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Alien vs Predator Miniatures Game, Prodos loses license to AvP. p.266  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

The Rock

New update (if you can call it that):

Prodos Games Ltd
Mar 17, 2015

Hello All.
A short update...
We have resubmitted the rules doc for approval, after changing (as requested) the US English to UK English. We have also proofed in-house, picking up a few grammatical issues where they had previously been missed; then finally we have sent to a professional proofing company.
We are expecting the approval back reasonably quickly, to the extent that we are working to officially launch the product to the wider public at Salute 2015. We expect to get the first batch of KS product out at the same time!
As always we thank you for your ongoing support and patience as we complete the final mile of this project. We know it’s been an unexpectedly long journey and we thank you all for enabling this dream to become a reality. The light at the end of the tunnel is bright and getting bigger by the day.
We will update again as soon as we have the approval...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/17 22:29:17

AoV's Hobby Blog 29/04/18 The Tomb World stirs p44
How to take decent photos of your models
There's a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand
Most importantly, Win or Lose, always try to have fun.
Armies Legion: Dark Angels 
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

That's actually probably the biggest update they have released in some time..

(So hopefully!)
- Available at Salute (woohoo!)
- Goes out to KS backers at the same time.

That will actually probably save me a fair bit of money at Salute if I'm walking around with that boxset under my arm..

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

 CURNOW wrote:
Still no news on if its gona be waves or not . Im just gona go put on my colonial marine armour and grab my pulse rifle and watch aliens :(

What news are you expecting? They already very clearly stated it would be sent in at least two waves, with the first wave consisting of the boxed board game.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Prodos Games Ltd
Mar 17, 2015

Hello All.
A short update...
We have resubmitted the rules doc for approval, after changing (as requested) the US English to UK English. We have also proofed in-house, picking up a few grammatical issues where they had previously been missed; then finally we have sent to a professional proofing company.
We are expecting the approval back reasonably quickly, to the extent that we are working to officially launch the product to the wider public at Salute 2015. We expect to get the first batch of KS product out at the same time!
As always we thank you for your ongoing support and patience as we complete the final mile of this project. We know it’s been an unexpectedly long journey and we thank you all for enabling this dream to become a reality. The light at the end of the tunnel is bright and getting bigger by the day.
We will update again as soon as we have the approval...

It's a TRAIN!

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

If I read that update right, "soon" has been somewhat quantified.
Made in gb
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

The Rock

@JohnHwang: +1 sir!
Awesome haha

AoV's Hobby Blog 29/04/18 The Tomb World stirs p44
How to take decent photos of your models
There's a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand
Most importantly, Win or Lose, always try to have fun.
Armies Legion: Dark Angels 
Made in gb
Food for a Giant Fenrisian Wolf

 Pacific wrote:
That's actually probably the biggest update they have released in some time..

Agreed, but that is hardly difficult....!

Before everyone gets too excited though(!) remember that Fox still ave to give final approval (and we all know how long THAT can take) and then it still has to be test printed, the test prints examined, then final print run. We could still be looking at May delivery. Not being pessimistic or negative, just pointing out where we ACTUALLY are.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 JohnHwangDD wrote:

Prodos Games Ltd
Mar 17, 2015

Hello All.
A short update...
We have resubmitted the rules doc for approval, after changing (as requested) the US English to UK English. We have also proofed in-house, picking up a few grammatical issues where they had previously been missed; then finally we have sent to a professional proofing company.
We are expecting the approval back reasonably quickly, to the extent that we are working to officially launch the product to the wider public at Salute 2015. We expect to get the first batch of KS product out at the same time!
As always we thank you for your ongoing support and patience as we complete the final mile of this project. We know it’s been an unexpectedly long journey and we thank you all for enabling this dream to become a reality. The light at the end of the tunnel is bright and getting bigger by the day.
We will update again as soon as we have the approval...

It's a TRAIN!

