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Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

I don't really do much lighting effects because I'm not actually any good at it. I've tried multiple times but always seem to struggle. :/

Done!! I went with a fairly simple base in the end. He/Her/it still needs a name so if you have any suggestions fire away!

Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Good Lord. Has it really been almost 3 months since I updated this Time flies when you're manically busy eh? :

Finally managed to apply some paint to some miniatures. I had painted these warhounds back in April and it's taken me THIS LONG to find the time to finish the weapons, bases and decals.

In other news I've been bullied into doing a World Eater Force for this silly new Horus Heresy Game. So I'm guessing I'll be posting pictures of them soon. Silly 28mm models distracting me from the awesomeness of 6mm stuff!!
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

He's back! and means business it seems! stellar work as usual LordB! the clean sharp detail you capture is nothing short of magical!
Made in gb
Fighter Ace


Awesome looking titans, really great stuff!

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Lovely pair of puppies! The white and gold is extra regal on this pair for some reason, great job!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

BOOM!! another project started

This time some Heresy World Eaters. I have been working on these for ages but I managed to get these done and I have another unit of 19 marines half done. So expect them soon-ish! (maybe the end of the week!?).

I have been printing off a LOAD of stuff for my next army (Imperial fists). For that army I've bought loads for but will probably never get round to doing. :
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

I know it's not the focus but I love the Necromunda building in the background.

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Great looking posse of maniacs! The blood is particularly satisfying on that white armor (all according to plan by whatever High Lord of Terra first chose the scheme, I'm sure).

Funnily enough, I had to look at this pics for a long time to decide what scale they're at Since so much 10-15mm Heresy has come across my feed these days, particularly from 3D printers.

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Glad you like the Scenery There's more pictures in this thread somewhere, god knows where though!!

Boss Savage:
I'm the same!! I'm part of so many FB groups that do 8mm scale marines I have to double take on what's what! Especially with tanks now that 3D printers are so good!!

I managed to get my unit of 19 Despoilers done!! They don't hold up well up close but I just want these done to gaming standard. I really want to get back to painting my Titans.

Also on the work bench is a centurion in Tartarus armour and some old school Dreadnoughts that I'm using to represent Castraferrum Dreadnoughts. Hopefully I'll get their bases finished today but the Dreads will need some battle damage at some point.

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Lovely slaughter boys lord B! Got plenty of red on em. Which is the way we like it I think...

Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Thanks mate. Any tips or suggestions let me know.

I had a game against a mate of mine today. My World Eaters Vs his Iron Warriors. No idea who was Loyalist or who was a traitor but that's the Heresy all over isn't it? All that matters was that Blood was spilled Really nie to have 2 fully painted armies on the table (for a change).

The brave tactical Legionaries who, after taking their first casualty were pinned. Oh well lol,

Foolish Iron Warriors getting cocky. They learnt the hard way.

Overall victor to my World Eaters but my mate had some piss poor dice rolls.

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Those old school dreads are super sharp - and suspiciously clean, not even a bloody boot from kicking a fool

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Loving your World Eaters, the blood spray is spectacular! Can’t wait to see the Dreadnoughts all doused in blood too!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Boss Salvage wrote:Those old school dreads are super sharp - and suspiciously clean, not even a bloody boot from kicking a fool

I have chipped them up a bit! Although I haven't taken any pictures. But I have!! I promise! lol. No blood splatter on those boys as they're shooty. If they ever beat someone to death in combat I'll add some blood but until that happens they'll remain blood free.

gobert wrote:Loving your World Eaters, the blood spray is spectacular! Can’t wait to see the Dreadnoughts all doused in blood too!

Thanks mate. Dreadnought is done...

Well. I can't actually believe it but I have a fully painted 1500pt Army. I can't remember the last time I've managed to do that. They're a bit rushed and wont win any competitions but they'll do!!

New Arrivals. Heavy support squad and Contemptor.

So! What's next? Definitely some assault marines but what else??? Ideas please
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

 Lord Borak wrote:
No blood splatter on those boys as they're shooty. If they ever beat someone to death in combat I'll add some blood but until that happens they'll remain blood free.
In that case I look forward to them earning their splatter

Great looking crew, congrats on the army!

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Sadly, still no splatter on the old Dreads. Not for want of trying!! They've been doing really REALLY well in my last few games. The last one Vs Iron Warriors the Twin lascannon duelled a Kratos into the ground and left it on 1 HP whilst the twin Heavy Bolter one managed to shred 3 Rapier batteries to death. I'm tempted to do another one!!

Speaking of the game. I have some recent pics from that game and a couple of Titanicus games I played at mine and at Warhammer World.

Only have 2 from the game against the Iron Warriors. But they looked awesome.

Highlight of this game was my Warhound charging a Warlord and doing the last Critical to its head which then promptly fell on said Warhound. But the Warhound lived!! Just! But just is enough

I've also been working on some more of my Necromunda Board. More pictures soon.

