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Tauist build log: Oldhammer (1991) -insipred Blood Angels army  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in fi
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 IGtR= wrote:
Some great posing on those latest chaps.

And really interested to see whether 'print your own' transfers work. I find the ones in the kits is enough of a difficulty

I checked a few youtube videos about them and at least one video recommended the laser printable ones. Do you use MicroSol? I used to have a bottle of it and I swear it was the first time in my life I really got satifying results with decals. Which reminds me I need to buy a new bottle of it!

here's a good video about using MicroSol:

Custom decals supposedly require some sort of varnish to properly seal them and apparently are overly sensitive to MicroSol, so its going to be a challenge. Also, on further contemplation, I'm not sure my font choice will cut it in the end since I need to make the nametag decals really tiny.. I'm thinking of printing at 300DPI so reso should be enough, but worried about legibility etc. Last option would be to ditch the decals and freehand the tags but with my visual impairment the result would probably look awful.

The vintage jump packs got delayed by almost a week, so will only be getting Furian's voxpack later today. A bit of a bummer, but I'll have more than enough work to do in the meantime. Weaponswapped two of the Assault squad Marines last night, now they too have the Rogue Trader period bolt pistols

[Thumb - 979A32AE-4A73-496C-81B6-B37569C5DDD5.jpeg]
Phobos Bolt Pistols FTW

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2021/05/10 16:18:52

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
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Okay so the Mk IV command upgrade arrived and Furian's looking very smug right now..

Tacs have all the bits now I think. There are two models which I will still tweak a bit (Nolan & Belaria need to swap heads etc) but then its time to finally wrap them up. I also got a Deathstrom Drop Pod today, which will become a "decoy" for Squad Lorenzo's Drop Pod. Every time they deploy the pod, the Deathstorm accompanies them, so enemy AA batteries will have two targets instead of one and any defenders will have to pick "heads or tails" until the pod doors blast open..

[Thumb - 58D35942-E69B-4FB6-8CA6-EB17233845EC.jpeg]
Furian, xenos slayer and voxcaster extraordinaire

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2021/05/10 19:41:56

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


Looking snazz

On Microset/sol, I was far too scarred by my childhood experiences to re-try, but I keep hearing very good things about it so I suppose I will have to give it a go - thanks for sharing the tutorial!

Relapse wrote:
Baron, don't forget to talk about the SEALs and Marines you habitually beat up on 2 and 3 at a time, as you PM'd me about.
nareik wrote:
Perhaps it is a lube issue, seems obvious now.
Made in fi
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With so many models/units in unfinished stages, I'm trying to keep the momentum going and have at least something done to progress things every day. So today I started assembling the Deathstorm Drop Pod, and got about halfway with the plastiv assembly. I had forgot how much of a PITA the plastic drop pod is to build, spent ages removing mold lines and some remained even after my best efforts to remove them.. I'll try to finish the rest of the plastic parts tomorrow.

[Thumb - FA5D5B10-3A0B-439A-A59A-D8F06A015FDA.png]

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


Beaks for the beak god

Bands for band throne!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/12 11:55:02

t z you are k 
Made in fi
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Deathstorm basic assembly complete. Now I just need to clean up the resin and add battle damage to the plastic hull, to make it match the actual drop pod more in appearance. Once those are done I'll probably paint them at the same time, although havent yet decided if I want to paint them just yet..

Had to reglue two of the doors due to them not bonding properly.. Tamiya thin cement is not a good glue for big jobs like those doors
[Thumb - 96446F99-0CF5-4F6F-8458-15A91E99C230.jpeg]
Deathstrom Drop Pod WIP

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/05/13 20:25:42

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in fi
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Started assembling my second HB Tarantula, will be finishing its leg assemblies tomorrow.

While the superglue was setting, I made a 25PL list I'll be starting our upcoming Crusade with. I'm not sure if it's a very effective one, but it's following my fluff 100%. Squad Lorenzo, deploying by "Heads & Tails", accompanied by Sanguinary Priest Adonai.

(The Tarantulas are just for show, I know you cant include fortification units in a Combat Patrol However, they will be addded to the OOB ASAP )

[Thumb - F5A4528F-C176-4E3C-8B39-B5EFF4213C3D.jpeg]
My Crusade starting force, 25PL Combat Patrol

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2021/05/14 20:05:07

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Houston, TX

I really like your poses and your multitude of interesting bits. I really hope you get back to painting them eventually. I know you were a bit frustrated on the painting previously but I think just spraying them red right out of the rattle can and then pin washing Nuln Oil will get you a simple bright red. Then it is just blacking in the black and gold areas. Your models look amazing so hopefully you get some color on them eventually!

