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Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/04/27 02:19:57

Post by: Miguelsan

Cannot stand looking at that Raven, it makes me crave bubblegum!


Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/04/28 00:52:00

Post by: Vejut

Miguelsan-- It is a pretty stereotypical color for that isn't it? Eventually will put in an order for the last two members of its lance...

Also, lots of finished stuff, most if it with very old start dates:
The demon man (recent) and two kitsunes (started in 2018...):

And the dragonman:

Last kitsune just needs a lot more work, not sure when I'll get to him, but I started him later anyways.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/04/28 02:38:04

Post by: Miguelsan

What mechs will you order? I have a double Catapult, Vindicator, Raven lance that in theory has good synergy.


Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/04/28 09:41:52

Post by: Vejut

Planning on a Helepolis and either a naga or an O-bakemono, running it as a merc artillery lance with the raven as a spotter.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/04/30 06:57:25

Post by: Vejut

Some more mechs, almost done, just need basing. A star of solhama warriors from Clan Smoke Jaguar's Omega Galaxy:

Did some freehand checks two different ways, one just using making red crosses on yellow and filling in vs a micron pen grid and fill. I like the color effect better on the first, on the two assaults, but the second really was a lot neater and easier. Try to get them finished and final pics for the challenge tomorrow...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/01 02:46:39

Post by: Vejut

And the Smoke Jaguar star is done:

Eventually may give them a vehicle star as a binary buddy, just to rub salt in for OCs that don't even have names yet, but that'll likely wait, need to get to those rats to finish out the IG platoon...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/01 05:46:14

Post by: Viterbi

Cool updates and congrats on getting more of the backlog finished. I never have the patience to keep stuff I started, if I haven't painted it after three years I often sell it

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/04 03:34:43

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Viterbi-- helps on keeping things I've got space and kinda rarely clear my desk to know when something is sitting that long.

Speaking of, horror-marine Mashup I did several years ago on the left, tonights playing with speedpaints on the right:

Kinda coming around on it, still not sold for the red.

And the rest of tonights paint night work, brining the pirates to near finished, and doing some fur drybrush:

Think the greens need work, and obviously the bases, but still close. Gnoll is soft tone, mid brown, and soft tone over pink, and then a thin Iraqi sand layer for the fur.

Also work I did from yesterday, playing with some griselle (or really skeleton bone drybrush) underpaint to try to punch up the gnolls for the challenge:

Hopefully I actually paint thin enough to make the effort worth it...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/08 01:47:25

Post by: Vejut

Finished the pirates:

And started colors on the gnolls, not sure this is the right color though:

Hopefully keep moving on them...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/10 15:07:12

Post by: Vejut

A little progress on the rats:

And some more colors on the knolls--green is going to end up metallic bronze I think. Blue I want to end up kind of a blued steel color, not sure how its getting there though.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/10 15:13:25

Post by: Miguelsan

I also use micron pens on my mechs, but usually it's just to give more depth to details. Sometimes going overboard. I'd say the 1st method looks better as it's more colorful.


Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/11 00:54:47

Post by: Vejut

I just find the second method neater on the lines, but agree on more colorful.

Also, paint night results--still no progress on the Typhon, but pretty well done I think with this sslyth except the base:

Likewise, close to happy with the wolf fur:

probably just going to do ivory underneath instead of the grey next time, and needs some feathering on color patches, maybe a drybrush, but mostly happy.

plus, started some mechs from the Thumpers assault mech mercenary battalion:

A ways to go there though.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/14 11:00:14

Post by: Nevelon

Everything is looking good. Especially like the snake guy.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/15 01:25:22

Post by: Miguelsan

Yellow not only is such a headache to paint, but looks weird to me on mechs. Might be my tendencies to desert camo everything.


Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/15 02:58:01

Post by: Vejut

Aku-san: thanks!
Nevelon: thank you! Think he needs a bit more blade work, but otherwise just trying to figure how to base him, as it'll set what bases I need to use if I ever do those dark eldar I've got in my back cabinet...

Miguelsan-- its being a pain yeah, but I do like flashy color schemes for mechs, weird because I like less flashy, lower greeble designs. Needed a smoother prime than I got is the main thing I think. Did a lemon yellow broad highlight, an orange all over wash and a magenta wash targeted at the undersides and ended up here:

Kinda rough, feeling it needs another moon yellow pass to tie everything together, and then another white cleanup, black muzzle, and checkering pass, and the faceplate glares, and it'll be as done as its going to be.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/16 15:40:09

Post by: Vejut

Checkering done. Need to clean them up a bit, do windshields, and then base:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/18 01:33:16

Post by: Vejut

Kinda a grab bag from paint night, bit off, but finally got a heroforge model from 2019 done:

And started some kitty adventurers from reaper:

Kinda feels rough and below quality, but hey, done is done, and its more paint than I started with.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/18 19:59:40

Post by: Wirecat

I need to get to Dakka more often! So much good stuff! You are really pushing limits with old and simple figures!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/21 04:17:25

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Wirecat!

More slow progress on the rats, including adding in the regimental banner bearer:

Some slow work on the gnolls, wash of beige red, and glaze of french blue:

Not sure they're getting done this month. Hoping I took no-color pics of the mechs, because I may have to swap to them, figure a lance of ac/20 toting assault mechs probably counts for mayhem. Speaking of, finished:

Got another week to get the gnolls done, lets see if they make it, or I get distracted on another cool thing...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/21 10:57:59

Post by: Nevelon

Something about bright yellow with checks makes me think Orks, which equals mayhem. And yes, assault mechs with AC20’s do cause some. My mindset is so 40k that I read “Assault” as close combat specialists, not as a weight class. But then I remembered what kind of damage the big guys do with punches/kicks, so it checks out.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/23 15:03:39

Post by: Vejut

Nevelon--amusingly, that paint scheme was Lamenters inspired, so 40k works...

Also, apparently found some motivation, down to final details and basing on the gnolls:

Hoping I get the banner I want to do and basing in...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/25 05:25:09

Post by: Miguelsan

That yellow blinds! I guess it's a passive protection system of the 3060s era


Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/25 15:07:11

Post by: Vejut

Miguelsan--well, supposed to be the Thumpers, a whole battalion of assaults who as part of that really want you to know they are here. Blinding obvious is part of the brief.

A little more work from tuesday paint night:
Speedpaint test on chaos space marines:

Right is strait speedpaint, left is speedpaint and speedpaint medium.
Wasn't happy with the color, so overpainted with some ivory:

Color is looking OK, need to do up the details.

And a quick harbinger of heru, though snapped the pic at home as I forgot at the shop:

And some progress on the gnolls for the challenge, just needs basing and banner work:

Hopefully get them done this week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/29 03:55:14

Post by: Vejut

Got them done:

Also based up the sslyth:

And got some colors on the test marines:

Not intended to be christmassy, just didn't get the bronze on the one to the right yet.

Also played a titanicus game with a freind as his first, though he's actually following it much more than me. He had 2 reavers (vulcan, gatling, melta and apoc, laser blaster, volcano) , two hounds (both tourney pattern), and 2 cerastus lancers in a ferrox. I had a 5 hound lupercal with two corrupted titans (one turbos and vulcan, one plas and vulcan, both preternatural grace, immaterial sheild and demon bile), and three with just paired guns, one each vulcan, turbos, and plasmas. Was having too much fun, kept forgetting pictures, so just got the board:

Turn 2, I'm the green and purple at bottom, he's green and grey at top:

Turn 4:

And end of turn 4 and game:

As you can see, I got tabled, and only one of his titans even took structure damage (and his 2 cerastus popped after takng down my princeps senioris.) Overbunched my deployment, and didn't salvage it, and he played his strategems and positioning well (and also made a rediculous number of void saves, and got a nice ammo explosion that set up a reactor explosion turn 2 that just gutted my forces). Still a fun time, and hopefully we'll do it again soon.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/29 06:17:51

Post by: Viterbi

Lots of great stuff going you're going through. Gnolls look really cool and the game like big fun, hope you get to do it again soon!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/05/29 23:34:23

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Viterbi, hoping so too, maybe next time with pictures and actual damage to my opponent...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/01 02:29:20

Post by: Vejut

And the usual results of paint night:
Dwarf berzerker, just needing some basing:

Started this freshly bought deep cuts wolf, konda got pushed aside for other things, especially because there were a lot of mold lines to deal with:

Played with the skin and horns a bit on an old counts as doombull I had lying around:

Finished up the skin on the harbinger from last week, also just needing basing:

And experimented more with the chaos space marine scheme. Closer, but still not where I want to be yet:

Not a bad way to close out May, June's likely to be a bit less productive, but we'll see what comes out.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/05 03:53:03

Post by: Vejut

Kinda slowed down after may, as predicted, but still some incremental progress:

Based up the dwarf, so she can now count as finished:

Also finshed up a quick magnetized Vulcan for the titans, so I don't have to borrow next game:

And put some more paint on the havoc's backup squad:

And the two options for the challenge this month: best 5 of 8 crissbow ladys to fill out the levy choice in a saga list,
(and a gator I may paint for the game store's summer challenge)
Or some reaper gnolls with sling conversions for use as Kings Of War ogre boomers, going more for the dog part:

We'll see if any of it actually gets done.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/08 03:42:37

Post by: Vejut

And tuesday paint night, juggling painting challenges.
Store is doong a summer themed challenge, so I painted up thos nice gatorman having a boating outing:

May repaint the base a bit, but done for now.

Store was also letting people have a crack at some very nice GW trees for store terrain, so I did this cherry inspired guy:

Didn't leave much time for other stuff, but I did prime the norse ladies from bad squiddo for the dakka challenge:

And did a little more on the chaos space marines, trying to see what I can do to punch up the guys who already got painted:

Little bit at a time, and see where the month takes us.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/12 02:06:23

Post by: Vejut

Thanks aku-chan!

And sti a slow month, but some progress.
Basing on the wolf and heru started...

And some base colors on the crossbow ladies, almost done that step...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/15 02:30:25

Post by: Vejut

So, yesterday I finished the wolf:

Not my best base, nut good enough for now.
Also got up to priming ready on the latest project:

Thinking the second I'll prime on the sprue, given how clean assembly was. I'mgoing to attempt to have them ready but for basing by the weekend for a game. Probably won't make it, but enh, worth a try.
Paint night wise, kept pushing on my challenge entry, up to shading:

And getting close on the rat marines:

Probably also get done this month, hopefully...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/19 09:44:40

Post by: Vejut

Got most of the way on the poryphon, though pre battle negotiations (and me forgetting the full size table) meant they ended up not being needed. One just needs me to figure out if I'm doing ragnarok hobbies, battle bling, or finding a matching stl for a base:

The other is still on sprue, but just needs assembling, touch ups, and then wash:

Only minor progress not worth a photo on the crossbows and rat marines, though I think I'm at the point with the rats I need to decide if I'm keeping doing 25mm or going to 30mm bases. Leaning 25mm staying traditional, should probably check my on hands from that last secret weapon order, need 50-ish of whatever I end up picking.

Also had a game of titanicus, though teaching play and socializing means we only got two turns. My venator with attached questoris split between myself and a friend vs ex-roommate's Ferrox and cerastis

Unmucking our deployment turn 1, but getting isolated in turn by ex-roomies good manovering, and a lucky shot and followup nuking the reaver's chainfist:

Following up trying to do our own lockouts turn 2:

Sadly, while my questoris lived and caught a cerastus, my double plasma hound, already having eaten some leg damage, finished itself off with an errant plasma, and our outgoing fire didn't even drop the warhound by the reaver's voids, and then people needed to get going, so, final state of the game:

Still fun, and hopefully will do more.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/19 13:19:46

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Love the classic skyscrapers, great terrain for Titanicus!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/21 01:42:40

Post by: Vejut

It really is, blocks line of sight very well. We need to get a slightly larger play table, but that's on me forgetting to bring them over.

Shifting gears a bit again, doing the basing on the crossbows, and finally pulling out my old Rus for saga for their basing:

25 down, 8 more to do for the milliput, and then painting and snow flock, plus the shields on the Rus...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/22 03:25:39

Post by: Vejut

Got home late from paint night, so no progress on basing, but did do a couple models:
Bought a 30k blood angels hero for test mule use for a possible small slaaneshi project, kinda like ut, feel it may need another spot color or something, and obviously needs a head:

And did some skin practice on a crocodile games asar hero:

May do a little more reworking, but largely another entry for the basing pile. Hopefully thursday or friday, cause I gotta schedule shift back to midnights Saturday for a shift sunday, so I'll be all messed up.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/23 05:38:35

Post by: Viterbi

Game looks like fun and the Slaneshii color test model looks great already. I feel that a helmet and then bright green eyes may be spot enough. Hard to think of a color that may mesh well with the blue and purple.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/26 09:27:23

Post by: Vejut

I was reluctant to do green, because I always do purple/green, but like you say, its a color that works. Still trying to find the puppets war helmets I meant to use.

In the mean time, crossbow lassies done:

And with their army mates:

Their opfor from the Rus is almost there, just need snow if I'm going to, and sheilds.

Knocked out the basing on the two paint night croc minis guys as well while I had the basing on the brain, now they're done:

And also knocked out the 5 basic dude chaos troopers:

Just 60 to go.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/28 02:01:51

Post by: Vejut

Almost done the Rus, just need snow flock and banners I think:

Got to figure whats up next after paint night--kind of want to do the Warmonger titan, but we'll see what I get enthusiasms for.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/06/29 02:05:16

Post by: Vejut

Some small stuff for paint night, a doberman rogue from dark sword, and my counts-as-Kharn. Dobie got done except the base, Kharn just has base colors done.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/01 09:59:36

Post by: aku-chan

Looking good! I really like Lion-Bird Dude.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/02 09:28:22

Post by: Vejut

Thanks! I keep buying more of him, for some reason, I just find him a really cool model.

And the Rus are done:

Banners are from little big men, finally figured out how to kind of use a transfer. Need to get neater though.

And started more stuff instead of going to that titan:
Challenge models, more shieldmaidens, this time gripling beast's variant. Hoping they scale, they are about a head taller...

Want to get one done, given open season on numbers, it'd be nice to get the whole box, though I doubt that'll happen.

Also building some fill ins for my csm, looking like two berserks to round out 40, two sereants, and the loose basic trooper to bring me to 2x5 man squads one I screw up my courage and un-blister my two heavy weapons dudes.

And finally getting to the dobies base, hopefully get him done this week:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/02 11:24:05

Post by: Nevelon

Always amazed at the variety and pace of your work.

(As an aside, the former IT professional in me cringes when I see the state of your keyboard in the background)

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/04 10:20:30

Post by: Vejut

Thanks nev, admittedly the variety is mostly poor attention span, but it works out. Keyboard's still going strong after 13 years so shouldn't worry too much on it.

Got the dobie done:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/06 02:02:16

Post by: Vejut

And tuesday paint night pics: did up some fast skeleton archers as a fallback for the challenge, quick fun, may do more:

Do still need basing though, not sure if I should match the last skeletons or not.

