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Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie?
Yes - I cant believe nobody has done so already
Yes - it would probably be a good idea
Meh - I dont care or dont really have an opinion on the matter
No - I dont want to see space marine toys in happy meals
No - They would screw it up too badly
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Made in bn
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

Ultramarines movie. buy it so that you can make a bigger movie a possibility. that's what i'm doing

S'all fun and games until some no life troll master debates all over your space manz & ruins it for you  
Made in us
Xeno-Hating Inquisitorial Excruciator

Space hulk or gaunts ghosts would work, but its too vast of a universe to take in at a 2 hour movie

Long Live the Squats! 
Made in us
Whiteshield Conscript Trooper

Raleigh, NC

I have often had a fantasy of a GOOD 40K flick. I keep a video of the DoW intro on my hard drive. Always gets the hair on my neck up when the Dreadnought appears and the Sergeant yells before the charge.
Made in ie
Warp-Screaming Noise Marine


Yes,a longer,bigger and better animated Utalmarines movie.
Same team,Dan does the writing,and they stay true to the source.

Not a bad butchered version to appeal to "outside viewers".

Made in us
Eternally-Stimulated Slaanesh Dreadnought

New York, NY

Yes but--

Use the heresy as the basis for the plot, (do not just cherry pick a plot)

Allow leniency in the dense, pre-established, fluff in order to make a more accessible story

Focus on a fraction of the players and legions as opposed to giving each one face time.

let me write the screenplay

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/05/23 16:02:08

I have a love /hate relationship with anything green. 
Made in gb
Deadly Dark Eldar Warrior


The problem is that you need to stay close to the original fluff. It would take too long to explain a lot of it to mainstream audiences (and if it's a big budget movie, it will need those audiences to pay for itself) but if you modify it, you alienate the fans that you essentially made the movie for in the first place. Now, Ultramarines: The Movie, went for pleasing the fans, forget the mainstream but it was a sub-par movie for other reasons (stupid plot, clearly limited by budget). I would argue doing an Imperial Guard movie, simply because there's less complications to explain. With any other human faction, (Marines, Sisters, Inquisitors) you'd have to explain a lot of stuff about who they are, why do they do what they do in that way, etc. etc. etc, with Guard, it's far, far simpler. These guys are human soldiers. There, job done. Exploring/explaining the grim, dark future can now be done without having to clutter the film with explaining what the characters *are*. Now that I think of it, you could do a fairly good film which does explore 'why/who/what/how' for Space Marines, but following a Marine who struggles with himself with these questions and then falls to Chaos.
But, yeah, back to the Guard, you'd need minimal fluff explaining. They worship the Emperor, death penalties are given freely, and generals don't give a damn if a few more guardsmen die; that mindset is enough to get into the head of your average IG trooper (assuming he is your average 'as-portrayed-by-Abnett-in-Gaunt's-Ghosts' trooper, and not like a Krieg or actual Tanith trooper or something). That done, you can get on with whatever you like and you could even justify plonking a fleeting romance in there. Mass death, tanks, pick an enemy that's equally simple to explain away (Orks or second-choice Tyranids here, although traitor Guard wouldn't do too badly either).
What I'm saying is that one of the big fears is that in order to appeal to mainstream, that Hollywood would compromise the background and make it not 40k. One way is to ignore mainstream, but if you want to make a big budget movie, you need mainstream. 40k's galaxy is a pretty huge damn place. Pick the bit that needs the least background explained, and get on with it, maybe giving little references to the heavier fluff in passing.

WHFB Dark Elves 6k
Infinity Yu Jing - Too many Tohaa - Too little
40k The Retrograde Tigers c.700 points
Imperium Bella In Progress A good bunch Incoming Soon.TM  
Made in gb
Nimble Dark Rider

Burnley, England

Ultramarines was pretty good but they should make a 'real' one

Reason begets doubt; doubt begets heresy
Hellsing Crusader Tactical Marine: Brother Korvax 
Made in gb
Crazed Cultist of Khorne

surrey: UK

My problem would be they would do space marines. and they would use it as an excuse for a price hike.
One of my life dreams is to be part of a Gaunts ghosts screen adaptation though.

Orks is never beat in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die so it don't count as beat. If we runs for it we don't die neither, so we can always come back for anuvver go, see! 
Made in gb
Stubborn White Lion


I think it should be done but should also be monitored closely by GW something like the marvel movies....

Made in us
Elite Tyranid Warrior

Ashland Ky

I would like to see someone do a live action 40K movie, big budget, but still stick to the story. Maybe start off with the Horus heresy, follow the Black Library books, there is enough action and story to keep people excited, but also explain the background. I could only see this actually working if they treated the material the same way they treated the lord of the Rings movies. Stick to the story, dont go off on a tangent, and dont turn the movie into a big block buster hollywood piece of crap.

I think it could be done, but if they ever did make a movie, due to the lack of the IP being recognizable to the average moviegoer, the production company would prolly just find some idiot to direct it and churn out a giant piece of gak
Made in us
Battlewagon Driver with Charged Engine

Ye Olde North State

krusnikk wrote:My problem would be they would do space marines. and they would use it as an excuse for a price hike.

