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Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, beacuse I'm still enthused about it, pic of whats done so far for the Basti warband in the display case. Don't mind the werewolf, he's just photobombing:

Also did some work on shading the Harbringer's chariot driver and horses. Horses about done bar some cleanup on the saddle pads, driver needs his skirt and everything blue done (may also punch up the red some more). Do like the skin-- base of german panzer grey, then vallejo grey wash mixed with two parts black wash, and a drop or two AP blue quickshade, highlighted with french mirage blue, with some back and forth for blending:

Because I have terrible hobby ADD and was paintblocking myself with indecision on the harpies, I put them aside and did some wash painting experiments on a Heru harbinger's skirt thats been sitting about for a while. Came out...okay, from certain angles:

About 15 minutes and three layers of AP quickshade blue work.

As for the actual challenge and last month hangover models I probably should be painting...

Some progress, but really falling behind there, kinda an off week. Ah well, maybe in the coming one, they really are over the hump (basecoats and corrections) really...
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Alwys nice when you pass the threshold of “random collection” into Army. Kitty is looking pretty regal!

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

He does have a nice supercilious expression, doesn't he? Croc does good sculpting work.
Made in us
Druid Warder

Very nice stripes on clothing and cartoony highlights on fur, And that huntress is coming well with this color palette. She's a lady, its her style after all, not to be argued about. Cheers!

Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, another week down. Kind of an off week in an off month, didn't really get much done, but lets show off what did anyways.

First off, wide angle group shot of everything that got some work done this week:

And then some detail shots. Wildcat sniper just needs cutting off the cork and putting on base:

Didn't end up too bad, though maybe should do more with the fur.

Also kept on with the Heru Harbinger, dunno why I haven't put in the darks for the hair and center wheel of the weapon. Needs the whites cleaned up, more shading/highlights and some wings done as well, but coming along.

And the superheroes. Think these may be at the end of their lines. Cyborg hit the "too many mistakes" bleah point, and just not sure what to do to punch up the tiefling, especially the skin, but he's presentable, if bland and below standard, and I need a challenge entry, so may base and submit him.

Avatar of Ra got some work, but it doesn't show much, and honestly he hit the bleah point when the yellow wash didn't come out with the gold metallic (knew I shoulda used a red brown) so no pics of him
Made in us
Druid Warder

Vejut wrote:
Didn't end up too bad, though maybe should do more with the fur.

I'd say it is somewhat strange that You put some speckles on her face and left her tail rather plain. It is hard to do much with her fur, perhaps only platypus is worse - lots of shallow hairs going in different directions. Basecoating in different dark colors and then dry-brushing them out with a single bright color - I've tried this several times, never successfully. But You have nicely accented her dress and accessories that they draw attention away from what little fur she shows.

Vejut wrote:
Also kept on with the Heru Harbinger, dunno why I haven't put in the darks for the hair and center wheel of the weapon. Needs the whites cleaned up, more shading/highlights and some wings done as well, but coming along.

Agreed. Take Your time and don't blame the lack of darks, take in a scale factor (and that we have washes and now the contrasts for a few drops here and there). Thumbs up!

Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, still kinda off this month, but still got some progress to show.

Switched challenge models and then took two sets of finished pics for the Heru harbinger, because the first quick-y cell pics didn't really come out very well, ended up kinda impressionist looking. I do like how his wings came out, basecoat of VMA beige, then each tier of feathers got buff then Iraqi Sand, and then finally did a strong tone wash, then a couple layers pulling back like wire cat was talking about on the harpies of mid tone for the back, followed by a quick, light white drybrush layer, front was just linen white or Ivory, can't recall which, and then a strong tone white, and a drybrush of ivory/white mix and then white. Sadly, the skin despite a few layers of mid-gray washes doesn't really show much.

the better set of the Aspect of the Avenger, less great set are in my gallery:

Would have taken a close up of the upper body, but the camera wouldn't take one with the model that close, not sure why--old Nikon D60, but it got focus, and I still was at least a few inches away.

Also finished up one of the two supers, not satisfied, but its...okay. Do like how the coat came out, skin's not terrible, but the pants, fur, and everything else, and general neatness just kinda fell down.

Other super is just kinda stalled out and generally ugly feeling.

Likewise, just feeling like I got too sloppy to salvage on the Avatar of Ra, but will probably keep pushing on him eventally, mostly just got another layer or two of quickshade:

Makes it worse: just noticed some speckles of missed shade on the yellow that are just gonna be murder to clean up and make look good.

Plus side, found this guy, who'll probably be my challenge entry for December. Originally in a magenta transparent, gonna do up as another black/greyish werewolf.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Holiday gift building kept me busy, so another low output week.

