different) and even then I'm not entirely sure I have the oddments required, but I'm going to give it a (kit)bash.

So, here's the Smurfs:

(side note - had to create a new gallery for Space Marines )
I realise I have fewer sm bits than I thought, partly as the new kits are so much less modular than of yore. Still, hopefully can get something together for them. I should be able to make at least one more team.

And as for getting a bit cocky, well...

Maildrop! The bunker is almost certainly just going to get done as terrain in its own. This does unfortunately mean I'm back to owning everything for MCP... A game, let's remember, I don't even play (actually, that's not strictly true, as I don't own the cosmic, construction site or crashed sentinel terrain sets). I also got the new box for Marvel Champions LCG, Generation NeXt (Cable and Domino) and Star Trek Away Missions, which looks like having cool rules but derpy minis:

Not a fan of the slightly chibi, bobblehead aesthetic. Still, it's a board game, so I don't have to paint them going to try this one out next week. Game better be good

So, the wheel turns!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/19 12:33:52

Post by: Paradigm

Congrats on defeating The Grey Horde, and comiserations on its impending and inevitable resurrection!

I've 3d printed a bunch of Kill Teams mostly using free stuff from Cults, I'll happily send you over my supported files if you fancy getting back into printing to give the kids more to work with. Good luck with the club!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/20 10:11:39

Post by: Syro_

 inmygravenimage wrote:
This does unfortunately mean I'm back to owning everything for MCP... A game, let's remember, I don't even play

The important question is: "Is it a game you hope to play?" I have far too many minis for games I don't get to play (Either have never played, or only got to try once), but I have the hopes to play them in the future, so I don't feel as bad about having them. Is that's what's happening with you? Also, if you just really enjoy painting MCP minis and terrain with no plans to play, nothing wrong with that either.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/23 07:22:55

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:Congrats on defeating The Grey Horde, and comiserations on its impending and inevitable resurrection!

I've 3d printed a bunch of Kill Teams mostly using free stuff from Cults, I'll happily send you over my supported files if you fancy getting back into printing to give the kids more to work with. Good luck with the club!

Yeah so now it's a case of back to stocking up on basics... Whole lot of primer! thanks for files amigo.
Syro_ wrote:
 inmygravenimage wrote:
This does unfortunately mean I'm back to owning everything for MCP... A game, let's remember, I don't even play

The important question is: "Is it a game you hope to play?" I have far too many minis for games I don't get to play (Either have never played, or only got to try once), but I have the hopes to play them in the future, so I don't feel as bad about having them. Is that's what's happening with you? Also, if you just really enjoy painting MCP minis and terrain with no plans to play, nothing wrong with that either.

The thing is that I really am not a fan of it as a game its lack of meaningful 3D terrain rules irks me beyond measure. However, they have intimated that proper terrain rules are in the pipeline *shrug* we'll see. I really enjoying painting the minis, which is the main thing for me.
I forgot somehow to actually post the pic of the ultras:

And here's the White Scars KT:

Basically identical loadout to the Ultramarine one, all the better to learn with. Although I have enough bodies I lack arms and backpacks for another squad, which is a shame as I'd hoped to make a Dangle one too, or maybe even as regular intercessors. I think I have the bits to make a Reiver team though, which will be Raven Guard I imagine.

Played a first game of Star Trek Away Missions... And it's really good. Annoyingly so, in fact, given that I hate the minis with the fire of a blazing Star. It genuinely feels like you are either the Borg relentlessly assimilating or the federation trying to protect the ship, locking them out of key systems. Crucially, it isn't just - or even primarily - about combat, though the system is neat. We've not tried Klingons or Romulans yet, but are looking forward to scavenging our way through Borg and Federation debris in search of glory or secrets.

Lots of terrain getting primed just now. And I think I've found a box of mantic minis More to follow!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/23 08:14:44

Post by: Slinky

 inmygravenimage wrote:
I think I've found a box of mantic minis

I knew it!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/23 19:01:48

Post by: Llamahead

With MCP miniatures is their a way to bodge them into another game preferbly against the DC invaders?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/24 20:30:36

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:
inmygravenimage wrote: I think I've found a box of mantic minis

I knew it!


Llamahead wrote:
With MCP miniatures is their a way to bodge them into another game preferbly against the DC invaders?

Curse you rollover
Well interestingly KM originally held the Marvel license too and there were rules for a lot of the marvel minis in the same system as DC. The Custom DCUMG Facebook cards group has masses of the characters updated from MCP

Going through the bitsbox, I found that I was blessed by Papa and had 2 lots of 3 unbuilt monopose plague marines. Cue another KT...

I like big bells and I cannot lie

Went through a whole rattle can priming terrain for my school club and the new mcp acquisitions. Next up, paint on stuff!


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/24 23:08:23

Post by: JoshInJapan

To (mis)quote Jeff Goldblum, "Hobby finds a way."

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/29 09:18:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:To (mis)quote Jeff Goldblum, "Hobby finds a way."

"Hobby breaks free, it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh... well, there it is."

As such, I have kill teams to share!

Man, I hate painting White Scars

But pretty happy with them. Fairly quick and dirty, but they'll do for the kids to play with.
Taking of dirty...

Papa Bless! Bloody disgusting

I've been thinking about upcoming Dakka contests. Next month is Sun's Out Guns out, so that's the Immortal Hulk. I don't know about October's Halloween Special though, I'm thinking Carnevale - Strigoi Schooner with coffins, plus I have the Gypsy for them and I'm toying with the idea of some repurposed Deep Ones, maybe?

So on the left, one converted to a Rhyll (Cthulhu face), and on the right just rebased to match the Ugdru. I mean they're all just sub-species of Deep Ones anyway in game, after all. Given that there is only the one sculpt for Rhyll (and I'm too cheap to buy more Ugrdu) seems like a reasonable solution?

Had fun with little miss yesterday, as she was off school ill:

Teaching her drybrushing on her Stuffed Fables miniatures, starting with the broken toy monsters from Under The Bed. Never hurts to train up a paint slave

Next on the desk, though, is going to be MCP Terrain, Logan and Sabertooth (Rivals variants).


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/31 10:04:38

Post by: Syro_

Awesomely prolific as usual Graven I really like how the White Scars and Plague Marines turned out.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/31 10:11:57

Post by: ph34r

The white scars look nice, what’s your approach to the classic painting white problem?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/31 13:08:26

Post by: Slinky

Kill teams have come out lovely (well, except the horrible Nurgle one ).

Hope game-therapy did the trick and mini-Graven has recovered.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/08/31 23:47:44

Post by: JoshInJapan

That's a really quick turnaround on those kill teams, especially considering that (A) one was white and (B) the other is all gross and corroded.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/01 16:03:22

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I'm not a fan of painting clean white models either, but your white scars look great. You did a fantastic job on them. I love that you're teaching painting skills to your offspring. Excellent use of your time; passing valuable skills on to the next generation.

I absolutely love the variety on this blog, graven. You switch gears easily and keep yourself on track finishing what I can only imagine is a hobby collection worth millions.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/06 20:51:58

Post by: inmygravenimage

Syro_ wrote:Awesomely prolific as usual Graven I really like how the White Scars and Plague Marines turned out.

That's most kind of you amigo!
ph34r wrote:The white scars look nice, what’s your approach to the classic painting white problem?

Cheers! Prime bone (I use TT Combat's Cryptbone, but GW Wraithbone is much the same), wash nuln oil, Drybrush VJ deck tan, highlight VJ arctic white. Relatively quick and easy.
Slinky wrote:Kill teams have come out lovely (well, except the horrible Nurgle one ).
Hope game-therapy did the trick and mini-Graven has recovered.

Lovely AND horrible Yeah, she's much improved.
JoshInJapan wrote:That's a really quick turnaround on those kill teams, especially considering that (A) one was white and (B) the other is all gross and corroded.

Thanks buddy. They're very basic schemes though. Tabletop ready, but not much more. Ideal for kids to chuck about

Warboss_Waaazag wrote:I'm not a fan of painting clean white models either, but your white scars look great. You did a fantastic job on them. I love that you're teaching painting skills to your offspring. Excellent use of your time; passing valuable skills on to the next generation.
I absolutely love the variety on this blog, graven. You switch gears easily and keep yourself on track finishing what I can only imagine is a hobby collection worth millions.

You're very kind mate. In the end I'll admit I did actually enjoy the Scars... But I wouldn't do a whole army of them
Dread to think what my hobby collection is worth. But ultimately it's still probably cheaper than therapy (just).
As for variety, that's definitely a positive of my ADHD though I am in a bit of 40k place just now doing the club thing.

Speaking of which... Smurfs!

Particularly pleased with the sergeant's face.

Again, white prime, then VJ ultramarine and blue ink. VJ Electric blue highlights worked up to Wolf Grey. Trimmed with VJ Flat earth, Averland sunset, deck tan and arctic white. Relatively speedy, I just got sidetracked.

Man alive I hate doing freehand.

But they do look rather spiffy, actually.

And perhaps more excitingly, the kids actually got KT on the table!

Just a couple of turns to get to grips, but still - it's actually happening!


Next on the desk is the Immortal Hulk, and then more MCP, but terrain. However, back at work so busy busy, not sure how productive the rest of the month will actually be.

Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/06 21:38:24

Post by: Slinky

Smurfs look good - Loving the colour you've achieved on the trims, really nice.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/09 16:55:48

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks mate, much appreciated

Bit warm to paint
But a wee bit of progress on Hulk's base:

I added a Sentinel hand painted up as a bit of Hulkbuster for colour and variety. Should pop against all the green

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/10 20:51:21

Post by: inmygravenimage

Was very hungover today, so spent some very quiet time painting... the Immortal Hulk!

Check out those guns Along with Hulkbuster hand , there's also a wee pistol hidden on the base to complete the "gun" show.

Not sure what's next. After painting all that green you'd think I'd want to paint a different colour, but actually I'm thinking maybe salamanders or dangles...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/10 22:38:08

Post by: youwashock

He's come out awesome. One might even say he looks...smashing.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/10 22:56:34

Post by: JoshInJapan

Hulk does, indeed, look incredible. Your green looks almost exactly the same shade as Lou Ferrigno's Hulk, at least to my old man eyes.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/11 13:37:16

Post by: Slinky

That's splendid, well done!

"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry"

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/11 15:13:07

Post by: Gitsplitta

Wonderful work on all the marines graven. I'm sure your little girl was much happier being sick with daddy to hang with!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/11 23:44:01

Post by: shasolenzabi

Hulk looking damn good!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/17 06:52:30

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Hey lots of progress, congrats on getting your backlog cleared! Absolute hobby goals. Hulk looks great, love the detail with the Hulkbuster glove. Would love to see some Salamanders!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/19 08:51:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

youwashock wrote:He's come out awesome. One might even say he looks...smashing.

I see what you did there
JoshInJapan wrote:Hulk does, indeed, look incredible. Your green looks almost exactly the same shade as Lou Ferrigno's Hulk, at least to my old man eyes.

I have a lot of affection for the classic Hulk show :?
Slinky wrote:That's splendid, well done!
"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry"

He's certainly quite cross. Thanks man
Gitsplitta wrote:Wonderful work on all the marines graven. I'm sure your little girl was much happier being sick with daddy to hang with!

