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Nevelon’s Workbench: Bike chaplain done, TDA on deck  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Glad to hear the day went well, really looking forward to fielding Cassius myself.

All the BattReps I've read including Knights involve them losing, they don't seem to be as OP as some people whine about.

Well done purging the Xenos and Traitors.

My combined Macragge PDF Imperial Guard and Ultramarine 3rd Co. Blog Clicky

My WAB Hundred Years War English Clicky

AlexHolker wrote:At this stage, I'm starting to think GW's CEO was just getting ready for the Rapture
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Forgive the crummy iPad picture, but it’s just for a progress report/WIP update.

These are the two assault marines I had almost finished last week. Gave them their final wash and blacked their bases this afternoon. Still need to do their jump packs and at least the flamer arm for the magnetized guy. While I did paint up a pair of regular backpacks for use in my last army list, assault marines don’t get to be called “done” until they have a jump pack.

Put down a base coat on the sarge and heavy flamer marine, so they will be next up.

Last week was basically a lost week from a hobby perspective. The Boy had the week off from school, so I spent time doing stuff with him, rather the painting. A family trip to Boston the second half of the week ensured that not only did I not get any painting done, but didn’t do any posting here on Dakka as well (no wi-fi in the hotel). But now that all the snow has melted, the basement should start to get to a slightly more reasonable temp. I’m going to try to pick up the pace a little and work on two marines a week, to make up for my slacking the last month or so.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Mini supply drop. I exchanged a grab bag of spare marine parts to a friend for a project he’s working on for a bag of assorted nid bits to help me base my army. While I was out I grabbed a bag of 40mm bases to use for objectives.

Depending on how cruel I’m feeling, some of those nid stabby parts might have a run in with extra marine parts and a lot of BftBG splashed about. Make some work for the apothecary collecting the chapter’s due.

If I’m feeling kinder, the spare scouts from the LSS will be in forward positions observing the battlefield. Or ammo/fuel depots. Or servo skulls. Who knows what will emerge from my bits box.

From a painting progress standpoint, those two guys in a last pic are almost done. They just need their final blue wash and touch-ups. Hopefully finish them tonight. Then I think a pair of arms and jump packs.

Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Looks good, I think your stuff will benefit from some basing, always seems to make more of a difference than it should. I used a few Nid claws as converted daggers for my upcoming Sternies..might be worth a crack.

Hope next week has more modelling opportunities (modelling as in Airfix, not as in Cindy Crawford, not that I'm saying you couldn't or anything..).

My combined Macragge PDF Imperial Guard and Ultramarine 3rd Co. Blog Clicky

My WAB Hundred Years War English Clicky

AlexHolker wrote:At this stage, I'm starting to think GW's CEO was just getting ready for the Rapture
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 RandyMcStab wrote:
Looks good, I think your stuff will benefit from some basing, always seems to make more of a difference than it should. I used a few Nid claws as converted daggers for my upcoming Sternies..might be worth a crack.

Hope next week has more modelling opportunities (modelling as in Airfix, not as in Cindy Crawford, not that I'm saying you couldn't or anything..).

The world is not ready for my rugged good looks, I’ll keep my modeling restricted to glueing bits of plastic together.

I’m having problems uploading finished pics to the gallery today, but I finished with the guys on the bench. Well, not the extra bits, but I do have a basecoat down on the jump packs. Until I get pictures up, you will just have to trust that I have finished yet more sublime examples of the painter’s art, masterpieces every one. Or just more of my basic table-top work.

Edit: Got it:

I did a bit more with brown washes on these guys. I’m liking it better then the black wash on gold. Makes more of a warm bronze-ish tone. It’s what I used on the sternguard sarge a few pages back. I also used it on the sarge’s head. Tallarn flesh -> chestnut wash -> bronzed flesh. Some of it looks a little chalky/rough, but I like the way it worked in other spots, particularly the nose.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/24 15:12:24

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Looking good Nev.

I've always found brown to be a good pair with gold colours. Brown base coat and brown wash really helps golds, imo.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Still need to do the jump packs and the flamer, but the marines are basically done. Although as I type this, I noticed that I might want to wash the knife on the one guy. So they might get a little touch up work. But these are the last of the plain assault marines. Which means that they are also the final marines for a full apocalypse battle company! <insert wild cheering> With that in mind, there are a few things I need to do.