Got one layer of paint on this guy:

And then prepped, glued, and primed these basti archers:

Moderately annoying, mostly because all I had were the diagonal slottabases they came with, and then some plain non-slot type bases I had to cut slots into--they just look goofy on the diagonal, as they face the corner of the base.

This week is probably gonna be another slow one, but week after is vacation, should have lots of painting time to get them at least base colored.
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Any progress is good progress. I really like the werewolf model. It's barely a snapshot of what's to come, but I'm still looking forward to seeing it complete.

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I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Druid Warder

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
Any progress is good progress. I really like the werewolf model. It's barely a snapshot of what's to come, but I'm still looking forward to seeing it complete.

Seconded! Any progress beats standing still and brooding over... and that were-husky already shows potential!

Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Mostly its "deciding to make knives for the first time as gifts with all of three weeks to do them." Actually a bit annoyed I'm not getting to him. Plan is something like the tre manor werewolf further up the thread, hoping to play with the shades like the wings on the Heru dude further up the thread for patterning--but first I gotta get time to drop layers on them.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Another week down, still kinda creeping forward. Apologies for the kinda washed out pics, not in my usual setup this week.

Stuff worked on at a glance:

And some closer looks:

Started another two test run paintjobs on those rat ogre termies:

Not much more than a start at a basecoat, but we'll see where it goes. Trying for bone-and-brass armor and pale blue and purple skin.

Also started in on some base coat work on the basti archers, still several colors to go:

And finally, started some highlights on the werehusky. Need some heavy smoothing and cleanup but still got time.

(Clear plastic covered in opaques looks weird from underneath)

We'll see how the coming week goes.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Just got back from vacation, figured I'd post up the work I got done from the past week while I had a moment.

Got the Basti archers base coated. Cleanup, eyes, washes, and shading to go. Having them done by new years would be an outside chance, but possible.

Also got to the point of starting cleanup on the rat ogres.

Found a shop selling color shift paint while I was up there, may have gone a bit overboard playing around with it.
Also used it on these Bronze Age Miniatures cheesecake warriors, as a signifier for a magic weapon. These are also at cleanup (except that handle), just not sure how I want to go forward with that armor--colorshift red-green, teal, or just vallejo metallic blue or even silver.

Finally, got the werething ready to be stuck to a base--want to do that before the claws, because the primer isn't holding at the base edge.

May also do another few back and forths with black wash and attempts at light grey glaze--its reading too grey, but its also not popping like I'd like.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, quick update just to keep myself in the habit. Small progress, main visible ones being basing on the wildcat and the new werewolf. Not quite done, but can see them both from here, which'd put me on a nice round 72 minis finished painting this year.

Also painted some weapon handles on the plate armored cheesecake girls, and eyes on them and the archers, but they aren't all that visible, so skipping showing them for now.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/12/21 20:29:32

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Nice progress. Slow but steady is the way to go.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

I try, but the problem is getting it to all be on the same model!

Just finished the werehound, but I need to be up in 5 hours for work, so probably post pictures of that tomorrow.
Made in us
Druid Warder

I know that problem. Well now i am not sure it is a problem at all, having more than one model in work. Actually, I prefer them this way when sculpting, but when painting - yes, I do sometimes wander off for too long to feel a cool-down towards a given project. Forcing schedule works, but it is not for everyone, I admit.

Still, I like that week report. As bright as You've finished he she is not that much of a sniper - a leisure small game hunter perhaps. Were-something is also good. May I suggest taking photo from a slightly larger distance? Depth of field is just enough to cover the body but the head is too close for a focus. Or maybe it is my eyes...

Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, a bit late, but said hound's finished pics.

Hopefully get the base on the cat sniper (she's totally a sniper, she'll tell you herself, has a scope and everything, even if she doesn't know what all those lines and buttons in it are for!) done by the weekend, and then anything more for the year will be bonus.

Sorry about the blurryness Wirecat--I use my phone camera for quick pics for most of my WIPs and some of my finished, and I'm used to it turning my colors into a bit of a mess if I zoom in too far (not least because its 'digital zoom'--i.e. its just cropping the pic for me!) Probably could stand to keep back a little more.
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Nice work Vejut.



Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks Captain Brown. Think I'm going to just start posting stuff when I finish it, and use the weekend posts for WIP stuff

In that vein, finished wildcat sniper, and model 72 for the year:

Here's hoping I can match this years pace in the new year, and hope everyone's having a nice christmas.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Oops. Forgot to post at lunch at work. Mostly just some slight progress on the WIP stuff:

Eyes, skin, and red color base cleaned up on the Basti. Just gotta clean up the blue and brown, and proabably one more skin pass and I can start washing and highlighting. Bases will be and issue, as I found why they were at an angle--they mostly rank up, but the leader can't fit anybody behind him, and some are a bit tight, will have to swap at least his base. Probably won't be done this year, but will be a nice opener for next.

