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Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

Edited this post to hold the new pics then added my snipers below in the topic.

I'm working on a Nurgley traitorguard army and have experimented with some Sentinel paint schemes to start it out. Why a sentinel and not a trooper? I dunno.

Tell me what you think and please comment/criticize. Thanks! I'm a lurker usually but decided to get my camera working for once.










Thanks for checking it out and tell me what I need to do to improve.

wow! imperfections really show in the photos... hah!

I made it magnetic just for fun. that way the sentinel top rotates and I can swap weapons or whatever. Please let me know what ya think.

This message was edited 10 times. Last update was at 2008/04/30 01:19:54

Made in us

North Carolina

I love the idea, and the execution is Awesome

Well painted with some nice simple and effective conversion work.

Oh and Welcome to Dakka

more please!

Call For Fire

Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

I'm using a mix or Vallejo Model color and GW foundation paints for just about everything. It seems very difficult to paint Nurgle and make it look rusted and rotten or slimey but not have it look too sloppy. I'm having a hard time trying to reach a happy medium with the rotteness of nurgle and not the "sloppiness" of nurgle..... sigh...

Thanks for the reply. Anything that you see that needs vast improvement? I can't seem to get satisfied with the model so i just finally made my self stop and say: It's finished! even though I feel something is wrong or missing.

Made in us

North Carolina

Honestly the only thing I can think of is that it's possibly just missing something bright to center your eye.

As to the approach, I think that's what more people should try and do. There aren't enough people willing to take the time and detail the models without getting completely stupid with the messy look. A lot of people think "Oh! Nurgle! I'll just slop the paint on!! That's how they're supposed to look, right?!" When that's completely missing the mark. You've found a very good middle ground that you can be proud of.

You might check out this army for another take on this style as well.

Call For Fire

Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

The pics don't show it well, but the piping on the pilot and the cotrol sticks are purple. A deep purple with a highlight of the new hormagaunt purple with sepia ink shading. The pilots eye lenses are the same purple also, along with some little power cables on the sentinel exterior. I went with purple because I like the way it looks with green and I only used it a little because if I over do it, then it will look like a Mardi gras sentinel I think this brightened flash pic shows the purple better


Of course that bright flash makes the model look horrible as a whole. It doesn't look so darn splotchy to the naked eye and i have 20/15 vision.... so bleh i hate the way that looks in that pic.

I tried to stay away from the red contrast and stuck to purple just a personal preference I guess.

Do you think the purple is enough to draw the eye a little?

Keep ideas and comments coming!!!!

Made in us

Chicago, IL

I really like the woody grain in the green panels. Not sure why GW associates Nurgle with wooden features, but you've pulled off the effect nicely.

The base effect is excellent. Did you cut out a hole in the base & then rebuild the bottom to create the pool? Looks like the pool is a perfect circle rather than a random & natural shape, but that could just be the camera angle.

Terrain, Modeling and More... Chicago Terrain Factory
Made in us
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos


Sweet looking model. (Well, sorta. In a slimey way.) Very dark and atmospheric.
Looking forward to seeing more of the army.

Made in de
Rampaging Carnifex


I like how you used the defiler part as top. Very good idea. the paint job is really good, too.

I know when it is closing time. - Rascal Mod

"Some people measure common sense with a ruler others with a potato."- Making Money Terry Pratchett
"what's with all the hate go paint something you lazy bastards" - NAVARRO
"You don't need pants for the victory dance." -BAWTRM
Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

wow, that's great stuff. I really like the slimey metal parts.

keep it up.
Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

Thanks all. Any other areas that need vast improvement or changes? I'm working on 5 more right now to make two squads of 3. Then I will do a few troops choices ... then maybe a tank. I'm going to try to alternate troops and vehicles to prevent burnout.