Cheers buddy. Glad that they meet your approval even without a Badab chapter in there
shasolenzabi wrote:Hulk looking damn good!

Most kind! It was a lot of fun to do and very therapeutic
Don Qui Hotep wrote:Hey lots of progress, congrats on getting your backlog cleared! Absolute hobby goals. Hulk looks great, love the detail with the Hulkbuster glove. Would love to see some Salamanders!

Well, there's always more backlog hiding but yeah, very pleased. I've ended up with a handful of the new internus marines so I reckon they'll actually end up as salamanders because and the intercessors as Dangles. Hey, it's not easy being green.

So on the Kill Team project, trying to prove what you can do with fewer than 6 colours and in under 15 mins:

Bangle done in 9 mins, Fist done in 12.

Far from perfect, but perfectly serviceable - which of course, is the point. I hate freehanding, especially in a rush, but again - it's DOABLE.

And on the subject of green things...

Deep Ones from Unfathomable, for use in Carnevale. They're a bit jazz hands, but will do the job.

The tentacles are GS, to make it a Rhyll (grabby illthid style deep one) rather than Ugdru (chompy murder deep one)

And a little comparison to the official models. Got the approval of the original faction designer for Carnevale so I reckon they're game legal

Next on the WIP pile are the Salamander Infernus marines and the Dangle intercessors. Then, back to MCP.

Been a funny old week on jury duty. Back to normality tomorrow though.
Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/20 00:41:41

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Jazz hands! Fun sculpt, elevated by a great paint job. Nice going on the shoulder pad freehand on the marine too.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/20 10:53:38

Post by: Slinky

The Bangle is particularly good, and I am impressed by your GS tentacles too

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/21 21:40:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

Don Qui Hotep wrote:Jazz hands! Fun sculpt, elevated by a great paint job. Nice going on the shoulder pad freehand on the marine too.

You're most kind - especially about the freehand. Happy with the blood drop, less so with the rest - but it's about the speed of things for them, so not going to sweat it.
Slinky wrote:The Bangle is particularly good, and I am impressed by your GS tentacles too

You're very kind sir! I do love some tentacles
And given that we're talking speed paints...

30 min Dark Angels squad

30 min Salamanders
There are things I'd like to tidy up, but, again, this about proving a point. A Kill Team in 30 mins. Well, actually, I did them both simultaneously, 2 in 40 mins. Granted, there were breaks for practical reasons on my part, but it was done timed - and that's a school lunchtime, that is.

[Edited for Heresy ]

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/21 23:02:46

Post by: JoshInJapan

Wow, the time-to-awesome ratio on those Marines is truly impressive.

Also, your Deep Ones rock. I'm a big fan of fishmen.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/22 00:58:06

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Hmm might need my glasses checked but the Salamanders are looking awfully... secretive.

Red highlights pop tho, great line work.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/22 01:14:40

Post by: Tommygun1918

Wow, those are very impressive Dark Angels 30 minutes or not.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/22 08:08:27

Post by: Slinky

That's amazing work, Graven!

If anything I think they look better than many marines that I've slaved over for more than that on each model

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/22 18:47:47

Post by: shasolenzabi

Sea beasts looking great, Sallies also looking good with the speed painting., amazing work.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/22 20:34:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:Wow, the time-to-awesome ratio on those Marines is truly impressive.
Also, your Deep Ones rock. I'm a big fan of fishmen.

Thanks man. Yeah I'm loving my mythos gribblies. Getting these guys ready to hit the table was a high priority.

Don Qui Hotep wrote:Hmm might need my glasses checked but the Salamanders are looking awfully... secretive.
Red highlights pop tho, great line work.

Lol dang it. Fixed. Thanks matey!

Tommygun1918 wrote:Wow, those are very impressive Dark Angels 30 minutes or not.

Most kind, and welcome!

Slinky wrote:That's amazing work, Graven!
If anything I think they look better than many marines that I've slaved over for more than that on each model

you're very kind

shasolenzabi wrote:Sea beasts looking great, Sallies also looking good with the speed painting., amazing work.

Thanks man, the transfers help

In preparation for the next game in the Carnevale global campaign, I threw some paint on some coffins:

You can never have enough scatter in Carnevale. These come with the Strigoi Schooner, which is going to finish off our board nicely but in the meantime, we still manage a pretty neat 3x3:
Fear the mighty Quacken!

A very good game was had. It was murder in secret - victory points only for killing out of line of sight.

The boy got very stressed, he's finding Strigoi hard - but he managed to beat me, fair and square.
A great game.

Next? Probably the bunker for Weapon X... maybe.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/22 21:45:11

Post by: shasolenzabi

Cool battle zone to play on, glad the game was enjoyable and a learning experience.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/26 11:52:11

Post by: inmygravenimage

shasolenzabi wrote:Cool battle zone to play on, glad the game was enjoyable and a learning experience.

Definitely! If only to remind ME of the way Secondary objectives work with the Double rule

So as promised, the Weapon X research bunker for MCP:

It's a very chunky bit of plastic, and feels much better value than some MCP.

I had a lot of fun with different greys, washes and snow/ice

I am debating adding some icicles but that may be more faff than I can be bothered with.

The small branches at the top and the round hatch at the bottom are removeable, so it can be display base or a terrain piece. I do like that it's much better conceived in that regard than the Spidey vs Doc Ock version.

Still got Wolverine and Sabertooth to tackle, so that'll be next, and then I'll do a display shot.

And yet another 30 minute marine squad.

Raven Guard Incursors. I would have loved to spend a bit longer on them, but that's AGAINST THE RULES

I am actually out of bits now, so that's the Kill Teams on hold for now. Should be enough to keep the kids busy

Next up, along with the marvel stuff, is lots of Hallowe'en gribblies for Carnevale


Automatically Appended Next Post:

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/26 15:18:16

Post by: shasolenzabi

bunker for Marvel, Logan's old start up place,,,Looking great, love the snow.

Raven Guard also looking good! Doing well with the speed painting

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/26 16:41:18

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks kindly buddy!
And for those of you for whom it's lost in rollover:

It's a very chunky bit of plastic, and feels much better value than some MCP.

Raven Guard Incursors.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/28 19:37:35

Post by: inmygravenimage

Amazingly, I got Wolverine and Sabertooth done, along with Logan's Hogg.

Here's Logan:

Or is it James Howlett?

And Sabertooth

Digging the Tyler Mane vibes

On yer bike son!

And the completed piece:

Pretty... cool

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/28 23:01:17

Post by: shasolenzabi

Wolverine and Sabretooth looking good, and the bikes work very well.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/29 02:08:53

Post by: Camkierhi

Nice work as usual. Love the bike.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/09/29 17:47:22

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

That bunker is impressive looking! Great job on the snow effects, looks very naturalistic. Phobos meanies look great, love the visors.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/08 21:33:45

Post by: inmygravenimage

shasolenzabi wrote:Wolverine and Sabretooth looking good, and the bikes work very well.

Thanks! The bike was fun, actually.
Camkierhi wrote:Nice work as usual. Love the bike.

Cheers! Playing with inks and highlights.
Don Qui Hotep wrote:That bunker is impressive looking! Great job on the snow effects, looks very naturalistic. Phobos meanies look great, love the visors.

Cheers, it's a mix of ink washes and GW texture snow. SM were very quick and dirty, so thanks.

More scenery is underway, working on the (now retired) NYC construction site for MCP, starting with the digger and mixer:

Texture paint makes excellent cement.

Barrels. Yet another different way of painting: speed paint dark wood, speckled with orange, drybrush oily steel. Fun, fast and easy.

Finally, the site office

Hurrah for zenithal prime (sadly underused Autobot)

I enjoyed adding some little details, like the blood at the side of the stairs and wee drops of toxic ooze on the barrels.

Just the 6 barriers left to do. I'll get to them at some point, just ran out of steam.

BUT I did get the Hydra terrain finished:



And the turrets can be mounted on the tank to make variants.

Hail hydra!

The new MCP core set is out shortly, too, so am pleased to have achieved my goal of having pretty much everything painted. Crashed sentinel is the last thing, but I have painted the crushed car at least - however I need to do the sentinel arm to go on it, so you'll just have to wait

And it being October, it is spooky season!
So, for Carnevale bit of progress on the Rotters and Leeches

Just blocking in base colours, but it's a start. These are, in theory, for this month's contest, and given that they are for the Spawn's birthday in a month, I want to get a move on with them

RL has been pretty rough the last couple of months

My father in law has been in hospital, as my incompetent nephew has been his carer; my wife and other sister in law have been trying to sort things out but their dad basically told them to stick it and never wants their help or indeed to see them. Very tough, so very stressful. Kids are doing ok but I do feel our/my stress rubbing off on them, especially middle spawn who is hard work at the best of times (ASD) but very sweet also.

However, I have managed to get funding to do some post grad study in Film Education which is awesome and fun, but most importantly just for me (I really just want those student discounts again ), and work itself is really not bad, so trying to stay as positive as I can under the circumstances.

Apologies for the unburdening, but this is a good space to vent, sometimes.

Anyway, more work on the Carnevale to follow, and maybe I'll even finish building that bloody boat

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/09 07:31:40

Post by: Slinky

Terrain is very nice, really "real" looking if you see what I mean.

Have you watched the Aussie comedy "Fisk" on Netflix? I recommend it

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/09 15:47:42

Post by: CptJake

Construction area stuff is phenomenal. Love it all!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/11 21:39:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Terrain is very nice, really "real" looking if you see what I mean.

Have you watched the Aussie comedy "Fisk" on Netflix? I recommend it

Thanks! That's definitely the aim, so I appreciate it. I'm all about the grime. no, not a show I know.

CptJake wrote:Construction area stuff is phenomenal. Love it all!

You're very kind indeed! And speaking of which...

Got the barriers done, and started on the crashed sentinel with the unfortunate car

However as you can see, in the end went for the beam rather than sentinel arm to keep it a bit more generic, though it's not glued on.

And a little Fisk industries complete shot.

Ended up on the front page with Morgraur facing off against the Shipwright

Which was nice. If you fancy popping a wee vote on, that'd be even nicer.

Despite being very busy, and in danger of doing a wee bit too much, I'm genuinely feeling a bit more positive about life ATM. Long may that continue!
Won't be much any p&m to speak of over the next week, away for a break in a cottage with beer and board games.
Good times

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/12 11:47:49

Post by: Gitsplitta

Worderful work all-round my friend. All that terrain looks fantastic and should really enhance any gaming experiences on it. Stand out job on the construction equipment. Congrats on making the front page!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/21 16:30:52

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Worderful work all-round my friend. All that terrain looks fantastic and should really enhance any gaming experiences on it. Stand out job on the construction equipment. Congrats on making the front page!

Thanks old son! You're most kind, on all counts. And, now that I'm back from a lovely, restful week in Northumberland (walks, castles, beaches, chips, beer, and a LOT of board games), I've got the last bit of scenery done as well: Crashed Sentinel Terrain

Roxxon Sign with Miles Morales tag (well, there's a new game out, after all) and sentinel arm.

... and something closer to home, with a Graven tag and a wee weird eyeball that is a copy of one just next to the motorway off-ramp by my house and has always tickled me.

Head (small throwable terrain)

And the Roxxon Quick Change with wrecked Sentinel...

and a tag...

or two Great fun to do.

And with the car that came in the set also.

