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Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Hi everybody!

Some of you might already be familiar with my work. Sadly enough the previous incarnation of this thread got deleted (spammers ruining all the fun). Luckily enough my ships are still safe! Besides, if you're really interested in my older images, please browse through my Photobucket!

However, whilst it is rather sad that my old thread got deleted, it did give me the opportunity to have a fresh start. I like fresh starts since they leave me with a sense of optimism and inspiration. For a while now I've been using SketchUp to design all sorts of weapons, ships, buildings and what not. Some of it was for more focussed projects, other was a bit more over the place. For this I'd like to have a bit more focus. For a while now I've been working on robotic creatures and underground cities. To be these things were all linked somehow, but not entirely sure yet how.

So with this new thread I'd like to expand on that, further develop these worlds/setting I've been working on. What this means is that this thread might be more than just pictures of SketchUp models, but will also include random musings, fiction and such. At the moment I can't provide that much more than that since I'm also trying to sort it all out. All I know it's going to be a sort of post-apocalyptic scifi/fantasy like thing, grimdark but without the overkill of skulls.

But ok, you've read enough for now and probably want to see some pictures!

Here are the robotic hounds I've been working on. They still need a cool sounding name, as well as legs! As you can see they're quite beefy, the human model is 30mm tall (base not included) whilst the hounds themselves stand on 40mm round bases. By the way, how high/tall is a base? Haven't had one in my hands for years, I was guessing they were 5mm tall, might be wrong though...

If the human survivors aren't being hunted down by the hounds, the skyrays (also need a better name) will come for them. Armed with various ranged weapons these robotic monsters can take our prey from a distance. However, don't think they're vulnerable in close combat. Their blades have torn many into tiny pieces.

Most humans live in fortified bunkers, once pristine cities that would reach high into the skies, they have been reduced to wrecked shadows of their former selves. Warlords have converted the ruins of these cities into castles. No longer reaching into the skies, most of the population now lives underground. Outside, where the machinations of nightmares reign, there is little space for humanity. However, this doesn't mean there's nobody living there. There are still those who have managed to climb out of their underground homes, seeking to reclaim the surface. Small communities have been building their settlements there, which are but scattered buildings, and most of them still do their primary dealings beneath the surface.

So yeah, a new beginnings. Lets see where this project will take me, and how long it will take me before we'll be seeing spaceships here as well!

This message was edited 92 times. Last update was at 2024/04/09 16:14:31

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us

There is no one more excited to see this thread return than me!

Thank you for taking the time to post and share it here on Dakka Dakka!
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

6 foot underwater

Good to see you 'set up shop' again, and I for one am happy for it to include more background musings than previously

Eagerly awaiting more progress on the drones too...

Are your plans for the Skyrays to use the same buzzsaws as your existing product?

cyborks & flyboyz : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/300067.page
heretical ramblings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/302773.page
imperial preachings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/303365.page
Da Waaagh-ky Races : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/325045.page
Briancj: You have the Mek Taint, MT, and the only thing we can do is watch in horror/amazement.

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

Very stoked to see this project log up again . It is one that I am the most interested in since I'm also doing 3d modelling of some prototypes at the moment, and learning from your efforts is very helpful
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

@Alpharius: thanks dude!

@monkeytroll: the buzz saws on the skyrays and hounds are based on the previous ones I designed, but have been tweaked and resized to fit the creatures. I have been pondering about designing some new versions for the hand held ones, but they're a bit on a back burner for now.

@RTides: thanks a lot! Awesome to hear that I can help you in any way!

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in ca
Rampaging Carnifex

West Coast, Canada

This looks cool - is this a setting that you've designed 'from scratch'? Or are you building on some obscure, awesome series of novels that I now have to read?

Looks super neat and I'll be checking back!

Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

It's mostly from scratch. It originally started out as something that could potentially be part of Sciror, a project me and Philip Sibbering have been working on over at the Troll Forged forums. And whilst it might still be part of that, I feel it's something I should experiment with for my self, independently from existing projects or companies.

I'm curious to see where this will take me, sort of a challenge to do some world building/storytelling on my own.

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

A little update!

First off, containers!

In the past these containers would carry all sorts of goods, from local foodstuffs, building materials or even lifestocks to exotic off-world products. After the cataclysm this all came to a stop; there is no more off-world shipping and trade between the castle cities is almost nonexistent. Many of these containers have been abandoned, or have been converted for other purposes, be it makeshift fortifications or even impromptu homes.