Xhorik 87th Drop Troops P&M blog https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/775655.page

Project log and campaign featuring Orks, Imperial Guard, Marines, Tyranids: http://www.xhorikwar.blogspot.com/
Currently focused on our Horus Heresy campaign with White Scars, Death Guard and Imperial Militia.  
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 The Riddle of Steel wrote:
I really like your poses and your multitude of interesting bits. I really hope you get back to painting them eventually. I know you were a bit frustrated on the painting previously but I think just spraying them red right out of the rattle can and then pin washing Nuln Oil will get you a simple bright red. Then it is just blacking in the black and gold areas. Your models look amazing so hopefully you get some color on them eventually!

Thanks! I'm quite happy how the squad has matured from the first sketch I posted.

Regarding the painting, I'm going to paint the entire 25PL Patrol very soon, at least to a basecoated level. I just need some masking putty for the airbrushing work, which will be arriving by next tuesday, along with the vintage jump packs. Oh but I still need to get some Isopropyl Alcohol for the milliput, to deal with all the gaps and cracks.. "Gotta get the gear" hehehe! But basically we shouldn't be too far off from the actual painting. The colours have been established by now which was my main concern. I have been looking at colourtest #3 for some weeks now and I still prefer it's colours to my previously painted models.

I appreciate all the encouragement yall are sending my way! Without this log, I probably still wouldn't have started building this Army..

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/05/15 05:26:35

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in fi
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Second Tarantula assembly done. Started building the next addition to the army, a FW Retro Landspeeder 30th anniversary model I scored from ebay back when they still were somewhat reasonably priced..

Now I feel a bit stuck with the build - the resin engine blocks on the rear are heavy buggers! Any ideas how to mount this thing onto the included flight stand so that I can actually choose the angle of the speeder myself? Ideally, I'd like to angle the speeder so that it looks like it's making an attack run towards some target on the ground, ie. with the speeder nose pointing slightly downwards.. but with the weight of the engines and the flight stand mount at the center, gravity is making this prospect seem quite challenging!

Any of yall built one of these speeders? Is there some alternate way to mount the flight stand that is still robust enough to game the model with?

[Thumb - 8BAD513D-E172-4E9C-B82B-FBCEBAE07C14.jpeg]
Land Speeder flight stand woes..... Pls Halp?!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/05/15 21:12:43

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


I think you are going to have to brave a couple of brass rods personally - the supplied flight stands will struggle to do anything weighty, and I would have thought the chunky engines were far too much for it to cope with.

But I defer to others who have actually built it in resin!

Relapse wrote:
Baron, don't forget to talk about the SEALs and Marines you habitually beat up on 2 and 3 at a time, as you PM'd me about.
nareik wrote:
Perhaps it is a lube issue, seems obvious now.
Made in fi
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 IGtR= wrote:
I think you are going to have to brave a couple of brass rods personally - the supplied flight stands will struggle to do anything weighty, and I would have thought the chunky engines were far too much for it to cope with.

But I defer to others who have actually built it in resin!

I don’t like the idea of using brass rods tbh. If it comes to that, I’d rather buy a sculpted stand instead.. I’ve seen some really slick looking rocket exhaust smoke pillar ones which could maybe work, I don’t recall any land speeder artwork showing exhaust smoke from the speeder, but I could live with such a cheat..

I started glueing the model together today and it seems I can actually get the model to about level position by attaching the flight stand from the right direction, but the stand itself will have problems supporting the weight of all the resin. I will have to at least fasten the clear plastic pole to the base with considerable support, maybe by creating some sort of counterpiece to the underside of the base with milliput, and then attaching the pole into it while the milliput sets. But the result is far from robust, it wont take much for the model to dive towards the sky. I can’t see any other option right now than to glue the model onto the pole, which will make transporting the model a nightmare..

Any further ideas would be appreciated!

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in fi
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Continued building the landspeeder today. Maybe I'm nuts but it seems that if I twist the model while its connected to the flight stand, I can make it change the angle and have it stick. Not sure how well this will work in the long run, as the stand pole will undoubtedly wear out eventually..