Choo choo, motherf***ers...!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/17 23:27:05

Made in gb
Utilizing Careful Highlighting


Yeah but whats in each wave ?
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

Wave 1: Boxed board game
Wave >1: TBD

Assumedly the rest will ship in Wave 2, but Prodos has not really let us know beyond Wave 1 at this point.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/17 23:42:10

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

Jarek Ever:
and to answer the question before it came: yes if we have the game before Salute we will start shipping to backers, if we have the game At salute pick up will be available.

Jarek Ever:
we needed to send POS materials for approval as well, once we have a green light on them we will go crazy with them online! well, we are making the game but it's not our product, if you know what I mean by that. Everything needs approval.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Jarek Ever:
we needed to send POS materials for approval as well, once we have a green light on them we will go crazy with them online! well, we are making the game but it's not our product, if you know what I mean by that. Everything needs approval.

It doesn't seem like a wise move to be making comments like this. This makes me think that they had no idea what they were getting into when it comes to licensed games. It also makes me think the relationship with Fox and Prodos may be strained to the point that this game may not see any additional products beyond what was "promised" in the kickstarter.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I don't think it's a wise move to let Jarek make comments at all.

I also think it's already pretty clear they had no idea what they were getting themselves into and I really doubt we'll see future products in this line.

I hope I'm wrong though.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/03/18 18:42:40

"The Omnissiah is my Moderati" 
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

I think it all comes down to the $. Undoubtedly it's a massive license*, and I still think it has the potential to get massive sales, but I guess how many will determine whether they continue with new releases.

You're right though, that chap shouldn't be allowed near the comments box (although, personally I find his posts pretty amusing/entertaining because of this)

* Is 'Aliens' and 'Predator' still viewed as a cool thing by kids these days? I've realised that I'm getting to the age where it might not be, and I consider that my dad probably felt the same way about steam engines and Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca at one point!

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

 Pacific wrote:
I think it all comes down to the $. Undoubtedly it's a massive license*, and I still think it has the potential to get massive sales, but I guess how many will determine whether they continue with new releases.

Unfortunately for the future of this, board games are a MUCH bigger seller/bigger market than miniatures based table top gaming, and they don't seem well postured to expand the board game. Resin multi-part figures will not go over well with the board game market. Even hard plastic figures with as many pieces as they are showing for the Predators are going to limit that market.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/18 20:25:19

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Hey, gents, I'm not current on this as I was not a KS backer. Did I see a HIPS Predator sprue a few pages back? Any more HIPS coming for this license?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

 Visceral_Mass wrote:
This makes me think that they had no idea what they were getting into when it comes to licensed games.

If you are only now getting this feeling, I think you are behind the curve. I got that feeling when the KS page went down months ago.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Hey, gents, I'm not current on this as I was not a KS backer. Did I see a HIPS Predator sprue a few pages back? Any more HIPS coming for this license?

The retail version should have plastic Predators, Marines, and Aliens.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

Interview – Rob Alderman

I had the chance to do a written interview with Rob Alderman, Head of Sales at Prodos LTD.

Prodos Games LTD is currently working on Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins. The game will be released worldwide in 2015.

We started the interview back in december 2014 and completed it in march 2015.

If you are looking for the Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins FAQ, you can find it here.

Peer: Hi Rob, thank you for taking the time for this interview. Please tell us something about yourself first.

Rob: Hi! I’m the Head of Sales at Prodos Games LTD, but I have basically been with the company ever since the first Alpha Testing of Warzone Resurrection in the UK. It was a very different game at that point! I’ve been painting miniatures since I was 6 or 7, after accidentally going into a shop in Maidstone with my parents and being showed a certain game set in the 41st millennium by an over-enthusiastic red-shirted man. One day, I would love to shake the hand of said red-shirted man and thank him. Suffice to say, I won a game, was given a small metal miniature and also a catalogue of figures which I looked at for several hours that evening. I’m 24 now and have been a ‘professional’ wargamer since I was 15; sculpting miniatures, writing rules, writing stories, playtesting games and running demos… I like to think I know my industry, but every so often I get new and exciting things thrown at me from nowhere! It’s an awesome ride!

Peer: It is December and 2014 is nearly history. The successful funding of Alien Vs Predator The Miniature Game, a lot of work, a lot of travelling, the deletion of the Kickstarter page and impatient backers are lying behind you. How do you feel at the moment?