Made in us

North Carolina

nemissary wrote:The pics don't show it well, but the piping on the pilot and the cotrol sticks are purple. A deep purple with a highlight of the new hormagaunt purple with sepia ink shading. The pilots eye lenses are the same purple also, along with some little power cables on the sentinel exterior. I went with purple because I like the way it looks with green and I only used it a little because if I over do it, then it will look like a Mardi gras sentinel I think this brightened flash pic shows the purple better


Of course that bright flash makes the model look horrible as a whole. It doesn't look so darn splotchy to the naked eye and i have 20/15 vision.... so bleh i hate the way that looks in that pic.

I tried to stay away from the red contrast and stuck to purple just a personal preference I guess.

Do you think the purple is enough to draw the eye a little?

I actually think the purple looks great. Maybe another highlight could make it stand out even more for you. But that's really up to how much you want it to "pop" (god I'm starting to hate that word...). As it stands now though, I really dig it.

As for the photo, I actually like how the photo turned out with the flash on that detail shot. It really gives me a sense of how you went about painting the model, and gives me more of a chance to steal the technique for later use ^_-.

Call For Fire

Made in us
Flashy Flashgitz

Anchorage, Alaska

Well, to be honest I was terribly impressed with your paint job and all of the attention to detail. In part I agree that there should be a push-pull light-dark color effect, but it is seriously not a big deal. Your paint work is pure ninjitsu as it is. Though the conversion work on the walker needs some serious lovin. Being as that as hobbists we have seen the chaos muzzles for something like 8 years and the chaos shield for qhite a while it is not much. The suggestion would be to push that aspect furthar. Make the model work match the base. Of course if I saw a guy put down an army of models painted and converted to these levels in person I would be so blown away with the paint job any lack of converting wuld be just nit-picking and not worthwhile. Once again, yer a frickin ninja!

Jesus Ate My Toothpaste!
Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

The puddle was cut out of the base and then was rebuilt with greenstuff that I had mixed up and was left over. The hole in this one is mostly round, but not a perfect circle. I cut out some bases and not others on the Sentinels because I want it to be a little random. Most of them I just glued card from blisterpacks underneath and then smoothed the transition with green stuff. I didn't make any effort to make any of the puddles a special shape or not.

The conversions are just thrown together. I basically just grabbed stuff and stuck it together without a huge plan. I know the dragon heads on the weapons are pretty stale, but I DO like them anyway. The chaos shields are added to the weapons as an afterthought. Each and every sentinel is unique. I have bashed them all together with random parts and none are the same at all, not even the pilots. I think that I love to convert the minis but I did not get super technical or courageous with them on these. I did magnetize them all though

As far as the color contrats... I just can't seem to pull off a good "pop" effect that I am satisfied with so I settled for the small bits of purple. I kinda like the dark grimey model look that I am getting, even though it doesn't have that contrasting "pop" that make some things really stand out. I guess I like the more "realistic" (I know that is a bad choice of words) gritty feel. I also know that I will never win any goldem demons hehehe.... but oh well.

I will post pics maybe the middle of next week when I have the other 5 to a better level, comparable to this one.

thanks everyone for your comments.

Made in us

North Carolina

I personally love the model the way it is ^_^. But you mentioned not being satisfied with em. it's all about how YOU see your model. If you like it, and you're happy with where you've gone, then that's all that matters!

Call For Fire

Made in ca
Morally-Flexible Malleus Hearing Whispers

Well I kind of moved near Toronto, actually.


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ur hax are nubz 
Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

I added the pics of all 6 sentinels above. I also have a few pics of my preliminary rotling snipers. Basically undead/diseased children that snipe form the gutters and work for Granpa Nurgle!!! they have big heads like real lil kiddies look like and all that I used Gnoblar bodies and zombie/skellie heads. the pics are weak but you get the idea and I still need to do alot of conversion. I'm trying to make the lasguns look all snipey too... just have to figure out how.

Comments and criticisms please!!

thanks !!

Made in us
Flashy Flashgitz

Anchorage, Alaska

genius, dude! Sheer genius! As far as making them look snipey, the barrels off of Kroot rifles are nice snipey barrels. Or you could get some small polystyrene tube, one size slightly smaller than the other and make barrels with a long thin piese and then a slightly larger piece on the end. Of course stick some sights on it and you are done.

