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Archon Studios News and Rumours - MoTU GF 14 May, D&L 6 Caves late pledge/PM 25th June.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Miguelsan wrote:
I don't think Archon will license a well known IP anytime soon, they did it in their Prodos phase, and it burned all parties involved. I think they will be more than happy finding a partnership with another company, and producing terrain for that IP.


AvP was a fiasco but their Masters of the Universe board games and wargames are going fine

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


They've also done ok with Wolfenstein and Heroes of Might and Magic

another game IP might be the way to go for an SF D&L

Killzone, Gears of War, Dead Space?

Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Maybe they should try partnering with GW for DL5? :p

In truth, I wouldn't mind if they just take the not-D&D fantasy line and sci-fi them up. Otherwise, they could do a lot of humans-with-animal-heads or humans-with-bumpy-foreheads or humans-with-pointed-ears sort of take on things.

It never ends well 
Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

Got my Elven Woods from the local retailer, and I really like the kit. The only negatives are too many connection points with the sprue which results in a lot of cleaning necessary. Recommended for anyone lacking a terrain for their fantasy games.
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

> Maybe they should try partnering with GW for DL5? :p

Well, they do miniatures for other companies, though Mantic's the only one I'm aware of. I'm curious what other companies use them.

> Otherwise, they could do a lot of humans-with-animal-heads or humans-with-bumpy-foreheads or humans-with-pointed-ears sort of take on things.

That reminds me -- Osprey Games works closely with Northstar miniatures for their Frostgrave / Stargrave game line, including swappable heads. Five Parsecs and Five Leagues from the Borderlands doesn't have a miniature game line... (;

> Got my Elven Woods from the local retailer, and I really like the kit.

EW is my most played terrain set. Lots of detail, yet very generic. Would prefer bare rocks that stacked for more versatility. Archon also sells the trees as a ten-pack, if you already have rocks...

Might as well show a pic!
* Archon Elven Woods set, Torture Room set, D&L stretch goals including bridge
* Loke Battlemats Box of Adventure: Valley of Peril, and RPG Toolkit: The Long Road
* Tiny Furniture trees
* Secret Weapon OOP ruins
* Mantic Terrain Crate trees, Mantic skeletons
* Reaper miniatures
[Thumb - IMG_9088.jpg]

Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Five Parsecs and Five Leagues from the Borderlands doesn't have a miniature game line... (;

Parsecs does now via titanforge and Modiphius (who own the lines). STLs only. If Modiphius really wanted physical models for those lines they'd just make them themselves I'd wager.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/08 18:45:20

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 ced1106 wrote:

Well, they do miniatures for other companies, though Mantic's the only one I'm aware of. I'm curious what other companies use them.

They do the newer 75%-ish of the Conquest line and D&D Frameworks.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/08 21:56:01

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

AMA 11th August

- working with Jervis Johnson and Andy Chambers on a wargame, no other details given but it was in response to a question on 40K style terrain
- Don't use AI to generate art, sometimes for rephrasing language translations but should not be affected by KS new AI policy. https://updates.kickstarter.com/introducing-our-new-ai-policy/
- Prepaints - low res test underway 80% to 90% there - see pic
- D&L 6 - more concepts shown, lava stream - smaller than river.
- The rest is HOMM unboxing so I'm finishing the summary here

[Thumb - 08F6EAE7-6F79-4178-A4B8-E28032B8E9A2.jpeg]

[Thumb - CD85001F-7F5F-4C30-99DA-62FEAB65EC93.jpeg]

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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/11 13:25:35

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 DaveC wrote:
- working with Jervis Johnson and Andy Chambers on a wargame, no other details given but it was in response to a question on 40K style terrain


It's not Titanomachy, right? Andy is working on a mecha brawler also, but it has a different name

Maybe Starcide is finally coming?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Miniature Market has a sale, including an Army Painter GM Character Paint Set, $30 for 20 paints and 5 figures.
Note that each paint is only 12ml compared to 17ml standard. 9 sets left. Sale ends Monday.

From looking at the sprue in the AP product page pic, I'm thinking this is an Archon product...!


Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

I like the dwarf character from that AP set. I wish Archon would release this and more character sets separately.
Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

@Archon Studio - please consider an animal pack that would give players more than the current 3 miniatures per species. Most games, be it RPG or skirmish/wargame, require usually 5+ of the common animal threats so for example 3 giant wasps are not enough. It would be nice to have an animal pack that would give a player most commonly encountered animal foes in good numbers, like 6+ wolves, 8+ giant rats, 10+ swarms (whatever species) etc. etc.
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

 Shadow Walker wrote:
@Archon Studio - please consider an animal pack that would give players more than the current 3 miniatures per species. Most games, be it RPG or skirmish/wargame, require usually 5+ of the common animal threats so for example 3 giant wasps are not enough. It would be nice to have an animal pack that would give a player most commonly encountered animal foes in good numbers, like 6+ wolves, 8+ giant rats, 10+ swarms (whatever species) etc. etc.