At the moment this container is a solid model of 42mm x 42mm x 78.5mm. In other words: quite a chunky beast. I am very tempted to hollow it out and make the door removable. It would then also mean I'd be forced to do some internal detailing, which might be pretty cool.

"There's no such thing as too many bolts, boys!", Yeshik yelled at the others as they were in a hurry to put everything together. And he was right, the structure couldn't be strong enough. It had to withstand the elements, mighty storms that could tear a man to shreds. But the building also had to be strong enough to hold off the creatures that stalked the wastelands...

As you can see I've been adding some more detailing to the building, a rivet or two! There's one major problem I'm running into at the moment: this building consists of 60 parts in total, this includes outer walls, beams on the corners, floors (also inside, not on the groundfloor though), ladders (still need to be made), balcony walls, etc.

Personally I think it's a bit too many parts, production costs would simply skyrocket if I would want to actually print and cast it.

I've been looking at Mantic's stuff, it seems rather affordable and a lot more standardized. One thing that really bugs me about Mantic's stuff is - even though the quality looks great - that it looks rather flimsy to me. I guess I'm more influenced by the 2nd edition era and Necromunda bulkheads, big sturdy stuff! And then I'm looking at the Dust Tactics: Warzone Tenement, which looks very impressive and is quite affordable as well. So it is possible to make something partly modular and affordable without becoming an overly standardized and almost flimsy thing like Mantic's kits.

I guess the challenge now lies in reducing the number of parts, any suggestions?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/13 07:28:52

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Been tweaking the building design a bit. The most noticeable are probably the new railings. Furthermore I've fused some of the parts together (walls with corners), meaning that this building now consists of around 36 parts (this includes separate doors), rather than 60 something.

Also started working on a second building, very much in the same style as the previous building, only with some of the wall components being slightly different. You can't really see it since the aesthetic design is identical, I guess I'd need to have some pics of the separate components. It consists of 27 parts (including a separate door).

I've also continued working on these buggers. As you can see the tails have been modified a bit to be even nastier. The bodies have also been given some extra detailing, including tons of rivets. The details need to be tweaked here and there before they're considered ready.

I've been pondering a little bit about gaming in this setting. Not fully sure if I'd totally want to reinvent the wheel and come up with my own rules, or let players simply use their own game systems (modified versions of Necromunda or Mordheim - the whole Inq28 craze - come to mind here). Another option would be that it could be playable using Warspike, but since that's still very much a WIP, with nothing really set yet, it might be tricky. More musings on that here. However, I'm very much pro the idea of a narrative set up, maybe even with a GM in there. Well NPC's are probably a must since those mechanical creatures can't really be tamed, they are more like robotic wildlife!

This world being wrecked by some great disaster, the hive-like cities reduced to nothing more than sort of post-apocalyptic castles, I imagined the early 'factions' to be simply warbands who leave the castle, either to explore, conquer land, go on quests, etc. The player gets a budget to create the warband, which then expands further down the same (similar to Necromunda, GorkaMorka, etc). I just like the idea of players being able to go very crazy with this. From warbands consisting of just a single uber-powerful warrior (maybe with squires/servants around him/her) to more 'professional' units and so on. NPC's would play a rather big role in this thing as well, so often it isn't just warbands fighting against one another, but in many cases it's them working together to finish the campaign (how very D&D!) with the GM controlling the robotic wildlife, techno undead, surface dwelling villagers, off-world agents, etc.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I thought it might also be nice to give you guys an 'inside' look at the buildings:

As you can see, the insides are also detailed. All that needs to be done now is to add some detailing to the ceilings, and then the model is as good as done. Well, I'd need to check if the whole thing is water tight and all that, but that's something one has to do with every model anyways!

In the meantime I've started on something new...

It's still at its very early stages of infancy, just recycling some models I've had lying around. You might recognize the buzz wheel, the tentacles are new. Right now only the basic shape is done, all the details will need to be filled in now. So lots of rivets, tubings, spikes, etc. will need to be added to both the wheel itself as to the tentacles. The endings of the tentacles will also need something nastier, maybe large spikes or something.

