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Re:Snrub's Blog: Back for 2023 with a photo dump.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in se
Stubborn Hammerer


Exquisite hobby work all over. Nice to see Lotr, too!

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


 Snrub wrote:
Two years today, mate. Final chance!
I did it! Just snuck in there. It’s not much but it’s something 😉
Neurons are looking good. Look forward to seeing how you demolecularising fellow comes out.

Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Good luck with the Necrons and the campaign, I loved playing the Eye of Terror back in the day.

Have you sorted out a paint scheme?

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Karak Norn Clansman wrote:Exquisite hobby work all over. Nice to see Lotr, too!
Thank you! There's some more Middle-earth on the way.

zahnib wrote:I did it! Just snuck in there. It’s not much but it’s something 😉
Neurons are looking good. Look forward to seeing how you demolecularising fellow comes out.
I saw! Nicely done, mate. That Vostroyan is bloody nice work.

Olthannon wrote:Good luck with the Necrons and the campaign, I loved playing the Eye of Terror back in the day.

Have you sorted out a paint scheme?
Thank you! Yeah I'm really looking forward to it. Some of the players are going all out
I do have a paint scheme all sorted out (for once), I'll be using the basic silver and green scheme from the 3rd ed dex. It's simple, quick and I like it.

My building progress was temporarily stymied by my cutting a substantial scallop of flesh out of my thumb last week. You don't appreciate just how much the thumb does for you until you can't use it.
In my 20 years of hobbying, this is by far the worse hobby related wound I've taken. Luckily it's healing over fairly quick. (I'll spare you all a photo of it.)

That being said, with it finally healed enough that I can use it again, construction began anew and the Harvest remains on schedule.
5 Pariahs.
Tried to make them look as much like the old metal pariahs as much as I could, to whit I used the Praetorian heads and cut the orbs off the war scythes and replaced them with the barrels of the hyperphase swords

3 Wraiths.
Had a bit of fun adding a touch of individuality to the wraiths. One in the classic facehugger leap pose. One going for a full bodied swing of the blades, and the last one I made to look a bit like a praying mantis cleaning it's claws.+

Lastly, and I'm looking for some honest feedback here, is a Tomb Blade converted up to be a destroyer.

Waiting for EO approval before I convert up the other two, but if someone plonked this one the table and said "It's a Destroyer" would you be ok with that or do you think it'd just be taking the piss?
I mean, I'm pretty please with how it came out. I don't think it's perfect, but I just started chopping and gluing with only the vaguest idea of what I wanted.

I probably actually need to take some better shots of it that show off the details without my terribly cluttered desk in the back ground with gak strewn all over the place.

As always, thanks for looking!

My Blogs -
Hobby Blog
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Quite a horde of Necrons you’re working on! The wounded thumb sounds nasty, glad it’s healing up ok. As for the tomb blade/destroyer I think it works pretty well, though it’s ass has been on a bit of a diet .

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Looks like a destroyer to me!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


Thanks Snrub! Glad you've still got both thumbs after your hobby mishap. I hope you took the opportunity to top up your pot of Blood for the Blood God
The Pariahs look great!! Really nice conversion that captures the look of the old models. I think the converted Destroy works well, it reads as a Destroyer and looks rad to boot! Looking froward to seeing your Necrons (not neurons ) painted up.

Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


Yep, that's a destroyer. Inspired stuff mate - I always love seeing other 40k armies getting the conversion love that often seems limited to orks and marines.

Glad to hear your thumb is on the mend. Hobby injuries can be nasty - I drilled into the callus under my ring finger the other month when a piece of plastic I thought was solid turned out to be hollow and it's only just come good.

