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Prey = Pretty much teh sux0r  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Infiltrating Moblot

Well I bought and played through Prey today. Not a bad game, but basically a Doom 3 clone. The advertised 'awesomeness' of changing gravity and portals are interesting... but nothing you haven't seen.

The game is passably pretty; but the textures of the player and NPC's are still a tad blocky. The weapons are basically reskinned things you'll already be familiar with in 'bio' form. There's a Battle Rifle (the basic rifle with a zoom function), wrench (crowbar anyone?), Rocket launcher, MG with a grenade launcher...etc. You get the idea.

If you're looking for the next cool FPS... keep looking. Prey isn't bad... but I doubt I'll be playing through it again.

The story is a bit lame. Imagine Turok meets Doom meets Tyranids.

Hopefully the next couple 360 releases are better.

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Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

Wow, that's a total 360 of how I felt about the game. (hehe, couldn't resist)

I loved Prey (played through it this weekend). The graphics looked great on my high-res screen, and I LOVED the story. Level design was extreemly unique I thought, and the whole gravity switching thing was cool.

I also loved the little stuff like the "Art Bell" refrences etc. etc.

The multiplayer is a waste, but I found the single player very enjoyable and worth the rental.

Made in us
Infiltrating Moblot

The multiplayer is a waste, but I found the single player very enjoyable and worth the rental.

Quoted for Colbert 'Truthiness'.

Worth a rental? Yes. Worth buying? Not at fifty bucks.

When something gets billed at E3 as 'One of the next big things in FPS....' I wanted a bit more. And (no offence Russ) how was the story original? Locust like alien race assimilates all life? Did I fight the Flood in Halo 1 and 2?

I'm sorry dude; mutant humans and cyborg spiders/monsters are straight outta Doom. The big dude with the minigun arms WAS a Doom3 Hellknight (I'm not joking... they have the same mom for sure).

Maybe I'm just a jaded videogame player... I had it blazing away on 1080 interlace on my big 46inch too (god I love saying that) but it just wasn't what I think of as 'next gen'.

And seriously... the story? The Jen turning into monster thing was basically the Sarge turning into Tank thing from Doom3....

Anyhoo I'll give you it's worth a rental... but not a buy.

You all don't understand. I'm not locked in here with you; you're all locked in here with me.

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Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

*** WARNING:  Below thar be Spoilers ****





Oh I agree that funamentally there was nothing shockingly new here.  Human race being used for food by aliens?  Anyone remember V?  In fact that was part of the shtick of the game's story... all the past stuff on wacky tabloids and late night radio (Art Bell) is true!

No, I meant more the PRESENTATION of the story was great, and the pacing was good.  I liked the "Indian" twists on the story with spirit walk and death walk.  I liked how the text translates once you get your eagle and how you can understand the aliens.  I really enjoyed the scene with the alien assault in the Cherokee spirit realm. In terms of story, its one of the few video games that fluff justifies how a guy like this could actually survive a situation like that.

I thought the use of area specific gravity fields was executed VERY well, and enjoyed shooting a guy while on the celing, wall, etc.  It felt next gen to me because many of the environments were so freaking huge.  One second your on a catwalk, the next you are litteraly thousands of feet above the same platform in a shuttle.

I also liked the weapons.  How the gooy sniper weapon had a tentical that actually extended and sucked on to your face.  I liked the 'leech' gun that radically changed based on the type of ammo you leeched from wall sockets.

I thought the puzzels were just right.. had to think, but didn't need to resort to a walk through or other help. 

I have to agree with OXM on this one, I give it a 9/10.  (Although I disagree with them on many games).  It's not "the next Halo", but it's certainly a must play for any FPS fan in my book.

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Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

There are going to be continuations of this game. So we'll get to see another storyline...
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