Sadly enough, this is also where it's becoming rather problematic. The tentacles consist of lots of components, which - all put together - make SketchUp run REALLY (understatement) slow. It's like I'm operating the desktop computer I used to have when I was still living at my parents place over a decade ago. So I need to figure something out for this, or otherwise totally redo the tentacles. I have been tempted to just take the tail of the hounds/skyrays and just beef them up a bit. Need to ponder a bit about it, especially since I did put in some time to make the tentacles you see in the pic above...

To give you an idea what kind of creature this is going to be, it's basically a lone-wolf kinda unit, riding around the wastelands, hunting for humans. If it doesn't crush its prey with its wheel, the tentacles will take are of it. The creature also uses the tentacles to grab onto walls and such to climb on them or catapult itself across larger distances. I still need to have some sort of intimidating sounding name for this creature. At the moment the design has been saved under the name "Squidwheel 1.0". Hmm...Squidy?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/08/15 20:49:01

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

For the more perceptive ones, I've 'recycled' ('upcycled' might be a better word in this case) the tail design I've used on the Skyrays and Hounds. The main reason was that the previous version of the tentacles were just unworkable since my computer couldn't handle it.

However, it would have been a bit lazy if I simply used a magnified version of the tail and didn't modify it in some way. As you can see, I've been adding some rivets on the now-tentacles as well; this kinda detailing would be impossible on the tails since they're 50% smaller).

Also the spikes themselves at the end of the tentacle have been modified: longer and sharper, but also with some detailing. I'm still a bit curious is these would be printable since the printer might see it as too thin. I'll try to throw it in Shapeways as soon as possible just to see what their checking-system says (don't have the budget yet to do test-prints).

I just noticed a slight mistake on my part. The human model is a bit bigger than it's supposed to be - 33mm instead of 30mm. The reason why I picked 30mm instead of 28mm is twofold: (a) 28mm scale models tend to be 28mm from the bottom of a model's feet to its eyes; (b) there has been an upscale creep throughout the years, meaning "28mm scaled" models are often around 30mm or even 32mm tall. Just put your old Imperial Guard or Space Marine models next to the contemporary ones to see what I mean.

The 'Squidwheel' (still don't have a better name for it yet) is about 60mm tall and stands on a 40mm round base. One challenge point is that the buzz wheel isn't the most stable of objects to be put on a base like that. So the plan is to design a base-surface for this one, which will probably be the ruined remains of a surface dweller's home or something.

However, this is where I need your help. Since I don't have my old bits box anymore, what are the exact dimensions of a round base? So ok, 40mm diameter on the bottom. But the top diameter is slightly smaller, how much smaller? And how tall is a standard base? Up until now I've been using 5mm for that, but I've got a feeling it's a bit less. Help?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/16 08:48:08

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

6 foot underwater

I make it 4mm tall and 36mm across the top.

If the squid-saw is printed ithout base that leaves all sorts of room for peeps to do what they want with it...cut down some blade to base it, creat a custom base, have it floating, use the buzz-saw and tentacles in different models......

I'll definitely be grabbing some drones and a squiddy when they're up, and those robo-hounds too.

cyborks & flyboyz : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/300067.page
heretical ramblings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/302773.page
imperial preachings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/303365.page
Da Waaagh-ky Races : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/325045.page
Briancj: You have the Mek Taint, MT, and the only thing we can do is watch in horror/amazement.

Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

I make it 4mm tall and 36mm across the top.

Thanks a lot!

If the squid-saw is printed ithout base that leaves all sorts of room for peeps to do what they want with it...cut down some blade to base it, creat a custom base, have it floating, use the buzz-saw and tentacles in different models......

Note that this is going to be a multi-part thing. So the wheel, tentacles and base are all separate parts.

By the way, a little Dakka exclusive!

The more I'm looking at it, the more tempted I am to try to make some bases as well...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Ok, another update!

First of all, I've decided to put the fellow on a larger base (65mm). A 40mm round base was just a bit too small. Not only balance wise, but also since this machine just needs a bit more space around it.

Furthermore I've cleaned up the tentacles a bit for easier casting, but they also look better this way (at least in my humble opinion).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/16 15:30:09

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

I felt like doing these quick shots just to give you an idea of scale. Clicking on the pictures will take you to the Dakka gallery where you can zoom in a bit on them.

You might not notice it, but I've increased the size of the skyrays with about 50%. Whilst this does mean I'd have to revisit some of the details, the model's size does seem to make more sense to me now, especially when compared to the other models.