1. Re-evaluate my “shelf” deployment. Right now 5/6 of the tac squads are ML/F. I should vary them on the shelf, so instead of just grabbing assorted bolter marines from the tac section and then spare weapons from the extras shelf, I can just grab a full squad. Also, my Devastator squads are a one-of-each load, which is not good on the table.
1a. Assemble any new models required for updated deployment. Probably a sarge or two and some new command squad guys.
2. Transfers. I generally put these off and then do them in batches. Lots of guys need little “ ”s on their shoulders.
3. Base. Yup, running out of excuses. Need to pick up the pace on this project.
4. Photo shoot. In an ideal world, I’d finish steps 1-3 before doing this. But, being realistic, it’s going to take me forever to finish all those, and it’s not like I’m paying to get film developed, so I’ll probably do this a couple of times.

That is just for my company. There are still all the other random things that need to be done. In a pie-in-the-sky world I’d pick up enough transports to mechanize/drop the company, but that’s not going to happen. Right not the dedicated transport pool is 2 rhinos, a razor, and 3 pods. (Once they get painted, that is) So a bit off from what the TOE says a company should have, but about what I need for a reasonably sized army in game. I may pick up some more boxes, probably in the form of another pred, whirlwind, or hunter. So may be able to get a couple more rhinos on the field if needed. Right now I’m in build/paint mode, rather then buying more, so don’t hold your breath on seeing those anytime soon.

Next up will be the last bits, and then I think the jump captain. Or one of the vehicles. I need to get a start on those...

Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Cool stuff, I can't wait to finish off my company too but find myself painting 1st Co. hangers on. Look forward to seeing your guys based, transfer'd and posing for the mega photo shoot.

My combined Macragge PDF Imperial Guard and Ultramarine 3rd Co. Blog Clicky

My WAB Hundred Years War English Clicky

AlexHolker wrote:At this stage, I'm starting to think GW's CEO was just getting ready for the Rapture
Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Transfers make all the difference (and bases) so yeah crack on with them if you can mate.
Take a company pic now, then after each stage as it will help you realise your progress (look at my scars company shots).

I too still have to get rhinos for the company finish. (Got 3 out of 8 but have a plan) We can finish these companies with some determination. ?.?

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

I either need to get a fisheye lens or move everyone to a table for a group shot. I’ll shuffle guys around later, once I adjust the shelf deployment. But I do have some separate pics.
I should put a note in the first page in the thread, but will say it here now: If you have any questions about anything you see, or want close ups or alternate angle shots of anything, let me know.

Tactical Marines, Squads 1-6

With the exception of 5th squad, they are all ML/F.
1st and 4th are both RT era beekies. Some info on them was a few pages back when I did a photo shoot of my old RT stuff. Which is why they have separate squad pics.
2nd and 5th are both from the 3rd ed starter set. The 5th has had it’s weapons swapped out for melta, and their squad pic does not reflect the new sarge.
3rd squad is composed of 2nd ed “I love my bolter” marines.
6th was receently upgraded from 2nd ed to 4th ed Battle of Macragge marines.

Devastator Marines, Squads 9-10 (note to self: swap with AM on shelf)

The heavies are all metal hybrid kits dating from 3rd. The sarge in the 10th is from the command squad of the same era. These guys are the worst offenders for bad shelf wargear. I didn’t pick up the new dev box until mid/early 5th IIRC, so there is a lot of inertia behind their deployment. The spare body bolter marines are odds and ends from across time. Some RT, some 3rd. Filling up these squads was a low priority.

Assault Marines, Squads 7-8

Squad 7 is brand new. While the sarge is solid, everyone else is fully magnetized. The powersword sarge is actually composed of random marine parts, and was put together after the older assault marines. His jump pack is a chunk of metal bought separately. (3 in a pack)
Squad 8 has seem some use. And some surgery. Back in 3rd, they were fielded as two sticks of 5 marines, with a pair of plasma pistols each. Early in 5th I think I took the knife to them and changed them to their current configuration. The PP/PF sarge is so comically overpriced for a 1W model he will never see the table as-is. Looks cool though, so he may be spared a second round with the hobby tools.

