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Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling?
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Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

I do not use a magnifying glass, I can see my brush bristles pretty well. But I do use a white LED bulb that it harsh enough that i can see any flaws on the model.

The good thing about the harsh white light, is if it looks good in that, it's going to look great in normal room lighting
Made in us
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

Roseville, CA

I don't use one, there are some instances where I can see one coming in handy, but I generally find that the appropriate lighting is much more important than magnification...for which I use an adjustabledesk lamp
Made in gb
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

Liverpool, england

I understand the concept but really find it easier without a magnifier, simply because, as the model gets bigger under the magnifier, so does the brush. I work better without one, but I suppose that's just me.

Made in gb
Man O' War


Takes up too much time for me

Khador 75p
Menoth 35p
Circle 25p
Legion 25p 
Made in us
Humorless Arbite

Outside the DarkTower, amongst the roses.

I bought one of these.


And was in the middle of painting up some cultists. So i opened it plugged it in and started to paint to see if i could get used to it when the bulb sparked and popped less the 5 inches from my face. I contacted the seller and the sent me out a free one which was nice of them. Now I am to scared of the thing to use it. I even plugged it in and turned it on for over 5 hours sitting off to the side and it was fine, I just cant work up the nerve to try it again.

Every Dakkanaught gets a 4+ Pinch of Salt save.
When you suffer a Falling Sky hit, roll a D6 - on a 4+ the hit is ignored as per the Pinch of Salt save. On a 1-3 panic insues - you automatically fail common sense tests for the next 2 weeks and get +7 to your negativity stat. -Praxiss

Made in gb
Contagious Dreadnought of Nurgle

Oxfordshire UK

Not at the moment, but I plan on picking up a table magnifier when I start my new Ork army and DKoK force...My brother uses one, as does my dad who makes obscenely detailed F1 models.

Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight


I put other, because while I don't currently, I want to get a desktop lamp/magnifier thingy.

Made in us
Cackling Daemonic Dreadnought of Tzeentch

Ellenton, Florida

I haven't used any up till now, but I just got one of those headsets for Christmas, so I guess I'll give it a try.

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Yeah I have too. The eyes aren't what they used to be! xD

Tabletop illuminated magnifying glass. It allows me to see detail that I would otherwise miss.

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

San Francisco, CA

despite having nearly perfect vision, I *do* use a magnifier for fine detail work. it really makes a difference and I feel that my painting is better as a result.

I use one of those headsets that gives you true, stereoscopic vision (dual lenses). I think that's the key and what turns a lot of folks off about using magnifiers. if you're using a single lens, like one attached to a lamp, your depth perception is going to get wonky and that takes a lot of getting used to. if you use a headset with a lens for each eye (or strong reading glasses, etc), you shouldn't have any depth perception issues.

it can become a crutch, though, so you need to exercise a bit of discipline. you really don't need a magnifier to base coat, etc :p

Night Lords P&M Blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/502731.page
Salamanders P&M Blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/436120.page

"Sternguard though, those guys are all about kicking ass. They'd chew bubble gum as well, but bubble gum is heretical. Only tau chew gum." - MajorStoffer

"Everytime I see someone write a message in tactics saying they need help because they keep loosing games, I want to drive my face through my own keyboard." - Jimsolo 
Made in ca
Mutilatin' Mad Dok


I have the table lamp/magnifier, but I only use it for light.

The magnification messes with my aim and depth perception too much, despite being near blind, I find I do better without.


 Atma01 wrote:


Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Kent, UK

I sometimes use a magnifing glass if I can't see details very well or in awkward positions, but for the mostpart thankfully my vision is great (touchwood) so i dont need to use one.

Lotr sbg/Wotr Mordor army ~ - 2000pts.

High elf/eagle army (hobbit) ~ 1600pts. WIP.  
Made in us
Basecoated Black


My answer is no, but maybe not for long. I am nearsighted which has been a blessing in disguise when painting. I've noticed lately that I am losing close focus, just enough to be annoying. Getting old sucks.
Made in us
Perfect Shot Dark Angels Predator Pilot

Vancouver WA

I like to use reading glasses at 1.75 magnification and an Ott light. The glasses don't hinder my depth perception as much as a magnifying glass.

