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Longtime Dakkanaut

Knees are recovered mostly and managed 640 on trap bar. Still 60 off the PR, but it's coming back finally.

The only way we can ever solve anything is to look in the mirror and find no enemy 
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Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Of course, as well as healthy exercise, we need to consider healthy diet. Naturally that does not mean Only Rabbit Food.

Balanced is balanced. You can eat crap all the time doesn’t mean you can’t eat crap any time.

Now. With that in mind. I’m guessing there’s folk in this thread knowledgeable enough to tell me if this website’s description of its product


Is good stuff, or simply Word Salad. Like structured water.

Probably similar to Huel hot and savoury, which out of interest I ordered and whilst I wasn't expecting a lot, it was disappointing still... Basically a posh pot noodle of sorts. I expect this would be the same.

It's a lot cheaper to actually just make a chicken salad, and have a bit of rice/pasta with it, that would just be as nutrient dense mainly. Add in some fruit for snacks and you'd be all good.

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Made in us
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

New York trip has begun, and in two days I’ve wandered, meandered and waltzed my way a good 36km.

Yes I do feel quite tired, even with my body clock being all out of whack!

Made in gb
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

Well I thought I'd drop into this thread.

For the last 6 month or so I've been trying to regain some of my fitness lost over the last few years, mostly the last 2.

I started with the couch to 5k,which I don't do as often as suggested due to shift/childcare/illness etc, but I'm already hitting 5k on my runs and only have the last week (30 min runs) to go before I've completed it.

Around 3 month ago I also started the 5x5 Stronglifts program to try and regain some strength. My current short term goal is to hit a 80kg (my current body weight) squat 5x5 before a stag do this month. I'm just about on track to hit that so all is going well.

Short/Mid term I'm just trying to regain a base level of cardio and strength and then decide where to go from there.

I love skiping/jump rope so add that to every weight session and I'm already feeling my slicker and lighter on m feet than before I got back into it.

Mid/long term I don't really have any goal currently, I'll see how I feel once I have a level of fitness I'm not ashamed of and decide then.

Long term I just want to be fit as strong as I get older and my daughter grows up. I want to be able to keep up with her and be able to throw her around without too much effort, and ultimately be healthier in old ace.

Incoherent ramble over, just wanted to share as I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere and it's hard starting again when 5y ago I was in the best shape of my life and 6 month ago I was in the worse shape of my life.

Ramble over.

Approx armies
9000pts AdMech (Main army)
7000pts Black Templars (original army)
3500pts Death Guard (lazy side project)
2000pts Imperial Knights (extension of AdMech)
2000pts Harlequins (fun side project)
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Doing some exercise, even if it’s less than you want, and not as successful as you’d wish, is still infinitely better than doing no exercise

Going back to my original post and feelings, the hardest thing I found it to hardest to get over in life is the false dichotomy between Couch Potato and Athelete.

There are many, many grades in between those two extremes.

Exercise can be many things, from simply taking The Slightly Longer and/or Steeper Uphill route, to religiously attending gyms with a nutrition plan and everything.

Whilst I still need to get my arse into gear and go to the gym I signed up to after the move, I have been keeping my steps up, averaging 8-10k of walking a week, which is still easily double pre-move activity.

Eating healthier, drinking far less, and swapped ciggies for vape. Whilst not a Healthy Lifestyle, it’s at least a Healthier Lifestyle with room for improvement. Even close to ditching the vapes, mostly for monetary reasons.

Made in us
Nasty Nob

Crescent City Fl..

I'm seeing progress now. I started walking again last month sometime, not sure what date I started. So far I've dropped 5 lbs. I walk 2.5 to 4.5 miles on any given day 4 or 5 days a week.
It's been n the high 90's feels like 100's. Which is fine. Not fantastic but not really bad either.
I've destroyed a pare of boots at my 3 mile turn around point near the end of last month. But already had a new better pare of hiking boots. I've had really bad blisters when I don't have the right pare of boots on, can't use my army boots now, they just don't work for long marches any more, maybe they never did... Blood blisters aren't very fun. I'm looking around for an even better pare of hiking boots for next year, we'll see how that goes. My goal is to simply maintain this routine until I can figure out a reasonable way to extend my rout and I plan on taking my assault pack with I guess 35 lbs of what ever to build up to longer walks over the next few months. I would dearly love to hit 12 miles at least once a month next year. My neighbors think I am crazy, out walking in the mid day sun... Well.. could be.
I am not changing my diet at all either. We eat one large meal and one smaller meal a day usually and that's worked for us for a while now. If anything I expect I will be eating more once the walk rout is longer. So far so good.

