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Nevelon’s Workbench: Bike chaplain and some more nids  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

It’s been a while since I took a picture of my whole collection.

That’s over a year old. I know when I took that picture I was working on my stormtalon. That, my ADL, and Sgt. Talion were all in the same supply drop near the end of 2012. What was added in 2013 is in my year in review post earlier up this page. I’ve since re-jiggered my storage, clearing books from a long shelf for my Eldar and moving the IG to there own spot (freeing that space for more UMs.)

What I should do is modify my shelf deployments to make a little more sense and then take some fresh pictures. I think I might wait until I finish up the assault marines I have kicking around so I can get a full company picture. Right now the 8th squad deploys on bikes/speeders, which while codex approved is not OK for apoc games using the company formation. I should also swap my command squad around so it’s not such a mish-mash.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Always impressive to see so many painted models. Even if they are UM's hehe

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in gb
Long-Range Ultramarine Land Speeder Pilot

Manchester, UK

That's a proper collection Nev! I reckon once my current WIP is finished (2 tac squads, 3 talons), I'll post my entire marine's collection.. and it won't even compare, especially if you had updates

Also, OI!

Get those models based! I want them all done by tomorrow, no excuses! I also want them all dusted off with a large dry brush and a nice photo to make them presentable!!

Get to it!

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 smithy12262 wrote:
That's a proper collection Nev! I reckon once my current WIP is finished (2 tac squads, 3 talons), I'll post my entire marine's collection.. and it won't even compare, especially if you had updates

Also, OI!

Get those models based! I want them all done by tomorrow, no excuses! I also want them all dusted off with a large dry brush and a nice photo to make them presentable!!

Get to it!

If I was more meme-savvy I’d do up a picture with the caption “I don’t always base my miniatures, but when I do, I flock them with goblin green rims” Of course, the last time I actually did base my army, that was the in-vogue fashion, not retro old school. Arctic basing my Ultras is on my to-do list, just like it was last year. My FLGS tells me he’s had problems getting the basing stuff I ordered, and I’m in no rush, so I’m not pressuring him.

One of the perks of playing since the dawn of time is slowly growing my collection. If you add a squad and/or a tank a year, and collect for ~20+ years, you get a reinforced company with no effort! Not that I’ve been collecting consistently, it ebbs and flows depending on my interest and financials. On that note, let’s see if I can date my collection…

RT: 2 full tac squads, another half dozen or so bolter marines filling out a dev squad. One veteran, standard bearer, company champion (the Lt. Cmdr. I use for my avatar) some of the terminators.

2nd: 2 tac squads of bolter hugging push-fits. Dread, MM/HF speeder, rhinos, calgar

3rd: 2 tac squads, speeders (from starters) 1 grey hunter box (extra sprue for bits, including a meltagun) 2 dev boxes (old hybrid kits), captain and command squad, most of the rest of my HQs. old bikes (sgt, plas, melta, HB attack) 10 assault marines. Extra plasma and melta gunners. 2/3 of my scouts, Land Raider.

4th: Battle of Macragge push-fits, Tyranic war vets, a few more assault terminators (bringing me to 5)

5th: Scout bikers, drop pods, more scouts (plastic snipers, Talion) Pred. Sgt. Chronos. Sternguard, Ironclad. Dev box (full plastic this time)

6th: Sotrmtalon, ADL, More bikes (w/captain) TFC and growing!

Now this is all from memory so there might be some flex in there. And some of those things were purchased in one edition, but were old sculpts at the time. The assault terminators I picked up in 4th were the last 2 I needed to finish my squad off. The blisters had a lot of dust on them and had to be dug for. I mostly played during the odd editions. RT back in middle/high school days a good bit. Only caught the tail end of 2nd. I helped the local game store demo and get into the game. My armies were in the display cases for a while until they had some painted up to go in them. My Marneus Calgar was a "thank you for helping" gift from them. 3rd edition was the sweet spot. I had graduated from college, had a real job, but was still single. So plenty of free cash and time. My FLGS was not far, and I was one of the core regulars there, so got a lot of games in. 4th was not the best time. My old FLGS closed up, so I needed to drive half an hour for a game. I was either un- or underemployed, and married, so both time and money were in much shorter supply. Not a lot of games in this era. 5th re-fired my interest. New FLGS (still a drive) Hobby funds were still an issue (full time stay at home Dad) but I added a couple things a year via birthday and Christmas gifts. 6th sees me at the same FLGS as 5th. The funds got a shot in the arm when I sold my M:tG cards. This is the era I’m documenting in this blog, so I’ll not repeat myself here.

Made in gb
Long-Range Ultramarine Land Speeder Pilot

Manchester, UK

Whoa, that's a long term collection.

I started while I was halfway through uni, some 4 years ago. All of my models, (having sold my last lot) are 6 months old at the oldest!

Arctic basing is the way to go, that's how I've done mine. If you want any help or anything with that, let me know. But I'm sure you're capable! Just make sure you paint the base white before adding the flock, if that's the way you're gonna go (if you didn't know already).