Rob: I’m not sure words can express quite how I feel! I’m a pretty down to earth person, so if I get down, I get really, really down. Let’s just say I have an amazingly supportive fiancee and there are select fans out there that quite literally save the day. I think the most positive thing is my hope for 2015. We’ve had some amazing milestones in 2014 and 2015 promises some more amazing ones. I’ve been working out my calendar and it is all looking pretty fantastic!

Peer: What significance has the Alien franchise in your personal life?

Rob: The Alien franchise, for me, is the quintessential Science Fiction. It is dark, mysterious and has had a lot of things developed around it. The first Alien film is a horror, it is tense and keeps you on edge. Even now, 35 years later, it terrifies people. It’s one of those films, among many, that I watched when I was younger than I should have been, but I do not regret it as it really shaped things for me. Giger’s work is fantastic, and a lot of it appears (albeit significantly changed here and there) throughout the franchise. It’s dark and unremitting, exaggerating how little we actually understand of the world around us. Now, being able to present that in miniature is truly awesome.

Peer: Your favorite alien movie?

Rob: My favourite Alien movie? It’s hard as I studied film as a part of my further education (pre-University, if you like), so I therefore read a lot into how things are filmed, how characters are developed, how shots are lined up to achieve a specific reaction or effect in the viewer. Alien is a very, very clever film. However, if I was going to put on a film to watch over and over, I think it has to be Aliens. The characters are made to be endearing, the pace is fast and action-packed.

Peer: I am sure you heard that Neill Blomkamp is doing a new Alien movie. What is your opinion on that?

Rob: We’re super excited for it! Anything that extends the potential for both the Alien and Predator licenses really gets us excited. Ultimately, we’re all fans of the setting, after all!

Peer: So, what is included in the license you obtained from Fox? What are you allowed to use in your game?

Rod: Anything from the solely Alien vs Predator Films, comics, books or computer games as well as non-named characters and creatures from the Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Resurrection, Predator, Predator 2 and Predators film. We are currently unsure whether this includes any other future projects. This means we cannot, for example, use Terminators from the ‘Alien vs Predator vs Terminator’ comics, or Judge Dredd in ‘Judge Dredd Incubus’, but if there was a new breed of alien or predator, not linked to the other license, then we could use that potentially too. Of course, it all relies on approval, which is normally Fox deciding if they think it is suitable for the license.

Peer: Has it been your first Kickstarter or have you been involved with the Warzone Kickstarter as well?

Rob: I was involved with the Warzone Resurrection Kickstarter. I wasn’t employed by Prodos Games at that time, but the owners were good friends of mine. They threw ideas at me and I threw ideas at them too. It was very exciting as I was an ‘insider customer’, so I actually pledged quite high on the Warzone Resurrection Kickstarter! I’ve got limitless faith for the product line and setting. It’s totally awesome and the figures are fantastic.

Peer: How long has it taken you from the first talk with Fox to the start of your Kickstarter?

Rob: I’m not sure you know. It was actually Mark that initiated the conversation with 20th Century Fox. I think it was 3 months, I recall it being very quick and I was taken aback by how fast we turned that around into a Kickstarter. We had the first Infant Alien printed in China and that was knocking around our office for a few weeks. It was a very exciting time, but that print was awful! Not sure where it’s ended up now, but we’ve moved on from even then and the stuff we’re printing using our own 3d printing service (which we offer to other companies in the industry) is absolutely unbelievable.

Peer: In comparison to board and card games miniature games are able to collect a lot more money on Kickstarter. While (most) board and card games can be played out of the box miniature games often need to be assembled and painted first. What is so fascinating about miniature games?

Rob: Miniature Games are tangible, they have a feel and they are nice to look at. Playing cards is nice, and artwork can be great, the feel of the game can be great, but there is certainly an itch scratched by miniature gaming that any other kind of gaming cannot achieve. That’s not to say that Miniature gaming is superior to any other kind, but each type of gaming has its own advantages.

Peer: People often say the golden age of crowdfunding already lies behind us. Established companies are using crowdfunding plattforms as pre-order system, smaller companies and projects hardly get funded and backers are more demanding. Do you agree with this opinion?