Which means I have painted every MCP model I own - in fact (gulp) every MCP model (apart from the Cosmic Terrain, which is now out of print). With the new core set on the way, that's a not a bad achievement, I feel

But it's not all MCP. With the Elder Spawn's 16th round the corner, wanted to do him something special, so got him the new critter box for his vampires, and painted them up. He's not on dakka or fb (ah, the youth), so safe to post

Box of 5... with 6 minis in it Luckily Rotters are non-unique (well, not luckily for me, they're really nasty)



and Leeches

These 5 for contest, I think.

346 so far this year. Reckon I can hit 365

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/22 01:20:59

Post by: Paradigm

Your graffiti work is always top notch, but Grumpy Doom is absolutely brilliant... I feel you need to make this a theme when you do big terrain bits now, get Kang or Ultron in the same style on the next one!

Congrats on completing the collection!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/23 08:35:33

Post by: muette

+1 to the graffitis, they look amazing. Good job too on the swamp band!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/23 20:29:37

Post by: Captain Brown

Some great work inmygravenimage.




Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/25 20:17:12

Post by: endtransmission

Geeeze, I step away for a while and you go and do all that Marvel stuff! Excellent work as always, especially the graffiti!

Those Rotters also look like really cool figures. Might have to investigate those for 7TV

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/25 20:36:32

Post by: inmygravenimage

Paradigm wrote:Your graffiti work is always top notch, but Grumpy Doom is absolutely brilliant... I feel you need to make this a theme when you do big terrain bits now, get Kang or Ultron in the same style on the next one!
Congrats on completing the collection!

Cheers buddy. The irony is I don't particularly like chibi as an aesthetic but for this, somehow, it really works. Not sure graffiti us permitted in Wakanda mind you
muette wrote:+1 to the graffitis, they look amazing. Good job too on the swamp band!

Thanks, and welcome!
Captain Brown wrote:Some great work inmygravenimage.

Succinct as always, CB and thanks, I'm honoured.
endtransmission wrote:Geeeze, I step away for a while and you go and do all that Marvel stuff! Excellent work as always, especially the graffiti!
Those Rotters also look like really cool figures. Might have to investigate those for 7TV

Hey buddy, good to hear from you! Yeah they are fab, and an added bonus was getting 3 rather than 2 in the box.

Anyway, I've decided (madness) to try to get the boat built and painted as well for the vampires:

Will I get it built?
Will I paint it?
Will I think about rigging ?
We shall see...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/27 18:05:49

Post by: aku-chan

Chibi Doom!
Great job on that terrain.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/27 18:51:45

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks man
Ok, fine...

Strigoi Schooner with its rotten crew!

Ferrywoman and Rotter 1

Leech 1 and Rotter 2

Leech 2

Bit of a reverse shot of the deck.

And of the aftcastle plus the ... Guest accommodation Glad I made a steering wheel but it was a faff (not as much as faff as doing the rigging but still)
Lot of work, but glad the contest motivated me to tackle it. Happy Hallowe'en, y'all!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
What to do next?
Well, slightly frustratingly, the new Marvel Core Set hasn't turned up. But that's ok, it means I can concentrate on the next batch of gribblies for Carnevale. Next month's theme is Wrecking Ball and I've got a werewolf, a bloodthirsty gypsy and vampiric shark... thing to get on with so that's pretty destructive. The elder teen did some babysitting for us during holiday so them, painted, are payment. Win-win!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/29 19:40:49

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Wow what a cool boat! I can't believe you put actual rigging on it, that's so impressive.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/31 08:51:42

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:Wow what a cool boat! I can't believe you put actual rigging on it, that's so impressive.

You're very kind. I'm not sure it's impressive, just deranged.

Speaking of which, I keep fiddling with it and adding things

The devil's in the detail, after all.

Meanwhile, I painted this excellent fellow, Tigrax

He's an Yndij (basically Na'vi) for Mantic's Dreadball and Overdrive - though the catcher mitt can instead be a gun, so you can use him as a hero for a Rebs force in Deadzone also.

Been sitting on my desk forever, I wanted to paint something to unwind, literally nothing else to tackle.

I also built more critters for Carnevale, but they'll be my November contest entry. The theme is Wrecking Ball, so I've got a few highly destructive monsters and a Miley Cyrus... Or should that be Miley Siren?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/10/31 11:22:09

Post by: Slinky

That boat is fab, well done! Can't believe you did the rigging, that's excellently crazy

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/09 20:43:57

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:That boat is fab, well done! Can't believe you did the rigging, that's excellently crazy

Good description of me that, excellently crazy.

A quiet week, as November is the hell month. Work is perpetually crazy and all sorts of stuff with the kids which means November is as ever my least productive P&M month; I actually don't really have much to paint, though, which is part of it. The new Carnevale stuff has horrid QC issues so I'm trying to get them replaced; the Marvel stuff hasn't yet arrived; and although I did find some more Mantic Enforcers in the garage that's a lot of build and prep that I don't really have the inclination to do (and I may just pass them on as giveaway or something, as there's a good starter force there). I have. however, made another wee terrain piece:

Found this in amongst the AoS bits. Filed down the GW magic symbols and filled with gs, carved to be flagstones.

Although the individual steps are no use depth-wise, it's a decent obstacle to climb and the gate makes for an excellent watery entrance or cell - very Venetian.

A little something, but it's something.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/10 07:07:29

Post by: Camkierhi

Excellent work as always here. Kinda recognise the style of latest one. Love wolverine etc.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/11 08:11:52

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Excellent work as always here. Kinda recognise the style of latest one. Love wolverine etc.

Thanks me old chum. That wolverine was so much fun to paint
Right, a WIP!

For then dakka Wrecking Ball theme this month: Miley, her Siren form and the Wreckers are getting there... So much repair work on these shady casts, my first negative experience of TT Combat really. I think I've managed to recover the Varcolac (werewolf) well, not sure about the Agalope (pale thin chick) and the Upior (pale big critter).
Also playing about with a new backdrop bit, it's an aerial photograph of the Isle of Harris.
It's really weird not having much to paint. However, the wife has got me the Mighty Lancer Games reaper advent calendar, so that'll be plenty to keep me occupied

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/15 22:21:52

Post by: inmygravenimage

And with that, I think my Wrecking Ball entry is done:

I may add a 5th model to the mix, but I like the sense of these 2 terrible women transforming into even more monstrous beings and... Coming in like a wrecking ball. Plus, the sheer amount of repair work that I had to do on these bloody models that were wrecks in the first place feels very on-brand.

Which turns into...



Miley Sirens
A fun finisher, in the sense that I am back to having nothing else to paint (for a few days, at least). Which is fine, honestly, it's a bit chilly to prime just now. Might 3D print some stuff for the Lesser Spawn's DND game, or might just wait for more Marvel to arrive... Or who knows, maybe even tackle a board game

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/16 20:29:27

Post by: JoshInJapan

This is a fun set of models, especially the faceless fish monster. The pale pink skin turned out really well. Props for finishing such rough models-- the mold lines look like they were placed solely to stoke anger.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/17 10:32:14

Post by: endtransmission

I... I... can't quite grasp the concept of having nothing left to paint! I feel like you should submit yourself as the entry to wrecking ball, for destroying the belief that all gamers have a huge mountain of unpainted stuff

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/17 21:41:36

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:This is a fun set of models, especially the faceless fish monster. The pale pink skin turned out really well. Props for finishing such rough models-- the mold lines look like they were placed solely to stoke anger.

Thanks, I liked doing the skin so good to know it fits the bill.
endtransmission wrote:I... I... can't quite grasp the concept of having nothing left to paint! I feel like you should submit yourself as the entry to wrecking ball, for destroying the belief that all gamers have a huge mountain of unpainted stuff

Lol don't worry chief this big fella just rocked up:

New Marvel Core Set. Whole bunch of supers coming, and batch of terrain as well. 7 heroes, 6 villains, and a lot more scatter...
Also got Chamber of Wonders, the game of assembling a Victorian Cabinet of Curios, and the spawn has gone elbow deep into Chapter 2 of Lorcana, so that'll keep us busy a while.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/18 15:17:05

Post by: Gitsplitta

Pretty cool work on the gate thingy graven.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/18 20:42:26

Post by: endtransmission

Oh thank god! The world is set right once again

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/22 10:59:26

Post by: Syro_

That "Miley Sirens" joke really tickled me

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/29 12:25:36

Post by: KidCthulhu

Hey Graven, how do the TT Combat Carnevale models scale with the original metal models?

I have a handful of the original models but I'm worried about scale creep. I don't want to order a bunch of the admittedly great new models only for them to dwarf my existing models and terrain.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/30 12:48:53

Post by: inmygravenimage

 Gitsplitta wrote:
Pretty cool work on the gate thingy graven.

Thanks buddy it was a ton o' fun I've been experimenting with using a dark brown base (Army Painter Speed Paint Dark Wood) for old metals and really enjoying the results.

endtransmission wrote:Oh thank god! The world is set right once again

Oh, there's so much stuff now

Syro_ wrote:That "Miley Sirens" joke really tickled me

Well, I live to tickle your fancy

KidCthulhu wrote:Hey Graven, how do the TT Combat Carnevale models scale with the original metal models?

I have a handful of the original models but I'm worried about scale creep. I don't want to order a bunch of the admittedly great new models only for them to dwarf my existing models and terrain.

Now that is a very interesting question, and one that vexes the community. Here is an infamous example (not my pic)

So, yes - but only in some models, such as the Barber.
Strigoi are a mixed bag. For example, the original Varcolac is no smaller than the new one (as you can see below). The terrain is not an issue but generally speaking it's the difference between 28 and 32mm. It's most noticeable with guild, it's not really an issue with Rashaar, and varies with other factions (as above). All I would say is the game is better than ever, clean and fast with optional rules to add complexity. Personally, I would just go for it.

Sorry for the delay. November is the hell month, always RL busy, never much hobby. Still, got a maildrop from TT Combat. To replace the shoddy Varcolac, they sent me the brand-new (like, it's only been out a couple of weeks) female version, so I converted it slightly into a Moon Eater - a nastier, soul-draining werewolf, bound in sigils and cord, on a 50mm base. We're very unlikely to ever run more than one Varcaloc (and if we really need to, we have Brimstone werewolves on 40mm bases already) so this seems like a good plan.

New group shot:

Miles Siren's Wrecking Crew


Thank you Santa an early xmas gift, which I'm very excited about indeed. The Black Spectre is one of the iconic narrative monsters from the game so this will be great to tackle.

Now talking of TACKLING - how about some Blood Bowl?! Yup, you heard me right. Now I haven't played BB in (sharp intake of breath) 23 years, but the dad of my wee girl's bestie wants an opponent for his Dark Elves. Another of my nerd-brothers plays high-level competitive BB, so he sent me a pile of Khorne Linesmen he had spare (I suspect that Khorne is not a great team, hence why he was happy to pass it on ) which I'll flesh (skull?) out with some bits, maybe try to get a fantasy Bestigor to convert or something.

Plus there's a stack of MCP, to keep me busy, and the wife has got me the Reaper advent calendar too, as if that's not enough.