Just dryfitting the pilot's side of the cockpit and man are the tolerances tight on this thing! I dont get why FW gets such bad rep for their resin models, the completed assembly will be flush without any messing about, for both arms (!) assuming I can attach the pilot exactly like this once everything's painted (yes, will certainly be painting this one in sub assemblies!). For anyone who hasn't built one of these, the joystick and the throttle on the pilot's arms are parts of the hand pieces, and the cockpit controls themselves are two separate pieces which need to be glued to both sides of the seat, so that's quite a few pieces which have to fit almost perfectly for the result to be flush like this

I've really started to love the AK Black Widow superglue while building this model! It's the first more elaborate resin model I've ever built and once I started applying the glue with a toothpick, it's worked perfectly every time, strong bonds and the glue doesnt crack like most other cyanoacrylates. I also like that its black in colour so its very easy to see where you put it. But buyer beware, you don't want to be applying Black Widow straight from the bottle! A little goes a long way..

[Thumb - 55AA48C1-F6A9-471B-A19A-19D2862F2281.jpeg]
Dryfitting the pilot & controls for both hands

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2021/05/17 18:11:08

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
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Finished the preliminary assembly, will finalize once I have painted all the subassemblies. Still going to swap out some bits of the pilot and the gunner, I want to find the best heads and torso bits etc. Besides, building it was pretty painless in the end and really love the way it looks so reckoned I'll get a second one at some point If I swap out one pair of legs from this kit with the legion one, it'll be easy to beakify both speeders even though the legion one comes with Mk IV bits.

Vintage jump packs tomorrow!

[Thumb - B134D031-9D16-4AC0-8986-D7BEB5AE57B0.jpeg]
30th Anniversary Speeder, ready for gap filling & paint!

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
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I just picked up the kit from UPS pickup point during my lunch break!

The Mk V Assault Squad kit is quite impressive tbh! Each model has separate arms and hands so you can easily swap out any weapons. These arms will be great as general purpose conversion material, as they are resin, You can even bend them to change the arm poses slightly

The included Mk V studded shoulder pads seem to be a 100% exact match to the FW Mk VI kit ones. Therefore this kit is my first recommendation if you already have plastic Mk VI multipart bits and just want these jump packs, some arms for conversions and the larger studs on the shoulderpads, which are very hard to come by in plastic bits (only a single plastic bit with the larger pauldrons exist AFAIK).

The vintage Jump Pack has lots of design cues from the Mk VI backpack. The Mk V armours also use the same style of backpack, right?

Lastly, I just had to spend a few mins trying out one of the packs on my Assault Squad! How does it look?

[Thumb - 04042BD7-1CAF-4D84-92BC-4C6DE93FB1D1.jpeg]
FW Mk V Assault Squad kit contents

[Thumb - 02A90457-46BE-413A-9313-9720C0F0A7E5.jpeg]
The studs match the Mk VI kit perfectly

[Thumb - 46138AC8-7723-46D9-AF2D-D9ECD4D05101.jpeg]
Mk V/VI Std Powerpack vs Jump Pack

[Thumb - 2AA217B7-8550-4835-A69A-3C857800137D.jpeg]
Assault Sqd marine with FW Jump Pack

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
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Okay, I'm going into some nasty eye operation tomorrow so wont have time to continue the builds until saturday, the eye being treated needs to rest.. but just couldn't wait that long to see the whole squad kitted out with the period correct 'packs!

On the first model, I wasn't 100% sure I preferred the vintage pack look, but now, on the whole squad, I think it looks better than the standard plastic jump pack.

I also got the masking putty finally so painting can theoretically start after the recovery period.

[Thumb - 0E09CE11-0157-49CB-81B4-02B29AE80631.jpeg]
Assault Squad, now with Rogue Trader -period Jump Packs

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

That’s a serious Resin habit! Which is a good thing as you’re cracking on well with this project now tauist!

I hope the eye surgery goes well and you get to rest the eye

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in fi
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 gobert wrote:
That’s a serious Resin habit! Which is a good thing as you’re cracking on well with this project now tauist!

I hope the eye surgery goes well and you get to rest the eye

The eye operation went flawlessly, my central visual field feels a bit sharper already.

The resin thing is getting out of hand but I kinda suspected this would be the case when I started this log. Can't help it, GW's plastic kits go only so far as far as reproducing Rogue Trader era marines are concerned.. But tbh I've really started enjoying working with resin, I love carving resin much more than carving plastic, resin behaves almost like wood somehow, whereas hard plastic is merciless to work with and results in unsightly bruises and scrapes on the surfaces much easier than resin, which is softer and more porous somehow. Only thing I dislike about resin is the weight of any bigger pieces and the pesky mold release agents on the surfaces which will refuse to take paint unless thorroughly removed before painting.

