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Nevelon’s Workbench: Bike chaplain done, TDA on deck  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Boosting Ultramarine Biker

Plymouth, England

Loving the quartered red and white shields on your company champion. Looks bloody brilliant. Also love your Bike Captain, I think he looks awesome.
Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


I have to agree about the quarter's, they look great. Gonna be a worthwhile chsmpion when he's finished. Never built a dread so nice to see all the pieces laid out.

Sterling work as always...

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Oh, sweet, a Venerable Dreadnought! I've never seen one pre-painted. The pieces look cool. I've never owned a Dread... Maybe it's time I got one...?

That Captain fell through the cracks... It looks good. The quartered shield and chest shield look well executed. Just have to block everything else up and he's good

Ahh, man! Ninja'd by Adamski & Maniak!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/31 22:11:58

Made in gb
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Sweet, it even comes with my fav 'Sword thru Nid head'?

My combined Macragge PDF Imperial Guard and Ultramarine 3rd Co. Blog Clicky

My WAB Hundred Years War English Clicky

AlexHolker wrote:At this stage, I'm starting to think GW's CEO was just getting ready for the Rapture
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Adamski Alders wrote:Loving the quartered red and white shields on your company champion. Looks bloody brilliant. Also love your Bike Captain, I think he looks awesome.

Thanks! The next step is to not screw up what I’ve started...
McManiak wrote:I have to agree about the quarter's, they look great. Gonna be a worthwhile champion when he's finished. Never built a dread so nice to see all the pieces laid out.

Sterling work as always...

I really like the dread kits. I should take a picture of all the parts I didn’tuse for the kit. Sooooo many options in the ven dread box. Getting the MM done is a little tricky. Not a stock part, so I had to grab a spare from a speeder and chop it up a bit. Still a WIP. I never picked up a AoBR box, so don’t have the MM dread from there, needed to make my own.

Zambro wrote:Oh, sweet, a Venerable Dreadnought! I've never seen one pre-painted. The pieces look cool. I've never owned a Dread... Maybe it's time I got one...?

That Captain fell through the cracks... It looks good. The quartered shield and chest shield look well executed. Just have to block everything else up and he's good

Ahh, man! Ninja'd by Adamski & Maniak!

IIRC White Scars eschew the use of dreads, but if you want one, grab one. If you haven’t picked it up by now, I’m quite fond of them myself. They look cool, are a joy to put together, are an integral part of the lore, and they sum up the grimdark of 40k very well. Nothing says “there is only war” like taking your mortally wounded soldiers, wrapping a tank around their life support system, and sending them back out to fight for eternity.

RandyMcStab wrote:Sweet, it even comes with my fav 'Sword thru Nid head'?

When I saw that option, everything else flowed to make it work. If I had it to do all over again, every one of my dreads would be sporting it. I was a little surprised to find it on the sprue. While I guess any dread who has fought against the nids might sport it, the stabbed nid head is the logo of the Ultramarine 3rd Company. Which is a little specific to find in a random kit. Not that I’m complaining, just a happy little extra.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

While I've got the bits out... And just to drive home the number of options, every time you glue on one of these bits, you cover up things that are already there. For the most part, the engraved names of battles, but under the sarcophagus is the entombed marine.

Is this my favorite kit? It might be. Although the new veteran kits are also quite nice.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

This is a champion with just basic colors straight from the pot:

This is that guy after a little washing and drybrushing.

(The slightly out of focus photography is intentional to hide all the flaws in my work. Honest. I really need to work on that.)

OK, there was a little blending and re-highlighting on the tabard, but the rest is basically just washes and drybrushing. The quartering wasn’t that bad. I just needed to find the right time of day to do it. After the morning half-pot of coffee’s caffeine has worn off, but before/not on nights when I’m having a cocktail in the evening. And not on days I’ve done lawn work. My poor, abused, shaky hands. I shouldn’t have glued the shield arm or the backpack on before priming. Made for a lot of little nooks it was hard to get a brush into.

Now I need to figure out what to paint next. With 7th’s changes to scoring and "objective secured” on transports, the LSS needs to happen. But the drop pod is still a WIP, and I’m not sure if I want to have two vehicles in progress at the same time. My FLGS is planning an apoc game July 5th, so I might want to finish up the honor guard to field the HQ formation. Not sure if they are using all the normal rules though, It’s being billed as a narrative event, so things like the stratagems might not be in play. Another good reason to get them done is that I put them together back on page one of this thread. Might want to finish them sometime this decade...

