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Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie?
Yes - I cant believe nobody has done so already
Yes - it would probably be a good idea
Meh - I dont care or dont really have an opinion on the matter
No - I dont want to see space marine toys in happy meals
No - They would screw it up too badly
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Made in gb
Horrific Hive Tyrant

London (work) / Pompey (live, from time to time)

Those donkey-caves would have to put in an effin' love scene like they do EVERY

Either it will end up like brokeback mountain, or some seriously fethed up film since all marines have had the chop

Suffused with the dying memories of Sanguinus, the warriors of the Death Company seek only one thing: death in battle fighting against the enemies of the Emperor.  
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

I see no reason WARHAMMER! FORTY! KAY! THE! MOVIE! has to be a $100 million epic. An imaginative writer and director could tell the story of an Inquisitor hunting a heretic or an guardsman in the trenches for a fraction of the cost.

So I'd like to see a small, well-done 40k film with a brain before I see Titans and Gargants smashing a city.

Though I'd like to see the latter some time too.

Made in it
Snotty Snotling

hidden behind the throne

I agree with kid-kyoto entirely,it hasn't to be "doom" with space marines or "transformers" with killa kanz.It could be more like "blade runner" or the aforementioned "alien".Or even better: Starship troopers,the training of an imperial guard in Cadia,with the imminent threat of Tyranids.Think of the possibilities!

Also,think of the sequel: Imperial guard 2-The War of Armageddon!

waz made ta fight'n win!  
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

Overall, the warhammer 40,000 universe lacks a few things that make good films.

1- Sympathetic protagonists. The universe is designed so that every faction are different kinds of bad guys.

I think we've already established that aliens aren't the way to go. They will either act too much like humans (so, bad science fiction) or they'll be too inhuman for audience members to relate to.

So, what humans in the 40k universe can we relate to?

There are inquisitors. But do we really think that witch hunters are good guys? How about the Ordo Malleus Inquisitors? Yeah, after they save a planet, they nuke the whole thing and start all over because the populace was "exposed to daemonic activities." Besides, the inquisition is based on a part of our history that we aren't exactly proud of (might as well have nazi heroes).

So maybe Space Marines? Well, no, not them either. An audience can't really relate to a hulking stoic marine as a marine, and there really aren't any marine rebels. Besides, they're fighting to uphold a totalitarian regime that's a pretty big barrier to an audience's sympathy (I actually can't remember a single science fiction film in which the hero is fighting for a distopia simply because the alternative is crazy mutant zombie apocalypse). Especially since that protagonist wants nothing but honor and has no attachments in his life beyond battle.

Maybe Imperial Guardsmen? Maybe this could work. The big problem is that we expect epic storylines from our science fiction films nowadays, and any given imperial guardsman isn't empowered enough to really affect the outcome of events. And, of course, you still have a protagonist who is fighting to uphold the distopia.

Sympathetic war-hero films always have heroes who are pretty tied to the things they love and left behind- the things they are fighting to protect. We could do this with an imperial guardsman, but it wouldn't be true to the setting where his world ends in oppression on all sides. Especially since the good oppressor is the one that is pretending to be a god. (If you're so omnipotent, then stand up, Emperor).

Here's your best bet. A Rogue Trader. Make your heroes be the people who live on the edge of the law, who don't uphold the regime, but aren't corrupted by chaos. They could end up with conflict on all sides of them, but that way the story would work.

Of course, you'd have a lot of people complain that the heroes of your film aren't any of the icons of 40k, so this idea isn't likely to work out either.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/09/12 03:02:40

Made in us
Sinewy Scourge

Salt Lake City, Utah

I think it would take a 40k movie to teach most of you that Space Marines ARE incredibly goofy lookin'.

I can't even stand reading SM books because of the images of exaggeratedly proportioned soldiers in bloated, awkward looking armor always effortlessly beating the unholy crap out of everything they fight. SMs just don't jive with respectable representations of a dark, war-torn future... IMO.

