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Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

I probably should have put these colors on sooner.

I started picking out some details here and there - I figure before I go any farther with the ground work, I need to get the colors on some of these details so that they'll get all dirtied up. I do realize that stuff like the sandbags and barrel are clean right now, but they'll be drybrushed with scorched brown and then progressively brighter dirt colors to fit in better, I hope.

I'm really not that good at painting by hand, it seems. Those tiles in the corner have been giving me hell - I wanted to get them up to a marbly white, but every successive brighter coat I applied got chalkier and chalkier until it just looked awful. It's stuck somewhere around a messy Khaki right now. I'm hoping it will look better once I start drybrushing dirt back onto them, because they're just a mess right now.

I probably should have chosen a different color for the barrel - I wanted it to be leaking some sort of green slime, but the barrel ended up a brighter green than I was hoping for. I think I'm going to try going over it again with something a shade or so darker to try and tone it down a bit.

I actually think the sandbags don't look awful, as the overspray from when I was airbrushing them lends a bit to a spilled-sand appearance surrounding them. They need a bit of toning, though - I tried washing them with a brown ink, but it just pools in weird ways on the tops and doesn't look good, so I don't know what to do with them.

I coated the grot in a medium green tone - I'm going to highlight him and then hopefully drybrush him (or maybe lightly airbrush him) back into the ground with scorched brown. I also gave the girders and the lascannon a bit of a go with some dark gunmetal colors from vallejo, though I'm not fond of their metals - I actually drybrushed a brighter chainmail onto the lascannon a bit, but it doesn't look.. right, you know what I mean?

Basically, I'm hoping that once I start drybrushing my darker browns and brightening up some of the dirt patches this will all look a bit better, as right now I'm not very happy with it. The tiles need a lot of love still.

Made in ch
Dakka Veteran

Planet of Dakka

looks great like it is,you could always try inks on your barrely and surrounding sand to darken it.Dont forgot you're probably going to drybrush the smaller details (barrel,sandbag,walls) so maybe the brightness isnt too important at this stage

Made in us
President of the Mat Ward Fan Club

Los Angeles, CA

If you give the barrel a nice green ink it will look suitably dark and cool, guaranteed.

Personally I think the sandbags are a little light. I would go with a darker color and then drybrush the lighter color over the top of it.

I could be wrong, but it seems like you've fallen in love with the idea of using the airbrush even when it isn't necessarily the best tool for the job (like IMHO, on the sandbags).

Lastly, for the tiles, I don't know what to say. They look pretty bad. Honestly, I think the best idea would be to cover them with a dark brown ink and just go for a much darker, dirtier look than what you were originally imagining.

I play (click on icons to see pics): DQ:70+S++G(FAQ)M++B-I++Pw40k92/f-D+++A+++/areWD104R+T(D)DM+++
yakface's 40K rule #1: Although the rules allow you to use modeling to your advantage, how badly do you need to win your toy soldier games?
yakface's 40K rule #2: Friends don't let friends start a MEQ army.
yakface's 40K rule #3: Codex does not ALWAYS trump the rulebook, so please don't say that!
Waaagh Dakka: click the banner to learn more! 
Made in nl
Lesser Daemon of Chaos

Groningen, The Netherlands

Hey Jamsessionein,

How's the paint on the Stompa commin' along? Give us addicts another shot if you will!

Thnx and keep up da amazing work.

Cilithan out...


Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc.

Daemons: 5000+ points
CSM/Black Legion: 5000+ points
Deathwatch/Knights: 5000 points
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

After a great deal of searching, I finally found Krylon black primer, on the recommendation of my friends. The new GW black just isn't a suitable primer, anyway. I hit the gargant up with it because recently I've been in the mood to paint this sucker, but I was immediately dissapointed by the Krylon primer - it was so watery, even a little bit would pool, drip, and run! I shook the hell out of that can first, too, and I even tried the other one I bought - they were both like that. Needless to say, I am super-dissapointed, and as a result of the poor spray I ended on putting the primer on a bit thicker than I would have liked. I am probably going to have to take some super-fine grit sanding paper to a spot or two that has paint on it too thick already.

Still, here we go. The grot rocket isn't primed yet because I forgot I had to wash it with soap and water, being a resin piece, and it's drying off for now.

Some all-around touchups needed to the base black, but nothing I can't handle with a brush. I am not recommending Krylon to anyone, ever, though. Stuff sprays like water.

Now, I've been considering the best way to paint this. I haven't been able to until recently as my airbrush compressor was on loan and needed to be returned, but I finally got the money to go ahead and get myself one of my own. I've been looking at this gargant and according to the general painting method of that one, the whole gargant was airbrushed intermittenly with a rusty brown color. I could try that out on mine, but mine has a whole lot more individual panels and such and I'm not so certain that would look good.