The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal.

Remember kids, Games Workshop needs you more than you need them.  
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

On boots? I’ll direct everyone, any time, to the Vimes “Boots” theory of economic unfairness, as despite its wider social commentary, it serves as an excellent argument that paying a bit extra for Quality can pay for itself.

The following quote is the whole of the for ease of lack of having to edit. Apologies to the Mods for slight politics. And if you disagree with it and me? Take it to PMs.

The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes "Boots" theory of socioeconomic unfairness.

Made in us
Nasty Nob

Crescent City Fl..

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
On boots? I’ll direct everyone, any time, to the Vimes “Boots” theory of economic unfairness, as despite its wider social commentary, it serves as an excellent argument that paying a bit extra for Quality can pay for itself.

I don't know how I would have com across as not being willing to pay for good boots. The issue is finding the right pare and there are a lot of expensive but worthless boots on the market. The pare I destroyed I had had for maybe 12 years, I knew better but I did it anyway. I'm reading a lot of reviews and putting money aside, I'd like another good pare of boots that I can get, hopefully, more than 4 or 5 years out of. This was not as much the issue Vimes would have had to deal with. Imagine though if he had spent the money and ended up with boot no better than the low cost ones he could afford. and I'll still never understand why he didn't set some money aside every pay day until he could afford decent boots. My road is about ha half mile of rough terrain and soft sand before I hit the black top. Then it's 3 or 4 more miles on black top out and back, I can squeeze 5 miles from the rout.

I'm in rockrooster currently, my newest out of the house shoes/hiking boots. They're decent and were on sale I think. I took a risk and so far so good. I've just been going through the stuff I still have and some if it is past it's time. Where does all the time go? I'd like to be back in combat boots but I think that's just not an option I can live with anymore.

4 miles yesterday and another 3 today before the rain. Should hit 5 miles before the end of the week. I'm trying to not take any days off and if it doesn't feel good I can just go a shorter rout that day.
Unfortunately, maybe, twice in a row now my neighbors have stopped me to talk. Just a little inconvenient, I know they mean well.

The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal.

Remember kids, Games Workshop needs you more than you need them.  
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

I'm 42, weigh 17st7, height 5'9, I have high blood pressure and a host of other medical problems. I also drink about 6 pints a day, sometimes more, rarely less.
I don't kid myself that things need to change drastically, I plan on starting right now...
Reducing the alcohol is probably the biggest factor, then going for walks, jogs maybe. I may use this thread to periodically catalog how I'm doing.

I've been playing a while, my first model was a lead marine and my first White Dwarf was bound with staples 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Sometimes things like drink can be the result of environmental things too. So sometimes a simple way to help break the habit and cycle is to change your routine and reduce moments where you'd traditionally engage in drinking. Replacing them with something else.

A simple one for many is to choose not to go to the pub and to instead replace that with a different kind of social activity which takes place where there isn't casual access to drink. It doesn't have to be on the same timeslot, though that can help.

Realising that what we consume is based not just on our mood and availability, but also our environment and behaviour within that environment.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
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Dakka Veteran

There was a line in Trainspotting 2 when they were talking about some people having addictive personalities and you could just swap out one addiction for another, in the case of Renton it was heroine for exercise. Whilst I'm not sure it's quite that easy I do believe I fall into the category of having an addictive personality.

I've been playing a while, my first model was a lead marine and my first White Dwarf was bound with staples 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I think the idea of replacing X with Y is a solid idea. Because if you take away X you are left with a gap in time where you'd be doing X. If you don't fill that void with something else that gives you positive results then, yes, you can end up making it much harder to give up X.