Put a layer on a couple more weres:

And did up a lycan shaman, also from reaper:
(Spoiler for exposed breasts)

Hopefully get some open stuff done this week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/06 21:24:13

Post by: Wirecat

Wonderfully random, as always! Loving the love You show to these old sculpts, they do deserve it even though sometimes they do look a bit dated.

Your choice of lots of blues for the Old Rus looks a bit strange, but... In large formation they a quite believable.


Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/09 02:18:27

Post by: Vejut

Thanks wirecat, on the Rus I admit I was mostly going off googled image searches of osprey books and re-enactor groups, and started their clothes mostly green and blue with some red, did shields to match. Glad they at least mostly came out. What are more normal colors? Looking like red and white?

And some progress.
Skeletons done (technically with glue still wet in the picture, but good enough)

And base color almost done on the shieldmaiden warriors:

Closer pics:

Got a bit more time to finish the norse, but kinda feeling that simple as they are, the skeletons are the better models for the challenge this month. That skeleton bone msp to ivory then sepia wash and brush off excess method just really works for me.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/10 02:08:40

Post by: Vejut

Did eyes on the shieldmaidens, but that doesn't show much, so no pics. Did get some assembly on the rat marines though:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/16 14:14:01

Post by: Vejut

Was already losing steam on the sheildmaidens, then the cat got on my desk for the first time in a while, necessitating repair paints, so of course I zipped off onto new things instead.
Got the marines assembled up except bases, living dangerously by fulling assembling before painting:

Not sure if I want foot wires for corks, temp blank bases, or just paint them on their final skull bases.

Threw a little paint at a catfolk barbarian, needs washes and metallics next:

And since the game store is doing spelljammer as a paint theme for their july contest, finally broke out and started some wargames atlantic lizardmen, though only just started:

Maybe one will stick enough to get finished through my usual summer bleahs.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/19 02:02:39

Post by: Vejut

Minimal painting, but got a game of titanicus in at the shop:
The map:

Deployment, both venator maniples:

Turn 1 positioning:

Opponent went for a big charge turn 2, and fell short resulting in his melee reaver getting ganged up on, because oh no keep it away!:

Left me kinda put of position, so dressing ranks turn 3 (white reaver is dead but silenced so didn't fall, and IIRC white hound died to first fire, while I kept getting lucky on hit locations and misses on my rightmost hound):

Got repositioned, kinghts got hosed down and exploded after scoring one void drop:

But the double vulcan knocked out his reavers shields, and then my reaver and double plas hound pounded it out:

At which point we had to call it for time. Fun game overall, a lot if good luck on my part, very easily could have dropped into a hole early with some of the shooting.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/20 01:52:24

Post by: Vejut

Paint night happened, I forgot my paints and had to borrow, so still more stuff for the random unpainted pile:
Lizards got some more red layers:

Likewise threw some color at a gnoll:

And started some beastmen, base colors mostly done, though not really happy with the results so far:

Sadly, also brought the wrong nippers, so only really got three skellies assembled, but plans for more:

Hopefully something comes together in the next two weeks...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/21 17:06:52

Post by: Wirecat

Vejut wrote:
Thanks wirecat, on the Rus I admit I was mostly going off googled image searches of osprey books and re-enactor groups, and started their clothes mostly green and blue with some red, did shields to match. Glad they at least mostly came out. What are more normal colors? Looking like red and white?

Greens were also in the mix. The problem with blue pigment was extremely severe with no real trade between Rus and Persia/Khwarazm and Byzantium being only occasionally friendly. Probably until Mongols came and shook the trade routes. One-off precious things could be blue. Mass pigments at best could be reddish violet.

Nice batrep and a good space You have there! Thanks!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/24 08:54:40

Post by: Viterbi

Lots of fun stuff, always happy to see your assortments, there's always something I've never seen before anywhere

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/27 02:52:50

Post by: Vejut

Thanks wirecat. Was figuring there was still woad for blues, but I suspect that should have gone greener.

And thanks viterbi, I try for for variety, usually just end up with short attention span.

Went to historicon, which was a lot of fun, but left very little time for painting. Did a lot of Hobby University, which was a good bit of painting. Some results:
Black and white space marine for practicing black and white:

I can't paint centered, apparently, but given they were both done within an hour and a half, I'm ok with that:

Also got a game in of titanicus with my cousin:
2065 pts, both doing hold the line on the diagonal deployment.
The forces, we both kinda bias towards the small stuff:

The board and deployment:

I went more gun heavy and less into melee than usual, and tried to bias towards the narrow side, with just one titan and the knights as bait towards the other. Woods were see through zones of touch for -1 level cover.
Turn 1, mutual rush for the choke points and cover, I pop off first fire from my reaver for a volcano cannon shot, and then full normal fire into his acastus, trying to pop them fast, while the rest of the front rank tries to nail down his forward most dire wolf.

Turn 2, I try to get the stragglers into the fight and prep for knight charge. Concentrated fire starts to tell, and the dire wolf pops, as does his lead titan on the left after making a charge towards the center IIrc, but doesn't take anything with it, and a haywire barrage achieves not much.

Turn 3, we start seriouly making contact, but I think I forgot to photograph it--I lose a fair few knights, but get the charge, and concentrated fire from the hounds starts really popping things, though he starts scoring kills back. A smoke barrage screens out his acastus, and my plasma titan that can still see it maximal fires it to death, though with some heavy damage. Then turn 4 consolidate to lock him in place and start grinding stuff out. I overpush my right titans trying for the reavers sheilds...and miss, a lot:

But sheer weight of numbers tells. I think we miscounted turns, or I'm missing more, as I know I pushed the suriving cerastus back into his deployment zone for the objective but got shot out by the macro cannon and apoc launcher bastions he had back there, but here's the last two turns--the reiver kept repairing sheilds, and my good sheild crackers were dead or out of position at this point, so IIRC it still had voids up at the end!

Messy but fun all around.

Did finally get some loose hobby time in though tonight, starting some bases for my acastus. Can't find my sculpting putty, so curbs and interest bits will have to wait until I get home:

(Still loose, but the first acastus is tentatively checking them out for scale)
Needs a trim too, but that'll be post putty.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/07/31 06:59:32

Post by: Vejut

Almost done bases for the Acastus:

Have some more undead, but nothing really assembled, probably still slow for a bit...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/03 02:07:34

Post by: Vejut

Getting back into the swing of things with Tuesday paint night.
Got some solid progress on my challenge models:

Turns out the bat isn't a necromancer, but a nudist however. Mistook the wing for a robe until I started painting.
Also got nearly there on my lizardmen and some solid progress on the last challenge model.

After taking that, felt the urge to finish the blue though, which left them here, just needing a little punch onnthe base I think, and maybe one more shade on the red.

At least its a nice start to the month, we'll see how much gets actually finished.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/05 07:17:10

Post by: theCrowe

Nice bases on those mechs. Good bit of work in that.

I like those lizard men too. Good strong Red on them goes well with the blue. Where are they from?

Tuesday paint night sounds great! I haven’t had a dedicated weekly painting slot for years. I’m also jealous of your paint strewn hobby space. I miss my old man zone.

Your BnB minis for the monthly challenge are looking good. It’s funny to see the bat in a lighter scheme and hear that he’s just wearing a hood. It really changes how you think of the mini. It won’t be news to Lovejoy of course (he’s Mike Lovejoy creator and sculptor of Burrows and Badgers in case you didn’t know) so he’ll be delighted to see his minis represented in the challenge again this month.

Looking forward to seeing those rat-marines coming together. Another fun project!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/07 06:44:12

Post by: Vejut

Thanks theCrowe! Glad they worked out!

The lizardmen are from wargames atlantic, pretty nifty kit, also includes spears, AKs, and about three other head styles.
Tuesday paint night has been great for my painting--a nice little swap up of what I'm working on, and some nice social time, plus a focus help with stuff right there and less distraction from the computer.
And yeah, the lack of anything but a hood kinda changed my plans on the bat, still a nifty model! Lovejoy being the sculptor is half the reason I wanted to do it--kind of wanted to do one last month when he entered, but didn't have anything that'd fit.

Kinda been bumping from thing to thing, so rat marines have kinda slid back, especially given my desk is filling up and is about ready for a cleanup to get room to work back. That said, did dig in to the warmaster prints I picked up at Historicon, and down to just needed to decide on the base color and order bases...

Even got the next regiment lined up, loving how quick these paint up.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/10 02:08:54

Post by: Vejut

Tuesday paint night again, finally got something done for august, admittedly just a bit of drybrushing and rim paint, but the lizards are done:

Also got my for now general of my warmaster chaos army done but for basing, with his tiny giant lizard:

And some more skeleton progress:

Hopefully my litko base order I just put in gets here soon, and I can get some of these done...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/10 07:05:39

Post by: theCrowe

Those skeletons have so much character! How is that possible?

Great work on the warmaster general too. I love his aqua armour on the purple dragon. Great stuff.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/14 06:42:40

Post by: Vejut

TheCrowe, dunno, they're just wargames atlantic skeletons with heads from the GW skulls kit, most I can claim is a bit of posing.

Just waiting on bases for the foot, should be in on tuesday.

Also getting my previous attempt at warmaster using 15mm rats from splintered light back out:

And getting the cav and harpies primed up, hopefully get them done before the rest of the army I just ordered shows up:

Little more at a time...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/14 21:09:15

Post by: aku-chan

Nice work on some really tiny dudes!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/17 15:40:01

Post by: Vejut

Thanks aku-chan. Got a whole bunch more on the way, just hoping I can get them done in less than 5 years...
And this weeks been a bit ick, didn't make tuesday paint night, but did get these guys started basing. Not fully glued, and going to need to figure out how to not have obvious hills, but for now:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/21 23:30:42

Post by: Vejut

More slow incremental progress. Bases aren't working or I'd call them done, going to probably flock them eventually:

And just needing to paint the challenge models bases:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/23 00:45:10

Post by: Vejut

Decided the bases were good enough for now, so retroactively moved to the "done" category:

And likewise the challenge models for the month just need black rims and less cluttered photos:

And you can see some knight progress--sadly, the reload of warmaster just posted, from a state away, so likely won't be done the first load by the time it arrives, but ah well.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/24 02:10:42

Post by: Vejut

Made it to Tuesday paint night, mostly continuing already started minis.

Some progress on the cat adventureres, cleaning up the speedpaint or whatever I used. Mostly need to do the tellow and figure out what I need to do on the fur:

Got a gnoll done except the base:

Did some more base colors on the jungle girls, putting off the intended flesh paint practice...

and started doing my chaos spawn for the 10mm chaos:

War pugs gathered in their maaaassessssss...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/27 22:25:25

Post by: Vejut

Finally got basing done on the Oathsworn minis:

Just need some formal pics.

And the reload of warmaster came in, already have some set up for painting:

The idea of using the bestigors as chaos warriors to mix things up and prime for a beastman army may also be a bit out--they're almost ogre sized:

That said, made some progress on the first set, probably not this week, but maybe early in next month:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/29 07:23:38

Post by: theCrowe

Wow you’ve certainly been busy. Always good to see some smaller scale work on show. The war pugs are my favourite, and with their own entrance music too!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/31 02:21:21

Post by: Vejut

Thanks theCrowe. Doesn't feel like it, but checking the big list of finished stuff does say its been 12 bases of stuff done this month, which is actually well above my yearly goal. Enjoying the small scale stuff a lot--quick speed paint jobs still look good given its all about the effect in quantity.
Inched closer to finishing the next load of 10mm:

And slapped some more paint on the pugs, just need a second set of three to fill out the bases for warmaster:

Otherwise, paint night was mostly doing details on previously started models:
Skin test models got some skin done:

And mostly finished all but the basing on the beastmen:

Did paint up a werejackal though, again just needing basing:

Hoping to get some based up tomorrow, plus fonal pics for the challenge, and then on to big guns for next month.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/08/31 13:16:57

Post by: Nevelon

Looking good. Amazing mix of stuff as always.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/04 06:46:53

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Nevelon.
Got some color on the challenge models, may try for a second lance to fill out the company:

Also almost done the first set of warmaster models, just needs a purple wash, cleanup, and some basing:

And started in on the stuff on sticks from the reload:

A little spotty, focusing on the stuff thats easy or hits my interest, but still progress.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/06 02:11:24

Post by: Vejut

Bit more progress, might do some more on the harpy skin but I think its down to basing at this point.

And put some more paint on the next batch:

Little at a time, but getting there.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/09 20:23:13

Post by: Vejut

Did go to tuesday paint night which this week had a class on painting leather, but mostly forgot to take pictures there and haven't gotten the minis back out to finish up. Picked up these reaper guys, with goofy names I can't recall. Little lizard dudes just looked cool, and the slime monster is going to end up a 10mm chaos spawn:

And the models I did the leather class with, which also may be my alternate option for the challenge if I don't get my brain moving on the mechs soon:

And then last night I finally got my butt together for basing, and finished uh...a rather lot of stuff.
The rest of my first 10mm warmaster push, brings me up to 890 pts:

Sadly, you can kind of see the left three knights I somehow screwed up so they don't go base to base. I didn't realize it til everything was done and dry, sadly. Best idea to fix it so far is paint a third knights unit similar colors, but based so they can contact, then repaint sheilds to distinguish units that will line up.

Likewise, finished up the catfolk adventurer party, though at some point I think I'll have to redo that fur, not up to the quality of the clothes.

And bringing up the rear is the werejackal from paint night.

We'll see what comes up next, hopefully some layers on the mechs...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/12 02:10:29

Post by: Vejut

Did a little more paint on warmaster stuff today:

And finally got the Oathsworn stuff on corks, though didn't otherwise touch them since Tuesday:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/12 07:18:03

Post by: theCrowe

Nice selection of B&B on the corks there. I always liked that fox but I expect the pose would be kinda funny to play with, like he’s flying around on his tail.

Your catfolk are looking really great! Nice job on those.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/12 08:08:58

Post by: Wirecat

BnB aside kitsune and yuriei are frequently seen flying or balancing on their tails, at least in art.

Progress is good. Loving Your cat-folk party and admire You for being unafraid to use yellow!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/13 12:42:23

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Nevelon, i just kinda filed it under gun fu, but I defintely see the godzilla reference now you mention it. Luckily, I kinda find that funny.

And thanks wirecat. Not going as well this time, but hopefully I can pull it off.

Almost finished the chaos spawn to be, just need basing.

Debating trying to find a loose guy to stick on there, just to give sone scale...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/14 01:15:46

Post by: Vejut

And post paint night progress:

Mole blacksmith just needs basing, though sadly doesn't fit the challenge for the month, fox is just about blocked in, and the others are at least started. Hopefully can keep the fox away from christmas as I finish the red.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/18 01:54:31

Post by: Vejut

Still focusing on the B&B stuff, getting pretty close, almost to the stressful piping and trim work...

Should have something done for the challenge at least...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/20 06:12:25

Post by: Vejut

I think the gunners are about ready for basing. Not entirely satisfied with how they look, but not sure how to articulate or fix it.

Still, at least it means I'll likely have something done for the challenge...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/22 01:55:15

Post by: Vejut

Kinda behind on paint night pictures, but a bit slow there as well. Was a painting space marines lesson, did some with it:

Some stipple light play on a havoc to be, from the older kit with the new heavy weapons, and outside that lesson, some base coating on a termie lord for the ratlings.
Also got some advice on the oathsworn stuff, and touched them up some this morning, and moved them to bases this evening.