That all being said, part of the paint slow down is more card and board gaming, which is great... but means fewer minis. Who knows, maybe 2024 is going to be quality over quantity

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/11/30 16:32:22

Post by: KidCthulhu

 inmygravenimage wrote:
So, yes - but only in some models, such as the Barber. Strigoi are a mixed bag. For example, the original Varcolac is no smaller than the new one (as you can see below). The terrain is not an issue but generally speaking it's the difference between 28 and 32mm. It's most noticeable with guild, it's not really an issue with Rashaar, and varies with other factions (as above). All I would say is the game is better than ever, clean and fast with optional rules to add complexity. Personally, I would just go for it.
Oh dear, it's 28mm to 32mm jump... That might be an issue as I don't play Carnevale but use the models in my other projects:


I like Guild in particular; so if they're huge now, that's gonna be a deal breaker. I can still find interesting uses for Rashaar and Strigoi since they're monsters. I was also interesting in grabbing some Vatican guys, but I can be creative about some of them (ie, Ogre heads on Scoprio Marksmen).

Thanks for answering my questions, Graven. Keep up the awesome painting!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/03 12:48:59

Post by: inmygravenimage

Wow classic Harlot! Great sculpt. The new harlots are beautiful sculpts too (but I have to limit myself, sadly) - I have a fair bit of Guild but stick to the Trades and Pulcinella as subfactions. Similarly, my Rashaar is mostly just Cult, and the offspring avoids gypsies as a rule. Gotta rationalise. Tragic but true.

It's the advent of advent! Which means the legendary Mighty Lancer Games: Reaper advent calendar once again,
First , it's this rather jaunty skeleton with a pick-axe, a perfect addition to any twisted Old West adventure - given how much we love dungeon crawlers such as Shadows of Brimstone this will be ideal for adding bodies (if not fleshing out) groups of Hungry Dead or Coffin Breakers.

Day 2 was a chonky d30, a thing of beauty, and Day 3 was this fine lassie:

She'll make an excellent addition to boat crew for Carnevale. I don't own a Mariner so she's a good fit. Probably paint her as Anna of Arundelle though... oh just Let it Go!

And these bad boys (and girls) arrived

8 Khorne linesmen, ready to become... the Krampus Killers! Yup, I've decided that whilst the World Eater colours were a fun idea, let's get festive!


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/09 20:31:37

Post by: inmygravenimage

Still a bit erratic with posting, sorry. The blood bowl thing has... spiralled.

Mistakes were made, and so forth. All I wanted was a couple of Beastmen to turn into Khorngors! Instead, I've ended up with a full classic metal Beastman team, which has been sitting in a box, primed, since... early 90s maybe?

Our school technician - Terry the Techincal Technician (I know!) - was a GW manager back in the early days, and occasionally helps with my Warhammer alliance club; he very kindly gifted me them, and I have promptly set about painting and rebasing.

Also, he may have found a nice bit of wood that we're thinking about turning into a pitch Of course, now I need to track down some retro chaos warriors to be the blockers. But in the meantime, I can always use the 3 armed mutants as blockers.

I also found an old school chaos sorcerer will be the apothecary for the team; speaking of which, I also found a reaper dark elf apothecary, of all things, so that'll go to my pal who started me on this nonsense...
And that's me at 368! Achievement unlocked!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/10 13:38:23

Post by: endtransmission

Congrats on achieving your goal!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/10 21:06:34

Post by: Slinky

Very cool old-school BB models, loving the tentacles!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/10 23:41:19

Post by: JoshInJapan

I have never really enjoyed BloodBowl for all the same reasons that I don't enjoy American Football. That said, I do like your work on the models.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/11 12:30:35

Post by: inmygravenimage

endtransmission wrote:Congrats on achieving your goal!

I'm not sure I'd call it a goal so much as an unfortunate outcome

Slinky wrote:Very cool old-school BB models, loving the tentacles!

Thanks pal, yeah I'm loving the retro minis.

JoshInJapan wrote:I have never really enjoyed BloodBowl for all the same reasons that I don't enjoy American Football. That said, I do like your work on the models.

Well, I am not a sports fan of any variety, but I love mantic's dreadball and I was inspired by your oldhammer minotaurs which took me back to my youth.
And in the meantime...

Greebo Games Khorne Demons!

The unarmoured ones will be Chosen with the Minotaurs, the armoured extra Khorngors, and the big guy will be the Khorne... big guy.

Pretty happy with how they've turned out in the end. I am fairly sure that I have some half painted Impact! Elves somewhere too that I was going to repurpose for Dreadball. To the attic!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/19 01:04:19

Post by: Syro_

It's fun seeing some Blood Bowl, I still need to work on my teams.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/19 08:52:18

Post by: inmygravenimage

Syro_ wrote:It's fun seeing some Blood Bowl, I still need to work on my teams.

Yeah I'm enjoying it actually. The painting at least not played it yet of course...
So on that note: here come the elves!

The Glass Ninjas strike back!

This is an Impact! Miniatures team that were caked in paint. The metals are of inconsistent quality and a bit derpy but they have a pleasing oldhammer vibe.

I'm going to mount them on 32mm mdf discs which I'll mark up with the NAF colours, and I'll probably add some lines and splatter but they're basically done.

Wood elves are in stripping next, and khorne next for paint!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/19 15:13:24

Post by: Slinky

Pretty good, slight derpiness notwithstanding

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/24 20:00:19

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Pretty good, slight derpiness notwithstanding

TBH I'm kinda fond of the derpiness because of its Oldhammer vibes.

A little WIP update: more progress on the Khorne team.

The two sets - Gw and Greebo Games - work really well together, and the oldhammer sorcerer makes a decent apothecary I reckon. Should be done before the end of the month, and I'll pick 5 for the dakka contest.
Have a great Xmas etc my lovelies, and cya on the other side!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/26 20:36:46

Post by: Syro_

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Yeah I'm enjoying it actually. The painting at least not played it yet of course...

Of course
Three years since I bought Blood Bowl and haven't even gotten the plastic off the rule book yet, haven't built any of my teams either.

I'm liking how your teams are coming out. I hope you get to play sometime.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/28 20:07:53

Post by: inmygravenimage

Well now. Had xmas. Made, and ate, a lot of food. Wife and I don't really do gifts to one another, though she did get me a set of incredibly tiny polyhedrals, plus got some quality nerd shirts from the kids and the Vallejo Game Color set from my folks which was most excellent. Which allowed me to put the finishing touches to the Krampus Killers!

Very happy with how the whole gang have turned out, and that they look like a single unified team despite the mix of companies and eras.

Starting retro, the oldhammer sorcerer (who's going to be an itinerant if not wandering apothecary) and kitbash chainsaw wielding star player.

Khorngors. Love these, very simple head sculpt variations out of the box. Just a shame that you CLEARLY want 4. Might need to try to track down some plastic bestigors or suchlike for conversion.

Gw Linesmen. 3 sculpts, 6 head options. Reposed some hands a bit too.

Greebo Linesmen. 9 fantastic sculpts, look great against the gw ones too.

Bloodseekers. 2 body sculpts and 2 heads is 4 satisfyingly different looks.

So a very enjoyable festive project.

Speaking of festive, painted up this lovely lass from my Reaper Advent calendar

Modded the base, added the tentacle and so on. I'm going to use her as a Mariner (deckhand) for Carnevale, I don't own one and am not convinced I need one, but this is a good way of testing the water.

Very productive December! And with 423 for the year that's just over the score for '22. Didn't expect that!

Next up, well, need to build the wood elf team. Got the Mcp core set minis and terrain to paint, and the Black Spectre for January's dakka contest, along with a ruined building. 2024 shaping up interesting!

Thanks for sticking around,

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/29 09:51:34

Post by: tzurk

What a productive year graven - great innings!

Love the blood bowl projects - I've had a human team sitting on my to-do list since the new edition dropped. Need to get around to them - and your bases are providing a bit of spark!

Thanks for sharing - here's to another big year in 24.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2023/12/29 17:17:27

Post by: inmygravenimage

tzurk wrote:What a productive year graven - great innings!

Love the blood bowl projects - I've had a human team sitting on my to-do list since the new edition dropped. Need to get around to them - and your bases are providing a bit of spark!

Thanks for sharing - here's to another big year in 24.

And thank YOU for swinging by, and the kind words. The basing is just army painter grass, mostly.

Snuck in a wee extra before the year is out, painted up a Reaper Witch (advent calendar again) as a Blood Crone for the boy's Strigoi.

Gypsies are not a subfaction he has much of but, like me with the Mariner, this is a way of trying her out.

Rubble courtesy of AoS. And speaking of the Mariner.

And alongside our current Gypsy and Moon Eater.

424. NOW I'm done for the year

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/01 15:15:37

Post by: Gitsplitta

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year graven! Very nice work on the young lady.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/09 10:53:43

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year graven! Very nice work on the young lady.

To you too old chum! And many thanks

Starting the new year with the old... oldhammer, that is

Rescued these two off eBay, caked in years of paint. Green Stuff World stripper is MAGIC.

Very pleased to channel the old school cool of these lads.

And alongside a Beastman Linesman and the team "apothecary". They actually need a team name, I'm thinking the Retro Raiders?
I've got my eye on a cheap classic Ogre too, so that would complete the lineup. Going to party like it 1993

Also picked up a couple of the Mini of the Month Kilgores, which are now reborn as Khorngors:

Pretty straightforward conversions, should paint up nice.

Other than that for Blood Bowl, the desk currently has the stripped (stripper?) Wood Elf team built and a goblin one-man band that will do double-duty as both a BB fan and a Moonstone villager. Reaper make the BEST quirky townsfolk minis Picked up the Vampire team for Elder Spawn as the only way he'll play is anything Undead strange child. Also need to get on with the new MCP Core Set and the Black Spectre for Carnevale. Trying to go on a spending hiatus otherwise, might try to use 2024 to tackle board game minis. We shall see...
Thanks for sticking around

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/10 12:40:06

Post by: Gitsplitta

Great job on those old Blood Bowl minis graven! Really plucks at my heart strings!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/10 15:43:20

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Great job on those old Blood Bowl minis graven! Really plucks at my heart strings!

Well you HAVE to love a bit of oldhammer, right? I mean, they're not eldar, but still

So, hobby goals for this year.
Let's take stock a bit more formally:

Blood Bowl
Wood Elf Team x16 (built, unprimed)
Vampire Team x10 inc tokens (unbuilt, unprimed)
Goblin fan (built, primed)
Khorne Team x3 (2 kitbash Khorngors and another Khorne Linesman found in bottom of a box; built, primed)

The Black Spectre (built, primed)
Deep One sorcerer (built, primed)

Heroes x6 (built, primed)
Villains x7 (built, primed)
Assorted Terrain (built, primed)
Range Rulers (built, primed)

Star Trek Away Missions (board game minis technically, but should keep me busy)
Federation Away Team x4 (built, unprimed)
Romulan Away Team x5 (built, unprimed)
Klingon Away Team x5 (built, unprimed)
Borg Away Team x6 (built, unprimed)
Q x2 (built, unprimed)

Assorted Fantasy townsfolk and RPG characters (these will be done for my middle spawn if he wants stuff for his D&D game)
Enough Khorne bits to make World Eater KT x5 (maybe)

I have some other board games with minis of varying quality - Unfathomable has many Deep Ones, a couple of which have already been repurposed for Carnevale, plus Dagon and Hydra, Talisman 4th and Heroquest reissue have some okayish plastic minis, that sort of thing... they may see the painting table.