Of course this is, I think, purely looking at it as a mental exercise. Things like alcohol can build a biological need for it as well which has to be tackled in its own way. So for that reason I'd say 100% replace X with Y, but also have a mind that its not just that simple for everyone and that you might need additional support to help give up X.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

 Huron black heart wrote:
I'm 42, weigh 17st7, height 5'9, I have high blood pressure and a host of other medical problems. I also drink about 6 pints a day, sometimes more, rarely less.
I don't kid myself that things need to change drastically, I plan on starting right now...
Reducing the alcohol is probably the biggest factor, then going for walks, jogs maybe. I may use this thread to periodically catalog how I'm doing.

As someone of similar vintage, who also used to drink a lot? I offer support and encouragement.

Reducing the booze intake for me was achieved with a pretty drastic house move from one end of the county to the other. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not teetotal and I still enjoy a beer or ten, but it’s down from frequent to occasional.

I found it helped to throw myself into hobbies and other distractions, as my drinking was less a habit and more boredom - and I drank in pubs rather than at home, as it ensured some kind of social contact outside of work (as I live alone). And yes gym going was part of that overall change in routine.

But, where you have existing health issue etc? Whatever you do, talk to your GP, just in case. There may be other NHS based support out there.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Back up to doing 5-6 milers at least once a week and while my times are well off what they used to be (53-4m for a 10k now, used to do it comfortably in 46-8m), I'm happy to be put and about and that my old ankle injuries aren't crippling me when I finish.

Doing a half marathon in a few months so its nice to have a wee goal

greatest band in the universe: machine supremacy

"Punch your fist in the air and hold your Gameboy aloft like the warrior you are" 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

 Huron black heart wrote:

. . , jogs maybe. . . .

honestly mate, I'd skip this part in my plans for a good while. If you own a bicycle, doesn't matter what kind, that's what I'd be doing for activities wise. Simple fact is, cycling is easier on the joints so you could use the bike for exercise 7 days a week if you so choose. Also, you can replace your car trips with the bike (depending on where you live), especially if you're just "popping down to the shops" for a couple things.

Then, if you really did have your heart set on running, once you're in better shape and wont be destroying your joints so badly, going for a little jog every now and again won't be so discouraging because of joint pains when you return.
Made in gb
Thane of Dol Guldur


Yeah if you're a big, generally out of shape guy you shouldn't be thinking about running. Everyone seems to think that to be in shape you need to be running. It's nonsense, and in some cases dangerous. Shoot for cycling as said above, or jump rope maybe, but walking should be the first consideration.

Heresy World Eaters/Emperors Children

Instagram: nagrakali_love_songs 
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Decrepit Dakkanaut


Proper walking, not ambling, can burn a lot of energy and be good for you. I agree a lot of people get fixated on running, but just hiking/walking long distance is very healthy and can often be more practical for those who are out of condition.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Thane of Dol Guldur


Just generally better too. Running has a large injury risk, both acute and overuse injury, no matter how fit you are. Slogging out miles on hard concrete wreaks havoc on knees and hips, and generally tight hip flexors and weak glutes (and quads, calves, tibs and hammies) from sitting in offices and sofas removes any benefit from returning to the primal running after prey on natural ground of our ancestors. I only run because I am required to at work. If it wasn't for that I probably wouldn't bother. I'd do jump rope, punch bags or Oly lifting for cardio.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2022/09/10 15:38:55

Heresy World Eaters/Emperors Children

Instagram: nagrakali_love_songs 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Swimming is another good one I believe, as the nature of it gives a good workout without knackering joints?

Made in us
Nasty Nob

Crescent City Fl..

Having made a hard charge back into being active I am saddened to say...I can't do this every day. I've walked 5 out of the last 6 days and logged about 15 miles. I'm developing blisters on new and interesting places on me feet.
I'm a little irritated about this.
Next week I'll start only walking every other day as best I can fit that into a schedule. If I have to walk less days I may move up to 5 miles on those days.
I should probably get back to the weights on my off days. Every little bit helps.

Realizing I dropped 5lbs has been very motivating. Hopefully I can keep it up.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/10 17:33:51

The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal.

