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Made in gb
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos


 Lord Borak wrote:
Boss Salvage wrote:Those old school dreads are super sharp - and suspiciously clean, not even a bloody boot from kicking a fool

I have chipped them up a bit! Although I haven't taken any pictures. But I have!! I promise! lol. No blood splatter on those boys as they're shooty. If they ever beat someone to death in combat I'll add some blood but until that happens they'll remain blood free.

gobert wrote:Loving your World Eaters, the blood spray is spectacular! Can’t wait to see the Dreadnoughts all doused in blood too!

Thanks mate. Dreadnought is done...

Well. I can't actually believe it but I have a fully painted 1500pt Army. I can't remember the last time I've managed to do that. They're a bit rushed and wont win any competitions but they'll do!!

New Arrivals. Heavy support squad and Contemptor.

So! What's next? Definitely some assault marines but what else??? Ideas please

Needs more gore 😉 glad to see you’re still add it. One of these days I’ll have to come give a game with some blood soaked, khorne worshipping world eaters

Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Been tinkering on many things in the long dusty silence but haven't really finished anything worthy of photo's. Until now!!

I've gotten a bit bored of Heresy so have gone back to some good old Titanicius. Because who doesn't love (mini) Giant Death Machines!!

Got some the vast majority of my Warlord done. The white, gold and metal work are all done now. That just leaves the details, decals and the base! Weapons will come later as I have a butt load to do for him.

Also managed to get some shiny new guns for the old girl in my other Legio.

....and started work on some new Titans!! Blurry photo but you get the idea. More Dirty ramshackle titans

Last, but by no means least! My printer has been on overdrive printing some Grim Dark Terrain. I painted all the walls in one night for a game last weekend so they still need a lot of work doing to them such as the windows, doorways and maybe some little flags here n there.

Wanted to give my Warlord a spin to use it's fancy new Carapace Weapons and true to form they were blown off it after firing once. Not to worry though because the old girl managed to put her Chainfist through two Reavers whilst taking fire from just about everything AND managed to survive the whole game. First time shes done that! So obviously she was happy with the new Wargear
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Spedpainted or not, I am really diggin the new terrain prints.

I've said it before, but, that white warlord is a thing 'o' beauty and no mistake...

clean crisp and flawless... very much looking forward to seeing its completed state...

Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Thanks mate. I'll get some better pictures once they're done but I have no idea when that'll be. It's a bit hard to see but what do you think of the Purple roof tiles on the spires with the dark grey walls? Do you think it works? I'm not sure they work together but it was the only suggestion I had!!

Haha, I'm getting a bit OCD with these white Titans (I do really need to give them a name). Looking back at my other warlord I really need to go back and bring it up to scratch Glad you think it's flawless. It really isn't but that's hopefully just me?

No promises when that will be. I only get to paint when I'm off during the week AND have no commitments... yay for adult life.
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

YUP, adult life for the win...
at least it means we can actually earn money and pay for all this schizle as well as the regular life schizle too, like feeding the kids and all that jazz that gets in the way of painting plastic soldiers... of course...

indeed, the white titans make me enveous for the paintjob on the white but I'm sure I could do it if I actually bothered to be patient enough to put the time in to do it. but even then you'd have me in the dust as far as quality of white is concerned. its something to aspire to at least! LOL

talking of dust,I think thats all thats missing on the walls at this point. a gradiated blend of dusty filth on the bottom quarter would do worlds of good.
the grey is sensible and logical, the purple a lovely accent that suggests at real-world blue-slate visuals and, as I say, a yellowish dust accent would be the perfect accompanyment tot he purple as far as contrasting tone is concerned... but thats just my two-pennith.

I cant even get 20 guardsmen painted at the minute so worry ye not on the lack of hobby-time we all have these days. once spring is upon us and more daylight hours occur we can be sure we'll all get more done...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/09 18:10:36

Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Had all the time but no money to do the hobby in my youth. Now I have the money and no time Ah well. It is what it is

The white is fairly simple. It's Corax white (handed painted on this guy) and then just blended up with white. Just using really thin coats until I can do a pure white highlight. Takes ages but looks good I think. You are more than capable of copying my paint jobs but please don't. lol.

That's a good shout! I'll get some dry brushing done on the walls to help blend them into the board. Maybe even this weekend if I can get all my Dad tasks done.

you're doing guardsmen! Really REALLY nice guardsmen at the moment.
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Worry ye not, I'll not attempt the white in a hurry! but perhaps one day...

re. the Guardsmen, thanks!
but what I really meant was that I've 20 of the filey troopers collecting dust in resin and plastic and no matter how many weeks go by, I keep just building more nucadians and not painting the stuff I should be! LOL

You know how it goes. building is something you can pick up and do anytime of the week. painting is another story. got to make the time...

meant to mention also, the worldeaters are a lovely! most impressed with the speed you got those done. It only took me four years to do half as many spacesharks... lol...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/02/12 13:59:16

Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

There's a Simpsons quote for every occasion lol

Nope! No days! I don;t want you showing me up Although it would be cool to see you do some Titans

I dread to think how many Guardsmen I have stashed away waiting to be painted......

You probably put more effort into those Space Sharks as my World Eaters though. They are very much dry brushes and washes. Which is why I haven't taken ANY close up pictures of them

Walls are done!! I added some dust to the bottom of the walls to help blend them into the board and done the doorways and the windows. My son wanted them to be red as he thought it looked like an evil castle and evil castles always have red windows...... so they're red.

Made in gb
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos


The titans and epic scenery looks really great. I hope they make a proper epic game again.