Made in us
Deadly Dire Avenger

Great Falls, MT

I don't even wear my glasses when I paint although I do use a lamp it helps me see the colors better

Craftworld Uial-Ras 375 points W: 1 L:1 T:0

Apoc plague marines 0 points 
Made in us
Hungry Little Ripper

Bryan Tx

20/19 vision, but plenty of rest. I usually paint for one hour (one fig) then rest for 30 mins. If there a lot of layers, I can probably get away with resting while waiting for the fig to dry.
Made in se
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


 illusion2269 wrote:
Funny, I just picked up a magnifying lamp this weekend, and it has already been very helpful with brush control and details.

I have perfect vision.

But I've been looking at buying some magnification in combination with lighting, where did you get your magnifying lamp?

“May our blessed god emperors light forever strengthen your lasgun volleys.” 
Made in gb
Lurking Gaunt


The problem I have is not with my eyes it's with my unsteady hand!!

Clan Grimgor 12000
Brotherhood of redemption 4000
Children of the grave 8000
Errendor militia 3500 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I wear reading glasses to paint.
Made in ca
Stormin' Stompa

Ottawa, ON

I just get really close up to the model I'm painting. Granted, I look like Smeagol, hunched over, clutching the model to my face.

Ask yourself: have you rated a gallery image today? 
Made in us
Malicious Mutant Scum

Memphis, TN

Before a few days ago, my answer would have been no. My oil sister bought me a magnifier lamp for my birthday.

Quod Sum Eris.
Sic Transit Gloria  
Made in gb
Speedy Swiftclaw Biker

I think there should have been an option for 'sometimes'...

Things like tanks, bikes, dreadnoughts = no.

Tactical marines = no.

Sergeants, characters etc (as in, those infantry minis with added details) = yes. Sometimes...
Made in gb
The Hammer of Witches

cornwall UK

Luckily I have a zoom function built in. But I cant see more than a few meters away without my specs though!

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


No, but maybe some day.

StyleX, Professional Model Tools
StyleX Hobby
2000 pt SM (Triple) Stormraven Air Scouts
-X Chapter, For the Emperor-
The X Chapter Blue Table painting video 
Made in us
Speedy Swiftclaw Biker

Port Richey, Florida

I wear my cheater glasses because my 50 year old eyes are blurry... LOL

It is your shock and horror on which I feed.... 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Blandford, MA

Jack_Death wrote:
My answer is no, but maybe not for long. I am nearsighted which has been a blessing in disguise when painting. I've noticed lately that I am losing close focus, just enough to be annoying. Getting old sucks.

Amen, brother, amen..... getting old in this hobby is tough on the eyes...

For The Greater Good….. says who?
7000 pts + Going through a re-do & growing
3500 pts + growing
Cygnar - 100 pts + growing
IG slowly gathering  
Made in us
Shas'ui with Bonding Knife

I voted "other", as i don't currently, but i'm considering it, especially for face painting.

 daedalus wrote:

I mean, it's Dakka. I thought snide arguments from emotion were what we did here.

Made in sa
Longtime Dakkanaut

Dundee, Scotland/Dharahn, Saudi Arabia

I didn't used to, but in recent years I've started to use one for fine details.
I fancy one of the big ones with built in daylight lighting, but they are a little hard to come by out in Saudi.

If the thought of something makes me giggle for longer than 15 seconds, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it.
item 87, skippys list
Made in gb
Mastering Non-Metallic Metal

I have perfectly good eyes and yes, I do use a magnifier while modelling/painting.

I used to use a hand-held glass to check my work and then still find little issues when I blow up photos on my computer.
But now I have a large (5 inch diameter) glass on a bendy arm that I use for all but the largest of work.

I got used to the magnification quite quickly and my hand movements now adjust automatically when working under mag'n or not.

It really helps with all the little details I like to add to my models.

Mastodon: @DrH@warhammer.social
The army- ~2295 points (built).

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Theophony - Sprue for the spruemeister, plastic for his plastic throne! // Shasolenzabi - Toilets, more complex than folks take time to think about!  
Made in gb
Infiltrating Broodlord

I (Paul) wear a magnifying visor, just like the fella repairs Woody in Toy Story 2. I hurriedly remove them anytime I hear someone at the door.

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