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Is vid-gaming main stream? Hell yeah it is!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

A lot of folks don't realize this, but the video game industry is now the largest entertainment industry on the planet.  Bigger than TV, bigger than Hollywood, bigger than music. The average annual sales in video game related stuff is larger than any of these other industries.

Want some numbers?  How about these!  Remember, these are the numbers for ONE game franchise on ONE system:

A few neato Halo numbers:
To date, the Halo series has sold 14.7 million units worldwide and raked in nearly $700 million dollars. Gamers have played more than four billion Halo 2 matches on Xbox Live. Halo 3 is expected to be released sometime in 2007. Since the multiplayer beta is in spring, you can bet good money that the game will see a fall or winter release.
Just to give you an idea of how much $700 million in gross sales is, here are the records for top movie box office numbers:
<table cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center">  1</td> <td align="left">Titanic</td> <td align="right">$600,788,188</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">2</td> <td align="center">1977</td> <td align="left">Star Wars</td> <td align="right">$460,998,007</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">3</td> <td align="center">2004</td> <td align="left">Shrek 2</td> <td align="right">$436,721,703</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">4</td> <td align="center">1982</td> <td align="left">ET: The Extra-Terrestrial</td> <td align="right">$435,110,554</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">5</td> <td align="center">1999</td> <td align="left"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- D(["mb","Star Wars: Phantom Menace</a></b></td>\n<td align\u003d\"right\">$431,088,297</td></tr>\n<tr>\n<td align\u003d\"right\">6</td>\n<td align\u003d\"middle\">2006</td>\n<td align\u003d\"left\"><b><a href\u003d\"http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/2006/PIRT2.php\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\">Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man\'s Chest</a></b></td>\n<td align\u003d\"right\">$422,065,649</td></tr>\n<tr>\n<td align\u003d\"right\">7</td>\n<td align\u003d\"middle\">2002</td>\n<td align\u003d\"left\"><b><a href\u003d\"http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/2002/SPIDR.php\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\">Spider-Man</a></b></td>\n<td align\u003d\"right\">$403,706,375</td></tr>\n<tr>\n<td align\u003d\"right\">8</td>\n<td align\u003d\"middle\">2005</td>\n<td align\u003d\"left\"><b><a href\u003d\"http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/2005/STAR3.php\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\">Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith</a></b></td>\n<td align\u003d\"right\">$380,270,577</td></tr>\n<tr>\n<td align\u003d\"right\">9</td>\n<td align\u003d\"middle\">2003</td>\n<td align\u003d\"left\"><b><a href\u003d\"http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/2003/LRDR3.php\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\">Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King</a></b></td>\n<td align\u003d\"right\">$377,027,325</td></tr>\n<tr>\n<td align\u003d\"right\">10</td>\n<td align\u003d\"middle\">2004</td>\n<td align\u003d\"left\"><b><a href\u003d\"http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/2004/SPID2.php\" target\u003d\"_blank\" onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\">Spider-Man 2</a></b></td>\n<td align\u003d\"right\">$373,524,485</td></tr></tbody></table><br><br> 
",1] ); //--></script> Star Wars: Phantom Menace</td> <td align="right">$431,088,297</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">6</td> <td align="center">2006</td> <td align="left">Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest</td> <td align="right">$422,065,649</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">7</td> <td align="center">2002</td> <td align="left">Spider-Man</td> <td align="right">$403,706,375</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">8</td> <td align="center">2005</td> <td align="left">Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith</td> <td align="right">$380,270,577</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">9</td> <td align="center">2003</td> <td align="left">Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King</td> <td align="right">$377,027,325</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">10</td> <td align="center">2004</td> <td align="left">Spider-Man 2</td> <td align="right">$373,524,485</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

Made in us
Sentient OverBear

Clearwater, FL

I went to see "Running with Scissors" last night, and during the pre-preview section, they played the Gears of War video with the "Mad World" (from Donnie Darko, not the Tears for Fears version) song playing.  It was beautiful on the big screen, and there was lots of oohing and ahing from a mostly older crowd.

Yes, Mainstream.

The Nintendo generation now has spending power, and our time is nigh.


Trust me, no matter what damage they have the potential to do, single-shot weapons always flatter to deceive in 40k.                                                                                                       Rule #1

Made in us
Madrak Ironhide


/cough cough

What it lacks in size it makes up for in numbers.

Wait, what?

Get your own Dakka Code!

"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

I lawled

Amidst the mists and coldest frosts he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

Nope, a good guess.  But the article you cited is about the 'claim' that the porn industry does 10-14 billion a year.  At the end, the actual numbers are forcast at under $4 billion.  Still a lot so...

How much does the Vid-game industry do a year?

According to leading marketing information provider, The NPD Group, annual 2005 U.S. retail sales of video games, which includes console and portable hardware, software and accessories, saw sales of over $10.5 billion - a six percent increase over the $9.9 billion generated in 2004 and another industry record, exceeding the previous record-breaking $10.3 billion generated in 2002.

Full article:  http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2006_Jan_17/ai_n16004334

So it looks like the vid game industry is about 2-3 times larger than porn.

Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

Yup, that's why I posted the article. It was the closest thing I could find to a real estimate.

(Using Google, that is)

Get your own Dakka Code!

"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
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