Just gotta sculpt bases there. Also did another color on the warmaster stuff (wakeless rex bestigors to be counts as chaos warriors), hopefully get more of these done, though probably be more the opener for next month:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/24 07:00:41

Post by: Vejut

Final pictures taken of the Oathsworn stuff:
Guns for the challenge:

and the mole blacksmith:

also did another color on a bit of the warmaster strips:

Getting there, hopefully by early next month, though admittedly no real rush.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/09/26 11:15:28

Post by: aku-chan

Looking good, love the foxy gunslinger!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/01 14:19:26

Post by: Vejut

Thanks aku-chan, hoping the extra effort pays off in the challenge voting...

And as might be a bit obvious, kinda had the bleahs that've been going around on painting. Do have some progress though.
Paint night I forgot to take pictures again, but was mostly base coating:

Another batch of bad squiddo shieldmaidens, hopefully going to get these done at some point.

Greebo games krox for blood bowl, and pulled out but didn't further paint some more B&B stuff...

Started my orc shaman, and more importanly, the further away game store found a pack of war pugs, so all we need now are the loose 10mm dudes as handlers to make them less obviously out of scale...

And then some minor rest of week progress on other stuff.

Bestigors and dragon ogres almost ready for wash and cleanup.

And more base blocked jungle girls, two old ral partha's I picked up at historicon, and a newer reaper bones.

Hoping some of this gets actually finished this month...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/05 01:51:17

Post by: Vejut

Bit of a late start on paint night, mostly got a lesson on skin with the zorn limited pallet, but did prime the skeletons, and painted up a couple practice minis at the session:

Need to get back on things, but got all month, I think.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/09 13:51:17

Post by: Vejut

Progress on the shieldmaidens, just need to finish the shields, weapons and bases:

Some more work on the skellies:

And getting asymptoticly closer to done on the 10mm stuff...as I order in a bit more...

Eventually something will get done...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/10 08:45:26

Post by: Viterbi

Lots of great and varied stuff but the pugs are the clear winners, so adorable!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/11 10:05:56

Post by: Vejut

Thanks viterbi! They were so goofy cute I figured I had to drop them in to the army. Now I just gotta wait for the handler models to show up to base and start making holy grail jokes...

In the meantime, mostly finished another lot of shieldmaidens, just need to do up some bases:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/16 01:54:01

Post by: Vejut

And shieldmaidens batch done:

On to the next set to complete out a point of warriors:

And of course, de-supported and set up even more warmaster, because my brain doesn't seem to want to finish things.

Need to get cracking on the chaos and the skellies...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/18 06:33:21

Post by: Vejut

Got a little more done on the skellies. Just need to paint some shields, and some bases I think...

Hopefully more at paint night this evening.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/19 06:49:55

Post by: Vejut

Did a color scheme test this morning for the dogs of war:

Needs some metallics and cleanup, but hopefully will work.

Managed to make paint night, started a general for if I ever run the shieldmaidens in a fantasy game:

And did up some shields for the skeletons. Still needs another layer highlight up I think:

Little closer, hopefully get them done soon. Should probably start doing some headstones for the bases...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/22 04:28:05

Post by: Vejut

More skeletons, just need some basing now.

Sword and board, may glue in some javelin later for peltasts...

Was going for an abstract bull head with the freehand, think I hit more in the gutter.
And all together:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/26 01:20:06

Post by: Vejut

Thanks, aku-chan, they're fun!

Some more done at paint night:

Needs some finish work ar home, but happy with the progress.

Also did base coats for testing an alligator scheme:

And the piggy mount for the sheildmaidens general having some progress:

Lotta stuff close to done, need to start finishing...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/26 01:24:17

Post by: JoshInJapan

I like your work on the Shieldmaidens. I'm a big fan of that particular line, so it's great to seem them in the wild, as it were.

Also, your skeletons are top notch. The shields are especially nice, making what would otherwise be very plain models really stand out.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/30 06:27:23

Post by: Vejut

Thanks JoshinJapan! And yeah, didn't intend it that way, but the sheild does help them pop, doesn't it?

Got one batch done of them, possibly baring a bit of flock cleanup and glue down, and started the command group:

Will have to take some pictures for the challenge, and get another pair to fill out 10 for a nice unit shot once they're done.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/30 12:30:58

Post by: Nevelon

Nice progress.

I should dig up some skeletons to paint. It’s been a while.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/10/31 13:01:51

Post by: Vejut

Thanks, Nevelon. Its kinda nice how fast they finish up!

Closeups for the challenge:

A ranked up group photo:

And the next wave:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/02 02:14:23

Post by: Vejut

Made some progress on the 10mm stuff, using some spare stands for some scaling on the warpugs and spawn, and started basing them and the skeletons:

Should be done soon, be a nice start for November.

Also went to paint night, Haley'sRedComet was doing his usual every other Tuesday teaching, for metallics today. Did a couple paladins from reaper for a variety of metals:

Pretty neat method, and kind of like the results.

Arms are off for accessibility, half tempted to use them for the challenge. Currently planning to do some shieldmaiden horses for that though, but haven't done more than prep and prime.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/02 22:29:54

Post by: Olthannon

Really cool stuff Vejut. I love the colourful shields on the skellies.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/05 06:24:45

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Olthannon, they're kind of the whole reason I'm doing the project.

And got some more finished, another sword and board, a rodelero for a second swordsmen unit, and the rest of the front half of the pike block:

And ranked up in their groups:

Also got some more warmaster done, dragon ogres, warpugs, and the reaper beastie as a counts as spawn:

Closeup on the charging warpugs, because I think they came out much better than the ogres:

Also brings me up to 199 bases done on the year, which feels decent I think, even if its mostly smaller and more speed painted stuff. Need to get working on my challenge models though, a lot of month gone for them to still just be primed...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/09 03:16:10

Post by: Vejut

Some progress from paint night, not really feeling any super enthusiasm, but making a bit of progress here and there.

Mostly just throwing some base coats down.
Closeup on the paladins:

They're getting close, hopefully get them done for the challenge if I don't do the horsewomen.
Also got fairly close on some more warmaster stuff, should be this week:

Just keep moving paint.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/11 11:37:07

Post by: Olthannon

Nice highlighting work on the robes and shields. What colours did you use for the red?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/12 10:19:44

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Olthannon. Had a base of IIRC Vallejo air Ferrari, then washed down with MSP violet red and a mix of that and AK black, and highlighted up with I think VMC dark vermillion and then that mixed with some VGC moon yellow. The blue was I think either VGC night blue or VMC prussian blue, I think a thinned AK black wash, a highlight of Vallejo air light sea blue, and then lots and lots of layers of thinned Vallejo Air French blue...

And got more of the 10mm stuff done, some bestigors to count as Chaos Warriors (because high level chaos hordes ought to be mixed, and because I'd like to start some beasts and demons too...), some Marauders, and some Chaos Spawn and a hero to help command the mess.

Gets me to 208 on the year if I'm counting right. Still got to get the challenge model for the month in (and hopefully more 10mm stuff), and then all of December...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/12 12:25:55

Post by: Nevelon

Great stuff. Especially like the paladins. Coming along nicely.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/16 03:14:43

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Nevelon! Only really making progress on tuesdays, but still yeah, almost there.
Speaking of, a little more on them, and some more work on 10mm stuff:

Lady of change, a minotaur doombull for the budding beastman army, and the sheilds. Still needs a bit of work.
And the reload with more of a demons army from excellent miniatures:

Also finished some more chaos characters last night:

Hopefully make more progress this week, feeling pretty good on these.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/17 03:11:58

Post by: Vejut

Bit better pictures of the heros:

Also got the minotaur based up:

Otherwise just took stuff out but a little at a time.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/19 10:04:30

Post by: Vejut

Mostly been de-supporting minis this week, not entirely happy with where some of them got placed, but still threw some paint around.
Got the paladins assembled, just need detail for here and there and basing:

And started painting some characters for chaos:

(Spoiler for worm-breasts)

Hopefully clear the challenge stuff this week, and maybe get a good start on the beasts or demons army for 10mm..

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/20 07:55:48

Post by: Vejut

A little more progress on the 10mm heros:

Still spoilered for the usual slaaneshi demon things.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/24 03:09:38

Post by: Vejut

Got the paladins done:

And some more 10mm progress:

Plus Tuesday paint night stuff:

Kinda light on work, but things hopefully will smooth out.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/25 19:46:43

Post by: Vejut

Got another random bug looking at stuff on the desk, and threw this guy together last night:

Kinda happy with how it turned out, and considering if I want to sub it in for the paladins for my painting challenge entry. Of course, now I just gotta do it about a dozen more times for an army...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/26 10:15:39

Post by: Olthannon

Cool updates and thanks for the red and blue recipe! Well done on the flame decals on the land raider, great freehand work!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/29 02:55:00

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Olthannon! Was a bit nerve racking, glad they came out!

And got the greater demon done:

Hoepfully start her minions soon...especially as I just got more 10mm stuff from onslaught...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/29 11:25:14

Post by: Nevelon

I thought the paladins were coming along nicely, but that’s a pretty snazzy tank.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/30 03:07:55

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Nevelon. The paladins weren't bad I think, just didn't feel they fot the theme quite right.
Did some stuff at paint night. More work on the 28s, wraith is about done, just needs a base, orc needs more skin and accessories work:

And put a base color on some of my onslaught warmaster order:

Almost into December, not much year left. Probably means I fail my "paint a titan and paint a 28mm tank" goal, but otherwise doing pretty good.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/11/30 03:55:06

Post by: JoshInJapan

Wow, you get extremely intricate details on those teeny-tiny 10mm models. Color me impressed.

Also, I agree with Nevelon-- the paladins came out really well.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/12/01 17:11:52

Post by: Vejut

Thanks JoshinJapan, admittedly the 10mm is just a wash layer basically.

Did finish the wraith though last night:

Next up I think is more 10mm, but we'll see, kinda thinking about a paint scheme change on the not-khorne stuff...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/12/04 07:41:35

Post by: Vejut

Still kind of bouncing around, did prime up more demons, but kind of not sure what I want to do--tempted to color code by god, green for tzeentch, purple slaanesh, orange-bronze for khorne probably in nmm, and nurgle not appearing in this picture. Bit worried the khorne would just blend with the bases though, same color used, maybe thinking grey and TMM or black instead? Not sure.

But most of the paint went onto this big stegadon and riders, as a color test for lizardmen:

Hopefully get it done and be able to start knocking out some easy lizards.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/12/08 03:11:01

Post by: Vejut

Forgot pictures again tuesday, but took some at home.

Just need basing on the stegadon, though the skinks have moved (broke off) and will likely need a touch up.:

Also started the 2nd Spartan tank at paint night, quite a bit to go though:

And some test ideas for a scheme on some demons, need washes and detail work, not sure it works:

Need to focus on something but at least it'll be there if my brain comes back to it next year.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/12/11 11:16:13

Post by: Vejut

More incremental progress, metal tracks and spot colors on the demons:

Did get the base done for the stegadon though, so thats done:

Fairly satisfied with the army painter speedpaints for that, likely start in on some lizard OPFOR for the chaos.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/12/14 03:13:05

Post by: Vejut

Another Tuesday paint night, another dash off in another direction.

Did make a little progress on the warmaster demons:

But also picked up this giant sloth:

And did some kinda silly paint to it:

Aaaaangry pikachu (and some marine tests for 6mm.)

Just needs some basing, but that'll be tomorrow.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/12/18 03:20:04

Post by: Vejut

Made some progress this week, mostly in assembling some goofy skeletons:

Filling out the non command groups of the skeleton sword units. Even in death that bigger group can't stop styling.

Also got down to basing on the snake-rider for my warmaster stuff:

Spoiler for slaaneshi boob worm being what it says on the tin.

And a centaur to lead my beastman army:

Just need some basing to finish them up, then I dunno, maybe more 6mm stuff?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/12/21 07:56:36

Post by: Vejut

Got the warmaster heros done and based:

Usual boobworm spoiler.
And grab bag from tuesday paint night:

Got most of the way done with the skeleton bodies, just needs the swords, a drybrush, and basing, and then its just sheild freehand. Also ran through the 10mm kroxigor, think she's also down to just basing, maybe some touchups. And painted up more 6mm onslaught athena suits and made progress on the tank. Coming up on a vacation soon, so we'll see what gets done before the end of the year, and probably do a roundup for the year.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/12/29 14:55:46

Post by: Vejut

Kinda fell off updating this with the holidays and all, but progress has been made.
Got the kroxigor done just before I left:

gave him some runners to boss around, as befits a characterc from the leftover and broken guys from the stegadon. I'm going to need to get some core lizzies so I can run him in an army..
On vacation I got in a game of titanicus with the cousin, his loyalist inquisitorial titans using custom legios vs my cod-solarians in a memeaple.

His force, including a fearsome psi-titan, and a neutron cannon dire wolf, in a venator and IIRC a regia.

My corrupted Legio Lucidium, in two corsairs, supported by knights to make the 2500 point limit. All the hounds are corrupted and carrying preternatural grace, immaterial shield, and cameloline, while the reaver is proxied for a double volcano cannon model with the frozen soul mutation.

Modified version of the spaceship reinforcement fight, hoping my reaver holds long enough for the hounds to storm up the side, and hoping to be hard enough to hit with the stacking mods to make up for less hull.

Sadly, first shot of the game off first fire, his neutron cannon shocks out my reaver, crashing its sheilds, and then the psi titan casually blows it away, taking all the knights with it in an ammo detonation. This becomes a theme--I think I lost more titans to one side or the other mag detonating or catastrophic meltdowning than I did enemy fire, and it kind of snowballed.

(Probably a little out of order)
I didn't have a good answer to the psi titan, and beam doesn't roll to hit, removing that protection, and then the resulting damage removed the camo, which I wasn't actually playing right anyways. Not the best result, but fun enough, and now I know what doesn't work. Jist means I really need to get at least the warbringer done in the next 6 months...

Got home in time for paint night, started some skeletons, but mostly finished the second spartan and some Onslaught athena suits. Bit small to match the marines I've been getting, so probably the same use they've just premiered to table as, anti-titan infantry tokens.

And of course, last night I got some extended painting time, and got the skeletons just needing final assembly and basing:

Hoping to finish them tonight, which'd make a nice 241 for the year, though sadly likely with several missed goals and mostly smaller scale stuff, but still, kinda happy with the progress.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2022/12/31 11:39:00

Post by: Vejut

And finished the skeletons. Will probably try to do a wrapup tonight or possibly next year. But in the meantime, skeleton hordes:

Glue still is a little wet there, but done enough. Next year, hopefully get some command groups and back ranks going. Not quite sure what system they'll be used in, but 20mm base skeletons are pretty setting agnostic.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/03 01:06:41

Post by: Vejut

So, wrap up of last year on the hobby goals:
Buying: probably the army painter contrast stuff when it comes out, anything oathsworn puts out for burrows and badgers, and filling out my unbuilt typhon and sebeki Wargods of Aegyptus armies, maybe re-opening my currently complete basti. Try to keep other purchases to a minimum.

