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Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

120 25mm round bases for my stormboyz to be boyz, gunmetal air colour from vallejo and reaver titan weapon pack. Now where's those weapon sprues? I'm dying to get those!

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in us
Adolescent Youth with Potential

Recently received my Dragonforge resin bases and the Firmer Terra Alpha game table. As well as a bunch of Scale 75 and Vallejo paints in order to do a display piece. Now I just need to find time to use this stuff .

Made in gb
Aspirant Tech-Adept


My Wake The Dead box arrived today along with 2 of the 5 man cultist boxes.

Imperial Soup
2200pts/1750 painted
2800pts/1200 painted
2200pts/650 painted
217pts/151 painted 
Made in gr
Adolescent Youth on Ultramar

Fortress of Hera

I found at my FLGS and bought both "Battle at Calth" and "Burning of Prospero". They were the last of them and I was there to buy 2 bottles of "Scar White".
Was it fate?

Ultramarines fanboy inside. 
Made in ca
Pustulating Plague Priest

Depending on how complicated the Storyteller rules are, might go for the Vampire: The Masquerade deal on Humble Bundle.

Does the Storyteller system have a lot of stats or things to keep track of?

Faithful... Enlightened... Ambitious... Brethren... WE NEED A NEW DRIVER! THIS ONE IS DEAD!  
Made in gb
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws

Cloud City, Bespin

Finally found the last two mini's I was missing for my Van Saar Gang (the proper one)

Heavy plasma gunner and the first leader with the melt gun

 queen_annes_revenge wrote:
Straight out if the pot, bang it on. What else is there to know?
 DV8 wrote:
Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought should also be double-fisted.
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


 SkavenLord wrote:
Depending on how complicated the Storyteller rules are, might go for the Vampire: The Masquerade deal on Humble Bundle.

Does the Storyteller system have a lot of stats or things to keep track of?

Yes and no. There's 10 base stats and around 20 skills (and they're all extremely intuitive), but the game is *very* deep into roleplaying. Over the many years I've played most of the time folks get so involved they may glance at their character sheet once during a session.

It never ends well 
Made in gb
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws

Cloud City, Bespin

Got an unpainted unmolestored metal house Cawdor gang, now I will quite possibly make the Hive Primus diorama that I have been putting off for years

On another note, I’ll need a new can of AP uniform grey, I was using it the other day and while giving it a vigorous shake the end cap popped out with a crunch t’is a full can as well.

 queen_annes_revenge wrote:
Straight out if the pot, bang it on. What else is there to know?
 DV8 wrote:
Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought should also be double-fisted.
Made in us
Stubborn Prosecutor

I preordered the Speedfreaks box. Guess I'm getting into Orks after all.

I'm going to need a lot of squig launchers

Bender wrote:* Realise that despite the way people talk, this is not a professional sport played by demi gods, but rather a game of toy soldiers played by tired, inebriated human beings.

https://www.victorwardbooks.com/ Home of Dark Days series 
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

Hanoi, Vietnam.

Just waiting on 2 boxes of Space Marine scouts to arrive to complete my scouts only Kill Team. Hopefully, they arrive before this weekend to give me something to do.
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

3rd warlord titan. This will be for Legio Mortis so I have both loyal and traitor legions. Maybe I can get more games in if I can provide legion for both sides! With orky leaks not being to my tastes and codex being week too late for 2 events I scaled down those for now in favour of more titans.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in au
Gnawing Giant Rat

Regional Queensland

My static grass applicator arrived in the mail today

Kill - Kill Man things.
My Terrain Blog 
Made in fr
Inquisitorial Keeper of the Xenobanks


A plastic grass aplicator ? Damned, I had to google it to believe it !
tneva82 wrote:
120 25mm round bases for my stormboyz to be boyz, gunmetal air colour from vallejo and reaver titan weapon pack. Now where's those weapon sprues? I'm dying to get those!

You are going to rebase 120 models ?

I just bought a Van Saar gang

Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 godardc wrote:
A plastic grass aplicator ? Damned, I had to google it to believe it !
tneva82 wrote:
120 25mm round bases for my stormboyz to be boyz, gunmetal air colour from vallejo and reaver titan weapon pack. Now where's those weapon sprues? I'm dying to get those!

You are going to rebase 120 models ?