Made in gb
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Liverpool, England

That champion is sweet man, loving the heraldry on him!
I know how you feel about the Dread kit though, it is such a beautifully made load if plastic, and a joy to assemble.
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

What a difference a wash makes! And seeing a before/after pic, makes me realise just how dark your blue actually is. It didn't occur to me that it was actually that dark...

Drop Pod > LSS, imo. Pods have more uses, where LSS are reduced to ferrying (5) scouts around. (you can give your dread a nice ride...)

Honour guard would be nice. Lots of details, and 'unusual' bits you wouldn't usually get on regular guys. But it may be worth saving them for when you do larger, more mundane things, just so you can take a break and painting something cool looking.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Sir Samuel Buca wrote:That champion is sweet man, loving the heraldry on him!
I know how you feel about the Dread kit though, it is such a beautifully made load if plastic, and a joy to assemble.

Glad you like the hearaldry, as you are the one who egged me on to do it! The dread is also indirectly your fault. I wasn’t planning on picking up a fourth one until I saw what you did with yours.

Zambro wrote:What a difference a wash makes! And seeing a before/after pic, makes me realise just how dark your blue actually is. It didn't occur to me that it was actually that dark...

Drop Pod > LSS, imo. Pods have more uses, where LSS are reduced to ferrying (5) scouts around. (you can give your dread a nice ride...)

Honour guard would be nice. Lots of details, and 'unusual' bits you wouldn't usually get on regular guys. But it may be worth saving them for when you do larger, more mundane things, just so you can take a break and painting something cool looking.

Yah, I paint a much darker Ultra then the studio. I’m not alone, or the darkest out there, but defiantly not the powder blue poster boys. These days I’m using a blue ink as a glaze over a base of macragge blue. And none of that going over it again with a layer paint either. Wash and done.

While I’ve yet to pick up the 7th rulebook, the fact that the LSS can score on its own, while zooming about, and being objective secured due to being a troop pick, struck me as very powerful. The scouts don’t even have to get out, or even be in there. From what I’ve heard about the maelstrom of war missions with the objective deck, the ability to score on a highly mobile platform seems mandatory. While this is as natural as breathing for a White Scars player, not all of us run bikes all the time.

I know the pod needs to be finished, and it’s slowly getting there. But I think we all know by now how I feel about them.

As for keeping the HG to spice up between other projects, most of my “to paint” pile is pretty fancy right now. The last “bland” thing on the bench were the assault marines. Right now I’m looking at some old RT captains, vanguard vets, honor guard, and an old scout sergeant. For the non-vehicle stuff to paint that is. Still have the razor, LSS and the pod to finish. The “to-prime” box is the ven dread, sternguard, sergeants, and the Mk.6 HB. So not a bad lot either.

I put the base coat on the legs of one of the HG last night, so at least one is getting done now. It’s the hand resting on hilt guy, for those who want to go back to page one and check him out. I primed him in three parts: legs, backpack, and then the rest. Which is why I’m just starting on the legs.

Made in gb
Long-Range Ultramarine Land Speeder Pilot

Manchester, UK

Good updates Nev!

The honour guard should be good, considering all the bits I'm sure you're accumulated over the 72 years of collecting Ultras.

Your dreadnought also looks cool, be interesting to see how that turns out. Seems our projects are in sync lately - next you'll be telling me you've got a shadowsword and two landraiders on your workbench.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Tigurius wrote:
Good updates Nev!

The honour guard should be good, considering all the bits I'm sure you're accumulated over the 72 years of collecting Ultras.

Your dreadnought also looks cool, be interesting to see how that turns out. Seems our projects are in sync lately - next you'll be telling me you've got a shadowsword and two landraiders on your workbench.

While I’ve considered picking up a LRC/R, the odds of me actually doing so are not the greatest. And super heavies aren’t even on the radar. So you are safe for now. The next thing on my “stuff to buy” list is a stormraven. And I’m not in a hurry to pick that up.

On the topic of what’s coming up on the workbench, I need to write up a 200 point kill team list and finish putting together those deathwatch marines. I think 5 sternguard, 5 scouts might be a fun combo. It leaves me with 25 points to spend on wargear, or more bodies. The other option would be to go pure sternguard, which would mean I’d need 8 total and figure out what to spend 14 points on.

