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Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

I'm gonna a try to update a new squad or at least a new mini each week, but holidays and my current crime stats may prevent such a strict schedule. If you have any creepy and bizarre Nurgle ideas, please let me know.

Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

those creeps are really cool. I'm defitly going to steal that idea.

no, really. plrease keep it coming. that's very inspirational.
Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

I haven't made a ton of progress due to family/holidays/work, but I have been wroking on one of my leaders. This model was originally going to represent my radical(fallen) Inquistor Lord. He is mostly bionic due to the rot. He has a skull floating in a shielded bubble on his shoulders. I made him to represent: bionics, refractor field, psycannon (or stormbolter with pys-bolts) and either a power weapon and/or a power fist (the claw). I like to play WYSIWYG, but I also like my models to be versatile. I think I could use him as a senior officer with stormbolter, bionics, powerfist or even as a Nurgle marine. He is about a head and a haalf taller than a marine.

Well... I went for a 50's b-movie sci fi look. I am going to add tinted water effects in the glass dome when I'm done painting to give it a nifty feel... as if he needs the fluids pumping to keep his skull alive and well.






I have done a test glass dome with several layers of different tinted water effects and the colors and feel came out just as I wanted, however, the curve of the glass magified the skull I was using and distorted it so I went with a smaller skull.

Let me know what ya think or if I need to add something before I go to primer stage. The glass is just sitting there and will be removed until paint is done.

Made in de
Rampaging Carnifex


This one is super sweet in his 50s B movie type of way. A hole army of those guys would be super awsome.

I know when it is closing time. - Rascal Mod

"Some people measure common sense with a ruler others with a potato."- Making Money Terry Pratchett
"what's with all the hate go paint something you lazy bastards" - NAVARRO
"You don't need pants for the victory dance." -BAWTRM
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


Love the sentinals. All of your additions are characterful and make them look suitibly individual. My only gripe is the lack of apparent repairs. It'd be cool to see some oddly sourced feet and mismatched leg parts. I imagine the legs of those sentinals would be high-maintanence areas and as such they'd end up being botched by a bunch of no-good-traitors.

The rottlings are neat, but I do have some suggestions. The pointing guy's head is waaayyyy too big for my tastes. To be honest, the only heads that seem to work on the models you've but together so far are the two with the skull showing under torn skin. All of the other heads are far too large. This is especially true of the bare skull guys. I'd try the Brian Nelson skulls. Check out the human skull that comes on the fantasy Orc boy sprues. It's more aestetically pleasing and a bit smaller. Actually I've got a better idea! Get a hold of the skulls Brian made for the new Chaos warrior sprues. They're nice and small while keeping the detail you'd want for these guys. Throw some rotting flesh on and you're golden.

As for the question you had about switching up the base styles... Go for it. Just keep something consistent across all of them, be it the grass or the colour of the rocks, whatever, and they'll look great.

Keep up the good work.

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


Oooo I didn't notice the second page.

Consider that floating skull idea shamelessly stolen! Wait! Before I shamelessly steal your idea: where'd you get the bubble? Looks like something from an old-school miniature lightbulb (before leds replaced tiny filiment bulbs ).

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhah! The floating skull model is gold! Can't wait for some paint on him, wow

- Salvage

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2007/12/21 15:57:57

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

The skull is from the fantasy chaos warrior sprue.
The shoulderpieces are from the Ork Bionic Jar thing on the old sprues. (trimmed up a little)
The chest carapace is from the new chaos possessed sprue (hollowed it out)
His six-pack abs is a trimmed doem Catachan torso
His bionic claw arm is from the tech/combat servitor models.
Each of his legs is from a different marine leg set. One is a techmarine and I dont remember the other.
Backpack/powerplant is a Sisters of Battle pack for one of thier heavy weapons... flamers maybe IDK.
The right arm is the bif beefy Catachan arm with a fantasy chaos warrior glove and weapon attached. (I may replace the weapon with a Scythe)!!!!
The gun is a trimmed down stormbolter with the barrels cut off of the front. The new barrel is made from a trimmed down mortar shell from cadian IG heavy Weapons sprue.
The shells hanging out the side of the gun is a random weapon bit... don't remember what sprue.

