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Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Yeah, I scored two from separate eBay listings some years back - one still in the blister (so definitely original) and one assembled (which I'm pretty sure was not). I think I wound up selling the sealed one on when I was short on cash.

Made in us
Keeper of the Flame

Monticello, IN

Zenithfleet wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Thanks, Zenithfleet. Searching under those terms I’ve found a few that seem promising, although shipping seems to vary wildly.

No worries!

I've been doing a LOT of Warhammer Quest searches over the last few months, so I've seen my share of Dwarfs...

Shipping on eBay has been bonkers for a while. Try to avoid any seller with the Global Shipping Program option. It will get to you fast (well, pre-COVID, dunno what it's like now)... but it's ludicrously expensive. Anytime I see a seller with that, I groan, because it's going to cost more to ship the darn thing to Australia than it would to buy a plane ticket and fly over to pick it up.

Now if I could just find some of the monopose plastic CHAOS Dwarfs...

I remember when CD models were all over and nobody wanted them. NOT the case now.


For 4-6th WFB, 2-5th 40k, and similar timeframe gaming

Looking for dice from the new AOS boxed set and Dark Imperium on the cheap. Let me know if you can help.
 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
Its AoS, it doesn't have to make sense.
Made in us
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva

Brushcommando my white whale is the opposite. I'd like to get the original orks that came out at the same time as the beakies. I did get four of the beakies from a friend but I really want those orks. I hope everyone finds the whales that they want. Good luck!

Made in au
Axis & Allies Player

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Zenithfleet wrote:

Now if I could just find some of the monopose plastic CHAOS Dwarfs...

I just saw a Chaos Dwarf with the key words “big hat” selling for Space Marine character money or less.

I think I saw him too. But I need about a dozen of the bighat boys so they can jump out on our Warhammer Quest heroes from their wall cupboards.

 Just Tony wrote:

I remember when CD models were all over and nobody wanted them. NOT the case now.

Reminds me of something Andy Chambers (I think) once said about Squats in 40K: an unpopular joke army that didn't sell while they were in stores, but an instant classic the moment they were gone.

I recently made the mistake of getting rid of an old 5th ed WFB Skeleton Warriors regiment I wasn't happy with, thinking they were dirt cheap and I could easily replace them. And I don't mean 'got rid' as in 'sold'. Or even 'gave away'. I mean rubbish bin during a clearout. I don't play WFB and had just assembled the regiment for fun since it had been sitting in the cupboard for about a decade. Didn't realise that they were now going for top dollar. Probably because that kit formed the basis for the Tomb Kings regiment, so they now always get listed as 'TOMB KINGS' even though they're just the regular clown skellies with the round shields.

beast_gts wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Yeah what happened with ebay shipping?

Now anything from the UK is like $20 to the United States.

Is that a general thing or an Ebay only issue?

As a seller you can choose to use their Global Shipping Program rather than post internationally direct - you post it to eBay who then forward it on. However they just make up a price and don't offer combined shipping.

Shipping to Australia from the US has become really expensive in the last couple of years (predating COVID), whereas shipping from Canada, the UK and Europe hasn't been too bad. Not sure why.

Regarding eBay's Global Shipping Program: I got git by the GSP postage once when I bought some hard-to-find Planescape books from the US. I was willing to pay the frankly bonkers shipping price (like $40 AUD) because it was a rare item. But I bought two books, and didn't realise until I hit checkout that GSP doesn't let you combine shipping, even though I contacted the seller about it. So I ended up paying something like $80 AUD for postage on two softcover books.

(Still worth it though. Uncaged: Faces of Sigil is a great read.)

The other annoying thing about GSP is that it also adds import duties on top of the postage--but it doesn't show you that in the postage estimate on the eBay search page. And it lists it separately on the item page. So you have to remember to add it on yourself.

I don't mind the GSP program existing as an option, because it's pretty quick to deliver internationally and you get regular tracking updates. But it's really irritating that it's a take-it-or-leave-it thing. If the seller decided to use GSP then you either cop it or you don't buy from them. If you could choose between the GSP and regular postage for a particular item, it'd be much more sensible, like choosing to pay for express postage.


