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Quitting Daemon Princes webcomic, Bob & Fred - July 2018 update  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Big Fat Gospel of Menoth

The other side of the internet

Lovely little comic.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Be sure to use logic! Avoid fallacies whenever possible.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

MrMoustaffa wrote:That part at the end of the FAW one where they're reaching for each others' hands was perfect, makes you feel major sympathy for Fred and Bob.

Supreme Kal wrote:That was random
Actually it was. I took the shot and realized that they were close enough together that the hands over lapped, appearing to being clasped. Kept it and wrote dialogue accordingly. Just one of those magical, unplanned cinematic moments. And yes, even for bad-ass, uber evil, twisted and sick creatures that Daemon Princes are supposed to be, I was wondering if it would evoke sympathy for them.

Thanks. Now, I know that it was a mission accomplished.

MrMoustaffa wrote:Random question but what inspired you to do this kind of thing btw?
The recent FAQs. JotWWW and BA's Blood Lance get flipped off of needing to be rolled to hit, while Lash gets put *on* "needs to roll to hit". Not a major nerf at al, but royally inconsistent on GW's part. And they had the opportunity to do it with last year's January FAQ release, and the year before ....

Major of course, is the Warp Time errata idiocy.

- - A webcomic, Turn Signals on a Land Raider (look it up) had the same plot-format as Bob & Fred; GW models interacting off game, in their little world of other GW models, game tables, wins-losses, painting stations, etc. Although TSOALR was drawn. - -

It that vein, I figured that a Warp Time daemon, a major staple of Chaos:CSM, would have a major bitch-fest about the change and ... well, instead of *me* complaining in a thread, why not put down what the model itself would say and subsequently do? Which led to the episode of the Chaos Dreadnaught's (Mr. Spite) revelation of being less of a hindrance in a list, and so forth.

For now, I'm waiting for something funny, err, funnier, to come up. I don't want to dilute what's been done (I mean, I went for the Walton's Mountain 'good-night John-boy' gag ) . At some point, B&F will have a scene with GKs. Hopefully, I can make it good.

Thanks, all, for the continuing support.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/02/04 18:20:49

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

"I'm gonna follow Casey; he knows where the beer's at!" -Blackmoor, BAO 2013

Quitting Daemon Princes, Bob and Fred - a 40k webcomic 
Made in ca
Evasive Pleasureseeker

Lost in a blizzard, somewhere near Toronto

Love this thread!

It does really suck to be a Chaos player in 40k right now...
My own Daemon army is getting sick an tired of all the local 'counts as' Durp Knights showing up. I can't wait to see Fred & Bob in a senario along the lines of;
- Smack-talking against the GK's
- Rolling up the wrong wave and watching first turn on the sidelines
- GK's going first and warp quaking the entire table
- 1st wave auto-mishapping everywhere they land
- F&B come in out of reserve, survive the shooting of a 5-man strike squad + psyfleman dread and then wreck them in combat! Insert more smack-talk
- Pair of Dreadknights mug F&B and dark ex them.

Could be pretty damn funny, even if a bit scripted. But GK's can easily maul Daemons without effort if they want to.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

Experiment 626 wrote:Love this thread!
I can't wait to see Fred & Bob in a senario along the lines of;
- Smack-talking against the GK's
- Rolling up the wrong wave and watching first turn on the sidelines
- GK's going first and warp quaking the entire table
- 1st wave auto-mishapping everywhere they land
- F&B come in out of reserve, survive the shooting of a 5-man strike squad + psyfleman dread and then wreck them in combat! Insert more smack-talk
- Pair of Dreadknights mug F&B and dark ex them.

Could be pretty damn funny, even if a bit scripted. But GK's can easily maul Daemons without effort if they want to.
This batrep contains some of the fun you hinted at, only versus necrons. The game in the batrep was actually a game. The following though ...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hi folks. Bob here. Say 'Hi' Fred."
"We just had our first game as daemons without power armor."
"Did not go well."
"You can check out the fiasco here."