Painting: at least 72 models, at least one 28mm tank. Get up to 4 points of Saga force done for either my female norse or my Rus so I finally have something playable, bonus points if both so I have usable demo forces. Try to finally get one of my started and stalled Typhon units over to the finished pile. Keep my Dakka Painting Challenge entry streak alive for the year by entering each month. Maybe do some terrain.

Playing: Finally get to the historicon Wargods game now that I have a usable army. Start playing Titanicus, ideally start attending a game club regularly if we can get Covid under control.

Buying, I did get the speedpaints and badgers, but didn't really get the Wargods stuff, and really got distracted by other systems and ended up with waaaaay too many new minis.

Painting: well, 241 for the year, so beat 72, but I was trying to keep things down to do more big stuff, and I kinda...didn't. Only larger than ogre sized models I did were a dragon with speedpaints and a griffon, and in fact much of the year's output was 10mm stuff. On the other hand, I did get the Rus infantry based, and I do technically have 4 points of Shieldmaiden even if its almost all hearthguard and probably neither is really demo-usable. I also did a batch of 10 Typhon swordsmen done before blehing out on them, and kept the Dakka challenge streak alive and painted one (1) tree in terrain so..failed successfully I guess?

Playing: Could have gotten to the WarGods game at Historicon. Didn't see the entry under "Tournaments" instead of "events", so thought it was canceled and didn't bring my models or attend that event. oops... I did get four games of Titanicus in which is doing pretty good for me, and while I didn't get myself playing much, I did start regularly going out to paint night at the local store. Not terrible.

Also for fun and procrastination, broken down by type, I painted:
34 Skeletons
2 big Monsters
5 Ratty boy space Marines
3 Generic SF models
13 WarGods models
22 Ratlings with Gatlings IG
14 Battletech units
14 random fantasy models
6 gnolls
13 Sheildmaidens
5 Cat people
30 Badgers and Burrows models
43 10mm fantasy stands, 41 of which were for some form of Chaos
2 Wolves or werewolves
6 Salamanders 6mm units
1 dwarf for my eventual fantasy army
25 Rus infantry bases
and 1 Titanicus model (an acastus knight)

So, definitely some runs in there, but a nice mix of different things.

and last night, started setting things up for this year:

Hopefully can run through the lizards army with speedpaints. I'd like to also do more with 6mm epic, maybe get my 3d printer back working, play in a possible Mordheim campaign at the FLGS, and get at least 1 more actual titan for titanicus done, have to think about what else. Happy belated new year everyone.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/08 12:04:54

Post by: Vejut

Slow progress, but blocking done for the beaver deacon for the pai ting challenge:

Accompanied by some bad squiddo shieldmaiden archers, to be painted up for the FLGS mordheim campaign. If I need to, I'll grab some already painted crossbow ladies instead, but WYSIWYG is nice.

And getting their gang mates some progress.

Also gets my saga force a little closer to done, still a ways to go though.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/12 14:14:32

Post by: Vejut

Belated paint night update:
Beaver about down to basing:

A little more progress on the slann:

And highlighting and deciding how to do flesh for the saga ladies:

Still trying to get back on rhythm, but getting there.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/12 15:27:56

Post by: Theophony

Religious Beavers....(Theo snickers off into the darkness )

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/14 10:10:08

Post by: Vejut

Yep, very eager, and finished now too:

Now I just gotta finish those saga ladies before the end of the month...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/15 09:24:04

Post by: Vejut

And some progress on the shieldmaidens. Not nearly as good at flesh as I am with the fur:
Current full batch:

And some closer photos:

Some washes to blend the highlights back in and should be on to basing and then scratch and dent repair (and probably some varnish)

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/15 19:35:29

Post by: aku-chan

Nice job on the holy beaver!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/18 08:00:57

Post by: Vejut

Thanks aku-chan!

Ending setup for tuesday paint night:

Mostly painting up the space marine and slann, didn't really touch the sheild maidens there, just started blocking in shields.

A little closer on the marine and slann:

Not sure where I'm going with the noise marine, tempted to add an electric blue for the eyes, but feel that might be a few too many colors, even for slaanesh. Likewise I know what I'm doing with the chair, but less sure on the vines.

On the other hand, mordheim shieldmaidens are pretty close to done, varnished up, waiting on bases work (and one shield):

Need to do some figuring on how to get washers on things, but almost there...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/21 15:48:11

Post by: Vejut

Finished the mordheim band, at least to a usuable level:

Likely swap out the werewolf and dogs when I get some replacements on proper basing done, but usable and fully painted for now. Not happy with how the varnish sits on them, leaves em looking kinda plastic but I'd like near instant chipping even less.
Also finished the extra few as well:

Don't think I'm getting to backup projects for the month like that tau fleet I picked up, but we'll see.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/21 17:16:35

Post by: theCrowe

Your big beaver priest is great! I love the base idea. Hope he picks up a good few votes.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/22 13:33:40

Post by: Vejut

Thanks theCrowe, me too! Probably I could have painted the red on the base a bit better though, and the yellow is a bit dirty, was trying not to steal the thunder of the rest of the model.

Also have some more views of the spare berserkers:

And as you can tell from the warlord dogs being with the spares, I fixated and got at least the four dogs I needed for the warband from white prime to almost done:

Just gotta paint and snow flock them, then its trying to find another model option on the werewolf so the bases can all match. May have a friend printing one, or might mod up a reaper bones. Also got tired of the sword on the shield chewer breaking off, so drilled that and threw a spear in. Now just gotta decide if I want to attack a new titan, finish the old one, or do a BFG fleet...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/25 21:40:21

Post by: Vejut

Belated finished dog picture:

And some Tuesday paint night results, should have another 4 spearwomen done next time I get time for assembly, probably saturday morning:

Not a BFG fleet, but hey, progress is progress, and it is an active project.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/26 00:10:17

Post by: theCrowe

More lovely shields! These are great.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/01/30 03:20:24

Post by: Vejut

Thanks theCrowe!

Got the ladies done, and then banged out some objective markers/warpstone markers:

Also got a game of titanicus in, borrowing my buddies Defensor and chaos warlords in an extermigus vs his reavers and last warlord in a corsair at his place. Using the matche play book, I had take and hold and the kill secondary, best choices out of some rather bad ones for the maniple, which I mostly picked to play around and try the vulpa warlord long bomb. Setup/1st turn:

2nd turn, pulled the center guy back because he got rather beat up, templates are his and my smoke templates, while top guy sets up a charge.

Mostly peppering, but took down the bottom reaver who just fell down.
Then disaster, upper titan failed his charge roll after I'd already popped the strategems. Still managed to warp displacement and walked in...but then mostly wiffed the fist and smashes.

Final turn, he killed my middle titan, top finally blew up the upper reaver by exploding, which just dropped, and I conceded. Final positions:

Still fun, if a bit disappointing!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/01 03:17:27

Post by: Vejut

Some Tuesday paint night pictures, pushed some shieldmaidens to close to done, after a long break:

And worked more on an old greebo games krox and started a snake demon, spoilered for snake breasts:

Not a bad way to end January, hopefully keep making progress.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/01 03:48:29

Post by: JoshInJapan

Your shieldmaidens continue to delight, and the krox is spectacular, especially the blue skin.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/06 01:15:58

Post by: Vejut

Thanks JoshinJapan, glad they're coming out ok. Sadly not really done much more than decork and put on the washer bases though.

Mostly side bits so far, did up a circe and some pigs killing time at the game store before a game yesterday, may base them up to use as more doggies, circe still needs a good bit of work though:

Also had a friend print up a printed obsession skulldog to use as a werewolf, rather than rebasing the other one:

Raw prints

Bit of paint.

And primed my likely challenge entry, a nice line holder lance of mechs in forest camo.

Want do do some display board work with it, not sure I'll have time..

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/11 10:03:03

Post by: Vejut

Been a bit quiet, tuesday paint night I mostly did basing which wasn't much to show, finished them off just now.

Finished creatures:

And a nice batch of shieldmaiden warriors:

Clears the decks nicely, hopefully get some titanicus stuff done in the rest of the month, and still need to do more on the monthly challenge battletech stuff.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/11 12:54:15

Post by: Nevelon

Always a joy to see the mixed medley of stuff crossing your workbench.

I like the piggies, something just fun about them.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/13 12:45:21

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Nevelon, it means I don't get any army scale projects done, but it also means I don't get bored. And yeah, reaper sculpted those piggies goofy cute.

Got another game of titanicus in over the weekend, this time trying out solaria rules with my hounds. One of these days I'll get more big guys done for some variety...
The forces:

And the field and setup.

I had deep field grab, and survive secondary, he had a kill em all secondary and a moving objective primary. I spread my initial drops hoping to draw his deployments out of position so I could then corsair slide out and hopefully isolate his warlord. (Also hopefully dechoking the choke points.)
Sadly wasn't to be, my double vulcan carrier got nailed turn 1 by his all big gun warbringer, failing most of his voids and missing most of his vulcan shots, and then eating enough shots to kill him, and that kept through the game--I think I only rolled one vulcan above average the whole game.

Turn 1 start (mislabeled)

Turn 2
And turn 3 end:

In the end I got two warhounds, roughed up but didn't kill or compromise his reaver, and got tabled (admittedly because I had one warhound left and threw him into fire specifically so there was a clear winner)
Still a fun game, but a dissapointing showing. I also need to remember this isn't infinity, so pie slicing cover mostly just masks guns and loses firepower.
On the other stompy robot side, did get some more work on the mechs, including a (failed) experiment with AK's oilbrusher green. Will try again on something a bit more matching in color and with qtips for cleanup on hand--the included brush was kinda wide and out of the jar didn't have a lot of flow, but the annihilator will have to get overpainted again.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/13 19:03:51

Post by: itsonlyme

I’ve not played battletech since I was a kid! It’s awesome to still see it being played!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/20 07:13:20

Post by: Vejut

Glad to remind you of happy things, itsonlyme.

Did a little piggy at tuesday paint night:

And almost done the mechs, just need some basing work:

Been a bit slow, local mordheim campaign eating up hobby time. Hopefully get a little more done soon.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/23 00:13:57

Post by: Vejut

Usual paint night update, mostly playing around with some vallejo xpress paints I found. Useful, but not sure I have the hand steadiness to get the most from them:

Orcs are orc skin, pterodactyl and dragon are nuclear yellow and gloomy purple, and the dragon base is dwarf flesh, all over vallejo polyurethane white hand painted on (thus the splotchyness.) Demon was already flat colored with IIRC salmon pink and got a dwarf flesh coat on her skin, seems useful?
Dragon got one more coat of lemon yellow conventional paint on his wings and currently looks like this:

Just needing basing. Not my best work, but nicely quick.

Also got some flock and static grass, and finished up the mechs:

Not going to get the display board idea even started, but maybe next month. No idea what to paint for Space Marines next for the challenge, maybe kitbash up some gnoll soldiers out of the frostgrave gnolls and wga space nam kits?

Also got some progress on my titan:

Probably won't be done in the next three days in time for the game, but still, getting closer.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/23 15:38:46

Post by: Vejut

And the dragon got done. Not great work, even for a 48hr model, but still a fun bit for next time my roommates rp group needs a dragon:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/24 17:29:13

Post by: aku-chan

I think he looks good for a 2 day mini.

I'm in a similar place with the whole Contrast/Speed paint thing, they look so useful but I'm just too much of a messy painter!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/02/27 03:20:20

Post by: Vejut

Thanks aku-chan!

Got a bit of enthusiasm for titans, leading up to a game Saturday, made some progress on my warbringer:
Battle bling parts primed:

Stipple painted highlights and torso stacked up but not glue:

Need to do the magenta on the trim. And some more parts getting ready for install:

And game pictures, only got a few turns in before they had to close, ended up being a 3k game on my side as somebody had to drop. Kind of a lot of flying around keeping track of it all:

Turn 1:

Turn 2:

Turn 3:

Got rather shot up partially from poor deployment, and I was just starting to get in to range, likely would have lost if it went the distance. Still, games are fun.

Also started some more bad squiddo norse, probably won't be done in time for wednesday, but we'll see.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/01 02:53:00

Post by: Vejut

Tantalizingly close, but not quite done for wednesday:

Needs a bit more skin work, some metal in the blades, and basing.
But made some nice progress on the warbringer:

Hopefully this week, not sure what I'm going to do for space marines innthe challenge though...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/02 08:02:09

Post by: Vejut

More progress, got the norse far enough along to use tonight, sadly in a solid loss:

And used the excess milliput to do some basing (also painted some skin when I did the norse):

May start another warband, at least have to paint some more archers, and hopefully the warbringer...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/04 13:11:03

Post by: aku-chan

Looking good, I like the snake lady!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/04 22:08:48

Post by: Vejut

Thanks aku-chan, kind of a palete cleanser, but probably get done sooner or later.

Speaking of, boar finished:

And getting there on the warbringer, just cleanup and wash on the parts I was working on:

And de sprued the final batch of parts and base decor:

Also did a bit more on the shield maidens, trying to keep up with my mordheim warband:

Hopefully more stuff finished soon.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/07 11:54:51

Post by: Vejut

Almost there on the titan, just got assembly and basing:

And starting some kitbashed gnoll marines for the challenge this month. Not sure the sizes fit, may just use the gun arms by themselves.

We'll see after it all gets greenstuffed.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/08 12:17:42

Post by: Vejut

Got a bit sick today, so didn't go to paint night, but did do the final assembly on the warbringer. Iommius Maximus walks!

Now lets see if I can get two reavers done by mid april...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/08 14:20:43

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

The observation tower is amazing. How did you come up with that idea?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/08 20:14:35

Post by: Vejut

Its actually from battle bling, though its really intended for a warlord, I just figured it'd look cool as a "spotter" indicator when I used it in an arcus maniple.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/08 23:11:43

Post by: JoshInJapan

The green and purple make for a very bold color combination.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/13 06:24:48

Post by: Vejut

Thanks joshinjapan, what I was going for.
Actually a bit behind, forgot to show the dragon test mules for the other xpress colors I got. Shadow lotus green-black, the other violet I forget the name of, a red, and imperial yellow.

Kinda like the colors, needs thinning on the smooth bits I think, and still kinda in that in between area where I can't correct or back track easily, but I don't have the brush control to do it in one shot.

Also did the sculpting on the gnoll, kinda like how the sculpt came out, but not sure I'm really liking the overall kitbash effect. Actually started painting any ways, just been a bit behind on photos:

And the main thing I've been working on, two more reavers for a narrative tourney at the end of April. Also did a little sculpting on one as well, liking the mouth, not sure the external blobby bits are going to stay, and really not sure they're keeping that gold color...

Moving much faster than the warbringer at least...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/19 17:44:10

Post by: Vejut

Possibly spoke too soon, slow progress this week, as paint night got partially taken over for me by a keep up game of mordheim, but at least started some 6mm tanks and got some gnoll progress:

Made some small progress on the titans, including figuring out that flesh color:

And got a game of titanicus in with a buddy, 1500 points my counts as infernus in green vs his laniaskara:
My force:

His force:

Setup was line of battle, I had secure and hold+priority assignment, he had retrieval and priority assignment.
First turn move:

Was trying to get good arc and start moving forward to grab objectives without directly walking into his charges, he's setting them up, we both repeatedly forget I played cursed earth, but nuke his cerastus to stop an objective run with my big guy's first fire.