Dreads and Command

The Ironclad still has the hurricane bolter on, as last time he hit the table he was trying it out. Not his normal config.
Former Captain Fabian is the old chunk of lead in the middle. He’s how I reconcile there being two named captains for the 3rd co in various sources. His name is on the scroll on the powerfist and the RT captain insignia is painted above the sarcophagus.
3rd? ed multipart plastic dread is the final member of the walking dead. TLLC/ML is not an unusual load for him. In theory the quadgun donate TLACs for him to use, but they normally stay with the ADL.
Captain Ardias, armed with a stombolter and powersword (more likely counts-as relic blade) does not see much time on the table. I’d hate to retire him to the spares shelf, but he is not well equipped. Kinda embarrassing for someone with the title "Master of the Arsenal”
The rest of the squad takes there cues from the captain. The apothecary is OK. Standard bearer would probably be better served with a BP/CCW. PF/BP is not a combo with a lot of synergy. My lieutenant commander is filling in as the company champion. The last guy is a throwback to shooty 3rd edition command squads. It used to be that techmarines had to buy all their gear, so you didn’t really want the servo arm for a shooty squad. You did want the signum thing that boosted shooting though. So I grabbed the shoulderpad from a vehicle accessory sprue, and kitbashed a stormbolter for him (they were good once)
The chaplain is currently kitted out as Cassius. Scratchbuilt combi-flamer. Most of the time he’s packing a bolt pistol and a jump pack (shown to the side)


Here is all the stuff I constantly swap in and out to field a slightly more effective army. Here you will find the newer plastic heavy weapons. 5th squad’s old sarge and ML. A pair of both melta and plasma gunners. And other assorted bits and bobs.

Transports not pictured. They have shots in my gallery somewhere. A pair each of rhinos and drop pods painted, and another pod and a razor in progress.

OK, I think I need to wrap up this wall of text. But there you have it. Ultramarines 3rd Company, Scourge of Xenos. Ready for battle.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/02 19:54:19

Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Looking good I can't wait to get my 3rd Co. this big, have you ever used it all in an Apoc game?

My combined Macragge PDF Imperial Guard and Ultramarine 3rd Co. Blog Clicky

My WAB Hundred Years War English Clicky

AlexHolker wrote:At this stage, I'm starting to think GW's CEO was just getting ready for the Rapture
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

An entire battle company?! Wow.

Also interested to know if you've ever played it in an apoc game...

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


A sea of blue.....

Looks great mate. Cant wait to get mine done and now have some new inspiration.

I doff my hat to you sir

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/03 06:23:35

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Once before, in a farewell to 5th apocalypse game, did the whole company take to the field. Each player brought a 3k list, and played on a giant “H” shaped table, GM’d with some narrative stuff going on.

3,000 points, full company, no chapter assets.

It was an interesting game. Turns took way too long, there was a definite divide between people with actual apoc armies, and those of us who just brought 3k work of stuff to the table. The guys in the middle got hosed. The table shape hurt a lot. Both massive choke points and long stretches of nothing where all you could do was run because the enemy was yards away. By the time I got a chunk of my footsloggers close to somewhere relevant, they got apoc-pie plated by something, somewhere, killing double-handfuls of them. When we took a break circa 10 PM, and most of the guys went to the bar next door for a drink, I said my goodbyes and packed up. We were nowhere near done, and at the rate we were going would be greeting the dawn before the last turn.

I still had fun in spite of the sludgy mechanics and slow play. There were a dozen or so of my fellow hobbyists, often standing around with nothing to do. So we chatted about our armies, looked at paintjobs/conversions on the table, and in general had a good time. I’m not completely soured on apoc games, and learned a lot from the one I was in, but think I’ll avoid this sort of mega-game in the future.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Onward with other projects.

I think you've all heard me say how much I hate drop pods. But it’s not going to paint itself, so I need to start hammering away at it. I will probably not be doing it all in one stretch, but a little bit here and there in parts. Today’s contribution is the base and central console. I should probably do the magnets for the doors sooner, rather then later. Like before I primed it, but that ship has sailed… Still plenty of parts to paint while I get around to the doors though.

I think the jump captain is up next for paint. Once I can get the will to return to the workshop.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/03 22:23:08

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Quick build this morning. Just a basic company champion. Using mostly stock parts from the command squad box. Only odd thing is his sword, which is from the ravenwing sprue, but I carved and shaped the flare at the end off.

Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Good progress on the Champ.

I think the thing with Apoc games is to play the same game as your opponents. I really like big games with roughly balanced formations and maybe one Superheavy each (and no multiple D weps like Revnant titans). But if you've got a balanced but big force and the other guy has 3 Warhounds and 2 Draigos it's less fun indeed. If you can balance it roughly and agree to exclude dumb stuff (like the old flank march) it can be a great day of 'splosions.

My combined Macragge PDF Imperial Guard and Ultramarine 3rd Co. Blog Clicky

My WAB Hundred Years War English Clicky

AlexHolker wrote:At this stage, I'm starting to think GW's CEO was just getting ready for the Rapture
Made in gb
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Liverpool, England

Any ideas for the heraldry on his chest shield?
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Sir Samuel Buca wrote:
Any ideas for the heraldry on his chest shield?

The teeny-tiny one on his chest? That’s only a couple of brushstrokes wide? I was thinking about quartering it, blue and argent. With 3 " “s on each of the blue fields to represent the 3rd company, and a yellow sunburst on the white corners to represent the golden illumination of the Emperor of mankind.

But I’ll probably go with plain gold, like the rest of the aquila.

It’s an interesting thought to put something there, but let’s be honest, far beyond my skills to work on such a small spot. At best, I could halve the field, and possibly freehand a on it. But it would probably end up looking very sloppy. There have been a few times in the past I have tried to freehand heraldry, and it’s never worked well. Admittedly, it’s been a few decades, but if I do try again, it’s going to be something much less ambitious.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Hm, looking back on my last post, I might have been a little snarky. Sorry about that.

Quick update:

Champion got a prime, and I also cleaned up, assembled, and primed with him the three lovely Kurganova sisters. And a powerfist (more on that later) The ladies are part of my friend’s collection on the get done eventually list. Reasonable amount of detail on the models, but completely different then GW’s sculpts. Even the Eldar aren’t as thin and frail. It doesn’t help that they are a bit on the exaggerated side. I think 80% of the models are legs and breasts.

The powerfist is the reason the spray can got dragged out today. Normally I wait for a larger pile before I prime. But this Saturday is the second one of the month, and that means team tournament day at the FLGS. Stars aligning, my SoB friend has the day off, which greatly affects the odds of me heading up there. He was mumbling about bringing his FoR, so I was thinking about bikes, to be the one going out, claiming objective, and getting shot of the table. In most of the times I’ve brought the bike captain out, I’ve wanted some AV level strength. While I like the concept of the Teeth of Terra, in practice, it’s been a little lackluster. So I’m probably going to just run with a powerfist this time. But to do that, in my normal WYSWYG fashion, I’d need to get one painted. None of the vanguard have one, so I needed to clean up and stick a magnet in one. Picking one out of the bits box was harder then I thought. Over the years I had accumulated 6 different styles of left handed powerfists. This one fit the bike the best, and will also eventually see use on sergeants and veterans.

And now I should probably put a layer of paint on it. Cheers all.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Love the amount of fist options you had.

Also glad to hearvyour running the bikers.

Good look with the legs and breasts painting too.

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 McManiak wrote:
Love the amount of fist options you had.

Also glad to hearvyour running the bikers.

Good look with the legs and breasts painting too.

You make it sound so dirty. In all honesty, they are going to join the arcoflagelents in the back corner of my painting table and wait for their time to roll around. But they are now off my things to build list, so my assembly workbench is a little tidier.

I like the bikes, but I also like mixing up my lists to keep things fresh. Right now the 1,000 point list I’m noodleing around with looks like:

Bike captain, AA, fist, meltabombs

4+1 bikes, grave, plas, c-grav, HB attack bike
4+1 bikes, 2xmelta, MM attack bike

5 man Dev, 4xLC

TLLC/ML dread.

Stormtalon, skyhammers.

Not sure what to do if they bump the points up to 1,200 again. Might upgrade the captain to a CM and add scout bikers/landspeeders. Or assault marines. Haven’t thought that far ahead.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


I always wonder why people take devs with 4 las when a pred with 3 las is cheaper and harder to kill. Granted it is 1 less shot but still, you could add the points to something else.