This is where I'm at with the board so far. I've had some buildings built for 2 years awaiting paint so I've been just cracking on and painting that. I need to do another roof and a whole new building (Soylent Green!!!).

Also working on these two little hab blocks. I'm currently printing off a load of bits for them like bunk beds, tables and chairs etc but I'm a bit stumped for Sofas. I guess I'll find some eventually!!! I do need some ideas for internal colour schemes though so help me on that one please guys/girls The bottom two levels will probably be some sort of shops/stores of some variety. No idea what though.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2022/10/31 18:59:08

Made in se
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Oslo Norway

Wow, that is a lot of oldschool necromunda bulkheads! An entire city worth.

The image with the iron warriors and the dread in the alley is totally epic

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Great looking battles, and having the head land on the warhound sounds a good laugh too! As for interior design; in the grim darkness of the far future, there is no interior design! On a serious note, I’d either go for gang colours, or drab industrial colours

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Nice work with the Necromunda city, giving me a few ideas for my small collection of old school bulkheads

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

I went with a drab grey interior for the flats. I need to dirty them up and add details to them but I want to concentrate on the actual buildings first!! They need rooves but I'm not sure what to do with them. Shall I do them flat? Or sloped? Flat means troops can get up there and I can add details (what?) but slopes makes more sense........ not that any of the other buildings have sloped rooves.

I have so much to do. I have to do the rooves for the flats AND for the admin building. Then I have to make a Soylent green warehouse/meat processing plant with attached Diner. Gah. So much to do....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/11/14 11:27:24

Made in se
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Oslo Norway

Look very good, the stairs are great. Go for flat roofs for playability. I would add some grimdark balustrades to the roof to 40k them up even more, and maybe some piping, air conditioning and other small detail scatter.

Cool little tanker too.

Made in de
Fleshound of Khorne


Those Warhounds look amazing. So clean! And i LOVE your World Eaters - painting white always makes me anxious and you just nailed it. Kudos.

By chance, do you have a 40k Imperial Knight? I would love to see the size comparison to those Warhounds.

Just another Wargaming Gal - there are dozens of us. 
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Thanks guys!! I went for flat rooves. It makes sense considering that the rest of the rooves are flat so I just went with that. I've made them but I need to add details but I cant do that until I get some more Resin for the printer........ Such is life!! The Stairs are 3D prints. A really nice file actually but one I had to tinker around with to get to match the scale of the bulkheads.

KhorneGirl: Thank you! The World Eaters are a very much rush job so I'm glad you think they look good lol. They white was just Corax spray, a grey wash, dry brush Corax and then drybrush White scar. Pretty quick!

Oh, and Warhounds are tiny..

The weathering on your Khorne stuff is great by the way. What did you use on them? Powders?
Made in de
Fleshound of Khorne


Gouache followed by Varnish & then Pigments, made from pastel chalks. I wish there was a way to paint over gouache without using varnish, but anything that contains water instantly reactivates gouache.

Just another Wargaming Gal - there are dozens of us. 
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

I had to Google that as I had absolutely no idea what that was .

I'm not really a fan of Varnishes as it kills the finish of the paints. So I was looking for something that I didn't need to use Varnish over. Although does it really need Varnish over the top of it? I wont be using my White titans to game with that often. They're more for display really. I need to stop being so OCD and picky....... bu I'm old and set in my ways

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/11/17 18:14:09

Made in de
Fleshound of Khorne


If they're for display, than you don't need to varnish them. However, Gouache drys ultra-matte - very much akin to matte-ness of pigments.
So while rust & corrosion looks very realistic due to its matte-ness, grime and dirt usually doesn't.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/11/17 18:28:05

Just another Wargaming Gal - there are dozens of us. 
Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Get your Rat Burgers here! only the Best Quality, locally sourced and free range Rats used!!

Oh. and finally getting some time in on some Titanicus.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/12/12 10:45:35

Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

United States

The detail you've added to this vignette is extraordinary! How in the world did you manage the chalkboard menu? Is that freehand or were you able to print a decal and blend it into the black? The whole thing is very well executed.

"He fears his fate too much, or his desserts are small, who will not put it to a single touch; to win- or lose- it all."

Montrose Toast

Made in gb
Powerful Chaos Warrior

In the Loft

Its all free hand mate. So thanks!!

I hope everyone's Christmas and new years is as good as you deserve!! i must have been a naughty boy as my household has been visited not by Father Christmas but by Grandfather Nurgle himself!! it's been full of Covid (not me) and Chicken Pox (also not me).

Hobby has been fairly random with nothing really finished. I have started a unit of 20 Assault Marines, an Apothecary and a Dreadnought for my World eaters as well as THREE more titans for the "yellow" legio. No more work on the Warlord as I haven't had the time to commit to it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/12/31 15:57:01

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

sad to hear about the house of plaguebearers!

but glad to see 'pete's meat'. the finest rats this side of hive-hades...

nice to know that you, like me, finally got round to some more hobby this side of 2023...

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