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Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Vienna, Austria

 Easy E wrote:
Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad

I forgot how "straight" they actually play this movie. I remember it as being all slapstick, word-play and non-sequitars. However, it is not.

For example, when our hero Lt. Frank Drebin screws up an assaults someone very important the next scene he is suspended from the squad. His stupid actions have consequences in this movie. I was surprised.

Still a funny movie.

Oh yes, it absolutely still works.

Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

Leviathan: Despite being a fan of creature flicks, and a lover of Abyss and ALIEN, etc...I had never even heard of this movie. Wow, it's...something. Not a good something, but a derivative something. While the production values are fine, the entire film just screams "derivative". Someone watched ALIEN and The Thing...and then made a movie that was garbage compared to the Abyss (which came out the same year). Just feels like a budget copy-cat film, which is unfortunate. The creature effects (despite being by the Stan Winston studio) are...bad, like...b-movie bad. Even the cast is just a complete "b team". I don't know how it has 4/5 stars on Amazon. It's a 2.5-3/5 at best.
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

 Elbows wrote:
Leviathan: Despite being a fan of creature flicks, and a lover of Abyss and ALIEN, etc...I had never even heard of this movie. Wow, it's...something. Not a good something, but a derivative something. While the production values are fine, the entire film just screams "derivative". Someone watched ALIEN and The Thing...and then made a movie that was garbage compared to the Abyss (which came out the same year). Just feels like a budget copy-cat film, which is unfortunate. The creature effects (despite being by the Stan Winston studio) are...bad, like...b-movie bad. Even the cast is just a complete "b team". I don't know how it has 4/5 stars on Amazon. It's a 2.5-3/5 at best.

I believe a movie called Deep Star Six also came out around the same time. I have NO memory of it.

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Junior Officer with Laspistol

London, Ontario

Birds of Prey / Harley Quinn 2020:

Synopsis: Our favourite criminal mind has broken up with the Joker, and all her previous sins are coming back to haunt her.

Lots of nods to comics current and old. The movie introduces some familiar characters in Black Canary, Huntress and gives an older, more mature Montoya a place in the DCU. Victor Zhaz makes an appearance... I hope he has a comic-book-style-survival story.

Black Mask is definitely not coming back... and what a Harley Quinn resolution to that problem.

Analysis: Strangely, my takeaway from this is that Ewan McGreggor was wasted in a one-off role of a relatively small-time character! The character has strong analogues in terms of relationship with Quinn that the Joker shares. McGreggor manages an over-the-top comic villain, that maintains *exactly enough* realism to be a believable, even relatable villain with realistic justifications for his villainous behaviour. His capture of a complete narcissist turning all events in relation to himself... I was really impressed.

The relationship between Zhaz and Roman had an interesting subtle subtext that was impressive for a comic book movie. Nothing overt, but like a faint aftertaste maybe?

I find comic movies are only as strong as the villains, and the key villains were brought an excellent depth and sense of reality to them. They were bad, flawed people. But they also had relatable goals and motivations.

I would strongly recommend the film if you’re a fan of Harley Quinn. She felt more “natural” in this film, and there were great comic references pulled that fans will really enjoy.

If you’re a Ewan McGreggor fan, which I apparently am, his portrayal is about as flip-side of a role as I could imagine for him.
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

The thing about Black Mask


I think he can pretty much come back as any aspiring crime boss, wearing a mask.

I loved Ewan's performance as well, but did not think of him as the Black Mask we all know and love. The Black Mask can go to anyone. That's part of the joy of costumed criminals.

Charlie's Angels

The one with Cameron Diaz, Lucy Lui, Drew Barrymore, and BIll Murray.

It was very dated and felt like an action-comedy from the time it was made. The best part was an opening joke about a T.J. Hooker: Movie and Hollywood making bad movie versions of 70's TV shows. The rest of it was pure fan-service of the most base nature. The plot barely hung together and was obviously just an excuse to get the three actresses to show off and have fun. It actually felt like a music video more than anything else.

Sam Rockwell is pretty amazing in it though.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/02/18 15:01:24

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Made in ca
Junior Officer with Laspistol

London, Ontario

I agree that Black Mask, as a villain, is just a basic Mob Boss in the world of Comic Books. That's also wearing a mask.

I was just impressed with how McGreggor brought the Roman-side to life. For what could have been a real throw-away role given to pretty much anyone, I was really taken with the way the character was NOT one dimensional. Or maybe that the one dimension was really well done?
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

The Earth Dies Screaming

Great title, AMAZING title.

It starts off strong with bodies all over the place as a survivor motors into town, and steals a radio. Dead people are everywhere.... or are they? They are not all dead and soon he links up with some survivors.

A good start.... that never gets any better than that. In fact, the climax is down right boring. There are robots and the least threatening zombies ever.

What a waste of a great title.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/02/26 23:47:03

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Color out of Space

The movie named after the famed Lovecraft story isn't very Lovecraft, but it isn't actually all that bad. Its' not a particularly scary movie, but it isn't a bad movie. It's got a sort of 80s camp horror vibe that is kind of refreshing honestly. The film reminds of classics like Poltergeist. The acting is capable (even Nicholas freaking Cage?!), and the movie does manage to build a creepy atmosphere and sense of foreboding, even if it's not on par with the existential horror you'd expect of the film's pedigree.