"Fiasco? We only lost by a KP or two ... of which you were the first, huh? Heh, heh."
*sigh* "Yeah, well, somebody had to take the brunt of Turn 1 shooting. Simply the way Daemon Assault functions. We knew it when we signed on. As I recall, you were the next to sit on the bench, eh? Couldn't hit a Command Barge?"

"At least *I* got to hit some robots. It was fun too, they make a kind of ... crunch, squeal as the metal tears apart. VERY satisfactory."


"Anyway, it's post game time and now that we're at Game Empire, Pasadena, our FavoriteLocalGameStore, we thought we'd check in with a couple of the other armies."

"Hello, ladies. You lost your game to Necrons, too. What do you think of their new book?"

"Hell, no. You're not dragging us into another nerd-rage-athon about Ward's writing, codex creep -- "
" Creep is applicable in so many ways."
" -- and the direction 40k is taking."
"Yeah, has been. You're not Dick Cavett."
"We like to stick to killing and causing pain on the battle field."
"Not Johnny Carson, either."
"I supposed they're causing pain and anguish with their crappy Talk-Show. What's it called, Bob and Fred's Bore Fest ?"
"More like Larry King with wings for suspenders."

"Geez, girls, what the hell? What're you so pissed off about? You finished 'Ard Boyz basically tied for 3rd & 4th with Space Wolves -- "
" -- Got yer facts right?"

"Close enough, man ."
"Despite us being females, we do *not* prefer to spend our time talking. Now, we don't care if you excuse us or not, but we've got an appointment to go club some power armor."
"What? White Scars, again?"
"No, smurfs."
"Hell, yes!!"

"Wow. Them are some angry sows."
"Yeah, insert uptight, never-gets-any elf-chick redundant comment here, huh?
"Yeah, heh.
"Hey, BloodCrusher! How'd you feel about our premier?"
"Yeah, you're so new, you don't even have primer. Heh."

"Primer or painted, me and by buds did a helluva lot better than you two 'veterans'. One unit of scarabs and some robots. Not bad, not great. It was okay. Given that we cost less than you do, even as a unit, and only two more wounds, same saves, I'd say that I'm pretty damn happy to be a BloodCrusher."

" ... "
"There's not much of a comeback to that trash talk, is there?"
" ... "

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/02/10 03:30:33

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

"I'm gonna follow Casey; he knows where the beer's at!" -Blackmoor, BAO 2013

Quitting Daemon Princes, Bob and Fred - a 40k webcomic 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

"What's the mission, Fred?"

"Seize Ground, four objectives. Um, look for the primer-white forty mil bases."

"Hey, I see one on the bunker."

"There's another by some Area Terrain."

"There's one in between some ruins and the last is by the Dangerous, Spiky terrain. It looks a little tight in there, so maybe the little guys go after it?"

"Smart thinking. Bloodletters, you guys go after the first and last markers and we'll contest the others."

"Dangerous Terrain! Hawt!"
"Sounds like a plan!"

*Later, around Turn 4 *

""Bunker secure!"
"Alright! We got one!"
"Huh? I don't get it."

"Seriously? We're daemons!"
"Right, man, Khorne Bloodletters! Burning hot scions of Hate and Violence. Why would we want to douse all that makes us unholy? "

"Objectives. Hah. I get it ."
"Maybe this would help with my anger management issues."

"If I did this, I'd end up as green as Bob. I'll get my veggie servings from Dr. Pepper."

Fred's Punchline for those 'Over 21' - "I think I'll get my veggie servings in Tequila Sunrises."

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2016/10/15 04:29:47

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

"I'm gonna follow Casey; he knows where the beer's at!" -Blackmoor, BAO 2013

Quitting Daemon Princes, Bob and Fred - a 40k webcomic 
Made in nz
Stealthy Space Wolves Scout

Auckland, New Zealand

Awesome, keep it coming.

I am Blue/White
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

I'm both orderly and rational. I value control, information, and order. I love structure and hierarchy, and will actively use whatever power or knowledge I have to maintain it. At best, I am lawful and insightful; at worst, I am bureaucratic and tyrannical.