But my posts are turning into 'Zen's list of stupid misadventures' so I'd better get back on topic. (My funniest successful postage-related adventure was getting hold of a metal LotR Cave Drake from the US, long after GW had switched to resin. Even with the redonkulous international shipping, it was still cheaper than buying the Finecast version from GW Australia.)

Anyway, I just remembered another White Whale: the Eldar Attack expansion for Milton Bradley's Space Crusade. Didn't know that existed until I was an adult. I don't think it was ever released here in Australia. Still go looking for it now and then.

Actually Space Crusade itself was a White Whale of mine for many years because it was my favourite boardgame as a kid, but I butchered most of the minis for 40K once I started playing that as a teen. Ugh, what I did to that awesome expansion Dreadnought... It took me a looong time to rebuild my old set. Had to buy three incomplete copies to get all the bits together. And then it turned out I didn't like the game all that much now that I wasn't ten years old anymore. Oh well. (Still love HeroQuest though.)
Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

I guess my white whale is the original tyranid model that appeared in the Rogue Trader rulebook. It's extremely rare, but there's something so compelling about it!

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

Your #1 Fan  
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

If I had one thing I was going to chase like this, it would be to acquire all of the GW Inquisitor models, as well as all of the acolytes and stuff that go with them. I'm not referring to the 54mm Inquisitor game, I mean the 40k Inquisitors. Some of the old sets that include them and their retinues pop up on eBay occasionally, but at some steep prices. I like those models because they are very characterful and fairly unique.

So far I only have a few Inquisitors; just Eisenhorn, Greyfax, and a generic Finecast one with a power sword and bolt pistol. I also have one set of followers that includes an acolyte with a plasma pistol, a cherub carrying a book, and a servo skull. Lots more models out there for me to collect eventually, whenever I have time and money to spare.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 14 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

I collect the Nippon range that GW put out in the mid '80s, and I'm at 220ish of the 250ish minis that they made. The minis themselves aren't that hard to get, although over the 5 years I've been buying them the average price per mini has gone from £1 to £8, my white whale itself is a piece of paper relating to the range. In the 1983 Aly Morrison samurai boxed set there was a yellow 4 sided pamphlet with rules and background fluff etc, and this simple photocopy is my white whale.
4 of the boxed sets have been through my hands and none have had the leaflet. I've only seen it once on ebay but that was in an obscenely overpriced set.

One day it will be mine though...
Made in gb
Witch Hunter in the Shadows

The two models that have been sitting on my 'white whale' list the longest would have to be the Aquila Lander and forgeworld spaced landraider armour for about ten years now. The latter I was able to cross off this year after an ebay reseller put up a fully tricked out model in amongst a dozen other regular banged up LR listings, all at the same price.

 Just Tony wrote:
I remember when CD models were all over and nobody wanted them. NOT the case now.
I picked up the CD codex and a small army some time around 98-99 IIRC, right before they were squatted chaos dwarfed. Nostalgia wasn't strong enough for me to later invest in any of the forgeworld chaos dwarves but I couldn't resist picking up the bloodbowl team during one of GWs 'made to order' promotions.
Made in gb
Pauper with Promise

Bath, UK

 Polonius wrote:

I think, as most people do, my nostalgia currently rests on things released during the first few years in the hobby, which for me was 2001 or so. I'd say my top picks would be the metal models of the time, like Inquisitor Karamazov (in metal) or the original venerable dreadnought.

Karamazov was one of my whales. He's not rare, but always overpriced. I finally managed to get a new-on-sprue Finecast one (I decided that I didn't want the hassle of pinning together the metal version) from eBay for a reasonable price.

