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Made in us
Crafty Bray Shaman

NCRP - Humboldt County

Mine are:

The Fifth Element
Macross Zero
The Matrix
The Empire Strikes Back

Jean-luke Pee-card, of thee YOU ES ES Enter-prize

Make it so!

Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

If I could pick only 5, they would be (in no particular order):

#1 City of Lost Children (most underrated movie of all time)
#2 Seven Samurai
#3 Casablanca (yes, cliche, but this really is a damn good movie and is timeless)
#4 Requiem for a Dream (This is a movie I love to hate, its soo damned good, but bad for me to watch. The issues hit closer to home than I would like to admit. Its like looking into the mirror for the first time and seeing that you are quite ugly.)
#5 Harold and Maude (Its got Cat Stevens doing the entire soundtrack for this awesome movie. Whats not to like?)

Made in us
Sentient OverBear

Clearwater, FL

There are some TERRIFIC movies in this list.  Damn.  Kudos to Hellfury for mentioning City of the Lost Children.

My top five (with all the standard caveats) are, in no particular order:

- Conan the Barbarian.  The lack of dialogue really helps this movie, and the magic is almost believable.
- The Thing (1982 version) - What a horror film should be. 
- Gosford Park - Verily, hilarity doth ensue if you pay close attention
- The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai - Across the Eighth Dimension - Sometimes I drive like John Worfen. (No matter where you go, there you are)
- The Empire Strikes Back - I was seven or eight when I saw this in the theater.  This has no chance of not being in any top movie list I make.


Trust me, no matter what damage they have the potential to do, single-shot weapons always flatter to deceive in 40k.                                                                                                       Rule #1

Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

Today I'll add Dark City and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Tomorrow: Who knows?

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

Posted By Iorek on 09/26/2007 3:55 PM
 Kudos to Hellfury for mentioning City of the Lost Children.
I have to admit, I was quite heavily inebriated on hallucinogens and was peaking quite hard while watching this, so I will always see this movie from eyes that shouldnt have any right to see. The lesson here: Dont do drugs!

Krank: "Tell me more of the mushrooms that turn into igloos..." WTF!?!

The oompaloompas? The really twisted city? The Cyclops? The Octopus? The fleas? The Tears of Miette? (now thats a causal chain of events that is genious!)

This movie is profound even completely stone cold sober. This is why "Amelie" is such a great movie as well. the director can make a love story be that intriguing to people who hate mush...now thats talent.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Movies I recently saw -

3 men and a baby - ah, good memories. I had forgotten about the drug plot too.

A few good men - Stellar cast (Remember, Demi Moore doesn't say too much), awesomely quotable lines, and some super-cheesey bits too (Officer on deck!!)
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Sheffield, UK


Spain in Flames: Flames of War (Spanish Civil War 1936-39) Flames of War: Czechs and Slovaks (WWI & WWII) Sheffield & Rotherham Wargames Club

"I'm cancelling you, I'm cancelling you out of shame like my subscription to White Dwarf." - Mark Corrigan: Peep Show
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Sheffield, UK

Posted By Jester on 09/18/2007 5:37 PM
I admit to staying up all night when I saw something on the roof of my neighbors house after watching Signs.
I've never seen Signs is this a fair reveiw? http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=signs

No love for 'This Island Earth'?

In no order (possibly not even my top 5)

1 Bedazzled
2 Empire Strikes Back
3 Singles
4 Das Boot
5 The Producers (origional)

Spain in Flames: Flames of War (Spanish Civil War 1936-39) Flames of War: Czechs and Slovaks (WWI & WWII) Sheffield & Rotherham Wargames Club

"I'm cancelling you, I'm cancelling you out of shame like my subscription to White Dwarf." - Mark Corrigan: Peep Show
Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

Slow motion softcore sounds spot-on. But some of us don't
really want a money shot, so I enjoyed the movie.

