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Panzer IV F1 or F2  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Focused Dark Angels Land Raider Pilot

Tampa, FL

I'm a new player to Flames of War and am starting Hungarian army. I have my first 600 points together and was looking to expand it to 1000 in the quickest way possible and I was thinking about doing that by adding a unit of Panzer IVs. My only reserve on this was that upgrading it to the F2 costs 55 points apiece! The added 12" range and the extra AT seem desirable against the T-34's I'll be facing but I haven't actually played with it at all. In your experience is it worth upgrading to the F2?
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

.................................... Searching for Iscandar

The answer is yes.

Made in us
The Main Man

Beast Coast

The answer is: it depends. If you're low on points, obviously it's easier to fit in the F1's. F2's obviously have the advantage on range and AT, but it depends on what you're planning on using them for. If you're just looking for something to help dig out infantry and guns, the F1 does just as well, especially if you're planning on staying mobile most of the time. If you're going to be hanging back, taking long range shots, then the F2 is what you want. Both are useful, and the points are balanced out well.

Also, double check your Ostfront book, because I'm not sure if Hungarians can do this too, but the Germans at least can fire bombardments with their F1's, so this could be something to consider (if the Hungarians can do this too, which I'm not sure about off the top of my head...I'm thinking they can't, but it'd be worth checking.)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/03/05 06:05:33

Made in us
Focused Dark Angels Land Raider Pilot

Tampa, FL

Thanks for the feedback.

Looking into it, the Hungarians cannot fire bombardments with their F1s and I was thinking that allied StuGs might make a better investment for my army. The better armor and being able to pop off a quick shot and stormtrooper away seems like a pretty sweet deal to me.
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