Now my whales are (like the infamous inquisitor above) not that rare, but always overpriced (at least in my opinion): a Land Raider Prometheus and Inquisitor Gideon Lorr. Both show up regularly on eBay in the UK, but I'm not desperate for either, so I'm waiting until I can get one for a decent price.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/10/27 13:16:12

Made in us
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator


My White Whale is the Forgeworld Anphelion Base. Way back when it was still being sold, I had it in my shopping cart but never pulled the trigger. Shortly thereafter is disappeared and second hand ones are few and far between (espeically for a resonable price and condition).

I don't know what I'd actually do with it, but its one of those things I really wish I had bought.

Legio Suturvora 2000 points (painted)
30k Word Bearers 2000 points (in progress)
Daemonhunters 1000 points (painted)
Flesh Tearers 2000+ points (painted) - Balt GT '02 52nd; Balt GT '05 16th
Kabal of the Tortured Soul 2000+ points (painted) - Balt GT '08 85th; Mechanicon '09 12th
Greenwing 1000 points (painted) - Adepticon Team Tourny 2013

"There is rational thought here. It's just swimming through a sea of stupid and is often concealed from view by the waves of irrational conclusions." - Railguns 
Made in us
Lord of the Fleet

Seneca Nation of Indians

Chaos Cruiser 3 up.

The later IG metal stowage.

Fate is in heaven, armor is on the chest, accomplishment is in the feet. - Nagao Kagetora
Made in us
Last Remaining Whole C'Tan

Pleasant Valley, Iowa

 ironside_online wrote:
Karamazov was one of my whales. He's not rare, but always overpriced. I finally managed to get a new-on-sprue Finecast one (I decided that I didn't want the hassle of pinning together the metal version)

As much as people rightfully crap on Finecast, there genuinely were a handful of models where it was better, assuming you won the loaded-dice crapshoot that was casting quality. I have a Ork Nob with a Waaagh Banner in metal and I wish I had gotten it in Finecast - it's very topheavy and every time it tips over- which is a lot, despite gluing a nickel in the base - the banner breaks, even with careful pinning. I love the model but I wish it had a larger base.

I also wish I had gotten my metal Thunderfire Cannon in Finecast. Another nightmare assembly.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/10/27 18:26:33

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Respect to the guy who subscribed just to post a massive ASCII dong in the chat and immediately get banned.

 Flinty wrote:
The benefit of slate is that its.actually a.rock with rock like properties. The downside is that it's a rock
Made in ca
Heroic Senior Officer

Krieg! What a hole...

It was Theodore Bruckner, and Reaper, until I acquired them in mid August of this year.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/10/27 20:39:19

Member of 40k Montreal There is only war in Montreal
Primarchs are a mistake
DKoK Blog:http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/419263.page Have a look, I guarantee you will not see greyer armies, EVER! Now with at least 4 shades of grey

Savageconvoy wrote:
Snookie gives birth to Heavy Gun drone squad. Someone says they are overpowered. World ends.

Made in us
Ultramarine Chaplain with Hate to Spare

Da Butcha wrote:

The other would be the Armorcast Gargant. I saw one for sale like a decade ago for $400 or $500 and thought the price was ridiculous. What a moron. The damn things go for $1500+ now. I didn't realize until recently that Armorcast only made like 300 of the damn things. No use for it in a game either, but I'd love to have one of those too.
Only 300?!

Wow I feel extra priveliged to have painted one as a comission piece.

Wild. Now I want one too, haha.

I still kinda want one of the metal Thunderhawks, and kick myselk a bit for not getting one of the ones that were up on ebay some years ago.

Much lower on the list, a full squad of th OG Grey Knight Terminators from Rogue Trader.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/10/28 00:55:16

And They Shall Not Fit Through Doors!!!

Tyranid Army Progress -- With Classic Warriors!:
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

I console myself with the thought that one day there will be a full-scale plastic Thunderhawk.

And I will buy two.

Build two.

Then throw one of them off a third story balcony to make a broken one for a terrain piece.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

I need this thing. But I've only seen 1 on eBay, for a little more than I was able to part with for it at the time.