Now that a few days have elapsed since working on the Assault squad and those jump packs are sorted, I'm growing discontent on the squad's poses etc. I think I will redo the arms at least, the poses still need a bit of work. Why not use the Mk V resin arms a it while I'm at it, that's going to mix it up some more.

Also bought the current GW BA Jump Pack Chaplain model at last, ships next week. He will be leading my DC into battle. Lying bed recovering from the operation also gave me an idea how I might want to build a Sanguinary Guard unit, but I'm not sure yet if I want to pursue it.. would involve kitbashing two separate FW kits and then I'd still need to convert a bit and find suitable heads for them.. We'll see.

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
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Unexpectedly, the chappie shipped already today! Here he is leading the DC.

This unit too looks still slightly unsatisfactory. I'll try tweaking some things.. and yes, I was supposed to convert a bionic arm to one of the DCs. Already got the bits for it too, just need to find them first from a mountain of unlabeled ziplocks bags

[Thumb - 6EAE1236-27BA-4079-9FC8-AFC2BE7618B0.jpeg]
Our Chaplain joins the fight!

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
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I've hit a modelling rut since the eye operation, started playing Death Stranding on my spare time. Was just about to come back to the building and now I've read about a new Horus Heresy game box which will contain resculpted plastic Beakies!

Therefore, this build log is suspended until we know what new Rogue Trader -era plastic models are coming along with the new HH box launch. I may have wasted a ton of time and money....

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

Definitely not wasted! Your stuff looks amazing! I'm doing the exact same thing as you with a raven guard army and although plastic mark VI would have made things a lot easier half the fun is the pile of bits and the kitbashing!

By the way, regarding those speeders, i have 3 ad they all have the "twist action" thing going on with the ball joint stands. Its not a fluke abd mine have held up just fine since release date (i bought them the day they came out) so I wouldn't worry about brass rod down the line.
Made in fi
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Bobug wrote:
Definitely not wasted! Your stuff looks amazing! I'm doing the exact same thing as you with a raven guard army and although plastic mark VI would have made things a lot easier half the fun is the pile of bits and the kitbashing!

By the way, regarding those speeders, i have 3 ad they all have the "twist action" thing going on with the ball joint stands. Its not a fluke abd mine have held up just fine since release date (i bought them the day they came out) so I wouldn't worry about brass rod down the line.

Thanks for that! Its good to know that the speeder works as intended in that case.

Also, regarding the upcoming plastic kits, I'm hoping the old bits will still be reusable with them. It has been speculated that only the legs have been resculpted, and if so, then it's just a matter of kitbashing my existing models with the new plastic legs. If the rumours are true, the HH box will contain 30 beakies, so plenty of parts to bash with. I will also end up with two different looking Umbra bolters, and two different looking Mk VI backpacks for more variety And looking at the pics, the new box is also coming with the Mk VI legion command upgrades, and I didn't have those even in resin since they've been OOP for years now.

Since you are also making a beakie army, here is one cool helmet set I found, maybe you would find it interesting?

I bought one set for my Death Company already (Large size is the one for firstborn, Medium size is for Primaris), the reiver helmets will be replaced with these.

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2021/06/14 19:14:54

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 tauist wrote:
Bobug wrote:
Definitely not wasted! Your stuff looks amazing! I'm doing the exact same thing as you with a raven guard army and although plastic mark VI would have made things a lot easier half the fun is the pile of bits and the kitbashing!

By the way, regarding those speeders, i have 3 ad they all have the "twist action" thing going on with the ball joint stands. Its not a fluke abd mine have held up just fine since release date (i bought them the day they came out) so I wouldn't worry about brass rod down the line.

Thanks for that! Its good to know that the speeder works as intended in that case.

Also, regarding the upcoming plastic kits, I'm hoping the old bits will still be reusable with them. It has been speculated that only the legs have been resculpted, and if so, then it's just a matter of kitbashing my existing models with the new plastic legs. If the rumours are true, the HH box will contain 30 beakies, so plenty of parts to bash with. I will also end up with two different looking Umbra bolters, and two different looking Mk VI backpacks for more variety And looking at the pics, the new box is also coming with the Mk VI legion command upgrades, and I didn't have those even in resin since they've been OOP for years now.

Since you are also making a beakie army, here is one cool helmet set I found, maybe you would find it interesting?

I bought one set for my Death Company already (Large size is the one for firstborn, Medium size is for Primaris), the reiver helmets will be replaced with these.

