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Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Dunno what a fireblade is, but the cloaked gunner is a sweet model.
Made in be
Nimble Pistolier



A Fireblade is a veteran firewarior who has earned the right to pilot a crisis suit, but has chosen to lead firewarrios at the heart of the gunline instead. It's a kind of infantry commander. I hope I got the lore correct.

So, a new page deserves a little groupshot I think. Here is what I have finished painting for the tau project. Not much. Three firewarriors, a piranha, the official sculpt for the fireblade and some gundrones.

I have a lot more tau to paint before justifying buying more.

I also found a neat little bookstore which sells an assortment of hobby magazines. So I got an older issue of conquest including a sprue of 5 SM scouts and an issue of miniature wargames that had some abysmal dwarfs included. Kinda like the old fantasy chaos dwarfs.

So I've gotten my hands on 2 more neat little sideprojects.

Stay tuned for more, thanks for visiting!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/09/16 00:43:45

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in be
Nimble Pistolier


Good evening gentlemen.

Managed to take a quick snap of the latest 'completed' miniature. Basically it's a test model for the mechanicum stuff I have laying around. Not a lot, but nothing of it is painted yet. Great way to reduce the plastic mountain of shame.

I am happy with how it turned out, works great for the standard infantry but how I go about doing the vehicles and armoured models is still a question. Not sure how the alternating colors will hold up on say, a dunewalker.

I also wanted a slightly rusted feel to it, really complements the colors of the robes.

Base still needs work, hoping I can get a sulpherous look going. Time for practice me thinks!

Other than this I have a fantasy assassin in the works and some firewarriors, but this is what I could get done in between work and changing diapers.

Thanks again for dropping by and see you soon!

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I like the colours on the tech priest. Should work well enough on the vehicles in a quartered scheme on most of them. Maybe halved on the two legged ones with the skitarii robes halved the opposite way? Look forward to seeing more of these
Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


Hey mate,

Really enjoy the quartered look on your tech priest. Makes him feel a bit like a medieval knight in his livery - a cool contrast with the grubbed up armour underneath. Turquoise as a tertiary colour was a great choice I think. I think vehicles should work alright; they will be a bit trickier but Howling Griffons space marines have a similar scheme and there are plenty of dreadnoughts/rhinos about for a bit of inspiration.

I also love the heavy use of turquoise on the Tau - it makes such a good colour combo with the orange and is a fresh and interesting take on the classic orange/brown tau fire warrior.

The historical asian stuff is very impressive too. Love the mounted samurai and fat monk in particular.

Good luck clearing some more of the mountain!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/10/06 10:09:41

t z you are k 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Keep up the fight against the unpainted Flapjack.



Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Tech-priest is awesome! The color scheme really works to give him that feudal-tech feel. Props for the group photo, too.
Made in be
Nimble Pistolier


I'm glad you like the tech priest, guys!

I've taken some looks at Howling Griffons vehicles and I'm more confident that it will work on the Mechanicus stuff as well.

There really isn't that much time left between life and work, but somehow I have a little bit to show you!

First up is a fantasy assassin. Wanted a dark feel to it so I used lots of dark grey and dark blue for this one. Pretty happy with it myself.

Then there's this little mess. I picked up some cheap scouts a while back and it was time to get started on em. I wanted a weathered bone white main color. I started woth some Mig paints I had never used before. Used dunkelgelb (first mistake) but it came out way too glossy. I figured, maybe use a yellow wash (second mistake) will make it a bit better.

At first I thought, yay accidental Imperial Fist. But then again, I have so much yellow going on already that these guys should go back to the drawing board.

Maybe next time I should start with a color that is acually close to what I want to achieve

Thanks for all the kind words and motivation! See you next time.

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in be
Nimble Pistolier


Ah, another update. Lovely

I found some time to scale Ol' Plastic Mountain again. A few different Different bits this time. I'll start with the Tau updates, as that army gets most of my time lately.

The Fireblade is ready and I'm happy with it. Pictures will be a bit more wonky than usual as I've got a new camera. Still need to figure out the settings on that. The face will need a touch more love and the edging is rough if you look closely, but from a distance it looks alright.

