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Vegetarians in the 41st millenium  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

I was watching Gordon Ramsay's Great Escape and in the third episode he visits a location where they only eat vegetarian meals (According to the video, you can't even rent an apartment there without adhering to a veggie diet). That got me wondering; are there vegetarians in 40k? We've heard about Corpsestarch and Soylent Veridians, but are there factions or worlds that adhere solely to a veggie diet?

On that note, do Orks count as Vegetarian/vegan? They eat squigs and gretchin, but since those are fungus-based lifeforms, wouldn't that technically make them vegetarians (or even vegans, since there's no "animal" products)?

Gwar! wrote:Huh, I had no idea Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines posted on Dakka. Hi Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I have an Autograph!

Kanluwen wrote:
Hell, I'm not that bothered by the Stormraven. Why? Because, as it stands right now, it's "limited use".When it's shoehorned in to the Codex: Space Marines, then yeah. I'll be irked.

When I'm editing alot, you know I have a gakload of homework to (not) do. 
Made in us
Confessor Of Sins


Well, it is a big galaxy, so it is possible. That said, in the Imperium, such a diet (or any specialty diet, not necessary vegetarianism) would be a considerable luxury.

 Ouze wrote:

Afterward, Curran killed a guy in the parking lot with a trident.
Made in us
Stubborn Prosecutor

According to fluff, a large number of imperial worlds are eating artifical protiens made from moss or algae. The acid dogs (AM Regiment) are from such a world if I remember. Like most SciFi, meat seems to be a sign of above-average prosperity.

Bender wrote:* Realise that despite the way people talk, this is not a professional sport played by demi gods, but rather a game of toy soldiers played by tired, inebriated human beings.

https://www.victorwardbooks.com/ Home of Dark Days series 
Made in se
Swift Swooping Hawk

With the size of the 40k setting, there are bound to be billions of vegetarians across vast amounts of star systems. There are probably many vegetarians of necessity, who lack access to animal products. There are also probably many who have chosen vegetarianism for some reason or other. There may even be entire worlds, especially among those not under the imperium's direct control, where the entire population is more or less vegetarian.

I wouldn't call Orks vegetarians. They, as well as the squigs and gretchins, are clearly sentient life forms.

As a side note, fungi are considered more closely related to animals than to plants genetically.

Craftworld Sciatháin 4180 pts  
Made in ca
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

That gave me the mental image of an entire shrine world where vegetarianism is enforced with the death penalty to anyone eating meat. Knowing the Imperium, there probably is such a world.

Gwar! wrote:Huh, I had no idea Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines posted on Dakka. Hi Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I have an Autograph!

Kanluwen wrote:
Hell, I'm not that bothered by the Stormraven. Why? Because, as it stands right now, it's "limited use".When it's shoehorned in to the Codex: Space Marines, then yeah. I'll be irked.

When I'm editing alot, you know I have a gakload of homework to (not) do. 
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

 MechaEmperor7000 wrote:
That gave me the mental image of an entire shrine world where vegetarianism is enforced with the death penalty to anyone eating meat. Knowing the Imperium, there probably is such a world.

Every slice of the knife, a salute to death itself. Khorne cares not from where the blood flows, your steak will do.

I can just imagine Khorne vacationing at its steak throne.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/28 00:20:57

Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


 Cream Tea wrote:
As a side note, fungi are considered more closely related to animals than to plants genetically.

I had to google that and I honestly just spent the last 30 minutes on the toilet reading about how your statement is indeed true. Fascinating stuff, good post!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/28 01:39:54

Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard

kingleir wrote:
 MechaEmperor7000 wrote:
That gave me the mental image of an entire shrine world where vegetarianism is enforced with the death penalty to anyone eating meat. Knowing the Imperium, there probably is such a world.

Every slice of the knife, a salute to death itself. Khorne cares not from where the blood flows, your steak will do.

I can just imagine Khorne vacationing at its steak throne.

This is absolutely hilarious and the kind of thing that if it doesn't exist, should.
Made in ca
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Knowing the universe, there is probably at least one planet ruled by a Vegetarian Dictatorship that is in the process of being overthrown by a Khornate meat-eating cult.

Gwar! wrote:Huh, I had no idea Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines posted on Dakka. Hi Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I have an Autograph!

Kanluwen wrote:
Hell, I'm not that bothered by the Stormraven. Why? Because, as it stands right now, it's "limited use".When it's shoehorned in to the Codex: Space Marines, then yeah. I'll be irked.

When I'm editing alot, you know I have a gakload of homework to (not) do. 
Made in ru
Implacable Skitarii

Everything possible at least on some of Imperial worlds.