Imperial Guard books on the other hand, are much better at depicting the despair and hardships of the 40k universe.

I think the best subject matter for a movie would have to be Imperial Guard, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar (if they tone down some of the helmets), Demons, and Necrons. (I'd have to see the new DE sculpts before deciding on them.)

You can't spell 'slaughter' without 'laughter'.
By the time they scream... It's too late.
Check my P&M blarg! - Ke'lshan Tau Fire Caste Contingent: Astartes Hunters
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

People keep thinking that there is an army of protagonists out there. In a big budget film, you are almost definitely going to have one leading man and a small number of supporting roles.

The White Dwarf people had it right when they made the Movie Marines force max out a ten men.

Come up with a way for a few characters to end up together fighting for their Mcguffin, and everything can work out. But a game of 40k will always make for poor fiction.

I'm not sure I've heard this one yet, but the biggest reason why there is no 40k film is because the fan base is too rabid to go see a film that does it half-way, and too small to support a true-to-the-source adaptation. If a 40k film were to be made, they'd have to do something with the oppression of the setting, and the religious overtones and the portrayal of the heroes as just as bad or worse than everyone else.

Especially since they'd want to make a blockbuster film. It needs to have mass appeal, and the setting doesn't have that without some alteration. And the alteration it needs would alienate the fanbase that the franchise already has. So you might as well make your own property.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/09/12 03:12:02

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The average feeling in the 40k community is "OF COURSE!!111" Unfortunately, most people could care less about it so it probably wouldn't make any money. That's why we'll never see it.

Made in us
Sinister Chaos Marine


If done properly, it would be amazing...

if not, ah well...

With what they've done in cutscenes in the games though, I'd say they can pull it off well if done right.


I was a kid now AND a squid now before it was cool. 
Made in us
Fanatic with Madcap Mushrooms

Chino Hills, CA

If it's CGI, maybe.

But if they even think about live action, I will personally punch each and every person who had anything to do with that film, because 9 times out of 10, it will suck.

Some people play to win, some people play for fun. Me? I play to kill toy soldiers.

WHFB, AoS, 40k, WM/H, Starship Troopers Miniatures, FoW

Made in us
Devastating Dark Reaper


They should only do it if the movie contents relate specifically to actually 40k fluff.
It would also be much appreciated if the movie isn't focused COMPLETELY around SPACE MARINES, who get waaaaaay too much attention as is!!!

Made in hk
Dakka Veteran


I'd be happy as long as they stuck to the fluff. They could cover one of the more epic battles and keep showing back and forth between the two races. Giving glimpse of their opposing ideals and such...and yeah as mentioned it'd probably be given a R rating or something >_>
Made in us
Sister Vastly Superior


I think it could work for the reasons some here say it couldn't work-

No good guys: Because today in Hollywood moral ambiguity is the watchword, it seems many writers and directors now like having morally ambigous/ antiheroes because it makes everything 'more complex' and like 'real life'.

Gore- Like in 300 this would be the selling point- more blood and organs than ever before.... because it makes a statement or something and blah, blah, blah (when in reality we just want to see viscera)

God Emprah- And the makers of this movie get to take a shot at religion to boot! They can make it more oppressive! (I don't know how but don't doubt the pausibility).

While not endorsing any of that as right what I'm stating is simply what I see as the state of film making today.

"...I hit him so hard he saw the curvature of the Earth."
Made in us
Imperial Recruit in Training


Honestly I see more "Appeal" in some of the Cain books. It could be easier to make as a real movie and has all the elements needed, Aliens, Guns, sex violence and intrigue. All of that come without ever needing to address the question "Can space Marines? Er you know.. Well?"

