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Vejut screams fuzzy things into the void--specialst games, random stuff(bear cav, 6mm Warhammer)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tuesday paint night again, kinda doing a separate track of paint night and not stuff. Got the test model for the emperors children done:

Probably need to do another, the fluoro didn't cover well, and I'd like a quicker method, but came out well enough in itself.

Also just needs basing for the two latest salamanders tanks:

Manticores are almost there, just need wash cleanup, and then the rockets:

And started some mechs, might be my challenge entry, trying deep purple express color, kinda liking it:

We'll see what finishes up.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

More finished tanks!

Salamanders based up:

And finally got the manticores done. Original set of steel legion all done:

Only thing left from the original set of purchases is the warhound, which is now started:

May get that done this weekend, which is looking like when legions will drop. Already got the core goal of "all the steel legion", be nice to have the whole group done before the new thing drops...
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Sounds like time for an army picture…

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, about that--did a paint night with another group of freinds, and brought the epic stuff along. Started purple on the next batch of children:

And also some green primed dreads I picked up at Fall In:

But mostly I got the titan all but done:

So at that point, I figured I'd base them up and do some army pics. Based up dreads:

And finished warhound:

And the the salamanders so far, and the steel legion, on parade:

Next up,maybe the warmaster, or I dunno?
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tuesday paint night, kind of a beastman sort of day, and kind of short on painting time from traffic and cleaning up some other models:

A little under half my ravagers kill team about ready for basing:

May drybrush the fur back up, but they're making at least the arms length rule.

And a little progress on whatever these guys are:

They're labeled "HP 89" underneath, picked them up in a bin of loose guys at Fall in, love to known what they are if anybody recognizes them. Cool little guys.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

You looking forward to the new LI dropping for your small scale stuff? pair of good sized armies there.

Is it HP or RP? I assume the 89 is the year for the old beastment, but don’t recognize HP. RP would be Ral Partha. Either way they don’t personally ring a bell.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

LI is a large part of why I've been pushing to get them done recently, yeah. I had a goal of having (my original pack of) stuff done and GW usable on launch day as a silly flex (and the salamanders were just because they're fun to paint.) There was also a side goal of having some Epic:Armageddon for the HMGS cons (Fall In and Historicon) for the tourneys there. Haven't checked the Salamanders, but the Steel Legion is just around 2K worth with some swaps, which is just about there.

As for the unknown guys, pretty sure it's HP, though I was misremembering and its actually 88:
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Small progress, almost done the assault marines:

Sadly, been kinda all over the place, so not much else done, and I'll have to redo the shoulder pads on them, just a bit too tired so it ended up blobby on the 3rd company (red) squads, didn't even try the white 2nd company. Brings me up to being able to do the E:A training scenario though!
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Assault formation done:

Couldn't get good lines on the white shoulders either, but done enough for now.

And started with the back half of the ravagers kill team, plus a test model for my solar aux scheme started...

Hope I can get em done by end of month, but if not, good start for December.
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Got the dracosan done:

On to the fellgors...
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Rather lot of progress, been off work for a bit of shoulder stress, so lotta time sitting to work on stuff.
First up, from a bit back, but actual pictures of the finished front half of the Fellgors:

And some progress on the back half:

Almost done the base coats!
Also some slightly better pictures on the dracosan:

While I was visiting a friend saturday, picked up a bones mini, and then quickly painted him up when I got home:

Also got one of the new plastic rhinos from a friend, tried painting it up as a test for the emperors children force:

...so that didn't work, too much magenta (though I'm actually coming around on it...) so I painted over it with some better colors (sadly, didn't wait long enoigh for stuff to dry, so very much not my best work:

Might strip and try again, but mostly just thinking do better next time.
And the current project spread--some other tries on emperors purple I'm not liking, bunch of salamander razorbacks, and some odds and ends:

Need to figure out what colors for the salamander stowage, but we'll see how it goes.
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Some progress over monday night:
Razorbacks almost done, though sadly one has gone awol, and their bases almost ready:

Setting up some ogryn bases for the rats:

And then paint night as usual.
Almost done the next batch of emperors children. Not as bad as feared, still needs tweaking:

Continuing work on random salamander:

And likewise very close to done on the fellgors:

Getting close to beating last year, still got like two game systems to get working forces done for...hoping it slows a bit after that.
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

And the last bits from november:

Baneblade all finished up:

And the razorback horde:

Bit of titanicus being played later today, might get pictures, same group as last time. Also hoping to get some work on the beastmen afterwards tonight, but my preorder of legions imperialis is hopefully coming in too, so we'll see which of those wins...
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

I never did get into the old epic scale side of things. Probably because nobody I was playing with ever did.( Battletech is about as close I got, and 1:300 scale ww2 planes)
But I always would have seen those epic titans and unusual tank variants in pages of WD and thought the whole thing was kinda cool. I listened to a Crown of Command podcast episode the other day with Mike Hobbes (RIP the man the legend) talking about his long appreciation of Epic (worth a listen) and it really sounds like there have been some very fun and dynamic games at this scale. Reading your blog and seeing all these awesome tiny scale armies is scratching this itch.