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

OK, enough woolgathering about old stuff, time for more progress! Another bike down:

Here is a pic of my old HB attack bike with its new silver trim, and the last normal biker I need to do. Next up is the final attack bike (with a MM) and then I can put those wheeled menaces behind me. I like the concept of a biker command squad, or a MotF a/o Librarian on a bike, but those are just nebulous thoughts at this time. Need to reduce the pile of grey plastic before adding new kits.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Partial progress this week. I was hoping to get more time in, but The Boy was off school Monday, and the in-laws had an issue with their furnace not burning properly, leaking carbon monoxide into their house, so they have been camped in my guest room since Wednesday. Cramping my hobby time.

But I did manage to finish the bike part of the attack bike, just not the sidecar and gunner. But if I stick him on a base, he counts for the 5 man needed for a squad, so we are almost ready to roll!

I can almost taste the end of the bikers, will get a formal group shot of them once I finish the sidecar.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Good work man. I wish I could taste the end of my bikes...

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

 McManiak wrote:
Good work man. I wish I could taste the end of my bikes...

I hear ya!

Nev, any progress is progress, right?

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Ok, I lied about the picture.

Also shown are the assault marines that I put together a bit ago getting magnets. I think I might do a character next, and then paint the AMs as the next squad

The Wife is home today to distract the in-laws, should be able to get stuff done.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Looking good Nev.

Do a character next It really helps break up the monotony of doing regular troops

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Why is it when working with greenstuff I can never mix the right amount? Does everyone have this problem? Got 4/5 of the jump packs done, then needed to roll up some more, and of course, there was extra.

On the bright side, they are all done now and back over on the paint bench. I should probably look at what sprues I have kicking around on work out my next build project. The drop pod is getting lonely in the "to prime" box.

Made in us
Stalwart Ultramarine Tactical Marine


I want a army that big....... lol Looking good!

"Building the XIII Legion Ultramarines" http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/572379.page

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


I'm the same with green stuff mate. Although I just make tentacles if pustules and stick them on my nurgle stuff.

Looking good tho mate, no stain glass windows for you???

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

We ride for Macragge! Onward brothers!

And that wraps up the bike portion of my army for the foreseeable future. The painting dragged on towards the end, but I got to sample them on the field midway though, which helped a lot. Love the way they play. Not going full bike army or anything, I leave that to my White Scar brothers, but I plan on having a lot of fun with these guys. I could paint up some extra bits for magnet swaps, but I’m not feeling it right now. We’ll see if more trips to the table show flaws that need shoring up.

Here is the final addition, the sidecar for the MM attack bike.

And the two squads

And because I can, here is the captain again:

I think the next thing on the bench is going to be the sternguard sergeant I put together. Just a guy with a bolter and a chainsword. I like the way the powerfist sarge looks, but not the points he costs, so this guy will be the replacement. The sword arm is magnetized, and I need to toss together a lightning claw for him. But first lets get the primary build painted.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Looking great Nev.

I'm certain they'll pull their weight on the table top.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Cool mate, from a brother kahn

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

OK, here is a WIP shot of my new sternguard sergeant. Pretty much straight out of the new box, but the chainsword is from the commander box IIRC. I’m experimenting with multiple layers on the fabric. Normally I’d just base+wash it, but I’m trying to expand my skills a little bit here. It’s a bubonic brown base, snakebite leather diluted and washed into the folds, and then bleached bone on the high points.

My question is weather or not I should wash the whole fabric bit (probably with a chestnut wash) or just leave it as-is?

Also: white sucks to paint. Just getting the trim on the shoulder pads is driving me crazy.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

dead account

This is a wicked awesome P&M Blog! Totes gonna sub yo!
Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Wash it all with chestnut then re highlight again

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

 McManiak wrote:
Wash it all with chestnut then re highlight again

Pretty much what McManiak said.
The bleached bone highlight looks fine, but the bubonic brown and snakebite leather layers are too start, imo. A wash would help draw it together, but maybe next time you could try a BB+SBL mix as an intermediary step?

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

djphranq wrote:This is a wicked awesome P&M Blog! Totes gonna sub yo!

Welcome aboard!

McManiak wrote:Wash it all with chestnut then re highlight again

Zambro wrote:
 McManiak wrote:
Wash it all with chestnut then re highlight again

Pretty much what McManiak said.
The bleached bone highlight looks fine, but the bubonic brown and snakebite leather layers are too start, imo. A wash would help draw it together, but maybe next time you could try a BB+SBL mix as an intermediary step?

OK you slave drivers, you have me mixing paint. I don’t think I’ve seriously mixed paint since the mid 80’s. When if I wanted as simple as a flesh tone, or brown, I dragged out my ral partha starter paint set and made it out of primary colors. Ah, the good old days where all I had was 8 pots and some crummy brushes.

Huh, I just had a revelation when typing this. I had mixed bubonic brown with the snakebite, and put a thin line down the mid folds. But looking a Zambro’s quote, I now wonder if he meant bleached bone, or bubonic brown, with "BB+SBL” The true answer is probably “either or both” If I was going to put the effort real painters put into their work, I’d probably start with snakebite in the depths, blend that out to bubonic in the mid range, and then blend the bubonic up to bleached for the highlights.