Thanks for sticking around

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/11 06:29:16

Post by: tzurk

Beautiful work on those old metal gems mate.

Have you managed to tee up a game of Blood Bowl yet? These guys deserve to see some action!

Looks like you've got your work cut out for you moving forward - good luck ticking items off that list!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/12 13:05:56

Post by: inmygravenimage

tzurk wrote:Beautiful work on those old metal gems mate.

Have you managed to tee up a game of Blood Bowl yet? These guys deserve to see some action!

Looks like you've got your work cut out for you moving forward - good luck ticking items off that list!

Thanks pal! Sadly they have not yet got on the gridiron, which is why I'm going to do my eldest a vampire team - breed your own opponent!

Well, when it comes to ticking things off, had to start with the monthly contest entry.

The Black Spectre, an unholy fusion of father and son, fuelled by rage, resentment and the arcane energies of the Rent.

A being of living shadow with its victims caught in it ethereal form.

I really enjoyed doing the mask(s)

The model is usual shown with hands that are made from shadow, but I wanted a different look, for colour variation as much as anything else.

Loved doing this. All came together in the end, once I figured out my colours.

Next up, Crisis Protocol! ... mebbe.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/12 13:59:07

Post by: Slinky

Eww, that's v creepy. Good paintjob though

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/13 23:07:46

Post by: Llamahead

The Black Spectre is excellent. Blood Bowls always a good laugh...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/14 19:55:28

Post by: JoshInJapan

I do love me some Oldhammer Chaos Warriors.

The Black Spectre turned out well-- the giant fleshy hands coming out of the black ectoplasm is a wonderfully creepy touch.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/14 20:39:20

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Eww, that's v creepy. Good paintjob though

Llamahead wrote:The Black Spectre is excellent. Blood Bowls always a good laugh...

Cheers! I'm determined to actually PLAY some blood bowl at some point
JoshInJapan wrote:I do love me some Oldhammer Chaos Warriors.

The Black Spectre turned out well-- the giant fleshy hands coming out of the black ectoplasm is a wonderfully creepy touch.

Tbh oldhammer isn't a hard sell here on dakka is it? thanks buddy, yeah in the absence of the promo trans purple version of the Spectre this has worked out OK.

Clearing the decks, I've finished up my Khorne team with the converted Kilgores

Really think the conversion has worked.

And another linesman.

And every team needs support, so how about this Goblin one-man band?

Or should that be one fan band?

He's also a fun addition the to Moonstone villagers.
I also stuck my entire Elven Union team, The Crystal Cannons, onto mdf discs with the position colours:

Mcp on the desk, as are the Sylvan Syrens, sulty Wood Elf team. Not sure which will get the attention first. Definitely on a Blood Bowl kick for now.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/14 23:16:50

Post by: Gitsplitta

That's an impressive list graven... and a great way to start off!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/15 00:31:37

Post by: shasolenzabi

Looking good as usual my dude!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/25 21:50:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

shasolenzabi wrote:Looking good as usual my dude!

Thanks my dude!

Right, progress!
"And here they come Grark, the nastiest nymphs in the NAF, the Dyyyynamite Dryads!"
"Not sure it OK to call dem dat, Bob, nymphs is very loaded term."
"They're literally wood nymphs Grark."

The Dynamite Dryads, my somewhat saucy Impact! wood elf team.

Despite the shoddy pics, I am very happy with how they've turned out, especially given how caked in paint they were and all had to be rebased without tabs.

Getting by, otherwise. Mental health is not great but am trying to keep my chin up. Hoping to get BB vampires done next, then on to Marvel.

We shall see.
Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/01/29 22:52:21

Post by: Llamahead

Several of my mates have taken up D&D campaigns recently both at work and at my Wargammes club. I've got that Reaper one man band Goblin and the temptation toenter a campaign as a One man band bard is probably far too high.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/01 16:31:03

Post by: inmygravenimage

Llamahead wrote:Several of my mates have taken up D&D campaigns recently both at work and at my Wargammes club. I've got that Reaper one man band Goblin and the temptation toenter a campaign as a One man band bard is probably far too high.

Oh do it for sure lol.

Right. Let's start February with the vampire team for the boy: the Serenissima Strigoi!

La Serenissima is Venice, he plays Venetian vampires (Strigoi) in Carnevale... look, it makes sense, OK? 😉

I mean obviously these were mostly painted in January - last 2 days, in the main - but just got a bit of a finish off today, so get counted for Feb.

These were fun to do, in the end. I don't normally enjoy army/block painting but there's enough variation in a BB team to keep me interested.

Enjoyed the wing skin especially

All the wee extras are a nice addition, too.
Strzyga is a perfect Vargheist stand-in. I have nice Pirate Flesh Golem that'll make a good Frank'n'stein proxy, too. Other than that, I've only got the oldhammer ogre to paint (well... I have an unbuilt metal nezumi skaven team too). But next month is MCP, and maybe - just maybe - some Star Trek away teams.
Yay space!


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/03 06:45:37

Post by: inmygravenimage


Finally making a start on Star Trek Away Missions. These are lovely models to paint, especially for board game plastics.

I know a lot of folk are wary of the slightly bobble-head aesthetic but, honestly, it actually helps in game because when you look down at them at an angle on the board the perspective shifts and they look, well, normal. It's a surprising and clever design choice, even if I freely admit I was totally unconvinced initially.

Next up Romulans, then klingons and the feds. Engage!


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/03 16:35:50

Post by: Gitsplitta

Lovely work graven. Just lovely.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/05 15:08:42

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Looking forward to seeing more Trek!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/05 18:23:33

Post by: aku-chan

Nice Borg!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/05 18:33:53

Post by: Guardling

That is the cutest Locutus!
I hardly ever see Star Trek minis, look forward to seeing more!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/05 21:46:49

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:Lovely work graven. Just lovely.

I'm not sure the Borg could ever be described as lovely but thanks
Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:Looking forward to seeing more Trek!

Well, ask and ye shall receive!
aku-chan wrote:Nice Borg!

Cheers pal!
Guardling wrote:That is the cutest Locutus!
I hardly ever see Star Trek minis, look forward to seeing more!

Lo-cute-us! Or is that Jeri Ryan?

Well then, here we go!

Q? Q! Yes, 2 copies of Q, so he can mess with both players; one done more purple as that's how the cloth is depicted in Lower Decks.

Riker's away team, the other half of the core set. The Worf sculpt is great, Riker OK, Data fine, Shelby... just horrible.

Picard's Away Team. The La Forge sculpt is fantastic, the rest are not bad.

The Romulans!

Sela is not bad, the others are... generic. Fine.
And then there's the Klingons!

Gowron... he's got those eyes!

I really enjoyed painting them. I've used Purple for Gowron's retainers, Red for Specialists (specialists can be swapped between away teams) and Green for...

The House of Duras! They wear this colour in S7, it's all good

Generally, the sculpts are OK, the plastic fine... but they've been fun and a pleasant distraction from what I'm supposed to be doing, which is MCP actually that's not fair. I'm not going paint anything I don't want to. These were unashamedly quick, fun paints.
Make it so!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/09 07:39:08

Post by: inmygravenimage

A palette cleanser

Fun with monochrome (ish) comic cars

Just getting my head back in the place to paint supers!

Got the new Cyberpunk 2077 mini board game to review. Nice figures, hope the gameplay is decent.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/10 16:15:27

Post by: Slinky

Loving the cars, Graven, the windscreen effects are most effective

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/14 14:35:42

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I asked and you certainly delivered! The Romulan checkers must have driven you insane, eh?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/14 19:24:18

Post by: JoshInJapan

The cars turned out top notch! Do they act as terrain in game, or can the be hijacked and driven? Or thrown, given that this is a superhero game...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/14 22:13:19

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Loving the cars, Graven, the windscreen effects are most effective

Thanks buddy!
Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:I asked and you certainly delivered! The Romulan checkers must have driven you insane, eh?

Lol little bit but I primed black, dry brushed grey and then layered the squares in pale grey varying the number of layers.
JoshInJapan wrote:The cars turned out top notch! Do they act as terrain in game, or can the be hijacked and driven? Or thrown, given that this is a superhero game...

Thanks matey! Well, terrain can all be thrown (and destroyed) in game. What the game lacks is rules for throwing people off buildings, sadly. The DC fan in me is greatly upset by this

So... I got distracted by the free stl from Korhyl miniatures Serenissima II campaign:

I like the idea of dockside hawkers selling food to folk off the boats.

Originally I'd intended to use a gs roller to make cobbles but felt that they'd look too small against my other Carnveale terrain so came up with the idea of using mdf offcuts. I knew it was a good idea to keep all those bits from the inside of windows and tabs!

I mean I [i]may[/] still do MCP stuff but this whole fdm printing thing is totally new to me - plus the recycling of old stuff - so definitely fits the theme of the current dakka contest. Enjoying this, even if I'm not sure I'll get it done.
Meanwhile, I have done a wee bit of painting

Trundling along. This a Thrudball pirate Flesh Golem that'll count as Frank'N'Stein so the Elder Spawn has him as a Star Player for his Vampires, and a 2nd Ed metal ogre for my Oldhammer Chaos Chosen team. Proper retro little bit of progress on the flesh tones for the mcp stuff too, but that's down the line.
Onwards, and so forth.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/15 00:28:14

Post by: JoshInJapan

Thanks matey! Well, terrain can all be thrown (and destroyed) in game. What the game lacks is rules for throwing people off buildings, sadly. The DC fan in me is greatly upset by this

Skip to 2:40

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/15 02:22:56

Post by: RedSarge

Oooooh.. classic TNG Miniatures!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/16 19:17:22

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:

Skip to 2:40

Ah, classic serials, when superheroes fought gangsters granted Marvel is perfectly capable of being dark and violent, but in terms of mini games, the classic DCU game had better mechanics for chucking folk about. It's my main criticism of MCP - I have others, I think it's cluttered and its reliance on your hand of cards irks me - and is a reason why I'm probably going to start playing the new Wakanda stuff as they CAN use terrain more violently
RedSarge wrote:Oooooh.. classic TNG Miniatures!

Yeah, I'm especially fond of Geordi and Worf, who aren't that chibi at all. Troi and Bev are decent too, Riker and Picard not bad... rest, not so much.
Bit more blood bowl:

Thrudball pirate Flesh Golem for the boy and Ogre for my classic Chaos Chosen, the Retro Raiders
And, adding layers and texture to the printed dockside

Got the new wakanda terrain sets... really need to get on with MCP

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/17 15:51:57

Post by: inmygravenimage


My first FDM print, painted and ready to use. Out with the old indeed!

I think this little thieving tentacle is my favourite bit

And in action!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/17 21:44:24

Post by: Llamahead

Excellent Terrain here the Star Trek crew look good but the chibi size I find off putting.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/18 16:09:16

Post by: CptJake

That came out marvelously. Just incredible.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/20 15:28:29

Post by: Slinky

Oooh, FDM printing? What printer did you go for?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/24 22:55:36

Post by: inmygravenimage

Llamahead wrote:Excellent Terrain here the Star Trek crew look good but the chibi size I find off putting.

I don't disagree, and I'm not a fan of the chibi aesthetic generally but what I have found in game is, weirdly, it's fine when you're looking down at the board it's fine.

CptJake wrote:
That came out marvelously. Just incredible.

