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Made in us
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun

tornado alley, United States

Yesterday I finished my zoanthrope and turned it in for the technical paint contest at my local store. I also started painting my imperial knight after the priming frenzy I went through last weekend.

Today I slapped some more green stuff on deathleaper, filled in couple of bubbles and made sure the tail modification I made would stick.

I got my first game in with the new rules, which was interesting. Just 2 zoanthropes got me a surprising number of dice for my warp pool....

Tested out a kill team for the upcoming league, against a vehicle team, which I wanted to do with the new changes to vehicle damage and I needed to learn how the new psychic phase worked.

I haven't played a full on game yet, which should be interesting...I had to wait for a new paycheck to get my hands on all the cards, some of which are out of stock, so bleh.

Spent some more time painting the legs of my imperial knight.

~6000 ~4000 ~1000
Imperial Knights: & Admech:

My finance plays


I do not work for GW in any fashion. When I edit my post, either I've misspelled something, punctuation, or I'm fixing swearing. Oops.  
Made in gb


Getting another couple of these to use as Heralds of Tzeentch


Potentially Lethal - My Gaming Blog
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

dead account

Getting started on a Land Raider Crusader. Primed it last night... going to put on a basecoat/layer of green on the puppy... Straken green I think it's called.
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Not wargaming related, but putting together a Tamiya plastic kit - a Suzuki RGV500 (99 season, Kenny Roberts Jr) Just priming the sprues and putting the first bits of the suspension assembly together.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/31 08:50:56

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

I'm just heading out to the Birmingham Games Expo.

I probably won't get there until lunchtime, unfortunately. But at least I'll get a look around.


And, to avoid double posting, I'm editting...

Oh and, I'm back now. Truth be told, I think I was relatively well behaved today.

Well, by Expo / Convention standards in any case.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/31 19:43:42

Made in us
Hellish Haemonculus

Boskydell, IL

Fixing to file and assemble a metal Archon model.

Welcome to the Freakshow!

(Leadership-shenanigans for Eldar of all types.) 
Made in us
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Oregon, USA

Started work on my scratchbuilt gorkanaught using random gubbins from my bitz box.

No idea if i will ever actually finish it, or even if i have enough odds and sods to make it look decent, but i was bored.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/06/01 02:49:55

The Viletide: Daemons of Nurgle/Deathguard: 7400 pts
Disclples of the Dragon - Ad Mech - about 2000 pts
GSC - about 2000 Pts
Rhulic Mercs - um...many...
Circle Oroboros - 300 Pts or so
Menoth - 300+ pts
Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


I shudder to think of what gencon is going to do to my wallet... at least I'll be unable to shop for 8 hours of dz/kow/infinity campaign/games. Still leaves a lot of time to acquire a similar haul...

Received the 6 Dr Who minis I ordered from Heresy, for being so overwhelmed with the dragons, he got these out quick. Nice sculpts and just a bit of flash with almost invisible mold lines. Need to get them trimmed up so can get cracking on the diorama.

Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

if I get enough sleep I plan to paint with the misses. She wants to paint some of the mantic angel models.

Made in de
Repentia Mistress

Santuary 101

Trying to finish up my Catacomb Command Barge. And regretting that I glued too much of it together before painting. Grrrr.....


Avatar scene by artist Nicholas Kay. Give credit where it's due! 
Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


Ooh sounds like a plan Carlos, getting the spouse involved.

Trying to take it easy today but I want to get my Heresy Who minis cleaned up at least and it wouldn't take a lot of effort to finish another modest battle zone building.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

dead account

Possibly assemble my first Stormraven today.
Made in us
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!


Getting my first game of 7th in today. Pretty excited about it.

Check out my Deadzone/40k/necromunda blog here! 
Made in au
Death-Dealing Dark Angels Devastator


Working on the Python code for my VP counter. https://github.com/miproductions/auspex

Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


Hey now there's a use for the raspberry pi I can get behind . I wanna get one of those but there's no reason for me, sounds like you found a decent use though.

Made in us
Hellish Haemonculus

Boskydell, IL

What the hell is a raspberry pi?

Finished my metal archon and ALSO finished my first metal Lelith, after successfully surgically transplanting a new army on to her. Gotta decide whether I want to do Incubi now or my Beastmasters.

Welcome to the Freakshow!

(Leadership-shenanigans for Eldar of all types.) 
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


 Jimsolo wrote:
What the hell is a raspberry pi?

I believe it's a programmable computer base, kind of a DIY computer that you can use for all sorts of stuff.

I actually managed to get a game of 40k in today, Dark and Blood Angels (the Angels of Death, I like to call it) versus Orks with a Nob-star, 2 big Kopta squads and a couple of Boyz and a Loota mob. Mission was Kill points.