Looking forward to seeing progress on the crons!

t z you are k 
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Gobert - Thanks! Yeah the destroyers definitely have lost a bit of weight. I initially tried to add a bit of extra bulk to them, but couldn't do it to my satisfaction.
Gwyn - Cheers! Glad they're obvious as to what they're meant to be.
Zahnib - Thank you, mate. Yeah I gotta say I'm quietly pleased with the Pariahs. My aim was to make them look like their 3rd ed equivalents as much as possible and the Praetorian heads to most of the heavy lifting in that regard.
Tzurk - Thanks. I hear you on the conversions. Marines and Orks seem to get all the limelight. I guess there's only so much you can do with metal skeletons. People can get pretty inventive with Tau. I've seen some pretty snazzy converted battlesuits. That wound of yours sounds nasty. The thought of drilling into flesh sets my teeth on edge. Dunno how surgeons do it. I didn't make it down to the bone, but I reckon it was close. Not bloody fun. Bloody, certainly. Not fun though.

Thanks all for the feedback on the Destroyers, it's much appreciated. I was fairly confident that they'd be an acceptable conversion, but there's that moment of trepidation as to whether people will see them the same way.

Here's all 3 of them done.

My VDR Triarch Stalker got approved by the Event Organiser, so I went ahead and built it. I really dislike the Necron vehicles having pilots, so I followed in Ouze's footsteps and de-piloted it using the weird back shieldy thing that comes in the Cryptek kit
Not 100% happy with it as it is right now as I feel it needs something added to it. I'm just missing the right bit to finish it off. Whatever that particular bit may be.

The removal of the pilot actually serves a secondary purpose as well as I needed one more Pariah to round out the unit. Just need to find another warscythe so I can convert him up properly.

And I got the Lord finished too. I replaced the goofy ass scythe with one more reminiscent of the old school version. Also switched the head out with the one from the Command Barge lord as I liked it better. Looks more like his 3rd Edition counterpart now.

But wait, there's more! Another lord!
When I was assembling the flayed ones, one of the hands went flying off into thin air as I clipped if off the sprue. After an inordinate amount of time spent searching for it, I just replaced it with a spare claw off the tomb spyder. When I found it again (on my desk in plain sight. Turns out grey plastic on grey cutting matt makes things shockingly hard to spot. ) I realised it was the perfect hand to recreate the other 3rd edition lord. So I did using the command barge lord. This one not quite so complete yet.

A few quick cuts, a bit of filing and some careful readjustment gave me a left handed warscythe. I'm not using him as a lord in the event, he'll fill in as another member of the Pariah squad.

But I hear you say, "Snrub, there was a 3rd Necron lord. The limited army box sculpt with the Staff of Light." To which I say, yes there was.

More on him later.

Finally I leave you with an army shot and a disgustingly clean desk.

As always, thanks for checking in.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/05 12:18:17

My Blogs -
Hobby Blog
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


These Necrons are cursed. Cursed I say. It's a cursed army and nothing good will come of me continuing with the project.

I've stabbed myself twice more in the past week, once in the (other) thumb, once in the thigh. I lost 5 of the warriors.... somewhere and my airbrush decided to finally die.

If I were the superstitious type, I'd be inclined to think sinister forces are moving against me. However, the rational part of me knows that I'm a clutz, also rather forgetful and that the the airbrush has been on its last legs for quite some time.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but this one is barely worth what I've written in this sentence. More a proof of progress more then anything else.

1 Lord, 7 Pariahs, 10 Immortals, 30 Warriors, 1 Tomb Spyder, 1 Heavy Destroyer and a bunch of Scarabs, all basecoated and ready for a wash. The flayed ones hiding up the back are actually finished, I did them the other day.
Still have 3 Wraiths, 3 Destroyers, and the Triarch Stalker to basecoat. A new airbrush, even a cheapy, isn't in the hobby budget at the moment, so i'll have to ask around the local club and see if anyone can do it for me.

Here are my modern renditions based of the 3rd edition lords. I would like to have sculpted cloaks for them, and did attempt to do so, but I can't sculpt cloth to save my life, so after a few aborted attempts I chose to cut my loses and run them capeless.

My Blogs -
Hobby Blog
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


That's quite a force you've amassed Snrub! The converted lords look great, fun nod to the old sculpts. The flayed one hand has some looooong fingers! Look forward to seeing them painted up. I hope you manage to overcome the curse of the Phaeron

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Steady with the knife mate! Not sure whether it’s just me but your pics aren’t loading for some reason. The progress sounds impressive though!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


Hmmm, yeah seems like your pictures are down Snrub!

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