OTOH Craftworld Eldar are strict vegetarians (not so sure about Exodites and doubt about Drukhari).

Orks are not - they eat any meat, maybe 'cept some 'nids. 'umies are considered tasty by many of 'em (see 'Hero of Imperium', 'Evil Sun Rising' among other books).

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 MechaEmperor7000 wrote:
in the process of being overthrown by a Khornate meat-eating cult.

And another where rising cult is Slaaneshi, who recruit via food porn

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/29 01:47:15

Without passion we'd be truly dead. 
Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

as others have noted, there are almost certainly worlds, but in many cases it's likely not a moral choice, but a pratical one, meat is a fairly inefficant way to feed a populace.

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
Made in fi
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

[Expunged from Imperial records] =][=

I'm sure that there is at least one completely vegetarian/vegan world in the imperium. Imperium is a big place.

Of course, there must be also also a completely carnivorous place also. Imperium is a big place.

Obviously, most of worlds probably fall somewhere in between.

The thing is, Imperium doesn't care what you do on your planet as long as you: 1) Venerate the immortal emperor and 2) pay you taxes.

... And 3) Provide troops for the Imperial Guard, if you really can do that.

BrianDavion wrote:
as others have noted, there are almost certainly worlds, but in many cases it's likely not a moral choice, but a pratical one, meat is a fairly inefficant way to feed a populace.

But it's fun. And nutritionally efficient if you can afford it. Of course, humans are omnivores so they'll eat whatever is available. And fun.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/29 02:55:11

"Be like General Tarsus of yore, bulletproof and free of fear!" 
Made in ca
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard

Vancouver, BC

Figure we'd know about an all vegan world, since they'd tell everyone and anything about it.

 warboss wrote:
Is there a permanent stickied thread for Chaos players to complain every time someone/anyone gets models or rules besides them? If not, there should be.
Made in fi
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

[Expunged from Imperial records] =][=

 Crazyterran wrote:
Figure we'd know about an all vegan world, since they'd tell everyone and anything about it.

That is what we call a "zing".

"Be like General Tarsus of yore, bulletproof and free of fear!" 
Made in us
Terrifying Rhinox Rider

BrianDavion wrote:
as others have noted, there are almost certainly worlds, but in many cases it's likely not a moral choice, but a pratical one, meat is a fairly inefficant way to feed a populace.

When Every world has specific Imperial targets to meet, veganism could be the default, in order to efficiently use resources. Nitrogen fertilizer goes a lot farther building both weapons and raising crops than using the same amount to feed grox and cattle.

chyron wrote:
Everything possible at least on some of Imperial worlds.

OTOH Craftworld Eldar are strict vegetarians (not so sure about Exodites and doubt about Drukhari).

Knight engines (knight titans) were invented by exodites to herd giant dinosaurs used as livestock and protect the herds from predator dinosaurs. Humans who tried to colonized knight worlds copied the practice and engine warfare ensued.

That being said, a human vegetarian agri world that grew nothing but lentils, cereals, and rice would make good use of knights. If it's nothing but fields, with few roads and possibly flood irrigation, wheels and tracks would be hard to use. With very few cities, installations, or even forests, infantry would have limited use. With a low population, it would be difficult to maintain personnel in large numbers, and knights solve for all these problems.
Made in au
Anti-Armour Swiss Guard

Newcastle, OZ

Also Craftworlds trade with the exodite worlds for foodstuffs - and meat IS among the foods traded. They aren't exclusively vegetarians. They eat a lot of fruits and veg, but they will also eat flesh.

It's mentioned in Gav Thorpe's eldar path novels.

I'm OVER 50 (and so far over everyone's BS, too).
Old enough to know better, young enough to not give a ****.

That is not dead which can eternal lie ...

... and yet, with strange aeons, even death may die.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Gig Harbor, WA

With the right set of vegetables and cooking methods, it is possible to get all necessary nutrients. The central American diet accomplished this by soaking their corn in an alkaline solution, which freed up vitamins you wouldn't be able to absorb otherwise.

In doing so you can effectively live without meat. Which is far more efficient. Unless something radical has changed either in humans or what we eat, I would expect most hive worlds are eating vegetarian products.
Made in au
Anti-Armour Swiss Guard

Newcastle, OZ

Thinly sliced and sauteed vegetarian is quite tasty.

Oh, silly me, I'm getting "herbivore" and "vegetarian" mixed up again.

Soylens Viridians is people!

I'm OVER 50 (and so far over everyone's BS, too).
Old enough to know better, young enough to not give a ****.

That is not dead which can eternal lie ...

