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Made in ca

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Made in au
Killer Klaivex

Forever alone

It's not very well thought-out, is it?

People are like dice, a certain Frenchman said that. You throw yourself in the direction of your own choosing. People are free because they can do that. Everyone's circumstances are different, but no matter how small the choice, at the very least, you can throw yourself. It's not chance or fate. It's the choice you made. 
Made in us
Deadly Dire Avenger

i really don't see carniy used eny more

(''); Craftworld ulthw'e
2000+ Eldar army

Level up Adoptable!

Made in se
Fresh-Faced New User

I thank you for this Carnifex Tactica, I disslike that the Trygon is the new Heavy Support favo in the tyranid army.

I've been thinking a little that might add a little extra punch for this tactica, it's very easy and basic, and I'm gonna try it out on tuesday.

You should try and have the fexes in cover so they will get cover saves from ap 3, 2 and 1 weapons, so I've added 6 very basic Tyranid warriors that will stand infront of the fexes and provide a 4+ cover save (That's 2 Warriors to each Carnifex and that should provide a cover save) , and 6 warriors will be hard enough to bring down and that will give the fexes enough time to get close enough to the enemy player.

I will post a full armylist and army build tactic after the fight with a battle report.

But thanks again.
Made in jp
Anti-piracy Officer

Somewhere in south-central England.

Cheese Elemental wrote:It's not very well thought-out, is it?

I disagree. It's a good article.

He has correctly identified the key advantages of Carnifexes compared to other MCs -- high S, Frag spines, and ability to form squads. He's given sensible recommendations about how to equip Carnifexes.

The downside is that he hasn't talked about the disadvantage which is the low W value.

Even in squads, it won't take a lot of enemy shooting with anti-tank weapons (God knows, there are enough of those around today) to rip a couple of wounds off each of your Carnifexes, then a good melee unit with high I can probably take them in a charge without being damaged.

So the main problem is getting your Carnifex squad across the table without them dying. To achieve that, I would group them with a Trygon and Venomthropes. A double threat will ensure at least some of the MCs get where they want to go. The Venomthropes's cover save gives everyone a nice buff, and the Trygon has a useful shooting attack.

Of course this is now a kind of Death Star unit, which is going to attract a lot of enemy attention. That is why you have to coordinate with the rest of the army, which is the secret with Tyranids.

Anyway, overall I think the writer makes a good case for the use of Carnifexes, though I don't think everyone is going to put their Trygons back on the shelf.

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We're not very big on official rules. Rules lead to people looking for loopholes. What's here is about it. 
Made in us
Lurking Gaunt

Ok, I've been away for a long time, just now coming back. I'm trying to wrap my head around all the 5th edition Nid changes. Wow, just wow. Carnifexes can be fielded in broods... with marching they might actually get to see CC, though WS 3 I 1 is still brutal :(... but now they're double the flippin points?...

Anyway, what about the good old fashioned devilfex? 2x TL heavy devourers still looks pretty great for killing infantry and light tank busting duty, 12x s6 shots, reroll misses, force LD tests at -1?? Sheesh.

Also, looking around the new codex, I presume fexes can no longer rock an elite slot?

PS: I *HATE* the layout of the new codex. That's all

i'm in your planets, stealing your genes 
Made in gb
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


I do believe there is a place for fex`s in the new dex but i dont think broods is the way. I think they still work alone. Although yes the brood option is nice but 2/3 will cost you 350/525pts with little.

In a horde army you should give them guns, HVC for long range AT, Sthorn cannon for infantry suppression.

Or pod them in with only the basic aglands and frag. Maybe 2x t/l devs w/ b/l worms.

These are the 2 set-ups i`ll be trying out soon, i`ll post about it and how they go.
Made in ca
Guarding Guardian

I am impressed with this tactica!
Since it corrects a lot of the misconceptions of a carnifex and how good it can be.

I agree with a lot of the people here, and I like that you were able to justify giving a Carnifex a place in Tyranid army lists again!

but as an Eldar player, I just have a couple criticisms. While a carnifex will decimate a wraithguard unit in CC, the risk is high
since a unit of ten will destroy 2-3 carnifex's. with the ability to wound on 2-5 and instant death on 6's ignoring armor, they shred
monstrous creatures.

and I think the main problem people find with Carnifex's are they are relatively hard to use now compared to a trygon.
Trygons have more wounds an are cheaper (for the most part) than a squad of Carnifex's, and is much easier to handle.
Carnifex's on the other hand are a bit trickier because of this, and to me are less popular for that reason.

other than that I'm happy to finally see the humble carnifex getting so appreciation!

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