More likely as I dither about on how to assemble those guys I’ll put together the land speeder I’ve got kicking around. Probably just glue the TML on it. I’ve got a real one from the DA sprues, not just the CMLs I’ve been using. The pile of grey plastic is getting low. What I should probably do is put some Eldar together. Shocking, I know!

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

 Nevelon wrote:
The next thing on my “stuff to buy” list is a stormraven. And I’m not in a hurry to pick that up.

Dont do it! They're so... BIG!

I've been eye-balling the sprues for my storm raven, and i find it's quite overwhelming.. I'm sure it wont be bad when I get into it, but its a big piece, with lots of surface area that needs paint.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Zambro wrote:
 Nevelon wrote:
The next thing on my “stuff to buy” list is a stormraven. And I’m not in a hurry to pick that up.

Dont do it! They're so... BIG!

I've been eye-balling the sprues for my storm raven, and i find it's quite overwhelming.. I'm sure it wont be bad when I get into it, but its a big piece, with lots of surface area that needs paint.

But what about all the guns, and the flying, and the shooting, and the pain? Plus the deathtrap cargo bay?

I’m kinda “meh” on the looks personally. If/when I pick one up, I plan on not putting the top intake on, and replace the top turret with something a lot more low-profile. Either a razor turret, or the TLAsC rig I did for my razor. This will (I hope) lower and streamline the profile, making it look a little less like a flying dumpster.

Mechanically it’s a lot of guns on a fast, flying platform that’s reasonably rugged. I don’t actually have that many HS options in my collection, while I tend to favor FA. So moving my air cover from one slot to another would help my lists overall. Or I could fly both it and my talon which should be about all I need for air power on any reasonable point scale.

As someone without an airbrush that hand paints everything, I hear you about the volume of space that needs to be covered. Rhinos are irritating enough to do, and larger stuff can get tedious fast. You won’t see me banging out 8 tanks in a week. But even the largest projects can get done if you take them one step at a time.

Made in gb
Long-Range Ultramarine Land Speeder Pilot

Manchester, UK

Macragge blue spray! Makes light work of all the surface area. I'm a hand painter too, I know the feeling - but this spray have saved literally hours of my life.

Also, game wise - Stormravens are arguably the best Marine transports.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Tigurius wrote:
Macragge blue spray! Makes light work of all the surface area. I'm a hand painter too, I know the feeling - but this spray have saved literally hours of my life.

Also, game wise - Stormravens are arguably the best Marine transports.

Have they gotten better at color matching? The last colored GW spray I had didn’t quite match, so I needed to give everything a second coat anyway. At least when working over white primer I can see the spots I need to hit.

On to this week’s updates:

I finished the legs for one of the honor guard and the last harness for the pod.

Not a lot of progress, but it’s forward motion. Next step is to slap in some magnets for the pod doors, paint them and the rest of the pod, and finish the torso/backpack for the HG.

Made in gb
Long-Range Ultramarine Land Speeder Pilot

Manchester, UK

The spray is spot on, I've not noticed any problems with it and it goes on nice and smooth.

Progress is progress! You're steady and consistent, while I'll macragge blue everything in sight for a month before disappearing into the ether.

I like the contrast between our ultras. Yours are a really deep solid blue.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

It’s always fun to see the variation in paint schemes. I’ve seen Ultramarines everywhere from a light blueish-grey to almost black. I’m on the darker side, but the blue wash makes for a very vibrant sapphire blue. As I like gem tones in general, this work for me.

Progress report: I’m about halfway done with the engine portion of the drop pod. Which I did stick magnets in. Not sure if it’s going to help keep the doors closed though. I’ve also been working on retrofitting one of my old ones, and the magnets done seem to have enough strength to overcome the fussiness of the kit. Oh well.

The top half of the HG on the paint bench is progressing. I’ve finished blocking the colors on, and have done some of the washes and drybrushing. Might have him done by the end of the week, not sure. I’ll try to grab some progress pics later.

