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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Bears officially miss early may, but maybe mid or late may will happen. A little progress on the fighters:

Color prime

Reproducable paint coat color to start them off. Should have just started white...
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Meant to post this a couple days ago, but planes are done:

Not sure whats next--got necromunda escher, the knights and started some 8mm terminators. We'll see what happens.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

And paint night, mostly got the terminators greened and the details started, and the transports from last time progressed a bit:

Had the necromunda and bots out, but didn't really touch them. Too many tops in the air, hopefully brain will snap to them eventually.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Kinda slow on posting here, kept having "oh lemme finish this thing before I post." Finally got to a break point.

Dwarves finally got done, and in May even:

and their full regiment:

Plus I finished up the terminators and tiny tanks.

Still no motion on the bots and Necromunda, kinda wanted to push myself to finish them this weekend, but the basing took up most of the time I didn't get distracted. Maybe at paint night tonight.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Paint night again, bots got some very minor cleanup, which I forgot to photograph. Started another couple of 6mm rhinos:

But most of the day was running through two Reaper mouslings.

Trying to do some glow effect on the undead, and then the other one was packaged with them so I did them up to match, and also played a little with OSL. Not super happy with how the glow came out on the undead, but kinda like the other.
We'll see if anything else gets done before the end of the month. Need to figure out what I'm doing for Glow Up and the extended centerpeice project challenge. May break the No-GW-in-the-challenge personal rule and try the Warmaster for centerpiece, not sure what I'm doing for glow up.
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

A little progress on the robots, trying to break them down into smaller sets so they don't feel as large to start on:

Will have to buy or build more bases, but we'll get to that.
Made in us
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman


Those tiny LI planes are looking great!

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More.

Way too little free time. 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks blockade! Glad they came out.

Got the knights done:

And started a fire elemental as my likely entry for glow up, being a bit literal. Glow up was the one where I didn't really have much that inspired me for it:

And a choppy piggy warrior lady, designed by Gaz miniatures and printed for me by McGavin Miniatures off etsy.

Front's pretty good, rear I could have prepped a bit better (or at all) with sanding. A little pin-up style, admittedly.
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