I just bought a Van Saar gang

Well I'm not going to have some stormboyz on 25mm and some on 32mm. Unity. So it was quick clip them off from those darn 32mm bases and put on new 25mm bases.

Latest purchase: Warlord titan for legio mortis. In about 2h will buy new set of ruleset for AT. Extra command terminals needed anyway, more damage markers, new dices(hopefully less of "where's that location dice or reactor dice") and more weapon cards.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in gb
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

Just got a box of SM assault terminators for my son's new army. Think they might stay boxed until Christmas as we have a Land Raider to paint after his birthday yesterday.
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 RobS wrote:
Just got a box of SM assault terminators for my son's new army. Think they might stay boxed until Christmas as we have a Land Raider to paint after his birthday yesterday.

Sheesh wish I could buy and paint at that pace Would be lot cheaper for sure!

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in gb
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

tneva82 wrote:
 RobS wrote:
Just got a box of SM assault terminators for my son's new army. Think they might stay boxed until Christmas as we have a Land Raider to paint after his birthday yesterday.

Sheesh wish I could buy and paint at that pace Would be lot cheaper for sure!

Hah, that's 7yo painting speed! He likes doing it but has quite a short attention span.

He's got a captain, a tac squad and 5 intercessors to finish too, with my help. He does the armour, I do the details.

The finish he's been able to get (with a lot of help admittedly) by drybrushing the armour is quite surprisingly good. Makes me wonder why I spend hours trying to do proper edge highlighting...

And I've got plenty of my own models to paint - bought about 1,000 points worth of CSMs in the last month, mostly off ebay. I'm trying to do custom conversions on nearly all the models so it's slow going.
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 RobS wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
 RobS wrote:
Just got a box of SM assault terminators for my son's new army. Think they might stay boxed until Christmas as we have a Land Raider to paint after his birthday yesterday.

Sheesh wish I could buy and paint at that pace Would be lot cheaper for sure!

Hah, that's 7yo painting speed! He likes doing it but has quite a short attention span.

He's got a captain, a tac squad and 5 intercessors to finish too, with my help. He does the armour, I do the details.

The finish he's been able to get (with a lot of help admittedly) by drybrushing the armour is quite surprisingly good. Makes me wonder why I spend hours trying to do proper edge highlighting...

And I've got plenty of my own models to paint - bought about 1,000 points worth of CSMs in the last month, mostly off ebay. I'm trying to do custom conversions on nearly all the models so it's slow going.

Heh yeah and if he's happy with the pace it's not even bad thing! After all he isn't in need of tons of expensive models all the time ;-) As long as kid isn't running into "2k or no game" type of situation he can enjoy the hobby much cheaper than many adults!

And yeah about that edge highlighting...This idiot does even his grots base colour+wash+2 layers of highlight. Overkill, takes time, I'm sadomasochist. Kid's got the right idea!

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in gb
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

tneva82 wrote:
 RobS wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
 RobS wrote:
Just got a box of SM assault terminators for my son's new army. Think they might stay boxed until Christmas as we have a Land Raider to paint after his birthday yesterday.

Sheesh wish I could buy and paint at that pace Would be lot cheaper for sure!

Hah, that's 7yo painting speed! He likes doing it but has quite a short attention span.

He's got a captain, a tac squad and 5 intercessors to finish too, with my help. He does the armour, I do the details.

The finish he's been able to get (with a lot of help admittedly) by drybrushing the armour is quite surprisingly good. Makes me wonder why I spend hours trying to do proper edge highlighting...

And I've got plenty of my own models to paint - bought about 1,000 points worth of CSMs in the last month, mostly off ebay. I'm trying to do custom conversions on nearly all the models so it's slow going.

Heh yeah and if he's happy with the pace it's not even bad thing! After all he isn't in need of tons of expensive models all the time ;-) As long as kid isn't running into "2k or no game" type of situation he can enjoy the hobby much cheaper than many adults!

And yeah about that edge highlighting...This idiot does even his grots base colour+wash+2 layers of highlight. Overkill, takes time, I'm sadomasochist. Kid's got the right idea!

He's said he wants to start playing 5-a-side 40k games, (his idea) which would be cool - loyal SMs against CSMs fighting over objectives in a Kill Team / Necromunda sort of way. Only problem with that is I think you'd need plenty of interesting terrain to make it work so I'm finding ways to knock up decent, cheap and quick terrain so we can have a go.