Made in us
Nimble Pistolier

Albatross wrote:It WOULD be great and who cares if not enough people have heard of the setting? I'd never heard of Avatar: The Last Airbender either but they've made a film of that. They make films from scripts that no-one has ever seen before for high-budget sci-fi films! (Pitch-Black, Chronicles of Riddick et al.) The Fact that 40k already has a relatively large fanbase would be something to recommend it to large studio. The technology is blatantly there to make a film - but it should focus on the Horus Heresy. It's the most obviously epic storyline, and has all the ingredients for a great film.

yes. yes. yes. yes. id like to see the Imperial Army (thats what it was called before the Heresy) in it a little bit and some sweet space battles.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Lt Scary Badger wrote:
Even if they do get a full CGI movie out, the massive amounts of blood and gore that any self respecting 40k movie should have would probably piss off a lot of parental groups, even though the movie would be rated at least R. Same with the whole GOD EMPRAH thing, that's probably going to confuse a lot of people.

parent groups are ruining this country. so are people who take every chance to have their "faith" offended. suck it up i say.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Grot Boss wrote:Or even better: Starship troopers,the training of an imperial guard in Cadia

NONONONONONONONONO! cadians are the elite of IG. GW ruined them by making them the Ultramarines of the IG. IG with some character or flavor like catachans...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/09/12 16:03:03

501 Agathonian Grenadiers
Blood Angels strike force

Glory for the first man to die!

the caption says " when there is something scary at the front, put something even scarier at the back." 
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Surrey - UK

Oh I just had a nightmare.... starship troop* cough * marines.

We dont get you sir...

-STOLEN ! - Astral Claws - Custodes - Revenant Shroud

Made in us
Nimble Pistolier

odinsgrandson wrote:
Sympathetic war-hero films always have heroes who are pretty tied to the things they love and left behind- the things they are fighting to protect. We could do this with an imperial guardsman, but it wouldn't be true to the setting where his world ends in oppression on all sides. Especially since the good oppressor is the one that is pretending to be a god. (If you're so omnipotent, then stand up, Emperor).

the emperor never claimed to be a god. he was simply the greatest human who ever lived and led mankind out of he darkness. he was deified by the corrupt (IMO) ecclesiarchy. he knew about other gods too.

501 Agathonian Grenadiers
Blood Angels strike force

Glory for the first man to die!

the caption says " when there is something scary at the front, put something even scarier at the back." 
Made in us
Drafted Man-at-Arms

Washington DC

well, remember when dnd became a movie....

Made in gb
Guarding Guardian

Cydonia, Mars

I would like to see one, they would just get it wrong. It would be full of movie marines killing countless orks with their bare hands of something.

Also the marines would have to win...

Mercury Lampe. 
Made in us
Enigmatic Sorcerer of Chaos

Buena Park, CA

Ive seen many people say Space Hulk would make a great movie but i totally disagree... All I can think of when I hear that is Alian v Predator.... It would seem like a major rip off imo
Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

The Midlands

I would like to see a sequel like Lord of the Rings, each one focussing on different armies, so:

Film 1: Necrons rising, Imperial and Tau banding together, say, Inquisition coming in incase it was a Daemonic incursion. With flashbacks about the Necrontyr.

Film 2: Following Chaos 'recruitments', and a big battle at the end.

Film 3: Like DoW Dark Crusade, lots of different armies fighting for a planet.

I think films like these would be easy to follow and fun to watch.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Santa Rosa, CA.

Bright Lights Studios made a short, low budget film;Inquisitor. It is sorta lame but I don't care,it's in the 40K Universe.
I would go to the Movie "opening day" and buy the DVD.

"When you beat a Sisters of Battle army, All you have done is, Beat a bunch of Girls"
Made in za
Squishy Squighound

South Africa

It could be awesome, as long as it's not directed by Uwe Boll or Michael Bay.

The guys who did 300 could do a good 40k movie. A space marine is really just a huge guy in a suit. You can always composite the video so that "normal" humans are smaller. Xenos would have to be done in CG though.

I'd like to see one epic battle that lasts the whole movie.

It would be very expensive though.

Maybe one day i'll get round to adding a signature, but probably not. 
Made in us
Nimble Pistolier

PieceMaker wrote:
I'd like to see one epic battle that lasts the whole movie.

