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Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

Anyone picked up the newest Star Wars RTS?  Any good?  Reviews seem solid.

Made in us
Been Around the Block

Played the demo. Lots of flash (movie view, the SW iconography, characters, etc), didn't see a lot of significant substance. If you're a SW fan (and I mean FANatic), you would probably like it... otherwise, there are better RTS's out there.
Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

OK, I got this game. It is off the hook AWESOME.

I'm sorry, but it really is my dream strategy game.

Think Galactic Civ. meets RTS. I think traditional RTS fans are confused by it, but if you are someone who likes games like GC, this thing is a dream come true. You know, control planets, set up trade lanes, builld ground and land forces. Move fleets from planet A to planet B. Build space stations. Blow planets up with a death star...whatever!

And the graphics...holy cow. I lost a Star Destroyer to x-wings. 20 squadrons of X-wings. Watching them swarm over my cap ship as huge chunks of it blow off...man o man.

And having the hero's in the game is AWESOME. 'Vader is amazing. He can lift enemy vehicles and crush them, he can force blast whole infantry units away. Watch him deflect laser bolts from enemy turrets right back into them! I had him attack a building to see what would happen. Did he run up and bash it with his light saber over and over? Nope. He stood there, with one hand raised...the building started to shake and tremble, dust and rocks were spuing everywhere and the building started taking heavy damange. All the while my boy James Earl Jones says "Size is irrelevent to the force."

In space battles transported infantry are all there, but in shuttles, so you need to protect them. Everyone, but Vader. The Lord of the Sith is out in space in his Tie advanced ready to take it to the rebel scum. He has a little squadron of wingmen too.

Of course the rebels have their boys too, Han and Chewy rock on the ground and in space they're in the coolest bucket 'o bolts in the galaxy. The cinimatic view is AWESOME to watch in space, esp when the Falcon, Slave 1, or other famous ships are about. EVERYTHING and every one from the first 3 movies are in here. And as a bonus to vid game fans, both Mara Jade and Kyle are there too.

Another cool tid bit: The rebels can destroy the Death Star by winning a space combat fleet action against it. But ONLY if red squadron is present at the battle.

I haven't had this much fun playing the Empire since "Tie Fighter". My fav. part of the game is re-writting Star Wars history. Just finished capturing Endor and removing the Ewok blotch from the galaxy...I'm now off to Naboo to deal with another annoying race...yousa gonna die gungan punk.

Admitidly, I am a total SW fanboy, but I think this game is worthy of the reviews it has been receiving. It's worth a look to any strategy game fan.

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

I've heard lots of bad things, with the occasional "Meh, it's ok" thrown in. I'll wait 'till it's on sale.


Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

I'm really enjoying it. Just played my first online game this weekend with a friend. Great fun. A lot more high level strategy than found in most RTS's.

Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

I'm both a Star Wars and RTS-genre fan, but I found that this game failed horribly in the latter. I would have enjoyed the game more if my units actually went where I told them to. I found the ground battles had such horrible pathfinding that I just started auto-resolving them. Once you get AT-ATs, it's impossible to lose a ground battle anyway. Space combat was fun the first few times, as it looks rather nice, but it eventually just led to me attack moving to the enemy station and reinforcing the fleet when I took losses, as any attempt to actually move a ship where I wanted it to go resulted in it going the opposite direction. I had more responsiveness when playing Warcraft 3 online via dial-up. Targeting subsystems looks like fun, until you see that the enemy has Corellian Corvettes EVERYWHERE that will obliterate your bombers no matter how much you cover them, and then proceed to ignore your fleet and destroy your troop transports (I eventually just seperated them into a fleet that followed the space fleet). The campaign only takes 3-4 hours to complete to boot. Some of the missions were so increadibly stupid as well, like the one where you use the invincible emperor to kill the entire population of Bothawui. The mission had absolutely no strategy because you COULDN'T DIE. Waste of time!

Bad, bad RTS. At least it's better than BFME2.


Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

Hey guys? You did get the patch right?

I've only played the game since the patch (it was out after I bought it) and find the AI to be great. Pathfinding is fine.

Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

On the campaign:

As I said, I've only played the game post patch, and it works great. I'm currently playing the "Empire" campaign on the middle difficulty setting.

Yes, it is wise NOT to bring transports into a space combat situation... um... duh? The right move is to move in your combat ships, secure the space, then bring in the ground troops.

The computer does this as well (at least at medium difficulty) which has caused me to develop a rather evil strategy. My front line of defense generally has small fleets, with larger fleets in reserve one system away. When the rebels attack one of my border worlds they bring a strong force, which I usually loose to, but I try to do as much damage as possible.

I then counter attack with one of my big reserve fleets after waiting a couple of clicks on the time clock. This usually catches the rebel attack force and wipes it out...and... almost always the ground force is on route. By the time they arrive, the transports expect to see rebel frigates but they run into a fleet of Star Destroyers. If you are quick you can kill a lot of transports before they attempt to hyper space out. If you have and Interdictor, you'll get 'em all.

Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

I was playing it with patch 1.02, which is the current one to my knowledge. I didn't find the AI pathfinding good enough to warrant strategy. Battle-plan wise, I pretty much just had moderate sized fleets stationed at the planets which would become open for attack next when playing the campaign, as it was rather easy to figure out which ones would (ones closest to centre!). So I'd capture everything pretty much simultaneously, so I never actually got attacked by the computer aside from one infiltration fleet that landed on a planet pumping out AT-ATs. The battle didn't turn out too well for the Rebels.
Made in us
Gun Mage

New Hampshire, USA

What difficulty were you playing at? Default? (Which is Easy)

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