I'm on a podcast about (video) game design:

And I also stream tabletop painting/playing Mon&Thurs 8PM EST
And make YouTube videos for that sometimes!
Made in us
Ultramarine Chaplain with Hate to Spare

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
I console myself with the thought that one day there will be a full-scale plastic Thunderhawk.

And I will buy two.

Build two.

Then throw one of them off a third story balcony to make a broken one for a terrain piece.
Yeah I figure at this point I can just design and build my own through some combination of laser cutting and 3d printing.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

This guy: http://www.solegends.com/citle/citle1990/numbered/le10powermarine/index.htm

I want that model so bad.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/10/28 01:31:07

And They Shall Not Fit Through Doors!!!

Tyranid Army Progress -- With Classic Warriors!:
Made in us
Nasty Nob

Cary, NC

Man, that looks awesome! What a thing to see on the battlefield, if it doesn't break the table. Great job on that one.

 Insectum7 wrote:
Da Butcha wrote:

The other would be the Armorcast Gargant. I saw one for sale like a decade ago for $400 or $500 and thought the price was ridiculous. What a moron. The damn things go for $1500+ now. I didn't realize until recently that Armorcast only made like 300 of the damn things. No use for it in a game either, but I'd love to have one of those too.
Only 300?!

Wow I feel extra priveliged to have painted one as a comission piece.

Wild. Now I want one too, haha.

I still kinda want one of the metal Thunderhawks, and kick myselk a bit for not getting one of the ones that were up on ebay some years ago.

Much lower on the list, a full squad of th OG Grey Knight Terminators from Rogue Trader.

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 ironside_online wrote:
Karamazov was one of my whales. He's not rare, but always overpriced. I finally managed to get a new-on-sprue Finecast one (I decided that I didn't want the hassle of pinning together the metal version) from eBay for a reasonable price.

I might be missing something here, but if you were happy to settle with a Finecast version, why not just get him from the source?

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

White Whale implies I’m searching for it. There are a number of things I’d love to have, but don’t want to open the pandora’s box that is eBay to get.

2nd Ed Ultramarine codex,
some of the old metal Eldar (and not the stupid old ones, but 3rd ed stuff) like one more WG, and some aspect squads
handful of old marine vets in metal. (guy with the bolter is a big one, love his pose)
TDA Calgar w/HG in metal.
A nid or two in metal for the nostalgia. Like an old screamer-killer

If I put some work into it, I might be able to find them. But honestly, most of it would just be to warm the shelf, and I’ve got plenty of stuff for that. And I know that if I start trawling for stuff, I’ll find all sorts of bargains that are too good to pass up, and the Pile of Shame does not need the help.

Made in au
Axis & Allies Player

BaronIveagh wrote:Chaos Cruiser 3 up.

Ooh, good one!

I had the chance to buy one of those once but couldn't think of any sensible reason to own it. As if 'sensible' has anything to do with toy soldier spaceships...

Insectum7 wrote:
Da Butcha wrote:

The other would be the Armorcast Gargant. I saw one for sale like a decade ago for $400 or $500 and thought the price was ridiculous. What a moron. The damn things go for $1500+ now. I didn't realize until recently that Armorcast only made like 300 of the damn things. No use for it in a game either, but I'd love to have one of those too.
Only 300?!

Wow I feel extra priveliged to have painted one as a comission piece.

Wild. Now I want one too, haha.

Just the regular Epic version of that Gargant is a White Whale for me. Literally. Because it has to be the white metal (pewter) version. From America. Which, as discussed, has crazy shipping these days.

Nevelon wrote:
2nd Ed Ultramarine codex

That's not too hard to find. A 2nd ed Ultramarine codex with a cover that actually stayed attached to the binding for more than five seconds, however... I don't think they exist.

Oh, here's another one of mine (sheesh I've got a whole pod of White Whales by now): The 4th ed WFB Undead army book. But not just the regular 4th ed WFB Undead army book, awesome though it is. I mean the revised edition from 1998 that was quietly put out without GW mentioning they'd updated it, shortly before the Vampire Counts 5th ed book. It supposedly updates the photos of the models to match the revamped GW Studio army (no more flying cabbage Zombie Dragon) and allegedly includes the Circle of Blood characters.

