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Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

I've been thinking about the weapon... I've seen a few gargants with the chain-belt fed approach, but I think I might try something different. I'm thinking of a sort of giant revolver mechanism at the moment where there's five chambers and each time it fires off a round it rotates into position for a grot to load another shell into the open space.

Of course, that idea doesn't work well with the two barrel design on the illustration.

I played around and came up with a mock-up of what I was thinking of for the revolver approach, but it ended up looking a lot like an imperial guard nade launcher... and I really think this thing needs more than one gun on it's arm, but I'm not sure how to revise it. The revolver design doesn't work that well with two barrels, though. Maybe I should have a large revolver barrel and a small minigun / gattling gun mounted below it? Like a big big shoota?

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Orlando, Florida

First off, this is the greatest conversion I have ever seen, major props.

Now to your question, to make it more Orky, I would add an exposed coil around the barrel for recoil. And maybe turn it upside down or something to distingush it.

Do you plan on playing this model as a "counts as" anything. I am not familiar to much with the Ork codex, so any weapons that can be taken should give you inpiration to your second weapon system.

Current Armies: Blood Angels, Imperial Guard (40k), Skorne, Retribution (Warmachine), Vampire Counts (Fantasy)

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Standing outside Jester's house demanding the things he took from my underwear drawer.

First off, this is quite possibly the finest Ork vehicular conversion I've seen in my 13 years of playing GW games.

As for the gun, I really like the revolver idea.

Notice how the sketch appears to have two barrells on the gun arm. Perhaps attach a Battlecannon size gun underneath and surround them with a housing.

Maybe surround the barrell with a variety of cobbled on autocannon Cannon/Bigshoota size guns.

Or perhaps a oversized flamethrower attached to the bottom of the revolver barrel with Hellhound gas tanks for fuel. This allows for some interesting grot placement like a grot holding as lighter up to the flamer barrell as the pilot light, or maybe a grot smoking a cig poking his finger to stop a leak.

With all the plasticard work you've done, I half expected you to have knicked, cut, and scarred hands in the pics where you're holding the parts.

I've seen the Reaper Exarch with both weapon options and both look like things you can buy in sex shops. A weapon should not look like this, not even a Emperor's Children weapon. -Symbio Joe 
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

ah, gotta love sketchup
Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

altough I'm an Ork player myself I think this second gun is too much. but the first version looks cool. like a giant grenade launcher
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


I also prefer the first version posted. and if you made it shoot oil barrels with a grot lighting fuses and a grot oiler filling the barrels in the chambers that would be cool

Do not use the CLEAR dice!

Dear Whiny Space Marine Players,
you get 3+ armor saves on all your troops (save scouts), Assault cannons, a huge assortment of vehicles and weapons, arguably one of the best if not THE best tank in the game, funny helmets, and a partrige in a pear tree.

suck it up, space marines. You're the emperor's chosen superhuman warriors. stop whining like a guardsmen and take it like a superman! 
Made in nz
Longtime Dakkanaut

New Zealand

re the mekboy/grot crew argument, I'd suggest something inbetween- a mekboy commander with the main controls, plus lots of grotz crawling around adjusting steam pressure, tightening engine bitz etc

re the Big Gun, you could go lo-tech with a gun turret which (when seen closer up) is revealed as a conventional gun like a cut-down Earthshaker cannon or whatever, with grots struggling to load the next shell. Or go hi-tech and have a huge Zzap gun of some sort - that would work in well with all your cabling. A giant gatling gun would also be cool, if you could do a matching ammo feed belt.

Cities of Death got a mention earlier - if you don't already, you should definitely consider getting the factory kit - it includes numerous bits which would be great for a mekboy to scavenge when building a stompa. I'll definitely be using them for my stompa (when I get around to making one, just after i finish another five projects...)
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

The Hammer

Rather good.

The quantity of expletives I would prefer to use in that assessment is limited, one could say, by the requirements of a family board.

If you're worried that weapon one looks too Imperial, consider that an assault cannon looks much more imperial and your second sketchup kind of looks like an assault cannon with an auxiliary grenade launcher. A giant grenade launcher is way Orkier than anything involving an assault cannon.

When soldiers think, it's called routing. 
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

So, I started making the gun barrels. Nothing tremendous yet, but you should be able to get an idea of where I'm going with this. Large recoil kannon up top, big shoota down below - the Kannon will be fed enormous shells that move down a small conveyor into the chamber, loaded by a single grot at the top - this is based on an old OOP Armorcast Model design.. The machine gun will be belt-fed. The kannon has three recoil springs to help reduce the kick from when the kannon fires and keep the stompa from falling.