This should mark my 4,000th post here on Dakka. I’ve done a number of retrospective and thanks for reading kind of posts lately, so don’t really feel like writing another one. I do appreciate everyone listening to my rambling though. Historically, even on message boards where I am “active” I don’t post a lot. More of a lurker at heart. I think this is the first time since I was running the MB for my EQ guild that I actually felt like part of the community, not just someone pitching in their 2 cents periodically. The fact that I’ve generated 4k posts in roughly two years is mind boggling to me. Particularly since I self-identify as a laconic, introverted hermit.

Thanks for reading everyone,


Swaps the TDA and AsC for AA, bolter and powersword. Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/06/12 13:58:51

Made in gb
Long-Range Ultramarine Land Speeder Pilot

Manchester, UK

That's the great thing about forums like this - as I also place myself on the far "introvert" side of the social scale, it's easy to learn and chip in with your thoughts than you would when actually faced with opinionated meatbags.

Well done on 4k posts Nev! I tell you what though, you REALLY need to get on with that Pod and just get it done. I know they suck, but they're awesome in games.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

In all likelihood, my next potential game is not until July 5th. So I’m in no particular rush. And the fact that they are so good on the table is the only thing keeping me progressing at the snail’s pace I am now. I suspect at some point I’m going to hit the “almost there” point, where the end is in sight and the desire to get the thing off of the paint bench overrides my dislike of the kit. But I’m not there yet. So I maintain my slow but steady pace for now.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

 Nevelon wrote:
I suspect at some point I’m going to hit the “almost there” point, where the end is in sight and the desire to get the thing off of the paint bench overrides my dislike of the kit

Yeah, I think we all know that feeling
I had it particularly bad with the last 10 guardsmen I painted. I didn't need them for gaming, when I needed them, they weren't available and when they progressed to my desk, I stopped needing them. It was really mind numbing to do them in 2 or 3 sittings, but you'll work your way through the pod doing a bit here, and a bit there in no time.

Congrats on the 4k mark
You say you're more of a lurker, but I'm not so sure. You give pretty solid advice, too. Not just in my (and other's) blogs, but elsewhere too. I was reading a thread about a new player, playing ultramarines. You gave some great advice for a list from the strike force box and a few thoughts behind said list/units. I'm sure most of your 4k posts have been useful to someone, and not just a 'good job' comment about someone's paint scheme

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Zambro wrote:
 Nevelon wrote:
I suspect at some point I’m going to hit the “almost there” point, where the end is in sight and the desire to get the thing off of the paint bench overrides my dislike of the kit

Yeah, I think we all know that feeling
I had it particularly bad with the last 10 guardsmen I painted. I didn't need them for gaming, when I needed them, they weren't available and when they progressed to my desk, I stopped needing them. It was really mind numbing to do them in 2 or 3 sittings, but you'll work your way through the pod doing a bit here, and a bit there in no time.

Congrats on the 4k mark
You say you're more of a lurker, but I'm not so sure. You give pretty solid advice, too. Not just in my (and other's) blogs, but elsewhere too. I was reading a thread about a new player, playing ultramarines. You gave some great advice for a list from the strike force box and a few thoughts behind said list/units. I'm sure most of your 4k posts have been useful to someone, and not just a 'good job' comment about someone's paint scheme

Classically I’m a lurker. Not so much here. And I do try to avoid “me too” or “+1” posts. Not that everything I do adds value to a conversation, but I do try.

And so I can add something useful to my own thread, rather then just woolgathering…

Here is the WIP of the HG and pod:

Crummy iPad pic, but it’s something. The engine block for the pod is done. Next step is either the doors or the blades. Honor guard is progressing. I think he’s up for the second clean-up coat of blue, then the wash. After that, it’s final touch up and move on to his backpack.

Moving right along...

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

And done!

My camera did not want to take a good pic of this guy. Might be the fact that he has bits going off in every direction. Oh well.

Not sure what to do next. I should probably do more HG, but I suspect a vanguard vet or two might find their way across the bench first.

Hope everyone had a good weekend/father’s day.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Nice work nev. I know what you mean about camera focus too. Can be a real pain.

I don't envy any of you guys painting blue as I'm all out of inspiration now with mine. I reslly dont wanna ho back to white tho either tbh.

Hey ho, grt som vg done and then get the drop pod finished. You will feel better when it's not there niggling at you. You know you would be telling me to get it done on my blog haha

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 McManiak wrote:
Nice work nev. I know what you mean about camera focus too. Can be a real pain.