It took me ages to get hold of the regular Undead book after several false leads and sales that were cancelled at the last minute--the hardest of all the original army books to find. And then I found out that it wasn't the only edition of that book. I tell you, it's like being a necromancer looking for the definitive copy of some ancient tome.

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 Nevelon wrote:
White Whale implies I’m searching for it. There are a number of things I’d love to have, but don’t want to open the pandora’s box that is eBay to get.

For what it's worth I've had very very few bad experiences on Ebay.

And I know that if I start trawling for stuff, I’ll find all sorts of bargains that are too good to pass up, and the Pile of Shame does not need the help.


That Pandora's box.

Made in gb
Pauper with Promise

Bath, UK

 Dysartes wrote:
 ironside_online wrote:
Karamazov was one of my whales. He's not rare, but always overpriced. I finally managed to get a new-on-sprue Finecast one (I decided that I didn't want the hassle of pinning together the metal version) from eBay for a reasonable price.

I might be missing something here, but if you were happy to settle with a Finecast version, why not just get him from the source?

A few reasons: 1. I got him cheaper from eBay, and (importantly) 2. I didn't realise that GW still sell him.
Made in us
Dangerous Outrider

Baltimore, MD USA

My white whale... is the AD&D Maztica box set. I own a digital copy, and owned the actual box back in the day... but between a move from Maryland to Venezuela to Puerto Rico and back to Maryland, it was lost.

I see them on Amazon and Ebay, but usually at $150-$250 or more.

Its not like it was super compelling or very well written, but I really liked it and still want it.
Made in us
Ultramarine Chaplain with Hate to Spare

Zenithfleet wrote:

Nevelon wrote:
2nd Ed Ultramarine codex

That's not too hard to find. A 2nd ed Ultramarine codex with a cover that actually stayed attached to the binding for more than five seconds, however... I don't think they exist.
I still have mine from 1995(?) and it still has its cover and is in reasonable shape, so that's at least one!

And They Shall Not Fit Through Doors!!!

Tyranid Army Progress -- With Classic Warriors!:
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Mine's probably an Armorcast Reaver. I had the opportunity to get it back in the day, but let myself be talked into something "more sensible" - An armorcast Baneblade, Shadowsword and Tau battleforce box. I've seen a couple show up on E-bay, but every time it comes back to A) Where would I put it and B) I'd never actually use it in a game.

Also, I'd like to get my hands on the 1st edition Rogue Trader rules. I used to have a copy, but it was used by our group so much it quickly fell apart. Again, haven't pulled the trigger because everything but my 8E rulebooks are currently in storage.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Smokestack wrote:
My white whale... is the AD&D Maztica box set. I own a digital copy, and owned the actual box back in the day... but between a move from Maryland to Venezuela to Puerto Rico and back to Maryland, it was lost.

I see them on Amazon and Ebay, but usually at $150-$250 or more.

Its not like it was super compelling or very well written, but I really liked it and still want it.

I *almost* got rid of my copy, but changed my mind at the last minute and it's on my "campaign world" shelf. It is a pretty dodgy product, though - always hope it will be revisited and redone sometime in the future.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/10/28 18:47:44

It never ends well 
Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

 Insectum7 wrote:
Zenithfleet wrote:

Nevelon wrote:
2nd Ed Ultramarine codex

That's not too hard to find. A 2nd ed Ultramarine codex with a cover that actually stayed attached to the binding for more than five seconds, however... I don't think they exist.
I still have mine from 1995(?) and it still has its cover and is in reasonable shape, so that's at least one!

Yeah, mine still has its cover, as does the one I got in a bundle of other books a few years ago. I don't recall ever hearing of any binding problems with any of the 2nd edition books, although the RT books and the 3rd edition rulebook were notorious for it.

