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How do you store your miniatures?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
How do you store your miniatures?
I dont have any miniatures
In cardboard boxes
Loose in cupboards or drawers
In multi-section plastic containers
In an official GW army case
In a third party army case
Visible on open shelving or surfaces
In a display cabinet
Other (write in)

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Made in gb
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Rochdale, England

I use a GW case for the majority of my army, but when I ran out of room, I moved my earlier models into cardboard boxes and into...
the attic of no return
to make room for my more recent and frequently used models

Accept any Challenge, no matter the odds
Uphold the Honour of the Emperor
Suffer not the Unclean to Live
Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch
A moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of heresy

2500pt, 1000pt , 3000pt 
Made in us
Sneaky Striking Scorpion

Sector 001

I made my own army cases out of wine boxes. Aside from getting hassled by drunk college kids they work pretty well. Put myself under "third party".

"The only thing you defeat when you play WH just to win is the purpose of playing WH in the first place." -Eos Rahh

Dakka Trader Rep: +15 and counting

I Play:
Made in us
Fanatic with Madcap Mushrooms

Chino Hills, CA

I used to use the Battalion Boxes, but recently I started using some loose plastic containers.

However, I'm looking into an army case for both my Fantasy and 40k Armies (I'm not fond of GW's cases as they don't have any spots for Tanks, Monsters, and Cavalry!)

Some people play to win, some people play for fun. Me? I play to kill toy soldiers.

WHFB, AoS, 40k, WM/H, Starship Troopers Miniatures, FoW

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Ol' Blighty

some in boxes. some on shelves, some in cases, but most on gaming board!

JB: I like the concept of a free Shrike roaming through the treetops of the jungle. I'm not sure that I like the idea of a real Shrike sitting on my couch eating my Skittles.
corpsesarefun: Thank god I missed be nice to shrike day.
greenskin lynn: because of all the skittles and soda, you basically live off sugar water, like some sort of freakish human-hummingbird hybrid. 
Made in gb
Stalwart Space Marine

Nottingham, UK

In a tool box with bubble wrap layers

Made in us
Been Around the Block

Washington DC

I actually have two old card catalogues from a high school library. I have most of my supplies unfinished models in the drawers. I have finished models on top.

"Men willingly believe what they wish..."
Julius Caesar 56 BC  
Made in us
Enigmatic Sorcerer of Chaos

Buena Park, CA

Wish there had been a choice to choose multiple so I chose other instead. I store them on open shelves as well as boxes and in GW Cases (till I can get some diff ones)
Made in us
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch

VA Beach

Most of my Death Guard is in box-form at the moment. But the models I do have I have piled up in a shoebox. I'm planning on buying a Battlefoam case though.

Let the galaxy burn.

Made in us
Furious Raptor


All the above except for the first selection.

1500 vs 1500 -40k
2500 vs 2500 -fantasy

Made in us
Tough Tyrant Guard

Sacramento, ca

Before painted there in Egg Crate( egg cartens), whiling being painted still in egg Crate.....
After there done , I go and buy Foam trays....
But half the time my troops or Infanty models are in foam trays , while my vehilces are on the shelves...
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Steel toolboxes, flex-steel sheeting and rare earth magnets glued to the bottom of each mini.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/01/15 19:30:27

Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

the left coast

I use a glass display case, aircraft are hung from the ceiling.
Made in gb
Long-Range Land Speeder Pilot

Birmingham UK

I recently bought my first GW carry case (double size Warhammer 40K one), but 90% of my models are in cardboard shoe boxes, usually fairly badly packed.

In time all models will hopefully make it into proper packaging, but knowing me... probably not. Much prefer spending my money on models!


Current Projects:
Pre-Crusade Mantis Warriors force for Badab War campaign
Involved in the Great Marine Swap with the homebrew Defenders of Obscurus
Wedding fund sale: ebay and thread items! 
Made in au
Spawn of Chaos

Melbourne, Australia

Battlefoam, nuff said.

Iron Within! Iron Without!  
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Ol' Blighty

either gw case if i'm gonna go play somewhere soon or just got back from gaming, but mainly on my game board, partway through a game.

JB: I like the concept of a free Shrike roaming through the treetops of the jungle. I'm not sure that I like the idea of a real Shrike sitting on my couch eating my Skittles.
corpsesarefun: Thank god I missed be nice to shrike day.
greenskin lynn: because of all the skittles and soda, you basically live off sugar water, like some sort of freakish human-hummingbird hybrid. 
Made in no
Ork-Hunting Inquisitorial Xenokiller


In a cabinet, so my dog don't get to them, And beside I rarly play so don't need to worry about packing them too often.

Lenge leve Norge, måtte hun altidd være fri

Disciples Of Nidhog 2500 (CSM)

Order of the bloodied sword  
Made in us
Water-Caste Negotiator

Lafayette, IN, USA

I don't think my unpainted orks deserve much more than the bottom half of the AoBR box... so that's where they are! The only battle damage they've undergone is a blade breaking off the prop of a deffkopta... not too bad. It makes it look Orky!!