I don't envy any of you guys painting blue as I'm all out of inspiration now with mine. I reslly dont wanna ho back to white tho either tbh.

Hey ho, grt som vg done and then get the drop pod finished. You will feel better when it's not there niggling at you. You know you would be telling me to get it done on my blog haha

I guess turnabout is fair play. I’ll buckle down and get more pod bits done. I want to work on other vehicles, but one big thing in progress at a time is my cap, and right now the pod is hogging that slot. I’m a little concerned about what I’m going to do once I get to the standard bearer for the HG. I might just keep it simple. I can just use my old RT standard bearer until I figure out what I’m going to do with it. But the champion is just churning out another ornate marine.

Back to work for me.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

OK, if you saw this:

what would you assume it was?

The correct answer is “Ammo Dump"

Right now this is on a 40mm base. As far as I know, there is not official model to base it off of, so I went for something with a little room to scatter bits about. I don’t want to be accused of MFA. Artistically, should I add more stuff? To crowded? Sparse? Remove things like the sword, which technically doesn’t need to be there. I have some more spare fuel tanks and ammo bins. Also, some vehicular stuff like jerry cans. And all sorts of extra weapons. Lean a couple bolters in there if needed.


Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

I guessed objective marker, can I have half a point?
It looks good. There is enough to make it look like an ammo dump, but not too much to over crowd it. There is a space in the bottom right of the base that is empty. If you can find something to put in that gap that doesn't make it over crowded, go for it.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

I’ve been slacking. Sorry. Bunch of random stuff going on, ranging from killer yard work (de-thatched my lawn) to appliance repair and replacement (washing machine, de humidifier) to fun things like the Steam summer sale (picked up Sins of a Solar Empire) and reading a few books. So the 40k stuff took a back burner for a bit.

But I’m still working. Finally got around to finishing the legs of the HG on the bench, will start on his torso next. I’d say it would be quick, but he’s got a cape, so I need to figure out what shades I want to use. Why bother learning new fabric techniques on the tabards if I’m not going to apply them in other places. Need to inventory my collections of reds and see what to use.

On the workbench are some Eldar (thanks Zambro!) I’ve had some dire avengers cut, sitting in blisters, waiting to have their mold lines cleaned up and glued together for about a year now. I forgot how finicky and irritating they are to clean. Two are ready for the to-prime box, 3 and a half to go. There are enough bits that you can have a spare torso for the exarch. I’m planning on magnetizing one guy at the waist so I can swap from a bare bones 5 man squad to a slightly more robust one with a guy in charge. On the bright side, I’ve come a long way in my magnetizing skills over the last year working with my marines, so doing up the space elves should be a lot easier now.

It looks like I’m probably going to make it to the faux-apoc game next weekend, so I need to assemble a 2.5k force. The guy running it is doing a narrative event, so is not going to use all the normal apoc rules. I’m not sure exactly what is going on, so I’m just going to show up with a TAC, meched up, block of firepower.

But now I need to get back to non-hobby stuff. Haveing a birthday party for The Wife tonight. Already baked a cake, now to clean dishes and start food prep for dinner. I’d rather be painting my drop pod. <sigh>

Have a nice weekend all.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/06/28 17:49:11

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

 Nevelon wrote:
Already baked a cake, now to clean dishes and start food prep for dinner. I’d rather be painting my drop pod.

Sorry, Nev, but cake > drop pod any day of the week!

I'm glad I've inspired you to get some work done on your Eldar

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Zambro wrote:
 Nevelon wrote:
Already baked a cake, now to clean dishes and start food prep for dinner. I’d rather be painting my drop pod.

Sorry, Nev, but cake > drop pod any day of the week!

I'm glad I've inspired you to get some work done on your Eldar

The cake is not a problem, it’s cutting onions and all the dishes that I dislike.

I remember when the Eldar codex came out there were a number of things I wanted to see if they were FAQ’d before building stuff. For the life of me I can’t recall what they were. I guess I’ll just build what looks cool and I have the parts for. And I still need to figure out what I want to give my autach.

I forgot to mention it in my last post, but summer is officially upon us. The Boy is out of school, so my free time is going to be a little bit tighter for a few months. Hopefully I’ll be able to still maintain my glacial pace, or even <gasp> speed up a bit. We’ll see.

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