Gawd, I hear that. I don't want more gak about how great the smurfs are, and then gak from GW about "Oh, well, to pay for this movie thing, we, um, are gunna just raise the prices real quick, so uh, um, yeah. But don't worry, it'll be, um, temporary(Lier)...so... yeah..."

But if it were to happen, and they did a good job, they should do the Wars for Armegeddon. If they do a movie for each war, it gives most everybody some screen time, and it has a conflict between the 2 races that are the most easy to explain. Orks throw in some humor, along with random gaurdsman cracking some jokes, and silly little gretchin can be pathetic and stupid, and can fart a bunch or something to make the mainstream happier. But meanwhile, their can be some epic violence and large-scale stuff, with sweet charcacters like Yarik and Ghazzy, along with snikrot. And if you made orks have a different color blood or something, that would effectivly make it less gory, and put it down to a pg-13 rating, without REALLY making it any less gory.

Edit for spelling idiocy.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/07/31 23:04:24

grendel083 wrote:"Dis is Oddboy to BigBird, come in over."
"BigBird 'ere, go ahead, over."
"Copy 'dat, WAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!! DAKKADAKKA!!... over"
Made in us
Revving Ravenwing Biker

Sherman Oaks, CA

I'd love to see a 40k movie, but the logistics are just not in anyone's favor right now. The only way I could see someone doing this is with a sort of CGI style movie like Beowulf (meh) due to the disproportional nature of EVERYTHING in 40k.

Also, the amount of fluff is incomprehensible. They would need to focus on ONE main story and keep it simple. The problem with this is that they lose 95% of what makes any warhammer 40k story epic.

As a film writing student, I would be dumbfounded by the amount of options I had in writing a 40k script, let alone selling it, keeping it marketable and keeping the fanboys happy. It's just too much.

The onyl thing I could see being cool would be a Heresy story but that would be so complicated that it'd take multiple movies. It's good vs evil, betrayal, a God character resisting the betrayal, temptation, more betrayal etc. However, there is still no main character.

I hope to see it happen sometimes in my lifetime, but some things are just better left to the imagination.


The Reactor Core - Commission Painting Service: http://reactorcorepainting.com
Made in gb
Secret Inquisitorial Eldar Xenexecutor

Leeds, UK

I think a Space Hulk movie would be simple enough for non gamers to follow, yet linear enough for the fans to not get distracted by fluff or lack of.

You could "set the universe" by having a star wars-esque text roll at the start of the film explaining who's who and all that.

But yeah, I'm not necessarily surprised that no ones done it yet as (just to coin a phrase) being a geek is only starting to become cool now, so it hasn't filtered in to the mainstream yet, people dont know much about the hobby etc so theres been no drive to do anything for those outside of the hobby. I am surprised however, that no ones done anything better than Ultramarine yet. Or even a movie NOT involving the UM's.

A fantasy movie wouldn't be all that hard. Paint stripes on a pair of jeans, give a bloke a sword and pack him off to fight some dude painted green. Add budget and talent, winner.

Made in us
Battlewagon Driver with Charged Engine

Ye Olde North State

Eh... Space hulk would just look like a rip-off of alien.

grendel083 wrote:"Dis is Oddboy to BigBird, come in over."
"BigBird 'ere, go ahead, over."
"Copy 'dat, WAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!! DAKKADAKKA!!... over"
Made in gb
Slashing Veteran Sword Bretheren

I'm at your window

They should have made one by now.

Tali'Zorah: I appreciate what you're doing here, Shepard.
Commander Shepard: Well, I care deeply about the quarian people.
Tali'Zorah: It's good to be back on the Normandy.
Commander Shepard: Let me know if it's too quiet for you to sleep, and I'll find you someplace louder.
Tali'Zorah: Hmm.
Garrus Vakarian: Uh, I was there when you two had your thing, remember? Just get a room and work it out. 
Made in us
Noise Marine Terminator with Sonic Blaster

Lincolnton, N.C.

Yes I would like to see it. My only reservation is quality of said movie, but it would bring alot of people into the hobby, and also I'd love to get Space Marine toys in a Happy Meal....just saying.

My beloved 40K armies:
Children of Stirba
Order of Saint Pan Thera

Made in ca
Hardened Veteran Guardsman

Isn't Peter Jackson a gamer? That would be pretty cool if he could do it, although Lord of the Rings was a lot more focused than 40k, which made it a whole lot easier

GENERATION 10: The first time you see this, copy and paste it into your sig and add 1 to the number after generation. Consider it a social experiment.  
Made in cl
Fresh-Faced New User

Deammer wrote:
- And of course, they'll have to be pathetic jokes to make the audience laugh lamely : "Brother Astelan, are you scared ? " "Well no, for I dread naught !"

Rofl'd at that one!