Rob: Sort of, yes. I think there are certain companies that rely on it, that’s fine. There are also smaller companies setting them up for smaller projects, that’s great. For us, it’s been a great help in a few ways, most importantly, getting the projects actually funded to be made (not just a pre-order) and also as a platform for advertising. In a way, it’s great that we did not make millions, as that would have taken away from our post-Kickstarter sales, which for Warzone has been amazing and the interest in AvP is simply stunning. I doubt we will run many more Kickstarters, if any. We would prefer to just go ahead with more great products once they are ready, and avoid the ‘WIP’ shots, in progress stuff and nasty delays being widely shown in the public view. It doesn’t help us, nor the companies we have partnered with.

Peer: How active are you on Kickstarter? Do you back many projects?

Rob: Me, personally? I love it! I go after quite a few little ones, get to know people, socialise and offer them help where we can. We actually provide a number of manufacturing services to a number of companies. It’s up to them to tell you that we do! I’ve backed to open a ‘Cat Cafe’ in Nottingham, to create the Arcworlde Miniatures Game, to get a number of models made by Bob Olley, all sorts!

Peer: As you mentioned before you turned AvP into a Kickstarter within 3 months and have used a lot of WIP shots. Do you think you could have achieved more if you would have taken more time before the Kickstarter launch?

Rob: Yes, we could have, but we did run the Kickstarter to raise the funding we needed to support the project’s growth. Without the Kickstarter, there would not have been an AvP at all. If anything, the estimation should have been much longer and has since been noted!

Peer: How has the project changed from the initial idea to what it is now and how much backer feedback went into it?

Rob: I’m not sure, we always knew what we wanted to achieve. We do listen to customers though and take their ideas on board. Having so many megafans on board has it’s advantages! Some of the suggestions that have been made are totally inspired. Some obvious, others less so. I obviously can’t give any examples!

Peer: What is your favorite AvP model?

Rod: Ohhhhhh, gotta be the Predator Hell Hounds! I love ‘em!

Peer: Let us talk about the future of AvP. People are already creating their own stories, scenarios and material for your game. Is there a chance that you might offer templates to support them?

Rob: The rules contain the option to make your own missions, so totally!

Peer: What about painting tips and maybe even AvP painting sets?

Rob: I’d love to. Unfortunately we were priced out of painting sets for now, but it’s certainly something we’ll look at in the future. Painting guides will pop up here there and everywhere, I am sure!

Peer: Are you going to support organized play?

Rob: That’s the plan! We do it a little for Warzone Resurrection, especially focusing on 2015. So let’s see.

Peer: It was mentioned that with the first expansion the Marine ship might crash land on a jungle planet. Are you still working on this or are you going to surprise us with something totally different?

Rob: Unfortunately we cannot talk about future projects. I can certainly say that we do have intentions to expand the game in several different ways, but you will have to wait to find out!

Peer: You cannot talk about expansions yet but can you tell us if the expansions will be made of the Kickstarter urethane plastic or the retail version plastic?

Rob: Depends on popularity really! There is a huge investment for injection moulded plastic and it is very time consuming to get it started. However, the material is affordable and you can really mass produce with it. Of course, the cost of setting it all up has to be spread across to make sure there is a profit! As for Urethane resin, individual moulds cost less, but they wear out after several dozen pulls, so must be remade. It’s more labour intensive and the setting time is longer, but for shorter production runs, it is much more suitable. We actually manufacture everything in Urethane resin at the moment, but the Procast technique has allowed us to really streamline it into a semimass production process and we have one of the largest resin casting facilities in the world.

Peer: Since you already announced that you are working on translations for your other game Warzone Resurrection, how likely is it that you will also translate AvP?

Rob: Very likely!

Peer: Might these translations see the light of day in 2015?

Rob: I’m not sure, it depends on the traction of the project. If it’s madly successful, then the investment will be easier for us and we will. If it’s a slow take-up, then it will be a slow progress.

Peer: The final words are yours!