... and yet, with strange aeons, even death may die.
Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

one thing to consider is giving the rediculas levels of grim dark in the setting somewhere you likely have a story where a Primarch after a long period of fighting, arrives on a mining world, the primarchs arrival is greatly welcomed and fetted, at their dinner they serve a grox steak, a rare delicacy on the world. the Primarch, whose spent a good amount of time in the field surviving on his recycled waste, and also wanting to be polite says it's the best steak he ever has had. the Primarch leaves and the Adeptus Terra takes over, noting said Primarchs statement they insist this world be turned over to production of Grox meat, the people eat poorly and mineral resources are wasted, but to this day their steaks sell very well among the upper ranks of the IoM, all eager to try the best steak in the galaxy, as deemed so by one of the sainted primarchs.

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
Made in ca
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

BrianDavion wrote:
one thing to consider is giving the rediculas levels of grim dark in the setting somewhere you likely have a story where a Primarch after a long period of fighting, arrives on a mining world, the primarchs arrival is greatly welcomed and fetted, at their dinner they serve a grox steak, a rare delicacy on the world. the Primarch, whose spent a good amount of time in the field surviving on his recycled waste, and also wanting to be polite says it's the best steak he ever has had. the Primarch leaves and the Adeptus Terra takes over, noting said Primarchs statement they insist this world be turned over to production of Grox meat, the people eat poorly and mineral resources are wasted, but to this day their steaks sell very well among the upper ranks of the IoM, all eager to try the best steak in the galaxy, as deemed so by one of the sainted primarchs.

Alternatively the Primarch came and, tired of the recycled paste, was glad to have anything, even if it was just a turnip. His praise then turned into holy scriptures centuries after the fact, and now the entire planet is ruled by the Turnip Theocracy.

Gwar! wrote:Huh, I had no idea Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines posted on Dakka. Hi Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I have an Autograph!

Kanluwen wrote:
Hell, I'm not that bothered by the Stormraven. Why? Because, as it stands right now, it's "limited use".When it's shoehorned in to the Codex: Space Marines, then yeah. I'll be irked.

When I'm editing alot, you know I have a gakload of homework to (not) do. 
Made in us
Consigned to the Grim Darkness


I'm sure they exist, but they're unlikely and rare and probably nobility. The average hive worlder eats animal-based food products. I did not say they eat meat mind you. I wouldn't call most nutrient bars meat....

The people in the past who convinced themselves to do unspeakable things were no less human than you or I. They made their decisions; the only thing that prevents history from repeating itself is making different ones.
-- Adam Serwer
My blog
Made in se
Swift Swooping Hawk

 Melissia wrote:
I'm sure they exist, but they're unlikely and rare and probably nobility. The average hive worlder eats animal-based food products. I did not say they eat meat mind you. I wouldn't call most nutrient bars meat....

Vegetarian food is more efficient to produce both in energy and area required, though insects or something similar could be viable too. Algae are a good option. The point is, plants are cheap to grow.

Generally, a diet with higher percentages of animal-based products is associated with status, wealth and luxury. I can't see why it would be different in the 41st millennium.

Craftworld Sciatháin 4180 pts  
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

North Carolina

 MechaEmperor7000 wrote:
I was watching Gordon Ramsay's Great Escape and in the third episode he visits a location where they only eat vegetarian meals (According to the video, you can't even rent an apartment there without adhering to a veggie diet). That got me wondering; are there vegetarians in 40k? We've heard about Corpsestarch and Soylent Veridians, but are there factions or worlds that adhere solely to a veggie diet?

On that note, do Orks count as Vegetarian/vegan? They eat squigs and gretchin, but since those are fungus-based lifeforms, wouldn't that technically make them vegetarians (or even vegans, since there's no "animal" products)?

The Orks can also consume animal based material. During the War of the Beast, the Orks would set up some of their conquered worlds as ranch planets, shooting humans up full of crap to increase their size (fattening up) and raising them as livestock. And the larger Squigs will also try to eat you if you let them.

Proud Purveyor Of The Unconventional In 40k 
Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

 MechaEmperor7000 wrote:
BrianDavion wrote:
one thing to consider is giving the rediculas levels of grim dark in the setting somewhere you likely have a story where a Primarch after a long period of fighting, arrives on a mining world, the primarchs arrival is greatly welcomed and fetted, at their dinner they serve a grox steak, a rare delicacy on the world. the Primarch, whose spent a good amount of time in the field surviving on his recycled waste, and also wanting to be polite says it's the best steak he ever has had. the Primarch leaves and the Adeptus Terra takes over, noting said Primarchs statement they insist this world be turned over to production of Grox meat, the people eat poorly and mineral resources are wasted, but to this day their steaks sell very well among the upper ranks of the IoM, all eager to try the best steak in the galaxy, as deemed so by one of the sainted primarchs.