I actually have a full body tattoo, but it's of an invisibility cloak, so you can't see it.

(1000) : W/L/D -- 2:3:2
Made in us
Long-Range Ultramarine Land Speeder Pilot


i use pencil boxes many pencil boxes

Made in gb
Sybarite Swinging an Agonizer

Middlesbrough, UK

Depends on the army.

Currently, my CSM have the worst offering- they're just put in empty GW boxes I have lying around. For the time being my Tyranids are also the same (apart from delicate models, like the Hive Tyrant), but I'm in the process of getting better storage for those.

My Blood Angels are stored in a KR Multicase, aside from a couple of EXTREMELY fragile models (converted Standard Bearer) and a couple of vehicles I just keep in GW empty boxes until I have some more foam sheets for them.

Blood Angels 2nd/5th Company (5,400+)
The Wraithkind (4,100+) 
Made in us
Irked Necron Immortal

On the train headin down to delicious town

The necrons go in an Army Transport case...

the orks are in tackle box w my black reach boyz in a gladware contianer!

loota boy wrote:Ah, I see you have run into the great Mephiston, Lord of Cheese! Not to worry, that block of chedder can be tied up easily with 30 boyz, can get his ass handed to him in a match with Ghazzy, and can be squigified with Zogwort. How satisfiying would that be? ....Squigfiston, Lord of gak...
grendel083 wrote:"Dis is Oddboy to BigBird, come in over."
"BigBird 'ere, go ahead, over." "WAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! over"
"Copy 'dat, WAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!! DAKKADAKKA!!... over"
Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker

Sacramento, CA

On shelves or on my desk. Just doesn't seem right to keep em hidden. Dust is annoying though...

Blood Wardens - 1500 Points (41% Painted)
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I voted for "visible on open shelving or storage space" since that's the primary place I store my miniatures. I happen to use GW cases, refitted cardboard boxes, 3rd party miniatures cases, plastic storage bins, and random foam trays for storage and transport as well, but I didn't really want to just vote "other - half a dozen of the above".
Made in gb
Jealous that Horus is Warmaster

I store mine in clear plastic boxes so they don't get dust and I can see them

Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

Binghamton, NY

Open shelving, since I don't have a glass display cabinet, but still like to see them. I have an official GW case for transport, if only because I found a good deal on Ebay. I haven't gotten around to getting more trays, yet, due to limited funds. I can fit the troops for both of my armies and then some, but I can't fit elites or vehicles for either. So, since "storage" is ambiguous, open shelving for the long-term and display, GW army case/cardboard boxes for transport.

The Dreadnote wrote:But the Emperor already has a shrine, in the form of your local Games Workshop. You honour him by sacrificing your money to the plastic effigies of his warriors. In time, your devotion will be rewarded with the gift of having even more effigies to worship.
Made in us
Ferocious Blood Claw

Midland, MI

Lots-Some in GW cases, some in non-GW cases, some on shelves, and some on glass shelves (in display cases). Also have lots in boxes packed up for protection...

As much as I'd like, I can't afford a game room to display them all.....{or at least afford the room and the minis ;-) }
Made in gb
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair


I keep them in a cloth sack like my groceries.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

third party case

Zombie and modern miniature gaming http://commissar80.blogspot.com/ 
Made in us
Chalice-Wielding Sanguinary High Priest

Arlington TX, but want to be back in Seattle WA

i tape them to the bottom of GW tank boxes....works great. I tried the foam awhile ago, just didnt see the point in it, unless im storing golden daemon entries. Eventually, I would like to have a nice display cabinet to put them in

4250 points of Blood Angels goodness, sweet and silky W12-L6-D4
1000 points of Teil-Shan (my own scheme) Eldar Craftworld in progress
800 points of unassembled Urban themed Imperial Guard
650 points of my do-it-yourself Tempest Guard
675 points of Commoraghs finest!

The Dude - "Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man."

Lord Helmet - "I bet she gives great helmet."

Made in us
Combat Jumping Rasyat

Palitine Il

In a third party army case and visible on open shelving.
Made in us


I have a "fat bag" which is essentially an army case about twice the size of a GW bag, but can still carry about the same amount(doh!), but I got it for $5 at a garage sale. Scrapbooking buddy or something like that. Meh. All my painted models I put in foam or hard carry cases they can't move around in, and all unpainted ones I put in Battleforce boxes. Any models I'm not actively using(so, basically my Nids and all my Fantasy models) go either up in shelves or in Battleforce boxes on the shelves.

2000 pts Kabal of the Everlife (Dark Eldar)
1500 pts Hive Fleet Tarasque/Hive Fried Chicken (Nids)
2000+ pts Disciples of the Prophet of Change (Tzeentchian Lizardmen)
1750 pts Panzergrenadier Lehr Kompanie/Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Kompanie
1750 pts Gvardeyskiy Tyazheliy Tankovy Batalon
(Guards Heavy Tank Battalion) 
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