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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks, theCrow, glad it's hitting the spot. I pretty much got there about the same way, missing it the first time around and picking it back up again recently.

Speaking of, some pictures from the titanicus event. Mostly the same group, and was having fun and engaged (plus the time was a little tight), so only one picture of each game, and a few of the tables. Was planned to be a three game event, but a few people had to leave early, so we called it at two, especially as the traitors were very badly ahead.
Some maps:

I got the infamous beach table round 1 vs the tourney organizer with astorum, a ferrox and a mandatum. We had an objective grab mission. Misplayed deployment, and then luckily completely failed to destroy his princeps senioris with my entire forces fire, less a few self masked titans. Next turn my knights evaporated to his warhounds, and he dropped a concealment barrage on the princeps while half my titans exploded. Time ran out, he had 2, I had 1 objective...but my princeps didn't take damage, so I got 15 VP on secondaries...and his secondary was to have said princeps be damaged or exploded in my deployment zone, so he got zero, and I somehow won, 20-15, despite having lost 4 units to 0.

Second round, I got the fortress deployment, on the fort table vs a prasageus player with a corsair and two supporting warlords. Scenario was burn 3 deployment zone objectives. We mostly lined up, and went at it, though between him being very agressive with his senioris playing into my secondary, and a cheeky but very lucky combat drop got the win after a titanicus special chain explosion in the middle knocked out two of my titans from his princeps exploding. Also had a fun bit where we had four scatters running from both players scatter into his sheildless warlord, and IIRC exploding it.

Very fun, looking forward to doing it again soon.

And of course, GW's latest version of the small stuff dropped the same day (we of course took advantage of showing up early to make some pretty good dents in the store's shelf supply of it.) I started with some of my tanks, salamanders kratos to let me use my existing salamanders as an armored company, some emperors children as my planned scale matching force, and some baneblades for the solar auxiliaries.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Made some progress last night on the legions stuff:

And tuesday paint night, got the fellgors just needing basing:

And likewise almost done the mini of the month space marine, needs basing as well:

Still have to figure out my challenge model for the month, but have time...
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Loving the tiny pink tanks and large pink goats

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks Boss Salvage! Just kinda like pink and magenta!

Goats with to-be-painted bases, and salamanders Kratos:

And base on the sally sculpted:
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Moved a good bit of stuff to the done pile this weekend.
Salamander Kratos done:

Pink goats likewise based up and done:

And finished the bigger sally as well:

Needed a little break after that, so did up Reaper's Sir Roland the Grey. Just a very smooth, easy to paint mini, may be my challenge mini for the month

And also pushed on, and got the emperor's children batch done:

Brings me to 251, which beats last year. Hopefully try to get the baneblades done, and then maybe some eschers to round the year out...
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Grats on finishing things up, good feel for sure. Also shoutout to Sir Roland on having a whole ass castle on his head, as any proper knight should.

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Poor Sir Rolands helmet must weigh a ton!
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks Boss Salvage, aku-chan! I figure he jist started working on his neck muscles to make it harder for his head to get chopped and then it just got out of hand...

Got the baneblades (really hellhammers, but close enough) done.

Also almost done a round of vanguard miniatures dreadnauts:

And got some malcadors assembled for the set after. Was trying to do the russ too, but ran out of gas.

In between, finally got my pokey tool painted up.
Pre varnish:

Sadly, varnishing went poorly again, maybe 30 minutes dry:

And after drying overnight:

Not sure how to salvage it, but suppose it works for now.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

And actually got to paint night this week:
Started on some goonmaster and duncan shadow critters, 3d printed by onlygames.co:

And the malcadors primed and first pink layer done, plus a 3d printed reaper dragonborn paladin, started and up to base colors done at paint night:

Liking the turbodork purl metallic for her scales.
Probably squeeze them in before end of year.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

A little Christmas update, got a good bit finished over the weekend.
Finally got the bases on the dreadnauts:

Tried out a new primer as my red brown is running out, and I can't find more-didn't quite work, but may be the highlight colors.

Also sculpted and finished the base for the dragonborn paladin:

And finished the malcadors from Tuesday just before going to work tonight, not even dried yet:

Also made some progress on the animal adventurers I ordered from only-games.co:

And started building my contemptors from LI. Not enough lascannons provided on sprue, so I used some leftovers from the vanguard ones.

Might get one more project done this year, got vacation coming up but also family stuff, we'll see how it goes.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/12/25 07:31:32

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Nice progress. Enjoy your holidays and vacation!