Good point. I know other backers who say this. Even if you hypothetically bought multiple sprues from Archon for a creature, Archon puts sorta-themed other stuff on the sprue, so you'd get critters you may not want. Unfortunately, Archon seems to be leaning towards the "display" hobbyists (eg. the harpy attacking a pig and wyrm eating a human is fine for display, but having three of them looks redundant) while trying to cover as many different things as possible. At best, you'd want to use the Archon miniature as an elite mini, and look for companies (eg. boardgames) that put out multiples of the same sculpt.

I have some of the same issues with some of the specialized terrain pieces in the SG sets. I like their iron bar door, but my dungeon's going to need more than one! I also remember backers wanting many more torches than the SG's had to offer.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/19 23:52:14

Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

 ced1106 wrote:
you'd want to use the Archon miniature as an elite mini, and look for companies (eg. boardgames) that put out multiples of the same sculpt.

I use hard plastic only so board games with their PVC are not an option. That is why I hope companies like Archon, WGA etc. will finally put some proper animal kits on market some day.
Made in pl
Been Around the Block

 Shadow Walker wrote:
 ced1106 wrote:
you'd want to use the Archon miniature as an elite mini, and look for companies (eg. boardgames) that put out multiples of the same sculpt.

I use hard plastic only so board games with their PVC are not an option. That is why I hope companies like Archon, WGA etc. will finally put some proper animal kits on market some day.

I've been asking the CEO for an animal kit too, so I'm hoping that it's something we'll be able make soon. Unfortunately, it'll likely have to be part of the next miniature campaign, which is quite some time away (unless we're able to release it directly to retail).
Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

Szymon_Archon wrote:

I've been asking the CEO for an animal kit too, so I'm hoping that it's something we'll be able make soon. Unfortunately, it'll likely have to be part of the next miniature campaign, which is quite some time away (unless we're able to release it directly to retail).

A direct retail would be great as currently there is a big gap on the market for HIPS models like that. Wolves (normal sized), rats (both normal and giant), boars, bears, giant (flying too) insects etc. etc. gathered in 1-2 packs, and in good numbers (like at least 6 wolves etc.) will sell for sure.
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 Shadow Walker wrote:
Szymon_Archon wrote:

I've been asking the CEO for an animal kit too, so I'm hoping that it's something we'll be able make soon. Unfortunately, it'll likely have to be part of the next miniature campaign, which is quite some time away (unless we're able to release it directly to retail).

A direct retail would be great as currently there is a big gap on the market for HIPS models like that. Wolves (normal sized), rats (both normal and giant), boars, bears, giant (flying too) insects etc. etc. gathered in 1-2 packs, and in good numbers (like at least 6 wolves etc.) will sell for sure.

For what it's worth Reaper does have quite a few products like that. Soft plastic but Bones has gotten a lot better.
Made in pl
Been Around the Block

 Shadow Walker wrote:
Szymon_Archon wrote:

I've been asking the CEO for an animal kit too, so I'm hoping that it's something we'll be able make soon. Unfortunately, it'll likely have to be part of the next miniature campaign, which is quite some time away (unless we're able to release it directly to retail).

A direct retail would be great as currently there is a big gap on the market for HIPS models like that. Wolves (normal sized), rats (both normal and giant), boars, bears, giant (flying too) insects etc. etc. gathered in 1-2 packs, and in good numbers (like at least 6 wolves etc.) will sell for sure.

Alright, I'll see what I can do. We do have a small gap next year where we don't have anything major planned, hopefully we'll have an animal kit by then.
Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

Szymon_Archon wrote:
 Shadow Walker wrote:
Szymon_Archon wrote:

I've been asking the CEO for an animal kit too, so I'm hoping that it's something we'll be able make soon. Unfortunately, it'll likely have to be part of the next miniature campaign, which is quite some time away (unless we're able to release it directly to retail).

A direct retail would be great as currently there is a big gap on the market for HIPS models like that. Wolves (normal sized), rats (both normal and giant), boars, bears, giant (flying too) insects etc. etc. gathered in 1-2 packs, and in good numbers (like at least 6 wolves etc.) will sell for sure.

Alright, I'll see what I can do. We do have a small gap next year where we don't have anything major planned, hopefully we'll have an animal kit by then.