Next squad I'll tackle is a unit of stealth suits, of which I've painted the first member. Edging looks a bit better here in my opinion. I think I tend to over edge Tau guns, which makes it look too messy. I'll need to tone that down from now on.

I also have this little conversion to show. I wanted to have breachers who look as if they've seen a fair few fights, so I've fooled around with some Skitarii bits. I've used a torso from the infiltrators kit on this one. looks OK to me, will move on to other bionics like arms and legs soon. Any tips are welcome here. I don't have much experience with these sort of things. (Really crappy picture, sorry about that)

Moving on, there's another fantasy sneaky boy.

Finally, A death Guard champion. It was nice to paint something dirty, and I'm also fairly happy with this one.

And that's all there is today. I'm happy to have knocked a few boys off the Pile of Shame.

See you later!

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

A nice varied update, the plague marine is my favourite, nice and grimey

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/12/06 13:24:09

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in be
Nimble Pistolier


Greetings, and a happy new year!

A bit late.

Thanks Gobert. The plague marine was a nice change to painting up tau.

It is february and my completed model count is up to 7! Humble, yes, but it's something. Still, two more squads finished for the Greater Good.

I'm more or less posting to prove I'm still alive. My apologies if the quality of the pictures hurts your eyes, my camera lens took a few knocks, so these pics will look very wacky. I'm still looking into a fix for that.

Stealth suits ready to sneak up on unsuspecting foes.

A marksman preparing to take his sniper drones on a camping trip.

Looks ok from a distance so I'm happy.

And that's all folks, thanks for dropping by!

See you later!

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada


Nice to see your painted army growing there.



Made in gb
Thrall Wizard of Tzeentch

Bromsgrove, UK

Liking the variety of projects you're working on! Those Tau are looking really effective as a group together, with that slight twist on the usual tan-coloured Tau colour scheme.

Email scoundrelstudios@gmail.com to arrange a painting commission. Everything from historical to sci-fi. Get a free quote today!

Please visit https://www.instagram.com/scoundrelstudios13/ for more of my commission work.

Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


That teal colour looks excellent! Really like the contrast on the Tau. Looks like a lovely day at the beach, just with lots of plasma rifles and drones!

Great work on your tech-priest as well, that quartered scheme looks ace. Reminds me I have that same tech-priest sat gathering dust in the corner!

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in be
Nimble Pistolier


Thanks for all the kind words guys!

I have not been idle. Pushed through the Sohei kit and finally have them all painted and based. I only need to do the multibases for now. I am pleased with how they turned out. They've been on the painting que for far too long.

Now that I have them finished, I shouldn't feel guilty about buying the newer Sohei kit by Grey For Now Games.

Up next is another building for test of hnonour and a trio of Oni. More on that later as the WIP is still very early.

Thanks for dropping by!


'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in be
Nimble Pistolier


Hi there.

Here is another house I painted for test of honour. Pretty pleased with it except for the stepping stones and the floors.

The floor was first painted vallejo bone white after which I added a layer of vallejo wood grain, wich is a kind of wash (I think?) It came out a little bit to shiny.

I might give the floor a do over later on. For now, I'm moving to another piece. Not quite sure what, perhaps some Oni!

See you next time!

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Nice work Flapjack.

Your are correct in that the highlighting of the steps make them looked curved. I would just use a single grey and then drybrush the edges with a lighter grey.

My two cents,


Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

I think the stairs would make more sense with the highlighting if they were the other way, with the dark area towards the front. Because rn it looks like the dark areas are worn depressions in the steps. That would be great, except depressions on steps happen towards the edge of the step, not the rear of it. So if you want to do something fancy, reversing the steps and then doing a drybrush edge just to bring some definition to the "new" edge would look great!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in be
Nimble Pistolier



Thanks for the input guys! I like both ideas and I wil have a shot at both and see what works best. I have already put a matt varnish over the wooden floor and that seemed to tone it down a bit.