Just a thought. I like the list otherwise.

Will put mine up later with a group shot of what's going to the tourney.

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

In this case, it’s because my ally is taking a fortress of redemption, and the bunker under the front walkway had more firing ports then I need. So I basically get a AV14 box I can shoot everyone out of.

As an Ultramarine the Devs get some other perks as well. If I want to shoot at flyers, I can use the devastator chapter tactics to re-roll snap fires. That many LCs with two chances to hit each should land at least one hit. And most things on the wing don’t fare well to lascannons.

But I will admit to fielding my pred far more often then I do my Devs. It’s my go-to option for a HS slot most of the time.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Those female IG models are pretty sweet. I've seen one or two of them painted before and they do make a nice addition to ranks of guardsmen.

Your list looks good. Lascannon devs will definately be right at home within the FoR.
You make me realise that my Scars literally ignore 80% of the other options for SM. I have no tanks, no dev / assault squads, no dreads, not even a humble tactical squad... I've only got the 20% of the codex that is competitive and mobile. Something is going to have to be done about that...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/06 21:50:12

Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Devs don't die to a single deep striking MG shot...like my Hydra and CCS Chimera in my last game, damn Blood Angles...

My combined Macragge PDF Imperial Guard and Ultramarine 3rd Co. Blog Clicky

My WAB Hundred Years War English Clicky

AlexHolker wrote:At this stage, I'm starting to think GW's CEO was just getting ready for the Rapture
Made in gb
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Liverpool, England

 Nevelon wrote:
 Sir Samuel Buca wrote:
Any ideas for the heraldry on his chest shield?

The teeny-tiny one on his chest? That’s only a couple of brushstrokes wide? I was thinking about quartering it, blue and argent. With 3 " “s on each of the blue fields to represent the 3rd company, and a yellow sunburst on the white corners to represent the golden illumination of the Emperor of mankind.

But I’ll probably go with plain gold, like the rest of the aquila.

It’s an interesting thought to put something there, but let’s be honest, far beyond my skills to work on such a small spot. At best, I could halve the field, and possibly freehand a on it. But it would probably end up looking very sloppy. There have been a few times in the past I have tried to freehand heraldry, and it’s never worked well. Admittedly, it’s been a few decades, but if I do try again, it’s going to be something much less ambitious.

A quartering scheme could look good, fluff wise, UM champions wear the colours of their noble house on their chest shield. Mine is just one quarter green, one quarter white and two quarters gold. No freehand, but looks a bit more personal, we both know you're a far better painter than me, you could pull it off.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Zambro wrote:Those female IG models are pretty sweet. I've seen one or two of them painted before and they do make a nice addition to ranks of guardsmen.

Your list looks good. Lascannon devs will definately be right at home within the FoR.
You make me realise that my Scars literally ignore 80% of the other options for SM. I have no tanks, no dev / assault squads, no dreads, not even a humble tactical squad... I've only got the 20% of the codex that is competitive and mobile. Something is going to have to be done about that...

Just because you play White Scars doesn’t mean you can’t use everything else in the codex. Except maybe dreads. I’m pretty sure you guys don’t use those at all from a fluff POV. But there is more to life then just bikes. The problem is your bikes are just so darn good, you don’t need anything else.

RandyMcStab wrote:Devs don't die to a single deep striking MG shot...like my Hydra and CCS Chimera in my last game, damn Blood Angles...

Melta can take down tanks, plasma roasts devs, there is a downside to everything…

Sir Samuel Buca wrote:
 Nevelon wrote:
 Sir Samuel Buca wrote:
Any ideas for the heraldry on his chest shield?

The teeny-tiny one on his chest? That’s only a couple of brushstrokes wide? I was thinking about quartering it, blue and argent. With 3 " “s on each of the blue fields to represent the 3rd company, and a yellow sunburst on the white corners to represent the golden illumination of the Emperor of mankind.

But I’ll probably go with plain gold, like the rest of the aquila.

It’s an interesting thought to put something there, but let’s be honest, far beyond my skills to work on such a small spot. At best, I could halve the field, and possibly freehand a on it. But it would probably end up looking very sloppy. There have been a few times in the past I have tried to freehand heraldry, and it’s never worked well. Admittedly, it’s been a few decades, but if I do try again, it’s going to be something much less ambitious.

