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Made in us
DCM User

I'd like to add the Yaogat + combi rifle to the list of things you're already getting for me!
Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

Claim has been staked!

Made in gb
Leaping Dog Warrior

Ian Sturrock wrote:Anyone else fancy splitting a box of Loup-Garous? If you play Ariadna, they're well worth considering for that viral rifle (and the ADHL/shotgun combo that you can arm the other one with is also pretty reasonable).

Shae-Konnit, am I OK to PayPal you the cash for the couple of figures I've already reserved, after I decide for sure what else I want? It'll be over the next few days, for sure, but I want to see if there's any interest in that Loup-Garou split, and I may also buy some other Ariadna and Aleph bits from you.

Hey if this still up for grabs I'd take the other Viral and the ADHL.

Tacticool always trumps tactics

Malifaux: All the Resurrectionists
Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant


@KoganStyle, I'm definitely still interested in a Loup-Garou split, and I'm sure Shae-Konnit will make it happen. I will probably need to wait a couple of weeks to get paid though.

My painting & modelling blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/699224.page

Serpent King Games: Dragon Warriors Reborn!

Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

that's fine, it'll be about a week before I can get another one in i reckon

Made in gb
Leaping Dog Warrior

Cool well I'm in whenever your ready.

Tacticool always trumps tactics

Malifaux: All the Resurrectionists
Made in us
DCM User

I'm sure Kanluwen's probably bought all of yours, but in case he hasn't, any chance you've got 3 Netrods for sale?
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

You're okay Alpharius, I haven't bought anything from Shae-Konnit...yet.
Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

I have 2 split netrods for sale, I can confirm that much; they're left over from the Aleph support group

Any more and i'll have to order them in.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/05/16 22:50:53

Made in us
DCM User

I'll take the two Netrods, and the GML Rebot too, if it is still available? (I saw it over on the "official" forums, if that's OK to 'cross-pollinate!)
Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

Yeah, sure is!
I actually still have your previous order here because I lost the Sin Eater (but I have found it again!) so if you like I could just put them all in the same box and they'll be sent out tomorrow?

Made in us
DCM User

Shae-Konnit wrote:Yeah, sure is!
I actually still have your previous order here because I lost the Sin Eater (but I have found it again!) so if you like I could just put them all in the same box and they'll be sent out tomorrow?

That works for me - though it might be good to post an updated list of what you have available, as there might be a few more things I'm after!
Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

Well, you've seen the split box stuff, so i'll try keeping tabs on what clamshells I have and post them here...

In the meantime I do have a few TAGs;

Made in us
DCM User

OK, I think I'm good to go for now then - pack 'em up and ship 'em out please!

(And tell me how much more I owe you now too, of course!)
Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

Rebot + GML £12
2x Netrods £8.30

Made in us
DCM User

Same PayPal as before?

I'm guessing 'yes' and sending you the additional funds... now!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/05/17 00:46:52

Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

Alpharius goods are well on their way now!
Added a couple of Magister Knights from the box of the same name to Page 1 for £6.50 each

Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

And that's a box of Loup Garou ready for divvying up!

Made in gb
Leaping Dog Warrior

I'm very ready and willing to pay up! And I might add a few more things now the list is updated.

Tacticool always trumps tactics

Malifaux: All the Resurrectionists
Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant


Awesome, I should have payment from uni tomorrow, assuming they don't screw up. Again.

My painting & modelling blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/699224.page

Serpent King Games: Dragon Warriors Reborn!

Made in us
DCM User

Is there an updated list I'm not seeing?
Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

Some things were added on the Infinity forums, but I will have more going up real soon on both, specifically a load of Remotes for pretty much every faction

The Loup Garou are £5 each

Made in us
DCM User

I'm ready for some sweet Remote action!

I'll try to track down your list too.

Sadly, the "official" Infinity Forum is blocked for me here at work, so only Dakka Dakka during the day!
Made in ca
Martial Arts SAS


Postage to the US and A is £3.30, Europe is £2.70 and for uk is 90p (so long as I can fit it in a padded envelope). Anywhere else, I'll need to check (though usually it is £3.30).

The Following Models are Available for £12 a piece.

From Haqqislam:
Kameel Remote + Evo Repeater/minesweeper - Irish1983

From Yu-Jing:
Yaopu Pangguling Remote + Evo Repeater/minesweeper - Kabuki

From Aleph:
Rebot + GML- Alpharius
Probot + EVO Repeater

The Following Models are available for £10 a piece.

From Haqqislam:
Shaytaniyah remote + GML

The Following Models are available for £6.50 a piece.
Magister Knight + CCW, pzf left-hander
Magister Knight + CCW, pzy right-hander
Magister Knight + CCW, ls - Zekar

The Following Models are avialable for £5.50 a piece.

Ragik + rifle

The Following Models are available for £5 a piece.

From Ariadna:

Loup Garou + shotgun
Loup Garou + shotgun

From Nomads:
Morlock + Chainrifle and fancy shades (BodyMorpheus)

From Mercenaries:
Druze + cr,lgl - thirteenpixels

The Following Models are available for £4.50 a piece.

From Ariadna:
Wulver + T2 rifle - Ian Sturrock
Highlander Volunteer 1
Highlander Volunteer 3
SAS + bs - Ian Sturrock
Veteran Kazak
Highlander Grey + 2 shotguns

From Aleph:
Yudbot - Phlyk
Postie Mk3+ spitfire

From Acontecimento:

Acon. Regular (Jack)

Acon. Regular (Sawyer)

From YuJing:
Wu Ming -, Demenation
Domaru + bs
Haramaki + DACCW (two-hand grip)
Hsien +mr - Dementation
Celestial Guard +cr (aiming)
Kuang-Shi #1 - rooster4796
Kuang-Shi #3 - Kabuki

From Haqqislam

Daylami rifle+ls

From Bakunin:
Moderator with headband
Moderator with headband
Rev. Moira - Lampyrida
Rev. Moira

From Combined Army:

Yaogat+cr, pzf - mourelle
Yaogat + cr
Yaogat + cr, pzf - Reece
Yaogat + sp - Reece
Yaogat + bs

From Shasvastii Expeditionary Force:
Seed Soldier cr+lgl - regf
Speculo Killer - thirteenpixels

The Following are available for £3.50 each

From YuJing:
Zhanshi - insomniazz

From Ariadna:
Aiming Kazak - KoganStyle
Kazak (high collar)
Female Kazak - KoganStyle

Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

Is there any box/clamshell folk would like to see split up...?
Maybe more Yaogat or another load of Posthumans?

Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker

right behind you

is it possible to get just an auxbot?

your plasma weapon may be used as an explosive device in case of emergency

Welcome to the internet, and specifically a gaming forum.

If your choice of game is not made in a blood oath that can only be broken by a quest and vow made with the most overwrought dramatics, then you aren't doing it right. -curran12 
Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

It has been done before, just need someone to pick up the Auxilia and you're on!

Made in gb
Sword-Bearing Inquisitorial Crusader

Near London, UK

I should say no to that, as I have too many models to do as it is, but I do like both of the Auxilia models, so I'd consider picking either or both up. What would the price be on that?

Project log - Leander, 54mm scale Mars pattern Warhound titan 
Made in gb
Camouflaged Zero

I reckon the models from that box would be £4.50 a piece.

Made in ca
Martial Arts SAS


Can I preorder the dozer engineer ? =)

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