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Made in gb
Monstrous Master Moulder

I dunno...

I have a personal favourite line from this article

"And the Witch-King gets coal. For the six thousandth year."

Bewhiskered Gasmasks: For the Post-Apocalyptic Gentleman

And to this day, on darkest nyte
It can be seen, they tell
A Prynce of Rattes, in finery
Upon a horned bell.
Made in au
Pile of Necron Spare Parts


ha ha this is mad love it wonder what i'll get for emporers day

Automatically Appended Next Post:
ha ha this is mad love it wonder what i'll get for emperers day

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/10/08 09:59:10

if i lose a game it was bad luck, but if i win it was pure skill
Made in us
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Does the Emperor's Day poem move anyone else.....I feel a little teary eyed when I read it.......That Brave Brave soul.

So, I was in this place people call the mall a while back. And I had the urge to expel some bad spirits. As I went into the bathroom, I chose the urinal closes to the corner so I could have some privacy. So I whip out Lord Pevincy and let him loose the bad spirits. Well, I was looking at the wall as the Lord was expelling the spirits and I seemed to have gotten distracted. Turns out, I missed a little.

SO I'm sitting at my computer right, and I have a Coke, Bottled mind you. But it got warm, so I got a Coffie cup and I filled it with the coke and some Ice and I sipped as I did my internet stuff. So like and hour passed and I hadn't sipped any of it. and when I go to sip it, I notice that something solid is in it. So I'm like, "No, why would there be something solid in my coke?" SO I pull these solid THINGS off my tongue and guess what they are? F ING ANTS! I was like WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And so I ran into the Kitchen coughing and what not and I threw those little bastards down the drain with a flood of hate and cold water.......those bastards are lucky I don't have my Nucians yet!!! 
Made in us
Stalwart Strike Squad Grey Knight

That brave, brave idiodic soul... run guardsman run beore the world is cleansed.

strike quick and fast destroy your enemie before they know they are even fighting
da iron bootz (2500)
theres not a en skaven symbol (3000)
the angels of death (2500) (ard boyz semi finalist)
assasins of the night grey knights (2500 
Made in us
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator

Michigan, United States

That Emperors day one is deep.

5000+pts- Strip and paint project.
~2000pts- 90% painted

rockerbikie wrote:It should be fine. I generally grimace at kids and they back away from me.

My Blood angel Apocalypse blog-http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/411594.page 
Made in us
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


dufflebag wrote:That Emperors day one is deep.

Indeed it is.....it made my heart 1000 times heavier......*sob*

So, I was in this place people call the mall a while back. And I had the urge to expel some bad spirits. As I went into the bathroom, I chose the urinal closes to the corner so I could have some privacy. So I whip out Lord Pevincy and let him loose the bad spirits. Well, I was looking at the wall as the Lord was expelling the spirits and I seemed to have gotten distracted. Turns out, I missed a little.

SO I'm sitting at my computer right, and I have a Coke, Bottled mind you. But it got warm, so I got a Coffie cup and I filled it with the coke and some Ice and I sipped as I did my internet stuff. So like and hour passed and I hadn't sipped any of it. and when I go to sip it, I notice that something solid is in it. So I'm like, "No, why would there be something solid in my coke?" SO I pull these solid THINGS off my tongue and guess what they are? F ING ANTS! I was like WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And so I ran into the Kitchen coughing and what not and I threw those little bastards down the drain with a flood of hate and cold water.......those bastards are lucky I don't have my Nucians yet!!! 
Made in us
Perturbed Blood Angel Tactical Marine

The Emperor's Day one was pretty powerful. The "Sanny the white winged primarch" was funny, as was the first night before Christmas story.

Dark Angels
417th Mechanised
Sons of Fortune  
Made in gb
Yellin' Yoof

Poor poor Bad ass Guardsman. You make me sad.

See my Games and Un official expancions 
Made in gb
Automated Space Wolves Thrall

the night before christmas- proves guardsmen can't do anything!
The wolves however...

At the end I shall be there. For the final battle. For the Wolftime. -Last words of Leman Russ  
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