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Top 5:

Forrest Gump
Empire Strikes Back
Big Lebowski
Band of Brothers (not technically a movie)
Tied for Fifth Place: 2001, Dr. Strangelove, Full Metal Jacket, La Dolce Vita, American Psycho and too many others to list.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Orlando, Florida

I am a bit of a geek and the does inform the movies that usually make it into my top 5. I am a huge movie goer so this list consistently changes, but here you go!

1. Batman (1989): This movie will always hold a special place in my heart. Like H.B.M.C., it's a movie that I saw as a young kid at the beginning of my "Batman" fad. It's the only movie I own two copy's of on DVD. I have seen it so many time I can quote it almost verbatim. Besides, the greatest comic book villain on screen is Jack Nicholson's Joker."Me, I'm giving away free money, and where, is the Batman. He's at home, washing his tights!" Sorry.

2. 300 - This has to be the ultimate man movie interpreting one of the, if not the most, famous last stand in history. The cinematography was beautiful and the film really stands out. It does get a little old in successive viewings, but I don't think anybody can forget the contact high their first viewing gave them.

3. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith - I have never been an "original trilogy' purest in any form. I can only tell you which film I can watch over and over again and never get bored. This film sums up everything a fan was expecting in the Prequel films but never got in the mildly entertaining Episode 1 and the disappointing Episode 2. Empire Strikes Back is the second best Star Wars film in my mind and should be an example to any film maker on how to make a good middle portion of a trilogy.

4. Aliens - The first Alien is great but it's James Cameron sequel will always stand out as the better movie in my mind. I can never understand why directors of movie in this genre don't understand that seeing total bad-asses get served adds to the credibility of the threat and makes for a more exciting movie. Besides that film has put so many phrases into geek lore it's not even funny. The best part of this flick is that all of it's conventional effects still stand up to today's standards.

5. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - You can't mess with this movie. It's the culmination and ending of the greatest fantasy story of our life time, told in a cinematic vision will always ring true to the adiianse because of it's naturalization an sweeping camera angles. Fellowship was good, Two Towers was filler, Return of the King is the penultimate.

Current Armies: Blood Angels, Imperial Guard (40k), Skorne, Retribution (Warmachine), Vampire Counts (Fantasy)

Made in us
Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller

Some backwater sump

Posted By Mahu on 10/15/2007 5:54 AM

3. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

I just recently watched this again, and I found myself only being concerned with the General Gervious (sp?) fight, Mace Windu's duel with the proto-emperor, and Obi Wan's "You were the chosen one." line.  Especially the Obi Wan line.  In my opinion, that sums up the entire prequel trilogy right there, and it's delivered beautifully.

This movie needed to be more about Anakin/Vader hunting the Jedi and less about him being all angsty with Padme.  It's the best of the prequels, for sure, but still not completely engaging.

New Career Time? 
Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

I thought the new Star Wars movies were all crap. Just awful, and they get worse with subsequent viewings. Bleh

Amidst the mists and coldest frosts he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

I laughed (in a bad way) all through Sith.

I think I was spoiled by the Heir to the Empire series by Zahn.

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Los Angeles

Exalt, Syr.

"Best romance story, ever. Now to add some political commentary aaaaand done."

"The last known instance of common sense happened at a GT. A player tried to use the 'common sense' argument vs. Mauleed to justify his turbo-boosted bikes getting a saving throw vs. Psycannons. The player's resulting psychic death scream erased common sense from the minds of 40k players everywhere. " - Ozymandias 
Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

Did the BigC just try to rabbinize me?

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in gb
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress

Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.

I have a top four:

Seven Samurai

I dont havwe a fifth.

While not on the list, my most watched DVD is Starship Troopers, because its good mindless eye candy that passes the time.

n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.

It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Los Angeles

Posted By malfred on 10/15/2007 8:24 PM
Did the BigC just try to rabbinize me?

Hmm... oops.  Do you guys have similar avatars?

