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Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

Finishing assembling a fourth Rhino-Russ chassis (likely my last). Going to prime my last eight Striking Scorpions and get to painting them.
Made in ca
Fireknife Shas'el

 wuestenfux wrote:
Bought (monthly) Azyr.
Let's see if its worth it.

That Celestian Vortex looks like a pain to paint,

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Managed a game of 40k, 2k of my orks v Marines. As usual enemy fliers won them the game, managed to pop one with smite and scorcha shots but couldn't do much against the others.

Predator mounted laser cannons (three of them!) saw off the heavier stuff I had in short order (mauled one with boyz, a unit over 30 strong then evaporated the following turn, while in cover, to a pair of fliers.

Wondering on getting a few units of stormboyz for some airborne choppy action
Made in gb
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

Got to test out this theory today. It was very enlightening. I’m half way there to fixing the Overlords!
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Cleaned assembled and primed my new UCM Falcon-Bs and Kiev class destroyers.
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Damn coating 10 Plague Marines in Agrax Earthshade is satisfying... until you spill 2/3rds of the nearly full pot all over your paper.


Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us
Stubborn Prosecutor

Finished the new chapter shouldpads. Pop the Monkey, after delivering such great DW icons, failed here. The thrice damned chapter symbols all had their connection to the sprue in the middle of the symbol, making it almost impossible to shave down sufficiently. Several got flash leaving them sticking out and two died from attempts to remove flash.

Going to a corner to sulk.

Bender wrote:* Realise that despite the way people talk, this is not a professional sport played by demi gods, but rather a game of toy soldiers played by tired, inebriated human beings.

https://www.victorwardbooks.com/ Home of Dark Days series 
Made in ca
Fireknife Shas'el

 ChargerIIC wrote:
Finished the new chapter shouldpads. Pop the Monkey, after delivering such great DW icons, failed here. The thrice damned chapter symbols all had their connection to the sprue in the middle of the symbol, making it almost impossible to shave down sufficiently. Several got flash leaving them sticking out and two died from attempts to remove flash.

Going to a corner to sulk.

Sounds like you need tiny chisels.

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Touchups? Done.
Balthasar Gold (now my fav paint in the whole range) on all the little icons of Nurgle? Done!
Nurgle's Rot (aka. the greatest technical paint ever invented) liberally coating tentacles and running out of vents? Done. And ew!
First test of texture paint for a base? Drying as we speak.
First use of the new Nighthaunt Gloom paint? Looking great!
New superglue used to put the last few bits on (yes, I used sub-assemblies for the ones with guns across their chests)? Done, and I'm not covered in dry superglue, which is a bonus.

My first 10 Plague Marines are nearly done!

Truth be told I only need one of them - the Plasma Gunner - for the start of this weekend's Black Crusade campaign, but if I'm gonna paint one, why not paint 'em all?

Tomorrow, assuming the base test works, I base the rest as soon as I get home, drybrush the bases later on, paint the rims black... and we're done!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/07/10 14:08:33

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in au
Hacking Proxy Mk.1


Stripped a half dozen Doom Reaver and laid down some basecoats over them, another half dozen Iron Fangs, a Greylord escort, a trio of the easy build Primaris marines and a cute little 15mm StuG.

After having had to deal with exams and painted nothing in the last month I'm pretty happy with my progress.

 Fafnir wrote:
Oh, I certainly vote with my dollar, but the problem is that that is not enough. The problem with the 'vote with your dollar' response is that it doesn't take into account why we're not buying the product. I want to enjoy 40k enough to buy back in. It was my introduction to traditional games, and there was a time when I enjoyed it very much. I want to buy 40k, but Gamesworkshop is doing their very best to push me away, and simply not buying their product won't tell them that.
Made in gb
Yu Jing Martial Arts Ninja

Have just got back from Battlegroup South at Bovington, not a bad little show. Some nice games going on and managed to pick up some little bits for terrain and a Rubicon m4a3 /e8 kit to make fury.
Also a couple bolt action bits. Really should stop buying anymore stuff as the plastic and metal mountain is getting pretty high.
Made in gb
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws

Cloud City, Bespin

Picked up my finecast package from the post office, when I got home I ripped the blister open and started chopping up the sprue,
Has a bubble on the thumb of the power glove and that's about it, oh the pipe on the underside of the glove is a bit lame but shouldn't be noticeable.
[Thumb - SAM_0505.JPG]

 queen_annes_revenge wrote:
Straight out if the pot, bang it on. What else is there to know?
 DV8 wrote:
Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought should also be double-fisted.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

ordered the new IG codex & cards, plus the Daemons codex & cards.

have an APOC game next Sunday and was wondering what to take, plan is to blow the considerable dust off the Tiosen 221st this week and give them their first outing since 5th edition.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Finally painted a pair of my genestealer cult boys, I now have a grand total of 16 points of painted miniatures.

More importantly I also have a list of paints and combinations to paint more or less everything in my army now too!