He gets a lucky round of warhound fire, nukes my tourney pattern, I can't get a good angle on his reavers and just settle for ending his stand in hound.

Turn 2 he gets a charge on a hound (my spear) and eats it with his princeps, but very nearly loses the princeps to warbringer fire, while the other reaver finishes the right, but then gets charged and exploded by my cerastus, taking one with him on the explosion.

Turn three the cerastus charge kill a hound with the help of some mines, but die to the other hound, his reaver charges my warbringer and the explosion kills the reaver. The remaining hounds kinda dance around a bit with my double vulcan hound unable to kill his, but I mostly forgot the turn limit and objectives, so he dances on to the obajective last turn, grabs it, and between that and actually meeting the kill part of the secondary, wins 24-0.

Fun game, even if I still clearly have no idea what I'm doing.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/22 02:20:36

Post by: Vejut

Actually got some painting on paint night, mostly 6mm stuff. Started some tyr tanks for battletech, and some predators for epic, actually put color on some armigers:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/27 06:11:11

Post by: Vejut

Got a game of titanicus in on Saturday my lucidium playing as infernus, vs buddies Laniaskara:
Map setup, less dense and actually by the book this time:

Deployment, both fairly agressive, me trying to get my melta warbringer in, him to set up some charges:

Moved up, he sets up charges, I try to jam things up by ramming mine in first:

His right side reaver gets shield stripped, then blown up by my bringer, but my turbolaser hounds both get snacked around in return. He moves up some hounds, which I realize too late is an objective run, I set up to try to and stop it, but have to choose between saving my reaver or stopping the questoris and having the hounds, and fumble both, while my near dead hound charges in to try to explode on him instead of me:

...yeah, that doesn't work. Cover and ice cold dice means I don't even ping him, he scores full points, my two hoinds explode, leaving just the double vulcan and the bringer, and we call it as he'll get full points next turn by charging my bringer out of existence two different ways, and at most I'll get one out of three kills on my secondary:

Plus side, made progress on the reaver titans, first color fully down on the trim, started some cleanup. Still need a whole second set of armor panels, but that'll come. Sadly, didn't get much done on the new tanks and gnolls, though the older started trio are almost done--just need to do the freehand and the treads. Probably have to be my challenge entry for the month, kinda disappointed I'll finally be entering astartes for space marines month.

Also started in one of the guns I'll need, and the arm mounts, all magnetized. Five more of those to go:

Need to get back in the painting habit, mordheim's been fun, but does take a good bit of hobby time.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/03/29 06:36:03

Post by: Vejut

More tuesday paint night work.

Painted up a pair of Tyr tanks, eridani light horse colors. Just need to throw some bases on them:

Likewise, need to build some bases, got a few armigers done:

And just some green paint on the next set of predators, hopefully get them done before the end of the month:
Plus finished the previous set yesterday I think, may do a little more with the tracks--gotta geth em done by thursday if I want to use them in the challenge:

Funny how it feels like a long uphill where nothing will ever get done and then a whole bunch finishes at once.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/01 08:08:18

Post by: Vejut

Not sure if incremental progress or shooting off on new stuff, but started some custom scultping for the possessed reaver's carapace:

Plan to cover up the reamaining aquila with more scale work and/or broken armor, but gotta let the bottom layer finish curing.

Also threw some magnets in and started painting spare-until-the-new-reavers-finish guns, just not feeling trim painting:

Hoping my brain triggers on that soon, really am almost there with the first of the pair.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/01 17:38:59

Post by: Nevelon

Good progress. Lots of tiny scale stuff, across multiple systems.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/02 16:27:55

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Nevelon. Been on a small scale kick, mostly because of a tourney at the end of the month, and doingnmore games with a buddy. Speaking of, did another yesterday.

Setup, pretty open. He's just trying stuff, technically ignatum regia, I'm trying fureans arcus and ferrox, but we both forgot pretty much all our legio rules. He had table quarters, I had retrieval.

We both advance a bit, he blows up a center hound, I start trying to grind down shields on my glory and honor targets on my left. I have to make a decision on shooting up the warlord vs the hound on the left, I pick warlord, and only the bellicosa has range, so just a tickle.

Next turn his shields go down and I get some lucky hits that take his lord just short of decapitation, but its still alive. However, I'm taking heavy damage and IIRC the 2nd middle hound gets silenced. On the right side, I really misplay my positioning, and lose a third hound.

He drops concealment to give the lord time to repair, whiffs some repair rolls and hammers the reaver, while I fail to kill the hound on my side.

Some shuffling, reaver dies, I forget (or really, ignore because that warlord is lethal) my objective, he remembers his, his warlord and hound explode. Can't remember if that takes out my hound or the other lord does.

And some final positioning, ends 25-11.

Fun game, but man am I bad at this...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/03 06:19:34

Post by: Vejut

Some more work on the reavers:
Did the carapace sculpt:

And started paint:

Considering giving it a tail:

And some general progress:

Almost there.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/05 02:16:46

Post by: Vejut

Tuesday paint night, another scattershot of stuff. Got most of the way through the gnolls from last month, may do some more edge highlights, and needs bases:

Doing up a leader for my skeleton force for the challenge for this month:

And some othet stuff, a kromlech priest I might swap to for the challenge, and a little progress on another bones skeleton:

Try to get these done between the Reavers...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/08 00:48:35

Post by: tzurk

Some awesome work's been going in here my dude.

The warbringer is great and reads almost like a reverse-Evangelion in colour (and theme) - the sickly green really plays off well.

Really interested to see where the reaver with the protruding spine goes too.

How good that you got to play a game too! The end goal of the hobby that some of us hardly ever get to enjoy...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/10 06:15:19

Post by: Vejut

Thanks tzurk, evangelion is in fact where I was going with those colors. Likewise, glad the scultping came off as a spine!. As to how they're coming:

Almost there, just needing these pads to finish, getting close:

The other titan just needs the guns there done:

Also got some bases for the gnolls:

And got another game in, full force practice for the tourney, corsair and arcus on each side, he's still in laniaskara, I'm running tempestus this time:

Rolled fairly heavy terrain this time:

And deployment:

I've got a salt the earth and priority assignment, he's got honor the banners and priority. My off the board hound is considering a combat drop, while he triggered dawn attack
Didn't get turn 1 pics, but heres turn 2 after just my vulcan hound moved.

Knights foolishly stopped in the gap there in front of a plasma cannon and exploded, and the vulcan hound is glowing and badly off, though he blew up the missing reavers shields, letting everyone else blow up the reaver. Downhill from there though--he dodged my attempted charge block, after I moved my reaver up into range, and ate that reaver, then next turn:

This followed up with my warbringer getting popped, which took out the reaver, and that left one titan, which he then ate after two turns.

Another loss, not really figuring out the counter to mass charge, but learning.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/11 06:21:56

Post by: Vejut

And the 2nd reaver is done, as I wanted to enter it in a painting challenge today:

Just gotta get these guns done for the tourney, and then everything else like objective markers will be bonus, if I don't hare off on something else.

Still kinda happy about getting it done.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/12 13:12:16

Post by: Nevelon

Great work on the reaver. Tons of motion and character on him. Well done!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/16 11:55:19

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Nevelon! Still kinda proud of the sculpt (kinda falling out of love with the paint method, but there's at least 10 more titans to keep trying on.
Got the weapons done:

And some pictures of a just recovered from battle Ferrea Custodea, making use of them:

Also got some custom nameplates from battle bling, got them painted up for a game yesterday, last major paint item for the tourney:

Trying some wear work, not sure it came off, but good enough for now.
Game itself was closer than the final score, but that was 32-4, so not hard.
Kind of got caught up playing, didn't take a lot of pictures during.
New transport tray for table to table use at tourney:

Just a full sheet baking pan from a restraunt supply house.
Enemy force was same as last time, but new battlefield:

I clustered together and tried to group push, sadly, laniaskara is just as dangerous up close as ever, and dawn attack still hurts at the worst times.
Turn 1, some advancing, lots of scattered damage, and I manage to fail voids on the right hound from full to zero, and then it eats maximal fire to the head and dies.

Turn 2:

I think this was the critical mistake. I should have blocked the reaper on the left with the knight and just accepted it would pop for no damage, instead, I lost a reaver. Right flank, can't shoot down his reaver, next turn it silences the right reaver. In the center, just a mess, with some lucky wiffs and manovering, but still coming out the worse of it. By the end of turn, my badly damaged warbringer is all thats left.

He kills the hound with his death shots, but the subsequent ammo explosion doesn't do more than tap the last reaver, and his bringer is untouched, leaving the field like this, and him in control of two objectives to my none:

Fun game, but still not getting the hang of advancing vs laniaskara.

Also because I don't have enough on the plate, playing around with starting some bfg orks:

Not the best photos, but still feeling nice to pop into some stuff.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/18 02:21:05

Post by: Vejut

Little bit of progress on the skeleton king, not sure I like the result on the blue:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/19 02:15:01

Post by: Vejut

More paint night stuff. Little bit of variety:

Did a bit on the priest, but didn't take closeups, and its mostly a backup to the skeleton. Speaking of:
Skeleton king almost done, mostly just need basing:

And started some ork brute ramships:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/25 01:11:13

Post by: Vejut

Kind of slow on the updates, mostly because not a lot of progress. However, lots of pictures to share, as some of the slowness was due to the narrative event/tourney this weekend. We had 6 tables, 11 players and and organizer who played as ringer, with 11 different legios, for the Revenge at Ulixis a loyalist counter invasion near Ultramar. I didn't get the best pictures, but there was a more prepared photographer there who apparently got some nice ones, IIRC on Facebook.
Legio Fureans, probably my favorite paint job from the day, and thebonly warmaster to come out:

And the actual best painted winner, one of our two legio gryphonicus (and my second round opponent), less immediately punchy, but lots of nice detail work:

The other gryphonicus player, with accompanying psi titan, only army to kill the fureans warmaster:

Organizer's Astorum, my third round opponent:

Legio crucius, my first round opponent Brian's force, all the way from Indiana:

Legio laniaskara, my usual weekend opponent:

Legio krytos:

Legio audax:

Legio I beleive Osdeax:

Legio lysanda, which looked better than the bad back of store light could give them in photos:

And my legio lucidium, running tempestus rules:

There was also a very sharp looking prasegeus legio, but sadly I somehow didn't get pictures.

Sadly, not much in game photos as I was focused on play, and I should have taken more photos of the several quite nice table setups, but such is life, but what I do have:

First round vs crucius, sadly only a round 1 ish picture:

Imperials had the grab distance objective, we traitors had hold them back. I had a courage and honor secondary with targets on his warlord and reavers. Water was all half speed difficult terrain. All the rounds were time limited, and sadly none of mine got beyond turn 3, which seemed pretty common for the day. At the end, I'd held him to 18", getting my primary at 15, and taking a reaver for my secondary, but he got full secondary, some primary, and a tertiary, pulling it out 24-19-if we'd played on, he likely would have done better, and I'd likely fallen off, half my machines had already exploded. A fun, tight game, heavy on luck for both sides--he made 18 of his first 19 void saves, but then rolled a ridiculous number of machine spirits, and eventually started failing command checks, almost always for his reaver he was trying to move up, which then would shoot.
Loyalists were ahead round 1, winning 4 tables, got to pick tables and people, which we then assigned to match. They also got a small bonus table strategem. The traitors round 2 were assigned the opposite side of round 1, take terrain vs hold the line, and I got assigned against a gryphonicus player on a war zone--he was fairly new, but gave a good fight.
Map setup:

Mid last turn:

I ended up nailing him 25-4 after a few beginner mistakes and some shutdown fun with a dire wolf and an odd looking venator shennanigans. Lost one titan turn 1 to a vortex missile, another to being swarmed down after a combat drop, only killed one of his, and lots of knights, but got my primary and a minor secondary for my warbringer living. Again, he had the upper hand in kills, but I was doing well on objectives and was starting to come back combat power wise as more engines got into shooting position. Another that could have gone either way. The larger traitor cause however blew out the loyalists, with at least two 40-0s, and the most points scored by a loyalist of 9.

Third round vs the organizers Astorum, doing a weird objective dance, back on the water table. Other two matches were line of battle and then angled lines deployment, this one was a weird four squares thing. He got tangled on startup with his fortis, focused on holding my three points and killing his brawler lord and reavers for secondaries. Very slow build, helped by some very lucky shield rolls for my titans meant nothing bigger than knights on either side died until turn 3, despite his attempted outflank with his cerastus. Turn three however, ended with duelling tracer and concealment clouds, letting me take his reaver...which promptly fell over into and killed his already damaged brawlerlord. He had hoped for one more turn, but had to keep dealing with organizational tasks, so was only on one objective, where I'd positioned on two, and grabbed more secondaries, ending 21-14. A more even but still traitor favoring round, the final was something like 400-200, a decisive win for the warmaster, and a very fun day of games.
End of game:

Turn 3 just before the boom:

Then I went home and assembled some knights:

Hoping to get a household together for a game at the end of may. Not likely, but at least it'll help bring down a section of the grey pile.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/26 02:01:42

Post by: Vejut

More paint night progress, mostly assembled and started paint on the questoris, even started (one) knight of a second oops-all-s5-shooting banner;

Finally getting around to assembling the 2nd acastus:

Only the legs so far, and uh...already lost a pad. Not sure what we're going to do about that. Maybe craft new ones or something?

Also, some more work on the ramships, almost there:

Hoping I can keep going at this pace.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/04/29 18:45:22

Post by: Vejut

Finally got around to basing the Tyr tanks:

Trying out different colored rims.

Also made some more progress on the knights, just gotta prime and start painting:

void shield hater banner go!

And took some final pics on the mummy, just gotta post them to the challenge thread, and figure out what I'm doing next month:

Kinda low numbers for the month, but several of them were large, so thats probably OK.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/03 10:20:38

Post by: Vejut

Screwed up my sleep schedule, so no tuesday paint night, did a bit during the week:
Got some progress on the knights:

Made a couple marks on the ramships:

And also found and pulled out the chaos fleet as a get-you-by to play against the usual saturday oppnent, likely to be played unpainted, which ain't great, but only so much space on the que:

Needs some repairs too, to be honest, but we'll get there.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/07 13:24:02

Post by: Vejut

Ramships done except for figuring out basing:

And another game, 1500 points and just trying out stuff, in thisncase the all reaver Legio venator extergimus (on both sides, oddly):
Deployment, he has hold the line and glory and honor, I've got priority assignment and salt the earth.:

I move up to try to force my way to the point and apply pressure, but this gets my point unit explodinated, though both of his reavers are deeply injured:

Turn 2 we both drop battlefield shapers, he drops a concealment, I drop a blind on his warlord, but he manovers better, putting his knights in position for next turn, and I lock myself out of shots, not quite clearing the concealment barrage.