There's obviously a lot more detail to go on these, I just thought I'd post things as I made them for the sake of having sequential steps.

The shell is drying at the moment, and then it'll get a mold made of it just for simplicity's sake and I'll cast half a dozen or so.

Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Continuing. The machine gun underneath the kannon will be protruding forward a bit farthern than the edge of the barrel.. it will probably be belt-fed. The largr kannon is going to get a bit of boxing off towards the back end of it where the shells will be fed in.

Not much work, though - I'm waiting for the shells to dry so I can start figuring out how wide the ammo feed has to be (Forgot to find out before I set them )

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


Vaguely reminds me of a UT flack cannon for an unknown reason. Extremely nice!

NATO_chrisjm, The unfortunate creator of the Pan fo. 
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

You know, I was thinking that while I was making it. The UT Flak cannon thing, that is. It's the side-supports that do it. Still, I love that gun from the game anyway

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


kannon3.jpg Does. Also now I want to go out and get some plasticard for the first time in YEARS

NATO_chrisjm, The unfortunate creator of the Pan fo. 
Made in us
Eternally-Stimulated Slaanesh Dreadnought

Up your nose with a rubber hose.

Jamsessionein, you're giving me a plasticard-on!

"Don't have much use for a poop droid." - Iorek
"Elusive has a bloodhound like capacity for finding hugely ugly minis." - tortoise
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

I gotta tell you guys, I'm not that happy with how this looks. I think I'm going to scrap this one for now and reconsider the overall kannon design. I'm not sure what it is that's bothering me in particular - working out the ammo feed at the moment is just annoying me, and attaching the machine gun below looks a little wrong. I'm not sure what exactly it is that's bothering me about this the most, honestly.

In any case, I cast a mold of the shells and they're setting up now. They're basic, but I think they'll look good when painted up with teeth and dags and such. I'll probably keep them and build a new kannon... or move on to a different part for the moment.

Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

Judging by how you replied to Grimteef about grot pilots, I figure youre more along the lines of Chaotic fun orks.

With that in mind, I think the sketchup of the assault cannon/ grenade launcher weapon would fit that type of mentality. The rationale being is that recent imperial tech has made the assault cannon more dakka, so it would be very fitting to have a psychic race whose mech/tech works by belief alone to have a more dakka gun too. Orks do embrace and emulate things of highly destructive nature afterall.

Besides, the rotating barrels look sweet. As does the drum clip. Which is predominant in Nelson ork sculpts anyways, so it is orky dakka by default.

Keep up the good work and thanks for posting this here on dakka.

Made in us
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran

Baltimore, MD

If I were to take a rough guess, I'd say what's bothering you is that the machine gun on the bottom looks FAR too much like a flamer of some sort... as well as being so large that it takes away from the rotary cannon (which is supposed to be it's main weapon, from the sound of it).

I'd say just make the darned thing smaller, and the proportions will look MUCH better.

Something else that might help, if you really don't feel like scrapping the machine gun... just increase the space between the barrels of the 2 weapons.  As is, they are FAR too close together, and being similar in size, take away from the visual balance.

Proud owner of &

Play the game, not the rules.
Made in nl
Deadly Dark Eldar Warrior

Groningen, Netherlands

That conversion is looking totally awesome!
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I still like the Flak cannon, but the double-deuce gatling would be a lot of fun.
Made in gb
Been Around the Block


How about having the recoiil braces detached from the barrel of the kannon? (a bit like the ones above the Tau ion cannon) They'd have to be coming out to the side, away from the main body of the Stompa - with Grot riggas hanging off, or maybe bannas dangling from them. As far as a loading mechanism goes, how about grots passing shells out of the body of the gargant to the poor chap doing the breach loading?

"Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indiference and disgust - only hate is immortal" - William Hazlitt 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Standing outside Jester's house demanding the things he took from my underwear drawer.

The gun looks very 'clean' to me. Perhaps if you ork it up a bit with some rivits and armor patches it will look a bit better. I personally still like the large chamber fed gun. And you can still turn the underslung gun into a flamer with just a bit of a change and that would definetly wotk for a City stomping Stompa.

I've seen the Reaper Exarch with both weapon options and both look like things you can buy in sex shops. A weapon should not look like this, not even a Emperor's Children weapon. -Symbio Joe 
Made in us
Wicked Warp Spider


No, no, no - all wrong.