What I'm basically saying is I'm not sure how to proceed. Largely because I don't have much of a paint scheme in mind - all I know is that I want it rusty with the occasional mismatched red or blue panel - but I'm not sure where to begin.

Advice is much appreciated. " style="vertical-align: middle;" src="http://www.wargamerau.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" />

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

It lives!

I guess my first question would be, how many panels did you intend to colour, and how many to rust? You might try putting masking putty or tape onto the plates you want to put a colour onto, then rust up the rest with the airbrush? Then go in, do the coloured plates by hand, and then do a few blending passes with the airbrush to put a bit of weathering on?
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Decent questions.

I mostly wanted like 1/3 of the gargant to look 'freshly looted', suggesting perhaps that some of the armor plating had only just been aquired - maybe some even with marine iconography still on it. The hanging plates on the skirt would probably make decent candidates for colored pieces, as well.

Tell more more about this masking putty?

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut


One thing id like to know is where did you get that big enginey-thing thats on the back? the one with the fan-thing. and this model is outstanding, makes me want to start an ork army.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Made in de
Dominating Dominatrix

Piercing the heavens

great to finally see this thing coming to an end. that's one damn amazing piece of work you did there
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Masking putty: There's some specific masking blends you can get at R/C hobby shops or some truck supply places, but really you can use good old fashioned silly putty without much trouble as long as you're careful.

Paint your base colour (in this case, potentially you could even skip this step since you already primered and we're not trying to make a camo scheme), then just roll the putty out in to sheets or strips, press it over the surface you want to mask, and then paint over the entire thing with your next colour selection.

When the paint's dry, just peel the putty off, roll it all back together, and put it back into the silly putty egg. Repeat as needed.

If you're using full pieces of vehicle armour, though, I'd say that some model masking tape (Tamiya makes a nice one - also available at R/C shops usually) over the plates would work. Tape over the plates, paint, peel tape off, go to town. Easier to get the right-angles of the armor plates that way.

Edit: OH! If you use the putty, don't try to tear it! You'll just mess your hands up. Cutting it's much easier and faster.
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets


Krylon has redeemed itself in my eyes. Though I was originally very upset with their black primer, as I felt it ruined a lot of the details on my gargant, they apparently make a rust colored primer that I discovered today. After a few preliminary trials, I am in love with this - it's the perfect primer for ork vehicles.

The color, of course, needs a fair bit of tempering. I think a decent inking will bring all the details back out and make them pop again, but I believe what comes next is the toning process where I carefully airbrush a more desaturated brown onto the parts. The nice thing about this rust-orange primer color is that it's really easy to go in the directions I want - that is to say, red on some plates, brown rust on the others. The parts I paint blue I think will have to be coated in a black and worked up from a dark blue again, as I don't picture blue will go on well over orange.

I am certainly going to use this primer for my other ork vehicles in future, though.

Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

Nice idea, I can definatly see the orkish love affair with rust primer and a bit of a wash.

Did you strip the model or just prime over the black?

Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

It just went on over the black. Stripping that thing down would be impossible, I think.

Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

With all the little gubbins on it, I am sure youre right.

Made in nz
Longtime Dakkanaut

New Zealand

now dry-brush with 'vermin brown', very lightly drybrush with 'boltgun metal', let dry then add a thin black wash - try it on a small bit, should look fabulous rusty
Made in eu
Fresh-Faced New User

Thats pretty damn Sweet!!

Cant wait to see the finished product

Made in gb
Highlord with a Blackstone Fortress

Adrift within the vortex of my imagination.

Shameless thread bump, we haven't forgotten.

n'oublie jamais - It appears I now have to highlight this again.

It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. By the juice of the brew my thoughts aquire speed, my mind becomes strained, the strain becomes a warning. It is by tea alone I set my mind in motion. 
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Slogging through a couple commissions before I jump back to this, but I will be jumping back to this.

I'm going to get my two big projects - the Squiggoth and Gargant - done next, probably in reverse that order. I don't feel like building any new stuff with a possible ork release around the corner, but those two I can pretty much assume aren't going to be affected, so they seem like safe things to work on.

Made in ca
Death-Dealing Dark Angels Devastator

I have no comment on the Gargant itself, it just is a wonderful job.

I would not paint the grot on the diorama green. I realise that this is ficton/fantasy, but being stepped on by a giant thing running in the dirt all time, you expect under it's feet to be dirty and not leaving the grot clean.