Some good news next, I managed to get a game of Test of Honour in! I was happy to get the dice out again, but in my excitment I did forget to take enough pictures.

Time to tell you a little tale!

Imagine a long winding road. Upon that road there is a tea house so renowned, that warriors dare upon this long and boring road just to sip on those glorious herbs. It is within sight of said teahouse that the eyes of two noble warriors met. On one side, an honourable samurai saw a pious warrior monk approaching the entrance.

Surely, the samurai would have the right to enter first? After a heated argument resulted in the throwing of insults, the urge to uphold ones honour removed all notion of common sense.

A overall look of the battlefield, outlying buildings surounding the teahouse at the center righthand side of the road.

The Sohei warrior monk did reach the teahouse first. He ran inside, breaking several priceless cups doing so. He dared the Samurai to follow him inside for a round of fisticuffs. The samurai obliged and ran for the entrance. His loyal ashigaru followed, wondering why they were in a fight over tea, of all things.

Down the road, archers from both retinues exchanged unsuccesfull volleys.

The Samurai was surprised to see the Warrior Monk emerge from the back of the tea house, forcing him to give chase and charge.

This resulted in first blood for the Clan forces. Just a few drops of blood though. The Monk sped back in the teahouse, his sprint causing more furniture to tumble.

The samurai, emboldened by his succesfull jab gave chase again, but was blocked by more naginata wielding Sohei. He urged his ashigaru forward to battle. His banner bearer close by, he joined the fight.

While the Clan forces were dodging naginata strikes, the Sohei Monk charged through the front door again, into the archers. In a few fell swoops he slayed two, forcing the survivor into a retreat.

Allerted by the death shrieks, the samurai turned after passing a Test of Wits. He left his ashigaru to fend of the monks and charged the vagabond who robbed him the honour of being first served tea.

As soon as he turned his back, one of his spearmen dropped, clutching an ugly bellywound.

The samurai barged into his foe, scoring more wounds. A final jab knocked the monk to the ground. His honour had been restored.

The victorious Samurai finally entered the teahouse, crunching fragments of broken pottery. He sat down at a broken table and urged a terrified owner over to order tea.

Outside, his ashigaru counted three dead, while the monks gathered up their wounded leader, homeward.

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

That's a great story behind the skirmish, especially with the difference between the Samurai's retainers taking the casualties, and the Monk taking the wounds himself. Great to see a nice painted game!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

That's gotta be some serious tea...

Cool looking set-up and battle report. Tau are looking good, too.
Made in be
Nimble Pistolier



Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to the next game. Who knows what epic tales will be told in the future...

In the meantime, I finished the Oni.

Here is one of them compared to a WIP ashigaru officer from the Perry range. I was concerned at first, that the Oni wouldn't be big enough. They seem to be just large enough, luckily enough.

Painting these was fun. I have a set of Tengu on the way as well, among other things. Fingers crossed they arrive soon!

Thanks for dropping by, cheers.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/06/07 20:23:12

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Those oni look great, very colourful!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in be
Nimble Pistolier


Thanks Gwyn! They were a joy to paint.

I did some work for one of the clan forces. If I ever feel inspired, I'll come up with proper names.

So, here is an ashigaru sergeant and a musician. They lend some good buffs to the ashigaru on the field. For the sashimono I chose the same icon as I did on the larger banner. Ties them up nicely.

I've also taken a step into greenstuff. I wanted to build a Ronin ally to use as a second in command. I decided he needed a straw coat and a tengu face mask. For the mask I used a slightly bigger head and tried to sculpt exagerated facial features on. If I look at tengu masks, a large nose seems most common.

I'm undecided as how to continue on him.

- I could leave him as is to avoid clutter
- i could add a straw hat hanging on his back, but that would just end up looking like a huge pile of straw if I place a straw hat over a straw coat.
- i could add a severed head in his free hand.

Decisions, decisions...

See you next time!

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in be
Nimble Pistolier


Hello there!

I recently finished another building, the biggest as of yet. Painting rooftiles is still a pain in the behind but in the end, I'm happy with how it looks.

