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Syro's projects: D&D minis, Historic Wargames, and 40k  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Salamanders space marine is done. Not the best paint job, but I think the freehand symbol isn't bad.

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Still not much hobby time, but I have been putting a little more paint on my Ultramarines.

I also sculpted a Blood Angels symbol on a shoulder pad yesterday.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Slick sculpting once again

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Thanks Graven I actually feel like I should have been able to do a better job, but the putty really wasn't behaving. I remember reading about a GW sculptor in White Dwarf talking about how hard green stuff was to work with on a really hot day.

I'm happy to say that I finished painting seven marines today.
The two Ultramarines from the flamer squad:

And the Sternguard Veterans are finally done, after having to repaint some mistakes.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Repaint... or repent? looking cool, like the combi plasma dude especially

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Thanks Graven The combi-plasma and the heavy bolter are my two favorite sternguard.

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


I finished the Blood Angel. Only the Space Wolf is left of the flamer squad. (Sorry the pictures are blurry)

I just bought Space Marine: the board game, today.

I also bought a first born space marine librarian when I heard they were being discontinued. Been playing with molding.

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


I have been making some custom paints and testing them out on the start of my Tyranids.

I have also been making weapon arms for my favorite type of dreadnought to give it the same weapon loadout as a Ballistus Dreadnought.

I have also started base coating my Space Wolf

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


IRL isn't leaving me much hobby time lately, but I got a little sculpting in yesterday.

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


I have finished painting the Space Wolves marine, that's the last of my flamer marines. I should set up a group shot next time.

I have also gotten some more sculpting done on this one from yesterday.

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Here's all the flamer marines together for the group shot I said I would make (I didn't realize the back line was so blurry. The Imperial Fist looks cell shaded)

I've also finished painting my Tyranid ripper swarms

Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending


The photo of all the flamer marines, each from a different chapter, reminds me of my earliest days playing 40K, back before every model had to have the same paint scheme. Very nice!

Now showing Striders for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/25/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Thanks Josh!

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


IRL got pretty terrible, so I have been away for a little while. But, it's hard to stay away from this hobby.

I have built 6 more Plague Marines from the kit, bringing the total to 14.

I also finally have magnets, so I have attached two new weapon arms to my favorite kind of dreadnought to represent the Ballistus dreadnought from the Leviathan box set. Once this guy is painted I will have completed the entire space marine side of my homemade Leviathan box set.

I have also decided to try to scratch build an Earthshaker cannon for this months painting challenge "Suns out, Guns out".

Thanks for stopping by

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Sorry RL is kicking you bud. Loving papa's boys and can't wait to see your big dakka!

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in fr
Potent Possessed Daemonvessel


Clean use of bits on this cannon Syro_, and cool plague marines ! Stay strong mate !

My P&M Blog : Warp Wanderers, Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror

Voting for my stuff pleases the Chaos Gods and brings you luck in battle !

Made in us
Hollerin' Herda with Squighound Pack

I love your blue little robot! It's so cute. I hope life gets better for you soon.
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Thank you, you three. I appreciate the words of support.

I have been working on sculpting a Death Korp of Krieg guardsman. I started with a copy of the torso and legs of a chaos cultist.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

That's a really cool build. Simple and effective GS work. Have you considered guitar wire for piping?

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in us
Death-Dealing Ultramarine Devastator

I also started a big squiggoth 14 years ago and have not finished it.......so you still have time!
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


@inmygravenimage: Thanks Graven! I'm happy with how it's turning out. Hopefully I can get better pictures of it. I have heard about guitar wire many times and keep meaning to try it, but never have. I never remember to get any, and I'm not patient enough to pause a project when it would be useful to use. Do you have any suggestions on which size/key of guitar would be best?

@Tommygun1918: Luckily I did finish my one big squiggoth after 10 years. Just not the other four

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Jokes about g strings aside, I steal bass strings off friends

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


The Krieg guardsman is looking really promising!

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


 inmygravenimage wrote:
Jokes about g strings aside, I steal bass strings off friends

Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for that size.

@Slinky: Thanks!

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

The variety of stuff you keep churning out always impresses me! Keep up the good work.

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Thanks Commander Cain I'm equally impressed how you stay so focused and productive without jumping around topics the way I do.

I've been to busy to get much progress, but I did a little more work on the barrel and started building a wheel that I plan t make a mold of. The wheel started as a cast copy of a terminator base, 35mm.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


That's some super scratch-building!

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Thanks Slinky, I'm sorry to say that I haven't worked on it since that last post.

Work and the baby have been leaving me with barely any hobby time, but having recently bought the original Apocalypse book (I already have the one for 6th/7th edition), I've gotten excited and started trying to build a warhound titan using a paper craft file I found.

It's taken around four days of work to get this far on the feet:

After I cut everything out, before folding and gluing:

This is taking longer than I expected, and it made me think about how so far it has been pretty straight forward geometric shapes, all the complexity has been folding to give width. So I cut a copy of the pieces I have made so far out of XPS foam in about an hour.

About a month ago, my nephew wanted to run a Percy Jackson inspired D&D game. The big bad is a giant named Caucus who appears in the book in boxer shorts a robe and slippers. He can also breath fire. I made this guy for him in a single 3-hour sculpting session. I will have to try to grab a picture of it painted, I think my nephew did a good job painting him.

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


The paper craft warhound feet so far:

Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Nice feet. They look the part. My only concern would be how much weight they can support. A war hound is a proper engineering project.

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