"The last known instance of common sense happened at a GT. A player tried to use the 'common sense' argument vs. Mauleed to justify his turbo-boosted bikes getting a saving throw vs. Psycannons. The player's resulting psychic death scream erased common sense from the minds of 40k players everywhere. " - Ozymandias 
Made in ie
Battlefield Tourist


Oooooooh, difficult.

For film I really just enjoyed the hell out of, and satisfied me:
Batman Begins.
Jurassic Park has to go on there as well.
The Fellowship of the Ring, I've rewatched it a lot.
Aaaargh, I can't choose from any of the others, except to say that I found "Dude!Where's my car?" hilarious. And I enjoyed the first Spiderman film.

Made in ie
Battlefield Tourist


Oooooooh, difficult.

For films I really just enjoyed the hell out of, and satisfied me:
Batman Begins.
Jurassic Park has to go on there as well.
The Fellowship of the Ring, I've rewatched it a lot.
Aaaargh, I can't choose from any of the others, except to say that I found "Dude!Where's my car?" hilarious. And I enjoyed the first Spiderman film.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Los Angeles

I figured it out, Malf. Your avatar here and Syr's in the OTZone, while having different subjects, both feature oranges and browns. And given just a passing glance, I didn't differentiate between the two.

"The last known instance of common sense happened at a GT. A player tried to use the 'common sense' argument vs. Mauleed to justify his turbo-boosted bikes getting a saving throw vs. Psycannons. The player's resulting psychic death scream erased common sense from the minds of 40k players everywhere. " - Ozymandias 
Made in us
Executing Exarch

Los Angeles

I think my list would have to look something like this

1) Nausicaa: I have no idea how many times I've watched it and I have no idea how many more times I will but I love it every time. The characters just really strike a chord with me and I absolutely love the ideals and devotion Nausicaa represents.

2) Aliens: A classic of sci-fi. Action, adventure, betrayal, and an alien concept so cool and original (at the time) that everyone has "borrowed" from it ever since. Such a well done move I have a hard time passing it up if I ever get the chance to watch it. By the way, see the directors cut / extended version if you ever get the chance, lots of really good stuff got left on the cutting room floor.

3) Requiem for a Dream: One of the most emotion provoking movies I've ever seen. Saw it for the first time with a group of about 6 friends. It was about 20-30 min after the movie was over before anyone found the courage to speak...I'm talking a half hour of dead silence amongst 6 people because we just didn't know what to say. Best anti drug movie ever by the way.

4) History of the World: This spot might also have gone to Blazing Saddle or possibly Space Balls, but one way or another, it belonged to Mel Brooks. Too many memorable funny lines and amusing historic twists to ever forget. I bring you these 15...*crash*...10, 10 commandments.

5) Fear of a Black Hat: Again, a toss up. This could have just as easily gone to its sister (brother?) movie, Spinal Tap, but I think that Fear of a Black Hat was just the slightest bit more funny. If you are unfamiliar with this one, its basically another mocumentary about a fictious rap group NWH, [see forum posting rules] With Hats. A group made up of 3 zany members, Ice Cold, Tasty Taste, and Tone Def. Comedy ensues.

**** Phoenix ****

Threads should be like skirts: long enough to cover what's important but short enough to keep it interesting. 
Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

3) Requiem for a Dream: One of the most emotion provoking movies I've ever seen. Saw it for the first time with a group of about 6 friends. It was about 20-30 min after the movie was over before anyone found the courage to speak...I'm talking a half hour of dead silence amongst 6 people because we just didn't know what to say. Best anti drug movie ever by the way.

All I have to say is...Christ.

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in us
Tilter at Windmills

Manchester, NH

I watched it late at night with one friend, and we had a similar experience. The first thing we did afterwards was have a couple of stiff drinks. It's definitely one of the greatest films I've ever seen.

Even if it wasn't for all of the above, any movie in which a Wayans brother gives an award-nominated performance (Marlon really was great) is also a historic event.

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