Remember kids, Games Workshop needs you more than you need them.  
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Blisters can be your footwear and/or sock setup not being quite right so you can resolve it with better boots/sock setup.

At the same time if you've not done much then your feet might well just be really soft. Lots of people don't walk far barefoot nor even shoed so our feet just haven't built up the condition for it.

Do let the blisters heal up, but don't let them defeat you. It's a small setback but keep at it!

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Nasty Nob

Crescent City Fl..

 Overread wrote:
Blisters can be your footwear and/or sock setup not being quite right so you can resolve it with better boots/sock setup.

At the same time if you've not done much then your feet might well just be really soft. Lots of people don't walk far barefoot nor even shoed so our feet just haven't built up the condition for it.

Do let the blisters heal up, but don't let them defeat you. It's a small setback but keep at it!

I think it was the socks. Must have been a mismatched pair. only blisters on my right foot. I have brand new boot socks that just arrived in a slightly smaller size and they've been really good.
I'm still nailing down just what I should be wearing and it looks like the other socks are out.
It's also been difficult to keep my feet dry in this heat and humidity but I'm working that out as well.

I've spent a little bit on 'equipment upgrades" and have quick dry material pants and shirts now. They've been very good so far. I've got a Frog tog chilly pad that I got in 07 or 08 that's still in fantastic condition. Recommend anyone get one. And this is funny, well to me anyway. I have this panama style hat from Ecuador, it's almost a cowboy style hat. Very South American. We have a lot of Mexican people living in the area and a lady in an old van rolled by and I guess she'd expect to see a completely different face. She was calling out asking if I needed any help!
It's a powerful hat. She waves and says high every time we pass on the road now.

The next thing I add to my kit is a road vest if I still have one, other wise I'll order one. They look stupid but I've no interest in being hit by a vehicle. My only real worries out here are dogs and bears. Dogs are far more common. We seem to be a dumping ground. So I play music and have a stick just in case.
Did I mention the snakes?
Passed a coral snake on the road 4 days ago. Thankfully they are not aggressive. Because, Florida!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/10 18:31:13

The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal.

Remember kids, Games Workshop needs you more than you need them.  
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I can heartily recommend these for blisters.


Stick them on, and it’s genuinely instant relief. Then leave them be until they come off of their own accord.

When I used to LARP, I always took a selection with me, and they’re life savers, as they help with healing and let you get back to it. Simply marvellous inventions!

Also keep in mind most peoples feet aren’t of identical size, as our bodies grow asymmetrically. So it could be your right foot is a half size bigger or smaller than your left, causing it to rub more.

But definitely, definitely buy Compeed. Accept no substitutes.

Made in gb
Thane of Dol Guldur


 warhead01 wrote:
Having made a hard charge back into being active I am saddened to say...I can't do this every day. I've walked 5 out of the last 6 days and logged about 15 miles. I'm developing blisters on new and interesting places on me feet.
I'm a little irritated about this.
Next week I'll start only walking every other day as best I can fit that into a schedule. If I have to walk less days I may move up to 5 miles on those days.
I should probably get back to the weights on my off days. Every little bit helps.

Realizing I dropped 5lbs has been very motivating. Hopefully I can keep it up.

You don't need to do it every day. Don't push it too hard, you run the risk of injury which will set you back more

Heresy World Eaters/Emperors Children

Instagram: nagrakali_love_songs 
Made in us
Nasty Nob

Crescent City Fl..

Thanks I'll have a look.

The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal.

Remember kids, Games Workshop needs you more than you need them.  
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
 Huron black heart wrote:

. . , jogs maybe. . . .

honestly mate, I'd skip this part in my plans for a good while. If you own a bicycle, doesn't matter what kind, that's what I'd be doing for activities wise. Simple fact is, cycling is easier on the joints so you could use the bike for exercise 7 days a week if you so choose. Also, you can replace your car trips with the bike (depending on where you live), especially if you're just "popping down to the shops" for a couple things.

Then, if you really did have your heart set on running, once you're in better shape and wont be destroying your joints so badly, going for a little jog every now and again won't be so discouraging because of joint pains when you return.

