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The 142nd Mistral Rangers (The Swamp Dogs)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Calculating Commissar

The Shire(s)

These look great! Some of the bitz combos you have successfully used also help me with some projects I have been planning

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Guardsman with Flashlight

Yorkshire, UK

Command Squad and Killteam sniper. Two different sets of legs, Catachan running legs and Catachan heavy weapons squad kneeling legs. Cut the front running leg off under the belt to fit the kneeling leg in more seemlessly than a straight half and half cut and stick. Cadian respirator squad upgrade kit head and backpack with the Catachan command squad sniper arms and weapon. Quite a complex kitbash/conversion for me so really pleased with how he came out.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Columbia, SC (USA)

Great work so far!

The secret to painting a really big army is to keep at it. You can't reach your destination if you never take any steps.

I build IG...lots and lots of IG.  
Made in gb
Guardsman with Flashlight

Yorkshire, UK

 JB wrote:
Great work so far!

Thank JB. Kitbashing the command squad master Vox Operator as we speak!
Made in de
Calculating Commissar

The Shire(s)

That is a brilliant sniper model- I love how the pose has worked out!

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in us
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

Excellent work! I once converted up an army in a similar way, except with Catachan heads instead of arms. Cutting the belts off the torsos is an oddly satisfying task.

The greenstuffed shoulder pads look great and really tie the flak armour to the bare arms, and the paint scheme is simple and effective. Just ace all around.

Made in us
5th God of Chaos! (Yea'rly!)

The Great State of Texas

Omfgorzzz wrote:
Very cool kit bashing. They look official.

Very impressive.

-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go there.......is it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
Made in gb
Guardsman with Flashlight

Yorkshire, UK

Master Vox Operator for the Command Squad

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Command Squad Specialist. Lost both arms in a plasmagun incident but was too good a marksman to submit to the servitor programme. Tech priests provided new bionics and reassigned him to the Command Squad

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/05/06 14:32:18

Made in de
Calculating Commissar

The Shire(s)

Nice models

The comms dish especially is a really cool conversion!

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Columbia, SC (USA)

Those two are aces! Nicely done!

The secret to painting a really big army is to keep at it. You can't reach your destination if you never take any steps.

I build IG...lots and lots of IG.  
Made in gb
Guardsman with Flashlight

Yorkshire, UK

sniper number two complete for the command squad. Part of a husband and wife sniper team taken from Gene-clan Jaeger on Mistral Secondus

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The completed Command Squad all together at last!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/06/23 18:25:43

Made in gb
Guardsman with Flashlight

Yorkshire, UK

Wyvern hailing from the Mistral deathworld the drive train is ancient relic STC technology produced to deal with the high gravity, swamps and mountains of this particular world
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

That's an impressive conversion. Nice work

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in gb
Guardsman with Flashlight

Yorkshire, UK

Pyroalchi wrote:
That's an impressive conversion. Nice work

Thanks. The basic Walker chassis can be used for a range of artillery, tanks, troop transports, and support vehicles. The idea is that it is a remnant of STC technology where standard parts are assembled to meet the needs of a particular world or environment
Made in gb
Guardsman with Flashlight

Yorkshire, UK

The 142nd Mistral Rangers, seconded to the group of Inquisitors known as the Sigilite Precept, operate within the Imperium Nihilus recovering important relics and data. This takes its toll on the Regiments troopers but even the most severely injured can continue to serve as heavily augmented shock troops. They are formed into brute squads for heavy close quarters fighting.

Medication and combat drugs dull the minds of these augmented shock troopers but they make an effected Brute Squad none the less

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/10/09 15:36:52

Made in gb
Fighter Ace


Holy shivbugs that build is cool. The background is also sinister and oh so endearingly Inquisitional.

Guardsmen looking great, mate, excellent kitbashing and painting and I love that Roughrider and heavy walker!

Made in gb
Guardsman with Flashlight

Yorkshire, UK

Here is the full squad of cybernetically augmented terror troops for the 142nd Mistral Rangers. Ready to serve their Inquisitorial masters
Made in jp
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot

Brilliant conversion work - I especially love the Wyvern cannon turtle - sits in a very satisfying Zoids, Empire Strikes Back kinda vibe. Keep up the great stuff!
Made in gb
Guardsman with Flashlight

Yorkshire, UK

Ordered by the Inquisitors of the Sigilite Precept to support the seconded 142nd Mistral Rangers this Primaris Psyker advises on the providence of the human artifacts they are directed to salvage for the Precept.
Made in au
12th Cadian Mech Regt Orphan Brigade


Great conversions. I really like the Wyvern and augmented Troopers.

Colonel Jacka
12th Cadian Mech Regt
Orphan Brigade
All Hail St Pius
Made in us
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Loving it, should get a pic of all the dudes !

Hydra Dominatus

World Wide War Winner  
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