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Insaniak's Tutorial and Spotlight Article Roundup  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

On the Maelstrom's Edge website, you can find more than 200 modeling walkthroughs, hobby tip articles and tutorials originally published to the Comm Guild blog, covering Maelstrom's Edge models and terrain and the wider wargaming hobby.

Check them out here: https://www.maelstromsedge.com/33/Hobby/

This message was edited 27 times. Last update was at 2024/09/12 23:41:15

Made in us
Sentient OverBear

Clearwater, FL

I saw that, and was really quite impressed by how much you've done! You're a machine.


Trust me, no matter what damage they have the potential to do, single-shot weapons always flatter to deceive in 40k.                                                                                                       Rule #1

Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

Description for Epirian Uplink is the description for Hamilton (copy and paste error).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/19 03:30:14

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Oops - good catch, thanks

Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks for compiling the list of all these articles (and writing them in the first place!)
Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated to add this week's Minehead tutorial.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with the Epirian Spider Drone conversion tutorial.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with the Bunker tutorial and Reaper Cadre articles.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with the last few articles - Comm Tower, Kaddar Nova Diorama and the Landing Pad.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with recent articles.

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


The tutorials are all awesome. Thank you for posting them.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with the Heat Stress and Streetlight articles from the last two weeks.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
The tutorials are all awesome. Thank you for posting them.

Cheers! Glad you like them

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/09/22 19:51:38

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with the last few articles.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with the last half-dozen or so articles.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with the last few articles, and added an Assembly Guide section.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with the latest round of articles.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with the latest batch of articles.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with the last few articles.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated once more.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated and tweaked the format a little.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated once more. Think I'm going to have to find a better way of listing these soon... The list is getting a little bit long.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

And another update, to add in the last three articles.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated once again.

Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Updated with the last few weeks' articles.

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