Awesome, thanks!
Made in de
Dakka Veteran

Szymon_Archon wrote:
 Shadow Walker wrote:
Szymon_Archon wrote:

I've been asking the CEO for an animal kit too, so I'm hoping that it's something we'll be able make soon. Unfortunately, it'll likely have to be part of the next miniature campaign, which is quite some time away (unless we're able to release it directly to retail).

A direct retail would be great as currently there is a big gap on the market for HIPS models like that. Wolves (normal sized), rats (both normal and giant), boars, bears, giant (flying too) insects etc. etc. gathered in 1-2 packs, and in good numbers (like at least 6 wolves etc.) will sell for sure.

Alright, I'll see what I can do. We do have a small gap next year where we don't have anything major planned, hopefully we'll have an animal kit by then.

I think an animal kit would do well. The trick would be to make the creatures cool looking yet generic enough for multiple settings. But it is definitely a niche that is currently open.

Warlord Games already has a decent farm animals kit in plastic so I would recommend wild creatures for dangerous encounters rather than domestic or farm animals. And I would suggest pack or swarm animals rather than large solitary apex predators.

Edit: And interesting yet not overly unique poses, ie carrying so merging or standing on distinctive terrain. So not a statue looking standing still placid wolf but not a wildly leaping one with a rabbit in its mouth that has graveyard ruins integral to the sculpt. Sculpts should reflect the need to make packs of the creatures with minor changes by the hobbyist to reflect individuals within the pack.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/08/21 15:57:01

Made in pl
Been Around the Block

 Grumpy Gnome wrote:
Szymon_Archon wrote:
 Shadow Walker wrote:
Szymon_Archon wrote:

I've been asking the CEO for an animal kit too, so I'm hoping that it's something we'll be able make soon. Unfortunately, it'll likely have to be part of the next miniature campaign, which is quite some time away (unless we're able to release it directly to retail).

A direct retail would be great as currently there is a big gap on the market for HIPS models like that. Wolves (normal sized), rats (both normal and giant), boars, bears, giant (flying too) insects etc. etc. gathered in 1-2 packs, and in good numbers (like at least 6 wolves etc.) will sell for sure.

Alright, I'll see what I can do. We do have a small gap next year where we don't have anything major planned, hopefully we'll have an animal kit by then.

I think an animal kit would do well. The trick would be to make the creatures cool looking yet generic enough for multiple settings. But it is definitely a niche that is currently open.

Warlord Games already has a decent farm animals kit in plastic so I would recommend wild creatures for dangerous encounters rather than domestic or farm animals. And I would suggest pack or swarm animals rather than large solitary apex predators.

Edit: And interesting yet not overly unique poses, ie carrying so merging or standing on distinctive terrain. So not a statue looking standing still placid wolf but not a wildly leaping one with a rabbit in its mouth that has graveyard ruins integral to the sculpt. Sculpts should reflect the need to make packs of the creatures with minor changes by the hobbyist to reflect individuals within the pack.

I've been pushing as hard as I can for more generic poses/miniatures and providing the team with some examples. I don't want to discourage our 3D artists as they're very talented and clearly put in a lot of work but sometimes it can be a bit too much if we're trying to make generic fantasy.
Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

Szymon_Archon wrote:
I've been pushing as hard as I can for more generic poses/miniatures and providing the team with some examples. I don't want to discourage our 3D artists as they're very talented and clearly put in a lot of work but sometimes it can be a bit too much if we're trying to make generic fantasy.

One of things to make models both more generic and more attractive for the wider audience would be to stop putting things on the models that are mandatory for building them instead optional. For example, Pepe the Giant with its massive boulder, which could be a fun addition but there should be other options to build your giant, otherwise why bother to buy more than one (when even converting it would be a lot of pain just to remove the boulder etc.)? ''Diorama'' things should also be strongly reduced.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/22 07:45:13

Made in pl
Been Around the Block

To clarify, I've been lurking in this forum for quite some time, and for the most part, I agree with a lot of the things said here. We still have a lot of progress to make and I appreciate the feedback.

Right now, I can only offer suggestions to the team, but we are starting to make some changes to make sure that the miniatures and terrain are more generic.
Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

Szymon_Archon wrote:
To clarify, I've been lurking in this forum for quite some time, and for the most part, I agree with a lot of the things said here. We still have a lot of progress to make and I appreciate the feedback.

Right now, I can only offer suggestions to the team, but we are starting to make some changes to make sure that the miniatures and terrain are more generic.