I think your diorama base is uber nice with that muddy feeling. I also like the flame effect on the Stormboys you did with greenstuff.

"This is a gentleman's game."

Hellfire: No excuses, hobby like a champion
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

I give up!<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->

It seems like every single day, someone else mentions this to me, asking about what happened and when I'm going to paint it.

Well, I just finished updating my blog site's visual appearance, and I think it's about time to christen it with pictures of the Gargant itself being painted.

Which, of course, requires that I pick up a brush.

So I did!

I figured I'd paint it in the order I built it. I don't know why, it just seemed like the right thing to do... So, I started with the claw arm.

There's a couple of other pictures at the link in my signature of this piece, most of the earlier painting stages where I was trying out various things like simply drybrushing onto it, but I think it's improving to the point where it's time for me to add some splashes of color to it - I was thinking I'd pick that thick, chunky cable on the arm out in a yellow color, make the smaller cables a bunch of random assorted shades, and maybe paint ork glyphs or checkers on it somewhere, though I haven't quite figured out where there is room for that yet.

Anyway; yes, you guys win. It's being painted. Huzzah, hooray, and so forth.

God help me.

Made in us
Eternally-Stimulated Slaanesh Dreadnought

Up your nose with a rubber hose.

Cue the Divinyls - "When I look at that thing, I touch myself..."

Great looking site too.

"Don't have much use for a poop droid." - Iorek
"Elusive has a bloodhound like capacity for finding hugely ugly minis." - tortoise
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

OOH thats the sexiest big grabby klaw thingy i ever seen. finish it soon please i fear i might die in a freak accident before seeing this wonderful conversion finished.

I was once told
life is like a journey on an open road
but never look back into those days of old
just keep on walking with your head held high
beneath the light of that diamond sky
and set your sights on something just out of reach
and maybe someday you'll cross paths with what you
Made in ca
Imperial Recruit in Training

canada. BC

an Amazing conversion, hands down the best i've ever seen.
You should like... send a picture to gamesworkshop or seomthing.
If it got mass produced.. (which would actually kinda ruin the magic of the awesome conversion)
i'd buy like 12 of them.

Haikus are awesome
But sometimes they dont make sense
Made in us

North Carolina

IT'S ALIVE!!!! IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!

Call For Fire

Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut


I am a die-hard Marines player.

Now wavering........... Great work. I also have to assume that if 10% of the effort with this piece was applied to your work.....

Are you a Macro-Biologist?
Test Pilot?
Rock Star?

You are in the Buckaroo Banzai fanclub. If not Buckaroo himself.

Great work.

"Dakkanaut" not "Dakkaite"
Only with Minatures, does size matter...
"Only the living collect a pension"Johannes VII
"If the ork codex and 5th were developed near the same time, any possible nerf will be pre-planned."-malfred
"I'd do it but the GW Website makes my eyes hurt. "Gwar
"That would be page 7 and a half. You find it by turning your rulebook on its side and slamming your head against it..." insaniak
MeanGreenStompa - The only chatbot I ever tried talking to insisted I take a stress pill and kept referring to me as Dave, despite my protestations.
insaniak "So, by 'serious question' you actually meant something entirely different? "
Frazzled[Mod] On Rule #1- No it literally means: be polite. If we wanted less work there would be no OT section.
Chowderhead - God no. If I said Pirates Honor, I would have had to kill him whether he won or lost. 
Made in us
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran

Baltimore, MD

By the dark powers of thread necormancy...... ARISE!!!!

Whatever happpened to this project? I just wanted to see what it looks like finished.

Proud owner of &

Play the game, not the rules.
Made in ch
Long-Range Land Speeder Pilot

Bay Area

I'm guessing the usual thing happened.
Jam got bored of painting. Or he didn't and he forgot, due to bigger and better(don't know how/what) projects, to post.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Long Beach, CA

I hardly ever take a look at pics anymore cause they wont load at work. Now that Im at home, I am completely in awe of the talent in here.

"Do NOT ask me if you can fire the squad you forgot to shoot once we are in the assault phase, EVER!!!"

Made in us
Newbie Black Templar Neophyte

Dracula's Moon Base

That is some mighty fine work, and I commend all that you have done.

“Battle Brother Maynard, bring forth The Holy Orb of Antioch!”
Book of Armaments (Chapter 2, verses 9-21)
"O Holy Emperor, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy."
This signature needs more dakka! That's better.

Made in nl
Dakka Veteran

The Netherlands

Are we ever going to see this stompa finished? Because this thing SCREAMS for some nice painting! and i guess most people agree with me. anyway superb conversion skills, best stompa ive ever seen.


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