In case you are interested Red Warden Also has BA Specific Beakies. Looking forward to more; hopefully you get all your resin completed before the HH release.

 Avatar 720 wrote:
You see, to Auston, everyone is a Death Star; there's only one way you can take it and that's through a small gap at the back.

Come check out my Blood Angels,Crimson Fists, and coming soon Eldar
I have conceded that the Eldar page I started in P&M is their legitimate home. Free Candy! Updated 10/19.
Powder Burns wrote:what they need to make is a fullsize leatherman, like 14" long folded, with a bone saw, notches for bowstring, signaling flare, electrical hand crank generator, bolt cutters..
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

I thought about you when I heard about the HH beakies. I certainly wouldn’t see it as time wasted, more an opportunity to add even more variety to the army! Hopefully the hobby mojo returns and we can see some painting of the marines you’ve already built

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in fi
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 AustonT wrote:
 tauist wrote:
Bobug wrote:
Definitely not wasted! Your stuff looks amazing! I'm doing the exact same thing as you with a raven guard army and although plastic mark VI would have made things a lot easier half the fun is the pile of bits and the kitbashing!

By the way, regarding those speeders, i have 3 ad they all have the "twist action" thing going on with the ball joint stands. Its not a fluke abd mine have held up just fine since release date (i bought them the day they came out) so I wouldn't worry about brass rod down the line.

Thanks for that! Its good to know that the speeder works as intended in that case.

Also, regarding the upcoming plastic kits, I'm hoping the old bits will still be reusable with them. It has been speculated that only the legs have been resculpted, and if so, then it's just a matter of kitbashing my existing models with the new plastic legs. If the rumours are true, the HH box will contain 30 beakies, so plenty of parts to bash with. I will also end up with two different looking Umbra bolters, and two different looking Mk VI backpacks for more variety And looking at the pics, the new box is also coming with the Mk VI legion command upgrades, and I didn't have those even in resin since they've been OOP for years now.

Since you are also making a beakie army, here is one cool helmet set I found, maybe you would find it interesting?

I bought one set for my Death Company already (Large size is the one for firstborn, Medium size is for Primaris), the reiver helmets will be replaced with these.

In case you are interested Red Warden Also has BA Specific Beakies. Looking forward to more; hopefully you get all your resin completed before the HH release.

Nice find! these look way too blingy for my sensibilities but I'll probably buy them just in case I want to make that Sanguinary Guard unit in the future. These would look suitable for them, as well as maybe for distinguished officers, like Captain and lieutenants. Thanks for the share.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 gobert wrote:
I thought about you when I heard about the HH beakies. I certainly wouldn’t see it as time wasted, more an opportunity to add even more variety to the army! Hopefully the hobby mojo returns and we can see some painting of the marines you’ve already built

I'm really sorry but I will not be committing to any firstborn builds until the scale of the new plastic HH beakies is confirmed. I cant risk the new models making the rest of my army look stunty. I can wait for the new kits, this army has been brewing up for 30 years, a few more hardly matters hehehe!

Best I can do in the meantime is to concentrate on vehicles, Gravis Primaris and my Terminators. I also have a few dreadnoughts to work on. I've actually been looking forward to getting to the terminators! They will be kitbashes of course, and I hope to make every one an individual, while still remaining somewhat faithful to the more tacticool look of the og Space Hulk era. And not a single pignose storm bolter in sight, I promise!

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2021/06/17 10:04:45

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
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About four months have passed and the new Horus Heresy box is still nowhere to be seen, not even so much as teased by GW. Some rumours are now saying the new beakies box will not get released until 2022, and the thought of having to postpone everything until then has left me in perpetual hobby limbo. I've mostly been concentrating on my other hobbies during this time, and procrastinating like there's no tomorrow! However..

Kill Team 21 happened in the meantime, and I ended up adding more terrain to my collection. Loving KT21 and the thought of playing 40K now seems more distant somehow... There will be time to finish the army, no rush.

On the army collecting front, finally managed to find a counts-as-stormraven gunship I always wanted, so can cross that one off the bucket list! For my sensibilities, drop pods go together with the caestus assault ram like peanut butter & jelly!

Next, I'll need 2 Stormtalons and my essential MEQ backbone is in the bag. It consists of 3 Tarantulas for securing vital firebases on the field (2 Anti-infantry, 1 Anti-Armor), 1 fast scouting vessel (Land Speeder Proteus), 1 Main APC (Stormraven) with 2 escorts (2 Stormtalons), 1 Fire Support Dreadnought (1 Deredeo class Dreadnought) & 1 Main Battle Tank (Land Raider Proteus). Alternatively, one squad can deploy from orbit (1 Drop Pod) with Fire Support (1 Deathstrom Drop Pod). Sound mechanized enough?

