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Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Thanks VS, I'm planning a full update in time for the painting competition and I'll add that in.

Made in us
Beard Squig

Ocala, Fl

Excellent Thread. As a newbe to infinity it is a great resource.

Forces I currently Field:
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

I'm glad you found it useful, tibour. Stick around, it'll be getting an update and remodel very soon.

Made in us
Pile of Necron Spare Parts

Looking to get into this game since it is right up my alley. Where is the more fluff, so I can choose an army to start? I have checked the infinity wiki and such but I would like to be able to find more.

Should I just pick up some starter rules somewhere?

2000 pts
1000 pts
2000 pts


Beer Pong: Tabletop Wargaming without dice and with BEER!  
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Hi 41_wargaming, welcome to the Dakka forums

All of the rules are available to download for free from the official website (http://www.infinitythegame.com/infinity/en/downloads/

However, as a starting point, I would make use of Beasts of War's great starter rule PDF which spells out the basics just to give you a good look at what the game is like:

For the background you have two options - either watching the videos (go to the first post in the thread), or you can buy one of the rulebooks which have a great deal more printed material and images, miniatures, stuff like that. Also, if you have a look at the miniature gallery there are descriptions of all of the various units when you look at each one.

Hope that helps!

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in us
Martial Arts Dāturazi

Philadelphia, Pensylvania

This is awesome! there doesn't seem to be much love for infinity in philly but im excited about it with the painting challenge underway and im enjoying my mini. I may have to start an army hopefully people are more into it in New Zealand hehe

thanks for the compilation of information!

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

So this update I've been talking about needs to get done, it's been long enough. Any suggestions before I dive in with a rewrite?

I'm glad people are finding this useful so far. The thread is primarily for new players but it should be helpful to the more established gamer too. I'm happy to take suggestions from everyone, vets, new players, those that have found this helpful and those that have not.

Made in us
Old Sourpuss

Lakewood, Ohio

Reposted for the public forums based on the DCM Infinity Thread:

 Alfndrate wrote:
The biggest and best addition I would love to see for the Infinity section (and technically any section that is trying to get more players) is a demo guide.

Basically a combination of the quickstart rules (if they're decent), and the points and abilities of 2 even forces that people can use other models to proxy. And then have things that players should know that highlight the features of Infinity, so have AROs, orders, maybe some template weapons, just things that someone could print off, take to their local gaming store, and basically teach Infinity to themselves and their friends.

Several games provide "demo scripts" which I've found to just be handy in general to help people figure out the game.

Granted, what I'm asking is probably a bit of a massive undertaking for a single dude


Ask me about Brushfire or Endless: Fantasy Tactics 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Repost is a good idea. Did you find the BoW quickstart rules did the job for you?

Made in us
Old Sourpuss

Lakewood, Ohio

 Casey's Law wrote:
Repost is a good idea. Did you find the BoW quickstart rules did the job for you?

Yes they did, I've sent it out to the few guys that have been interested in Infinity, and we'll see what happens. I'm giving Bolt Action demos this Friday, and we're in the middle of a 40k campaign, but I don't foresee Infinity being pushed to the back of the line


Ask me about Brushfire or Endless: Fantasy Tactics 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Good stuff, it looks like I'm mainly just going to give the OP a reformat and I'll rewrite bits and bobs as I go. The biggest change will be dropping the videos into their own thread and aiming the whole thing more towards people who are competely new to the game.

Made in us
Old Sourpuss

Lakewood, Ohio

I don't think the videos are a bad thing, I've seen them before, but I don't how much a newbie like me can get out of it. I don't think it would be a bad idea to just link to YouTube.


Ask me about Brushfire or Endless: Fantasy Tactics 
Made in nl
Zealous Knight

Actually those infinity beginners' vids are the ideal introduction to the system. watch those *before* getting a demo and you'll really be playing yourself five or so minutes into the demo game
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Hmm, it's a tough call. If I move them to another thread they'll still get a link here and they might attract a bit of chat of their own. On the other hand I also found them very useful at the beginning so I can see the positives to keeping them in... Anyone else want to weigh in and try to sway my decision?

Made in gb
Aspirant Tech-Adept


I think you should keep them where they are. I found them really useful.

Angels Amaranthine - growing slowly

P&M blog ; http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/488077.page

Currently 200pts 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Thanks for the input! Is it the rules videos you guys want to keep or the fluff ones as well?

Made in pt
Longtime Dakkanaut


Keep both. I didn't see the videos here but I did see all of them and they are very useful. The fluff ones were cool to get a short and sweet introduction to all the different factions.

"Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! These are the truths of this world! Surrender to these truths, you pigs in human clothing!" - Satsuki Kiryuin, Kill la Kill 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Okay, I'll maybe just break them up a bit in the formating.

Made in nl
Zealous Knight

I'd say keep the rules, ditch the fluff. Fluff just distracts from the important stuff
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

More input needed clearly. Figure something out and tell me! Haha!