The "machine gun" DOES look like a Flamer because you put the holed muzzle way out front. The entire "barrel" should be holed along it's length. If you need an example, get the Ork BS bit from the KK/Dreadnaught or look at the BS Boy. Once the entire length is holed, I'd glue a smaller tube (unholed) in front to represent the muzzle. Or glue a smaller tube (a bit longer than your holed barrel) and insert it inside the holed "barrel". This would be a little more realistic as those "holed barrels" aren't truly barrels, they are cowlings to disperse heat.

The Kannon should have a longer barrel out front, followed by your recoil springs, and a short (preferably wider) tube/square to serve as the breech. If you are looking for an example of a top-loading "clip"-style magazine to load the Kannon, try the M1 Garand.

Image showing receiver, clip is loaded from the top and shells are ejected from the bottom

8 rounds are staggered in the clip, once the clip is empty, it is ejected (with an audible PING, you'll notice this in movies like Saving Pvt. Ryan)

Good luck!!!!
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

While I was stewing the gun arm over, I decided to start making some of the stuff that goes on the back - namely, the grot bomb. I realize in the original art, it isn't one, but I also love the idea of the grot bomb launcher (courtesy of forgeworld) and will be modifying it slightly into one. I will be armor-plating this and adding a bit more detail, obviously, but you can get an idea of how it's shaping up so far from the pictures.

I managed to get two urban basing kits from my local hobby store today, as well, which should help a good deal for basing this beast!

Also, I had a very interesting idea...

With some modular magnetic action, I could remove the grot bomb and change it up for a basilisk earthshaker cannon depending upon what the game required. I really like the way it looks up there, honestly - I think it must be done.

Lastly, look what I got my lootin' hands on!

The best hobby store manager in the world hooked me up with the perfect addition to the base/underside of the raised foot. "I was planning on getting a giant anyway, so I thought I'd give you the gobbo". <3 <3 <3 to Scott at Hi-Way Hobbies, although I know he doesn't read this. Or at least, I think he doesn't, as he acts surprised everytime I bring something in for his suggestions.

Made in nz
Longtime Dakkanaut

New Zealand

Yeah, I like the magnetic detachable Earthshaker cannon idea - in fact I'd make the head and both arms also detachable coz you just know you're going to change your mind on the weapons at some point. And of course Stompas will hopefully be a standard part of the next Ork Codex and it would be a crime if you had to rip this model apart just to make it game-legal.

Good call on using the squashed gobbo model - I must steal the idea for mine.
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

See if this works any better, design-wise. Any comments are appreciated on the design! I'm still strongly considering making the bottom barrel a big shoota, though.

Also, another question - for anyone familiar with using housing insulation foam, would this be the best method of making the barrel 'braces' (the large things that go around both barrels and form the overall profile of the gun). I can't picture that framing shape working out with plastic, but I don't like the idea of working with foam for the cannon because I've never done something with it before and I understand it melts unless you coat it with pva glue, which would ruin the surface, no?

Really, what I'm trying to figure out is how I could get a 4" long block of that framing shape that I could drill barrel holes in.

Made in us
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran

Baltimore, MD

The new design looks better... but now it looks really "clean" looking. Not the ad hoc industrial look usually associated with Ork Designs.

Proud owner of &

Play the game, not the rules.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Standing outside Jester's house demanding the things he took from my underwear drawer.

How about a big pump shotgun loaded and cocked by grots for the bottom part of the gun?

I've used foam a whole bunch for terrain, but I've never had much luck cutting it to be finely detailed ot to any exact specifications.

I've seen the Reaper Exarch with both weapon options and both look like things you can buy in sex shops. A weapon should not look like this, not even a Emperor's Children weapon. -Symbio Joe 
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Posted By jamsessionein on 06/16/2006 3:02 PM
 The best hobby store manager in the world hooked me up with the perfect addition to the base/underside of the raised foot. "I was planning on getting a giant anyway, so I thought I'd give you the gobbo". <3 <3 <3 to Scott at Hi-Way Hobbies, although I know he doesn't read this. Or at least, I think he doesn't, as he acts surprised everytime I bring something in for his suggestions.
Hi - Way Hobbies? You are talking about the one in Ramsey, NJ, correct?
Where do you live jamesessionein?

Made in ch
Dakka Veteran

Planet of Dakka

i'd stick to the gatling,it just screams ork.
much less than the new one you're making.Try removing the 'flamer'-like part and replacing it with something else,
maybe you'll find out whats wrong

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