The hound looks a bit weird from this angle, too static almost. I need to look at some more wolf/hound models to see if those have a similar problem when taken from an angle like this.

Little by little the squidwheel (why am I thinking of giving it some cliched name like 'Dominator' or something?) is getting there. It'll still need more detailing, and I would like to also add some vents or something along those lines...

SketchUp's human scale model is a flat picture, and whilst it'll turn automatically when you turn the 'camera' around, it doesn't really do that when you're doing a top view with parallel projection. Thus the silly looking line on that 25mm round base...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/17 08:09:07

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Ok, felt like playing with the styles over at SketchUp, which allows me to make the stuff look more like artwork. Man, I need to learn Photoshop and Illustrator!

However, in the meantime I did a little bit of work on the Squidwheel:

Also, did you notice the base the human is standing on? I couldn't resist and made a bunch of 25mm and 40mm round bases!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/17 23:15:38

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

I've finished up the first batch of bases:

The top three ones are 65mm, the ten middle ones are 40mm and the bottom fourteen are 25mm. I could of course make many more variations with also more stuff sticking out and such, maybe even cavalry bases, 30mm and 50mm ones and even bigger stuff for titans, but doubt it would be that relevant. 25mm works for normal infantry, 40mm for larger models and 65mm for chunkier stuff.

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Man, all of your work is just beautiful!

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Thanks a lot!

I've noticed there were a few small mistakes in the bases. One was that the top part was a bit too small, which makes the base look rather different from the other stuff out there. Another one was the geometry of the models themselves. In SketchUp circles are basically polygons, the more angles the polygon has, the smoother the circle is. Circles in SketchUp normally consist of 24 angles, which becomes very visible especially when the circles are a bit bigger, as you can see on my ship (round Distortion Engine in the middle of the ship). I know the picture doesn't do it justice, but it doesn't look good. To fix that I make sure my circles consist of 48 angles, which works fine when you're doing rivets, gun barrels and other relatively small circles. But when making a 25mm and up sized round base the problem comes back. I could simply ignore this and fix it after printing. However, printing isn't cheap and I don't want to risk damaging the model just because I was too lazy to add more angled circles from the beginning. What this means is that I will have to redo the bases with more angled circles, maybe go for 192 or even 384 angles per circle, especially for the larger bases like the 40mm and 60mm ones.

On another note I've been pondering a bit about the setting itself. One of my favourite artists at the moment is Dan Morison (AKA Dark Mechanic). His work is very different from the conventional artwork you see out there. Nowadays it seems as if we're drowning in a sea of genuine scifi artwork which is all the same. He had an interesting blogpost about it, and I can't stop myself but fully agreeing with it. What originally attracted me to GW was the insane artwork, the vastness of it all and the insanely detailed look. In between both extremes you were nothing but some sort of insignificant worm, either too bland compared to all the details, or too tiny compared to the gigantic things running/flying/standing around you. The old artwork had battles which seemed titanic, like those old paintings of wars in the 17th century or something. The current artwork no longer has that feel, it's just like generic video game art, which whilst sometimes cool is often rather bland and boring. Don't get the wrong, the artists/illustrators know their tools, but don't actually create anything new or capture the right vibe.

But all this left me wondering about this project, am I not falling in the same cliches? Dark for the sakes of dark, main emphasis on war and fighting. Whilst I'm not advocating some sort of pacifist game or anything here, it does leave me thinking. What I'm doing here is mainly to create a world, a story, a setting. Whilst conflict is part of that, conflict isn't the main emphasis of this thing. However, in a tabletop game it would be rather dull to explore entire worlds if you only have on table to play on. I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I do really dig what I'm working on here. It's a world struck by some sort of disaster (not sure yet what kinda) and the survivors are trying to hide away in their bastions, the outside world is a rather scary place, but it offers hope to many (surface dwellers, treasure hunters, etc), despite all the creepy robotic monsters running/flying around. The challenge is to really give this thing its own character, rather than to fall into existing cliches. On the other hand, cliches tend to be cliches because they work...