Special mention should go here, because this movie actually got me to respect Nicholas Cage as an actor...

Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

Parasite: Good, and bizarre in a typically Korean way. Well filmed, well acted (a bit of the weird Korean ham, but that's...a thing). Keeps you guessing, but overall I don't fully understand the momentous praise for it? It is a good film though.

Rambo: Last Blood: Meh, big time meh. While a completely mediocre story, it didn't deliver on the hilarious violence level of the previous film (that film's only redeeming quality - laugh out loud levels of violence). This was not a surprise, but it's exactly as mediocre as you think it'll be.
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5th God of Chaos! (Yea'rly!)

The Great State of Texas

Jo Jo Rabbit:
the loving story of a boy and his imaginary friend who happens to be Dear Leader, and shenigans in late war Germany.

If you like Waititi stuff this is awesome. I think Thomasin McKensie stole the movie.
Good acting, writing. I think its the best movie 2019 movie I saw.

-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go there.......is it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)


This is the most recent one that came and went through the theaters in the blink of an eye.

Sam Jackson's Shafts son is an FBI analyst and a Hipster. His friend is killed in a mysterious OD. This leads him to seek the help of his estranged father, Shaft.

Shenanigans ensue.

This movie... it is not good. However, I could easily see it becoming a guilty pleasure of mine as it is somewhat satisfying character arcs, features the original Shaft kicking ass, and decent action-comedy beats.

Not great, but not terrible either. I enjoyed it but it is not worth anything beyond a streaming service or catch on cable.

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Decrepit Dakkanaut

 Frazzled wrote:
Jo Jo Rabbit:
the loving story of a boy and his imaginary friend who happens to be Dear Leader, and shenigans in late war Germany.

If you like Waititi stuff this is awesome. I think Thomasin McKensie stole the movie.
Good acting, writing. I think its the best movie 2019 movie I saw.

I just picked it up, but haven't had time to watch it yet, i've seen quite a number of reviews suggesting similar/same

Most recently, I watched Joker, the Joaquin Phoenix one.

my review is this: If you go into it knowing and understanding a character study and/or a bit of a social commentary on things, rather than it being a "batman movie" focused from the pov of the villain, you'll be aright. . . Phoenix does quite an amazing job with the character, and they definitely brought some new elements to the character

for instance, having him have that neurological disorder that involves laughing/crying at inappropriate times and despite the person's actual feelings, was an interesting take and a fairly nice touch to an often unheard of disorder
Made in gb
Executing Exarch

Hellboy (2019)

A bit of a mess but I dont think its quite deserved the kicking it got, I think there's an element of brimstone tinted glass' as the prior films are quite shonky too but big Ron's turn kind of saves them

Bohemian Rhapsody

Ok so the facts and timeline take a bit of bending but its still a splendid fairy tale opera of a film and whilst Mr Malek deserved the Oscar the chap playing Brian May got done robbed come awards season

The Good Place

Season's 3 and most of 4 felt a bit like spinning wheels to go nowhere but by grobbins did they stick the landing, most likely 2nd best finale ever (behind Six Feet Under)

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Battle Angel: Alita

Probably the best live-action Anime I have seen. It even makes a bit of sense, even if the ending is not very rewarding.

Sometimes, the uncanny valley crops up, but since the main character is an uncanny valley cyborg, you can overlook it.

I would watch it again.

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Made in gb
Executing Exarch

 Easy E wrote:
Battle Angel: Alita

Probably the best live-action Anime I have seen. It even makes a bit of sense, even if the ending is not very rewarding.

Sometimes, the uncanny valley crops up, but since the main character is an uncanny valley cyborg, you can overlook it.

I would watch it again.

Important question, does it have the Rocket Hammer ? a weapon so silly even 40k doesn't have them

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Yes, it does.

Made in gb
Executing Exarch

happy happy joy joy, I'll add it to the list

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

The Rocket Hammer is definitely there, and the guy who uses it is even funnier.

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Powerful Phoenix Lord

Hobbs & Shaw: Completely okay entertainment. A bit above average, but not quite on the level of "fun" that the last couple of Fast and Furious films have been at (which I've thoroughly enjoyed since the "new" era started around the Brazilian one, great popcorn movies). I was expecting a bit more as I enjoy Johnson, Statham and Elba. Actions scenes were probably the least fulfilling, sadly.
Made in gb
Confident Halberdier