I find passive aggressive messages in people's signatures quite amusing. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

"Hi folks. Bob here. Say 'Hi' Fred."
"We finally got around to talking to some GKs, Grey Knights."
"Yeah. But it's not like we were afraid to talk to 'em. Ya know?"
. . .
"Don't even bring that up, man."
"Sorry, it'd just been a bit since we were on ... "
"Hi, guys. I take it that you've been rocking the tournament scene."

"About time too. Stuck in old codex purgatory for a decade-"
"Exaggerate much?"

"-- do you mind? And yeah, it was since early third edition. Anyway, pay back has been coming a long time."

"Well, yeah. I suppose so. I mean to be cool, congratulations on the recent 'Ard Boyz successes and all that. Maybe we can mix it up and get a game in. Whatya say?"
"You don't want to tangle with us."
"No way."

"Warp Quake."
"We've got three kinds of grenades which neuter you faster than an Arkansas piglet in spring."
"Basically, with any list, you're gonna take it in the teeth. You can bring FateCrusher or Plaguer GD spam. Coteaz, any librarian and strike squads are gonna give you guys headaches. We were tooled to beat daemons. Go play some of Phil Kelly's space dogs. You can handle that."
"Actually, I'm kinda surprised to see that anybody would be dumb enough to still field daemons. Given how many of our powers stop you in your tracks, you have virtually no chance against us."

"I seem to recall Blessing of the blood something ... "
"Yeah, man. But that'd be switching to *red* dude. I just can't hang with the whole blood angle."
"Don't be a wuss, Fred."
"It's not the sticky stuff, I just don't see black and red as looking as slick as I look now. *You* on the other hand, could do with some improvement."
"What's wrong with how I look?!"
"Nothing, man. But by definition, nurgle's boyz are not gonna make a best dressed list, know what I'm sayin'?"
"Are you sure you didn't start out as a Blood Angel before succumbing to Slaanesh?"

"Always the way with the ruinous powers. Given long enough, they fight each other."

"Huh? Wha -- ? Get bent, purity-boy. Prolly never kissed a girl in your life."
"Get a color scheme, too, why doncha?"
"What's wrong with silver?"
"At least we worship gods that makes sense, even twisted sense."
"Yeah, not like some other god with the initials M.W."

. . . *smirk*
"You liked that last shot?"
"Yeah, Fred. I did."

I forgot to give props and Thanks to poster Dok, for the use of his GK models. Thanks, man.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/03/17 17:53:21

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

"I'm gonna follow Casey; he knows where the beer's at!" -Blackmoor, BAO 2013

Quitting Daemon Princes, Bob and Fred - a 40k webcomic 
Made in au
Fighter Pilot

Townsville, Queensland


5000 pts
1 squad


"Armour? orks have armour? 6+ you say?

I don't think I've ever had to roll an armour save for my boyz outside of CC "

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(")_(") to help him gain world domination.
Made in au
Lady of the Lake

Quite entertaining.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

"Hey folks. Bob here. Fred will be along in a minute. First a shout out to the players at the Bay Area Open. We at ... heck, do we qualify as actually having a name, Bob&Fred? Oh, yeah, it's 'Quitting DPs.' Anyway, from us, to all those cats in the Bay Area, we hope your games are going great and the event is running smoothly. I say this, 'cause, you know, we're not there."

"So, a good time to brush up on things, tactics forums, lists, GW releases. Hey, 'Finecast' rumors about quality control memos to Indie Retailers. That's funny. Heh. Resin."

"Whatcha doin', man?"
"Flame War with some guy on-line."
"Wow. Must be uber bored, huh?"
. . .
"We're not on the battle field pounding or getting pounded. I needed some conflict, especially since we haven't had any action lately. Especially today."
"What was today?"
"Today? Dude! Bay Area Open! Like the best of the best throwin' down. Prolly more cut-throat than 'Ard Boyz, and we missed it !! "

. . .
"What's the flamage all about?"
"Rules forum. Question was about pivoting vehicles and gaining more than your twelve inches."