The SoB codex is the one 2nd ed codex I never got around to picking up. Back around 5th edition, 2nd ed books tended to go on eBay for $5 a pop, because nobody wanted them, and I kept putting it off. Then 2nd ed nostalgia kicked in, and they started selling for ten times that, so I still haven't picked that one up...

Made in no
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

A complete Space Crusade, with a couple of add-ons. I had it untill 2005 when I sold it to make space for other games. Regret it now.

As far as models go... Probably a 25 model Leopolds Leopard guard, which I had back in the days. The LGS were selling them for 9 dollars a piece in some sort of blue promo-box ca 2003.

The owner claimed GW had promised him the boxes were SW blood claws which would quickly have sold out. I bought 3 of Leopolds guard, 2 Riccos Republican guard and 3 of Al Mukhtars desert Dogs. I cant recall if the banner were with them, but otherwise the contents were similar to the regular box with the artwork. I ditched the surplus commands into a drawer and made a couple of big units. Really loved the pseudo-realistic style of those models. Sadly sold them later, and regretted it ever since.

Did something similar with a large group of metal grave guard and 15 teutogen guards. Felt they were taking up too much place.


At least I learned from the experience, and never buy something unless I have prepared storage for them somewhere in my gaming 'library'.

But the real white whale, would be 30 diaz daemonettes. I missed the window when they were reprinted by gw a few years ago.

Let the galaxy burn. 
Made in jp
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot

My White Whales aren't super exciting, however, I got 'em - the Iron Hands Firstborn upgrade blister (ready harpoons, I think I've found one lads) - just bursting with character, really fun little add ons, and I love anything that lets you really push just how kitbash-friendly the classic marines are, how you can so easily make each member of a unit really distinct and unique, which imo is such a satisfying reflection of the lore. It'd be great to get one in metal, but I don't think the metals were even being sold anymore when I got into the hobby, and it was always one of those things that I planned to pick up next time...

And then it got pulled. :(

My other White Whale, and quite possibly one that is simply lost to the sands of time, never to be found again were the HH Blackshields transfers. There was such strange, intoxicatingly exotic and unknowable iconography there, and I loved how the symbology told these odd, incomplete and ultimately untellable visual stories. Really wanted to make a Blackshields kill team, or perhaps use them for a traitor raven guard successor chapter with Night Lords bits (also while we're on that topic, Shadow Captain Corvidae! Good God what a pretty mini, honestly the gold standard for FW marines in my eyes, really admired the face on that miniature for the longest time...)

Probably those are the two big ones for me. There are more minis than I can think of that I'd like to get my slimy goblin hands on, but in terms of ones that I've wanted for a long time, and then when I was able to get them didn't act soon enough, and simply slipped through my fingers.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/10/29 00:18:21

Made in au
Axis & Allies Player

 insaniak wrote:
 Insectum7 wrote:
Zenithfleet wrote:

Nevelon wrote:
2nd Ed Ultramarine codex

That's not too hard to find. A 2nd ed Ultramarine codex with a cover that actually stayed attached to the binding for more than five seconds, however... I don't think they exist.
I still have mine from 1995(?) and it still has its cover and is in reasonable shape, so that's at least one!

Yeah, mine still has its cover, as does the one I got in a bundle of other books a few years ago. I don't recall ever hearing of any binding problems with any of the 2nd edition books, although the RT books and the 3rd edition rulebook were notorious for it.


I never had any problems with the binding on other 2nd ed books, but our Ultramarines Codex's cover quickly detached... and every time we bought a replacement, its cover turned out to be loose too.

(By 'every time' I mean once. It's a highly scientific dataset.)

The 2nd ed Tyranid codex we bought at the same time has survived everything the world can throw at it short of a direct meteorite strike.

Is a White Whale something you're always looking for but is just out of reach due to price/inconvenience? Or is it something you'd like to have in theory, but simply never bother to look for because you immediately write it off in your head? Most Forgeworld stuff is like that for me. Ever since FW started doing its thing, I'd take one look at whatever their latest vehicle was and think, "I'd love to have that, but I'm just a humble peasant who knows his place," and forget about it.
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