Made in us
Martial Arts Dāturazi

Philadelphia, Pensylvania

I would say leave it mostly how it is, maybe spoiler some of the videos just to condense it but otherwise I found it greatly helpful.

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

I'll get on it asap, think I know what I'm doing now but if there are any issues I can change it again afterwards.

Made in us
Old Sourpuss

Lakewood, Ohio

Ran myself through a quick game last night... Some things that might want to be discussed somewhere...

Actions you can take during an ARO in a concise, and even graphical manner (like a table). Because the table in the book lists that you can do a move, but doesn't list in that same table that a Move as an ARO is considered as a Dodge. So upon a quick glance it seems to me (as a new player) that I can react with a Move and simply move my model away. Now doing more digging it becomes quickly apparent that I have to do a face to face roll (that's fine). Now what I don't know is do I get to move my full movement value, or do I only move half of it as per a dodge?


Ask me about Brushfire or Endless: Fantasy Tactics 
Made in us
Combat Jumping Rasyat

ARO Dodge moves are always up to half of the first movement value of the model.

If the model is prone the half movement modifiers stack so the move distance is quartered.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/07/29 21:45:06

Made in ca
Martial Arts SAS


Haven't seen the video yet but I'm pretty sure it's worth watching.

Made in us
Martial Arts Dāturazi

Philadelphia, Pensylvania

Saw that video on CB site. It's good in a way, but far from a go to set up guide for me. I feel a lot of people take "Infinity requires a lot of terrain" way to far. From browsing the internet and visiting around it seems the vast majority of tables employ so much terrain that cover is so abundant that it's bonus is essentially reversed, making not having cover more rare than actually having cover. This also bring a second problem, where things like smoke or other tools for safe movement are less appealing due to the constantly available cover, also ruining the appeal of snipers since the farthest they might get to see is maybe 12 inches.

This board has openness as well as cover but is dreadfully boring.

To avoid posting the massive wall of text fully detailing my issues with terrain, i'll settle at this. Over abundance of terrain across the entire board removes tactical decisions and depth from a match.

Made in us
DCM User

Striving for balance is best, of course, but I'd certainly err on the side of "more" vs. "less".
Made in us
Zealous Sin-Eater

Chico, CA

 Victor.Drellings wrote:
Saw that video on CB site. It's good in a way, but far from a go to set up guide for me. I feel a lot of people take "Infinity requires a lot of terrain" way to far. From browsing the internet and visiting around it seems the vast majority of tables employ so much terrain that cover is so abundant that it's bonus is essentially reversed, making not having cover more rare than actually having cover. This also bring a second problem, where things like smoke or other tools for safe movement are less appealing due to the constantly available cover, also ruining the appeal of snipers since the farthest they might get to see is maybe 12 inches.

This board has openness as well as cover but is dreadfully boring.

To avoid posting the massive wall of text fully detailing my issues with terrain, i'll settle at this. Over abundance of terrain across the entire board removes tactical decisions and depth from a match.

It is meant for new players to have a base of were to start. As the play they will add to and change the basic layout to fit there group.

Peter: As we all know, Christmas is that mystical time of year when the ghost of Jesus rises from the grave to feast on the flesh of the living! So we all sing Christmas Carols to lull him back to sleep.
Bob: Outrageous, How dare he say such blasphemy. I've got to do something.
Man #1: Bob, there's nothing you can do.
Bob: Well, I guess I'll just have to develop a sense of humor.  
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

 Alpharius wrote:
Striving for balance is best, of course, but I'd certainly err on the side of "more" vs. "less".

Yes definitely! I got to the stage where I was using too much terrain, and as Victor.Drellings pointed out it can change the tactics of the game dramatically; stuff like chain rifles and close range Heavy Infantry can dominate the game and become disproportionately more powerful for their points value.

I once heard 'no more than 8" between each piece of terrain' (i.e. a standard infantry can run from cover to cover), and that's generally a rule I try and stick to.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Righteo, update underway. I've made the executive decision to split this into two threads and turn the sticky into a contents page. I'll make a second thread soon specifically for introducing beginners. It'll be a FAQ/Q&A/Introduction type thread and I think there will be enough traffic to keep it bobbing around. The link to it will stay at the top of the contents page too to divert new players that come here first.

I made this call partly because this thread had a bit of weird duel purpose that wasn't working for me and partly because a beginners thread deserves it's own space to stretch out in. Plus, people rarely look at stickies when they are just passing through so the introduction thread will get more use if it's floating out there. I don't think it'll put people off posting the standard, 'help me, I'm a new player' threads but it'll help inform them and attract random questions and chatter. Probably one of those threads that gets rather larger than anticipated like the Terrain thread.

So yeh, in progress but not finished. About time I pulled ny finger out and did this update I've been promising for so long!

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