You're most kind.

Slinky wrote:Oooh, FDM printing? What printer did you go for?

Ah, I don't own one - I... took advantage of the school one we have a couple of . This was a "test" and have now printed some more for my hobby club kids to have a go. Tbh the resolution isn't great but it's perfectly serviceable.

Hello all.
Sorry this has gone a bit quiet. I've torn a ligament in my back along with an abdominal so I'm a bit sore, and sitting at my painting desk pretty tough. All I've tackled is building and converting up a Samurat blood bowl team. Meet the Shogunate Splinters!

The minis are a rolljordan nezumi team, mostly (couple of oldhammer gutter runners), though I'm mixing and matching parts to make them feel more piecemeal. I reckon they earn armour upgrades, like Mandalorians. And rat oni is a work in progress, using a hulk style super as the base.

So progress of a sort. I'm going to work at a pace I feel comfortable, physically.
Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/28 14:43:40

Post by: inmygravenimage

Hey y'all
Just easing myself back in. Still a bit sore but tried to do something that caught my interest. On a whim I decided to paint up something extra to go with my dakka contest entry, this excellent Deep One sorcerer from Reaper that the wife got me for Xmas, which I'll use as The Flame That Burns Underwater for Carnevale

Nice to round out the month. Shogunate skaven, cyberpunk gangers and maybe some supers next month.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/02/28 19:20:03

Post by: JoshInJapan

That's a different take on a Deep One-- sort of a fishman/genie hybrid? I like your use of blue as a base for the green skin, and the drab, everyday colors on the shirt and jacket are a nice touch as well.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/01 13:10:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:That's a different take on a Deep One-- sort of a fishman/genie hybrid? I like your use of blue as a base for the green skin, and the drab, everyday colors on the shirt and jacket are a nice touch as well.

Yeah, it's a great model. It's Vallejo Scurvy Green as the base, iirc. I didn't want him to be too garish, I was thinking of a very lovecraftian, grimy late 20s aesthetic.

Anyway, to start this month, I've been working on my Rat Oni

Feel likes it's finally coming together.

No idea what I'm going to do for the dakka Space Marine painting contest. Maybe Captain Marvel

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/01 14:21:17

Post by: Slinky

Nice sculpting!

Hope your back is on the road to recovery.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/02 21:20:45

Post by: aku-chan

The armour on that rat guy is looking nifty!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/02 23:28:34

Post by: RedSarge

For some reason I pictured "Oni" from the Bungie game, but as a rat? XD

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/04 18:06:29

Post by: Gitsplitta

That's great work graven.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/05 16:44:39

Post by: inmygravenimage

Slinky wrote:Nice sculpting!
Hope your back is on the road to recovery.

Cheers bud. Getting there gradually, much obliged!

aku-chan wrote:The armour on that rat guy is looking nifty!
Thanks! I used a greenstuff flooring roller and cut sections to suit.

RedSarge wrote:For some reason I pictured "Oni" from the Bungie game, but as a rat? XD

Well why not eh?

gitsplitta wrote:That's great work graven.

Thanks mate. I know you like your oriental adventures.

Right. Not painted much but had a brainwave: I'm going... old school for this month's dakka contest.

Not 100% but might paint these on sprue as retro space wolves and frame them for a mate. There is a gap on one sprue I might try to sneak an easter egg of some sort in.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/05 22:49:25

Post by: JoshInJapan

That sounds like a fun project. I think I have a sprue of RTB01 tactical marines somewhere, but not the upgrade sprue. As always, I'll be following with interest.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/05 23:22:18

Post by: Slinky

That's a fab idea

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/06 05:02:45

Post by: Camkierhi

I still paint on sprue sometimes. Particularly if it's detail parts.

All looking brilliant sir. Love the bobble head trekky crews.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/08 13:03:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:That sounds like a fun project. I think I have a sprue of RTB01 tactical marines somewhere, but not the upgrade sprue. As always, I'll be following with interest.

Oh thanks buddy. I might need to sneak an easter egg of some sort into the sprue gap.
Slinky wrote:That's a fab idea

Camkierhi wrote:I still paint on sprue sometimes. Particularly if it's detail parts.
All looking brilliant sir. Love the bobble head trekky crews.

Thanks buddy. They were surprisingly fun to do.
Felt like painting up some diggers is Decepticon, I mean Oscorp, colours:

For whatever reason, I'm struggling to be motivated to paint the mcp, so easing back in.
Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/11 15:45:53

Post by: Gitsplitta

Great work on making them look used!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/16 07:16:24

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thanks buddy, I do like em mucky!

This month has been quite quiet - we call it Mad March in teaching as it's when we start to gear up for exams.
Meanwhile, my rtb1 sprues are just about done:

Now to frame them!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The question is, with or without background?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/16 11:20:09

Post by: Viktor von Domm

In terms of background ... what would be a fitting one for a bunch of marine parts? the least distraction would be sheets of metal, riveted as a floor of a spacevessel?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/16 11:46:17

Post by: Slinky

Did you decide against the "easter egg"?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/19 17:44:25

Post by: inmygravenimage

Viktor von Domm wrote:In terms of background ... what would be a fitting one for a bunch of marine parts? the least distraction would be sheets of metal, riveted as a floor of a spacevessel?

Good suggestions I was thinking an old WD page or a bit of blanchistu but that's a decent shout.
Slinky wrote:Did you decide against the "easter egg"?

No, just wasn't sure what to do initially; needed to dig into the old bitsbox

And framed!

Not bad. Not bad although my terrible photography makes the sprues look slightly squint

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/19 18:07:16

Post by: Viktor von Domm

Looks badass framed... and with the colours of the bitz, a white backdrop is the better choice!

which makes me remember , I own a sprue of chrome coloured marines... there is an idea...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/19 19:14:25

Post by: JoshInJapan

What a fun project. You really captured the feel of RT-era paintjobs.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/20 01:01:15

Post by: Gitsplitta

You know... I've always been very confused as to the logic of painting anything on the sprue... but framed, that looks very cool.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/21 23:01:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

Viktor von Domm wrote:Looks badass framed... and with the colours of the bitz, a white backdrop is the better choice!
which makes me remember , I own a sprue of chrome coloured marines... there is an idea...

Thanks mate, and look forward to seeing what you come up with.
JoshInJapan wrote:What a fun project. You really captured the feel of RT-era paintjobs.

Thanks buddy!
Gitsplitta wrote:You know... I've always been very confused as to the logic of painting anything on the sprue... but framed, that looks very cool.

Thanks pal. I'm not usually a fan of it but I think on this occasion it works OK

So, felt the urge a bunch of the rest of the terrain from the MCP core set, around the ruined Gas Station, and the matching Ultron Drone swarm.

Bit of detail, with the gas pumps:

I couldn't not do a bit of graffiti...

Love some freehand graffiti.

Added a Brutal Cities mdf AC unit on the side

Not forgetting the swarm

And of course the drones!

A fun time was had. I do enjoy a spot of terrain. Might even do big Ultron next.
Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/25 16:36:13

Post by: Gitsplitta

OK... it's a stupid little thing. But I love the fluttering papers on the fan of the air conditioner. Just the perfect detail.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/28 17:49:04

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:OK... it's a stupid little thing. But I love the fluttering papers on the fan of the air conditioner. Just the perfect detail.

Ah! Thanks mate It's a touch I always try to add to my A/C Units, so I appreciate it didn't go unnoticed.

And now...
It's those notorious nezumi, those samurai skaven, sinister samurats... the Sengoku Splinters!

Mostly rolljordan minis, with some Mantic parts, gw oldhammer runner and catcher, and a generic superhero Hulk (plus a lot of gs) for the Rat Oni (and his little pal Remy).




And gutter runners

Fun team Now to play the game
Takes me past 100 for the year so far. Not too bad

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/28 19:14:57

Post by: JoshInJapan

Those guys look great! The Rathulk was skillfully done-- he really fits the rest of the team.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/03/29 20:53:38

Post by: Gitsplitta

I love rats. Wish the Skaven would come back to 40k... at least as an allied sub-faction of some sort.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/01 18:08:22

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:Those guys look great! The Rathulk was skillfully done-- he really fits the rest of the team.

Thanks man. He's definitely a reminder that I wish my painting was up to my gs work, but such is life. He looks the part, and that's what matters. I do have an old confrontation wolfen that I'm going to paint up for the team too, so I can use the Oni as the Star Player rat ogre if need be.

Gitsplitta wrote:I love rats. Wish the Skaven would come back to 40k... at least as an allied sub-faction of some sort.

Well, there's always Mantic veermyn
I mean they could work as Beastmen i guess?

Let's start the month with an extra:

This is a Wulfen I started... 15 years ago maybe? He's another Rat Ogre for the team now, more of a ninja vibe.

The gs work on the cowl is not as good as now but still, does the job.

Still, a fun model and means I can use the Oni as the Star Player.

I was inspired to do this because this month's dakka contest is Let's Finish This!
Here's what I'll be doing:

Cap and Bucky for sure. We'll see about the rest.


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/01 18:24:12

Post by: Camkierhi

Always wonderful catching up with you.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/01 22:09:03

Post by: Llamahead

Nice to see old Confrontation models....I still miss Rackham some of the best models ever produced.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/02 17:07:35

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Always wonderful catching up with you.

Thanks man
Llamahead wrote:Nice to see old Confrontation models....I still miss Rackham some of the best models ever produced.

For sure. The game was a bit of a mixed bag but lovely figs.

More progress on these in a hour than in months previous! Hurrah for dakka motivations.

Of course, watching XMen 97 may have helped

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/03 04:47:15

Post by: JoshInJapan

How very interesting. By laying down all those blues, it looks like you are batch painting, but all of the minis are unique. You're blowing my mind.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/07 21:59:02

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:How very interesting. By laying down all those blues, it looks like you are batch painting, but all of the minis are unique. You're blowing my mind.

Cheers mate. Yeah, i do this a fair bit when I want consistency or, like, spill paint
Here, I did it because I want a reasonably consistent set of blues, reds and yellows for a comic vibe, as if a single colorist had done them all.

Speaking of which, it is time...for the Age of Ultron!

Rather pleased with this.

Might tidy up a bit around the blast, but basically done.

And with his drones.

Progress on the rest of the gang. 5, hopefully, will be done by end of the month! Cap and Caps pretty much there, tbh. I'd like to get Bucky done though as feels thematic.
Incidentally, Iron Man wasn't done in the batch reds as I'm planning to use a different process for him, more of an orange base note.
I've run out of GW sepia and fleshshade. Any recommendations? I think I'm going to move away from the GW washes. Too darn pricey.

Have started, finally, playing Blood Bowl with the Elder Spawn. Damn, it's good fun. Having not hit the gridiron in 30 years, was a little wary, but it's just as stupid as ever. Sadly, he gave my oldhammer chaos a runaround with the pesky elves, but not without getting a good few properly murdered. Happy days

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/08 20:45:59

Post by: inmygravenimage

Got a bit more work done, to my surprise.

And some individual shots

I enjoyed this very stoic cap sculpt to paint, even if he's a less dynamic model.

And, well... I say individual...

I like that binary form gets it's own mini at no appreciable extra cost.

I marginally prefer how this one's turned out.