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks Nevelon! I plan to. Meantime, another paint night, some decent progress.

Assembled some russes for legions, and started my dreads:

Finally made some actual progress on the skirmish ladies, think they'll be a badlands enforcer gang for necromunda, if I ever get the skin right.

And got a bit further on the animal adventurers:

Getting tight to have them done this year, but maybe still there...
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

And of course, I get distracted by another project, some quick paints on a catboy warrior, sadly probably not going to be finished this year. Speedpaint pallid bone does a nice quick fur.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Looks like the malcadors are the last models done for the year--dropped some paint on things today, but ran out of steam for the concentration I'd need to finish one, and the other needs basing.

Some emperor's children dreads ready for basing, and maybe a dot of freehand/final shade:
(the light was a bit bad)
And the last thing that got paint this year, some leman russ, about five colors short of done.

Happy new year everybody. Probably be a few days for the usual poking and prodding what got done and what needs doing post.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Well, didn't really set solid goals for the past year, but what I have:
Hopefully can run through the lizards army with speedpaints. I'd like to also do more with 6mm epic, maybe get my 3d printer back working, play in a possible Mordheim campaign at the FLGS, and get at least 1 more actual titan for titanicus done, have to think about what else. Happy belated new year everyone

Didn't do too bad. Lizardmen didn't get touched, and the 3d printer is still broke, but got two entire 6mm epic:armageddon forces finished, two more titans done, and played a good deal of mordheim. Likewise, about a year late, but did finally play wargods at fall-in, and kept the dakka painting challenge streak alive. I feel like I should actually try more on that-- a lot of my recent entries have been "just get something done" level, with kind of indifferent photography, so I'm still stuck as the lowest scoring 12-entry participant. Not sure given some of the entries others have put in that I have the skill to move up, but actually putting in effort likely won't hurt.
Things done this year:
263 models, plus 10 titanicus name plates and a couple spare guns.
Very heavy on epic, with 140 bases worth of stuff, followed by 26 mordheim models (with a lot of overlap with the 24 saga models),
12 each for battlefleet gothic, D&D, and legions imperialis. Kill team got a 10 beastman team done. Also got 7 battletech units done, and the same amount of assorted wargods stuff and animal adventurers. Finally, dropped about 6 assorted warhammer dudes, and 3 titans and 3 armigers for titanicus. Decent mix of big and small stuff I think, though pretty scattered in various cabinets at this point, not really able to do a year photo.
And the hobby bingo square:

Decent spread, not quite a bingo.

Other goals:
Try to get another titan done for titanicus so I can vary up my forces, ideally the warmaster
Try to inventory what models I've got in storage, and track new buys. Not sure I'm ready for paint more than I buy, but at least getting a handle on it would be good.
Play more WarGods at HMGS cons or elsewhere, and titanicus or legions
Probably more ideas, but not thinking of them right now.

And belated paint night report:
Finished the first models for the year by building some bases and sticking the contemptors down on them:

Likewise, russes are done:

And the whole solar aux formation so far, getting ready for its first game saturday:

Also made some progress on the random animal adventurers:

and getting close to done on the random gun ladies, which I think are gonna be a necromunda badzome enforcers gang:

Next up, probably speed painting some legions solar aux infantry...
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Vejut wrote:
... kept the dakka painting challenge streak alive. I feel like I should actually try more on that-- a lot of my recent entries have been "just get something done" level, with kind of indifferent photography, so I'm still stuck as the lowest scoring 12-entry participant. Not sure given some of the entries others have put in that I have the skill to move up, but actually putting in effort likely won't hurt.

Don’t sell yourself short on the comp. I think after me you are the one with the longest entry streak. You always have fun entries and paint a wide range of stuff. I’ve noticed that you’ve become better at painting over the years. It might be slow progress, but keep at it! I do think one thing holding you back is the final entry pics. Take the time to get some formal shots on a clean background with good lighting. And from a purely meta/game the vote system there are a couple other things you can do to boost your scores. One is to cross post WIP shots from your blog. Quick note about how/why you are doing things, especially if you are trying something new. I’ve vote for someone experimenting with a new technique and getting a mediocre result over someone who has mastered it and executes it flawlessly every month. One of the reasons for the comp is to push people, and I reward that with votes. Also people are more likely to vote for entries they are vested in. You see something grow, part of the community, you are more attached to it. Lastly, tight adherence to the theme will get you more votes. Don’t have anything that is a close match on the workbench? Plan ahead for next month! When i ask for suggestions toss a couple ringers my way. I know I've included a couple pro-"fuzzy hero” topics in the polls with you specifically in mind. Not that you are the only one painting animal adventurers, but you do a lot of them.

Where did you get that bingo card?

You’ve done a lot of fun stuff over the last year, looking forward to seeing what this year brings from you.

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