A quartering scheme could look good, fluff wise, UM champions wear the colours of their noble house on their chest shield. Mine is just one quarter green, one quarter white and two quarters gold. No freehand, but looks a bit more personal, we both know you're a far better painter than me, you could pull it off.

I’m flattered that you think I am a better painter then you; not sure I agree though. But one of the reasons to do this whole blog thing is to push myself become a better painter, so I will try to remember to quarter the shield when I get around to painting this guy.

But right now I’m working on the powerfist, and just put down the first basecoat of blue on the jump captain.

I also shuffled around some guys on the shelf. One problem with changing who’s in which squad is the eras of the marines. Nobody wants to hang out with the 2nd ed guys. I think I might make a “modern” mark 6 beekie out of the new tac box, and give him the HB off the sternguard sprue. Use him to replace the homemade ML from the 4th squad. Dev squads were just a quick swap to make them 2xLC, 2xML and 2xHB, 2xPC. Much better role identity, with a little flex still in there. Still need to figure out what to do with the command squad.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

OK, spent some more time shuffling stuff and put together a to-build list.

Tactical Squads:
ML/F, Bolter
LC/P, c-plas
HB/F, bolter
MM/M, c-melta

Assault Squads:
F/F, powersword
P/F, PP/Fist

Devastator Squads:
2xLC, 2xML, c-grav
2xHB, 2xPC, bolter

Apothecary: BP/CCW
Standard Bearer: Bolter
Champion: BP/powersword, combat shield
Vet 1: BP/axe
Vet 2: CCW/SS

Which bring me to the to build pile
For the company:
C-plas sarge for 3rd squad (gun arm magnetized)
Mk6 HB for 4th squad
C-grav sarge for 9th
Foot captain, both arms magnetized
Command squad vet 1: BP/axe (might magnetize, or just glue)
Command squad vet 2: BP/SS (definitely magnetizing gun arm. Debating giving him flamer/SS as his basic load. He’s on point)

For the swap shelf/other:
A CC sarge to swap in. Might magnetize both arms, or just the swordarm.
c-flamer arm to swap as needed
c-melta sternguard

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Sometimes you just need to put your fist through someone/somethings skull. That’s why we use powerfists. Accept no substitutes. Well, you can swap in chainfists or thunderhammers if you need to. You do give up the visceral feel of popping heads open and having the brains ooze between your fingers though…

And a 1k list that frankly puts more fire downrange them some of my larger ones:

Edit: Turns out, we’re doing 1,200 each. So take the above picture and add 3 scout bikers and a TLLC/LC pred. This is not quite every lascannon I own, but getting pretty darn close...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/05/07 20:21:11

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Captain Epathus, Master of the Rites, commands the Ultramarines 6th company. Traditionally, this reserve company trains the tactical marines in it on the use of bikes, and the swift-striking type of warfare they execute. Captain Epathus earned his position in the 6th due to his mastery of bike tactics he learned fighting along side the legendary White Scars.

Reserve companies don’t just sit around waiting to replace casualties in the battle companies. They patrol, garrison and train constantly. So borrowing a solid firebase from Cpt. Sinon’s 9th company to act as an anvil for his bike’s hammer, Captain Epathus loads up into a strike cruiser to help keep the Imperium clear, and gain some experience for the young marines under his command.

Little did he know what was in store for him and his men...
<end recording>

So yah, I’m going to be playing White Scars tactics. Just looking at the army on the table, it would be crazy for me to do anything else. I feel slightly dirty, as I’m normally a strict WYSWYG player, and these guys are obviously Ultramarines. But the Captain does have a White Scars’ Helmet, and there is enough un-painted minis at the FLGS so I don’t feel like I should be punished for painting mine.

This is every bike I own. And almost every lascannon (only the Land Raider is absent) It pairs a rock solid firebase anvil with a highly mobile bike hammer. This might be the meanest list I’ve put together in recent history; I’ve got a positive feeling about it.

Which means I’m likely to get tabled. Should be fun though...

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Ahh, I see you have turned to the dark (well, white) side. Yeah, you have to use scar tactics with that list. Looks good for blue

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/05/08 22:36:16

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
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