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Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center bgColor=#ffffff border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD>Sony Slammed Again </TD></TR> <TR vAlign=top> <TD width="100%"> Youch. Last year it seemed that Sony was roaring toward another landmark console release. The mainstream press was rolling with the hype, running articles touting the "Supercomputer in your Living Room." (Forbes) But throughout 2006 there's been a shift in the winds, most notably after Sony's dry E3 press conference. The real problem seems to be Sony's aggressive promotion of the Blu-Ray DVD as an integral part of the console launch, which is causing delays and (possibly) consumer resentment.

Case in point: Business 2.0 Named Sony President Ken Kutaragi one of "Ten People Who Don't Matter." The article goes on to say: "PlayStation 3, which was supposed to put Blu-Ray into millions of living rooms, is months late and hundreds of dollars more expensive than competing consoles from Microsoft and Nintendo - largely because it includes one-of-a-kind technologies like Blu-Ray." After that, the killer: "The delays and cost overruns are likely to make both the PS3 and Blu-Ray nonstarters."

How can Sony turn it around? Right now, it's all about the games. Between now and the holiday season, Sony is going to have to blow us gamers away by showing us something that only the PS3 Cell processor can pull off. We'll keep the situation covered.       -Fargo

Made in lk
Dakka Veteran

Sri Lanka

If your product is fantastic, people will forgive you for late delivery because you're busy working on it to make it fantastic.

If even a fraction of what we're hearing about the PS3 is going to be true, then Sony fans can relax.

Made in us
Sentient OverBear

Clearwater, FL

Note:  I am very biased against Sony due to their CD Rootkit fiasco and general crappy attitude about everything.

I think that the PS3 is going to struggle struggle struggle.  The price point is too high for widespread acceptance  (Neo-Geo, anyone?) and Sony's already dropping hints that games are going to be more than $60 as well.  Sony's been touting the Blue-Ray player as this wonderful thing, but at the moment VERY few households can take advantage of the full-quality playback offered, and it's expensive, TV-wise, to support it.

Developers have also been complaining that the PS3's cell architecture is extremely difficult to program for, which is discouraging developers from bringing out hot new titles for the PS3.  Sure, there will be some out there, but it's not encouraging new growth.

Finally, the price.  I realize that I've mentioned this point before, but it's such a big deal that I felt it worth mentioning again (with apologies to Kryten).  For the additional amount you pay for the PS3, you're not getting a game platform that's significantly better than the Xbox 360.  One of the Xbox 360's biggest strengths is the Live service, and while Sony is developing one for the PS3, it's no where near as mature as Live is.  If Sony doesn't get this right on the first try, it's going to discourage people from getting the system.

I personally hope the entire company tanks, and tanks hard, but that's just my opinion.


Trust me, no matter what damage they have the potential to do, single-shot weapons always flatter to deceive in 40k.                                                                                                       Rule #1

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Have to agree with you Iorek, I hope they fall flat on their faces. The only thing positive I've heard is that they intend to release their "Live" for free with the upper echelon unit so everyone can join in online. Also heard there will some free downloadable games as well as games and upgrades you pay for. If true they may be making strides ( I heard this on a radio station announcement, the source is a guy who works for gottgame.com)
Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

Knowing Sony, it will be FREE! (BIG FAT ASTERISK)

* Free for the first few months while we figure out another way
to totally ruin you with our crazy software and technology

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