I'm not really sure why I said jogging, I hated it when I was younger and I was also a lot fitter back then, it would probably be the end of me now. Non weight bearing exercise makes far more sense I guess, particularly to begin with. Cutting down on the beer and getting my step count in are my immediate daily targets, bike rides would be perfect for the weekend.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/12 13:14:07

I've been playing a while, my first model was a lead marine and my first White Dwarf was bound with staples 
Made in eu
Frenzied Berserker Terminator

Southampton, UK

 warhead01 wrote:

Thanks I'll have a look.

In addition to the Compeed, some of this stuff stuck over the top will stop the Compeed plaster from rubbing off.


The first big organised trek I did, I needed some blisters doctored half way round, and this is what the medic used.

The second big organised trek I did, before I started I stuck RockTape over all the bits that picked up blisters on the first one - and didn't need to break into my stash of Compeed plasters...
Made in us
Nasty Nob

Crescent City Fl..

 queen_annes_revenge wrote:

You don't need to do it every day. Don't push it too hard, you run the risk of injury which will set you back more

You're right. I've been building up for the last month and am just working on adding more mileage. I can manage 2 miles a day easy. After this slight set back and a new appt schedule I'm forced to make new changes. can't hit the road again till Thursday. Which is fine. My foot needs a little more time to heal. I lanced out all the Juice on Saturday night and that's helped a lot.
I'm going to work on 3 walks a week for a while Thursday, Saturday and Mondays. This week will be the first week to carry the pack, no more than 35 lbs tops, maybe less and probably counting the 3 liters of water, it's only slightly cheating.
I'm also going to look for some socks that are thin that are also very snug to add a protective layer or use some 2 inch tape.

This last blister was under the bottom of my foot and just back from my toes. So walking was a huge pain at the end the other day.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Crispy78 wrote:
 warhead01 wrote:

Thanks I'll have a look.

In addition to the Compeed, some of this stuff stuck over the top will stop the Compeed plaster from rubbing off.


The first big organised trek I did, I needed some blisters doctored half way round, and this is what the medic used.

The second big organised trek I did, before I started I stuck RockTape over all the bits that picked up blisters on the first one - and didn't need to break into my stash of Compeed plasters...

Thank you I will have a look.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/12 15:50:49

The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal.

Remember kids, Games Workshop needs you more than you need them.  
Made in us
.. .-.. .-.. ..- -- .. -. .- - ..

Toowoomba, Australia

Doing ultramarathons now in addition to my weekly 5km parkrun races.

Next up is a 100km trail run with 3.5km of elevation in mid October.
First time running the track, so if dry aiming 12-14 hours.

Ran a 50km in July and went out way too quick but still came 67th out of 800.

This weeks training has been:
Sunday: 30km road run with hills.
Tuesday: 10km morning road run
Wednesday (today): 10km morning road run, 10km late afternoon/early evening all hill trail run.
Saturday: 2.5km warm up/warm down jog to park run. 5km aiming sub 19 minute at park run.

Sticking to 70km per week currently to try and avoid injury but varying what I do week to week for variety.
Tapering 2 weeks out from the 100km.

All goes well April 2023 a backyard ultra, aim 30 hours running.
June 2023 100 miles
July 2023 100km very hilly course
October: 100km
December 100 mile alpine hill course.

2024: Games Played:0/Models Bought:70/Sold:519/Painted: 93
2023: Games Played:0/Models Bought:287/Sold:0/Painted: 203
2020-2022: Games Played:42/Models Bought:1271/Sold:631/Painted:442
2016-19: Games Played:369/Models Bought:772/Sold:378/ Painted:268
2012-15: Games Played:412/Models Bought: 1163/Sold:730/Painted:436 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Starting to finally settle into a new life schedule after a significant relocation at the end of April.

Uprooting is busy enough, but add in a bunch of holidays, and having to commute into the office again twice a week, and it’s taken longer than I’d expected for a natural rhythm to emerge.

But now, it has. So naturally it’s time to develop that, and start going to the gym again. Probably twice a week for 45 minute slots. And will include some weight training too.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also gonna quit vaping this month. Just running down the remaining stock. Because frankly, whilst not as bad as smoking, it’s still the thick end of £100 a month I can spend more wisely.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/14 17:35:20

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