And group so far:

I may well just stick to the Age of Ultron motif, but one of the versions of Carol Dancers might make the cut of the final 5. We shall see. Winter Soldier is pretty much a must, especially as I've added a Cap shield to him, and the other strong contenders are Spidey and Doc Ock... but if I have Ultron, Iron Man must surely be in there... oh no!

In other news, enjoying blood bowl after 30 year hiatus. Managed to track down the other classic blocker sculpt for a steal off ebay (currently using the retro sorcerer for #3) so he'll be added to the Retro Raiders line up soon!

Hey ho

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/09 16:18:10

Post by: Gitsplitta

That's great work graven. Cap and Ultron are looking especially spiffy! Really good work on the blasts too.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/10 08:26:13

Post by: Camkierhi

Looking awesome bud. Love the blast effects. Been looking at BB myself lately. Will look forward to seeing your take on it.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/15 11:15:50

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:That's great work graven. Cap and Ultron are looking especially spiffy! Really good work on the blasts too.

Lol spiffy. Can always rely on you chum. I suppose that, to be strictly MCU, it should just be Ultron, Cap, Iron Man and Widow.
Camkierhi wrote:Looking awesome bud. Love the blast effects. Been looking at BB myself lately. Will look forward to seeing your take on it.

Thanks buddy. Slaaneshi Norsca next! Because drinking and fighting seems very to me

Next wave of Marvel done!

Crossbones. Fun sculpt. Lot of black though.

Bucky, reposed and with addition of Shield.

Doc Ock. All about the science.

And spider-man (and friend)

And just for fun...

Looks good on the scenic

So now need to decide on final 5... assuming I don't get Iron Man, Black Widow, Red Skull and Baron Zemo done too

But I'm keen to get the Norsca built and painted, along with a 3rd oldhammer Blocker I got for a quid off ebay... 16hrs in greenstuff world stripper, and good as new!

Am aware that boardgames, and instagram, take up more of my nerd life than here now. Still, thanks for sticking around!


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/19 15:23:39

Post by: inmygravenimage

So, finally completed the new MCP core box!

Well, I've not painted the 2 dumpster or crash barricades I suppose. Still, close enough.

Baron Zemo. More of an Mcu scheme this time around.

Red Skull. Very pleased with what I initially thought wasn't a great sculpt.

Black Widow. Fun sculpt. OK paintjob.

Iron Man. I tried something much more comics with this and very pleased.

I do like a bit of an explosion.

So, I reckon this is my final 5. Pleased to have them done, at least. In terms of Marvel I have the Wakanda terrain sets and the remaining X-Men (Iceman, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Bishop, Prof X, plus Shadow King). Gotta catch 'em all

And as a wee extra, another oldhammer Blocker!

For BB, next up is a Norsca team, because we don't have a dedicated block team and when I was a kid I had a paper Asgard Ravens pitch from a magazine, so I've always had a hankering to do them, probably as drunken Slaaneshi cultists. The Bacchantic Bar-Stewards, or something.

Other than that, a pile of Shadows of Brimstone stuff is on the way - and I'm dangerously close to getting drawn into Star Wars Shatterpoint


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/19 18:36:16

Post by: Viktor von Domm

iron Mans blast effects are really cool looking but pale in comparrision of the highlights on the midriff section of the armor!!!!!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/20 08:57:40

Post by: JoshInJapan

Great work on the Marvel models. I find your work on superhero stuff quite inspiring, especially your approach to reflective and/or metallic surfaces. I'm still pretty hit-or-miss on that, but you consistently nail it.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/21 20:17:05

Post by: Llamahead

Iron Man does look excellent

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/22 03:24:46

Post by: Camkierhi

Excellent Marvel minis, but that old blocker takes me back. Awesome stuff.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/24 21:29:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

Viktor von Domm wrote:

iron Mans blast effects are really cool looking but pale in comparrision of the highlights on the midriff section of the armor!!!!!

Thanks kindly old chum! Good to see you still lurking

JoshInJapan wrote:Great work on the Marvel models. I find your work on superhero stuff quite inspiring, especially your approach to reflective and/or metallic surfaces. I'm still pretty hit-or-miss on that, but you consistently nail it.

You are very kind. Your NMM is top, so I think you're being a little modest buddy!

Llamahead wrote:Iron Man does look excellent

Cheers pal!

Camkierhi wrote:Excellent Marvel minis, but that old blocker takes me back. Awesome stuff.

Gotta love oldhammer

In a fit of pique, or possibly just adhd whimsy, I did couple more dumpster:

Oh, and found the missing oil barrel.

I do love a tag.

And, well... mistakes, etc...

Why yes, that is a selection of the characters from the shatterpoint starter and clone force 99. Sadly, the lure of the Bad Batch proved just to much. So, guess what my new obsession is

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/25 09:04:20

Post by: Camkierhi

Nice tag.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/25 14:09:42

Post by: Viktor von Domm

And, well... mistakes, etc...

every red blooded nerd is bound to succumb to these minis in time... saw them on ebay for quite some time, always tempted...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/04/30 17:04:32

Post by: inmygravenimage

Camkierhi wrote:Nice tag.

Cheers chief!

Viktor von Domm wrote:
And, well... mistakes, etc...

every red blooded nerd is bound to succumb to these minis in time... saw them on ebay for quite some time, always tempted...

Me too. And I have caved to the power of the dark side

And so... One more mini to close out the month!

Kalani, Droid Commander. Begun, the Clone Wars have!


Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/01 22:28:55

Post by: Gitsplitta

I really love the way Iron Man turned out graven. You nailed it.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/04 15:03:28

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:I really love the way Iron Man turned out graven. You nailed it.

Thanks old son. I enjoyed it, that's for sure.

So, it being May the 4th...

Terrain from the shatterpoint starter set. I mean, yes, I *should* be painting Mandalorians...

Great terrain set, but not much fun to paint tbh.

Still, great to play on

A happy May 4th has been spent watching Dune 2 and doing this and other shatterpoint.
Going to see Episode 1 on Monday on the big screen. Hope to get more SW painted this weekend, and maybe some Blood Bowl too.
Good Times, spent honouring my faith

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/11 10:11:16

Post by: inmygravenimage

It's funny seeing how dakka has changed, or not, in the last 15 years. These days I try to post once a week, and it's certainly a good place to store and organise images, but I'm a bit sad to see it has become eclipsed by the instant responses of everything from Discord to Instagram.

Will I keep posting on dakka? Probably. It does allow me to keep track of what I'm doing without resorting to the arcane secrets of spreadsheets

Anyway, enough melancholic musings. More toys!

First up, and it some Blood Bowl!

Well, BB adjacent, certainly. The two linesmen are from a 3rd party khorne metal team that I'm using to test colours for my Norsca team, the Bluetooth Barstewards. And the pig in a bath is from the Farmer's Guild for Guildball, with a few changes and additions, to act as a fan factor marker. He's as happy as a pig in... mead.

Done some more bits for shatterpoint, mostly by way of avoiding the real work of doing the actual minis.

All the measuring tools, plus some MCP jersey barriers that I've chopped the lights off to give us some more scatter / cover. Oh and a spare mcp short ruler, as it's the same as Shatterpoint dash.
It all counts!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/11 14:56:12

Post by: Viktor von Domm

tho my responses might not be anything but instantaneous , be sure I am a deep lurker for all the stuff you make!

also... summer is coming.... it´s a dakka tradition to show up here not that often...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/11 20:23:46

Post by: JoshInJapan

I am somewhat prejudiced against Instagram, as its use is the root of nearly every disciplinary problem we've had in the last five years. Instantaneous feedback is nice, I suppose, but I prefer taking the time to craft a post and any responses I make. I may be in the minority, though...

Good work on all the ancillary stuff. What's the point of painting a bunch of cool models if you only have a flat gray backdrop for them?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/12 21:11:38

Post by: inmygravenimage

Viktor von Domm wrote:tho my responses might not be anything but instantaneous , be sure I am a deep lurker for all the stuff you make!

also... summer is coming.... it´s a dakka tradition to show up here not that often...

See the deep lurkers are exactly what I love, it's so good to know you're still about! And, thanks!

JoshInJapan wrote:I am somewhat prejudiced against Instagram, as its use is the root of nearly every disciplinary problem we've had in the last five years. Instantaneous feedback is nice, I suppose, but I prefer taking the time to craft a post and any responses I make. I may be in the minority, though...

Good work on all the ancillary stuff. What's the point of painting a bunch of cool models if you only have a flat gray backdrop for them?

I agree, though Insta is less of an issue than roblox in our house. Insta is all a bit desperate. But it gets me a lot of free toys, so I shouldn't complain.

And, yeah, absolutely! Got to bring the bling I say!

But, it really is about time I got on with the monthly contest. And after all, Mandalorians are stronger together!

This is the way.

Clan Kryze: Koska Reeves, Bo-Katan Kryze and Axe Woves.

Gar Saxon and his Super Commandos

And a Tooka on a spy droid.

Surely the greatest piece of scatter ever.

Really enjoyed these. A happy day of painting in between errands with a bit of a hangover. Getting to old for this The 4 flying ones, plus the tooka, will be this month's "Nice Ride" contest entry.

Not sure if it'll be more star wars (Clone Force 99! ) or the BB norsca next. We shall see where the whims take me!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/13 10:13:06

Post by: Viktor von Domm

well.... you´re posting mandos.... me... can´t resist to comment.

when I show these my son... he will be hooked up instantly... and be an excuse for me to get me these ^^

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/15 21:03:13

Post by: inmygravenimage

Viktor von Domm wrote:well.... you´re posting mandos.... me... can´t resist to comment.

when I show these my son... he will be hooked up instantly... and be an excuse for me to get me these ^^

The game is excellent. And, fwiw, comes with all the cards in German as well as English.

And so, on to Clone Force 99!

Love The Bad Batch, and the models are glorious.

Hunter. That face tattoo. Yikes.

Tech. Closer to how I'll do the actual regular clones, albeit a bit grubbier.

Echo. Really pleased with face/skin.

Crosshairs. Such a good sculpt.

And Wrecker/ Omega. Freehand on the helmet was hell but happy with it. Very hard to get a good pic of Omega's tiny face.

That leaves Rex and the 501st clones plus the force users. But I think I'll Blood bowl next for variety.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/15 21:25:23

Post by: Viktor von Domm

the bad batch was actually on my to buy list for quite some time... my son is totally into the show...
I´ve seen 3D prints for some time... but never got the whole...batch... together...

very good looking and quite a fitting paintjob as a true tribute to the show!!!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/17 00:32:09

Post by: Gitsplitta

Very nice bunch graven.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/19 10:39:54

Post by: aku-chan

Nice work on the Mandos!

Never seen the Bad Batch, but they're looking good.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/20 23:14:44

Post by: JoshInJapan

I, too, am unfamiliar with The Bad Batch, but these models are lovely. That little pixie looking dude (Omega) is delightful.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/24 21:49:08

Post by: inmygravenimage

Viktor von Domm wrote:the bad batch was actually on my to buy list for quite some time... my son is totally into the show...
I´ve seen 3D prints for some time... but never got the whole...batch... together...

very good looking and quite a fitting paintjob as a true tribute to the show!!!

You're most kind. I loved s3 so kind words indeed.

Gitsplitta wrote:Very nice bunch graven.

Cheers pal.

aku-chan wrote:Nice work on the Mandos!

Never seen the Bad Batch, but they're looking good.