Rob: Just remember, ‘on Kickstarter, everyone can hear you scream’…

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

Rob wrote:Just remember, ‘on Kickstarter, everyone can hear you scream’… Until you shut it down for good. Oh and you can also ban those pesky backers from your FaceBook page if they try to make noise there (after belittling them a bit first).

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in gb
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

The Rock

Well- the FAQs don't really tell you much..
@CptJake: LOL! +1 sir!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/19 11:43:33

AoV's Hobby Blog 29/04/18 The Tomb World stirs p44
How to take decent photos of your models
There's a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand
Most importantly, Win or Lose, always try to have fun.
Armies Legion: Dark Angels 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

"On Kickstarter, everyone can hear you scream"

Until you take the page down via a fake IP dispute to stop people from screaming at you about your fethed up ethics and horrifically delayed project.

Edit - LOL ninja'd by Jake...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/03/19 11:45:46

"The Omnissiah is my Moderati" 
Made in tw
Been Around the Block

Earliest release...this May?
Made in gb
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

The Rock

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

AoV's Hobby Blog 29/04/18 The Tomb World stirs p44
How to take decent photos of your models
There's a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand
Most importantly, Win or Lose, always try to have fun.
Armies Legion: Dark Angels 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

 Tengri wrote:
Earliest release...this May?

Is there a new statement from them some where?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
On 14 March someone asked on their forums:

I suspect I already know the answer, but is there anything you can tell us about the plastic USCMs and Aliens?

On 28 March Big Jim V replied:

Not yet Strawhat, but we are getting closer to seeing them!

Seeing as how everything but the rules were allegedly approved I was hoping they would show these (even though they are the retail plastic) along with the final Young Bloods, and may be the clear predators, terrain, some of the cards/tokens from the game and so on.

Seeing as all that is already approved and all...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/03/30 10:26:24

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran


Well, Salute is on the 25th April, and they seem pretty confident that people can supposedly pick their copies up there. They might start getting death threats if people travel down to pick up their copy and it still isn't ready yet!
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

They're never making Salute. No chance. They don't even have approval on the rulebook yet. When that does arrive (assuming they get approval this time and Fox doesn't spot something else they want changed), they'll need to do a test print at final production quality. Then they'll need to examine that test in minute detail for quality control, and run off enough copies to take back to Fox for final approval. They've already told us that Fox want (need) to see fully packaged product for final signoff, so they'll need to box up a number of (probably 5-10, maybe more) the box sets, both KS and retail, and seal them so that what Fox receive is exactly what we'll get. Then Fox can spend however long they need to approve that final complete product- probably at least another couple of weeks. Only then can they trigger a full print run, and then make up however many hundreds of boxes they might need for KS backers at Salute, plus however many they also need for retail there, and that's all happening in Poland.

So realistically at this point, Salute isn't happening. The logistics don't work.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/03/31 12:29:17

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Agree. April is not possible.

Assuming they received approval today, they would need to go through the proof process (soft proofs, then hard proofs) before going into production. Best case, they might finish their approvals by the end of April.

That still needs to print, and cut, and press, before assembling the boxes and shipping them to whereever they need to be.

To actually have finished product in hand takes more time than what they have.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

I suspect they'll move heaven and earth to get some early prototypes on sale at salute even if it is at the expense of shipping to all but a few token backers so they can claim to have started delivering to them "first". I call this move the palladium ruseTM.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Now, now, that's unfair. Palladium wanted to do that at Gencon, but ultimately was unable to swing the logistics. Prodos is in the same situation. The reality of production and logistics is going to prevent this from happening.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 JohnHwangDD wrote:
Now, now, that's unfair. Palladium wanted to do that at Gencon, but ultimately was unable to swing the logistics. Prodos is in the same situation. The reality of production and logistics is going to prevent this from happening.

Palladium only failed at their eponymous move because karma stepped it and gave them a swift kick in the wallet (located ironically over their rear end); it's still their move and they did it successfully with their crowdfunded RPG books the year before (printing out some early release "prototype" copies to sell many months before any crowdfunding backers got theirs) . I expect Prodos to do the same as they seem to be borrowing some things from the Palladium playbook unfortunately.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
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