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Made in ca
Stormin' Stompa

Ottawa, ON

I posted this over on the Guns Out, Suns Out painting competition in the Painting & Modeling forum, but I wanted to show it off here too. I'm just so happy with it. It is the Hick Broozer Naut STL from Gearguts Mekshop which I have printed in resin. It's was just so ridiculous and over the top that I had to have in my ork army. I tried a few new things with this models. The Dirty Down rust paint and the AK streaking grime as well as some new chipping medium. Overall I'm just happy with how dirty and grimy I have gotten the whole thing. It was a lot of work but worth it.

I also tried to replicate the colors of my local license plates. Props to anyone who can figure it out.

Both comments and criticisms are always welcome. A gallery vote is always welcome as well.

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Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Leicester, UK

That looks awesome mate great job! The weathering is spot on.

My painting and modeling blog:

PaddyMick's Paintshop: Alternative 40K Armies

Made in us
Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller

Some backwater sump


New Career Time? 
Made in nl
Grovelin' Grot Rigger


Beep beep! Waaagh coming. very cool dude!
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

It's so beautiful

Inspiring me to give some GG 'nauts out myself, I've got a couple but haven't jumped in.

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
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