Alternatively the Primarch came and, tired of the recycled paste, was glad to have anything, even if it was just a turnip. His praise then turned into holy scriptures centuries after the fact, and now the entire planet is ruled by the Turnip Theocracy.

LOL, yup, could see that too. *makes mental note for next time he runs rogue trader or dark heresy*

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
Made in ca
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Maybe that's why we're missing two primarchs; they landed on a random planet and turned the populace into metaphorical turnip heads and was scrubbed from the records by the emperor for nearly dicking over the entire human race.

Gwar! wrote:Huh, I had no idea Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines posted on Dakka. Hi Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I have an Autograph!

Kanluwen wrote:
Hell, I'm not that bothered by the Stormraven. Why? Because, as it stands right now, it's "limited use".When it's shoehorned in to the Codex: Space Marines, then yeah. I'll be irked.

When I'm editing alot, you know I have a gakload of homework to (not) do. 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter

 Cream Tea wrote:
 Melissia wrote:
I'm sure they exist, but they're unlikely and rare and probably nobility. The average hive worlder eats animal-based food products. I did not say they eat meat mind you. I wouldn't call most nutrient bars meat....

Vegetarian food is more efficient to produce both in energy and area required, though insects or something similar could be viable too. Algae are a good option. The point is, plants are cheap to grow.

Generally, a diet with higher percentages of animal-based products is associated with status, wealth and luxury. I can't see why it would be different in the 41st millennium.

When has the imperium ever been associated with efficiency?

 Unit1126PLL wrote:
 Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

 Desubot wrote:
 Cream Tea wrote:
 Melissia wrote:
I'm sure they exist, but they're unlikely and rare and probably nobility. The average hive worlder eats animal-based food products. I did not say they eat meat mind you. I wouldn't call most nutrient bars meat....

Vegetarian food is more efficient to produce both in energy and area required, though insects or something similar could be viable too. Algae are a good option. The point is, plants are cheap to grow.

Generally, a diet with higher percentages of animal-based products is associated with status, wealth and luxury. I can't see why it would be different in the 41st millennium.

When has the imperium ever been associated with efficiency?

whenever it's suitably grim dark?

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
Made in us
Consigned to the Grim Darkness


 Cream Tea wrote:
Vegetarian food is more efficient to produce both in energy and area required
Debatable. A large number of vegetarian staples are inefficient, especially regarding calories provided compared to water used. In fact, most vegetables are very inefficient calorie-wise, making them unsuitable for prolonged heavy labor as needed by the Imperium's citizens.

The Imperium doesn't provide fresh vegetables to most of its people, using hive planets as a basis for "most of its people" given the population density on those planets. It provides nutrient bars that have been crafted out of organic matter in a factory in order to provide the energy needed to get through the day and just enough nutrients to survive. This organic matter is comprised of whatever local resources are available, and includes human corpses. The population of the hive uses whatever meager pay they have to buy other food items from traders as available, and finds other sources of nutrition if they can-- usually animal, such as sump rats.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2017/11/06 17:31:04

The people in the past who convinced themselves to do unspeakable things were no less human than you or I. They made their decisions; the only thing that prevents history from repeating itself is making different ones.
-- Adam Serwer
My blog
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

 Cream Tea wrote:
 Melissia wrote:
I'm sure they exist, but they're unlikely and rare and probably nobility. The average hive worlder eats animal-based food products. I did not say they eat meat mind you. I wouldn't call most nutrient bars meat....

Vegetarian food is more efficient to produce both in energy and area required, though insects or something similar could be viable too. Algae are a good option. The point is, plants are cheap to grow.

Generally, a diet with higher percentages of animal-based products is associated with status, wealth and luxury. I can't see why it would be different in the 41st millennium.

Real fruit as meat are explicitly described as rare delicacies of the elite on Terra. Presumably the average grimdark mining planet Worker #2,376,407 has never even seen or tasted meat.

I wonder if Agri-world workers get a little more fresh food than other types? Even some lentil beans are probably a delicacy compared to the basic nutrient gruel people are described as eating in fiction.

Crickets or grubs would actually be a pretty logical protein source. Steak tartare most likely is not on the menu.
Made in fr
Hallowed Canoness

I'm sure if India can have huge vegetarian populations, so can the Imperium.

"Our fantasy settings are grim and dark, but that is not a reflection of who we are or how we feel the real world should be. [...] We will continue to diversify the cast of characters we portray [...] so everyone can find representation and heroes they can relate to. [...] If [you don't feel the same way], you will not be missed"
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