The glass dome is an automotive light for import cars. I got a pack of two from Advance Auto for less than 2 dollars (US)

I need to finish the belt area and trim the neckguard a little. I guess I can beef up the cyber arm a little. The human flesh arm is stuck at that size... I added it and the "six-pack" abs to make him more bizarre and abberant looking. I kinda like the ungainly freakish look that has come from it.
I may add a few more tubes or power cables i guess.

Drake_Marcus: I intentionally gave the children big water heads. I wanted them to be slightly comically proportioned and eerie at the same time. I'm trying for a nice Nurgle mix of freakishness and sillyness. (hence the bubble fishtank head etc.). I do have the smaller skulls, but i just thought the zombie heads were funny and sometimes I see big headed little kids running around the elementary when I pick up my girl and I think of "bobble-heads" so... the army is kinda subtle comedy mixed with absolutely horrible things..... just like life!

The Sentinels coold have had some impromptu repars on them.... they were my first models for the army and kinda test dummies for my color scheme so I just rushed the simple conversions I guess. I do have 6 more sentinels to work on... so I will add some shoddy traitor repairs (thanks for the idea ). And, since all of my sentinels have magnetized legs and weapons, I will be able to mix the repaired legs into some of the current ones and then some repaired tops into the good legs and add some balance !!! ya!! that's the ticket!

Thanks for the feedback so far guys!

Made in us
Monstrous Master Moulder

Longmeadow MA 25+ Trade Rep

I just registered here (lurker) to let you know how inspiring this is. I have been pondering a Nurgle Traitor Guard myself. Great work!

Now, with the water effects...is there any technique to make them look like they are bubbling? That would look even grosser!

"Orkses never lost a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fighting so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!"

I dig how in a setting where giant, muscled fungus men ride Mad Max cars and use their own teeth as currency, the concept of little engineering dudes with beards was considered a step too far down the aisle of silliness.
Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

oh my gork. that guy is so GREAT! I LOVE IT! looks like like some sort of B-movie freak, which I love btw.

okay, now what I would really like to se is....your troop section....
Made in gb
Resourceful Gutterscum

I love you Nemissary.

Made in gb
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

that leader is like somin sweeter out my dreams
like the super soldiers out of return to castle wolfenstein
was how i wanted my obliterators to look. PS most awesome nurgle army evaa
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Alexandria, VA

The sentinels make me very happy. keep up the awesome work!
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Great project so far, the scheme is great, painting is great, conversions...great. Really like the leader. Automotive lights for the dome you say? I've been trying to find something that would fit over a Tau drone and couldn't fing anything. Tried humidor tips and a few other things as well, good call on your materials. Keep it up!
Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

Dez: I wish for a way to make little bubbles coing up through the water effects, but I am stumped right now on how to do that. I thought of tiny clear beads or better yet, translucent white beads but I connot find any small enough.

I have replaced his sword with a scythe to make it a tiny bit more Nurgley. I have also been working on his belt area and almost have that done. When I get a little paint on him, I will post an update.

I have started on my first troops squad. I am approaching the troops with a different idea than just a huge swarm of clones. I am trying to do each ten man squad as a unique warband. Kinda like a Mordheim warband or Necromunda gang. Each figure will be unique in some way.... and each squad will be different from the next. This is taking some time, but I get to do alot of little conversions. Some of the conversions are more inspired than others..(i.e. some are very small conversions) but I can't help that with the sheer amount of minis I have to make.

I will post my first ten men when I get the remaining 5 done (5 are done atm..scuplting, not painting)

Thanks again for all critiques etc. Keep em coming and any ideas you may have are welcome to.... like what I'm gonna call these guys. hehe

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Very nice work! I love your paint sceme, and the conversions are very creative. I have always wanted to do a traitor guard army... this may be some inspiration! Keep it up!