Likewise, little cleanup on the rat-terminators, and a bit of red shading. I want to make the claws obviously abnormal and counts-as lightning claws, not sure the red is going to do it, but not sure if the color shift or blood effects paint would look right.

Finally, a little red highlight and skin wash on the bronze age minis cheesecake girls, spoilered again for breasts:
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Those rat-terminators look fun. They give me the strange urge to watch some TMNT cartoons
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

They were fun, if a good bit of greenstuffing! The plan is for a full kill team of them (as a way to slooooowly get my full beastman CSM force painted-- just never quite could get the bone armor the way I wanted, and the I got distracted by something else shiny). Got about 8 more done (years back), but having trouble finding more of the basic rat ogre kits for new builds.
Made in us
Druid Warder

Have You considered warpwolf kits from Privateer Press? They are notably painful to assemble and widely considered crud and "unwolfy", but with all their bone spikes protruding through the fur they could be a dreadnought bases for conversions. One torso with a set of legs, several heads and hands to chose from, only problem would be to find a secure way to glue PVC to styrene.

You are doing great things with all these seemingly random stuffs and bits, Vejut, I enjoy browsing through You blog even when I can't find a time to get my mind together and write some words. Happy New Year!

Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Dang it, and the hobby shop I was at on the other side of the beltway was just having a 50% off clearout on privateer...maybe if its still there next week.

Really feel you on the "I like this work but am not sure how to get a response out my head the right way."
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Another week gone, and three models to show for it, just done today. Sadly, was hoping to be able to say I'd averaged a model a day this year (because I sure won't keep that pace as the year gets older!), but hey, progress is progress, and as long as I get the archers done by the 13th, right?

First, and ugliest, just pretty much calling the cyborg done. He's not to standard, but kinda out of ideas. Feel free to C+C what I did wrong:

Camera blur is doing a lot of work there, and I think maybe I should have done something with the cylinders and discs on his back--maybe later.

Slightly better off, I think are the two rat ogre terminators:

Again, kinda feel I should maybe do a little more, this time with the nails so they're more beleiveable when I call em lightning claws, but we'll see how I feel. Either way, hey, half a CSMs killteam done.

Work in progress wise, this months challenge models are started, though still trying to figure colors. Fox is Dark Sword, other two are reaper.

And of course, jumped on the 3d printer bandwagon with some heroforge stuff:

We'll see how they paint up. Til next week.
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

With the cyborg it would probably really be enough, to paint the thing on his back in metal, to give a little contrast. The skin looks very smooth, maybe do a few scratches with a knife and paint the edges a little darker as scars?
Ratminators look great, don‘t feel there needs to be something done with the claws.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Another slow week, but some forward progress.
Adventurers got a little progress, need to do the metallics, but basecoating is done and started some shade and highlight work:

Shaded the purple, shade and highlight on the green, but not sure how I feel on that green, kinda feels like I should blend it more with another layer of wash.

Finally got done enough on the archers corrections, on to shading, sadly probably won't make the model a day mark.

And cheesecake got some metallic and red highlights, gotta do the skin up and finish work.

Will try to actually get some stuff done this week, but we'll see how it goes.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Still kinda distracted and slow this week. Didn't get the Basti done, but they aren't very far from it. They look like trash, and the main thing keeping me from dropping them in a bowl with some iso for a while is that I doubt I'd get them this far again if I did given the last couple times I've done mass paints, but they are almost done and not terribly hideous at across tabletop ranges:

Mostly just need the hair and whip, and maybe another layer up of red and wash down of blue, and a base.

My painting challenge models for the month, on the other hand were barely touched. Really not much to say there:

Think I added one wash and did a little metallic paint.

For whatever reason, the cheesecake models got the most effort--they pretty much are ready to base, though I'm considering a bit of blue metallic touch up, and again another brighter red pass. Spoilered for female presenting nipples:

Kinda feel like my quality is backsliding overall. The Basti especially just feel frustratingly rough and messy.
Made in us
Druid Warder

That vixen looks fun. Just in the middle between Confrontation and its many spin-offs. never actually considered Dark Sword for my one-offs... :(

And do I feel You - sometimes putting minis from "now" and "back then" together brings lots of sad thoughts. We do change and so does our style - and eyesight. :( Try going narrow for awhile, restricting to just a couple models and take a notice whether things will improve, return to old feels or do not change.

Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
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