Turn 3 he fails the charge, but walks in, I can't get position on three activations, and I need the bringer to push hard for the objective, but he just closes the door with his warlord, while the knights get just short of engine kills, but the reavers each use the voids collapse crit to kill one of mine. The explosions mostly clean up the knights though!

Game is really over at this point, but we play one more round onnl the off chance I manage to kill the warlord, which would at least net me some primary points. I charge, and actually do some decent damage, butnthen he backs a bit, and the bad ws of a warbringer comes in, doing only minor damage with no ability to targeted shot, and his reaver behind blows it up. (Template is a flare cloud we forgot about mostly after the strategy phase) Tabled, final result 40-0:

Fun game, hopefully I'm not this bad at bfg when we start that up...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/07 16:48:13

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

The Ram Ships look great, and the blue on the mummy is the business. Good luck with the new knights. Lots of painting happening over there, hope you can keep up the progress.
Getting games in is a rare occurrence for me, so it's nice to see that you did.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/10 06:17:54

Post by: Vejut

Thanks DJJazzyJeff, helps to have a buddy who's into the same sorts of games you are. Thanke on the mummy, and trying to keep up progress, got some more ramships and onslaughts on prime:

Also got some adventurers started up, hopefully for the challenge this month, from paint night:

Reaper apparently has 3d printed models into the wild--the gobbo has resin 3d print nubs on him, but they seem to mostly have dodged print lines, and the weight feels good. We'll see how it holds up.

And monday, got the first pinks done on the knights, now on to the metals...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/13 09:28:26

Post by: tzurk

Doing the mummy in blue was a real inspired choice, looks brilliant.

Knights look great on the table with the terrain too - bring on the pink. Loving the BFS stuff. Can't wait to see more!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/15 06:18:40

Post by: Vejut

Thanks tzurk. Made a bit more progress on the knights, gunmetal is all done, need to do trim and clean up passes next:

And figured out basing for the escorts, so all finished on this batch:

So I started some kroozers:

Just gotta keep these layers thin...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/16 06:07:11

Post by: Vejut

Progress for the day, gold is on the carapaces, need to do the bodies, and blue on the cruisers done, on to the red:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/17 06:45:45

Post by: Vejut

Tuesday paint night again, got the escorts from last time blued up:

And did some more work on the D&D stuff from last week. Base colors done, minus some tweaking on the druid, rogue, and axotl:

And the goblin and his mimic buddy are done except for basing:

May need to do a it more cleanup on third look, but still means I'll likely have something for the challenge at least.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/17 12:12:37

Post by: Nevelon

Wow, lots of projects moving right along.

Is that treasure the gobbo is lugging about, or a spare mimic in case something happens to the first one?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/18 13:53:07

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Nevelon, trying to get a unit for a game, a model for the challenge, and some stuff for a future game all done at once, its...going. little bit of progress, I think this trim may defeat me:

And bases on the more finished D&D stuff:

Sometimes the real treasure is the pet mimic you literally picked up along the way...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/20 15:14:44

Post by: Vejut

Finished up the D&D trio:

Bases I'm not entirely happy with, but good enough to be moving on with.
Also got a little further on the kroozers:

Might need a touch more red, mostly just blocking out at this point. Knights probably aren't getting done, notnin time and probably not for a while after, bit off a bit too much at once I think, hitting the "don't wamt to look at these any more" point.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/21 19:37:12

Post by: Vejut

Had a very Titanicus game today, my lucidium cosplaying tempestus in a corsair supported by a warbringer and cerastus lancer banner vs my usual opponent trying out venator rules with an extergimus of three reavers and a lord, plus supporting warhound. We also tried out the open engine war cards--we had vox static, (all non corrupted titans auto fail machine spirit rolls), the spearhead deployment, hive city terrain and bunker busting as an objective.

I had warp conduit and organic protrusions on all my reavers, so deployed aggressively, and he only had one reaver volcano cannon for blast, so went for the first turn charge with the knights. I opened with a localized warp storm which actually hit...which got endurance of terra'd down to two points of structure damage on the warlord. Then he first fired, and with maximal and extergimus, critted the knights out of existence. Warbringer boosted for movement...and machine spirited into not doing anything as my only uncorrpted titan, while I rolled a little high for warp displacement, and ended up on a reaver instead of my preferred target of his warlord princeps senioris. Still, should be able to do some damage....

Aaand then we got slapstick. I fire my melta cannon in the clinch, it misses because of WS instead of BS, and blows my own gatling off. I still rip his body pretty hard, go to finish with the warp conduit since I can't gatling, and roll a superficial. Return fire kills my titan, but luckily, I fall backwards into his other reaver by the hound, damaging its legs badly, though I fail my tempestus shoot on death roll. I then kill it using that titans warp conduit to try to clear a fire lane...which causes it to wild fire. He gatlings, I power to voids, machine spirit, fail the check, and bullish into a collision, damaging my legs--and he then proceeds to roll legs for hit location on every shot, then last ditch efforts into falling on me and rolling legs, killing the titan. I pass the fire on death roll, but his hulk which hasn't been removed yet blocks LOS, and everthing has voids up anyways, and at that point we decide that one reaver about to eat two titans worth of shots and an out of position warbringer just weren't going to win against a force of 4 voids up, mostly undamaged, mostly larger titans and called it.

Got home and did some painting though. Finished the 2nd batch of Salamander predators for epic:

Painted a battle bling volkite hat for my reavers next game so I can have two close assualt models:

And did the red highlights on my kroozers:

Off this week, hopefully get the kroozers done, and we'll see what else pops out.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/26 04:22:07

Post by: Vejut

Probably should have predicted vacation leaving not a lot of time to paint, but got some time in.
Sadly, mostly under unideal kitchen table lighting, so pictures aren't that great. Kroozers need touchups, final freehand touches, and basing, did a little red on the second onslaught squadron, and made a start on my unlikely to be used savage gunships:

And got a trio of rhinos finished, more or less. Not sure if they're close enough in scale to get put on 25mm bases for a salamanders force, or if I'm going to make them titan base decor:

Pretty happy with the result either way, and will probably tale better pictures when I get home and get better light.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/30 13:42:48

Post by: Vejut

Got the usual end of month sudden spray of everything finishing:

Bases done and first three armigers attached:

Rhinos glued down to bases and given mildly better light:

And some finished kroozers:

Also started work on some stuff, about 5 tac squads worth of 6mm vanguard space marines ("affray squads"):

And some savage gunships:

Also got a game in against the cousin, on some nicely sculpted board:

My force:

Setup, he has a psi titan and two acastus in reserve in the hanger:

And a few turns of very tight fighting. His reserves came in turn 3, but a very lucky bellicosa took both acastus, and that just left him the psi titan, so we called it:

Terminals and end of game dead machines:

And the survivors:

Fun game, knights do kinda evaporate when you let heavy guns on them, and more painting to go.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/05/31 02:08:48

Post by: Vejut

Back to Tuesday paint night, ended up getting caught up in the sebeki human character, actually pretty close to done:

And almost got the salamander tacticals done:

Just needs a lot of freehand arrows and salamanders, and somr basing...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/05 14:03:40

Post by: Vejut

Bit off pattern here, and distracted again, but some progress.
Finished up the croc queen, including a bit of skin touchups:

Maybe one day she'll hit table.
Also played a game of titanicus, another 40-0 loss. Ran a corsair supported by a warbringer, trying to play heavier, normal opponent trying gore crows, with a meme-iple, three vulcans with stormfrags, including the warlord of his mandatum. Tox world, vox static on the open engine war cards, and a weird diamond deployment. Primary was retreive and carry the objective. Warlord stormfrags are death on reavers once shields go down, and I didn't manage to get sustained hammering on anything, so ended the game with one titan up, and only took his warlord on turn 3 or 4.


Forgot turn 1 pics, mostly him hiding hounds and me moving up reavers, but turn 2:


And typically, impulse bought the new kroxigor, partially because I've got at least one of each previous generation back to 5th, bar possibly the finecast only one, and immediately started assembly.
Accidental buddy joking pose:

And the free saurus plus likely this months challenge model, some celebrating mouslings from reaper:

Hoping to motor on these, but I always do.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/06 12:27:02

Post by: amazingturtles

I like the kroxigor buddies, I want to see their movie.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/08 02:15:30

Post by: Vejut

Thanks amazingturtles, got the sculpt repair done, trying to keep the buddy pose as I rank up and paint...

Sprue came with a good few frogs, made me think of your stuff, may use a few as further buddies.

Also played with leftover green stuff for heresy:

For the nyanperor!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/09 01:33:14

Post by: JoshInJapan

I like your work on the Sebeki, especially the skin tones. The bumps are supposed to be crocodilian skin, right? Did you consider doing those areas in darker colors? When I do models like that (you see them a lot in older Chaos models), I am always at a loss for how to approach those areas.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/12 02:14:23

Post by: Vejut

Thanks joshinjapan, wasn't actually thinking of them as areas of actual gator skin but more like subdermal implants or scarification. I was going to go with white but the rest of the skin ended up lighter than I wanted, went with green assuming a tattoo-over for contrast, probably should have gone reddish.

Made some progress on the 6mm stuff:
Everybody done:


And starting to put on bases, but turned out I miscounted guys, so more painting needs doing:

Still some decent progress, should be done soon if I don't hare off on some other idea.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/16 02:25:20

Post by: Vejut

Remaining bases filled out, ground sculpting started:


Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/19 00:29:53

Post by: Vejut

And the tactical squads are done:

So I started some devastators:

And wasn't quite feeling the mouslongs for the challenge, so started some oathsworn badgers and burrows miniatures instead:

After the days painting:

Hopefully get one of the fuzzy things done in the next week or two.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/21 02:08:17

Post by: Vejut

Just need basing on the blood bowl kroxigor I started a while ago after some work tonight:

And some minor progress on the burrows and badgers:

Still bouncing about, but progress is progress.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/25 16:32:14

Post by: amazingturtles

He’s mighty buff.

I like the look of the bagpipes fox.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/25 19:53:18

Post by: Nevelon

Love the koxagor. Great work!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/26 02:10:08

Post by: Vejut

Thanks amazingturtles, actually got the bagpiper and friends done, just need to hopefully take better pics for the challenge!

Also, thanks Nevelon. Got the greebo krox done, he is indeed buff:

Plus a bit more work on the new GW krox I was doing:

And getting there on the devastators to be:

Being productive, hopefully keeps up.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/06/28 10:05:48

Post by: Vejut

Some paint night progress. Minor color added to the ork escorts:

Some shading added to the krox, to be blended back with some blue glazes:

And finally started the dark sword westie warrior I'd been sitting on for a while:

Little at a time, but going.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/03 02:06:39

Post by: Vejut

Got the westie warrior done!

Also got the individual marines for the devastators done:

And starting the basing:

And some progress on the krox:

May shift to steel legion 6mm stuff after the salamanders are done, given the announcement of legio, after all, need some units I can take into gw if I want to play there...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/03 02:27:45

Post by: makeitorky

The westie is soooo cute. Also those kroxigor models look huge! But really fun to paint though.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/05 04:32:27

Post by: Vejut

He is, isn't he? They did a great sculpt. Andnfor the krox, theres a lot of them to paint, but still fun. Quite large even compared to last ed though.

Ran through a satyr for paint night, just needs basing:

And some more ork escort progress:

Bouncing around, but still progress.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/08 18:12:51

Post by: aku-chan

Nice job on the doggie and the satyr!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/10 23:02:08

Post by: Vejut

Thanks aku-chan! Actually finished the satyr with base:

And started in on some sentinels as color tests for a steel legion army for epic:armageddon. White primer, UK azure wash, and then some lighter blue mixed with white drybrush layers before detailing. Not going to win any painting contests, but decent enough to go on with.

Need to get some texture paste for these tomorrow to finish off basing.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/11 13:46:40

Post by: amazingturtles

He's a stern and rather imposing satyr, I like it.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/12 02:16:22

Post by: Vejut

Thanks amazing turtles!

Got some progress on the orks for gorkamorka, cleaning up some seam lines, may do a bit more this week when I'm off. Also will need to do some foot versions of them...

Also started basing the sentinels, though my initial plan of basing paste is foundring on the AK stuff being sold out:

And on a paint night report, threw some paint at the rather mold liney mantic figures:

But most of the night was near finishing my female basti harbinger ahead of historicon next week. Maybe some minor touchups and basing, plus a shield and some back decor, but most of the hard work done (spoiler for breasts):

Excited for historicon, hobby also going good.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/18 01:51:59

Post by: Vejut

On vacation, so a little off routine, little late on the update. Started some tanks for the 6mm stuff:

Because I finished the sentinels:

Made some progress on the basti Harbinger, shield and cloak completed:

And the model herself largely finshed, except for minor details like attaching the shield and doing some javelins. Spoiler as usual for bare breast dress:

And the usual pre-starting the next project, hopefully my challenge model for the month, drink machine and an Anubi embalmer:

Final few days to get things done before historicon.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/19 04:07:13

Post by: Vejut

Finished up the basti harbinger:
(Exposed breast spoiler)

And then went to tuesday paint night. Made some.good progress on the anubi embalmer:

And then because I was about as far as I could get without basing supplies I didn't have on me, and somebody else at the table was interested, speed-painted a couple contemptors for epic:

Hopefully finish some final touches and base them too, either before I leave or when I get back.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/19 14:12:21

Post by: Nevelon

Great job. Really like the priest.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/20 23:56:00

Post by: Scarper

I love the colours you've chosen for the embalmer, especially the little mottled blue bit in the middle of the staff. He looks really characterful!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/24 07:00:36

Post by: Vejut

Thanks! Sadly, the little mottled bit is me not having the brush control to paint the triangles cleanly. Did get the basing done though:

Could do with a bit more yellow on the ground so the wraps show more, but I think its done enough.
Also just finished the dreadnoughts, had to fix the autocannon one after it got knocked over, but seems to have gone back OK.

And went to Historicon over the weekend, did a bunch of painting classes, one on painting and building rubbish and similar scatter, and another on starscapes:

Mostly just stipple over black/dark blue and then clears, and some brush flicking.
Also picked up and painted some one off metal eldar just for fun. Needs some basing, but kinda happy with the hawk, not sure how well I like the death jester:

Hopefully get them done, maybe make some progress on the tanks.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/24 12:12:12

Post by: Nevelon

Fun experiment with the starscape. One of those things that looks cool, but I’ve always been too timid to try.

Like diamonds/motely paterns on harlies. Great work on the old lead.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/24 16:17:30

Post by: DJJazzyJeff

I echo the sentiment on the starscape. A really cool effect for a wizard cloak.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/31 07:24:05

Post by: Vejut

Thanks nevelon, DJ jazzyjeff, it was actually pretty easy, ypu should try it! Actually planned to try it on an Archer for BT on paint night, but didn't get that far (and then forgot photos)

Got a bit busy in general actually, but did get this old kitbashed chaos space marine done, for my old khorne focused csm force, "The Caged" (going for the pun of course). Counts as Huron, IIRC.