I also think he'd 'get' Blood Bowl and enjoy it - it's got that element of silliness that kids like.

I got the idea of drybrushing the marines from the September issue of WD - one of the GW scenery designers does it and it looks absolutely fine. He just said that you need a really big brush and very little paint.
I can verify - it works. Once I've painted the details and done the bases they will look great.
Made in ca
Pustulating Plague Priest

 Stormonu wrote:
 SkavenLord wrote:
Depending on how complicated the Storyteller rules are, might go for the Vampire: The Masquerade deal on Humble Bundle.

Does the Storyteller system have a lot of stats or things to keep track of?

Yes and no. There's 10 base stats and around 20 skills (and they're all extremely intuitive), but the game is *very* deep into roleplaying. Over the many years I've played most of the time folks get so involved they may glance at their character sheet once during a session.

Good to know. I’m hoping to update my player simulator, so a roleplaying-focussed system might allow for a few shortcuts. Thanks!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/18 22:28:07

Faithful... Enlightened... Ambitious... Brethren... WE NEED A NEW DRIVER! THIS ONE IS DEAD!  
Made in us
Stalwart Dark Angels Space Marine

Charlotte, NC

Building a Dark Angel Army, bought an unopened Ravenwing Battleforce Box off ebay....oh and my first post, hi everyone!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/18 22:41:52

2500 Points
2000 Points 
Made in us
Disbeliever of the Greater Good

South Carolina

I'm leaning towards a riptide.

blueberry fishmen
Made in ca
Nimble Skeleton Charioteer


Bought a Heldrake and my first box of Rubric Marines. Already built the Heldrake, love the model and I'm kinda tempted to get a second one! No idea if it would be a good idea game-wise though!

Fantasy armies - Retired (Tomb Kings, Vampires, Empire, Chaos Warriors/Daemons, Dark Elves)

Tyranids army - Ever evolving, but about 10k pts
Custodes - 3,500pts (Fully painted yay!)
Thousand Sons - 4,000 pts
Eldar - 3,000pts 
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

Hanoi, Vietnam.

Freeflow44 wrote:
Building a Dark Angel Army, bought an unopened Ravenwing Battleforce Box off ebay....oh and my first post, hi everyone!

Welcome to the forums, friend, and welcome to the Unforgiven, Brother.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

St. Louis, MO

Just got a large lot of 1st edition Malifaux miniatures off Ebay - mainly brought the group because I wanted the Perdita model that was included in the set of 20 - I'll give the rest to my brother.

Operation Coldfront, 3rd Highlander Grey, and the Amazons of Themes(however you spell it) from Knights Models are all due to be delivered from Gamenerdz today.

Been seriously eyeballing the 40k box set 'Tooth and Claw' as well to help round out my Primaris and GSC.
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

5th box of knights for at. Making next list found i was 160 pts short. Perfect for 3 knights...

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in us
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle

Kansas, United States

Just grabbed a Primaris Librarian for my DA successor Chapter and a Warpsmith ( resin!) for my Night Lords!

Death Guard - "The Rotmongers"
Chaos Space Marines - "The Sin-Eaters"
Dark Angels - "Nemeses Errant"
Made in us
Combat Jumping Rasyat

Palitine Il

A box of Adeptus Titanicus Warhounds even though I have no intention of ever playing. Because it’s almost my birthday and I’ve always wanted one but these are way more affordable/practical than the FW one.
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Freeflow44 wrote:
Building a Dark Angel Army, bought an unopened Ravenwing Battleforce Box off ebay....oh and my first post, hi everyone!

Assuming you are referring to the older starter set with 6 bikes, an attack bike and a land speeder, then that's something you and I already have in common, as that was how I really got my own Dark Angels army off the ground. Welcome to Dakka, fellow Son of the Lion!

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 14 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in us
Stubborn Prosecutor

Accidentally bought a count-as nothing necron character on ebay. I don't even play Necrons and honestly can't remember why I bid a dollar on this thing.

Bender wrote:* Realise that despite the way people talk, this is not a professional sport played by demi gods, but rather a game of toy soldiers played by tired, inebriated human beings.

https://www.victorwardbooks.com/ Home of Dark Days series 
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