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Made in us
Sentient OverBear

Clearwater, FL

Company of Heroes is Relic's latest RTS, set in 1944 Normandy (so far).  It seems to be based on a nicely-upgraded Dawn of War engine, with troops being squad-based and using  on-the-fly reinforcements and upgrades.  The resource system is similar, but three types of resources are gathered from control points:  Manpower, Munitions, and Fuel.  Troops can create makeshift field structures like control point outposts, mines, or sandbags.  Squads can also perform special actions, like hucking a grenade or satchel charge, or laying down supressing fire. 

There is a base-building aspect to it as well, which seems fairly typical.  I haven't done this much yet, so there may be more than the basics that I've seen.  One nice feature is that you can capture a building, and then use engineers to convert it to a forward bunker.

Vehicles are very good looking and seem pretty spot-on, historically (everything does, really).  There are back armor shots and critical hits (you can destroy the engine, send it out of control, and other things).  Wrecked vehicles provide cover, which is very important in this game.  Actually, all the terrain is completely deformable, so you can make and destroy cover as you go.

I'm only on the second mission, but it's been terrific so far.  It also seems RIPE for expansion, for obvious reasons.  Check it out!


Trust me, no matter what damage they have the potential to do, single-shot weapons always flatter to deceive in 40k.                                                                                                       Rule #1

Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

Sounds good, I'll have to check that out. I'm really enjoying "The Outfit", which is a WWII 3rd person RTS that Relic did for the 360.

Those guys should be making Blizzard a bit nervous, Relic is fast becoming the leader in the RTS genre.

(Not that Blizzard probably cares, as they rake in $$ from WoW)

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

When I read "Company of Heros" I was thinking Suburban yuppies leaping tall cubicles in a single bound in an effort to preserve truth, justice, and social security.
Made in us
Sentient OverBear

Clearwater, FL

I've been a fan of Relic since Homeworld, and (with the exception of Amazing Creatures, which I never played), I've enjoyed all of their games. They seem like gamers' gamers, and know how to balance things and make things fun. They're not afraid to patch games to adjust game balance, and they come up with new ideas that keep things interesting. I'd LOVE to see Homeworld 3, but I think Sierra's put that franchise on hold for now.


Trust me, no matter what damage they have the potential to do, single-shot weapons always flatter to deceive in 40k.                                                                                                       Rule #1

Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

I've been a fan of Relic since Homeworld

Indeed! Homeworld is an all-time fav of mine as well. Great game very well executed.

Made in eu
Infiltrating Broodlord


Company of Heroes is a killer game!

The best thing is that if Relic made a DOW2, it will have a similar engine and that would be the best thing.

At the moment, for me it seems that weapon teams are a bit underpowered. They are simply too slow and cumbersome.

Well, we'll see how this will turn out.

Schepp himself

Fantasy: Skaven, Vampires  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Plano, Texas

I have heard rumors that DoW2 will use the CoH engine, and will have Tyranids as one of the races. Makes sense to me, as they have said they don't think the current DoW engine can do the Tyranids justice.
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