How many Techmarines yall reckon a MEQ backbone like that would require, hmm?

Was messing about with the BA models I have painted since returning to the hobby at around 2009 (there was a period of inactivity between 2011-2018). Got so much catching up to do.. These. will not be a part of the final army, this time all shall be beakeies clad in vermillion coloured power armour. It shows some of the various versions of the red armour colour I had been experimenting with earlier, as well as two examples of red camo pattern, made by segmenting colour areas with a thin copic marker.

[Thumb - 5EF49D5A-A5A4-41A8-8FDD-90D39F327E7B.jpeg]
More terrain for KT21!

[Thumb - 5935B8C8-FC0C-4F73-A3F5-37AAED9AA3FA.jpeg]
My "Stormraven"

[Thumb - 32987665-338E-4D04-B433-574D22328702.jpeg]
+++ Click for fullsize image +++

This message was edited 9 times. Last update was at 2021/10/10 19:17:57

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


Kill Team board looks awesome - is it possible to get close ups?

Thanks for sharing

Relapse wrote:
Baron, don't forget to talk about the SEALs and Marines you habitually beat up on 2 and 3 at a time, as you PM'd me about.
nareik wrote:
Perhaps it is a lube issue, seems obvious now.
Made in us
Posts with Authority

 IGtR= wrote:
Kill Team board looks awesome - is it possible to get close ups?

Thanks for sharing

apologies, I only read your reply just now! That wasn't really meant to be a board as such, I had just unboxed my Sector Imperialis board and wanted to take a quick look at what kind of layouts I could come up with. I did take one more photo from the other side, attached below. didn't take any closeups since it was just a quick test. PS all the images in this thread are attachments, so just click on them for fullsize image, in case that helps?

Anyhoo, I am finally returning to this project now that rumours are stirring up saying that the new HH box might be announced at Adepticon 22, in less than a month! I started collecting resources for building my Honour Guard for the army, which will consist of 8 terminator models: Captain, Chaplain, Ancient with the Company banner, and one squad of Terminators. There will be some kitbashing and tedious magnetizing ahead, but I'm confident I'll be able to pull everything off as long as I take my time with it. Ah yes, also bought Dominion Zephon (obvsly LOL)

Once the Captain and Ancient pieces have shipped, I will have more to post about. I am really pumped up about the models, didn't even know they existed a few weeks ago until I ran into the captain in one of the P&M threads about using metal termies with plastic arms IIRC. The Captain is an obvious homage to the RT era metal Terminator Captain, and my intention is to try to play it to that angle as much as possible. Also love the banner on the Ancient, it will be a perfect opportunity to use one of the larger oldschool BA symbol transfers from my collection

[Thumb - E7BC333D-6CAA-44DE-ACB5-BC3C8CE0A81C.jpeg]
KT board test, opposite side

[Thumb - F2A801A0-EF01-4CDD-8A88-033BF13D493B.jpeg]
Base model for the Captain

[Thumb - 3B0ECA39-460E-4F99-91CF-A9B9C16EBEE6.jpeg]
Base model for the Ancient

[Thumb - 264892ED-821A-451B-B877-685D1050E2C0.jpeg]
Base model for the Chaplain

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2022/02/26 08:47:13

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

only just found this thread. bloody good work going on here. the paintjob is realistic and nicely weathered. really love that dusty grubby vibe going on.
good luck finishing the landspeeder. Its a very nostalgic model...
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

 osjclatchford wrote:
only just found this thread. bloody good work going on here. the paintjob is realistic and nicely weathered. really love that dusty grubby vibe going on.
good luck finishing the landspeeder. Its a very nostalgic model...

Thanks! I know I'm really lagging with the painting process and the project in general, but this one is really going to be a once in a lifetime thing for me and I want to get everything done to a level where I can feel I have done the project justice. If only I had your eyes and your painting skills.. But yeh.

I got really lucky buying the speeder kit when I did, as its ebay price seems to have skyrocketed since! I'm going to make two of them, I'm buying a regular HH Mk IV manned one and will split the pilot legs from both kits 50-50 in order to get two beakie crewed ones and the full complement of weapon options for maximum variety in armylist builds (so can take both, or just one but will have all wpn options for it).

The ancient model already hit customs, so should be showing him off real soon.

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
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