"I got more than twelve inches -- "

"-- On your tape measure. Let's keep the comedy clean, here, Slaanesh Boy."
"Heh. Had to try. Anyway, is it the old, pivot ninety degrees, gaining an inch or more and then going twelve?"
"Yeah. I'm arguing against it just to be a douche."

"That is uncool, man. Heh, I like it."


"Hey, scroll up a bit."
"Huh? Okay."

"Aw, you turkey! The thread is like two weeks cold. Check it, Mid February!"
"Uh, well, that's not too long."
"Thred-o-mancer! NooB! You totally spelunked down to like the third page, huh? Haw, Haw!"
"Fine, I'll just delete the post. But it totally woulda faced that nosferato, guy. I mean P'wned."

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

"I'm gonna follow Casey; he knows where the beer's at!" -Blackmoor, BAO 2013

Quitting Daemon Princes, Bob and Fred - a 40k webcomic 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Lol, like it Still, "U' at the end, not "O"
Made in fi
Battlewagon Driver with Charged Engine

somewhere in the northern side of the beachball

juraigamer wrote:There is no logic for their FAQ's. They either just copy the stuff from dakka or use their big spinner with yes and no all over it.

Every time I hear "in my opinion" or "just my opinion" makes me want to strangle a puppy. People use their opinions as a shield that other poeple can't critisize and that is bs.

If you can't defend or won't defend your opinion then that "opinion" is bs. Stop trying to tip-toe and defend what you believe in. 
Made in us
Agile Revenant Titan


Best thread of 2012. Nothing will match the fun factor this has. Thanks for the laughs.

No earth shattering, thought provoking quote. I'm just someone who was introduced to 40K in the late 80's and it's become a lifelong hobby. 
Made in us
Flashy Flashgitz

Somehow I've become deeply intrested in what Bob and Fred have to say. Sub'd.

I'll show ye..... - Phillip J. Fry

Those are brave men knocking on our door! Let's go kill them! - Tyrion Lannister 
Made in us
Big Fat Gospel of Menoth

The other side of the internet

more. More. MOAR!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Be sure to use logic! Avoid fallacies whenever possible.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

"Walker squadron down. Nice start."

"Furious Charge!"
"Hell Blades!"
"Hell, yeah!"

"Oh-muh-gosh, oh-muh-gosh!"
"I can't believe it either! We survived and beat scorpions!"
"Rending rules! Rocked you like a - - "

" -- hurricane. Yeah, never heard that one."
"Now that they're on their last tour, maybe it'll drop by the time sixth edition rolls around."
"Doubt it."

** high two **

"Squished Fire Dragons. Righteous."
"Yeah, yeah, one attack each and armor four, which got ignored. Give yourself a metal."

"I think I'll do better than that, man:
I gotta post game interview,
With a brew

"And a trashed transport on the base objective! Contested! Hot damn!"

"Alright, hell-crew. We kicked some space elf self-esteem. Props all around."
"Go ahead and tell off those pixies, little 'dees' . "
"See ya, emos!"
"Next time, bring Eldrad!"
"Bring an Avatar!"
"Bring Jim Cameron!"

"Time to celebrate?"
"Yep. Time to celebrate."

"I'm gonna get trashed!"

"Heya, little dees. Get loaded with us and we'll take you for a ride?"
"Is there room for a couple of us on your rides, dee-chicks?"
"Done and done!"

"Bob, are you diggin' the color symmetry?"
"Now that you mention it, yeah. Something subliminal in our paint scheme?"
"Heh. No coincidence here."

"Okay, let's pop this thing and - - "
"Start the pahtay!!"

. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .

"I guess, Fred, that while you picked up on the purple opener and green bottle, I think we both underestimated the scale of our ambitions. I think we have a better chance of beating Coteaz Grey Knights than we do getting this thing open."
"Where is a Warhound Titan when you need one?"