Kellys Heroes: I know, I know, as a wargamer its one I should have gotten too sooner. Fantastic film, wonderful cast doing what they are good at (it was the age of character actors I guess) Clint Eastwood being tough and charismatic, Telly Savalas being cool as a cucumber, Donald Sutherland being nuts (Oddball steals every scene) and Don Rickles being dry and sarcastic. I suppose I'm not telling anyone things they don't know, but the ending was a wonderful subversion of what I expected from a film of the era and I'd argue why it holds up so well.
Made in gb
Executing Exarch

foenixphate wrote:
Kellys Heroes: I know, I know, as a wargamer its one I should have gotten too sooner. Fantastic film, wonderful cast doing what they are good at (it was the age of character actors I guess) Clint Eastwood being tough and charismatic, Telly Savalas being cool as a cucumber, Donald Sutherland being nuts (Oddball steals every scene) and Don Rickles being dry and sarcastic. I suppose I'm not telling anyone things they don't know, but the ending was a wonderful subversion of what I expected from a film of the era and I'd argue why it holds up so well.

you'd be surprised, one of my old man grumps is the general incuriosity of young 'uns these days nudging them out of their MCU / Fast Car Franchise or whatever bubble into the unknown wilds of classic movies is doing bods work

Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

Jumanji 2: Watched this with the niece and nephew. Entertaining, but not as charming/amusing as the first one.
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Watched John Carter of Mars with my wife and son because I'd remembered it as a lighthearted sci fi adventure. I must have been thinking about the books, because the movie stuffed in a whole lot of tortured antihero crap, even during the "fun" scenes. My family was not happy with me.

Made in gb
Splattered With Acrylic Paint


The Shape of Water: Del Toros most mundane film yet. A perfectly good film and hard to fault but only wee bit exciting, I kept waiting for something really weird to happen. I felt it was a bit long waiting for the resolution at the end. Characters and the acting were superb.

When the stars were right, They could plunge from world to world through the sky; but when the stars were wrong, They could not live. But although They no longer lived, They would never really die. 
Made in gb
Executing Exarch


Usual Mask soap opera with a few redeeming elements, the wonderfully cuddlesome Donna, the crazy version of Bruce that lives in Dick's head, and of course Krypto (fingers crossed for a Legion of Super Pets spin-off)

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Nasty Nob

Crescent City Fl..

Dr. Sleep

I was really excited to see this after seeing the trailers.
We really enjoyed it.

The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal.

Remember kids, Games Workshop needs you more than you need them.  
Made in ca
Junior Officer with Laspistol

London, Ontario

The Lord or the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

My wife’s friend has never seen this, so she and her husband came over with their kids and we watched it. In Canada, “Hobbit Leaf” is quite legal, so we did as wizards do, so we could all see the bigger picture before we started to watch.

Synopsis: You’re on Dakka Dakka. You’ve seen the movie before. Frodo, the most useless of Hobbitses is given a ring. They go on the run. They meet elves and dwarves and along the way. we pick up all the tropes of fantasy. Rangers dual-wielding. Undead are damaged by fire. Elves are casual magic-users. Elves are the bestest at *everything*. Dwarven animosity towards... everything. Halflings have racial bonuses to hiding and thieving in general. Magic swords and actual plot armour saving Frodo’s life. The failings of greedy men forcing them to abandon their vows and let Frodo go off on his own, so that their desire for power doesn’t destroy them all. A noble, and redeeming sacrifice.

Analysis: This is the root of modern fantasy. The common font of our tropes and expectations. I don’t feel that criticism of the structure is fair, as the story is the “baseline” by which *other* fantasy stories are measured. I’ve read elsewhere that Tolkien opposed Industrialization, and that’s why the Dwarves with their greed, Men with their drive for power, and Orcs and their disregard for nature were cast as the dark forces of the world, and why only when men came together to oppose those forces were they redeemed.

I’m not personally opposed to industrialization, though I acknowledge it was not implemented in a human friendly manner, and can understand why Tolkien would have been opposed at the time.

Anyhow, not much to add other than if, for some reason you haven’t seen it, you should before your geek membership gets revoked.
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5th God of Chaos! (Yea'rly!)

The Great State of Texas

The Gentlemen. The latest Guy Ritchie film (Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels)

Mickey Pearson is an American expatriate who became rich by building a highly profitable marijuana empire in London. When word gets out that he's looking to cash out of the business, it soon triggers an array of plots and schemes -- including bribery and blackmail -- from shady characters who want to steal his domain.

Fun film. Not up to the epic of Snatch, but quite excellent. Mr. Dazed and Confused plays a great gangster actually. Typical Ritchie plot, and writing.

Loved it.

-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go there.......is it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

Fury: I own this one, so it goes on sometimes when I'm bored. Still a completely "okay" movie until you reach the awful Hollywood ending. Like many WW2 films of late, it's more fun just for admiring the scenery/equipment/tanks than much else. The cast does a great job, which makes the nonsensical ending/plot even more frustrating.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/09 17:11:00

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Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

I needed to watch Conan the Barbarian AND the Destroyer for RESEARCH, so I got 4 pack with them, Kull and Scorpion King.

The two Conans are very different, light and dark but both good. I prefer Destroyer since it was always on when I was a kid and I have fond memories of it.

Scorpion King tries to do the same and has some of the Rock's humor and charisma but is still a bit of a pale imitation.

Kevin Sorbo's Kull was originally going to be Conan 3 but Arnold pulled out so they changed it to Robert E Howard's other barbarian hero. It feels like an extra long episode of Hercules, so yeah. About as good as that. Made me wish I'd watched Destroyer again.

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