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

And he's not wrong.. the red windows really make it pop.
It looks like a castle from an 80's cartoon now! (in the good nostalgic way, that is)

the dust is rather subtle but perhaps thats just the photo's...

if not, cake that sucker! LOL
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

itsonlyme wrote:The titans and epic scenery looks really great. I hope they make a proper epic game again.

Thanks mate. As for EPIC. I'm in two minds. I do want it as I'd really like to play it again but at the same time Titanicus isn't anywhere near done. They have loads of titans still to release and I don't want the focus taken off of them. After all, I play Titanicus because of the Giant Robots of Death, not some tiny Leman Russ tanks. Titanicus doesn't get a great deal f love either and it's 6 months or so between releases so that'd mean I'd be waiting EVEN LONGER for a new cool class of Titan.

osjclatchford wrote:And he's not wrong.. the red windows really make it pop.
It looks like a castle from an 80's cartoon now! (in the good nostalgic way, that is)

the dust is rather subtle but perhaps thats just the photo's...

if not, cake that sucker! LOL

Well you're on the same level as a 7 year old But he does have some very good colour scheme ideas! (he's painted some Titans himself in his own schemes and they look very good!). I, obviously, take all genetic credit for this.

The dust is a bit sublte I guess. But it's enough to blend it from a very dark grey to the sand board. So it'll do for me

Ah well. Enough messing about with scenery. I better actually paint some Titans
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Yeah those red windows really are fantastic. That's such an impressive board of terrain!

I think the dust needs to be subtle - after all, in scale, that's still dust a story or so up the wall!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Radukar the Wolf 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Right you are Gwyn. epic scale does make that a huge level of dust as it is...
Made in gb
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos


I know what you mean. I’d honestly be happy with a tweaked version of the old rules tbh. It’s easy enough to 3D print epic now anyway.

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Cracking work on the World Eaters, must be great to get such a good sized force together so quickly. The new warlord is coming along very nicely, it’ll look great stomping along the new walls too!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Exalted a number of posts there Lord Borak.



Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft


Just to show you I haven't forgotten about the hobby. Here's some more WIP pics of the Warlord. I've been on some mad 14hr shifts and it's pretty much killed me off. but hey, little by little it' getting done.

Quite happy with the banner. But certainly can be improved!!
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex


and I've said it before but I'll say it again. I love those cacti!

And damn, take a day off once in a while man! you'll break if you don't... ;D
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Haha, thanks. I quite like them as well, even if they are fiddly as hell to make. I should really try and find some 3D files but oh well.

Ugh, I should take a break. I need to tbh. I have a week off in a couple of weeks and then another one in April as well as 2 weeks of training courses coming up. So that SHOULD give me a bit of RnR.

No doubt I'll end up doing loads of DIY around the house on my weeks off. But the training courses are away from home so I'll probably end up taking some toys with me to do in the hotel. If I don't spend the week in the bar!
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

I feel hand made ones have that induviduality you'd loose with 3d prints... but thats because I don't have a printer so I would say that...

but yeah, do enjoy the time off...
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Finally managed to finish off the next two 'hounds for my Legio Cariossus. I still need to do the Reaver and the absolute MOUNTAIN of Forge World weaponry for my White Legio. Next week I'll make a start on them. Maybe.

Also managed to get distracted by some 3D printed titans. I printed the Warhounds off a year or so ago for a mate who then decided he didn't want them. Then recently I found a Lucius Reaver file and I caved. I wont be spending much time on them as they are just a distraction of a distraction and, to be honest, I don;t actually like the models that much but, hey, its nice to have some variation.

The finished but not based Reaver

His WIP mates
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

The warhounds look great and I spy some classic alien cacti too, nice!

The Lucius printed titans look cool, and thematic having them as a separate legio. The warhounds are cool, but the reavers legs seem and bit narrow front to back.

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

I rather like the new green legio
the utilitarian nature of lucius pattern vehicles lends itself to such colourchemes with ease...
Also, funny that distractions within distractions occur so often in this hobby!

Made in gb
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos


I waiting to see some proper square bases stuff you slacker. The old worlds only around the corner. I promised you years ago I’d give you chaos a spanking

Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Thanks guys!

Well I'm done with the distraction of the distraction now. The Lucius Titans are finished. I do quite like them and the scheme but I doubt I'll do anything else for them. Maybe some retro knights or something? Who knows!!! Happy for ideas though..... I do have a Lucius style Imperator.... Just saying.

No square base stuff yet!! When this Old World thing kicks off I'll actually get around to painting those metal Marauders I got off you about 10 years ago
Made in gb
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos


Lol, lies, that will never happen, I’ll probably have my khorne marauders painted before then

Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Hey, you never know!! The only reason I haven't done them is because fantasy died a death :/. If it comes back then I may well get back on it. When I have finished my Titans that is.

All I need to do is stop buying and/or printing new Titans and it'll be easy to achieve!!! Nope, nope that is 100% not a Lucius style Warmaster printing right now. Must be your imagination.

Made in gb
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos


You know it’s already been announced and new bret and TK models have been previewed at warhammer fest?

Damn those 3D printers, they bane of the hobby! Reminds me, my partners boss was askin about a large ray titan

Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Well, I'll start WHFB when I've finished my Titans....

Speaking of Titans!! I got a little distracted.......

Warmaster for my Lucius titans. Cobbled together from several different kits but mainly an Emperor Titan reduced to 75%. Stands a smidgen over a normal Warmaster but not by much. A mishap when printing the right shoulder led to some hasty battle damage to save the print. Came out OK I think!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/05/08 19:58:45

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Wonderful. When someone says titan, the Lucius warmaster is where my mind goes first so I'm biased but yeah. Damn fine job. Especially with the damage to save the print... Makes it more interesting bto be honest...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/05/09 05:45:53

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