Might be the last for July, but hoping to sneak out the tanks...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/07/31 07:29:33

Post by: JoshInJapan

That's a wild kitbash, although there is one area that seems more Slaaneshi than Khornate...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/01 12:54:52

Post by: Vejut

Thanks JoshinJapan, I was kinda on a rat head kick for a while, and hey, khorne makes everything into a weapon...

Also, finished the mech from paint night, still a bit of wet glue since I was running out the door before it dried. Bit of experiments with nebulas and ink, and freehand nose art:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/01 14:17:45

Post by: amazingturtles

It's a neat effect! The stars on top work particularly well, I think.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/02 03:47:04

Post by: Miguelsan

What colors did you use on the Basti skin, Vejut? I find the scheme very pleasing for painting big cats.


Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/02 13:06:37

Post by: Vejut

Amazingturtles--i agree, the top worked better, I think the better formed and lighter stars is key there. Would probably have helped to remember the original method I was shown involved brush flicking, and to not do detail work before that...

Miguelsan, I really should write them down somewhere I'll look, and I think it changes a bit each time, but I think it was iraqi sand, highlight pale sand, a mid brown wash, and then pale sand and possibly ivory highlights?

Also, spent most of paint night on the 6mm russes, almost there:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/07 10:25:51

Post by: Vejut

And the russes are done, keep forgetting to post here:

And the next set started, with some rhinos for the salamanders as a break:

And some mechs and a gator lady for the challenge and my war gods armies:

Little at a time, but progress.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/07 12:32:44

Post by: Nevelon

How big are your armies getting? You paint a huge variety of stuff for all sorts of systems, but I have no clue how it all stacks up. When was the last time you broke everything out for a group shot? Not all together (which would probably break the table) but by faction/system.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/09 15:16:42

Post by: Vejut

To be honest, I don't either, though its mostly on display shelves. Not really tracking by system, though did break down the painted pile for last year that way. Can say the only finished project is the warGods basti, with the saga shieldmaidens probably at least usable, and the titanicus stuff big enough for most games but needing much more options done. Did inspire me to take shelf shots though:
Main burrows and badgers shelf:

Wargods (and some B&B overflow):

Misc SFF (plus some empire someone else painted and sold me):

Saga shieldmaidens locked in combat with Kievan rus, plus undead and overflow:

And then the warhammer shelves. IG, mostly:

Warmaster, bfg, epic salamanders, epic steel legion:

And the probably never to be painted now illegal chaos army:

Theres also the aforementioned titanicus, some half painted infinity, and some really old badly done lizards and empire in travel cases in other spots.

And trying to move some more stuff along, progress on salamander rhinos, starts on the second russ batch, and progress on the big lizard...

Missed paint night and distraction free time, but made some movement anyways.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/10 00:13:06

Post by: Syro_

Agreed, that is really impressive. It was fun to look at.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/14 10:34:57

Post by: Vejut


Got the rhinos done over the weekend:

Made a little more progress on the big tank order:

And started some more basti to use as Ballista crew for that project, and maybe as this months challenge entry:

Gotta kinda hoof it, running out of month...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/21 03:19:33

Post by: Vejut

Been working a bit, but mostly forgetting to take pictures. Between paint night and normal nights, got the Basti near done:

And getting close on the second tank company, though I think this blue wash was a mistake, ended up blue not cold white, may try american or mirage grey when I do the accompaning artillery.

Also started another run of salamander rhinos and put more paint on shieldmaiden horses, but forgot pictures of those, hopefully this coming week.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/24 06:45:21

Post by: Vejut

Calling the basti done, though may do a little more on the stick, and needs better pictures:

And some more progress correcting the failed wash, four to go and then more wash and highlights:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/27 03:22:40

Post by: Vejut

Some pictures of the two actual crew with their engine:

One better group shot:

And some finished tanks:

Probably take a short salamanders or something random break, and then on to either superheavies or artillery in 6mm...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/29 02:10:36

Post by: Vejut

Started some Shadowswords in 6mm:

And did a bit of weapon swap and de-pedestaling of a GW deathmaster:

Kinda feeling like skirmish stuff, considering starting mixing up some stuff with frostgrave barbarians II and wargames atlantic spacenam and mantic project Z guns, we'll see where it goes. Not sure I want to match it to necromunda, but kinda looking for rules structure to build off.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/30 12:32:16

Post by: Vejut

A bit of paint night progress, ended up bouncing around a bit and not getting much done, but the base colors are mostly done on the shadowswords, and made a little progress on the rhinos:

Probably not getting done this month, but a nice way to kick off next month.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/08/30 19:12:00

Post by: amazingturtles

So many tiny tanks! The little rhinos are quite cute.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/01 02:11:24

Post by: Vejut

Thanks amazingturtles!

And now something completely different:
Playing around with skirmish game kitbashes of northstars Barbarians II, warlords project Z moderns, and even a little wargames atlantic spacenam.
Heavy gunner, not sure how to deal with the overlapped gun-gonna need filler on the shoulder, but also need chest access...

Re-using what was going to be mordheim filler:

And a few more to with:

Still not sure what system or genre I'm going for, know I want a longarm on that double hander, but not sure if rifle, or GW style special weapon. May also do a few more later...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/04 02:23:03

Post by: Vejut

Got the shadowswords done:

Just some artillery to go for my original GW stuff, though thinking about doing the epic tourney at Fall-In in November, which'd need a bit more.

Also did some slings and fill work on the barbarians:

And finally got to the eldar basing, at least sculpts:

Keeping moving, see where it goes..

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/07 02:17:55

Post by: Vejut

Tuesday paint night progress, almost ready to prime the gun-ladies:

Dropped a few more colors on the crocodile hero:

And dropped some blacks on the rhinos and started in on some basilisks:

And then this evening, got some more base work on the eldar done:

Lotta stuff on the go, try to get it all done this month.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/07 02:27:52

Post by: JoshInJapan

I look forward to seeing where you go with those kitbashes.

I also like the non-standard color choices on the Eldar. I don't think I've ever seen such bright colors on a Death Jester.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/08 06:18:57

Post by: Vejut

Thanks JoshinJapan, honestly started with the swooping hawk, going for a dawn/dusk theme, and then just worked those colors from there. Honestly knew the jester was a harlequin, but not what kind (and not a huge eldar player so didn't know typical schemes), so went kinda bright and typical harlequin.

Speaking of, finished the eldar:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/11 02:11:49

Post by: Vejut

Some more progress. Got the first set of war ladies primed up, though no actual layers:

And of course immediately started in on building a few more:


To-be comms lady and medic gnoll. Comms lady had the HQ cadians radio pack but was too big, gotta find my squad voxes or maybe see if my bolt action americans have something.

Some closups of the gnoll with arms and guns added:

And also some progress onnthe rhinos and bassies, getting close:

Almost through the genuine GW stuff, need to order my chimeras for the steel legion to maybe do them up before fall in for a tourney. On the other hand, tempted by more warmaster...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/13 06:10:21

Post by: Vejut

Quick Tuesday paint night update. Started some more salamanders since the other group is almost finished:

Should finish off my initial rhino needs, round out two predator formations, and let me do some vindicator attachments.

Also started the paint on the warladies, still feeling out colors:

Playing a bit with flesh tones, hopefully can make them both look good and feel distinct. The shotgunner got a verdaccio experiment with hellgrün, then sand for flesh, while the other two tans are just sand, while the pinks are reapers fair skin.
Gotta hurry about those a bit for the challenge, but should make it!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/15 01:45:24

Post by: Vejut

Little more progress. Just need the red and yellow freehand on the rhinos, then basing:

And the final edge highlight on the bassies, maybe with one light black wash on the guns.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/17 15:45:31

Post by: Vejut

And both the basilisks and rhinos are done:

And the rhinos:

On to the steel legion infantry I think, though at some point, really need to get those challenge models done, only have two weeks...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/17 19:46:45

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Legion Imperialis looking sharp, great edge highlights. Love to see the Crocodile Games mascot, did you back the Crocodile Queen Kickstarter?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/18 06:57:35

Post by: Vejut

Thanks! Actually, the basilisks are the old epic armageddon ones, and the rhinos are 3d prints in matching scale to epic. I am likely to pick legions up though, and probably use the steel legion stuff with it at least.

And yep! Backed the croc queen kickstarter. Eventually I may get a second wargods army done...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/18 11:40:17

Post by: theCrowe

Loving all these 6mm tanks, lookit those tiny Aquila’s on the rhinos! Amazing. Looks like so much fun.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/18 14:56:35

Post by: Vejut

Thanks theCrowe, they were fun, and surprisingly easy--made a triangle, then just went back in with the dark grey to rough out tails and heads, and minor feather lines.

Also, fun with tiny infantry:

Doing the time honored "your 28mm army, but small" with some stuff from microworld, so the ratlings ride again. Still trying to find a good way to get things laid out and painted, probably doing the sand over milliput.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/25 02:24:52

Post by: Vejut

Set up some more stands of rats to paint, filling out an infantry company (and bases for chimeras):

Also did the filling on the gnoll for the skirmishers:

Also decided they weren't getting done in time for the challenge, so cranked out a quick demon, playing with skin colors and a bit more limited palette:
(Naked demon under spoiler)

Just gotta finish basing. Don't think its my best work, but don't hate it.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/27 02:09:22

Post by: Vejut

Finished up the demon:

(Naked demon spoiler)

And did a quick test mini for the rat infantry, needs basing paint, but liking how its going. Now just to do it 12 more times:

Also got one of the gun ladies mostly done at paint night, but forgot to take pictures. Hopefully once its based!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/09/29 17:41:33

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Li'l rats coming out nice. What do you call a squad of rats? A sneak? A squeak? A scurry?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/10/02 01:53:22

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Don Qui Hotep, and I'd probably lean towards a nest...
Progress on their first 12 buddies:

also finished up one of the lady gunners, not sure when I'll get to the others:

And started the challenge model for this month:

Think I'm going to jump on some shatterpoint after thats done...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/10/04 02:13:46

Post by: Vejut

Tuesday paint night update:
Some more progress on the rhinos:

Some more colors down on the rats, getting there, finish dark reds, do the bright reds, and lots of cleanup before washes:

And the challenge model with base colors down, now for highlights:

We'll see how the month goes...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/10/06 11:42:51

Post by: Vejut

Started highlights on the vulture, mostly on the skirt, and some metallics, but just a shade so far on the skin. Realizing the belt is actually faces, not sure what I'm going to do with it now. Probably just keep it black, assume he dyed them when he tanned.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/10/09 02:19:52

Post by: Vejut

Got the vulture done, need better pics, but out of the way:

Made some progress on the ladies warband:

And the 6mm rats just need a touch of freehand on the banners, and some base work:

Hopefully up next once I clear these, a bit of star wars, and not sure, titans or spaceboats maybe..
And some of that base cleanup done:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/10/12 12:47:26

Post by: Vejut

Rats done as they'll be, bar me maybe going back for some freehand.

Just need some transports for them, got them out and cleaned, but not primed yet, and hitting the end of my gas for this push. May do them and my manticores andnthen jump to something else, or just jump directly.

Paint night was mostly assembly on the shatterpoint models I have, probably up next, but forgot photos and not much to see yet. Also gave in, ordered some 3d printed 75mm cheesecake models to play with larger scales, but that'll be a bit.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/10/16 14:52:45

Post by: Vejut

Oh, yeah, should probably post here. Progress on the shatterpoint bounty hunters:

Still just sketching colors

Some primed 6mm tanks as chimeras to be, because my brain is terrible at letting go:

And saturday night into sunday I skipped working on all that and just painted a random space marine:

Really could have done the armor smoother and some better freehand choices, but for a sub 24 hour store to display case model, I'm okay with them.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/10/18 04:06:46

Post by: JoshInJapan

I am continually amazed at the sheer breadth of your hobbying. So much variety!

Also, the freehand emblem and flames on the SM are top notch.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/10/18 10:03:40

Post by: Vejut

Thanks JoshinJapan! Keeps my brain fresh and willing to do things! Glad the emblems worked, wasn't sure on the salamanders emblem.

Also, more random stuff!
Game shop had a funsy jack o lantern painting at paint night. At first I mostly carved and painted a pretty conventional one, but then I cracked a joke about the halloween moose, so...

Also did some more 6mm salamanders work, mostly down to base and freehand:

And some more base colors on the chimeras:

Returning to the ork escorts to try to clear some space in my travel bag:

And inching forward on the shatterpoint:

Slowly getting there.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/10/22 14:08:06

Post by: Vejut

Finished the latest batch of salamander tanks:

And also the lizardman monthly store model from a bit back that was waiting on basing:

Now to just get the shatterpoint and chimeras done...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/10/25 06:34:53

Post by: Vejut

More tuesday paint night stuff. Did a little bit on the chimera, finished out a second color:

Started some new salamanders:

And started playing with colors for my planned legions imperialis emperors children:

About three layers vallejo fluro purple, needs contrasting color, not sure I like the effect to effort ratio though.

But most of the time was taking a AEG Clan War nezumi I picked up sunday at a swap meet bare metal to mostly done, just needs basing and maybe some small touches:

Need to swap to some storage building this week for fall-in, so not sure any is getting done this month, but still, feels good to get some progress.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/10/31 04:46:20

Post by: Vejut

Got a bit distracted and a bit sick, but lotta stuff finished.
Got the Nezumi based:

Nice little distraction, could have used more work on the tablet on his chest. Ah well.

Got the Chimeras fully painted up and based:

Painted up some canvas tops for them that were included, decided to skip installing them for now. Just needs some hydras and aircraft to be an OK ish tourney army, and just need my manticores and maybe an old metal warhound depending on how I'm counting done to have the whole of my original set of models for Epic:A done (still got plenty of recently bought stuff to go through though)

And since the ex-roommate is feeling Kill Team-y, assembled some Ravagers to maybe use for that:

We'll see if that goes anywhere.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/01 02:02:04

Post by: Vejut

Paint night, went somewhere:

Still rough, and a bit less than half the team, but liking where its going.

Also some nice progress on the manticores:

And a little more on the latest marines batch in 6mm:

Obviously won't be done in October but a nice start into November.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/06 07:32:11

Post by: Vejut

Bit slow on the week, prepping for Fall In, but a fair bit of painting there, taking a bunch of hobby U classes.
Some barbed wire sections from aviation check wire, black washed craft stick, mdf, and herbed flock:

Quick, but useful method the guy had, may try something similar with toothpicks for smaller scale.
Also had a skin painting class, produced this guy:

Happy enough with the results to paint it further, getting to here:

Also found an old soft plastic battlemaster:

Did him up in a vaguely DCMS scheme. Not happy with the green, was trying to show the scales, but they were very shallow, and didn't lile taking paint. Pics from once I got home, next to the celt from the 'learning to use speedpaint' class:

Also did some freehand on it.

Was also a ship painting class, though in many ways was more a base making class, fun enough:

Also got my first game of wargods of aegyptus in finally, fun little scenario of retreive the body parts of the dark harbringer while his lieutenants kept popping out the sand, though sadly about half the sheilds on the spear ladies popped off, will have to get to that soon. Next up, possibly more of the goats, maybe an upcoming titan bash..

