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Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The codex says cultists cant have heavy weapons but can have assault weapons, yet it doesnt list the special weapon options.  Anyone know what the limitations are?
Made in se
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy


Alpha Legion Chaos Cultists..?

Their entry should tell you what´s availble. As far as I know, they can´t have either, except that the champion may buy a combi-weapon..?
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

"Heavy weapons will normally only slow them down so they are only equipped with assault weaponry". I assumed this meant the normal meltagun, plasmagun, grenade launcher or flamer options and GW made another error in forgetting to mention which or assuming we would assume that the 4 weapons listed above are standard.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I'd say that "assault weaponry" is refering to the ccw and pistol they get in their profile.

Weapon upgrades for units are typically included in the "options" part of a unit entry.
The cultists don't have ranged weapon upgrades.

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Made in se
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy


Er, you´re reading the background-text..? To see what weapons they can have, see their rules, not their background.

And by assault-weapons there, they probably mean stuff you use to bash the brains out of your opponent´s heads... Not assault weapons per the rules Assault Weapons.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

How many of these guys should be in a squad? min or max?
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Ancient Chaos Terminator

South Pasadena

They are so cheap, I would max them out. I wish I could have them in my Black Legion list.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

True but from what I have heard the secret to cultists is to keep the squads cheap. Now I dont know if that means in size or no upgrades such as mark undivided or grenades. Can an Alpha Legion player shed some light please.
Made in us

Well, keeping them cheap is an option, but, as most of your troop slots are going to be occupied by infiltrating Chaos Space Marines, I find the following to be OK:

15 Cultists w/ Infiltrate and Furious Charge, Mark of Chaos Undivided, Daemon Summoning Icon, Frag Grenades and Melta Bombs - 150 points.

Sure, they die if they're looked at too hard, but they can't be ignored if infiltrating near enemy vehicles and even if they're shot to pieces, hopefully the Lord, Chosen and other CSM assault squads are nearing their objectives.

If you're using them for Daemon summoning, you porbably will have to max them out, as without their Icon, no daemon summoning will be possible...
Made in us

No replies in a while, and since the topic has changed from the original intent, we should probably get this shifted over to Tactics.

Because I'd love to continue to discuss Alpha Legion related tactics relating to Cultist use!

Can a mod shift it over, if appropriate?

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