I still have two torii gates and a pagoda to assemble and paint. Once that is all done I reckon I'll have a good enough amount of terrain for now. There's also a bunch of miniatures in the works but that's all early WIP, so I'll post em once they are worth looking at

Pics or it didn't happen...

Was thinking of slapping some dirt on the outer floor tiles. That's for later though, already spent way too long on this to my liking.

Thanks for dropping by, see ya later!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/07/26 19:01:41

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in be
Nimble Pistolier



I finished a bunch of little dudes. Let's go straight to the pictures.

First up is an unarmoured samurai. I might go back to him later to add some decoration to his robes. I couldn't get the face right on this one. But I should ask myself, will I ever get the hang of it?

Then there is a samurai and musketmen for the unnamed green clan. I had some problems with this one. I think there was a minor miscast. There was a lot of excess metal between his arms and head. Tried cleaning it up but only managed to clean it up slightly. I was afraid I'd damage the rest too much.

There is also another samurai and sergeant for the yellow clan. Also some musketmen

And that's all for now. As you can see I have some new orange tufts by greestuff world. It looks really nice in my opinion. They are a lot easier to attach then what I have been using so far. I'm considering getting some autumn leaves from greenstuff world as well. Might need some tweezers for that though.

I really like the perry miniatures but I have to say, I'm working in the ashigaru scouts by Grey For Now, and they are better casts to be honest. I will continue to use a mix of miniature suppliers, the Grey For Now ones are a tad bigger but the details are much more profound.

Also working on a bunch of multibases, but that's for another update.

Thanks for visiting!

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in hk
Krazed Killa Kan


I think the face on your first samurai looks good. What don't you like about it?

Made in be
Nimble Pistolier


Hi there.

Well Syro, you can't really see it in the picture but the paint went on a little flakey. That's a stupid mistake by me, working with paint that already started to dry. I could have prevented it, lesson learned.

I finished some more stuff, yay!

First up is a Torri Gate. First of two, the second is not assembled yet. I don't want two exact same ones and I'm still figuring out what to do with the other one. Simple paintjob on this one, but it got the job done.

Then there is this devil of a samurai. Now I need some red ashigaru forces to go with him.

Last but not least is this Ronin I plan to use as a companion in my games. Who knows, he'll lead his own warband in the future. Posted this one unpainted earlier. It's a plastic warlord figure with a metal head from black cat bases. I tried to sculpt over a tengu face mask, which really came out well after painting. The straw coat is also greenstuff work. I did some research and it's not entirely correct. Nevertheles this was great practice and I learned how to do straw coats correctly in the future.

That's all, thanks for visiting

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
Made in us
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva

Good grime on the Death Guard guy. I love your Tau. I've got two boxes of them I have to knock out. Your Japanese figs and buildings are great.

Made in be
Nimble Pistolier


Thanks Pointer! I appreciate the kind words.

It's gonna be mostly japanese stuff for a while. But I do have three primaris marines somewhere that I want to paint as black templars soon. Also, the new killteam got me excited to kitbash a tau squad. Got some nice ideas already. I'll get started on those when I feel the need for variation.

After gathering dust for about two years I managed to slap some paint on the ashigaru scouts. These are sculpts by Grey For Now. I really like the Perry stuff but these scouts are much more cleanly cast. A real joy to paint up.

So here's the scouts.

And also the runner and the sergeant. The runner has a huge mold line on the top of his head I just noticed. Thinking of painting it up as a scar, that might explain his bald head

These guys have some interesting rules so I'm looking forward to test them out.

I am also working on a pagoda by ttcombat's eastern range. Nice kit but it ended up bigger then I expected. It barely fits on my shelves. I still have to do the stairs and doors and then it will be ready for painting.

I kind of regret building it now. I got this far before we bought a house. Now I'll have to move the damn thing. There's going to be more hobby space for me though!

I'm considering getting the little lightbox off greenstufworld. It's cheap, small and will result in better pictures.

That's all for today's update, thanks for visiting.

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page 
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