I would suggest to start a poll/s here and/or other sites/media, and ask people about x or y to see what the customer wants. For example, animal pack - you could ask what animals would a customer want to see there, and accordingly include most popular ones in a kit.
I would also suggest to change or rather expand the pics for those two kits https://shop.archon-studio.com/miniatures/256-npc-miniature-pack-5901414673130.html https://shop.archon-studio.com/miniatures/248-townsfolk-miniature-pack-5901414672973.html as for now we only have mostly group photos there, and a customer cannot properly see all miniatures included in the kit. You did much better job with Fantasy Miniature Set here https://shop.archon-studio.com/miniatures/294-fantasy-miniatures-set-5901414674205.html
Made in pl
Been Around the Block

 Shadow Walker wrote:
Szymon_Archon wrote:
To clarify, I've been lurking in this forum for quite some time, and for the most part, I agree with a lot of the things said here. We still have a lot of progress to make and I appreciate the feedback.

Right now, I can only offer suggestions to the team, but we are starting to make some changes to make sure that the miniatures and terrain are more generic.

I would suggest to start a poll/s here and/or other sites/media, and ask people about x or y to see what the customer wants. For example, animal pack - you could ask what animals would a customer want to see there, and accordingly include most popular ones in a kit.
I would also suggest to change or rather expand the pics for those two kits https://shop.archon-studio.com/miniatures/256-npc-miniature-pack-5901414673130.html https://shop.archon-studio.com/miniatures/248-townsfolk-miniature-pack-5901414672973.html as for now we only have mostly group photos there, and a customer cannot properly see all miniatures included in the kit. You did much better job with Fantasy Miniature Set here https://shop.archon-studio.com/miniatures/294-fantasy-miniatures-set-5901414674205.html

Do you mind me asking what differentiates the Fantasy Miniatures set from the other two? I believe the packaging is more or less made in the same way, it's just that the fantasy miniatures set has fewer miniatures that are also just larger which makes them easier on the eye.
Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

Szymon_Archon wrote:

Do you mind me asking what differentiates the Fantasy Miniatures set from the other two? I believe the packaging is more or less made in the same way, it's just that the fantasy miniatures set has fewer miniatures that are also just larger which makes them easier on the eye.

I meant a proper presentation of the minis on the photos. First two show mostly group/crowd pics of grey minis, where on the third we have back of the box with all the minis from the set but each one is shown separately, and in colour too. It is much easier for customers to see what they will be buying.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/08/23 16:20:49

Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Thanks for the input Szymon and I’d agree with the others that whilst it’s great to allow the sculptors freedom to include their own details sometimes someone needs to reign that back a bit and make sure the minis are as useable as possible and not too specific. Pepe is a great example he makes a perfect mancrusher substitute but his set up with the rock underarm means you’ll only ever use the one. I have a second Pepe but he’ll need a lot of work to make him look different.

In other news a few prototype teasers from Discord. Looking good but the corners need some work I get the angle design and it works for dungeon walls but for more organic designs it looks a bit off needs more texture or something or a cover piece for exposed corners.

[Thumb - 424FFF32-D265-4D1C-906D-299ECEAA25B2.jpeg]

[Thumb - A03E00BF-8316-402C-B9B9-AC4497CCD5BC.jpeg]

[Thumb - 30D74E34-8C0F-4981-B779-624EE894BD0D.jpeg]

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2023/08/24 14:05:46

Made in gb
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

North-East England

Those are very nice looking tiles.Not sure how the pieces for the hole in-fills will effect the miniatures from the gaming point.They would be nice additions for base detailing though.
Maybe something with a lower profile would be best.

Made in pl
Horrific Hive Tyrant

Just saw Heroes of M&M minis, and many of them are really to my taste. Any plans to release them in packs outside of the game? I think most of them are ideal for RPGs or miniature agnostic games.
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Gamefound D&L 6 Caves prelaunch page - a bit sparce yet but you can follow now.


AMA 1st September

- Caves - Super SG are for sub themes - spiders nest theme is one of them, also Goblins lair - 9 themes planned - can pick 3 as part of pledge - also purchaseable separately
- 4 or 5 sets from prior KS as prepainted add ons - bigger sets than before
- plugs designed to blend themes and hide joins, but there will always be some squareness in places though
- Dragon Turtle in tooling
- "Simple" add ons for D&L 6 as they have to be able to prepaint them as well
- Sorcerers Spire set for retail €159, might be a prepainted version later
- Working on several IP games - looked for Wing Commander but it's not available, GI Joe not available either as it competes with the toy line.

Archon are now on TikTok and will have some exclusive reveals there
[Thumb - 33394BCC-AAB5-406E-A47A-27F566A25460.jpeg]

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This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/09/01 23:28:34

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