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/08 03:16:32

Post by: Vejut

Tuesday paint night again, kinda doing a separate track of paint night and not stuff. Got the test model for the emperors children done:

Probably need to do another, the fluoro didn't cover well, and I'd like a quicker method, but came out well enough in itself.

Also just needs basing for the two latest salamanders tanks:

Manticores are almost there, just need wash cleanup, and then the rockets:

And started some mechs, might be my challenge entry, trying deep purple express color, kinda liking it:

We'll see what finishes up.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/10 07:38:26

Post by: Vejut

More finished tanks!

Salamanders based up:

And finally got the manticores done. Original set of steel legion all done:

Only thing left from the original set of purchases is the warhound, which is now started:

May get that done this weekend, which is looking like when legions will drop. Already got the core goal of "all the steel legion", be nice to have the whole group done before the new thing drops...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/10 20:08:12

Post by: Nevelon

Sounds like time for an army picture…

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/12 09:55:08

Post by: Vejut

So, about that--did a paint night with another group of freinds, and brought the epic stuff along. Started purple on the next batch of children:

And also some green primed dreads I picked up at Fall In:

But mostly I got the titan all but done:

So at that point, I figured I'd base them up and do some army pics. Based up dreads:

And finished warhound:

And the the salamanders so far, and the steel legion, on parade:

Next up,maybe the warmaster, or I dunno?

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/15 07:55:22

Post by: Vejut

Tuesday paint night, kind of a beastman sort of day, and kind of short on painting time from traffic and cleaning up some other models:

A little under half my ravagers kill team about ready for basing:

May drybrush the fur back up, but they're making at least the arms length rule.

And a little progress on whatever these guys are:

They're labeled "HP 89" underneath, picked them up in a bin of loose guys at Fall in, love to known what they are if anybody recognizes them. Cool little guys.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/15 11:26:55

Post by: Nevelon

You looking forward to the new LI dropping for your small scale stuff? pair of good sized armies there.

Is it HP or RP? I assume the 89 is the year for the old beastment, but don’t recognize HP. RP would be Ral Partha. Either way they don’t personally ring a bell.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/16 01:22:21

Post by: Vejut

LI is a large part of why I've been pushing to get them done recently, yeah. I had a goal of having (my original pack of) stuff done and GW usable on launch day as a silly flex (and the salamanders were just because they're fun to paint.) There was also a side goal of having some Epic:Armageddon for the HMGS cons (Fall In and Historicon) for the tourneys there. Haven't checked the Salamanders, but the Steel Legion is just around 2K worth with some swaps, which is just about there.

As for the unknown guys, pretty sure it's HP, though I was misremembering and its actually 88:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/20 07:43:29

Post by: Vejut

Small progress, almost done the assault marines:

Sadly, been kinda all over the place, so not much else done, and I'll have to redo the shoulder pads on them, just a bit too tired so it ended up blobby on the 3rd company (red) squads, didn't even try the white 2nd company. Brings me up to being able to do the E:A training scenario though!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/21 03:11:36

Post by: Vejut

Assault formation done:

Couldn't get good lines on the white shoulders either, but done enough for now.

And started with the back half of the ravagers kill team, plus a test model for my solar aux scheme started...

Hope I can get em done by end of month, but if not, good start for December.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/24 18:09:56

Post by: Vejut

Got the dracosan done:

On to the fellgors...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/27 10:21:01

Post by: Vejut

Rather lot of progress, been off work for a bit of shoulder stress, so lotta time sitting to work on stuff.
First up, from a bit back, but actual pictures of the finished front half of the Fellgors:

And some progress on the back half:

Almost done the base coats!
Also some slightly better pictures on the dracosan:

While I was visiting a friend saturday, picked up a bones mini, and then quickly painted him up when I got home:

Also got one of the new plastic rhinos from a friend, tried painting it up as a test for the emperors children force:

...so that didn't work, too much magenta (though I'm actually coming around on it...) so I painted over it with some better colors (sadly, didn't wait long enoigh for stuff to dry, so very much not my best work:

Might strip and try again, but mostly just thinking do better next time.
And the current project spread--some other tries on emperors purple I'm not liking, bunch of salamander razorbacks, and some odds and ends:

Need to figure out what colors for the salamander stowage, but we'll see how it goes.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/11/29 14:12:06

Post by: Vejut

Some progress over monday night:
Razorbacks almost done, though sadly one has gone awol, and their bases almost ready:

Setting up some ogryn bases for the rats:

And then paint night as usual.
Almost done the next batch of emperors children. Not as bad as feared, still needs tweaking:

Continuing work on random salamander:

And likewise very close to done on the fellgors:

Getting close to beating last year, still got like two game systems to get working forces done for...hoping it slows a bit after that.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/02 12:17:04

Post by: Vejut

And the last bits from november:

Baneblade all finished up:

And the razorback horde:

Bit of titanicus being played later today, might get pictures, same group as last time. Also hoping to get some work on the beastmen afterwards tonight, but my preorder of legions imperialis is hopefully coming in too, so we'll see which of those wins...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/03 09:43:58

Post by: theCrowe

I never did get into the old epic scale side of things. Probably because nobody I was playing with ever did.( Battletech is about as close I got, and 1:300 scale ww2 planes)
But I always would have seen those epic titans and unusual tank variants in pages of WD and thought the whole thing was kinda cool. I listened to a Crown of Command podcast episode the other day with Mike Hobbes (RIP the man the legend) talking about his long appreciation of Epic (worth a listen) and it really sounds like there have been some very fun and dynamic games at this scale. Reading your blog and seeing all these awesome tiny scale armies is scratching this itch.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/04 08:00:10

Post by: Vejut

Thanks, theCrow, glad it's hitting the spot. I pretty much got there about the same way, missing it the first time around and picking it back up again recently.

Speaking of, some pictures from the titanicus event. Mostly the same group, and was having fun and engaged (plus the time was a little tight), so only one picture of each game, and a few of the tables. Was planned to be a three game event, but a few people had to leave early, so we called it at two, especially as the traitors were very badly ahead.
Some maps:

I got the infamous beach table round 1 vs the tourney organizer with astorum, a ferrox and a mandatum. We had an objective grab mission. Misplayed deployment, and then luckily completely failed to destroy his princeps senioris with my entire forces fire, less a few self masked titans. Next turn my knights evaporated to his warhounds, and he dropped a concealment barrage on the princeps while half my titans exploded. Time ran out, he had 2, I had 1 objective...but my princeps didn't take damage, so I got 15 VP on secondaries...and his secondary was to have said princeps be damaged or exploded in my deployment zone, so he got zero, and I somehow won, 20-15, despite having lost 4 units to 0.

Second round, I got the fortress deployment, on the fort table vs a prasageus player with a corsair and two supporting warlords. Scenario was burn 3 deployment zone objectives. We mostly lined up, and went at it, though between him being very agressive with his senioris playing into my secondary, and a cheeky but very lucky combat drop got the win after a titanicus special chain explosion in the middle knocked out two of my titans from his princeps exploding. Also had a fun bit where we had four scatters running from both players scatter into his sheildless warlord, and IIRC exploding it.

Very fun, looking forward to doing it again soon.

And of course, GW's latest version of the small stuff dropped the same day (we of course took advantage of showing up early to make some pretty good dents in the store's shelf supply of it.) I started with some of my tanks, salamanders kratos to let me use my existing salamanders as an armored company, some emperors children as my planned scale matching force, and some baneblades for the solar auxiliaries.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/06 03:23:50

Post by: Vejut

Made some progress last night on the legions stuff:

And tuesday paint night, got the fellgors just needing basing:

And likewise almost done the mini of the month space marine, needs basing as well:

Still have to figure out my challenge model for the month, but have time...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/06 18:01:35

Post by: Boss Salvage

Loving the tiny pink tanks and large pink goats

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/07 03:12:31

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Boss Salvage! Just kinda like pink and magenta!

Goats with to-be-painted bases, and salamanders Kratos:

And base on the sally sculpted:

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/11 03:23:35

Post by: Vejut

Moved a good bit of stuff to the done pile this weekend.
Salamander Kratos done:

Pink goats likewise based up and done:

And finished the bigger sally as well:

Needed a little break after that, so did up Reaper's Sir Roland the Grey. Just a very smooth, easy to paint mini, may be my challenge mini for the month

And also pushed on, and got the emperor's children batch done:

Brings me to 251, which beats last year. Hopefully try to get the baneblades done, and then maybe some eschers to round the year out...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/11 15:42:36

Post by: Boss Salvage

Grats on finishing things up, good feel for sure. Also shoutout to Sir Roland on having a whole ass castle on his head, as any proper knight should.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/14 17:22:32

Post by: aku-chan

Poor Sir Rolands helmet must weigh a ton!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/18 03:22:19

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Boss Salvage, aku-chan! I figure he jist started working on his neck muscles to make it harder for his head to get chopped and then it just got out of hand...

Got the baneblades (really hellhammers, but close enough) done.

Also almost done a round of vanguard miniatures dreadnauts:

And got some malcadors assembled for the set after. Was trying to do the russ too, but ran out of gas.

In between, finally got my pokey tool painted up.
Pre varnish:

Sadly, varnishing went poorly again, maybe 30 minutes dry:

And after drying overnight:

Not sure how to salvage it, but suppose it works for now.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/20 02:52:56

Post by: Vejut

And actually got to paint night this week:
Started on some goonmaster and duncan shadow critters, 3d printed by onlygames.co:

And the malcadors primed and first pink layer done, plus a 3d printed reaper dragonborn paladin, started and up to base colors done at paint night:

Liking the turbodork purl metallic for her scales.
Probably squeeze them in before end of year.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/25 07:31:16

Post by: Vejut

A little Christmas update, got a good bit finished over the weekend.
Finally got the bases on the dreadnauts:

Tried out a new primer as my red brown is running out, and I can't find more-didn't quite work, but may be the highlight colors.

Also sculpted and finished the base for the dragonborn paladin:

And finished the malcadors from Tuesday just before going to work tonight, not even dried yet:

Also made some progress on the animal adventurers I ordered from only-games.co:

And started building my contemptors from LI. Not enough lascannons provided on sprue, so I used some leftovers from the vanguard ones.

Might get one more project done this year, got vacation coming up but also family stuff, we'll see how it goes.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/25 12:43:48

Post by: Nevelon

Nice progress. Enjoy your holidays and vacation!

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/27 02:52:51

Post by: Vejut

Thanks Nevelon! I plan to. Meantime, another paint night, some decent progress.

Assembled some russes for legions, and started my dreads:

Finally made some actual progress on the skirmish ladies, think they'll be a badlands enforcer gang for necromunda, if I ever get the skin right.

And got a bit further on the animal adventurers:

Getting tight to have them done this year, but maybe still there...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2023/12/29 03:34:09

Post by: Vejut

And of course, I get distracted by another project, some quick paints on a catboy warrior, sadly probably not going to be finished this year. Speedpaint pallid bone does a nice quick fur.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2024/01/01 02:04:43

Post by: Vejut

Looks like the malcadors are the last models done for the year--dropped some paint on things today, but ran out of steam for the concentration I'd need to finish one, and the other needs basing.

Some emperor's children dreads ready for basing, and maybe a dot of freehand/final shade:
(the light was a bit bad)
And the last thing that got paint this year, some leman russ, about five colors short of done.

Happy new year everybody. Probably be a few days for the usual poking and prodding what got done and what needs doing post.

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2024/01/04 15:51:52

Post by: Vejut

Well, didn't really set solid goals for the past year, but what I have:
Hopefully can run through the lizards army with speedpaints. I'd like to also do more with 6mm epic, maybe get my 3d printer back working, play in a possible Mordheim campaign at the FLGS, and get at least 1 more actual titan for titanicus done, have to think about what else. Happy belated new year everyone

Didn't do too bad. Lizardmen didn't get touched, and the 3d printer is still broke, but got two entire 6mm epic:armageddon forces finished, two more titans done, and played a good deal of mordheim. Likewise, about a year late, but did finally play wargods at fall-in, and kept the dakka painting challenge streak alive. I feel like I should actually try more on that-- a lot of my recent entries have been "just get something done" level, with kind of indifferent photography, so I'm still stuck as the lowest scoring 12-entry participant. Not sure given some of the entries others have put in that I have the skill to move up, but actually putting in effort likely won't hurt.
Things done this year:
263 models, plus 10 titanicus name plates and a couple spare guns.
Very heavy on epic, with 140 bases worth of stuff, followed by 26 mordheim models (with a lot of overlap with the 24 saga models),
12 each for battlefleet gothic, D&D, and legions imperialis. Kill team got a 10 beastman team done. Also got 7 battletech units done, and the same amount of assorted wargods stuff and animal adventurers. Finally, dropped about 6 assorted warhammer dudes, and 3 titans and 3 armigers for titanicus. Decent mix of big and small stuff I think, though pretty scattered in various cabinets at this point, not really able to do a year photo.
And the hobby bingo square:

Decent spread, not quite a bingo.

Other goals:
Try to get another titan done for titanicus so I can vary up my forces, ideally the warmaster
Try to inventory what models I've got in storage, and track new buys. Not sure I'm ready for paint more than I buy, but at least getting a handle on it would be good.
Play more WarGods at HMGS cons or elsewhere, and titanicus or legions
Probably more ideas, but not thinking of them right now.

And belated paint night report:
Finished the first models for the year by building some bases and sticking the contemptors down on them:

Likewise, russes are done:

And the whole solar aux formation so far, getting ready for its first game saturday:

Also made some progress on the random animal adventurers:

and getting close to done on the random gun ladies, which I think are gonna be a necromunda badzome enforcers gang:

Next up, probably speed painting some legions solar aux infantry...

Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer) @ 2024/01/06 15:12:15

Post by: Nevelon

Vejut wrote:
... kept the dakka painting challenge streak alive. I feel like I should actually try more on that-- a lot of my recent entries have been "just get something done" level, with kind of indifferent photography, so I'm still stuck as the lowest scoring 12-entry participant. Not sure given some of the entries others have put in that I have the skill to move up, but actually putting in effort likely won't hurt.

Don’t sell yourself short on the comp. I think after me you are the one with the longest entry streak. You always have fun entries and paint a wide range of stuff. I’ve noticed that you’ve become better at painting over the years. It might be slow progress, but keep at it! I do think one thing holding you back is the final entry pics. Take the time to get some formal shots on a clean background with good lighting. And from a purely meta/game the vote system there are a couple other things you can do to boost your scores. One is to cross post WIP shots from your blog. Quick note about how/why you are doing things, especially if you are trying something new. I’ve vote for someone experimenting with a new technique and getting a mediocre result over someone who has mastered it and executes it flawlessly every month. One of the reasons for the comp is to push people, and I reward that with votes. Also people are more likely to vote for entries they are vested in. You see something grow, part of the community, you are more attached to it. Lastly, tight adherence to the theme will get you more votes. Don’t have anything that is a close match on the workbench? Plan ahead for next month! When i ask for suggestions toss a couple ringers my way. I know I've included a couple pro-"fuzzy hero” topics in the polls with you specifically in mind. Not that you are the only one painting animal adventurers, but you do a lot of them.

Where did you get that bingo card?

You’ve done a lot of fun stuff over the last year, looking forward to seeing what this year brings from you.