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Gwyn's Table: Trouser Bandits, the Big Bad, and Down to the Last Drop  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Turning in to quite the force Gwyn!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

wyomingfox wrote:Very nice squadron you have there. Will you be adding some dried scrub grass to the bases?

Thanks wyomingfox! Yeah I have like 3-4 different swamp grasses or swamp flowers to add to them. I’m not doing that until a mini is totally finished though - all of these guys are only painted to base tabletop, they all need more detail work before I’m 100% done with them.

makeitorky wrote:I love all the little details! Thank you for sharing.

Thanks makeitorky!

Olthannon wrote:Dead cool army Gwyn, they look great all laid out.

Love me an army shot eh!

Captain Brown wrote:Nice to see the army Gwyn.



Thanks Captain!

gobert wrote:Turning in to quite the force Gwyn!

The step after this is a real doozie - I have 23 miniatures to paint to get from 1250 pts to 1750… but then that also takes me to 2000 with the same minis just on different configurations so

Anyhow, the proper unit shot of the Praetors, sorry for missing them earlier!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

And on the table!

Round 3 was a 1250 battle against Slaves to Darkness (so much chaos...). I won this one 25-15, as the Knight Judicator just threw out so many wounds. My Chosen-hunter! Otherwise I was just able to play the objectives and retreat where I was overwhelmed to avoid losing models that didn't need to be lost.

After round 3, I was 7/24.

Round 4 was a 1250 battle against Maggotkin. Those guys are so tough and those mortal wounds from disease really hurt! We tied 17-17, tied again on grand strategy (he made the mistake of fighting in the big fight in his last turn before fighting my Gryphhounds, so my Gryphhounds were able to retreat and make sure they ended the game without disease points), but he got 1 more battle tactic than me so he won on the second tie-breaker.

Time to add more to the army!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

Escalation leagues provide a really nice excuse to start and expand armies
Your friend by chance likes Tzeentch?

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

Yes, strategic retreat can often be a good strategy. Something I still need to learn . . .
Golden Boys are looking good.

Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Looking cool on the battlefield! The scenery looks very nifty too.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Not Online!!! wrote:Escalation leagues provide a really nice excuse to start and expand armies
Your friend by chance likes Tzeentch?

I think only the Ogroids were Tzeentch, most of that army was Nurgle or Khorne iirc.

DJJazzyJeff wrote:Yes, strategic retreat can often be a good strategy. Something I still need to learn . . .
Golden Boys are looking good.

I mean, it does mean more things of the enemy alive next turn...

Olthannon wrote:Looking cool on the battlefield! The scenery looks very nifty too.

Thanks Olthannon! We got it printed and painted up special for this league.

Time to start building up to 1750k. First, a Knight-Relictor! This time with a fancy base!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

And a quick 1500 pt game trying out a combo against Slaves to Darkness. Lost, - the mission denied me my subfaction ability - but close still, and the combo was cool!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

oh it's the good looking chaos warriors, from an universe that isn't anymore.

That is indeed a fancy base btw, made it yourself?

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Not Online!!! wrote:oh it's the good looking chaos warriors, from an universe that isn't anymore.

That is indeed a fancy base btw, made it yourself?

Thanks Not Online! No, it's from a GW set of scenic bases.

One archer-hero with a massive bow isn't enough, especially cuz he only hits on 3+. So clearly he needs some archer friends who also coincidentally give him +1 to hit!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Looks like the league is bearing fruit, loadsa minis your painting! The bowman looks good with their posse. That base is damn fancy

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

More bow posse is called for in that case:

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

That does seem like a pretty decent number of bows! And well painted ones at that.

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Nice 10 bow strong posse. They’ll look good softening up the warriors of chaos for sure

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Thanks all! That deals with light infantry and heavy infantry, so now I just need something for monsters!

Ooooh, I know...

I did this entire model in approximately 2.5 hours from a zenithal prime.

Also, I actually took the glowing eyes to the full extent here - the others I only have put down the blue glow and not the white at the heart of the eyes that will really complete the glow. Eventually they'll all look like this!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/05/30 10:57:53

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Wow, looks great. Really liking the wings and the eyes. Subscribed
Made in us
Fireknife Shas'el

Reedsburg, WI

That is amazing

Wyomingfox's Space Wolves Paint Blog A journey across decades.
Splinter Fleet Stygian Paint Blogg Home of the Albino Bugs.
Miniatures for Dungeons and Dragons Painting made fun, fast and easy. 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Looks great. Snazzy osl. You're going great guns, buddy.

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

United States

What I like about this piece is how balanced the colors are- nothing clashes and the composite whole has the right amount of 'pop'.

The wings and eyes are impressive painting and I love the squirrel addition for a bit of humor and life.

Very nicely done.

"He fears his fate too much, or his desserts are small, who will not put it to a single touch; to win- or lose- it all."

Montrose Toast

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Wow Gwyn, impressive number of Stormcast you've painted up over the last couple of months. That latest one makes for an impressive centrepiece for the force. Loving all the battle shots too
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Nice Gwyn.



Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Very impressive Gwyn, love the wings!

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Thanks everyone!

Sooooo... I painted up another 10 Vindictors. Buuuuuut I then immediately got them all mixed in with the first 10 in a game and I have no idea which are which anymore.


Army shot?

This is just over 2000 pts of Stormcast, and both my 1750 and 2000 pt lists in the escalation league are made out of these models. The only Stormcast I have left not here are 2 dragon boys, and a unit of Vanquishers, but I have some other plans for those Vanquishers...

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

I love such army shots. i know that feeling, of intermingling. If it is any consolation, they look all awesome.

I had to learn the hard way, that unit markings are a necessity

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

A nice little army!
Made in us
Hollerin' Herda with Squighound Pack

Your army looks great! I really love the shading and tone of blue that you used.
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Love the army shot. It's lucky for us that the models got mixed together.

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Cracking looking force! I keep mixing models amongst different units too, maybe I need to come up with unit markings as well?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Good army Gwyn.



Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Thanks all!

I took some breaks while painting all of the above to build a couple Space Marine characters... who immediately got screwed by 10th edition lol.

Before 10th was announced, I decided I would build a Terminator Captain for use as a Death Company Captain. Well, not only is that not a thing anymore, but with the new-scaled Terminators I'm gonna have to take him apart, cut him up, and rebuild him!

Bursting through a wall into battle!

Wielding a dangerous chain-glaive (no idea what that is in-game now... guess I can more or less run it as whatever I want?)

I originally had another piece of the wall attached to his shield something like this, which made it clear that he was smashing through the wall, but it fell off and there's no point fixing it until I fix the Terminator's scale.

Tune in soon for the second character I built, in which I correctly predicted some aspects of 10th, but... not others...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/11 13:19:08

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
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