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/03/11 04:34:59

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

"I'm gonna follow Casey; he knows where the beer's at!" -Blackmoor, BAO 2013

Quitting Daemon Princes, Bob and Fred - a 40k webcomic 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Dark Side of Moon

Even when they win they lose XO


I am Blue/White
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
<small>Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.</small>

I'm both orderly and rational. I value control, information, and order. I love structure and hierarchy, and will actively use whatever power or knowledge I have to maintain it. At best, I am lawful and insightful; at worst, I am bureaucratic and tyrannical.
Made in us
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Fort Benning, Georgia

This thread makes me happy.
Made in us
Haemonculi Flesh Apprentice

MOAR! lol love this thread

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Dark Side of Moon

WHY YOU NO POST MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am Blue/White
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
<small>Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.</small>

I'm both orderly and rational. I value control, information, and order. I love structure and hierarchy, and will actively use whatever power or knowledge I have to maintain it. At best, I am lawful and insightful; at worst, I am bureaucratic and tyrannical.
Made in jp
Furious Raptor

Osaka, Japan

So is so epic. More please!

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

Apropos of the times:

"I see you got the MasterCard out. We gettin' any new units?"
"Putting it away actually. I checked and the card is maxed out on gasoline purchases and stuff from a store called Bevmo. After the first of the month it'll be paid off enough to make a few purchases. Just a week or two and we will be part of a truly competittve FateCrusher daemon list. "

"Cool, another unit of BloodCrushers? Maybe another DP? A fearsome trio?"

. . .
"I don't think so, man."
. . .

"Well, we can always celebrate the demise of any further Grey Knight or Blood Angel SRG spam."
"It also means that we're not getting any more Seekers, Fiends or BloodCrushers -- units we need to get competitive. We might be stuck as a medicore list. We'll just perform poorly."

"And your point being?"

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/05/24 00:56:22

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

"I'm gonna follow Casey; he knows where the beer's at!" -Blackmoor, BAO 2013

Quitting Daemon Princes, Bob and Fred - a 40k webcomic 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

"Good evening. I'm Land Raider Betrayal with the daily finance report. The Stock Market has seen a lot of action with Facebook going public as well as a lot of buzz regarding some older, established stocks. We go to expert consultant Land Raider Crusader Gladius."

"Good evening, Betrayal."
"Gladius, let's get right to it. How are things on Wall Street?"

"First, don't let the OWS rumors about police taking off their helmets and joining protesters panic you. Any pictures you see on the web are CGI hoaxes. Like the pancake edition."
"Just anarchists to stir things?"
"Right, Betrayal. Just the great unwashed trying to convince the Internet that the Civil Authorities are backing their play, but totally untrue."

"Everyone needs to keep calm and focus on the goal : making money. And there's a couple very hot stocks I would pounce on. With Greece getting evicted from the EU, it's to GB that we look for some meaningful investments, that my sources in Nottingham indicate are going to jump dramatically in price."
"What're those?"

"I recommend the Heavies, transportation and the combination thereof:
Stock listings LRC, LRR and SRG are likely, if my sources are right, to go through the roof. The smart investor will jump on those quickly."

"What about LR?"
. . .
"Well, by being close to the better, more powerful stocks, LRR and especially LRC, yes, LR will do okay. But the reall killing will be the varient stocks."
. . .
"How about Facebook? How's that doing?"
"An FB share is not worth the towel I wipe my exhaust with."

"Alright, thank you, Gladius. This was the Financial report. Thank you, our viewing audience."

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

"I'm gonna follow Casey; he knows where the beer's at!" -Blackmoor, BAO 2013

Quitting Daemon Princes, Bob and Fred - a 40k webcomic 
Made in nz
Stealthy Space Wolves Scout

Auckland, New Zealand

Love the economic report.

I am Blue/White
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

I'm both orderly and rational. I value control, information, and order. I love structure and hierarchy, and will actively use whatever power or knowledge I have to maintain it. At best, I am lawful and insightful; at worst, I am bureaucratic and tyrannical.