Take two down, pass them around, stare in silent horror at how long two took you and how large a pile of primed plastic you have.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Planning purchases for Pulp Alley.

Thread Slayer 
Made in ca
Nimble Skeleton Charioteer


Picked up some new models today, among them 2 boxes of Venomthropes/Zoanthropes. I will build the Zoanthropes (to get to the goal of 3 units of 6), but I'm working on making parts for the Venomthrope so I can make both units out a single box.

Going well so far and I think I'll be able to pull it off. At the price I paid for the boxes, the little extra effort to get the most out of these will be worth it!

Fantasy armies - Retired (Tomb Kings, Vampires, Empire, Chaos Warriors/Daemons, Dark Elves)

Tyranids army - Ever evolving, but about 10k pts
Custodes - 3,500pts (Fully painted yay!)
Thousand Sons - 4,000 pts
Eldar - 3,000pts 
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Spent almost 12 hours playing Black Crusade yesterday with a bunch of friends.

We successfully proved that we, as a unit, are completely hopeless. By the end this was our theme song.

We screwed up so badly we ended up almost setting our master on fire whilst invading the wrong space station...

And on Friday I built and painted, from start to finish, my first ever Finecost minaiture - a CSM Warpsmith. I am so glad they want away from that soft pseudo-resin cap. It's awful to work with, and so many connection points to the wonky sprues. Still, the Warpsmith looks ace. Need to base him though.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2018/07/15 03:28:53

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Received 40mm rounds for basing minis, need to order a bunch of 32mm rounds, though...

Made in us
Bloodthirsty Chaos Knight

Las Vegas, NV

Primed 500 pts. of Beyond The Gates Of Antares Isorians I assembled yesterday. Nice minis. Here's a sniper her drone, and her gun.

What's the matter, kid? Don't you like clowns? 
Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

managed to paint the left leg and the groin on an armiger warglaive.
over 2 months whit 28+ daily in a place where 20+ is the norm in july is draining all will and energy to paint away from me.

Collects: Wild West Exodus, SW Armada/Legion. Adeptus Titanicus, Dust1947. 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Played three small (40pt) games of Team Yankee, lost about eleven times...

lost early in all three so we kept going, allowing me to lose each game several times...
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Undercoated 6 Mournfangs and built Slimux

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in au
Dakka Veteran

Sydney, Australia

Replacement parts for my Blood Bowl Skaven booster, so I'm cleaning and building them. Going to catch these 3 models up to where my other BB models are at, and then finish them all at once this week


I mainly play 30k, but am still fairly active with 40k. I play Warcry, Arena Rex, Middle-Earth, Blood Bowl, Batman, Star Wars Legion as well

My plog- https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/787134.page
My blog- https://fistfulofminiatures.blogspot.com/
My gaming Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/fistfulofminis/ 
Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

Idk it is hobby or not but I was give blood to other people from accident.
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Undercoated 6 Mournfangs and built Slimux

That little plant next to Slimux looks like it'll get bigger and start singing "Mean Green Mother from Outer Space".

As for what I'm doing, I'm continuing to work on my Repulsor and Talonmaster, and getting ready to put some decals on my Knight.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

Finished pre-paint assembly of the Rhino-Russ, beyond that nothing. Been a slow day...maybe something tonight.
Made in us
Sickening Carrion

Niagara Falls, NY

Started flocking my Secret Weapon Tablescapes table using an old Citadel Scenery Painting Pack I got on the cheap. Haven’t even started painting the river tiles yet, but I did complete a 4x4s worth. I might add another layer of flocking.
[Thumb - 78B17E4B-76A2-4E38-9477-435437132E60.jpeg]

[Thumb - 0DA924BE-4AA1-4F36-AAAA-B35ABECDDEED.jpeg]

Fantasy: Tomb Kings, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, Lizardmen, Daemons
40k: Daemon Hunters (GK,MT allied), Tallarn Armored Battle Group, Night Lords.
Firestorm Armada/Firestorm Planetfall: Dindrenzi

"I will lay down my bones among the rocks and roots of the deepest hollow, next to the streambed.
The quiet hum of the earth's dreaming is my new song."

Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Wrapped up six Poxwalkers using a minimal selection of colours to get them done as quickly and easily as possible for Kill Team. Ten more to go (six easy to build and the remaining four from Dark Imperium)! Though chances are, we're going to need a lot more for future last stand scenarios, so I've primed the remaining twenty two as well, just in case.

It's not golden standard, but they look good on the table.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
Bloodthirsty Chaos Knight

Las Vegas, NV

Assembling more terrain for Mantic's Deadzone so I'll have enough for the demos I'm running this weekend.

What's the matter, kid? Don't you like clowns? 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

picked up some old WHFB orcs for nothing, planning some slight adjustments to create some Snakebites for 40k

chariots into buggies perhaps
warboss on boar into warboss on bike
shamen into weirdboyz

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