Anyway, no big company would make a movie that has a small fan-base and considered "nerdy". Im sure many more people would prefer to see: College Gyrls (unrated) than WARHAMMER, space marines VS space elves, space orcs, pink demons, egyptian robots and blue manga deer!
Made in au
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine

In Firenze kicking Templar arse.

Well dey have got Ultramarines

A Wise Ork once said a profound word: WAAAAAAAGH! Then he got trampled in the incoming stampede!
Current Army: Orks (2000+)
Fido198674 wrote:You know, O great dreadlord......who was that first ork to yell WAAGGHH? According to you sig, his name would now be Squishy, or Smooshed, but I wonder.....
Made in us
Sybarite Swinging an Agonizer

I would imagine doing it over the Horus Heresy would be best. Make it a two-part movie if possible. I could see the first movie starting off with the siege on the Imperial Palace. Show the Emperor sitting on his throne with the Primarchs around him with Space Marines dying everywhere around him. Then flashback to when the Emperor began his hunt to find the Primarchs. First movie would end when Horus finally turns to Chaos. Second movie should end with an Inquistor showing up at some random planet and interviewing a mother and her son (this takes place some amount of years after the battle between Horus and the Emperor obviously). After an impressive display of psychic power, the son is taken by the Inquistor and the Inquisitor promises to return the mother's son once he has been trained to control his powers. It should then show a line of people being ushered into the Golden Throne.

Yeah, you know it would be awesome. But, Hollywood would probably botch it like they do everything else, pretty much. Anyone remember the Doom movie and how that movie had 100% nothing to do with the original Doom?

Playing chess doesn't require skill, it just requires you to be good at chess...

...that would be a skill 
Made in gb

Norwich, Norfolk


Another no, option not listed...

Reason? For those into the hobby, it'll never live up to expectations. Too many "oooh they got that wrong" and "that doesn't follow the fluff".

For those not in the hobby, I doubt they would actually care.
"Warhammer? What's that?"
"A game of toy soliders played by nerds, I used to do it when I was about 7"
"Sounds rubbish, anything good on?"

And so on


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/09/29 10:15:35

Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

I think they should make a 40k movie but not based on SM. They should do it on an Inquisitor or Rouge Trader type story line. I think there is just to much going on to base a move on a SM chapter. Even if you just focused on a squad or one character it would still be difficult to pull off.

Made in gb
Worthiest of Warlock Engineers


something like this would be amazing.
certanily better than the ultramarines movie.

Free from GW's tyranny and the hobby is looking better for it
Made in gb
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine

*bursts though room with axe* HEEEAAARRRS JHONNY!!!

I heard that THQ are doing the next film...

Just my two cents...

Night Lords (40k): 3500pts
Klan Zaw Klan: 4000pts

 Grey Templar wrote:

Orks don't hate, they just love. Love to fight everyone.

Whatever you use.. It's Cheesy, broken and OP  
Made in us
Crushing Black Templar Crusader Pilot


CGI Direct to Video Movie again or TV Movie for starters would be fine

Your honor is your life, let non dispute it!  
Made in us
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

Grand Prairie, Texas

No. A smaller budget would allow more freedom. Therefore a smaller company would allow more freedom.
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Nottinghamshire, UK

I don't know about a film, but I was thinking recently that Gaunt's Ghosts could be made into aTV series.

Driven away from WH40K by rules bloat and the expense of keeping up, now interested in smaller model count games and anything with nifty mechanics. 
Made in us
Irked Blood Angel Scout with Combat Knife

Pittsburg, Kansas

Yes! they need to make a big budget movie, not like ultramarines which was ok but when you think of 40k you think of massive battles.

They should do a movie over the horus heresy! make it so epic and not fully cgi, only where it is required(obviously many things would have to be cgi but just don't make it 100% is all im saying)

If only....

Let the heretic know our hate

Let them hear it from our Bolters

Let them feel it from our blades

The Emperors name at our lips

The Primarchs words in our hearts

Astartes to War!

Made in gb
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine

*bursts though room with axe* HEEEAAARRRS JHONNY!!!

DornFist wrote:Yes! they need to make a big budget movie, not like ultramarines which was ok but when you think of 40k you think of massive battles.

They should do a movie over the horus heresy! make it so epic and not fully cgi, only where it is required(obviously many things would have to be cgi but just don't make it 100% is all im saying)

If only....

Would love to see a 40K flick NOT in cgi, imagine Abbadon vs a hive tyrant in REAL and in 3-D...

Night Lords (40k): 3500pts
Klan Zaw Klan: 4000pts

 Grey Templar wrote:

Orks don't hate, they just love. Love to fight everyone.

Whatever you use.. It's Cheesy, broken and OP  
Made in us
Irked Blood Angel Scout with Combat Knife

Pittsburg, Kansas

Varrick wrote: No. A smaller budget would allow more freedom. Therefore a smaller company would allow more freedom.

Well that was what they did with the Ultramarines movie, I applaud them because it was a good start...but I think they could do better.

Let the heretic know our hate

Let them hear it from our Bolters

Let them feel it from our blades

The Emperors name at our lips

The Primarchs words in our hearts

Astartes to War!

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