I find passive aggressive messages in people's signatures quite amusing. 
Made in us
Haemonculi Flesh Apprentice

Ha ha, these were gems! Thanks man, cheered my mood

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

"'Heya, folks, Bob here. Still an ex-Nurgle CSM Daemon Prince. Still not playing games. Well, I did have a brief stint as a proxy carnifex,

but that didn't last passed Turn 2. So, back to 'Quitting DPs'.

Today's topic:
Conversions. Hobbyists all try it and some do a better job than others. So, chicks usually get a derisive pan from us guys, 'cause ya know, we can't think passed a pair of boobs, but there's a set here ... well. Let's ask them. You ladies, err, women? You are actually Blood Angels?"

"Damn right we are children of the great Ward. Superior hand-to-hand Psy-powers, a superior HQ choice, the magnificent Lord of death, better vehicles. Our beautific looks, our mere visage causes opponents to quail in doubt. We rock. Daemon douche."

"Whoa! Do you really want to open up things with a 'douche' reference? I mean the places I can go with that , *you* being the females and all ... "
"You are traitor scum."
"Well, yeah, in the fluff of the game. But this is an interview for the Internet, you know *outside the game*?"
"What does "Outside the game" mean?"
. . .
"Um, Fred. Let's go to you. What've you got for us?"

"Well, dreadnought number 31 has a more realistic view of things than the gals with you, Bob."
"Yes, Fred. Having my body replaced by a sarcophagus, thus preventing the influence of estrogen in my cognitive combat processes has greately improved my outlook."
"No kiddin'."
"I understand the finer nuances of combat resolution, such as Wound Allocation Shenanigans as well as the previous edition of the denied kill zone and the hidden power fist."
"Impressive. Most impressive."
"Don't quote Darth Vader. He's above you."
"Lol. Wut?"
"I understand to trash gaunts and the have Hive Tyrants take 'NRetreat' saves. The same with you and smashing Chaos marines. But don't feel bad. There's hope. You have 6th edition and a new codex soon. You will relinquish your 'Ass of 40k' title to Tau by the end of August."
""Um, thanks."
"Don't mention it."

--Thanks to Phaze 24 for the use of his models. Nice racks all around, and I don't mean 'wracks'. Hope things rock for you in Az.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/06/03 05:54:46

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

"I'm gonna follow Casey; he knows where the beer's at!" -Blackmoor, BAO 2013

Quitting Daemon Princes, Bob and Fred - a 40k webcomic 
Made in us
Haemonculi Flesh Apprentice

Ha ha ha, oh man that is good stuff. Cool female legion btw!

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

I just realized that I'd posted this one-off in the fiction forum, in a thread that was jokingly about about praising Mat Ward when the 'Net rage for him was still strong ... say February?


"Come on, guys. What they're saying about the Sisters and the daemon sword -- ."
"Was it Mournblade or Stormbringer?"
" -- it's not true, is it?"
"Yeah, 'cause blood stains are really hard to remove from ceramite."

"We categorically deny that any Grey Knight operations ever happened. In fact, what categorically deny that we even exist."

"Yep. You're not even talking to us. You're just dreaming about Matt Ward."

"MaT Ward. One 'tee'."

"Oh, right."

. . .
. . .
. . .

"Actually we used Coca-Cola to remove the blood stains from our armor. Works better than Shout."

"What's with the name dropping?"

"We got a product placement gig. We're using the cash to finance our new shrine to Mat, back on Titan."


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/06/07 13:02:42

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

"I'm gonna follow Casey; he knows where the beer's at!" -Blackmoor, BAO 2013

Quitting Daemon Princes, Bob and Fred - a 40k webcomic 
Made in us
Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller

The Peripheral

Lol. I like this roast.

Made in au
Fighter Pilot

Townsville, Queensland

Hilarious. Keep it coming!

5000 pts
1 squad


"Armour? orks have armour? 6+ you say?

I don't think I've ever had to roll an armour save for my boyz outside of CC "

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
(")_(") to help him gain world domination.
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