My DA Librarian perilled on the first roll of the game going for Prescience, and it was up hill from there. DS termies wiped the Lootas in a single volley, the Assault Marines with Captain and Sang Priest in a Raider took out the Nob Star and half the Koptas, and the game concluded with some very confused Ard Boys being assaulted off the board by the most violent Dark Angel Tactical Squad in history. In all, it was a 6-0 victory for the Imperium.

Made in nl
Wight Lord with the Sword of Kings

North of your position

I've finished my unit of 5 Chaos Terminators.

I'm also starting on writing some fluff for my Chaos Space Marine army.

Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


It's basically the smallest most pared down computer you can get. Last time I checked they cost something like 25-35 dollars and the board was about the same size as a credit card. They've got to have everything added, sound display input, and so on. They've also got an output for coax cable for older TVs, the initial idea is something like affordable computers everywhere. Runs some form of linux by default, kind of meant to get kids programming in poorer countries. There are lots of fun applications, anywhere you could use a processor from your car to whatever. People often use tiny screens like from a GPS or similar. I almost got one to make my own netflix/amazon video/etc box but some of those don't play well with linux.

Made in no
Terrifying Doombull


Today I am planing finishing the last of my DA sucsessor chapter, when that is done I will have four complete Sm armies of various flavours, after that I am pondering about cleaning up my painting desk
Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

I ordered a Rasberry pi on release but I have never got around to using it.

Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


See I figured that's what would happen to me so I held back. Itsrreally neat in terms of potential, I'm just more interested in toy soldiers atm.

Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.


Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Building up some defences for a D-Day game next weekend, just needing static grass now to complete

Also working on a few 40k models

Don't get much time during the week but will get the fortifications finished this week, far too many projects on the go at once, as always, wouldn't have it any other way.
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

I'm doing a training run myself to work out how the CR-90 actually plays... It's helpful having a memory of a goldfish - as I don't end up remembering what the other sides manoeuvre dials are set at.

I accidentally discovered a 'tactic' for combatting the CR-90.

This TIE Fighter is on its last hull point and has just completed its move. The pilot appears to have graduated from the Zapp Brannigan school of warfare.

The really scary thing? It just might work out...

That TIE Fighter is probably dead anyway, the Corvette won't get its chance to regenerate shields before it takes the ramming hit...

What Happened

Of course, it's was critical damage, weapon destroyed result...
Well, it's not all bad at least, A crippled section doesn't have any weapons to be destroyed anymore!


So, practice session over. Things I've worked out:

Definitely give Turbolasers a miss for the moment, go for a second set of quad cannons and Flechette torpedoes for some friendlies for now. Admittedly, that just the only other anti epic ship thing in this list being the primary cannons, and potentially my B-Wings heavy laser cannon.

Also, I do like the Dutyfree / Slicer CR-90 combo, however I think I need to deploy them very close together - Around Range 2. from each other. Although in that case, I do see crashes occurring in the near future.

I do think having a B-Wing with Heavy Laser Cannon defending the rear of the huge ships is a pretty neat thing. Trying the same with a Y-Wing with Ion Turret didn't work out well. As the huge ships were so huge, even an ionned enemy would still be able to shoot at something - Anyone got any thoughts on that?

Wes with Veteran Instincts paired with Wedge Antilles was devastating. - Probably too many points to have in a game with 2 Huge Ships but they did really great!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/06/01 22:18:18

Made in us
Hellish Haemonculus

Boskydell, IL

Put the finishing touches on my custom converted Baron Sathonyx.

Welcome to the Freakshow!

(Leadership-shenanigans for Eldar of all types.) 
Made in ca
Posts with Authority

I'm from the future. The future of space

Reading everything I can from Joseph Morschauser, one of the pioneers of miniature wargaming who originated some common conventions used to this day in miniature wargaming. For example, he's the first person documented playing games with multiple figures mounted on a single base like in Flames of War, Warmaster/BlackPowder/HailCaesar, DBx, etc.,.

Notice the multiple figures per base. Picture from Table Top Talk newsletter, 1963

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2014/06/02 04:56:30

Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. 
Made in us
Cosmic Joe

Painting my Infinity figures. Nomades.

Also, check out my history blog: Minimum Wage Historian, a fun place to check out history that often falls between the couch cushions. 
Made in us
Near Golden Daemon Caliber


The Baron is looking pretty sinister Jim!

@MWHistorian, which Nomads? Will there be pictures somewhere? Can't get enough of those plucky separatists!

For my own hobbying, rather than be a good little hobbyist last night, I gave in again to my "alt-itis" and started work in a different direction. But hey, I did at least get one of my battlezone buildings (a watchtower) down to little details like blood spatter, warning/propaganda signs, and so forth.

Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

I wasn't fussed on the nomads before but the more I see of them the more I like the . Please share they when they are done.

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