Jesus Ate My Toothpaste!
Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


WOW!! I love the sentinals & the snipers are a breath of fresh air. I hated the old metal models. It makes me want to rethink how I want to build the Guard thats collecting dust in my basement. THANKS ALOT FOR MAKING ME WANT TO TRADE OFF WHAT I'VE ALREADY COLLECTED!!

"Before I have to hit him I hope he has the sense to run" Jerry Garcia
"Blood is Freedom's Stain" Bruce Dickinson/Steve Harris  
Made in us

North Carolina

The snipers are seriously creepy as hell. Awesome job ^_-.

The violet on the sentinels is much more prevalent now that you've shown us more of them ^_^. Looks really great man. This army is really comin along. Can't wait to see a squad of guardsmen ^_^.

Call For Fire

Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

those little ones are great. I'll have to steal that idea.

the shileds on the lascannonms are also a very nice tocuh.
Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

Thanks for the replies. I have been reading through the IG codex and just realized that I could have up to 12 sentinels in an army (3 fast attack and one attched to HQ) That is insane and tempting at the same time. I really must work on some footslogger troops first though.

I think my favorite pic of the sentinels is this one. Do you guys think it's ok to have some of the bases without water effects and some other items instead? I don't want all the bases to looks like clones.

For my little rotlings, I think I'm going to use brass rod to extend sniper barrels from the sawn off lasguns. I also think I'm going to reposition some of the arms to make at least a few of them look like they are actually trying to aim or shoot. hehe I should have some more pics of the conversion work on them by Monday.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2007/11/21 20:56:37

Made in us

North Carolina

In reference to the bases, I think you'll be fine if you don't put water effects on every one. As long as the flock colors are generally the same you'll be able to keep them looking uniform while still having a chance to break up the monotony some.

Call For Fire

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

WOW! Those kids are seriously freaky!

And the sentinels are beautiful - if such a thing can be said about anything to do with Nurgle.

"You know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water." 
Made in gb
Deadshot Weapon Moderati


Awesome. I love the grime.
Made in au
.. .-.. .-.. ..- -- .. -. .- - ..

Toowoomba, Australia

I think you need to worry a little less about the paint scheme, its generating almost universal approval.

Love the conversions you've done making each unique but keeping them recognisably sentinals and from the same units.

Also love the snipers. Fantastic idea.

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Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

Here are my Rotling Snipers. I added little toys and wind-up toys etc. on some of their bases to reiterate the "zombie children" idea. I also think Granpa Nurgle would want his kiddies to have fun

I still need to do highlighting etc. and some details. they are about 80% done atm. Give me some feedback if you see anything I should do or add, before it's too late heheh.

she had a nice purple bow in her hair and a dress.

This is Cecil. he is a little bully and the leader of the playground.

She has a wind-up Teddy bear to walk with her.

Links to the others.... they all want your brains... if they don't snipe them from your skull first.






well... that the first sniper squad. When I finish them up, I'll be working on a command Platoon I guess. Time to get to work on normal troopers. Feel free to drop ideas right here!

Made in us

North Carolina

Still creepy as hell man...which equals awesome. My only critique right now would be to try and incorporate some of the violet into these guys to help tie them in more.

Call For Fire

Made in us
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

Between Time and Space

grey_death: I'm making the glass in the scopes the same purplish color, so hopefully that will fit them in a little better. I may go ahead and paint some little patchwork cloth on the clothing in the purple also. Kinda like their lil mommies mended their clothing before Nurgle wiped out the city. I guess they would then look like little vagabond kids.

I thought of making the eyes a glowing purple... but I'm not sure just yet.

Made in us

North Carolina

Haha, I like the cloth idea. Scopes will help out too. Though I'm kind of 'fond' (such a relative term x.x....) of the dead zombie eyes...

Call For Fire

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

You the man Nemi, love the project so far. Rotlings and sentinels are the best of their kind, you ask me. Keep up the rotten work

- Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
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