Well that's also most encouraging if they rock your world without even knowing them!
Had an excellent game of Shatterpoint with the elder spawn today. The Bad Batch are lethal on the board and because they synergise with all clones they make the notoriously weak 501st much better. And because I can't abide playing with unpainted figs...

Captain Rex. Lovely sculpt. And...

501st troopers. It bugs enormously that I had to freehand the unit markings (the blues) considering how good the rest of the box set is for sculpted details.
The game itself was great, Anakin was underwhelming on his side, Lord Maul OK on mine but we both agreed that, although I lost, Ahsoka was the MVP. She is outstanding, very durable, reactive and lots of healing. Damn you Snips!

This week I've also been chugging away at my Norsca Slaaneshi Blood Bowl Team.

They have gone through a number of name changes but I think the Bluetooth Barstewards suits them.

I went with a 3d print of a big sexy ulfenwehr in place of yeehti, or whatever gw calls them.

Nice way to close out May. Next, Jedi and Sith.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/26 09:56:56

Post by: JoshInJapan

That's a sweet BB team. I love the contrast between the yelling hairy guys and their pink and light blue accoutrements. The pig in the bathtub intrigues me...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/26 21:40:30

Post by: inmygravenimage

JoshInJapan wrote:That's a sweet BB team. I love the contrast between the yelling hairy guys and their pink and light blue accoutrements. The pig in the bathtub intrigues me...

Thanks! Khorne just seemed too obvious a match for Norse and, besides, I have a Khorne team. I reckoned that a whole Bacchanalean vibe, wine, women and song, ultraviolence as sport - very slaanesh, and the colours were just me channeling that glorious nonsense. The pig in the bath is a Guildball mini which I just thought screamed slaaneshi decadence.

So by way of contrast, I gave in to the power of the Dark Side:

Asajj Ventress.

Loved doing her. Such a cool character. Just don't mention bad batch

Lord Maul. I mean I'd love him to have spider legs but hey.

I'd say the tattoos were fun, but...

Speaking of tattoos, Ahsoka Tano, Jedi no more. Phenomenal in game, absolute MVP.

I wish, in some ways, I'd ignored canon and gone with green sabres but :shrug:

And finally, the chosen one.

He's actually not fantastic in game, but a lovely model.

And with that, Shatterpoint core set is done!

Of course, I HAD planned to do these guys for next month's dakka contest, Glow Up... so now I have to have a new plan
Generally, a very productive month. I've definitely channelled RL stress into miniatures. 173 done so far this year, I'm not necessarily aiming for 365 but it's nice to keep it going.
Currently on the shelf of opportunity is all of both new Shadows of Brimstone core sets (so, Conquistadors, Vikings, and all the assorted monsters), an old world alliance BB team, xmen, a bunch of wakanda stuff, and some more guildball to repurpose for carnevale.
I'm going to need a bigger shelf...

Thanks for swinging by,

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/26 22:43:05

Post by: Llamahead

Great stuff. Two versions of Obi wan or Darth Vader would be great for glow up or do youhave a light themed superhero?

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/27 05:43:06

Post by: inmygravenimage

Llamahead wrote:Great stuff. Two versions of Obi wan or Darth Vader would be great for glow up or do youhave a light themed superhero?

Thanks! I'm actually thinking of using the Rivals panel Black Panther vs Killmonger. That, or Frost Giant plus Thunder Titan.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/28 07:57:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

After all that, the long weekend ended being even more productive than expected: having done the Norsca team, I decided to tackle some of the Enemies from Gates of Valhalla, the standalone viking campaign for Shadows of Brimstone.

Gremians! Nasty horrid little critters. Almost impossible to hit (crit, so 7 or 8 on a d8). Kill them with fire! Of course there's no Dynamite in the viking setting...

Elite / Targa version. As with all of Brimstone, variants exist of some of the critters from OtherWorlds: Targa, for example, is a frozen alien hellscape of unimaginable technology and forbidden knowledge.

Trolls! There's nothing cute about these guys.

I considered, briefly, using one of these as a yheeti for BB but went with the 3d print instead; however, you might notice the Norsca nod on one of the bases

And a scale shot with a viking retainer. I intend to paint this guy up as a Draugr (undead viking) along with the Frost Giant and Thunderforged Titan for the Glow Up challenge next month if I'm not feeling the Marvel vibe.
Any preference to which you'd rather see?
Other than that, I have the viking heroes, Targa Guardians and alien Librarians to tackle. I don't have all the ks extras to do this time, I was VERY restrained I mean I also have all the stuff from the Conquistador campaign to do too but still

And as if that's not enough, I've finished up my next wave of Trek minis, with the TOS crew:

Leslie (generic redshirt), Uhura, and Scotty. Don't rate the Scotty sculpt but the other two are decent.

Sulu, Chekov and Kirk. Not crazy about the Kirk sculpt but it's OK I guess. Like the other two but wish Sulu had his rapier (especially because it's vital to him in game).

And, Spock and Bones. Wish it wasn't a phaser in Spock's hand 🖖 but not bad.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/29 16:04:23

Post by: Gitsplitta

So much goodness that I'm not sure what to comment on first.

Viking Slannesh worshipers. "WTF?!"

Jedi/Dark Jedi: Great all-round... but the job you did on Asajj is outstanding. Kudos mate.

Shadows of Brimstone: Great work on the trolls especially graven. Very fierce and kinda scummy looking all at the same time!

Star Trek bobbleheads: Very well done. Looks like they're stepping off my TV screen and into my office!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/29 18:31:39

Post by: Llamahead

Those trolls are awesome.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/30 15:13:05

Post by: inmygravenimage

Gitsplitta wrote:So much goodness that I'm not sure what to comment on first.
Viking Slannesh worshipers. "WTF?!"
Jedi/Dark Jedi: Great all-round... but the job you did on Asajj is outstanding. Kudos mate.
Shadows of Brimstone: Great work on the trolls especially graven. Very fierce and kinda scummy looking all at the same time!
Star Trek bobbleheads: Very well done. Looks like they're stepping off my TV screen and into my office!

Thanks buddy. The Norsca don't just worship Khorne, after all Asajj is my favourite too, tbh. Although, freehand! Why does she have no facial carving, but Maul and Ahsoka do?! Madness. I'm really pleased with the trolls, cheers. As for the Trek stuff, I'm just embracing the weird Funko vibe
Llamahead wrote:Those trolls are awesome.

I am aware that I'm painting a LOT atm. It is a very deliberate stress management strategy.

Continuing with Valhalla, we confront the latest batch of enemies from Targa, the lost, frozen world of forbidden lore. It's like a combination of the Plateau of Leng and the ancient Library of Celaeno from the Cthulhu Mythos, and is one of the 2 original otherworlds in the game.

The new campaign adds portals directly into its ancient Libraries rather than the ruined cities, which are patrolled by the fearsome ancient Guardians.

Within, the Librarians of Targa preserve unimaginable knowledge and terrible power.

Less snow on their bases as they're (mostly) interior foes (guardians can now be found on the plateau also).

So, fun! That leaves the Heroes, retainers (including the one I plan to paint as a Draugr), Frost Giant and Thunderforged Titan. I'm quite looking forward to playing the campaign now!
Not sure what's after that. I do have the Valley of the Serpent Kings, which is the Conquistador Brimstone campaign to paint, so that's a maybe, though Old World Alliance are also sitting on my desk. Hmm...

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/05/30 17:32:11

Post by: blockade23

Looking great! I had the Star Wars miniatures bug during Covid, actually painted up an entire Star Wars Legion rebel force and imperial force, realized I would never play a game, then sold it. We all have those moments!

As an aside, while I do post stuff on instagram I actually enjoy posting and seeing people's progress on here as its easier to review in a chronological fashion (and it doesn't disappear every time I accidentally click on something else). So keep up the inspiring work!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/06/03 11:25:47

Post by: inmygravenimage

blockade23 wrote:Looking great! I had the Star Wars miniatures bug during Covid, actually painted up an entire Star Wars Legion rebel force and imperial force, realized I would never play a game, then sold it. We all have those moments!

As an aside, while I do post stuff on instagram I actually enjoy posting and seeing people's progress on here as its easier to review in a chronological fashion (and it doesn't disappear every time I accidentally click on something else). So keep up the inspiring work!

Funnily enough I painted a lot of Imperial Assault in lockdown legion never quite jelled with me as a game but I am loving shatterpoint. Interesting thoughts about insta v dakka, I definitely like dakka as with a chronological record and store of stuff.

Meanwhile, it being sunny... winter is coming!

Valhalla portals, both active and inactive.

And the Targa version. Nihilakh oxide for ice! The Elder spawn's suggestion, rather effective.
And onto these next:

This month's dakka is glow up, so 3 stage boss evolution plus a lot of OSL methinks

Automatically Appended Next Post:

blockade23 wrote:Looking great! I had the Star Wars miniatures bug during Covid, actually painted up an entire Star Wars Legion rebel force and imperial force, realized I would never play a game, then sold it. We all have those moments!

As an aside, while I do post stuff on instagram I actually enjoy posting and seeing people's progress on here as its easier to review in a chronological fashion (and it doesn't disappear every time I accidentally click on something else). So keep up the inspiring work!

Funnily enough I painted a lot of Imperial Assault in lockdown legion never quite jelled with me as a game but I am loving shatterpoint. Interesting thoughts about insta v dakka, I definitely like dakka as with a chronological record and store of stuff.

Meanwhile, it being sunny... winter is coming!

Valhalla portals, both active and inactive.

And the Targa version. Nihilakh oxide for ice! The Elder spawn's suggestion, rather effective.
And onto these next:

This month's dakka is glow up, so 3 stage boss evolution plus a lot of OSL methinks

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/06/03 18:40:52

Post by: Gitsplitta

Valhalla is looking like a really cool game... hmmm.

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/06/03 22:24:16

Post by: aku-chan

Lots of good stuff, love the faces on the trolls!

Graven's Bloggit: Valley of the Serpent Kings - Croxin beast @ 2024/06/07 07:48:36

Post by: inmygravenimage

 Gitsplitta wrote:
Valhalla is looking like a really cool game... hmmm.

Terrible pun intend Yeah, Gates of Valhalla really is. I haven't started the characters yet but looking through the rules the development paths look very well thought out. I love a dungeon crawler. Also, because you're so dependent on melee I suspect it's going to feel a lot more lethal - Forbidden Fortress (Feudal Japanese fantasy) has this to an extent but there's at least some ranged options, in Gates it's just the one archer character and no support (no ashigaru riflemen in Valhalla!) At least in the Old West version you're blasting away till you get overrun. Plus, the whole game has a great Frostgrave vibe.
aku-chan wrote:Lots of good stuff, love the faces on the trolls!

Thanks! I decided not to use flesh colours but blend pinks instead and I think it really pops.
In the meantime, I took a wee break from Valhalla to start the other Adventures set, Valley of the Serpent Kings:

The Croxin! a fearsome beast indeed.

Had quite a lot of fun with this, adding the wee cowboy hat to the base, playing with glue for drool, and so on.
Meanwhile, have started turning a viking warrior into a Draugr for the monthly contest and will then get onto the big guys. I'll likely hold off on my Alliance team for BB for next month's Footslogger contest as my Clone Troopers haven't turned up yet. Tragic, I know.