It would be very expensive though.

i totally disagree. a 40k movie that is all just 1 super-violent battle would be lame. a good plot is a necessity.

501 Agathonian Grenadiers
Blood Angels strike force

Glory for the first man to die!

the caption says " when there is something scary at the front, put something even scarier at the back." 
Made in us
Pyro Pilot of a Triach Stalker

LaPorte, IN

I would like to see a good anime company produce a solid 12-30 episode mini series. Something with a self contained story arc that is able to touch base on many aspects of the 40k universe. A movie would be forced to focus on a small niche that would leave to many hobbists with some level of dissapointment.
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User


Made in au
Elusive Dryad

Slightly left of the middle of nowhere

They'd screw it up, 40k doesn't appeal to a wide enough audience. There'd be no love interest, no real plot just two and a half hours of space marines shooting somebody for no reason other than conquest. it would fail epically.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Or in my case, First they look at you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you lose. A short history of the Awesomarines  
Made in us
Serious Squig Herder

Judging by how badly they screwed up (what should have been) easily made shoot em up blockbuster movies like G.I. Joe, I would prefer no 40k movie.
Made in gb
Sneaky Sniper Drone

If they ever did they should make it 300-style. You know, still some actors but a s***load of CGI.



founding chapter named the Roaring Eagles.
Made in us
Spawn of Chaos


I got the story for us and the story them (the movie company and the other people out there).

First it would be a human hive city. The lead character is in a gang (ah.... because he has a sick sister or mother, ok that'll work cause they - the other people that will go to see it will care, they could even cry a little ) then one day or night (cause in a hive they never know if its night or day) he is picked up doing a gang crime. while being held for punishment, the hive is attacked by a chaos war band. The character is thrown into a penal legion and forced to defend the city. he's never been outside his hive (so the other people watching would learn about the hive city as the characters talking to the other penal members....see it'll work I tell you).

ok, now that is chaos it can be human attackers but all chaos out with like chaos symbols and stuff, so they'll look scary and stuff.

you with me so far.... ok now one of the members (maybe the sgt, he's there cause he punched an office.....that'll work that's never been done before), talks about the god emperor (see and the people that don't know that stuff will learn right along) and the never before seen space marines (see, another learn along with the characters).

ok, lots and lots of fighting. we could even throw in the love store cause there is a squad of penal legion of women.

ok, after 1 hour and 58 minutes the character and now the beloved squad of "reformed" penal members are getting their butts handed to them. the sniper of the squad (cause there always has it be a sniper and also it would be weird to have a pirate) see these large armored hulks coming at them....(chaos space marines.....with the chaos symbols and stuff......really really very scary). just when you think they are going to get over run and die.....out from the sky drop a squad of assault space marines (they should be ......blood angels.....cause they don't get enough face time).

well they kick the chaos marines butts and then turn to the characters and tell them they are here to save them.

the credits roll, people get mad...... saying stuff like "thats it" " it ended like that?" then we tell them no the second movie will be out in one year and that this was just part one of a three part series. (so itll be just like every like i saw lord of the rings)

the second movie would be a mix of imperial guard and marines.

lots more fighting. 2 hours and 22 minutes (we can make this one longer cause people will like that). the main character is told, now his wife, that she is going to have a baby (more crying for them).

2 hours and 37 minutes into the movie - the space marines have taken heavy losses and are looking for new recruits. the main character is taken cause he is young enough (ya, they had to screw up some where.....) and they take him away.

they main character is being loaded onto the space marine space ship and over hears one of the space marines talking about a metal skeleton army attacking another hive....... the credits roll

the people get mad again saying the same thing they said at the first movie and again cause we're great people we again tell them that they next movie will be out in 1 year. ( so again it be just like every time i saw the second lord of the rings)

the third movie ---- ok i havn't gotten that far yet but that's ok i'll have it finished by the time hollywood calls for me to do the first one.

Made in au
Sinewy Scourge

If they make one, they HAVE to make it stop motion, and use the actual 40k models.

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