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Little Green Monsters : xenite.wordpress.com

Made in us
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader


Haha i have horrible flashbacks of Diablo II from those ratlings

Great work, i enjoy your painting style very much!

The Carrion Corsairs - A Dark Eldar P&M Blog

Know thine enemy.
You are known to him already

* Sermon Primaris, the Ordo Xenos

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Rotlings are pretty classy! But I think you should check out Conquests line of Pygmy Zombies.
Made in us
Kabalite Conscript

You receive the award for my favorite conversion ever on that fish tank head, and like others have said I think your crazy, your sentinels look just fine except I might say try to keep the purple off the actual pilots and just accent the actual sentinel with it.

more more more
Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

I have been out of the loop for awhile. Very busy for holidays and then work has been even busier. I'm trying to get back into things with this army and have been converting some troops (about 30 so far). I also have my mutants that I have worked on... unfortunately LaTD has gone the way of the squat. Should I change out these guys weapons and add them to my Imperial Guard traitors? I was thinking of dirtying them up some, add lasguns, and rebasing them for use as standard troops. Let me know what you think.








I have about 65 of these painted up and converted similar to this Cthuloid theme with Alpha legion-esque colors.

Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


That skink head on the deamonette body is one of the most characterful conversions I've seen in a very long time, smartly done! The rest of the army is also disgustingly beautiful. It really is a shame LaTD has gone the way of the Dodo, this is a flagship example of the huge amount of care and effort that can go into such a force.


"...if I haven't drawn blood on a conversion, then I haven't tried hard enough." -Death By Monkeys

If Gork had wanted you to live, he would not have created me. 
Made in us
Battleship Captain


OH!!!! Cthulhu with a lasgun! That's just too sweet!

Man, I wish there was a real Black Library where I could get a Black Library Card and take out Black Library Books without having to buy them. Of course, late fees would be your soul. But it would be worth it. - InquisitorMack 
Made in au
Fresh-Faced New User

That's amazing - what colours did you use on those mutants please?

Made in de
Rampaging Carnifex


That is some great bits mash I espacially like the demon ork snake. Sometimes the small las pistol hands look a bit out of place but great work anyways.

I know when it is closing time. - Rascal Mod

"Some people measure common sense with a ruler others with a potato."- Making Money Terry Pratchett
"what's with all the hate go paint something you lazy bastards" - NAVARRO
"You don't need pants for the victory dance." -BAWTRM
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Whoa, Nems! Fantastic conversions, I don't think I've been so impressed with such effective bitz mashing in some time. The skinkette is fantastic as noted, and the couple orky converts are close runners up.

Great paint too, nice choice and execution ... But seriously, that lizard girl

- Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

Rargh: The colors are just the citadel blues with blue ink over them I believe ice blue was the final highlight which is a very stark contrast to the dark blues, but I blue inked it again and toned it down.. The green skin tone is one of the light blue greys of citadel (current paint range but name escapes me) an almost white color but its a blue... anyways I just mixed that light bluish grey with green ink and made my own paint pots full of it. Sorry I'm not more specific with it, I mixed those colors up a very long time ago and they just sat in the pots for at least a year.

Made in us

black woods

You should send this tread to GW to show them how LatD can increase their sells of different models.

"I need our remaining National Guard soldiers to stay in Oregon to protect our forests."==Democrat Ted Kulongoski of Oregon on the good use for his NG 
Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

sweeeet work nem.

very cool conversions and very solid painting.

have you painted that flash gorden dude already?
Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

@Anung Un Rama: I have not painted the b-movie leader yet. I have been in a scuplting mood for awhile (when I have time) and have been making new models for the aremy here and there. I will eventually get into paint mode when I have about 50+ troopers made up. The whole steampunk, cyberzombie, cthulhu mythos, Nurgle, traitorguard combo of troops is taking some time to make each one individual.

I still have not come up with a suitable name for the army .... kinda having a creative block there.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2008/02/14 19:27:52

Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

yeah, I guess I also would have problem coming up with a name for a
steampunk, cyberzombie, cthulhu mythos, Nurgle, traitorguard combo

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