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

...............'Fan-bloody-tastic'!..............i love your designs and the whole humans living in bunkers idea, this WOULD make a great table top game, reminds me of 'Screamers' the movie but better! are you going to build these designs?................ time to subscribe....sorry this is short but rushing off to work on the ideas you gave me in my blog! cheers


Panic! mind fart! where's the sub button!.......help

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/08/29 19:49:12

Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Oh man, Screamers, totally forgot about those! Kinda got traumatized by the sequel they did. Even though it had some cool concepts, the story and acting were just horrid, not to mention the some of the designs!

Plan is to 3d print these figures and get them cast. However, in the meantime I am becoming more and more tempted to make some digital artworks based on the designs. But lets see how that'll go!

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Regarding the subscribing, you can find the button on the bottom left of the page, underneath the thread itself.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/08/29 20:25:05

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Not sure yet what I wanna do with this. It's basically me trying to build a tower, but the scale is still a bit of a mystery. At first I imagined it to be a complete city, the model is about 15cm tall, so it would have been perfect for BFG scaled stuff. However, since it's standing on a planet's surface, it might not be that interesting for such games. I could keep the model the same and count it as an Epic scaled thing, which in itself could be interesting. Or keep it at the 28mm scale, and have it be some sort of broadcast tower.

Or maybe forget about the whole model and approach it as an artwork piece...

Options, options, options!

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

Very cool looking stuff Malika, wowza!

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Started working on something more infantry sized...

It's basically a more humanoid version of my hounds and other creatures. Drones put together by whatever pieces of scrap there are. I kind of imagine this to be a robotic zombie of a sorts.

Still very much a WIP, the basic shape is there, but now the detailing needs to be done...

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Why does it have two different feet?

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

It's basically a drone put together from all sorts of scraps.

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Started working on two other drones:

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

I continued working on the junkbots. Slowly adding more and more details to the figures, changing their poses a bit, etc.

The human model represent a 32mm tall miniature, just to give you an idea of scale. I am a little bit tempted to increase the size of the junkbot models by 10% or so, not sure yet...

Whilst the legs and arms are already quite detailed, the torsos still need a lot of work. I'm trying out to include some spinal elements in there, but I'd also love to have a bunch of them with their 'guts' (I guess tubes and such) hanging out, to still go for that robotic zombie feel.

The more I play with the models, I notice that the arms really should be interchangeable. I kinda need to figure out if that would then mean that the bodies/limbs would get a pin connector (kinda like the models you can easily put together from the 40k starter kit), or take the easy road and leave the connectors out (meaning you'd have to glue the model together).

Heads are going to be even tricker to get as separate pieces, would need to kinda rework the whole neck area (mainly for the fellow on the right), but that should be doable...

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Very early WIP...

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

6 foot underwater

Interchangeable arms is definitely the way to go, especially for junk bots. Pin and hole connections would be nice, but don't think they're a necessity. How's progress on the manta- and hound- drones?

cyborks & flyboyz : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/300067.page
heretical ramblings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/302773.page
imperial preachings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/303365.page
Da Waaagh-ky Races : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/325045.page
Briancj: You have the Mek Taint, MT, and the only thing we can do is watch in horror/amazement.

Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Hmm, I see I've really neglected this thread! I've done a lot of work on these creatures last year. A little update:

Manta creatures:
One thing that has really bothered me with these ones were the tails. First it was the size, then the shape. I just couldn't get it in a way that felt right to me. Also, since these creatures have some sort of jet propulsion like system, it's kinda odd to have a tail swinging between the exhausts. So, I removed them!

Here are the six them in their current incarnation:

Bikedrone: (working title)
Next up is another fast unit. One of the few things I liked from Terminator Salvation were the 'MotoTerminators'. Whilst I didn't find them that fitting for in the movie/setting itself, the idea of robotic motorcycles got me very intrigued. So I came up with these:

They still need a whole lot of work though. One thing that needs fixing is the way the wheels are connected, right now these things wouldn't even be able to turn...

The hounds:
I've been extensively updating the hounds, adding all sorts of details, fixing their tails, adding spinal columns and all sorts of other nastiness to them. They still need a lot of work though, like the legs for starters...

In the meantime I also started working on some weapons, kind of the result of my collaboration with Fox Box, I had to digitally sculpt some weapons for them (they basically designed the thing, I had to digitally sculpt their drawings). The result of that can be seen here.

However, it did motivate me to do some weapons of my own, namely energy weapons: A basic rifle and a heavy pistol (probably capable of only firing a few shots before it needs to be reloaded).

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Quickly made two pistols...

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
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