Oh well, I did what I did, and that’s more blending then I’ve done in the last decade, so I’m good with that. I did give the whole thing a chestnut wash, which is drying as I type this. Will go back and re-highlight in a bit.

Made in gb
Stealthy Space Wolves Scout

Rynn's World

That sure is some great looking RT era stuff you have there , The new kit is none too shabby either.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/01/30 16:28:53

: 3000+
: 2000+
: 2000+
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

 Nevelon wrote:
But looking a Zambro’s quote, I now wonder if he meant bleached bone, or bubonic brown, with "BB+SBL” The true answer is probably “either or both”

Ahh! Brain fart

I ment bubonic brown and snakebite leather. That way, its a middle ground step between both.
But having said that, you could do a bleached bone and snakebite leather mix between the mid colour and final highlight

I find the more stages of mixed colours, the smoother the transition between the base and final highlight.

I often find myself using just 2 colours. The first is the base, and the second is the final colour highlight. Start with the base and keep adding the lighter colour and applying it to less of the cloth until you get to you final highlight. But of course, thats alot of work

Made in gb
Long-Range Ultramarine Land Speeder Pilot

Manchester, UK

Good updates, I'm seriously stalling with my stuff.

Your bike captain makes me want to do some bikes myself! What are the kits like? Any good?

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 smithy12262 wrote:
Good updates, I'm seriously stalling with my stuff.

Your bike captain makes me want to do some bikes myself! What are the kits like? Any good?

I’m not going to lie to you: The kits are old, lacking in detail, and are in two halves, leaving you a giant seem that runs down the middle of the model. That said, the marine biker himself is compatible with the rest of the range, so you can get a lot of variation with him. I enjoyed the theory of putting together a bunch of bikers more then the practice. Balancing these facts is how they play on the table. They are a fast moving, hard hitting, tough unit. Even without the bike captain making them troops, they pull their own weight. Adding the ability to score (and freeing up the FA slots) is gravy from the captain/CM, who makes for a nice beatstick himself.

If you want to learn more, seek the wisdom of the Khans. Both McManiac and Zambro have White Scars blogs I follow.

Bikes made out well in 6th edition and the new codex. They do make for a nice change of pace from footslogging marines. Worth the effort in dealing with the old kit. I’ve not fielded my scout bikers recently, but they are fun as well. More recent kit then the normal bikes. While they share some of the same issues (the seem down the middle) they have a lot of spare bits and extras in each box. If you have some extra cash kicking around, the FW Legion Outriders look very nice on the website, although I’ve not seen them in person.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
OK, here is WIP 2

with the first WIP shot for reference:

I think I might have overdid the highlights a little, but it’s good enough for me.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/01/30 20:31:08

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Highlights look great mate. Good work!

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

The robes look great, Nev! (You have a little spillage on his right foot, btw).

And thanks for sharing my thread!

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

OK, we’re calling this done for now:

Not quite happy with the face, but I rarely am. For all the extra work it took to do the tabard, it was worth it. When seeing pictures online of people doing that, I always thought it looked too stark and cartoony. But when not in macro-zoom under harsh lighting it looks much better. At arm’s length on the tabletop it looks far more natural.

Another thing that doesn’t show up in the pictures due to the lighting is the reds. For the red gems I painted Blood for the Blood God in one coat over a metallic base. I like the way it turned out. I also used BftBG as a heavy drybrush on the purity seals for a waxy look, and lightly on the cords for a little glossy sheen.

McManiak wrote:Highlights look great mate. Good work!

Zambro wrote:The robes look great, Nev! (You have a little spillage on his right foot, btw).

And thanks for sharing my thread!

Thanks guys. I get a lot of spillage. When I paint, I start with sloppy base coats, and then go over them a second time to trim any errors and spillage. Mostly it’s just the blue that gets the second coat (right before the wash) but sometimes I have to correct other things as well. If I post more WIP shots you’ll see is is pretty normal for my process.

Looking at my to-do list I’m struck by the amount of close choppy death there. I’m going from “I Can’t Believe it’s not White Scars(™)” to “We’ve secretly replaced this Ultramarines blog with a Blood Angel’s one, let’s see if they can tell the difference.” Jump captain, vanguard vets, assault marines, honor guard. If it wasn’t for the honor guard’s bolters, the only range weapons in this lot would be bolt pistols (and not everyone has one of those). I think next up will be the basic assault marines. I’d like to get at least two done so I can put a 5 man squad in a drop pod if the mood takes me, but it shouldn’t be too hard to bang out the whole 5 man squad.

I also need to get some grey plastic built and in the to-prime box. I should do the other 5 assault marines, so I have my apocalypse formation battle company. But as I just noted, I’ve got a lot of jump packs on the bench as it is. I might build some variant sergeants, with some magnets for weapon swaps and/or combi weapons just glued on. That or the razorback. Stuff more likely to see use on the table.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

That vet looks great. The tabard is perfect.

Why build more stuff for the to-prime box, when you're already overloaded with to-paint stuff?

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